Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                  For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2003

                           Commission File No. 0-25551

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                       Iowa                                 94-2213782
          ------------------------------                    ----------
          (State or other jurisdiction of                (I.R.S. Employer
           incorporation or organization)               Identification No.)

      666 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa                       50309
      ----------------------------------                       -----
     (Address of principal executive offices)                (Zip Code)

                                 (515) 242-4300
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

         Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: N/A
         Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: N/A

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes [x] No [ ]

Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  is an  accelerated  filer (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). Yes [ ] No [x]

All of the shares of MidAmerican  Energy Holdings  Company are held by a limited
group of private investors. As of May 12, 2003, 9,281,087 shares of common stock
were outstanding.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.    Financial Statements.............................................   3
Item 2.    Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
           and Results of Operations........................................  17
Item 3.    Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk.......  25
Item 4.    Controls and Procedures..........................................  25

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.    Legal Proceedings................................................  26
Item 2.    Changes in Securities and Use of Proceeds........................  26
Item 3.    Defaults Upon Senior Securities..................................  26
Item 4.    Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders..............  26
Item 5.    Other Information................................................  26
Item 6.    Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.................................  26

SIGNATURES .................................................................  27
CERTIFICATIONS..............................................................  28
EXHIBIT INDEX...............................................................  30


                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION


                         INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT

Board of Directors and Stockholders
MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company
Des Moines, Iowa

We have reviewed the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheet of  MidAmerican
Energy Holdings Company and  subsidiaries  (the "Company") as of March 31, 2003,
and the related  consolidated  statements of  operations  and cash flows for the
three-month  periods ended March 31, 2003 and 2002.  These financial  statements
are the responsibility of the Company's management.

We conducted our review in accordance with standards established by the American
Institute  of  Certified  Public  Accountants.  A review  of  interim  financial
information consists principally of applying analytical  procedures to financial
data and of making inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting
matters. It is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance
with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America,  the
objective  of which is the  expression  of an opinion  regarding  the  financial
statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

Based on our review, we are not aware of any material  modifications that should
be  made  to  such  financial  statements  for  them  to be in  conformity  with
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

We have  previously  audited,  in accordance with auditing  standards  generally
accepted in the United  States of America,  the  consolidated  balance  sheet of
MidAmerican  Energy Holdings  Company and  subsidiaries as of December 31, 2002,
and the related consolidated statements of operations,  stockholders' equity and
cash  flows for the year then ended (not  presented  herein);  and in our report
dated  January  24,  2003,  we  expressed  an   unqualified   opinion  on  those
consolidated financial statements.  In our opinion, the information set forth in
the  accompanying  consolidated  balance sheet as of December 31, 2002 is fairly
stated, in all material respects,  in relation to the consolidated balance sheet
from which it has been derived.

/s/ Deloitte & Touche LLP

Des Moines, Iowa
May 8, 2003


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                 (In thousands)

                                                                          AS OF
                                                                MARCH 31,      DECEMBER 31,
                                                                  2003             2002
                                                              ------------     ------------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents ................................  $    852,868     $    844,430
  Restricted cash and short-term investments ...............        72,695           50,808
  Accounts receivable, net .................................       734,901          707,731
  Inventories ..............................................        62,326          126,938
  Other current assets .....................................       238,454          212,888
                                                              ------------     ------------
    Total current assets ...................................     1,961,244        1,942,795
                                                              ------------     ------------
Properties, plants and equipment, net ......................    10,135,056        9,898,796
Excess of cost over fair value of net assets acquired ......     4,259,574        4,258,132
Regulatory assets, net .....................................       568,882          415,804
Other investments ..........................................       444,679          446,732
Equity investments .........................................       278,755          273,707
Deferred charges and other assets ..........................       760,770          780,489
                                                              ------------     ------------
TOTAL ASSETS ...............................................  $ 18,408,960     $ 18,016,455
                                                              ============     ============

Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable .........................................  $    418,367     $    462,960
  Accrued interest .........................................       182,348          192,015
  Accrued taxes ............................................        93,622           75,097
  Other accrued liabilities ................................       518,838          457,058
  Short-term debt ..........................................        70,932           79,782
  Current portion of long-term debt ........................       364,358          470,213
                                                              ------------     ------------
    Total current liabilities ..............................     1,648,465        1,737,125
                                                              ------------     ------------
Other long-term accrued liabilities ........................     1,275,554        1,100,917
Parent company debt ........................................     2,325,756        2,324,456
Subsidiary and project debt ................................     7,231,794        7,077,087
Deferred income taxes ......................................     1,284,195        1,238,421
                                                              ------------     ------------
  Total liabilities ........................................    13,765,764       13,478,006
                                                              ------------     ------------

Deferred income ............................................        77,695           80,078
Minority interest ..........................................         6,533            7,351
Company-obligated mandatorily redeemable preferred
  securities of subsidiary trusts ..........................     2,063,935        2,063,412
Preferred securities of subsidiaries .......................        93,028           93,325

Commitments and contingencies (Note 6)

Stockholders' equity:
Zero-coupon convertible preferred stock - authorized
  50,000 shares, no par value, 41,263 shares outstanding ...            --               --
Common stock - authorized 60,000 shares, no par value,
  9,281 shares issued and outstanding ......................            --               --
Additional paid-in capital .................................     1,956,509        1,956,509
Retained earnings ..........................................       714,645          584,009
Accumulated other comprehensive loss .......................      (269,149)        (246,235)
                                                              ------------     ------------
  Total stockholders' equity ...............................     2,402,005        2,294,283
                                                              ------------     ------------
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY .................  $ 18,408,960     $ 18,016,455
                                                              ============     ============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                 (In thousands)

                                                                     THREE MONTHS
                                                                    ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                                  2003           2002
                                                               -----------    -----------
  Operating revenue ........................................   $ 1,562,834    $ 1,041,752
  Income on equity investments .............................         7,455         14,120
  Interest and dividend income .............................        13,871          8,355
  Other income .............................................        19,794          5,350
                                                               -----------    -----------
    Total revenue ..........................................     1,603,954      1,069,577
                                                               -----------    -----------

  Cost of sales ............................................       672,750        409,283
  Operating expense ........................................       356,493        279,667
  Depreciation and amortization ............................       141,849        126,244
  Interest expense .........................................       186,845        141,300
  Capitalized interest .....................................       (15,532)        (6,647)
                                                               -----------    -----------
    Total costs and expenses ...............................     1,342,405        949,847
                                                               -----------    -----------
INCOME BEFORE PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES ...................       261,549        119,730
  Provision for income taxes ...............................        73,000         29,130
                                                               -----------    -----------
  Minority interest and preferred dividends ................        57,913         25,851
                                                               -----------    -----------
                                                               ===========    ===========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                 (In thousands)

                                                                               THREE MONTHS
                                                                              ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                                            2003         2002
                                                                         ---------    ----------

  Net income .........................................................   $ 130,636    $   64,749
  Adjustments to reconcile net cash flows from operating activities:
    Income in excess of distributions on equity investments ..........      (3,541)      (11,745)
    Depreciation and amortization ....................................     141,849       126,244
    Amortization of deferred financing costs .........................       9,555         9,005
    Amortization of regulatory assets and liabilities and other ......      (9,709)       (1,656)
    Provision for deferred income taxes ..............................      58,923         4,797
    Changes in other items:
      Accounts receivable, net .......................................     (20,651)     (137,731)
      Other current assets ...........................................      53,018        54,595
      Accounts payable and other accrued liabilities .................      14,896        44,164
      Accrued interest ...............................................      (9,357)       28,551
      Accrued taxes ..................................................      15,291       (15,560)
      Deferred income ................................................      (2,214)         (492)
    Other ............................................................       7,097        17,701
                                                                         ---------    ----------
    Net cash flows from operating activities .........................     385,793       182,622
                                                                         ---------    ----------

  Acquisitions, net of cash acquired .................................     (36,575)     (493,696)
  Purchase of convertible preferred securities .......................          --      (275,000)
  Capital expenditures relating to operating projects ................    (133,845)      (95,673)
  Construction and other development costs ...........................    (244,033)      (22,372)
  (Increase) decrease in restricted cash and investments .............        (603)        5,423
  Other ..............................................................     (28,944)       (5,372)
                                                                         ---------    ----------
    Net cash flows from investing activities .........................    (444,000)     (886,690)
                                                                         ---------    ----------

  Proceeds from subsidiary and project debt ..........................     287,572       395,428
  Proceeds from parent company debt ..................................          --       120,500
  Repayments of subsidiary and project debt ..........................    (211,268)      (11,092)
  Net repayment of subsidiary short-term debt ........................      (8,850)      (46,195)
  Proceeds from issuance of trust preferred securities ...............          --       323,000
  Proceeds from issuance of common and preferred stock ...............          --       402,000
  Redemption of preferred securities of subsidiaries .................        (294)     (100,320)
  Increase in restricted cash ........................................     (21,887)      (23,012)
  Other ..............................................................      28,276       (31,113)
                                                                         ---------    ----------
    Net cash flows from financing activities .........................      73,549     1,029,196
                                                                         ---------    ----------
  Effect of exchange rate changes ....................................      (6,904)       (6,394)
                                                                         ---------    ----------
NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS ............................       8,438       318,734
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD .....................     844,430       386,745
                                                                         ---------    ----------
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD ...........................   $ 852,868    $  705,479
                                                                         =========    ==========

  Interest paid, net of interest capitalized .........................   $ 172,181    $  146,222
                                                                         =========    ==========
  Income taxes paid ..................................................   $     280    $   20,167
                                                                         =========    ==========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




In the  opinion  of  management  of  MidAmerican  Energy  Holdings  Company  and
subsidiaries ("MEHC" or the "Company"),  the accompanying unaudited consolidated
financial  statements  contain all adjustments  (consisting of normal  recurring
accruals)  necessary to present  fairly the  financial  position as of March 31,
2003, and the results of operations and cash flows for the  three-month  periods
ended March 31, 2003 and 2002.  The results of  operations  for the  three-month
period ended March 31, 2003 are not necessarily  indicative of the results to be
expected for the full year.

The  unaudited   consolidated  financial  statements  include  the  accounts  of
MidAmerican   Energy  Holdings   Company  and  its  wholly  and  majority  owned
subsidiaries.  Other investments and corporate joint ventures, where the Company
has the ability to exercise significant  influence,  are accounted for under the
equity method.  Investments  where the Company's ability to influence is limited
are accounted for under the cost method of accounting.

Certain  amounts in the prior year  financial  statements  and  supporting  note
disclosures have been reclassified to conform to the current year  presentation.
Such  reclassification did not impact previously reported net income or retained

The unaudited  consolidated  financial  statements should be read in conjunction
with the  consolidated  financial  statements  included in the Company's  Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002.


Effective  January 1, 2003 the Company  adopted  SFAS No. 143,  "Accounting  for
Asset Retirement  Obligations"  ("SFAS 143"). This statement provides accounting
and  disclosure   requirements  for  retirement   obligations   associated  with
long-lived  assets.  The cumulative effect of initially  applying this statement
was immaterial.

The  Company's  review of its regulated  entities  identified  legal  retirement
obligations for nuclear decommissioning,  wet and dry ash landfills and offshore
and minor lateral pipeline facilities.  On January 1, 2003, the Company recorded
$289.3 million of asset retirement obligation ("ARO") liabilities; $13.9 million
of ARO assets,  net of  accumulated  depreciation;  $114.6 million of regulatory
assets;  and  reclassified  $1.0 million of accumulated  depreciation to the ARO
liability.  The initial ARO liability  recognized  includes  $266.5 million that
pertains to obligations  associated with the  decommissioning of the Quad Cities
nuclear   station.   The  $266.5  million  includes  a  $159.8  million  nuclear
decommissioning  liability  that had been  recorded at December  31,  2002.  The
adoption of this  statement did not have a material  impact on the operations of
the  regulated  entities,  as the effects  were offset by the  establishment  of
regulatory assets, totaling $114.6 million, pursuant to SFAS No. 71.

During the three-month  period ended March 31, 2003, the Company recorded,  as a
regulatory  asset,  accretion  related  to the ARO  liability  of  $4.2  million
resulting in an ARO liability balance of $293.5 million at March 31, 2003.

On April 30, 2003, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement No.
149,  "Amendment  of  Statement  133  on  Derivative   Instruments  and  Hedging
Activities"   ("SFAS  149").  SFAS  149  amends  SFAS  No.  133  for  derivative
instruments,   including  certain  derivative   instruments  embedded  in  other
contracts  and for  hedging  activities.  SFAS 149  also  amends  certain  other
existing   pronouncements.   It   will   require   contracts   with   comparable
characteristics to be accounted for similarly. In particular, SFAS 149 clarifies
when a contract with an initial net  investment  meets the  characteristic  of a
derivative and clarifies when a derivative  that contains a financing  component
will  require  special  reporting in the  statement  of cash flows.  SFAS 149 is
effective for the Company for contracts  entered into or modified after June 30,
2003. The Company and its subsidiaries are evaluating the impact of adopting the
requirements of SFAS 149.



Properties, plants and equipment, net comprise the following (in thousands):

                                                                MARCH 31,     DECEMBER 31,
                                                                  2003            2002
                                                               -----------    ------------

     Properties, plants and equipment, net:
     Utility generation and distribution system ............   $ 8,226,590    $ 8,165,140
     Interstate pipelines' assets ..........................     2,291,482      2,260,145
     Independent power plants ..............................     1,415,538      1,410,170
     Mineral and gas reserves and exploration assets .......       508,062        500,422
     Utility non-operational assets ........................       381,269        370,811
     Other assets ..........................................       136,343        131,577
                                                               -----------    -----------
     Total operating assets ................................    12,959,284     12,838,265
     Accumulated depreciation and amortization .............    (4,261,446)    (4,109,954)
                                                               -----------    -----------
     Net operating assets ..................................     8,697,838      8,728,311
     Construction in progress ..............................     1,437,218      1,170,485
                                                               -----------    -----------
     Properties, plants and equipment, net .................   $10,135,056    $ 9,898,796
                                                               ===========    ===========

Construction in Progress
- ------------------------

Kern River Gas Transmission Company ("Kern River") completed the construction of
its 2003 Expansion  Project at a total cost of approximately  $1.2 billion.  The
expansion,  which was placed into operation on May 1, 2003, increased the design
capacity of the existing Kern River  pipeline by 885,626  decatherms  per day to
1,755,626 decatherms per day.


The equity  investment in CE Generation LLC ("CE  Generation") at March 31, 2003
and  December  31, 2002 was  approximately  $247.4  million and $244.9  million,
respectively.  During the three-month  period ended March 31, 2003 and 2002, the
Company recorded income from its investment in CE Generation of $2.3 million and
$7.2 million, respectively.


On January 14, 2003,  MidAmerican Energy Company  ("MidAmerican  Energy") issued
$275.0 million of 5.125%  medium-term  notes due in 2013. The proceeds were used
to refinance existing debt and for other corporate purposes.

On May 1, 2003,  Kern River Funding  Corporation,  a wholly owned  subsidiary of
Kern River, issued $836 million of its 4.893% Senior Notes with a final maturity
on April 30, 2018. The proceeds were used to repay all of the approximately $815
million  of  outstanding  borrowings  under Kern  River's  $875  million  credit
facility.  Kern River  entered into this credit  facility in 2002 to finance the
construction of the 2003 Expansion Project. The credit facility was canceled and
a completion  guarantee issued by the Company in favor of the lenders as part of
the credit facility terminated upon completion of the 2003 Expansion Project.

On April 23, 2003,  Yorkshire Power Group Limited,  a wholly owned subsidiary of
MEHC,  reported that it had authorized the redemption in full of the outstanding
shares of the Yorkshire  Capital Trust I, 8.08% Trust  Securities,  due June 30,
2038.  The Trust  Securities  will be redeemed on June 9, 2003,  at a redemption
price of 100% of the  principal  amount ($25  liquidation  amount per each Trust
Security) plus accrued  distributions  of $0.381555555 per Trust Security to the
redemption  date.  The  redemption  price  will be paid to  holders of the Trust
Security on the redemption date. At March 31, 2003 and December 31, 2002, $250.5
million and $249.7 million,  respectively,  of the Trust Securities are included
in subsidiary and project debt.



Manufactured Gas Plants
- -----------------------

The  United  States  Environmental  Protection  Agency  ("EPA")  and  the  state
environmental  agencies have determined that  contaminated  wastes  remaining at
decommissioned manufactured gas plant facilities may pose a threat to the public
health or the environment if such contaminants are in sufficient  quantities and
at such concentrations as to warrant remedial action.

MidAmerican  Energy has evaluated or is  evaluating 27 properties  that were, at
one time,  sites of gas  manufacturing  plants in which it may be a  potentially
responsible  party.  The purpose of these  evaluations  is to determine  whether
waste materials are present,  whether the materials  constitute an environmental
or health  risk,  and  whether  MidAmerican  Energy has any  responsibility  for
remedial action. MidAmerican Energy is currently conducting field investigations
at 21 sites, has conducted  interim removal actions at 14 sites and has received
regulatory  closure on two sites.  MidAmerican  Energy is continuing to evaluate
several of the sites to determine the future  liability,  if any, for conducting
site investigations or other site activity.

MidAmerican  Energy  estimates  the range of possible  costs for  investigation,
remediation  and monitoring for the sites  discussed  above to be $16 million to
$54 million. As of March 31, 2003, MidAmerican Energy has recorded a $21 million
liability  for  these  sites and a  corresponding  regulatory  asset for  future
recovery through the regulatory process.  MidAmerican Energy projects that these
amounts will be paid or incurred over the next four years.

The estimate of probable  remediation  costs is established  on a  site-specific
basis. The costs are accumulated in a three-step process. First, a determination
is made as to whether  MidAmerican  Energy has potential legal liability for the
site and whether  information exists to indicate that contaminated wastes remain
at the site. If so, the costs of performing a preliminary  investigation and the
costs of removing known  contaminated soil are accrued.  As the investigation is
performed and if it is determined remedial action is required, the best estimate
of remedial  costs is accrued.  The  estimated  recorded  liabilities  for these
properties include incremental direct costs of the remediation effort, costs for
future  monitoring  at sites and costs of  compensation  to  employees  for time
expected to be spent directly on the remediation  effort. The estimated recorded
liabilities for these properties are based upon preliminary  data. Thus,  actual
costs could vary  significantly  from the  estimates.  The estimate could change
materially based on facts and  circumstances  derived from site  investigations,
changes in  required  remedial  action and  changes in  technology  relating  to
remedial  alternatives.  Insurance recoveries have been received for some of the
sites under investigation.  Those recoveries are intended to be used principally
for accelerated  remediation,  as specified by the Iowa Utilities Board ("IUB"),
and are recorded as a regulatory liability.

Although  the timing of potential  incurred  costs and recovery of such costs in
rates may affect the results of  operations in  individual  periods,  management
believes  that the  outcome of these  issues  will not have a  material  adverse
effect on MidAmerican Energy's financial position or results of operations.

Air Quality
- -----------

In July 1997,  the EPA adopted  revisions  to the  National  Ambient Air Quality
Standards  for ozone and a new standard for fine  particulate  matter.  Based on
data to be obtained from monitors  located  throughout each state,  the EPA will
determine  which  states have areas that do not meet the air  quality  standards
(i.e., areas that are classified as nonattainment). The standards were subjected
to legal  proceedings,  and in February  2001,  the United States  Supreme Court
upheld the  constitutionality  of the standards,  though  remanding the issue of
implementation  of the ozone  standard  to the EPA.  As a result  of a  decision
rendered  by the United  States  Circuit  Court of Appeals  for the  District of
Columbia,  the EPA is moving  forward  in  implementation  of the ozone and fine
particulate  standards  and is analyzing  existing  monitored  data to determine
attainment status.

The impact of the new  standards on  MidAmerican  Energy is  currently  unknown.
MidAmerican  Energy's  generating stations may be subject to emission reductions
if  the  stations  are  located  in   nonattainment   areas  or   contribute  to
nonattainment  areas in other states. As part of state  implementation  plans to
achieve  attainment of the  standards,


MidAmerican  Energy  could be  required  to  install  control  equipment  on its
generating  stations or decrease the number of hours during which these stations

The ozone and fine  particulate  matter standards could, in whole or in part, be
superceded by one of a number of multi-pollutant  emission  reduction  proposals
currently under  consideration  at the federal level. In July 2002,  legislation
was  introduced  in Congress to  implement  the  Administration's  "Clear  Skies
Initiative,"  calling for  reduction in emissions  of sulfur  dioxide,  nitrogen
oxides and mercury through a  cap-and-trade  system.  Reductions  would begin in
2008 with additional emission reductions being phased in through 2018.

While  legislative  action is necessary for the Clear Skies  Initiative or other
multi-pollutant emission reduction initiatives to become effective,  MidAmerican
Energy has  implemented  a planning  process that  forecasts  the  site-specific
controls and actions  required to meet emissions  reductions of this nature.  On
April 1, 2002, in accordance  with Iowa law passed in 2001,  MidAmerican  Energy
filed with the IUB its first  multi-year plan and budget for managing  regulated
emissions from its generating facilities in a cost-effective manner. MidAmerican
Energy expects the IUB to rule on the prudence of the multi-year plan and budget
in 2003.

In recent years,  the EPA has requested from several  utilities  information and
support  regarding their capital  projects for various  generating  plants.  The
requests  were  issued  as  part of an  industry-wide  investigation  to  assess
compliance with the New Source Review and the New Source  Performance  Standards
of the Clean Air Act. In December 2002,  MidAmerican  Energy  received a request
from the EPA to provide  documentation  related  to its  capital  projects  from
January  1,  1980,  to the  present  for its Neal,  Council  Bluffs,  Louisa and
Riverside Energy Centers.  MidAmerican  Energy has responded to this request and
at this time cannot predict the outcome of this request.

Nuclear Decommissioning Costs
- -----------------------------

Each licensee of a nuclear facility is required to provide  financial  assurance
for the cost of  decommissioning  its  licensed  nuclear  facility.  In general,
decommissioning  of a nuclear  facility means to safely remove the facility from
service and restore the property to a condition allowing unrestricted use by the

Based  on  information  presently  available,   MidAmerican  Energy  expects  to
contribute  approximately  $41 million  during the period 2003  through  2007 to
external trusts established for the investment of funds for decommissioning Quad
Cities Station.  Approximately 60% of the fair value of the trusts' funds is now
invested in domestic corporate debt and common equity securities.  The remainder
is invested in investment grade municipal and U.S.  Treasury bonds.  Funding for
Quad Cities Station nuclear decommissioning is reflected as depreciation expense
in the Consolidated  Statements of Income.  Quad Cities Station  decommissioning
costs  charged to Iowa  customers  are  included in base rates,  and recovery of
increases in those amounts must be sought through the normal ratemaking process.

Pipeline Litigation
- -------------------

In 1998,  the United  States  Department  of Justice  informed  the then current
owners of Kern River and Northern Natural Gas Company  ("Northern  Natural Gas")
that Jack  Grynberg,  an  individual,  had filed  claims  in the  United  States
District  Court for the District of Colorado  under the False Claims Act against
such  entities  and  certain  of their  subsidiaries  including  Kern  River and
Northern  Natural Gas. Mr. Grynberg has also filed claims against numerous other
energy  companies and alleges that the defendants  violated the False Claims Act
in connection  with the  measurement  and purchase of  hydrocarbons.  The relief
sought is an unspecified  amount of royalties  allegedly not paid to the federal
government, treble damages, civil penalties, attorneys' fees and costs. On April
9, 1999, the United States  Department of Justice  announced that it declined to
intervene  in any of the  Grynberg qui tam cases,  including  the actions  filed
against Kern River and Northern  Natural Gas in the United States District Court
for the District of Colorado.  On October 21, 1999, the Panel on  Multi-District
Litigation  transferred  the  Grynberg qui tam cases,  including  the ones filed
against Kern River and Northern Natural Gas, to the United States District Court
for the  District  of Wyoming  for  pre-trial  purposes.  Motions to dismiss the
complaint,  filed by various  defendants  including Northern Natural Gas and The
Williams Companies,  Inc. ("Williams") which was the former owner of Kern River,
were denied on May 18,  2001.  On October 9, 2002,  the United  States  District
Court for the District of Wyoming


dismissed  Grynberg's  Royalty Valuation Claims. On November 19, 2002, the Court
denied Grynberg's motion for clarification  dismissing royalty valuation claims.
Grynberg has appealed  this  dismissal to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Tenth Circuit.  In connection  with the purchase of Kern River from Williams
in March 2002,  Williams  agreed to indemnify the Company  against any liability
for this claim; however, no assurance can be given as to the ability of Williams
to perform on this indemnity should it become necessary. No such indemnification
was obtained in connection  with the purchase of Northern  Natural Gas in August
2002. The Company  believes that the Grynberg cases filed against Kern River and
Northern  Natural Gas are without  merit and  Williams,  on behalf of Kern River
pursuant to its  indemnification,  and Northern  Natural  Gas,  intend to defend
these actions vigorously.

On June 8, 2001, a number of interstate pipeline companies, including Kern River
and Northern  Natural Gas, were named as defendants in a nationwide class action
lawsuit which had been pending in the 26th Judicial  District,  District  Court,
Stevens County Kansas,  Civil  Department  against other  defendants,  generally
pipeline and gathering companies, since May 20, 1999. The plaintiffs allege that
the  defendants  have  engaged in  mismeasurement  techniques  that  distort the
heating  content  of  natural  gas,  resulting  in an  alleged  underpayment  of
royalties to the class of producer plaintiffs.  In November 2001, Kern River and
Northern Natural Gas, along with the coordinating defendants,  filed a motion to
dismiss  under  Rules 9B and 12B of the  Kansas  Rules of  Civil  Procedure.  In
January 2002, Kern River and most of the coordinating  defendants filed a motion
to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction. The court has yet to rule on these
motions.  The  plaintiffs  filed for  certification  of the  plaintiff  class on
September  16,  2002.  On  January  13,  2003,  oral  arguments  were  heard  on
coordinating  defendants' opposition to class certification.  On April 10, 2003,
the  court   entered  an  order  denying  the   plaintiffs'   motion  for  class
certification.  It is anticipated that the plaintiffs will appeal this decision.
Williams has agreed to indemnify the Company  against any  liability  associated
with Kern River for this claim;  however,  no  assurance  can be given as to the
ability of Williams  to perform on this  indemnity  should it become  necessary.
Williams,  on behalf of Kern River and other entities,  anticipates joining with
Northern  Natural Gas and other  defendants in contesting  certification  of the
plaintiff class.  Kern River and Northern Natural Gas believe that this claim is
without  merit and that Kern River's and Northern  Natural Gas' gas  measurement
techniques have been in accordance with industry standards and its tariff.

- -----------

Casecnan Construction Contract

The CE Casecnan  Water and Energy  Company,  Inc. ("CE  Casecnan")  Project (the
"Casecnan  Project")  was  initially  constructed  pursuant  to  a  fixed-price,
date-certain,  turnkey  construction  contract (the "Hanbo Contract") on a joint
and several  basis by Hanbo  Corporation  ("Hanbo")  and Hanbo  Engineering  and
Construction Co., Ltd. ("HECC"), both of which are South Korean corporations. On
May 7, 1997, CE Casecnan  terminated the Hanbo Contract due to defaults by Hanbo
and HECC  including  the  insolvency  of both  companies.  On the same date,  CE
Casecnan  entered into a new  fixed-price,  date certain,  turnkey  engineering,
procurement  and  construction  contract to  complete  the  construction  of the
Casecnan Project (the  "Replacement  Contract").  The work under the Replacement
Contract was  conducted  by a  consortium  consisting  of  Cooperativa  Muratori
Cementisti CMC di Ravenna and Impresa Pizzarotti & C. Spa.,  (collectively,  the
"Contractor"),  working  together with Siemens A.G.,  Sulzer Hydro Ltd., Black &
Veatch and Colenco Power Engineering Ltd.

On  November  20,  1999,  the  Replacement  Contract  was  amended to extend the
Guaranteed  Substantial  Completion  Date for the Casecnan  Project to March 31,
2001. This amendment was approved by the lenders' independent engineer under the
Trust Indenture.

On February 12, 2001, the Contractor  filed a Request for  Arbitration  with the
International  Chamber of Commerce  ("ICC") seeking schedule relief of up to 153
days through  August 31, 2001  resulting  from  various  alleged  force  majeure
events.  In its March 20,  2001  Supplement  to  Request  for  Arbitration,  the
Contractor also seeks compensation for alleged additional costs of approximately
$4 million it incurred from the claimed force majeure events to the extent it is
unable to recover from its insurer.  On April 20, 2001, the  Contractor  filed a
further   supplement   seeking  an  additional   compensation   for  damages  of
approximately  $62 million for the alleged  force  majeure  event (and  geologic
conditions)  related to the  collapse of the surge  shaft.  The  Contractor  has
alleged that the  circumstances  surrounding the placing of the Casecnan Project
into  commercial  operation in December 2001  amounted to a  repudiation  of the
Replacement  Contract  and has  filed a claim  for  unspecified  quantum  meruit
damages,  and has further alleged that the delay liquidated damages clause which
provides for payments of $125,000 per day for each day of delay in


completion of the Casecnan  Project for which the  Contractor is  responsible is
unenforceable.  The  arbitration  is being  conducted  applying New York law and
pursuant to the rules of the ICC.

Hearings  have  been held in  connection  with this  arbitration  in July  2001,
September  2001,  January 2002,  March 2002,  November 2002 and January 2003. As
part of those hearings,  on June 25, 2001, the arbitration  tribunal temporarily
enjoined CE Casecnan from making calls on the demand guaranty posted by Banca di
Roma in  support  of the  Contractor's  obligations  to CE  Casecnan  for  delay
liquidated damages. As a result of the continuing nature of that injunction,  on
April 26, 2002, CE Casecnan and the Contractor  mutually  agreed that no demands
would  be made on the  Banca  di Roma  demand  guaranty  except  pursuant  to an
arbitration  award.  As of March 31,  2003,  however,  CE Casecnan  has received
approximately $6.0 million of liquidated damages from demands made on the demand
guarantees  posted by  Commerzbank on behalf of the  Contractor.  On November 7,
2002, the ICC issued the  arbitration  tribunal's  partial award with respect to
the Contractor's  force majeure and geologic  conditions claims. The arbitration
panel awarded the Contractor 18 days of schedule relief in the aggregate for all
of the force majeure events and awarded the Contractor $3.8 million with respect
to the cost of the collapsed  surge shaft.  The $3.8 million is shown as part of
the accounts payable and accrued expenses balance at March 31, 2003 and December
31, 2002. All of the Contractor's other claims with respect to force majeure and
geologic conditions were denied.

Further hearings on the Contractor's  repudiation and quantum meruit claims, the
alleged  unenforceability  of the delay  liquidated  damages  clause and certain
other matters had been  scheduled for March 24 through March 28, 2003,  but were
postponed  as a result of the  commencement  of  military  action  in Iraq.  The
hearings have been rescheduled for June 30 through July 11, 2003.

If the Contractor were to prevail on its claim that the delay liquidated damages
clause is unenforceable, CE Casecnan would not be entitled to collect such delay
damages for the period from March 31, 2001 through  December  11,  2001.  If the
Contractor  were to prevail in its  repudiation  claim and prove quantum  meruit
damages in excess of amounts paid to the Contractor, CE Casecnan could be liable
to make additional payments to the Contractor.  CE Casecnan believes all of such
allegations  and claims  are  without  merit and is  vigorously  contesting  the
Contractor's claims.

Casecnan NIA Arbitration

Under the terms of the Project Agreement,  the Philippines  National  Irrigation
Administration ("NIA") has the option of timely reimbursing CE Casecnan directly
for  certain  taxes CE  Casecnan  has  paid.  If NIA does  not so  reimburse  CE
Casecnan,  the taxes  paid by CE  Casecnan  result in an  increase  in the Water
Delivery  Fee.  The  payment  of  certain  other  taxes by CE  Casecnan  results
automatically in an increase in the Water Delivery Fee. As of March 31, 2003, CE
Casecnan has paid approximately $58.1 million in taxes, which as a result of the
foregoing  provisions  results in an increase in the Water Delivery Fee. NIA has
failed to pay the portion of the Water  Delivery Fee each month,  related to the
payment  of these  taxes by CE  Casecnan.  As a result of this  non-payment,  on
August 19,  2002,  CE Casecnan  filed a Request  for  Arbitration  against  NIA,
seeking payment of such portion of the Water Delivery Fee and enforcement of the
relevant provision of the Project Agreement going forward.  The arbitration will
be conducted in accordance with the rules of the ICC.

NIA filed its Answer and  Counterclaim  on March 31,  2003.  In its Answer,  NIA
asserts,  among  other  things,  that most of the taxes  which CE  Casecnan  has
factored into the Water Delivery Fee compensation formula do not fall within the
scope of the relevant  section of the Project  Agreement,  that the compensation
mechanism itself is invalid and unenforceable  under Philippine law and that the
Project  Agreement is  inconsistent  with the Philippine  build-operate-transfer
("BOT")  law.  As such,  NIA  seeks  dismissal  of CE  Casecnan's  claims  and a
declaration from the arbitral tribunal that the taxes which have been taken into
account in the Water  Delivery Fee  compensation  mechanism are not  recoverable
thereunder and that, at most,  certain taxes may be directly  reimbursed (rather
than  compensated  for  through  the  Water  Delivery  Fee)  by  NIA.  NIA  also
counterclaims  for  approximately  $7 million which it alleges is due to it as a
result of the delayed completion of the Casecnan Project. On April 23, 2003, NIA
filed a Supplemental Counterclaim in which it asserts that the Project Agreement
is contrary to  Philippine  law and public  policy and by way of relief  seeks a
declaration  that the Project  Agreement is void from the beginning or should be
cancelled,  or alternatively,  an order for reformation of the


Project Agreement or any portions or sections thereof which may be determined to
be contrary to such law and or public policy.  CE Casecnan intends to vigorously
contest all of NIA's assertions and counterclaims.

The three member  arbitration panel has been confirmed by the ICC and an initial
organizational  hearing was held on April 28, 2003.  Hearings on this matter are
scheduled for July 2004.

Included in revenue,  for the three months  ended March 31, 2003 and 2002,  were
$5.5  million and $5.8  million,  respectively,  of tax  compensation  for Water
Delivery  Fees under the Project  Agreement,  none of which has been paid. As of
March  31,  2003  and  December  31,  2002,  the  net  receivable  for  the  tax
compensation  piece of the  Water  Delivery  Fees  invoiced  since  the start of
commercial operations totaled $29.8 million and $24.3 million, respectively.

Casecnan Stockholder Litigation

Pursuant  to the  share  ownership  adjustment  mechanism  in  the  CE  Casecnan
stockholder  agreement,  which is based upon pro forma financial  projections of
the Casecnan Project prepared following  commencement of commercial  operations,
in February 2002, MEHC, through its indirect wholly owned subsidiary CE Casecnan
Ltd.,   advised   the   minority   stockholder   LaPrairie   Group   Contractors
(International)  Ltd.,  ("LPG"),  that MEHC's indirect  ownership interest in CE
Casecnan  had  increased  to 100%  effective  from  commencement  of  commercial
operations.  On July 8, 2002, LPG filed a complaint in the Superior Court of the
State of California,  City and County of San Francisco  against,  inter alia, CE
Casecnan Ltd. and MEHC. In the complaint,  LPG seeks  compensatory  and punitive
damages for alleged  breaches of the stockholder  agreement and alleged breaches
of  fiduciary  duties  allegedly  owed by CE Casecnan  Ltd. and MEHC to LPG. The
complaint also seeks injunctive  relief against all defendants and a declaratory
judgment  that LPG is entitled to maintain its 15% interest in CE Casecnan.  The
impact,  if any, of this  litigation on CE Casecnan cannot be determined at this

In February  2003, San Lorenzo Ruiz Builders and  Developers  Group,  Inc. ("San
Lorenzo"),  an  original  shareholder  substantially  all of whose  shares in CE
Casecnan  MEHC  purchased in 1998,  threatened  to initiate  legal action in the
Philippines in connection  with certain aspects of its option to repurchase such
shares on or prior to commercial  operation of the Casecnan Project. CE Casecnan
believes  that San  Lorenzo  has no valid basis for any claim and, if named as a
defendant in any action that may be commenced  by San Lorenzo,  will  vigorously
defend any such action.

Philippine Political Risks

In connection with an interagency  review of approximately 40 independent  power
project  contracts in the Philippines,  the Casecnan Project (together with four
other  unrelated  projects) has reportedly  been identified as raising legal and
financial  questions  and,  with  those  projects,   has  been  prioritized  for
renegotiation.   The  Company's   subsidiaries'  Upper  Mahiao,   Malitbog,  and
Mahanagdong  projects have also reportedly been identified as raising  financial
questions. No written report has yet been issued with respect to the interagency
review,  and the  timing  and  nature  of  steps,  if any  that  the  Philippine
Government may take in this regard are not known.  Accordingly,  it is not known
what, if any, impact the government's  review will have on the operations of the
Company's  Philippine  Projects.  CE  Casecnan  representatives,  together  with
certain  current and former  government  officials,  also have been requested to
appear,  and have appeared  during 2002,  before a Philippine  Senate  committee
which has raised  questions  and made  allegations  with respect to the Casecnan
Project's tariff structure and implementation.

On May 5,  2003,  the  Philippine  Supreme  Court  issued  its  ruling in a case
involving  an  unsolicited  BOT project for the  development,  construction  and
operation of the new Manila International  Airport.  Various members of Congress
and labor  unions  initiated  the  action  in the  Philippine  Supreme  Court on
September 17, 2002 seeking to enjoin the  enforcement  of the BOT agreement with
an international consortium known as PIATCO (the "PIATCO Agreement"). The PIATCO
Consortium is unrelated to CE Casecnan or the Company.  On March 4, 2003, PIATCO
separately  initiated  an ICC  arbitration  pursuant  to the terms of the PIATCO
Agreement.  The  Supreme  Court,  in its  ruling,  stated  that  there  were  no
unresolved  factual  issues  and  therefore  it had  original  jurisdiction  and
concluded that the pendency of the  arbitration  did not preclude the court from
ruling on a case brought by non-parties to the PIATCO Agreement, such as members
of the Philippine Congress or non-governmental organizations. In a public speech
on November 29,


2002 prior to the December 10, 2002 oral arguments before the Philippine Supreme
Court,  Philippine  President  Arroyo stated that she would not honor the PIATCO
Agreement  because the executive  branch's legal department had concluded it was
"null and void". In light of that announcement,  the project owners stopped work
on the project, which is approximately 90% complete and accordingly has not been
placed into  commercial  operation.  In its 10 to 3 ruling (with one abstention)
issued on May 5,  2003,  the  Philippine  Supreme  Court  ruled  that the PIATCO
Agreement  was contrary to  Philippine  law and public  policy and was "null and
void".  CE Casecnan is assessing the impact of the PIATCO ruling on the Casecnan

On April 24, 2003 Standard & Poor's Ratings  Services ("S&P") lowered its rating
of CE Casecnan to `BB' from `BB+' as a result of S&P's downgrade of the Republic
of the  Philippines.  The  downgrade of the  Philippines  by S&P  reflected  the
Country's growing debt burden and fiscal rigidity.

On May 8, 2003,  Moody's  Investors  Service  ("Moody's")  placed the Ba2 senior
secured  notes  rating of CE Casecnan on review for possible  downgrade,  noting
NIA's supplemental  counterclaim  seeking to have the Project Agreement declared
void.  Moody's  noted  that  actions  by  government  related  agencies  and the
resulting instability of contractual arrangements was becoming inconsistent with
their rating approach that attaches  significant benefit to offtake arrangements
with those government supported entities.


The differences  from net income to total  comprehensive  income for the Company
are due to minimum pension liability  adjustments,  foreign currency translation
adjustments, unrealized holding gains and losses of marketable securities during
the periods,  and the  effective  portion of net gains and losses of  derivative
instruments  classified as cash flow hedges.  Total comprehensive income for the
Company is shown in the table below (in thousands).

                                                                                    THREE MONTHS
                                                                                   ENDED MARCH 31
                                                                                  2003         2002
                                                                                ---------    --------

     Net income .............................................................   $ 130,636    $ 64,749
     Other comprehensive income:
     Minimum pension liability adjustment, net of tax of $927................       2,164          --
     Foreign currency translation ...........................................     (30,171)    (28,515)
     Marketable securities, net of tax of $(83) and $(1,116), respectively ..        (133)     (2,158)
     Cash flow hedges, net of tax of $2,442 and $3,803, respectively ........       5,226       9,819
                                                                                ---------    --------
     Total comprehensive income .............................................   $ 107,722    $ 43,895
                                                                                =========    ========



The  Company  has  identified  seven  reportable  operating  segments  based  on
management  structure:  MidAmerican Energy, Kern River, Northern Natural Gas, CE
Electric UK Funding,  Inc. ("CE Electric  UK"),  CalEnergy  Generation-Domestic,
CalEnergy    Generation-Foreign,    and    HomeServices    of   America,    Inc.
("HomeServices").  Information  related to the  Company's  reportable  operating
segments is shown below (in thousands).

                                                                     THREE MONTHS
                                                                    ENDED MARCH 31
                                                                  2003           2002
                                                               -----------    -----------
       MidAmerican Energy ..................................   $   815,916    $   575,035
       Kern River ..........................................        39,030          2,198
       Northern Natural Gas ................................       170,002             --
       CE Electric UK ......................................       225,532        213,957
       CalEnergy Generation - Domestic .....................        11,233          5,105
       CalEnergy Generation - Foreign ......................        76,729         74,085
       HomeServices ........................................       257,988        174,566
                                                               -----------    -----------
         Segment operating revenue .........................     1,596,430      1,044,946
       Corporate/other .....................................       (33,596)        (3,194)
                                                               -----------    -----------
         Total operating revenue ...........................   $ 1,562,834    $ 1,041,752
                                                               ===========    ===========

       MidAmerican Energy ..................................   $    89,892    $    70,288
       Kern River ..........................................        26,376            971
       Northern Natural Gas ................................        83,639             --
       CE Electric UK ......................................        84,773         60,967
       CalEnergy Generation - Domestic .....................        (5,858)        (2,289)
       CalEnergy Generation - Foreign ......................        34,532         30,693
       HomeServices ........................................         7,005           (129)
                                                               -----------    -----------
         Segment income before provision for income taxes ..       320,359        160,501
       Corporate/other .....................................       (58,810)       (40,771)
                                                               -----------    -----------
         Total income before provision for income taxes ....   $   261,549    $   119,730
                                                               ===========    ===========

                                                                MARCH 31,     DECEMBER 31,
                                                                  2003           2002
                                                               -----------    -----------
       MidAmerican Energy ..................................   $ 6,327,397    $ 6,025,452
       Kern River ..........................................     2,006,722      1,797,850
       Northern Natural Gas ................................     2,307,055      2,162,367
       CE Electric UK ......................................     4,649,245      4,714,459
       CalEnergy Generation - Domestic .....................       892,019        881,633
       CalEnergy Generation - Foreign ......................       994,617        974,852
       HomeServices ........................................       543,701        488,324
                                                               -----------    -----------
          Segment total assets .............................    17,720,756     17,044,937
       Corporate/other .....................................       688,204        971,518
                                                               -----------    -----------
          Total assets .....................................   $18,408,960    $18,016,455
                                                               ===========    ===========

The remaining  differences from the segment amounts to the consolidated  amounts
described as  "Corporate/other"  relate  principally to the corporate  functions
including  administrative  costs,  corporate cash and related  interest  income,
intersegment eliminations,  and fair value adjustments relating to acquisitions.
Total assets by segment includes the allocation of goodwill.


Excess of cost over fair  value as of  December  31,  2002 and  changes  for the
period from January 1, 2003 through March 31, 2003 by segment are as follows (in

                                                              Northern                 CalEnergy
                                     MidAmerican     Kern      Natural   CE Electric   Generation-    Home-
                                       Energy        River       Gas         UK        Domestic      Services      Total
                                     -----------    -------   --------   -----------   -----------   --------   ----------

Goodwill at December 31, 2002......    $2,149,282   $32,547   $414,721   $1,195,321     $126,440     $339,821   $4,258,132
    price accounting adjustments...            -      1,353       (619)           -            -       15,747       16,481
  Translation adjustment...........            -          -          -      (15,039)           -            -     (15,039)
                                       ----------   -------   --------   ----------     --------     --------   ----------
Goodwill at March 31, 2003.........    $2,149,282   $33,900   $414,102   $1,180,282     $126,440     $355,568   $4,259,574
                                       ==========   =======   ========   ==========     ========     ========   ==========



The following is  management's  discussion  and analysis of certain  significant
factors which have affected the financial condition and results of operations of
MidAmerican  Energy  Holdings  Company  ("MEHC"  or the  "Company"),  during the
periods included in the accompanying  statements of operations.  This discussion
should be read in conjunction with the Company's historical financial statements
and the notes to those  statements.  The Company's  actual results in the future
could differ significantly from the historical results.


From time to time, MEHC may make  forward-looking  statements within the meaning
of the federal  securities  laws that involve  judgments,  assumptions and other
uncertainties  beyond  the  control of the  Company  or any of its  subsidiaries
individually.  These  forward-looking  statements  may  include,  among  others,
statements  concerning  revenue and cost trends,  cost recovery,  cost reduction
strategies and anticipated outcomes, pricing strategies,  changes in the utility
industry,  planned  capital  expenditures,  financing  needs  and  availability,
statements  of  MEHC's  expectations,  beliefs,  future  plans  and  strategies,
anticipated  events or trends and similar comments  concerning  matters that are
not historical facts.
 These types of forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and
involve a number of known and unknown risks and  uncertainties  that could cause
the actual results and performance of the Company to differ  materially from any
expected   future  results  or  performance,   expressed  or  implied,   by  the
forward-looking statements. In connection with the safe harbor provisions of the
Private Securities  Litigation Reform Act of 1995, MEHC has identified important
factors  that  could  cause  actual  results  to differ  materially  from  those
expectations,   including  weather  effects  on  revenues  and  other  operating
uncertainties,  uncertainties  relating to economic and political conditions and
uncertainties regarding the impact of regulations,  changes in government policy
and  competition.  The  Company  does not  assume any  responsibility  to update
forward-looking information contained herein.


The Company is a United States-based  privately owned global energy company with
publicly traded fixed income securities that generates, distributes and supplies
energy to utilities,  government entities,  retail customers and other customers
located throughout the world. Through its subsidiaries, the Company is organized
and  managed  on  seven   distinct   platforms:   MidAmerican   Energy   Company
("MidAmerican  Energy"),  Kern River Gas  Transmission  Company ("Kern  River"),
Northern Natural Gas Company  ("Northern  Natural Gas"), CE Electric UK Funding,
Inc. ("CE Electric  UK") (which  includes  Northern  Electric  Distribution  Ltd
("NED")  and  Yorkshire   Electricity   Distribution  plc  ("YED")),   CalEnergy
Generation-Domestic,  CalEnergy  Generation-Foreign and HomeServices of America,
Inc. ("HomeServices").  These platforms are discussed in detail in the Company's
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002.


The preparation of financial statements and related documents in conformity with
accounting  principles  generally  accepted  in the  United  States  of  America
requires management to make judgments, assumptions and estimates that affect the
amounts  reported in the  consolidated  financial  statements  and  accompanying
notes. Note 2 to the Company's consolidated financial statements included in the
Company's  Annual  Report  on Form 10-K for the year  ended  December  31,  2002
describes  the  significant   accounting   policies  and  methods  used  in  the
preparation of the consolidated  financial  statements.  Estimates are used for,
but not limited to, the effects of certain  types of  regulation,  impairment of
long-lived assets, contingent liabilities and the accounting for revenue. Actual
results could differ from these estimates.

For additional  discussion of the Company's critical  accounting  policies,  see
"Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of Financial  Condition  and Results of
Operations  included in the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended December 31, 2002.



Effective  January 1, 2003 the Company  adopted  SFAS No. 143,  "Accounting  for
Asset Retirement  Obligations"  ("SFAS 143"). This statement provides accounting
and  disclosure   requirements  for  retirement   obligations   associated  with
long-lived  assets.  The cumulative effect of initially  applying this statement
was immaterial.

The  Company's  review of its regulated  entities  identified  legal  retirement
obligations for nuclear decommissioning,  wet and dry ash landfills and offshore
and minor lateral pipeline facilities.  On January 1, 2003, the Company recorded
$289.3 million of asset retirement obligation ("ARO") liabilities; $13.9 million
of ARO assets,  net of  accumulated  depreciation;  $114.6 million of regulatory
assets;  and  reclassified  $1.0 million of accumulated  depreciation to the ARO
liability.  The initial ARO liability  recognized  includes  $266.5 million that
pertains to obligations  associated with the  decommissioning of the Quad Cities
nuclear   station.   The  $266.5  million  includes  a  $159.8  million  nuclear
decommissioning  liability  that had been  recorded at December  31,  2002.  The
adoption of this  statement did not have a material  impact on the operations of
the  regulated  entities,  as the effects  were offset by the  establishment  of
regulatory assets, totaling $114.6 million, pursuant to SFAS No. 71.

During the three-month  period ended March 31, 2003, the Company recorded,  as a
regulatory  asset,  accretion  related  to the ARO  liability  of  $4.2  million
resulting in an ARO liability balance of $293.5 million at March 31, 2003.

On April 30, 2003, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement No.
149,  "Amendment  of  Statement  133  on  Derivative   Instruments  and  Hedging
Activities"("SFAS   149").   SFAS  149  amends  SFAS  No.  133  for   derivative
instruments,   including  certain  derivative   instruments  embedded  in  other
contracts  and for  hedging  activities.  SFAS 149  also  amends  certain  other
existing   pronouncements.   It   will   require   contracts   with   comparable
characteristics to be accounted for similarly. In particular, SFAS 149 clarifies
when a contract with an initial net  investment  meets the  characteristic  of a
derivative and clarifies when a derivative  that contains a financing  component
will  require  special  reporting in the  statement  of cash flows.  SFAS 149 is
effective for the Company for contracts  entered into or modified after June 30,
2003. The Company and its subsidiaries are evaluating the impact of adopting the
requirements of SFAS 149.


Operating  revenue for the  three-month  period  ended March 31, 2003  increased
$521.0 million or 50.0% to $1,562.8  million from $1,041.8  million for the same
period in 2002.

MidAmerican  Energy operating revenue for the three-month period ended March 31,
2003 increased $240.9 million or 41.9% to $815.9 million from $575.0 million for
the same period in 2002.  The increase was  primarily  due to an increase in gas
revenues of $225.6  million to $479.8 million for the  three-month  period ended
March 31, 2003, resulting from higher gas prices and, to a lesser degree, higher

Kern River operating  revenue for the  three-month  period ended March 31, 2003,
increased $36.8 million to $39.0 million. Operating revenue in 2002 was recorded
for Kern River beginning on March 27, 2002, the acquisition date.

Northern  Natural Gas operating  revenue for the three-month  period ended March
31, 2003, was $170.0 million. As Northern Natural Gas was acquired on August 16,
2002,  there was no revenue  recorded during the three-month  period ended March
31, 2002.

HomeServices  operating revenue for the three-month period ended March 31, 2003,
increased  $83.4 million or 47.8% to $258.0  million from $174.6 million for the
same period in 2002.  The  increase  was due to the impact of 2002  acquisitions
totaling $72.0 million and growth from existing  operations,  reflecting  higher
transaction volumes and average home sales prices.


Income on equity  investments  for the  three-month  period ended March 31, 2003
decreased  $6.6 million or 46.8% to $7.5 million from $14.1 million for the same
period in 2002.  The decrease was primarily  due to a common stock  distribution
from an energy investment fund in 2002.

Interest and  dividend  income for the  three-month  period ended March 31, 2003
increased  $5.5 million or 65.5% to $13.9 million from $8.4 million for the same
period in 2002.  The  increase is  primarily  due to  dividends  received on the
investment in The Williams Company's preferred stock.

Other income for the  three-month  period ended March 31, 2003  increased  $14.4
million to $19.8  million  from $5.4  million for the same  period in 2002.  The
increase  was  primarily  due to the  allowance  for equity  funds  used  during
construction at Kern River and MidAmerican Energy.

Cost of sales for the three-month  period ended March 31, 2003 increased  $263.5
million or 64.4% to $672.8  million  from $409.3  million for the same period in
2002.  MidAmerican Energy's cost of sales increased $233.4 million due primarily
to increased  gas prices and the  restructuring  of the Cooper  Nuclear  Station
("Cooper")  contract  which  increased  cost of sales  and  decreased  operating
expenses.  HomeServices'  cost of sales increased $57.0 million due to the prior
year acquisitions and higher commission expense on incremental sales at existing
business units.

Operating  expenses for the  three-month  period ended March 31, 2003  increased
$76.8 million or 27.5% to $356.5 million from $279.7 million for the same period
in 2002.  The  increase  was  primarily  due to Northern  Natural Gas  operating
expenses of $61.5 million and increased operating expenses at Kern River, due to
the inclusion of operations for the entire quarter, of $10.1 million,  partially
offset by MidAmerican  Energy's  operating  expenses  decrease of $15.5 million,
primarily due to the restructuring of the Cooper contract.

Depreciation and  amortization  for the three-month  period ended March 31, 2003
increased  $15.6 million or 12.4% to $141.8  million from $126.2 million for the
same period in 2002.  This was primarily due to depreciation of $11.3 million at
Northern Natural Gas and increased depreciation of $4.4 million at Kern River.

Interest expense for the three-month period ended March 31, 2003 increased $45.5
million or 32.2% to $186.8  million  from $141.3  million for the same period in
2002. The increase was primarily due to $20.5 million increased interest expense
at Kern River due to the  inclusion  of  operations  for the entire  quarter and
additional  borrowings  for the  expansion  project,  $14.7  million  due to the
acquisition of Northern  Natural Gas and additional  interest  expense  totaling
$9.7 million on the Company's $700 million debt issuance in October 2002.

Capitalized  interest for the three-month  period ended March 31, 2003 increased
$8.9 million to $15.5  million  from $6.6  million for same period in 2002.  The
increase is primarily  due to the  capitalization  of interest on the Kern River
expansion  project  partially  offset  by  the  discontinuance  of  capitalizing
interest at the Zinc Recovery Project.

The income  tax  provision  for the  three-month  period  ended  March 31,  2003
increased  $43.9 million to $73.0 million from $29.1 million for the same period
in 2002. The effective tax rate for the three-month  period ended March 31, 2003
increased  to 27.9% from 24.3% for the same period in 2002.  The increase in the
effective rate was due to higher income at segments with higher tax rates.

Minority interest and preferred dividends for the three-month period ended March
31, 2003  increased  $32.0  million to $57.9  million from $25.9 million for the
same period in 2002.  The increase was  primarily due to the issuances of $323.0
million and $950.0 million of 11% trust  preferred  securities in March 2002 and
August 2002, respectively.

Net income  available to common and preferred  stockholders  for the three-month
period ended March 31, 2003 increased $65.9 million to $130.6 million from $64.7
million for the same period in 2002.



The  Company  has  available  a variety  of  sources of  liquidity  and  capital
resources,  both internal and external.  These resources  provide funds required
for current  operations,  construction  expenditures,  debt retirement and other
capital  requirements.  The  Company  may from time to time  seek to retire  its
outstanding debt through cash purchases in the open market, privately negotiated
transactions or otherwise. Such repurchases or exchanges, if any, will depend on
prevailing market conditions, the Company's liquidity requirements,  contractual
restrictions and other factors. The amounts involved may be material.

The Company's cash and cash  equivalents  were $852.9 million at March 31, 2003,
compared  $844.4 million at December 31, 2002.  Each of the Company's  direct or
indirect subsidiaries is organized as a legal entity separate and apart from the
Company and its other subsidiaries. Pursuant to separate financing agreements at
each  subsidiary,  the assets of each subsidiary may be pledged or encumbered to
support or otherwise  provide the  security for their own project or  subsidiary
debt.  It should not be assumed that any asset of any  subsidiary of the Company
will be available to satisfy the  obligations of the Company or any of its other
subsidiaries;  provided,  however,  that unrestricted cash or other assets which
are available for  distribution  may, subject to applicable law and the terms of
financing arrangements for such parties, be advanced,  loaned, paid as dividends
or otherwise distributed or contributed to the Company or affiliates thereof.

In addition, the Company recorded separately,  in restricted cash and short-term
investments  and  deferred  charges  and  other  assets,   restricted  cash  and
investments  of $81.2 million and $58.7 million at March 31, 2003,  and December
31,  2002,  respectively.  The  restricted  cash  balance  for both  periods  is
comprised  primarily  of amounts  deposited  in  restricted  accounts  which are
reserved for the service of debt obligations.

Cash flows from operating  activities for the three-month period ended March 31,
2003 increased $203.2 million to $385.8 million from $182.6 million for the same
period in 2002.  The increase was  primarily due to timing of changes in working
capital and the  positive  impacts of the Kern River,  Northern  Natural Gas and
HomeServices acquisitions.

The  remaining  decrease  to cash  and  cash  equivalents  is  primarily  due to
construction and development costs,  capital  expenditures  related to operating
projects and repayments of debt and other obligations  offset by the issuance of
subsidiary and project debt.

Kern River's 2003 Expansion Project
- -----------------------------------

Kern River has completed the  construction  of its 2003  Expansion  Project at a
total cost of approximately $1.2 billion.  The expansion,  which was placed into
operation on May 1, 2003,  increased  the design  capacity of the existing  Kern
River pipeline by 885,626 decatherms per day to 1,755,626 decatherms per day.

Kern River Funding Corporation,  a wholly owned subsidiary of Kern River, issued
$836 million of its 4.893% Senior Notes with a final maturity on April 30, 2018.
The  proceeds  were  used to repay  all of the  approximately  $815  million  of
outstanding  borrowings  under Kern River's $875 million credit  facility.  Kern
River entered into this credit  facility in 2002 to finance the  construction of
the 2003 Expansion  Project.  The credit  facility was canceled and a completion
guarantee  issued by the  Company in favor of the  lenders as part of the credit
facility terminated upon completion of the 2003 Expansion Project.

MidAmerican Energy Operating Projects and Construction and Development Costs
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

MidAmerican   Energy's   primary  need  for  capital  is  utility   construction
expenditures.   For  the  first  three  months  of  2003,  utility  construction
expenditures at MidAmerican  Energy totaled $76.6 million,  including  allowance
for funds used during  construction,  or capitalized  financing  costs, and Quad
Cities Station nuclear fuel purchases.


Forecasted utility construction expenditures, including allowance for funds used
during  construction,  are $368 million for 2003. Capital  expenditure needs are
reviewed  regularly by management  and may change  significantly  as a result of
such reviews.

Through 2007,  MidAmerican  Energy plans to develop and construct three electric
generating  projects in Iowa.  The projects  would provide  service to regulated
retail electricity customers and, subject to regulatory  approvals,  be included
in regulated rate base in Iowa,  Illinois and South Dakota.  Wholesale sales may
also be made from the plants to the extent the power is not needed for regulated
retail service. MidAmerican Energy expects to invest approximately $1.44 billion
in the three projects.

The first project is a natural  gas-fired  combined cycle unit with an estimated
cost of $357  million,  plus  allowance  for  funds  used  during  construction.
MidAmerican Energy will own 100% of the plant and operate it. MidAmerican Energy
has received a certificate  from the Iowa Utilities Board ("IUB") allowing it to
construct  the  plant.  Also,  on May 29,  2002,  the IUB  issued an order  that
provides the ratemaking  principles for the plant. The plant will be operated in
simple  cycle mode during 2003 and 2004,  resulting in 327  megawatts  ("MW") of
accredited capacity.  Commercial operation of the simple cycle mode began on May
5, 2003. The combined cycle operation is expected to commence in 2005, resulting
in an expected additional 190 MW of accredited capacity.

The second project is currently under development and is expected to be a 790-MW
(based on expected accreditation)  super-critical-temperature,  coal-fired plant
fueled with low-sulfur coal. If constructed, MidAmerican Energy will operate the
plant and expects to own approximately 475 MW of the plant.  MidAmerican  Energy
expects to invest approximately $759 million in the project,  plus allowance for
funds  used  during  construction.   Municipal,  cooperative  and  public  power
utilities will own the remainder,  which is a typical ownership  arrangement for
large base-load plants in Iowa. On January 23, 2003, MidAmerican Energy received
an order  approving  the issuance of a  certificate  from the IUB allowing it to
construct  the  plant.  MidAmerican  Energy  has made a filing  with the IUB for
approval of ratemaking  principles  pertaining to this plant. On March 20, 2003,
MidAmerican Energy entered into a settlement agreement,  with the Iowa Office of
Consumer  Advocate,  related  to the  ratemaking  principles  application  which
agreement was subsequently filed with the IUB. On February 12, 2003, MidAmerican
Energy  executed a contract with Mitsui & Co. Energy  Development,  Inc. for the
engineering,  procurement  and  construction  of the plant and  issued a limited
notice to proceed  authorizing  detailed  engineering.  A full notice to proceed
authorizing  construction  is  expected  following  approval  of the  ratemaking
principles.  Continued  development  of  this  plant  is  subject  to  obtaining
environmental and other required  permits,  as well as receiving orders from the
IUB  approving  construction  of  the  associated  transmission  facilities  and
establishing ratemaking principles which are satisfactory to MidAmerican Energy.

The third  project is  currently  under  development  and is expected to be wind
power  facilities  totaling  310 MW based  on the  nameplate  rating.  Generally
speaking, accredited capacity ratings for wind power facilities are considerably
less than the nameplate ratings. If constructed, MidAmerican Energy will own and
operate these facilities, which are expected to cost approximately $323 million,
plus associated transmission facilities.  MidAmerican Energy's plan to construct
the wind project is in conjunction with a settlement  proposal to extend through
December 31,  2010,  a rate freeze that is currently  scheduled to expire at the
end of 2005. The proposed settlement is subject to approval by the IUB.

Casecnan Construction Contract
- ------------------------------

The CE Casecnan  Water and Energy  Company,  Inc. ("CE  Casecnan")  Project (the
"Casecnan  Project")  was  initially  constructed  pursuant  to  a  fixed-price,
date-certain,  turnkey  construction  contract (the "Hanbo Contract") on a joint
and several  basis by Hanbo  Corporation  ("Hanbo")  and Hanbo  Engineering  and
Construction Co., Ltd. ("HECC"), both of which are South Korean corporations. On
May 7, 1997, CE Casecnan  terminated the Hanbo Contract due to defaults by Hanbo
and HECC  including  the  insolvency  of both  companies.  On the same date,  CE
Casecnan  entered into a new  fixed-price,  date certain,  turnkey  engineering,
procurement  and  construction  contract to  complete  the  construction  of the
Casecnan Project (the  "Replacement  Contract").  The work under the Replacement
Contract was  conducted  by a  consortium  consisting  of  Cooperativa  Muratori
Cementisti CMC di Ravenna and Impresa Pizzarotti &


C. Spa., (collectively,  the "Contractor"),  working together with Siemens A.G.,
Sulzer Hydro Ltd., Black & Veatch and Colenco Power Engineering Ltd.

On  November  20,  1999,  the  Replacement  Contract  was  amended to extend the
Guaranteed  Substantial  Completion  Date for the Casecnan  Project to March 31,
2001. This amendment was approved by the lenders' independent engineer under the
Trust Indenture.

On February 12, 2001, the Contractor  filed a Request for  Arbitration  with the
International  Chamber of Commerce  ("ICC") seeking schedule relief of up to 153
days through  August 31, 2001  resulting  from  various  alleged  force  majeure
events.  In its March 20,  2001  Supplement  to  Request  for  Arbitration,  the
Contractor also seeks compensation for alleged additional costs of approximately
$4 million it incurred from the claimed force majeure events to the extent it is
unable to recover from its insurer.  On April 20, 2001, the  Contractor  filed a
further   supplement   seeking  an  additional   compensation   for  damages  of
approximately  $62 million for the alleged  force  majeure  event (and  geologic
conditions)  related to the  collapse of the surge  shaft.  The  Contractor  has
alleged that the  circumstances  surrounding the placing of the Casecnan Project
into  commercial  operation in December 2001  amounted to a  repudiation  of the
Replacement  Contract  and has  filed a claim  for  unspecified  quantum  meruit
damages,  and has further alleged that the delay liquidated damages clause which
provides for payments of $125,000 per day for each day of delay in completion of
the Casecnan  Project for which the Contractor is responsible is  unenforceable.
The  arbitration  is being  conducted  applying New York law and pursuant to the
rules of the ICC.

Hearings  have  been held in  connection  with this  arbitration  in July  2001,
September  2001,  January 2002,  March 2002,  November 2002 and January 2003. As
part of those hearings,  on June 25, 2001, the arbitration  tribunal temporarily
enjoined CE Casecnan from making calls on the demand guaranty posted by Banca di
Roma in  support  of the  Contractor's  obligations  to CE  Casecnan  for  delay
liquidated damages. As a result of the continuing nature of that injunction,  on
April 26, 2002, CE Casecnan and the Contractor  mutually  agreed that no demands
would  be made on the  Banca  di Roma  demand  guaranty  except  pursuant  to an
arbitration  award.  As of March 31,  2003,  however,  CE Casecnan  has received
approximately $6.0 million of liquidated damages from demands made on the demand
guarantees  posted by  Commerzbank on behalf of the  Contractor.  On November 7,
2002, the ICC issued the  arbitration  tribunal's  partial award with respect to
the Contractor's  force majeure and geologic  conditions claims. The arbitration
panel awarded the Contractor 18 days of schedule relief in the aggregate for all
of the force majeure events and awarded the Contractor $3.8 million with respect
to the cost of the collapsed  surge shaft.  The $3.8 million is shown as part of
the accounts payable and accrued expenses balance at March 31, 2003 and December
31, 2002. All of the Contractor's other claims with respect to force majeure and
geologic conditions were denied.

Further hearings on the Contractor's  repudiation and quantum meruit claims, the
alleged  unenforceability  of the delay  liquidated  damages  clause and certain
other matters had been  scheduled for March 24 through March 28, 2003,  but were
postponed  as a result of the  commencement  of  military  action  in Iraq.  The
hearings have been rescheduled for June 30 through July 11, 2003.

If the Contractor were to prevail on its claim that the delay liquidated damages
clause is unenforceable, CE Casecnan would not be entitled to collect such delay
damages for the period from March 31, 2001 through  December  11,  2001.  If the
Contractor  were to prevail in its  repudiation  claim and prove quantum  meruit
damages in excess of amounts paid to the Contractor, CE Casecnan could be liable
to make additional payments to the Contractor.  CE Casecnan believes all of such
allegations  and claims  are  without  merit and is  vigorously  contesting  the
Contractor's claims.

Casecnan NIA Arbitration
- ------------------------

Under the terms of the Project Agreement,  the Philippines  National  Irrigation
Administration ("NIA") has the option of timely reimbursing CE Casecnan directly
for  certain  taxes CE  Casecnan  has  paid.  If NIA does  not so  reimburse  CE
Casecnan,  the taxes  paid by CE  Casecnan  result in an  increase  in the Water
Delivery  Fee.  The  payment  of  certain  other  taxes by CE  Casecnan  results
automatically in an increase in the Water Delivery Fee. As of March 31, 2003, CE
Casecnan has paid approximately $58.1 million in taxes, which as a result of the
foregoing  provisions  results in an increase in the Water Delivery Fee. NIA has
failed to pay the portion of the Water  Delivery Fee each month,  related to the
payment  of these  taxes by CE  Casecnan.  As a result of this  non-payment,  on
August 19,  2002,  CE Casecnan


filed a Request  for  Arbitration  against  NIA,
seeking payment of such portion of the Water Delivery Fee and enforcement of the
relevant provision of the Project Agreement going forward.  The arbitration will
be conducted in accordance with the rules of the ICC.

NIA filed its Answer and  Counterclaim  on March 31,  2003.  In its Answer,  NIA
asserts,  among  other  things,  that most of the taxes  which CE  Casecnan  has
factored into the Water Delivery Fee compensation formula do not fall within the
scope of the relevant  section of the Project  Agreement,  that the compensation
mechanism itself is invalid and unenforceable  under Philippine law and that the
Project  Agreement is  inconsistent  with the Philippine  build-operate-transfer
("BOT")  law.  As such,  NIA  seeks  dismissal  of CE  Casecnan's  claims  and a
declaration from the arbitral tribunal that the taxes which have been taken into
account in the Water  Delivery Fee  compensation  mechanism are not  recoverable
thereunder and that, at most,  certain taxes may be directly  reimbursed (rather
than  compensated  for  through  the  Water  Delivery  Fee)  by  NIA.  NIA  also
counterclaims  for  approximately  $7 million which it alleges is due to it as a
result of the delayed completion of the Casecnan Project. On April 23, 2003, NIA
filed a Supplemental Counterclaim in which it asserts that the Project Agreement
is contrary to  Philippine  law and public  policy and by way of relief  seeks a
declaration  that the Project  Agreement is void from the beginning or should be
cancelled,  or alternatively,  an order for reformation of the Project Agreement
or any portions or sections  thereof  which may be  determined to be contrary to
such law and or public policy. CE Casecnan intends to vigorously  contest all of
NIA's assertions and counterclaims.

The three member  arbitration panel has been confirmed by the ICC and an initial
organizational  hearing was held on April 28, 2003.  Hearings on this matter are
scheduled for July 2004.

Included in revenue,  for the three months  ended March 31, 2003 and 2002,  were
$5.5  million and $5.8  million,  respectively,  of tax  compensation  for Water
Delivery  Fees under the Project  Agreement,  none of which has been paid. As of
March  31,  2003  and  December  31,  2002,  the  net  receivable  for  the  tax
compensation  piece of the  Water  Delivery  Fees  invoiced  since  the start of
commercial operations totaled $29.8 million and $24.3 million, respectively.

Casecnan Stockholder Litigation
- -------------------------------

Pursuant  to the  share  ownership  adjustment  mechanism  in  the  CE  Casecnan
stockholder  agreement,  which is based upon pro forma financial  projections of
the Casecnan Project prepared following  commencement of commercial  operations,
in February 2002, MEHC, through its indirect wholly owned subsidiary CE Casecnan
Ltd.,   advised   the   minority   stockholder   LaPrairie   Group   Contractors
(International)  Ltd.,  ("LPG"),  that MEHC's indirect  ownership interest in CE
Casecnan  had  increased  to 100%  effective  from  commencement  of  commercial
operations.  On July 8, 2002, LPG filed a complaint in the Superior Court of the
State of California,  City and County of San Francisco  against,  inter alia, CE
Casecnan Ltd. and MEHC. In the complaint,  LPG seeks  compensatory  and punitive
damages for alleged  breaches of the stockholder  agreement and alleged breaches
of  fiduciary  duties  allegedly  owed by CE Casecnan  Ltd. and MEHC to LPG. The
complaint also seeks injunctive  relief against all defendants and a declaratory
judgment  that LPG is entitled to maintain its 15% interest in CE Casecnan.  The
impact,  if any, of this  litigation on CE Casecnan cannot be determined at this

In February  2003, San Lorenzo Ruiz Builders and  Developers  Group,  Inc. ("San
Lorenzo"),  an  original  shareholder  substantially  all of whose  shares in CE
Casecnan  MEHC  purchased in 1998,  threatened  to initiate  legal action in the
Philippines in connection  with certain aspects of its option to repurchase such
shares on or prior to commercial  operation of the Casecnan Project. CE Casecnan
believes  that San  Lorenzo  has no valid basis for any claim and, if named as a
defendant in any action that may be commenced  by San Lorenzo,  will  vigorously
defend any such action.

Philippine Political Risks
- --------------------------

In connection with an interagency  review of approximately 40 independent  power
project  contracts in the Philippines,  the Casecnan Project (together with four
other  unrelated  projects) has reportedly  been identified as raising legal and
financial  questions  and,  with  those  projects,   has  been  prioritized  for
renegotiation.   The  Company's   subsidiaries'  Upper  Mahiao,   Malitbog,  and
Mahanagdong  projects have also reportedly been identified as raising  financial


questions. No written report has yet been issued with respect to the interagency
review,  and the  timing  and  nature  of  steps,  if any  that  the  Philippine
Government may take in this regard are not known.  Accordingly,  it is not known
what, if any, impact the government's  review will have on the operations of the
Company's  Philippine  Projects.  CE  Casecnan  representatives,  together  with
certain  current and former  government  officials,  also have been requested to
appear,  and have appeared  during 2002,  before a Philippine  Senate  committee
which has raised  questions  and made  allegations  with respect to the Casecnan
Project's tariff structure and implementation.

On May 5,  2003,  the  Philippine  Supreme  Court  issued  its  ruling in a case
involving  an  unsolicited  BOT project for the  development,  construction  and
operation of the new Manila International  Airport.  Various members of Congress
and labor  unions  initiated  the  action  in the  Philippine  Supreme  Court on
September 17, 2002 seeking to enjoin the  enforcement  of the BOT agreement with
an international consortium known as PIATCO (the "PIATCO Agreement"). The PIATCO
Consortium is unrelated to CE Casecnan or the Company.  On March 4, 2003, PIATCO
separately  initiated  an ICC  arbitration  pursuant  to the terms of the PIATCO
Agreement.  The  Supreme  Court,  in its  ruling,  stated  that  there  were  no
unresolved  factual  issues  and  therefore  it had  original  jurisdiction  and
concluded that the pendency of the  arbitration  did not preclude the court from
ruling on a case brought by non-parties to the PIATCO Agreement, such as members
of the Philippine Congress or non-governmental organizations. In a public speech
on November 29, 2002 prior to the December  10, 2002 oral  arguments  before the
Philippine Supreme Court,  Philippine President Arroyo stated that she would not
honor the PIATCO Agreement  because the executive  branch's legal department had
concluded  it was "null and void".  In light of that  announcement,  the project
owners  stopped work on the  project,  which is  approximately  90% complete and
accordingly has not been placed into commercial operation. In its 10 to 3 ruling
(with one abstention)  issued on May 5, 2003, the Philippine Supreme Court ruled
that the PIATCO  Agreement was contrary to Philippine  law and public policy and
was "null and void". CE Casecnan is assessing the impact of the PIATCO ruling on
the Casecnan Project.

On April 24, 2003 Standard & Poor's Ratings  Services ("S&P") lowered its rating
of CE Casecnan to `BB' from `BB+' as a result of S&P's downgrade of the Republic
of the  Philippines.  The  downgrade of the  Philippines  by S&P  reflected  the
Country's growing debt burden and fiscal rigidity.

On May 8, 2003,  Moody's  Investors  Service  ("Moody's")  placed the Ba2 senior
secured  notes  rating of CE Casecnan on review for possible  downgrade,  noting
NIA's supplemental  counterclaim  seeking to have the Project Agreement declared
void.  Moody's  noted  that  actions  by  government  related  agencies  and the
resulting instability of contractual arrangements was becoming inconsistent with
their rating approach that attaches  significant benefit to offtake arrangements
with those government supported entities.


Other Debt Issuances and Redemptions
- ------------------------------------

On  January  14,  2003,  MidAmerican  Energy  issued  $275.0  million  of 5.125%
medium-term notes due in 2013. The proceeds were used to refinance existing debt
and for other corporate purposes.

On April 23, 2003,  Yorkshire Power Group Limited,  a wholly owned subsidiary of
MEHC,  reported that it had authorized the redemption in full of the outstanding
shares of the Yorkshire  Capital Trust I, 8.08% Trust  Securities,  due June 30,
2038.  The Trust  Securities  will be redeemed on June 9, 2003,  at a redemption
price of 100% of the  principal  amount ($25  liquidation  amount per each Trust
Security) plus accrued  distributions  of $0.381555555 per Trust Security to the
redemption  date.  The  redemption  price  will be paid to  holders of the Trust
Security on the redemption date. At March 31, 2003 and December 31, 2002, $250.5
million and $249.7 million,  respectively,  of the Trust Securities are included
in subsidiary and project debt.

Commercial Obligations and Contractual Commitments
- --------------------------------------------------

There  have  been  no  material  changes  in  the  contractual  obligations  and
commercial  commitments from the information provided in Item 7 of the Company's
Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31, 2002 other than the
issuance of the $836 million Kern River Funding  Corporation 4.893% Senior Notes
and the $275 million MidAmerican Energy 5.125% medium-term notes as discussed in
this section.


For quantitative and qualitative  disclosures  about market risk affecting MEHC,
see Item 7A  "Qualitative  and  Quantitative  Disclosures  About Market Risk" of
MEHC's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31, 2002.  MEHC's
exposure to market risk has not changed materially since December 31, 2002.


MEHC's chief  executive  officer and chief  financial  officer have  established
"disclosure  controls and  procedures"  (as defined in Rule  13a-14(c)  and Rule
15d-14(c) of the  Securities  and Exchange Act of 1934) to ensure that  material
information of the Company and its  subsidiaries is made known to them by others
within the respective  entities.  Under their supervision,  an evaluation of the
disclosure  controls and  procedures  was performed  within 90 days prior to the
filing of this quarterly report.  Based on that evaluation,  the above-mentioned
officers have concluded that, as of the date of the  evaluation,  the disclosure
controls  and  procedures   were  operating   effectively.   Additionally,   the
above-mentioned  officers  find that there have been no  significant  changes in
internal controls,  or in other factors that could significantly affect internal
controls, subsequent to the date of that evaluation.


                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


See Note 6 to the financial statements and discussion in management's discussion
and analysis.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


The Company provides the following  update and  clarification to the information
contained  in the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the  period  ended
December 31, 2002.

Kern River

Based on published rates and fuel  percentages,  the Company believes Kern River
currently has the lowest  transportation  costs from  well-head to burner tip of
any  interstate  pipeline  serving  Kern  River's  direct  markets  in  southern
California,  with gas transportation rates for existing  transportation shippers
of  approximately  $0.39-$0.44 per decatherm  (excluding  fuel costs).  The 2003
Expansion  Shippers'  initial  tariff  rates  in  the  original  Federal  Energy
Regulatory  Commission  ("FERC")  filing  were  approximately   $0.57-$0.70  per
decatherm  (excluding  fuel costs).  These rates were  reduced to  approximately
$0.56-$0.69  per decatherm  (excluding  fuel costs) in a recent FERC  compliance
filing made effective upon placing the 2003 Expansion  Project in service on May
1,  2003.  These  rates can be  compared  to  published  rates of  approximately
$0.64-$0.97 per decatherm (excluding fuel costs) on competing  pipelines.  There
can be no  assurance  that Kern  River's  competitors  do not or will not charge
rates  which  are  discounted  to  these  published  rates,  particularly  on  a
short-term basis.

CE Electric UK

Employers  in the United  Kingdom have an  obligation  to manage the exposure of
their  workforce  to  asbestos,  as it can have a  detrimental  impact  on human
health.  The  Control of Asbestos  at Work  Regulations  2002 came into force in
England,  Scotland and Wales in two tranches.  Most of the regulations came into
force on  November  21, 2002 and the  remainder  will come into force on May 21,
2003.  These  Regulations  implement a European  Directive and will increase the
obligations on employers to create a safe working  environment.  The regulations
could also result in expenditure  having to be committed to asbestos  management
plans and,  in some  cases,  to the removal of  asbestos.  The Company  does not
expect the cost of this new regulation to have a material  impact on its results
of operations or cash flows.


(a)      Exhibits:

         The exhibits listed on the accompanying Exhibit Index are filed as part
         of this Quarterly Report.

(b) Reports on Form 8-K:

         The Company filed a current report on Form 8-K on January 2, 2003.



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                             MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY

Date:  May 12, 2003                     /s/  Patrick J. Goodman
                                             Patrick J. Goodman
                             Senor Vice President & Chief Financial Officer


                     SECTION 302 CERTIFICATION FOR FORM 10-Q

- --------------

I, David L. Sokol, certify that:

1. I have  reviewed this  quarterly  report on Form 10-Q of  MidAmerican  Energy
Holdings Company;

2. Based on my  knowledge,  this  quarterly  report  does not contain any untrue
statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact  necessary to make
the statements made, in light of the  circumstances  under which such statements
were made, not  misleading  with respect to the period covered by this quarterly

3.  Based  on my  knowledge,  the  financial  statements,  and  other  financial
information  included in this quarterly  report,  fairly present in all material
respects the financial  condition,  results of operations  and cash flows of the
registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this quarterly report;

4.  The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers  and  I are  responsible  for
establishing and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the registrant and we have:

a) Designed  such  disclosure  controls and  procedures  to ensure that material
information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries,
is made known to us by others  within those  entities,  particularly  during the
period in which this quarterly report is being prepared;

b) Evaluated  the  effectiveness  of the  registrant's  disclosure  controls and
procedures  as of a date  within  90  days  prior  to the  filing  date  of this
quarterly report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

c) Presented in this quarterly report our conclusions about the effectiveness of
the  disclosure  controls  and  procedures  based  on our  evaluation  as of the
Evaluation Date;

5. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on our
most recent evaluation,  to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of
registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent function):

a) All significant  deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls
which  could  adversely  affect the  registrant's  ability  to record,  process,
summarize and report  financial data and have  identified  for the  registrant's
auditors any material weaknesses in internal controls; and

b) Any  fraud,  whether  or not  material,  that  involves  management  or other
employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal controls; and

6. The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers  and I have  indicated in this
quarterly  report  whether or not there  were  significant  changes in  internal
controls or in other factors that could  significantly  affect internal controls
subsequent to the date of our most recent  evaluation,  including any corrective
actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Date: May 12, 2003

                               /s/ David L. Sokol
                                 David L. Sokol
                            Chief Executive Officer


                     SECTION 302 CERTIFICATION FOR FORM 10-Q

- --------------

I, Patrick J. Goodman, certify that:

1. I have  reviewed this  quarterly  report on Form 10-Q of  MidAmerican  Energy
Holdings Company;

2. Based on my  knowledge,  this  quarterly  report  does not contain any untrue
statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact  necessary to make
the statements made, in light of the  circumstances  under which such statements
were made, not  misleading  with respect to the period covered by this quarterly

3.  Based  on my  knowledge,  the  financial  statements,  and  other  financial
information  included in this quarterly  report,  fairly present in all material
respects the financial  condition,  results of operations  and cash flows of the
registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this quarterly report;

4.  The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers  and  I are  responsible  for
establishing and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the registrant and we have:

a) Designed  such  disclosure  controls and  procedures  to ensure that material
information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries,
is made known to us by others  within those  entities,  particularly  during the
period in which this quarterly report is being prepared;

b) Evaluated  the  effectiveness  of the  registrant's  disclosure  controls and
procedures  as of a date  within  90  days  prior  to the  filing  date  of this
quarterly report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

c) Presented in this quarterly report our conclusions about the effectiveness of
the  disclosure  controls  and  procedures  based  on our  evaluation  as of the
Evaluation Date;

5. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on our
most recent evaluation,  to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of
registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent function):

a) All significant  deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls
which  could  adversely  affect the  registrant's  ability  to record,  process,
summarize and report  financial data and have  identified  for the  registrant's
auditors any material weaknesses in internal controls; and

b) Any  fraud,  whether  or not  material,  that  involves  management  or other
employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal controls; and

6. The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers  and I have  indicated in this
quarterly  report  whether or not there  were  significant  changes in  internal
controls or in other factors that could  significantly  affect internal controls
subsequent to the date of our most recent  evaluation,  including any corrective
actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Date: May 12, 2003

                             /s/ Patrick J. Goodman
                               Patrick J. Goodman
                            Senior Vice President and
                             Chief Financial Officer


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit No.
- -----------

10.1      MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company Amended and Restated Long-Term
          Incentive Partnership Plan dated as of January 1, 2003.

10.2      Executive Incremental Profit Sharing Plan

99.1      Chief Executive Officer's Certificate Pursuant to Section 906 of the
          Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

99.2      Chief Financial Officer's Certificate Pursuant to Section 906 of the
          Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
