One Old Country Road
                           Carle Place, New York 11514

                    Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders

                                December 4, 2007

     The  Annual   Meeting   of   Stockholders   (the   "Annual   Meeting")   of
1-800-FLOWERS.COM,  Inc. (the  "Company")  will be held at One Old Country Road,
Carle Place, New York 11514, Fourth Floor Conference Room (the "Meeting Place"),
on  Tuesday,  December  4,  2007 at 9:00  a.m.  eastern  standard  time,  or any
adjournment thereof, for the following purposes,  as more fully described in the
Proxy Statement accompanying this notice:

         (1)  To elect three Directors to serve until the 2010 Annual Meeting or
               until  their  respective successors  shall have been duly elected
               and qualified;

         (2)  To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as  our independent
               registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending June
               29, 2008; and

         (3)  To transact such  other matters as may  properly  come  before the
               Annual Meeting.

     Only  stockholders  of record at the close of  business  on October 9, 2007
will be  entitled  to notice of, and to vote at, the Annual  Meeting.  A list of
stockholders  eligible  to vote at the  Annual  Meeting  will be  available  for
inspection  at the  Annual  Meeting,  and for a period of ten days  prior to the
Annual Meeting, during regular business hours at the Meeting Place.

     All  stockholders  are  cordially  invited to attend the Annual  Meeting in
person.  Whether or not you expect to attend the Annual Meeting, your proxy vote
is important.  To assure your representation at the Annual Meeting,  please sign
and date the  enclosed  proxy  card  and  return  it  promptly  in the  enclosed
envelope,  which requires no additional  postage if mailed in the United States.
You may revoke your proxy at any time prior to the Annual Meeting. If you attend
the Annual Meeting and vote by ballot, your proxy will be revoked  automatically
and only your vote at the Annual Meeting will be counted.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors
                                              /s/ Gerard M. Gallagher
                                              Gerard M. Gallagher
                                              Corporate Secretary

Carle Place, New York
October 29, 2007


                             1-800-FLOWERS.COM, INC.

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                                October 29. 2007

     This  Proxy   Statement  is  furnished   to   stockholders   of  record  of
1-800-FLOWERS.COM,  Inc.  (the  "Company")  as of October  9, 2007 (the  "Record
Date") in connection with the  solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors
of the Company (the "Board of  Directors"  or the "Board") for use at the Annual
Meeting of  Stockholders  (the "Annual  Meeting")  which will be held at One Old
Country Road,  Carle Place,  New York 11514,  Fourth Floor  Conference Room (the
"Meeting  Place"),  on Tuesday,  December 4, 2007 at 9:00 a.m.  eastern standard
time or any adjournment thereof.

     Shares cannot be voted at the Annual Meeting unless the owner is present in
person  or by  proxy.  All  properly  executed  and  unrevoked  proxies  in  the
accompanying form that are received in time for the Annual Meeting will be voted
at the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof in accordance with instructions
thereon,  or if no instructions  are given,  will be voted "FOR" the election of
the named nominees as Directors of the Company,  and "FOR" the  ratification  of
the  appointment of Ernst & Young LLP, as the Company's  independent  registered
public  accounting  firm,  for the fiscal year ending June 29, 2008; and will be
voted in accordance  with the  discretion of the person  appointed as proxy with
respect to other matters which may properly come before the Annual Meeting.  Any
person giving a proxy may revoke it by written notice to the Company at any time
prior to the exercise of the proxy. In addition, although mere attendance at the
Annual Meeting will not revoke the proxy,  a stockholder  who attends the Annual
Meeting may withdraw his or her proxy and vote in person. Abstentions and broker
non-votes will be counted for purposes of determining the presence or absence of
a quorum for the transaction of business at the Annual Meeting. Abstentions will
be counted in tabulations  of the votes cast on each of the proposals  presented
at the Annual Meeting, whereas broker non-votes will not be counted for purposes
of determining whether a proposal has been approved.

     The Annual  Report of the Company  (which does not form a part of the proxy
solicitation   materials)  is  being   distributed   concurrently   herewith  to

     The mailing address of the principal executive office of the Company is One
Old Country Road,  Suite 500, Carle Place,  New York 11514. The approximate date
this Proxy Statement and the accompanying  form of proxy are being mailed to the
stockholders of the Company is November 1, 2007.

                                VOTING SECURITIES

     The Company has two classes of voting  securities  issued and  outstanding,
its Class A common  stock,  par  value  $0.01  per  share  (the  "Class A Common
Stock"),  and its Class B common stock,  par value $0.01 per share (the "Class B
Common Stock",  and together with the Class A Common Stock, the "Common Stock"),
which generally vote together as a single class on all matters  presented to the
stockholders for their vote or approval. At the Annual Meeting, each stockholder
of record at the close of  business  on October 9, 2007 of Class A Common  Stock
will be  entitled  to one vote for each share of Class A Common  Stock  owned on
that date as to each matter presented at the Annual Meeting and each stockholder
of record at the close of  business  on October 9, 2007 of Class B Common  Stock
will be  entitled  to ten votes for each share of Class B Common  Stock owned on
that date as to each  matter  presented  at the  Annual  Meeting.  On October 9,
2007, 25,879,795 shares of Class A Common Stock and 36,858,465 shares of Class B
Common Stock were  outstanding.  A list of stockholders  eligible to vote at the
Annual Meeting will be available for inspection at the Annual Meeting, and for a
period of ten days prior to the Annual Meeting, during regular business hours at
the Meeting Place.


                                   PROPOSAL 1

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     Unless otherwise  directed,  the persons appointed in the accompanying form
of proxy intend to vote at the Annual Meeting "FOR" the election of the nominees
named below as Class II  Directors of the Company to serve until the 2010 Annual
Meeting or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. If any nominee
is  unable  to  be a  candidate  when  the  election  takes  place,  the  shares
represented  by valid proxies will be voted in favor of the  remaining  nominee.
The Board of Directors  does not currently  anticipate  that any of the nominees
will be unable to be a candidate for election.

     Pursuant  to the  Company's  Third  Amended  and  Restated  Certificate  of
Incorporation,  the Board of  Directors  has been  divided  into three  classes,
denominated  Class I, Class II and Class III, with members of each class holding
office for staggered  three-year terms or until their respective  successors are
duly elected and qualified.  The Board of Directors  currently consists of eight
members,  three of whom are Class II Directors  and each of whose term expire at
the Annual  Meeting.  Each of such Class II Directors is a nominee for election.
The nominees for Class II Directors are Messrs. John J. Conefry, Jr., Leonard J.
Elmore and Ms. Jan L. Murley, whose terms expire at the 2007 Annual Meeting. The
Class I Directors are Messrs.  Lawrence Calcano,  James Cannavino and Jeffrey C.
Walker,  each of whose term  expires at the 2009 Annual  Meeting.  The Class III
Directors are Messrs.  James F. McCann and Christopher G. McCann,  each of whose
term expires at the 2008 Annual Meeting. At each Annual Meeting,  the successors
to the Directors  whose terms have expired are elected to serve from the time of
their election and  qualification  until the third Annual Meeting  following the
election or until a successor has been duly elected and qualified. The Company's
Third Amended and Restated  Certificate of Incorporation  authorizes the removal
of Directors under certain circumstances.

     The  affirmative  vote of a plurality of the Company's  outstanding  Common
Stock  present in person or by proxy at the Annual  Meeting is required to elect
the nominees for Directors.

Information Regarding Nominees for Election as Directors (Class II Directors)

     The  following  information  with respect to the  principal  occupation  or
employment,  other  affiliations  and business  experience  of each of the three
nominees  during the last five years has been  furnished  to the Company by such

     John J.  Conefry,  Jr.,  age 63, has been a Director of the  Company  since
October 2002.  Mr. Conefry is Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Astoria
Financial Corporation and its wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Astoria Federal Savings
since September 1998. He formerly served as the Chairman of the Board and CEO of
Long Island  Bancorp and The Long Island  Savings Bank from September 1993 until
September  1998.  Prior  thereto,  Mr.  Conefry was a Senior Vice  President  of
Merrill  Lynch,  Pierce,  Fenner  & Smith,  Inc.,  where he  served  in  various
capacities, including, Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Conefry was a partner in the
public accounting firm of Deloitte & Touche,  LLP (formerly,  Deloitte Haskins &
Sells).  Mr.  Conefry  serves as a member of the Board of  Trustees  at  Hofstra
University,  and on the  boards  of  St.  Vincent's  Services  and  Wheel  Chair
Charities, Inc., among others.

     Leonard J. Elmore, age 55, has been a Director of the Company since October
2002.  Mr.  Elmore  is  currently  Senior  Counsel  with the law firm of Dewey &
LeBoeuf in its New York City headquarters. Prior to his appointment with Dewey &
LeBoeuf,  Mr.  Elmore  served as the  President  of Test  University,  a leading
provider of internet delivered learning solutions for pre-college students.  Mr.
Elmore continues to fulfill his commitment to public service as a Trustee on the
University of Maryland  Board of Trustees,  and a  Commissioner  on the John and
James L. Knight Foundation's Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics.

     Jan L. Murley,  age 56, has been a Director of the Company  since  February
2007.  Ms.  Murley has served as a consultant to Kohlberg  Kravis  Roberts & Co.
(KKR) (a private  equity firm) since  November  2006.  From October 2003 to July
2006,  Ms.  Murley  was Chief  Executive  Officer  and a  Director  of The Boyds
Collection,  Ltd. (a publicly  traded  designer  and  manufacturer  of gifts and
collectibles), which was majority-owned by KKR. Boyds filed for bankruptcy under
Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code in October 2005 and emerged from Chapter 11
in June 2006 as a private company).  Prior to that, she was group Vice President
- - Marketing of Hallmark  Cards,  Inc. (a publisher of greeting cards and related
gifts)  from 1999 to 2002.  Previously,  Ms.  Murley was  employed  by Procter &
Gamble for more than 20 years,  with her last position  being Vice President for
skin care and personal cleansing products. Ms. Murley has been a Director of The
Clorox  Company  since  November  2001 and  serves  as a member of its Audit and
Nominating and Governance Committees.


                    CAPACITY UNTIL THE 2010 ANNUAL MEETING.

     Information  Regarding  Directors Who Are Not Nominees for Election at this
Annual Meeting

     The  following  information  with respect to the  principal  occupation  or
employment,  other  affiliations  and business  experience  during the last five
years of each Director who is not a nominee for election at this Annual  Meeting
has been furnished to the Company by such Director.

     James F. McCann,  age 56, has served as the Company's Chairman of the Board
and Chief Executive  Officer since inception.  Mr. McCann has been in the floral
industry since 1976 when he began a retail chain of flower shops in the New York
metropolitan  area.  Mr.  McCann  is a  member  of the  Board  of  Directors  of
Lottomatica  and  Willis  Holdings  Group.  James F.  McCann is the  brother  of
Christopher G. McCann, a Director and the President of the Company.

     Christopher  G.  McCann,  age 46, has been the  Company's  President  since
September  2000 and  prior to that  had  served  as the  Company's  Senior  Vice
President.  Mr. McCann has been a Director of the Company since  inception.  Mr.
McCann serves on the Board of Directors of Bluefly, Inc., and is a member of the
Board of Trustees  of Marist  College.  Christopher  G. McCann is the brother of
James F.  McCann,  the  Company's  Chairman  of the Board  and  Chief  Executive

     Jeffrey  C.  Walker,  age 52,  has been a  Director  of the  Company  since
February 1995.  Mr. Walker has served as the Chairman of CCMP Capital  Advisors,
LLC since August 2006.  Prior thereto and since 1988 he was the Managing Partner
of JPMorgan Partners,  the private equity group of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and a
General  Partner  thereof since 1984. He was also a Vice Chairman of J.P. Morgan
Chase & Co. Mr. Walker is a Director of several private companies.

     James  Cannavino,  age 63, has been a Director  of the  Company  since June
2007.  Mr.  Cannavino has been Chairman of the Board of Direct Insite since 2000
and was appointed Chief Executive  Officer in December 2002.  Direct Insite is a
global provider of financial supply chain automation across  procure-to-pay  and
order-to cash business processes. From September 1997 through April 2000, he was
elected non-executive Chairman of Softworks,  Inc. (a wholly owned subsidiary of
Direct Insite, formerly Computer Concepts), which went public and was later sold
to EMC. Mr.  Cannavino was also the Chief Executive  Officer and Chairman of the
Board of  Directors  of  CyberSafe,  Inc.,  a company  specializing  in  network
security.  Prior to  Cybersafe,  Mr.  Cannavino was hired as President and Chief
Operating Officer of Perot Systems Corporation.  In 1996 he was elected to serve
as Chief Executive Officer through July 1997. During his tenure at Perot, he was
responsible for all the day-to-day global operations of the company,  as well as
for strategy and organization. Prior to Perot Systems, Mr. Cannavino served as a
Senior Vice President at IBM, where he was  responsible  for corporate  strategy
and development. Mr. Cannavino's career spanned thirty years at IBM beginning in
1963.  Mr.  Cannavino led IBM's  restructuring  of its $7 billion PC business to
form the IBM PC Company. He also served on the IBM Corporate Executive Committee
and Worldwide  Management Council, and on the board of IBM's integrated services
and solutions  company.  He also was a board member for three IBM  joint-venture
companies,  including Prodigy Services, Inc.; Digital Domain, Inc.; and New Leaf
Entertainment.  Mr.  Cannavino  presently  serves on the Boards of the  National
Center for Missing  and  Exploited  Children  and The  International  Center for
Missing and Exploited  Children.  He is the immediate past Chairman of the Board
of Marist  College  in  Poughkeepsie,  New York and  continues  to serve on that

     Lawrence Calcano, age 44, has been a Director of the Company since December
2007. Mr. Calcano,  is the founder of Calcano Capital Advisors,  an advisory and
investment firm focusing on the broad  technology  industry.  Prior to that, Mr.
Calcano  was the  co-head  of the  Technology  Group of the  Investment  Banking
Division of Goldman,  Sachs & Co. Mr. Calcano has deep domain knowledge and deal
experience across all of the sub-sectors of technology,  including software, the
internet, communications equipment, service and semiconductors, having worked on
many  transactions  within all of these  sectors.  Mr.  Calcano was previously a
Director of the Company from July 1999 to December 2003.

Information about the Board and its Committees

     Each of our Directors,  other than Messrs.  James F. McCann and Christopher
G. McCann, qualifies as an "independent director" as defined under the published
listing  requirements  of The  NASDAQ  Stock  Market.  The  NASDAQ  independence
definition  includes a series of objective  tests.  For example,  an independent
director  may not be  employed  by us and may not  engage  in  certain  types of


business dealings with the Company.  In addition,  as further required by NASDAQ
rules,  the Board has made a  subjective  determination  as to each  independent
Director that no relationship  exists which, in the opinion of the Board,  would
interfere  with  the  exercise  of  independent  judgment  in  carrying  out the
responsibilities  of a  Director.  In  making  these  determinations,  the Board
reviewed and discussed  information provided by the Directors and by the Company
with regard to each  Director's  business  and personal  activities  as they may
relate to the Company and  Company's  management.  In  addition,  as required by
NASDAQ rules,  the Board determined that the members of the Audit Committee each
qualify as "independent"  under special standards  established by NASDAQ and the
U.S.  Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") for members of audit

                  The table below provides current membership and meeting
information for each of the Board committees for Fiscal 2007.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Directors                        Audit               Compensation         Nominating and        Secondary
- ---------                        Committee           Committee            Corporate             Compensation
                                 ---------           ------------         Governance            Committee
                                                                          ---------------       --------------
James F. McCann                                                                                  X
Christopher G. McCann
Jeffrey C. Walker                                     X*
Lawrence Calcano.                 X                                        X
Jan L. Murley                     X                   X
John J. Conefry, Jr.              X*                  X                    X
Leonard J. Elmore                                                          X*
James Cannavino                                       X
Total Meetings in Fiscal 2007           6                    1                     7                    5
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  * Committee Chairperson

     Audit Committee

     The  Audit  Committee  of the  Board  of  Directors  reports  to the  Board
regarding  the  appointment  of  the  Company's  independent  registered  public
accountants,  the  scope and  results  of its  annual  audits,  compliance  with
accounting  and  financial  policies and  management's  procedures  and policies
relative to the adequacy of internal accounting controls. The Company's Board of
Directors  adopted a written charter for the Audit Committee in January 2000, as
amended  in  August  2003,  which  outlines  the  responsibilities  of the Audit
Committee.  A current copy of the charter of the Audit Committee is available on
our website located at www.1800flowers.com  under the Investor Relations section
of the website and is also attached to this Proxy as Annex A.

     Each member of the Audit Committee is "financially literate" as required by
NASDAQ rules.  The Audit  Committee  also includes at least one member,  John J.
Conefry,  Jr. who was determined by the Board to meet the  qualifications  of an
"audit  committee  financial  expert" in accordance with Commission rules and to
meet the qualifications of "financial  sophistication" in accordance with NASDAQ
rules.  Stockholders  should understand that these  designations  related to our
Audit Committee  members'  experience and understanding  with respect to certain
accounting  and auditing  matters and do not impose upon any of them any duties,
obligations or liabilities  that are greater than those  generally  imposed on a
member of the Audit Committee or of the Board.

     Compensation Committee

     The  Compensation  Committee  of the  Board of  Directors  establishes  the
Company's  compensation  philosophy and makes a final determination on all forms
of  compensation to be provided to the Company's  Section 16 Executive  Officers
("Executive Officers"),  including base salary and the provisions of the Sharing
Success Program under which annual cash incentive  compensation  may be awarded.
In addition, the Compensation Committee administers the Company's 2003 Long Term
Incentive  and Share Award Plan ("2003 Plan") under which option  grants,  stock
appreciation  rights,  restricted  awards and performance  awards may be made to
Directors,  officers,  employees  of, and  consultants  to, the  Company and its
subsidiaries,  as well as, the Company's Long Term Incentive Plan ("LTIP") under
which equity awards can be earned if the Company achieves its targeted financial
performance  over the three year  period  subsequent  to the  grant.  See "Named
Executive  Officer  Compensation-Compensation  Discussion  and  Analysis-Sharing
Succcess Program and Long-Term  Incentive Equity Awards. "The Board of Directors
has  authorized  a  Secondary  Committee  of  the  Compensation  Committee  (the
"Secondary  Committee"),  which consists of Mr. James F. McCann,  to also review
awards for all of the Company's  employees,  other than its Executive  Officers.
The Compensation  Committee also makes recommendations to the Board of Directors
regarding  Director's  compensation.  The Company's Board of Directors adopted a
written charter for the Compensation  Committee in June 2003, which outlines the
responsibilities of the Compensation Committee. A current copy of the charter of
the   Compensation   Committee   is   available   on  our  website   located  at
www.1800flowers.com under the Investor Relations section of the website.


     Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee

     The Nominating and Corporate  Governance  Committee is responsible  for the
oversight of the  evaluation of the Board of  Directors,  including its size and
composition;  it reviews and  reassesses  the adequacy of  corporate  governance
guidelines  and practices and develops and recommends to the Board the Company's
corporate  governance  guidelines and practices;  and, in consultation  with the
Chief Executive Officer and other Executive  Officers,  identifies and evaluates
individuals  qualified  to become  Board  members and  recommends  to the Board,
Director nominees for election and re-election. The Company's Board of Directors
adopted a written charter for the Nominating and Corporate  Governance Committee
in June 2003, which outlines the  responsibilities  of the Committee.  A current
copy of the charter of the  Nominating  and  Corporate  Governance  Committee is
available  on our  website  located at  www.1800flowers.com  under the  Investor
Relations section of the website.

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

     No interlocking  relationships  exist between the Board of Directors or the
Compensation  Committee and the Board of Directors or the compensation committee
of any other company, nor has any such interlocking  relationship existed in the
past. No member of the Compensation  Committee was an officer or employee of the
Company at any time during Fiscal 2007.

Communication with Board of Directors

     The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee,  on behalf of the Board,
reviews  letters from  stockholders  concerning the Company's  Annual Meeting of
Stockholders and governance process and makes recommendations to the Board based
on such communications. Stockholders can send communications to the Board and to
the non-management  Directors by mail in care of the Corporate  Secretary at One
Old  Country  Road,  Suite 500,  Carle  Place,  NY 11514:  Attention:  Gerard M.
Gallagher,  and should specify the intended  recipient or  recipients.  All such
communications,    other   than   unsolicited   commercial    solicitations   or
communications,  will be forwarded to the appropriate  Director or Directors for
review.  Any such  unsolicited  commercial  solicitation  or  communication  not
forwarded  to the  appropriate  Director or  Directors  will be available to any
non-management Director who wishes to review it.

Attendance at Board Meetings

     During Fiscal 2007,  the Board of Directors held four meetings and acted by
unanimous  written  consent on one occasion.  During Fiscal 2007,  all Directors
attended at least 75% of the meetings of the Board of Directors.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires our Executive
Officers and Directors,  and persons who own more than 10% of a registered class
of our equity securities,  to file reports of ownership and changes in ownership
with the Commission and the Nasdaq Stock Market. Executive Officers,  Directors,
and greater than 10%  stockholders  are required by  Commission  regulations  to
furnish us with copies of all reports they file pursuant to Section 16(a).


     Based solely on a review of the copies of such reports  furnished to us, we
believe that for Fiscal 2007, all Section 16(a) filing  requirements  applicable
to our Executive Officers, Directors and greater than 10% stockholders have been

Compensation of Directors

                                                                Fees Earned
                              Annual     Committee   Committee    or Paid     Stock   Option
                              Cash       Meeting     Chairman     in Cash     Awards  Awards
                              Retainer   Fees        Fees           (1)        (2)     (3)        Total
Director                        ($)        ($)         ($)          ($)        ($)     ($)         ($)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Lawrence Calcano (4)           12,500      13,000         0       25,500          0    26,090      51,590
James Cannavino (4)                 0       2,500         0        2,500          0         0       2,500
John J. Conefry, Jr.           12,500      24,500    10,000       47,000          0    26,090      73,090
Leonard J. Elmore              12,500      17,000     5,000       34,500          0    26,090      60,590
Jan L. Murley (4)                   0       7,500         0        7,500          0         0       7,500
Jeffrey C. Walker (5)          12,500      11,000     5,000       28,500     13,775         0      42,275

(1)  Total  Fees  Earned  or Paid in Cash  combines  the  amounts  in the  three
preceding columns.

(2)  Reflects compensation expense for restricted stock awards (RSAs) recognized
for financial  reporting purposes  (exclusive of any assumption for forfeitures)
under Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 123(R),  (FAS 123R), for
the year ended  July 1, 2007.  Each  Director  named  above who chose to receive
RSA's,  received  a grant  on  December  7,  2006,  the date of the
Company's  Annual Meeting,  of 2,500 RSAs with a grant date fair value under FAS
123R of $13,775,  based on the closing price of our Common Stock on that date of
$5.51.  RSAs granted to members of the Company's Board of Directors  immediately
vested upon grant.

(3)  Reflects  compensation  expense  for stock  option  grants  recognized  for
financial reporting purposes (exclusive of any assumption for forfeitures) under
FAS 123R,  for the year ended July 1, 2007.  Each Director named above who chose
to receive stock options,  received a grant on December 7, 2006, the date of the
Company's  Annual Meeting,  of 10,000 options with a grant date fair value under
FAS 123R of $26,090, based on the closing price of our Common stock on that date
of $5.51.  Options  granted  to  members  of the  Company's  Board of  Directors
immediately vested upon grant. As of the end of fiscal 2007:

          (a) Mr. Calcano has 10,000 option awards outstanding
          (b) Mr. Cannavino has 0 option awards outstanding
          (c) Mr. Conefry has 35,000 option awards outstanding
          (d) Mr. Elmore has 45,000 option awards outstanding
          (e) Ms. Murley has 0 option awards outstanding
          (f) Mr. Walker has 25,000 option awards outstanding and owns 2,500
              fully vested restricted shares of the Company's Class A Common
              Stock, all of which are in the name of JP Morgan Partners (SBIC),
              LLC, Mr. Walker's former employer.

(4) Mr.  Calcano,  Mr.  Cannavino and Ms.  Murley were appointed to the Board of
Directors  on  December  7,  2006,   June  27,  2007,   and  February  8,  2007,

(5) Mr. Walker's compensation  includes cash compensation of $23,500,  which was
paid to JP Morgan Partners (SBIC),  LLC, Mr. Walker's former employer and $5,000
of cash compensation paid to CCMP, Capital Advisors,  LLC, his current employer,
as well as $13,775 of RSA's,  granted to JP Morgan Partners (SBIC),  LLC,  Mr.
Walker's former employer.


     In fiscal 2007,  non-employee  members of the Company's  Board of Directors
received the following compensation:

            * An annual retainer of $12,500 paid to Board Members on the date of
              the Annual Meeting.
            * A  per meeting  fee (Board or  Committee) of $2,500  for  personal
              attendance and  a  per meeting fee (Board or Committee) of  $1,000
              for  telephonic  attendance, excluding  Committee meetings held on
              the same day as a meeting of the full Board .
            * An annual retainer of $5,000 for each Board Committee Chairperson,
              except for the Audit Committee Chairperson  who receives an annual
              retainer of $10,000. these retainers  are paid on the date of  the
              Annual Meeting
            * An  annual  award  of  10,000  options,  or, in lieu  thereof, the
              equivalent number  of RSA's  based  upon  a  4 to 1 ratio  between
              options and  RSA's. Such  options and shares, which are granted on
              the date of the Annual Meeting, vest immediately.

     Compensation  information on James F. McCann and Christopher G. McCann, who
are Directors,  as well as Executive Officers of the Company, is contained under
the  section  titled  "Executive  Compensation  and  Other   Information-Summary
Compensation Table"


     The following individuals were serving as Executive Officers of the Company
on October 9, 2007:

Name                          Age     Position with the Company
- ----                          ---     -------------------------
James F. McCann.............  56      Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Christopher G. McCann.......  46      Director and President
Monica L. Woo...............  51      President of Consumer Floral
Timothy J. Hopkins..........  53      President of Madison Brands
William E. Shea.............  48      Senior Vice President, Treasurer, Chief
                                      Financial Officer
Gerard M. Gallagher.........  54      Senior Vice President of Business Affairs,
                                      General Counsel, Corporate Secretary
Stephen J. Bozzo............  52      Senior Vice President and Chief
                                      Information Officer
David Taiclet...............  44      Chief Executive Officer, Fannie May
                                      Confections Brands, Inc.

Information Concerning Executive Officers Who Are Not Directors

     Monica L. Woo  has  been President of  1-800-Flowers.com's  Consumer Floral
brand since July 2006 after having been the Company's Chief  Marketing  Officer,
since joining the Company in January 2004. Prior to joining the Company, Ms. Woo
had founded a successful  consulting  practice focusing on growth strategies for
such multi-national  clients as Deutsche Bank, Northwest Airlines and Campbell's
Soup.  Prior to that, Ms. Woo was the President of Bacardi Global Brands,  Inc.,
of Bacardi Limited.  Before holding this position,  Ms. Woo had assumed a number
of senior executive  positions in the financial  services and consumer  packaged
goods sectors,  including the Global Marketing  Director/SVP of Citibank On-line
and the Citibank  Private  Bank,  and the SVP,  European  Marketing  Director of
Diageo  PLC.  Ms.  Woo  graduated  with an MBA from the  Wharton  School  of the
University of Pennsylvania and a BA from Mills College in Oakland, California.

     Timothy J. Hopkins has been President of the Madison Brands  division since
January 2007 and prior to that served as  President  of  Specialty  Brands since
joining the Company in March 2005.  Before joining the Company,  Mr. Hopkins was
Chief  Executive  Officer and Director of Sur La Table,  Inc.,  a  multi-channel
upscale specialty retailer of gourmet culinary and serveware products.  Prior to
Sur La Table,  Inc.,  Mr.  Hopkins was President,  Corporate  Merchandising  and
Logistics  Worldwide for BORDERS  Group,  Inc.  Before this position Mr. Hopkins
held other senior level positions in the multi-channel retailing sector.

     William E. Shea has been our Senior  Vice  President,  Treasurer  and Chief
Financial Officer since September 2000. Before holding his current position, Mr.
Shea was our Vice President of Finance and Corporate Controller after joining us
in April 1996.  From 1980 until  joining  us, Mr.  Shea was a  certified  public
accountant with Ernst & Young LLP.


     Gerard M. Gallagher has been our Senior Vice President of Business Affairs,
General Counsel and Corporate Secretary since August 1999 and has been providing
legal services to the Company since its inception.  Mr. Gallagher is the founder
and a  managing  partner  in the  law  firm of  Gallagher,  Walker,  Bianco  and
Plastaras, based in Mineola, New York, specializing in corporate, litigation and
intellectual  property  matters  since 1993.  Mr.  Gallagher is duly admitted to
practice  before the New York State Courts and the United States District Courts
of both the Eastern District and Southern District of New York.

     Stephen J.  Bozzo has been our Senior  Vice  President,  Chief  Information
Officer since May 2007. Prior to joining the Company,  Mr. Bozzo served as Chief
Information Officer for the International  Division of MetLife Insurance Company
since 2001. Mr. Bozzo's business  background includes senior executive positions
at Bear  Stearns  Inc.  as  Managing  Director  Principle,  AIG as  Senior  Vice
President  Telecommunications  and Technical  Services and Chase Manhattan Bank,
where he was Senior Vice President Global Telecommunications.

     David  Taiclet  has  been  our  Chief  Executive   Officer  of  Fannie  May
Confections  Brands,  Inc. since May 2006,  upon our acquisition of the Company.
Mr. Taiclet was a Co-Founder of Fannie May Confections  Brands,  Inc.  (formerly
Alpine   Confections,   Inc),  a   multi-brand   and   multi-channel   retailer,
manufacturer,  and  distributor  of  confectionery  and specialty food products.
Prior  thereto,  Mr.  Taiclet  spent  four  years  in a  variety  of  management
positions,  including  the Strategy and Business  Development  Group of Cargill,
Inc., an international  marketer,  processor and distributor of food,  financial
and  industrial  products.  Mr. Taiclet also served four years of active duty in
the U.S. Army, attaining the rank of Captain.


Compensation Discussion and Analysis
- ------------------------------------

Compensation Philosophy and Objectives
- --------------------------------------

     This section discusses compensation to our Named  Executive Officers, which
consist of our Chief  Executive  Officer,  our Chief  Financial  Officer and the
three  next  most  highly  compensated  Executive  Officers  of the  Company  as
determined under the rules of the Commission (collectively, the "NEO's").

     The Compensation  Committee believes that the compensation programs for its
NEO's,  as well as all of its Executive  Officers,  should reflect the Company's
performance and the value created for the Company's  stockholders.  In addition,
the compensation  programs should support the short-term and long-term strategic
goals and values of the Company and should reward individual contribution to the
Company's success.  The Company is engaged in a very competitive  industry,  and
the Company's  success depends upon its ability to attract and retain  qualified
Executive  Officers through the competitive  compensation  packages it offers to
such individuals.

     The  fundamental  policy of the  Compensation  Committee  is to provide the
Company's   NEO's,  as  well  as  its  Executive   Officers,   with  competitive
compensation  opportunities based upon their contribution to the development and
financial success of the Company. It is the Compensation  Committee's philosophy
that a significant  portion of each NEO's and Executive  Officer's  compensation
should be contingent upon the Company's financial performance.  The Company also
acknowledges the importance of attracting and retaining talented,  motivated and
success-oriented  Executive Officers who share our overall corporate  philosophy
and  will  enable  our  Company  to  achieve  its  short  and  long-term  goals.
Accordingly,  the  compensation  package for each NEO and  Executive  Officer is
comprised of three  elements:  (i) base salary;  (ii) annual cash incentives and
(iii) long-term incentive equity awards.

                  Guiding Principles:

                          o         Growth - To create an atmosphere that
                                    encourages superior growth and performance
                                    of the Company while also offering personal
                                    and professional growth.

                          o         Teamwork - To encourage executives to work
                                    together effectively and efficiently so that
                                    Company goals can be fully realized.

                          o         Innovation - To encourage and reward
                                    creativity and innovation, including the
                                    development of new ideas and business
                                    opportunities for the Company.

                          o         Market Competitiveness - To offer a strong,
                                    comprehensive compensation package that will
                                    enable the Company to attract and retain
                                    qualified executive talent.

Setting Executive Compensation
- ------------------------------

     We compete for senior  executive  talent with many  leading  companies.  In
order to stay competitive in the marketplace,  a critical  component of which is
the recruitment and retention of executive talent, we annually review the market
competitiveness of our Executive Officer  compensation  programs.  In connection
with this review, the Compensation Committee has retained the services of Mercer
(formerly   Mercer  Human  Resource   Consulting   ("Mercer"))   (see  "Role  of
Compensation Consultant" below for further discussion of Mercer's role).

     When assessing the market  competitiveness of our compensation programs, in
addition to information  provided by Mercer, we review  third-party  surveys and
publicly  available  data  relating to a specific  group of  companies.  For our
executive  compensation  comparisons,  we  consider  peer  companies.  The  peer
companies  include a broad range of companies in the internet  retail,  internet
content  and  catalog/specialty  retail  sector.  Members of the peer  companies
include:  Overstock.com,  Inc., Netflix,  Inc., FTD Group, Inc.,  Drugstore.com,
Inc.,   1-800-Contacts,   Inc.,  United  Online,   Inc.,  CNET  Networks,   Inc.
William-Sonoma,  Inc., Tiffany & Co., American Greetings,  Inc., Cabela's, Inc.,
Sharper Image Corp., and The Yankee Candle, Inc. The Compensation Committee also
reviews  the  Company's  recent  historical   compensation   practices  for  its
executives,  and considers  recommendations from the Chief Executive Officer and
President  regarding the  compensation of their direct reports,  who include the
other NEO's.

Elements of Compensation
- ------------------------

     The Compensation  Committee believes that we can maximize the effectiveness
of our compensation program by ensuring that all program elements are working in

concert to  motivate  and reward  performance.  The  elements  of our  executive
compensation  program are detailed  below,  together with the principal  factors
which the Compensation  Committee  considers in reviewing the components of each
Executive  Officer's  compensation  package.  In general,  for each compensation
element, these factors include: the key role each Executive Officer performs for
the Company;  the benefit to the Company in assuring the retention of his or her
services;  the  performance  of the  Company  during the past fiscal  year;  the
competitive market conditions for executive compensation;  the executive's prior
year  compensation;  and the objective  evaluation  of the  Executive  Officer's
performance.  The Compensation  Committee may also,  however,  in its discretion
apply other factors with respect to executive compensation.  We believe that our
executive   compensation  program  effectively   strengthens  the  mutuality  of
interests between the Executive Officers and the Company's  stockholders,  which
results in greater Company performance.

     Base Salary.  The  Compensation  Committee views base salary as the assured
element of compensation that permits income predictability.  Subject to existing
employment agreements and employment offer letters, our objective is to set base
salary levels at the competitive norm. However, individual salaries may be above
or below  the  competitive  norm to  reflect  the  strategic  role,  experience,
proficiency and performance of the executive.  Incumbents who have been in their
positions for a longer period of time, and whose performance is superior, may be
paid above the competitive norm. The primary exception to this general rule will
be in the case of seasoned  executives  with strategic value who are newly hired
into the  Company.  In these  situations,  it may be  necessary to pay above the
competitive norm in order to attract the best candidates to the Company.

     The minimum base salaries for Messrs. J. McCann, C. McCann, Hopkins and Ms.
Woo are primarily prescribed in their employment  agreements or employment offer
letters,  as the  case  may be (see  below  for  description  of the  employment
agreements and employment offer letters in the "Narrative  Disclosure to Summary
Compensation  Table-Grants  of  Plan-Based   Awards-Employment   Agreements  and
Employment Offer Letters"). Annual base salary increases for the NEO's and other
Executive Officers are determined on the basis of the employment agreements (for
Messrs.  J.  McCann,  and C.  McCann),  as well as the  following  factors:  the
performance  of the  executive  versus job  responsibilities;  the  relationship
between  current salary and the range for the executive's  level,  ranges having
been set based on the  competitive  norm in the  industry;  the average  size of
salary increase based upon the Company's financial performance;  and whether the
responsibilities  or  criticality  of the position of the  incumbents  have been
changed during the preceding year. The weight given to each of these factors may
differ  from  individual  to  individual  as the  Compensation  Committee  deems
appropriate.  Increases  for Fiscal  2007 for  Messrs.  J.  McCann,  C.  McCann,
Hopkins, Shea and Ms. Woo were 0%, 9.4%, 4.7%, 2.0% and 0%, respectively.

     Annual  Cash  Incentive.   Annual  cash  incentive   compensation  plays  a
significant role in the Company's overall compensation package for its Executive
Officers.  The annual cash  incentive  for the NEO's is based upon the Company's
financial  performance and, in the case of Ms. Woo and Mr. Hopkins also included
brand specific financial performance as well as leadership development goals for
Fiscal 2007. This balance supports the  accomplishment  of the Company's overall
financial  objectives  and rewards the  individual  contributions  of our NEO's.
Annual incentive  programs for Executive  Officers support the following Company

     o     Communication of important goals through performance targets that are
           aligned with business strategies.

     o     Motivation for the entire management team to work together toward a
           common set of goals.

     o     Reward executives on the basis of results achieved.

     o     Deliver annual incentive opportunities and payments through a
           structured, performance driven, objective mechanism.

     o     Deliver a competitive level of compensation that is fully competitive
           with industry practice.

     NEO's  are  eligible  to  receive annual  cash incentive  awards  under the
     Company's Sharing Success Program.

     Sharing Success Program.  The Sharing Success Program is intended to cover
management  positions,  including the NEO's.  Each eligible plan  participant is
assigned  a target  award  (expressed  as a  percentage  of base  salary)  which
represents the level of cash  incentive  payment the  participant  can expect to
earn in the event all  performance  measures  are  achieved  at 100%  during the
ensuing fiscal year. For Fiscal 2007, the target award for Messrs. J. McCann, C.
McCann, Hopkins, Shea and Ms. Woo were 75%, 50%, 50%, 40% and 45%, respectively,
of their annual base salary for Fiscal 2007.

     For  each  fiscal  year,  specific   performance  measures  and  goals  are
established  by the  Compensation  Committee  that reflect the key strategic and

business goals  established  by the business plan for that year.  EBITDA as used
for purposes of the Sharing  Success  Program and the Long Term  Incentive  Plan
("LTIP")  is  defined  as  net  income  before  interest,  taxes,  depreciation,
amortization and stock based  compensation  expense ("Plan EBITDA").  For Fiscal
2007,  in the case of Messrs.  J.  McCann,  C.  McCann  and Shea,  the growth of
Company-wide   revenue  (25%),   Company-wide   Plan  EBITDA  growth  (60%)  and
maintaining  non-marketing operating expenses at targeted levels (15%), were the
performance  measures selected for their annual cash incentive  awards.  For Mr.
Hopkins and Ms. Woo, their respective performance measures were the aggregate of
(i) brand-specific revenue and brand-specific Plan EBITDA growth (50%), (ii) the
growth of Company-wide revenue,  Company-wide Plan EBITDA growth and maintaining
non-marketing  operating  expenses  at  targeted  levels  (25%)  and  (iii)  the
achievement of personal leadership development goals (25%).

     When Company-wide and/or brand-specific performance measures exceed or fall
below  expectations,  actual awards are  proportionately  increased or decreased
from target;  however,  participants may earn no Company-wide or  brand-specific
bonus if such threshold performance measures are not met (defined as achievement
of 70% of  performance  measures,  resulting  in a 50% pay-out of target) and no
participant  may be paid an incentive award under the Sharing Success Program in
excess of maximum  (defined  as  achievement  of 135% of  performance  measures,
resulting in a 200% pay-out of target).  In addition,  all participants  must be
actively employed at the time of payment in order to qualify for the award.

     For  Fiscal  2007,  Company-wide   performance  measures,   which  included
anticipated  contributions  from the  Fannie  May  Confections  Brands  business
acquired in May 2006, were as follows: Company-wide revenue growth in a range of
16.5% to 31.9%,  Company-wide  Plan EBITDA  growth in a range of 89% to 171% and
attaining a non-marketing expense ratio to total revenue of 22.1%. Pertaining to
Ms. Woo,  brand-specific  performance  measures for Fiscal 2007 were as follows:
1-800-Flowers.com's  Consumer Floral brand revenue and its Plan EBITDA growth in
a  range  of 6.5% to  12.5%  and 19% to  36.5%  respectively,  and  attaining  a
non-marketing  expense  ratio  to  1-800-Flowers.com's   Consumer  Floral  brand
revenues of 13.2%. For Mr. Hopkins,  Madison Brands (Home and Children's  Group)
revenue  and its  Plan  EBITDA  growth  in a range of 12% to 23% and 95% to 189%
respectively,  and attaining a  non-marketing  expense  ratio to Madison  Brands
revenue  of  14.3%.  The  threshold  performance  measures  are  intended  to be
reasonable and  attainable  while  performance  measures above the threshold are
intended as stretch goals.

     The Compensation Committee has the authority to review extraordinary events
that impact the Company's performance and may adjust the calculation of an award
by  taking  into  account  the  effect  of any such  extraordinary  events.  The
Compensation  Committee  also  retains  the  discretionary  authority  to  award
"special bonus  compensation" to Executive  Officers who have, in the opinion of
the Compensation Committee,  significantly contributed to the performance of the
Company. However, the Compensation Committee did not exercise such discretion in
determining Fiscal 2007 annual cash incentive awards for the NEO's.

     In Fiscal 2007, the Compensation  Committee  awarded Messrs.  J. McCann, C.
McCann and Shea 75% of their target awards discussed above, based upon the level
of  achievement  of the  Company-wide  performance  measures in Fiscal 2007. For
Fiscal 2007,  Mr.  Hopkins'  brand-specific  performance  measures did not reach
threshold,  however since he achieved his personal leadership  development goals
and  earned 75% of the  Company  wide  performance  measures,  the  Compensation
Committee  awarded Mr.  Hopkins 44% of his target  award.  Ms. Woo  exceeded her
brand-specific   performance   measures,   achieved  her   personal   leadership
development goals and earned 75% of the Company-wide  performance measures,  and
therefore the Compensation  Committee  awarded Ms. Woo 100% of her target award.
See the column  under  "Summary  Compensation  Table-Non-Equity  Incentive  Plan

     For Fiscal  2008,  the target  award for  Messrs.  J.  McCann,  C.  McCann,
Hopkins,  Shea and Ms. Woo are 75%,  50%,  50%, 45% and 50%,  respectively.  The
target awards for Mr. Shea and Ms. Woo were increased from Fiscal 2007 to Fiscal
2008 in recognition of their performance in Fiscal 2007.

     For Fiscal 2008, the Compensation Committee determined to use the growth of
Company-wide  revenue  (25%) and  Company-wide  Plan EBITDA  growth (75%) as the
performance  measures for Messrs. J. McCann, C. McCann and Shea and to use those
Company-wide   performance   measures   (25%),   along   with   growth   of  the
1-800-Flowers.com's  Consumer  Floral brand  revenue and its Plan EBITDA  growth
(75%) as the performance  measures for Ms. Woo. In addition for Fiscal 2008, the
Compensation  Committee  determined to use those  Company-wide  measures  (25%),
along with growth of the Madison Brands (Home and Children's  Group) revenue and
its Plan EBITDA growth  performance  (75%) as the  performance  measures for Mr.
Hopkins. The Compensation Committee adjusted the performance measures for Fiscal
2008, to place a greater emphasis on the profitability of the Company.

     For Fiscal 2008, Company-wide  performance measures are as follows: revenue
growth  in a range of 6.1% to 11.7% and  Company-wide  Plan  EBITDA  growth in a
range of 21.4% to 41.3%. Brand-specific performance measures for Fiscal 2008 are
as follows:  1-800-Flowers.com's Consumer Floral brand revenue growth in a range
of 6.3% to 12.1% and its Plan EBITDA growth in a range of 8.0 to 15.5%;  Madison
Brands (Home and Children's Group) revenue growth in a range of 1.6% to 3.0% and
its Plan  EBITDA  growth  in a range  of  525.1%  to  1,012.6%  . The  threshold
performance  measures  are  intended  to  be  reasonable  and  attainable  while
performance measures above the threshold are intended as stretch goals.

     Long-Term  Incentive  Equity  Awards.  In order to  structure  a long  term
incentive  program  for  the  Company's  Executive  Officers  that  would  tie a
significant  portion of their  compensation to the profitability of the Company,
the  Compensation  Committee  consulted  with Mercer to  evaluate  its long term
incentive programs.  The Company's past practice had been to grant stock options
or restricted stock, which vest over time, as long-term  incentive equity awards
to its Executive  Officers.  After a review of peer companies and an analysis of
various long term incentive plans, the Compensation  Committee,  in consultation
with Mercer,  made a determination  to award long-term  incentive  equity awards
through grants of performance  shares. In order to drive improved  profitability
of the Company,  the  Compensation  Committee  determined to align a significant
portion of an Executive Officer's  compensation with the stockholders' interests
and  determined  that  performance  shares are more incentive  based.  All award
grants are designed to align the interests of each Executive  Officer with those
of the stockholders and provide each individual with a significant  incentive to
manage the Company from the  perspective of an owner with an equity stake in the

     The grant of an award is set at a level  intended  to  create a  meaningful
incentive  based in part on the Executive  Officer's and NEO's current  position
with the Company,  the base salary  associated  with that position,  the size of
comparable  awards made to individuals in similar positions within the industry,
and the individual's  personal  performance in recent periods.  The Compensation
Committee  also takes into  account the number of awards  held by the  Executive
Officer  in  order to  maintain  an  appropriate  level  of  incentive  for that
individual. The Compensation Committee has the authority to review extraordinary
events that impact on the Company's  performance  and may adjust the calculation
of an award by taking into account the effect of any such extraordinary events.

     The NEO's were granted a target number of performance shares in Fiscal 2007
under our LTIP.  The number of shares  granted  in Fiscal  2007 for  Messrs.  J.
McCann,  C. McCann,  Hopkins,  Shea and Ms. Woo were 177,677,  179,724,  50,228,
31,413, and 51,253,  respectively.  These share awards are earned if the Company
achieves  its  targeted  financial   performance  over  the  three  year  period
subsequent to the grant.  The number of shares  actually earned will be based on
actual  cumulative  performance  results over the three year period  against the
below mentioned pre-established  financial measures.  However, for the inaugural
cycle of the LTIP (Fiscal 2007 through  Fiscal  2009),  upon  completion  of the
second  year,  participants  in the LTIP will  receive  one-third  of the shares
projected to be earned by the end of the three-year  performance cycle, with the
balance  issued  at the end of the  performance  cycle.  For  Fiscal  2007,  the
Compensation  Committee  selected  Company-wide Plan EBITDA as the basis for its
performance  measure.  For Fiscal  2007  grants to the NEO's,  the  Compensation
Committee  established  a range of a three  year  cumulative  Company-wide  Plan
EBITDA of $176 million to $248  million.  The LTIP provides for a range of award
payouts  (from 50%  (threshold)  to 150%  (maximum)of  target  shares)  that are
directly  related  to  the  percentage  of  the  financial  performance  measure
achieved.  For Fiscal 2007,  the Company  achieved  100% of its  pre-established
financial measure. For Fiscal 2008, the Compensation Committee has also selected
Company-wide  Plan EBITDA as the basis for its performance  measure (Fiscal 2008
through  Fiscal  2010).  For Fiscal 2008 grants to the NEO's,  the  Compensation
Committee  established  a range of a three  year  cumulative  Company-wide  Plan
EBITDA of $205 million to $289 million.  The threshold  performance measures are
intended to be reasonable and attainable  while  performance  measures above the
threshold are intended as stretch goals.

Executive Benefits
- ------------------

     The  Company's  NEO's  are  eligible  for the same  level and  offering  of
benefits made available to other employees,  including our 401(k) Profit Sharing
Plan (which includes a discretionary annual Company  contribution),  health care
plan and other  welfare  benefit  programs.  We do not  currently  maintain  any
qualified or nonqualified defined benefit pension plans or nonqualified deferred
compensation plans for our NEO's.

- -----------

     We do not  routinely  provide  any  significant  perquisites  to our NEO's.
Except  for  Chris  McCann's  perquisite  which  is  disclosed  in  the  Summary
Compensation  Table,  the value of  perquisites to each other NEO in Fiscal 2007
did not exceed $10,000.

Severance/Change of Control
- ---------------------------

     We do not maintain any severance or change of control plans or  agreements.
However,  pursuant  to the  terms of  employment  agreements,  employment  offer
letters and incentive plans, certain NEO's are eligible to receive severance and
other  benefits in the case of certain  termination  events and in the case of a
change in control.  See  "Potential  Payments upon  Termination  and Change in
Control" below.


Management's Role in Setting Executive Compensation
- ---------------------------------------------------

     Although the Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors  establishes
the Company's compensation  philosophy and makes the final determinations on all
compensation  paid to our Executive  Officers,  the Chief Executive  Officer and
President  work  closely with the Vice  President of Human  Resources to develop
compensation   programs  and  policies  and  make   recommendations   (often  in
consultation  with  Mercer)  regarding  annual   adjustments  to  the  Executive
Officers'  salaries  and  incentive  award  opportunities  (other than their own


Role of Compensation Consultant
- -------------------------------

     The  Compensation  Committee has retained the services of Mercer to provide
specialized information and targeted research to assist us in the development of
compensation and retention strategies. Mercer provides general assistance to the
Compensation  Committee and does not perform any other services for the Company.
In Fiscal 2007, Mercer was retained by the Compensation  Committee to review its
annual and long-term incentive programs and to also assess the total competitive
compensation levels for Messrs. J. McCann and C. McCann in relation  to the then
current  market  conditions.  As  part  of  its  services,  Mercer  advised  the
Compensation Committee on the development of its LTIP in Fiscal 2007.

Compensation Deductibility Policy
- ---------------------------------

     A federal  income tax  deduction  will  generally be  available  for annual
compensation in excess of $1 million paid to the Chief Executive Officer and the
four other most highly  compensated  executive  officers of a public corporation
only if such compensation is "performance-based" and complies with certain other
tax law  requirements.  Although our policy is to maximize the  deductibility of
all executive compensation, the Compensation Committee retains the discretion to
award  compensation that is not deductible under Section 162(m) of the Code when
it is in the best interests of the Company to do so.

Compensation Committee Report

     The  Compensation  Committee has reviewed and discussed with management the
Compensation  Discussion and Analysis provisions to be included in the Company's
filings  pursuant to the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934.  Based on the reviews
and discussions referred to above, the Compensation Committee recommended to the
Board of Directors that the  Compensation  Discussion  and Analysis  referred to
above be included in such filings.

                                                     Compensation Committee

                                                     Jeffrey Walker, Chairman

                                                     John J. Conefry, Jr.

                                                     Jan L. Murley

                                                     James Cannavino

Notwithstanding any Commission filing by the Company that includes or
incorporates by reference other Commission filings in their entirety, this
Compensation Committee Report shall not be deemed to be "filed" with the
Commission except as specifically provided otherwise therein.


Summary Compensation Table

     Set forth below is summary compensation information for each person who was
(1) at any  time  during  fiscal  2007  our  Chief  Executive  Officer  or Chief
Financial  Officer  and  (2) at July  1,  2007,  one of our  three  most  highly
compensated  Executive Officers,  other than the Chief Executive Officer and the
Chief Financial Officer.

Summary Compensation Table

The following table sets forth summary  information  concerning the compensation
awarded  to,  paid to or earned by each of the NEO's for the  fiscal  year ended
July 1, 2007.


                                                   Stock        Option       Incentive Plan       All Other
Name and Principal                   Salary      Awards (2)    Awards (3)    Compensation (4)  Compensation (5)      Total
Position (1)              Year        ($)           ($)            ($)           ($)                ($)               ($)
- --------------------   -----------  ---------   ------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------------  ----------------

James F. McCann          2007        975,000       366,552      282,136           548,438                750          2,172,876
Chairman of the
Board and Chief
Executive Officer

William E. Shea          2007        289,990        87,549       79,202            87,095                750            544,586
Senior Vice
and Chief
Financial Officer

Christopher G.
McCann                   2007        615,570       345,195      505,035           232,056             11,993          1,709,849
Director and

Monica L. Woo            2007        375,000       112,232       50,804           168,750                750            707,536
President of
Consumer Floral

Timothy J. Hopkins       2007        366,490       115,617      163,601            80,391                  -            726,099
President of
Madison Brands

- ----------------------------

(1)       The titles  included  in this  column  are as of July 1, 2007.  During
          Fiscal 2007,  Mr.  Hopkins was  President of Specialty  Brands,  until
          January 2007 when he became President of Madison Brands.

(2)       Stock Awards include  compensation expense for restricted stock awards
          recognized  for  financial   reporting  purposes   (exclusive  of  any
          assumption for  forfeitures)  under SFAS 123R, for the year ended July
          1, 2007.  These award fair values  have been  determined  based on the
          assumptions set forth in Note 11, "Stock Based  Compensation",  in the
          Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements in the Company's Annual
          Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended July 1, 2007. Additional
          information  about the awards reflected in this column is set forth in
          the footnotes to "Grants of Plan-Based  Awards and  Outstanding Equity
          Awards at Fiscal Year- End" tables below.

(3)       Option  Awards  include  compensation  expense for  outstanding  stock
          option awards recognized for financial  reporting purposes  (exclusive
          of any assumption for forfeitures) under SFAS 123R, for the year ended
          July 1, 2007.  These award fair values have been  determined  based on
          the assumptions set forth in Note 11, "Stock Based  Compensation",  in
          the Notes to the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements in the Company's
          Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year  ended July 1, 2007.
          Additional  information  about the awards  reflected in this column is
          set  forth  in  the footnotes  to "Grants  of  Plan-Based  Awards  and
          Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End" tables below.


(4)       Non-Equity   Incentive  Plan  Compensation   represents  cash  bonuses
          described  under  "Compensation  Discussion and  Analysis-Elements  of
          Compensation-Annual  Cash  Incentive".  These annual cash bonuses were
          paid during the first quarter of fiscal 2008 for  performance  related
          to, and recorded as compensation expense during, Fiscal 2007.

(5)       Other  annual  compensation  in the  form  of  perquisites  and  other
          personal benefits consist of the Company's contribution to a Qualified
          401(K) Plan ($750), except  with  respect  to Mr. Christopher  McCann,
          whose  compensation also consists of  the  personal use  of  a Company
          car  ($11,243),  which  is  calculated  by  allocating  the  costs  of
          operating  the  car  between  personal  and business use. The  cost of
          operating the car is  allocated to personal use on  the basis of miles
          driven for personal use to total miles driven.


Grants of Plan-Based Awards

The  following  table sets forth  summary  information  regarding  all grants of
plan-based  awards made to our NEO's for the fiscal year ended July 1, 2007. The
compensation  plans under which the grants in the following  table were made are
described in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section above.


                        Estimated Future Payouts     Estimated Future Payouts      Grant Date
                       Under Non-Equity Incentive    Under Equity Incentive        Fair Value
                            Plan Awards (1)              Plan Awards (2)            Of Stock
                       ----------------------------- -------------------------     and Option
             Grant     Threshold   Target  Maximum   Threshold  Target Maximum     Awards (3)
Name         Date         ($)       ($)     ($)        (#)       (#)    (#)           ($)
- ----------   --------- ---------- -------- --------- --------- ------- -------------------------------------------------------------

James F.                365,625   731,250  1,462,500
McCann       9/22/2006                                 88,838  177,677  266,515     915,037
of the
Board and

William E.               58,064   116,127    232,254
Shea         9/22/2006                                 15,706   31,413   47,119      161,777
Senior Vice
and Chief

Christopher             154,704   309,408    618,816
G. McCann    9/22/2006                                 89,862  179,724  269,587      925,579

Monica L.                63,281   168,750    295,313
Woo          9/22/2006                                 25,626   51,253   76,879      263,953
of Consumer

Timothy J.               68,906   183,750    321,563
Hopkins      9/22/2006                                 25,114   50,228   75,342      258,674
of Madison

- ----------------------
(1)       Amounts shown represent the threshold, target and maximum payout under
          non-equity  incentive programs for Fiscal 2007. For Messrs. J. McCann,
          C. McCann and Shea,  the growth of  Company-wide  revenue and Company-
          wide  Plan EBITDA,  and  maintaining non-marketing  operating expenses
          at targeted levels were the  performance  measures  selected for their
          annual  cash incentive  awards. For  Ms. Woo and  Mr.  Hopkins,  their
          respective  performance  measures  were the  aggregate  of: (i) brand-
          specific    revenue  growth, brand-specific  Plan  EBITDA growth,  and
          maintaining   brand-specific   non-marketing   operating  expenses  at
          targeted  levels, (ii) the growth of Company-wide revenue and Company-
          wide  Plan  EBITDA  growth  and  maintaining  non-marketing  operating
          expenses  at targeted  levels, and  (iii) the  achievement of personal
          leadership  development  goals. The threshold  for  Company-wide  non-
          equity incentive plan  performance measures, is at  achievement of 70%
          of  Company-wide  and,  where applicable,  brand-specific measures, at


          which level there is a payout of 50% of the  individual's  target. (If
          performance  falls below the threshold level of achievement of 70% of
          the  Company-wide  and, where applicable, brand-specific  measures, no
          participant  may  earn any Company-wide or brand-specific  bonus. Upon
          achievement of 100% of the Company-wide and,  where applicable, brand-
          specific non-equity incentive plan  performance  measures, there  is a
          payout of 100% of  the  individual's  Company-wide  or brand  specific
          target.   Upon   achievement  of   135% of  Company-wide   and,  where
          applicable,   brand-specific  non-equity  incentive  plan  performance
          measures,  there  is  a  maximum  payout  of  200% of the individual's
          Company-wide   or  brand  specific  target.  The  threshold  level  of
          performance under  Ms.  Woo's and Mr. Hopkins'  leadership development
          goals  is  0%,  while the target and maximum which can be earned under
          the  leadership development  component  is 100% of target. These  non-
          equity  incentive   awards  represent cash bonuses under the Company's
          "Sharing  Success Program"  which  is  described  under  "Compensation
          Discussion   and   Analysis-Elements   of   Compensation-Annual   Cash
          Incentive." These  cash bonuses  were  paid during  the  first quarter
          of  fiscal year  2008. The  actual amounts awarded are reported in the
          "Non-Equity  Incentive  Plan  Compensation"  column  of   the  Summary
          Compensation Table.

(2)       Amounts  shown  under  the  target  column  represent  the  number  of
          performance  shares that have  been  granted  in Fiscal 2007 under the
          Company's  LTIP (see Compensation  Discussion and Analysis - Long-Term
          Incentive  Equity  Awards).  The  awards  are  earned if  the  Company
          achieves its targeted financial performance over the three-year period
          (Fiscal 2007 - Fiscal 2009)   subsequent to  the  grant  date.  Actual
          shares  earned  can  range  from  0-150% of  the  target  amount.  The
          "threshold" number is 50% of the shares granted,  the "target" number
          is 100% of the shares granted and the "maximum"  number is 150% of the
          shares  granted.  The  "threshold"  number of  shares  represents  the
          minimum  number of units other than zero,  that would be earned if any
          threshold  level of  performance is achieved.  If the threshold  level
          of performance is not achieved, no performance shares would be earned.
          As the performance period has not ended, no shares have been earned to
          date. See "Compensation  Discussion and  Analysis-Long-Term  Incentive
          Equity Awards".

(3)       Amounts  shown  represent  the fair value of the awards in  accordance
          with SFAS 123R,  and is based on an  estimate  that 100% of the target
          number of shares will be earned.  The number of estimated shares to be
          earned was then multiplied by $5.15 which was the closing price of the
          Common Stock on the grant date.


Narrative Disclosure to Summary Compensation Table and Grants of Plan-Based
Awards Table

Employment Agreements and Employment Offer Letters

     Mr. James F. McCann's  employment  agreement became effective as of July 1,
1999. The agreement  provides for a five year term,  with such term extended for
one additional year on each  anniversary of the effective date of the agreement,
unless  either the  Company or Mr. J.  McCann  provides at least 180 days notice
that such term will not be further  extended.  Under the terms of the employment
agreement,  Mr. J. McCann is entitled to a minimum  annual salary of $1,000,000,
with annual 10% increases during the term. However,  the Compensation  Committee
had recommended that Mr. J. McCann receive,  and Mr. J. McCann accepted,  a base
salary of $975,000 for Fiscal 2007 in order to enable the Company to comply with
Section 162(m) of the IRS Code of 1986 ("Section 162(m)") as amended,  which was
enacted  into law in 1993.  Mr. J.  McCann is  eligible  to  participate  in the
Company's stock incentive  plans, as well as other bonus,  incentive or benefits
plans, and is provided medical, health and dental insurance coverage for himself
and his dependents.

     Mr.  Christopher G. McCann's  employment  agreement  became effective as of
July 1,  1999.  The  agreement  provides  for a five year  term,  with such term
extended for one  additional  year on each  anniversary of the effective date of
the agreement,  unless either the Company or Mr. C. McCann provides at least 180
days notice that such term will not be further extended.  Under the terms of the
employment  agreement,  Mr. C. McCann is entitled to a minimum  annual salary of
$250,000,  with annual 10% increases  during the term.  Mr. C.  McCann's  annual
salary for Fiscal 2007 was $615,570. Mr. C. McCann is eligible to participate in
the  Company's  stock  incentive  plans,  as well as other  bonus,  incentive or
benefits plans, and is provided  medical,  health and dental insurance  coverage
for himself and his dependents.

     Under their employment agreements, Messrs. J. McCann and C. McCann are each
restricted from  participating in a competitive  floral products  business for a
period of one year after a voluntary  resignation or termination for good cause.
Each of these  executives  is also bound by  confidentiality  provisions,  which
prohibit  the  executive  from,  among  other  things,  disseminating  or  using
confidential  information  about the Company in any way that would be adverse to
the Company.

     The terms of Monica L. Woo's "at will"  employment are detailed in an offer
letter dated November 25, 2003. Under the terms of the offer letter,  Ms. Woo is
entitled to an annual  salary of $350,000,  such salary to be reviewed  annually
for merit increases. For Fiscal 2007, Ms. Woo's annual base salary was $375,000.
Ms. Woo is eligible to  participate in the Company's  stock  incentive and bonus
plans, as well as the Company's benefit plans including  medical,  dental,  life
insurance,  disability and 401(k).  Ms. Woo also is a party to a Confidentiality
and  Non-Compete  Agreement,  which  provides  for a one  year  post-termination
non-compete period.

     The terms of Timothy J.  Hopkin's "at will"  employment  are detailed in an
offer letter dated  February 9, 2005.  Under the terms of the offer letter,  Mr,
Hopkins is entitled to an annual salary of $350,000,  such salary to be reviewed
annually for merit  increases.  For Fiscal 2007, Mr. Hopkin's annual base salary
was $362,115.  Mr.  Hopkins is eligible to  participate  in the Company's  stock
incentive  and bonus plans,  as well as the Company's  benefit  plans  including
medical,  dental,  life insurance,  disability and 401(k). Mr. Hopkins also is a
party to a  Confidentiality  and  Non-Compete  Agreement,  which  provides for a
post-termination  non-compete  for the  longer  of (i) one  year  following  Mr.
Hopkin's cessation of employment with the Company or (ii) the period of one year
following the last payment of any severance compensation pay-out to Mr. Hopkins.

Long Term Incentive Plan

     For a description of our LTIP, please see the "Compensation, Discussion and
Analysis-Long Term Incentive Equity Awards" section above.


Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End

The following table sets forth summary information regarding the outstanding
equity awards at July 1, 2007 granted to each of the Company's Named Executive

                                       Option Awards                                         Stock Awards
                   -------------------------------------------------   -------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                                    Equity Incentive
                                                                                                   Equity Incentive Plan Awards:
                                                                                                   Plan Awards      Market or
                                                                                                   Number of        Payout
                    Number of   Number of                                Number of   Market Value  Unearned         Value of
                    Securities  Securities                               Shares or   of Shares or  Shares, Units,   Unearned
                    Underlying  Underlying                               Units of    Units of      or Other Rights  Shares, Units
         Option or  Unexercised Unexercised    Option                    Stock That  Stock That    Rights That      or Other Rights
           Award     Options     Options       Exercise   Option         Have Not    Have Not      Have Not         That Have
           Grant    Exercisable Unexercisable   Price    Expiration      Vested      Vested (1)    Vested           Not Vested (1)
Name       Date       (#)          (#)        ($/Option)    Date           (#)          ($)          (#)               ($)
- ------------------- ----------- ------------- ---------- -----------    ------------ ------------ ----------------  ----------------
                                  Stock Options                               Restricted Stock         Performance Awards

James F. 12/17/1999    39,810             0      12.44   12/17/2009 (2)
McCann     8/2/2001    82,730             0      11.58     8/2/2011 (2)
Chairman  1/11/2002   200,000             0      12.87    1/11/2012 (2)
of the    9/23/2002   200,000             0       6.42    9/23/2012 (3)
Board     3/24/2003    23,881         5,971       6.70    3/24/2013 (2)
and Chief 3/24/2003   145,073        25,075       6.70    3/24/2013 (2)
Executive 12/2/2004    20,000        30,000       8.45    12/2/2014 (2)
Officer   12/2/2004                                                       16,500 (3)   155,595
         10/13/2005         0        50,000       6.52   10/13/2015 (2)
         10/13/2005                                                       16,500 (3)   155,595
          9/22/2006                                                                                   177,677 (7)        1,675,494

William    8/2/1999      25,000           0      21.00     8/2/2009 (6)
E. Shea  12/17/1999      19,000           0      12.44   12/17/2009 (2)
Senior    4/20/2000      92,000           0       4.50    4/20/2010 (2)
VP,       12/6/2000      50,800           0       3.65    12/6/2010 (2)
Treasurer, 8/2/2001      12,100           0      11.58     8/2/2011 (2)
and Chief 1/11/2002      21,800           0      12.87    1/11/2012 (2)
Financial 9/23/2002       9,840       2,460       6.42    9/23/2012 (2)
Officer   9/23/2002     100,000           0       6.42    9/23/2012 (3)
          3/24/2003      12,000       3,000       6.70    3/24/2013 (2)
          12/2/2004      10,000      15,000       8.45    12/2/2014 (2)
          12/2/2004                                                        8,250 (3)    77,798
         10/13/2005           0      25,000       6.52   10/13/2015 (2)
         10/13/2005                                                        8,250 (3)    77,798
          9/22/2006                                                                                    31,413 (7)          296,225

Christ-    7/1/1998     243,575           0       2.00     7/1/2008 (6)
opher G.   7/7/1999     190,462           0      21.00     7/7/2009 (6)
McCann   12/17/1999      20,400           0      12.44   12/17/2009 (2)
Director  4/20/2000     195,155           0       4.95    4/20/2010 (2)
and       12/6/2000     433,700           0       3.65    12/6/2010 (2)
President  8/2/2001      41,365           0      11.58     8/2/2011 (2)
          1/11/2002     250,000           0      12.87    1/11/2012 (2)
          9/23/2002      30,640       7,660       6.42    9/23/2012 (2)
          9/23/2002     250,000           0       6.42    9/23/2012 (3)
          3/24/2003     208,954      41,046       6.70    3/24/2013 (2)
          12/2/2004      15,000      22,500       8.45    12/2/2014 (2)
          12/2/2004                                                       12,375 (3)   116,696
         10/13/2005           0     300,000       6.52   10/13/2015 (2)
          9/22/2006                                                                                   179,724 (7)        1,694,797

Monica    1/15/2004      35,000           0      10.30    1/15/2014 (2)
L. Woo    1/15/2004      50,000           0      10.30    1/15/2014 (4)
President 12/2/2004       5,000       7,500       8.45    12/2/2014 (2)
of        12/2/2004                                                        4,125 (3)    38,899
Consumer 10/13/2005                  50,000       6.52   10/13/2015 (2)
Floral   10/13/2005                                                        5,000 (3)
          9/22/2006                                                          860 (5)     8,110
          9/22/2006                                                                                    51,253 (7)          483,316

Timothy J.3/14/2005      80,000     120,000       7.81    3/14/2015 (2)
Hopkins   3/14/2005                                                       12,500 (2)   117,875
President 9/22/2006                                                        1,274 (5)    12,014
of        9/22/2006                                                                                    50,228 (7)          473,650
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     (1)  Market  value  is  based on the  closing  price of  1-800-Flowers.com,
          Inc.'s Class A Common Stock of $9.43 on June 29, 2007.


     (2)  Options  become  exercisable  at a rate of 40% after the completion of
          two years of service  following  grant date, and 20% at the completion
          of each year of service thereafter.

     (3)  Shares  will  vest  after  the  completion  of four  years of  service
          following grant date.

     (4)  Options  become  exercisable  after the  completion  of five  years of
          service following grant date.

     (5)  Shares will vest after the completion of one year of service following
          grant date.

     (6)  Options become  exercisable at a rate of 25% at the completion of each
          year of service.

     (7)  Amounts shown  represent the target number of performance  shares that
          have been granted  in Fiscal 2007  under the  LTIP.   The share awards
          are earned if the Company achieves its targeted financial  performance
          over the three-year period (Fiscal  2007-Fiscal 2009)  subsequent to
          the grant  date.  Actual  shares earned can range from 0-150% of the
          target amount.(See Compensation  Discussion  and  Analysis - Long Term
          Incentive Equity Awards).


Option Exercises and Stock Vested

The following  table sets forth all stock option  exercises and vesting of stock
awards for each of the NEO's during Fiscal 2007, which ended on July 1, 2007.

                                                  Option Awards                          Stock Awards
                                      ------------------------------------   ----------------------------------------
                                      Number of Shares     Value Realized        Number of        Value Realized
                                        Acquired on             on             Shares Acquired          on
                                         Exercise           Exercise (1)         on Vesting          Vesting (2)
Name                                       (#)                 ($)                  (#)                  ($)
- -----------------------               -----------------  -----------------   -----------------  ---------------------

James F. McCann                                   -                  -                    -                   -
Chairman of the Board
and Chief Executive

William E. Shea                              20,000            131,000                2,104              10,772
Senior Vice President,
Treasurer and Chief
Financial Officer

Christopher G. McCann                             -                  -                7,828              40,079
Director and President

Monica L. Woo                                     -                  -                2,964              15,176
President of Consumer

Timothy J. Hopkins                                -                  -                    -                   -
President of Madison

- ----- ------ ------

(1)       The value  realized  on  exercise  equals the  difference  between the
          option  exercise  price  and  the market  value of  1-800-Flowers.com,
          Inc.'s Class A Common Stock on the date of exercise, multiplied by the
          number of shares for which the option was exercised.

(2)       The  value   realized   on  vesting   equals   the  market   value  of
          1-800-Flowers.com, Inc.'s Class A Common  Stock on the  vesting  date,
          multiplied by the number of shares that vested.


Pension Benefits

The Company does not maintain any defined benefit plans.

Nonqualified Deferred Compensation

The Company does not maintain any nonqualified deferred compensation plans.

Potential Payments Upon Termination and Change in Control
- ---------------------------------------------------------

Upon certain types of  terminations  of  employment,  not related to a change in
control of the Company,  severance  benefits may be paid to the Named  Executive
Officers.  With regard to Messrs.  J. McCann, C. McCann and Hopkins and Ms. Woo,
severance in certain  situations is provided in their  employment  agreements or
employment  offer  letters.  See discussion  below for further  specifics on the
terms of the NEO's termination agreements.

The  following  table  sets  forth the  potential  payments  to our NEO's  under
existing  agreements,  plans or arrangements,  for various scenarios involving a
change  in  control  or  termination  of  employment,  assuming  a July 1,  2007
termination  date and using the closing  price of the  Company's  Class A Common
Stock on June 29, 2007 ($9.43).  The amounts shown do not include the Non-Equity
Incentive  Plan Awards which were earned as of July 1, 2007.  The  exact  amount
of payments and benefits  that would be provided can only be  determined  at the
actual time of the NEO's separation from the Company.

                                                       James F. McCann
                                                                                       Triggering Event
                                                                                          Without Cause/
                                                                                             for Good              Death/
                                                                                            Reason (per           Voluntary
                                                                        Change of            Employment          Resignation/
Estimated Potential Payment or Benefit                                   Control             Agreement)         or Good Cause
- ------------------------------------------------                     -----------------  ------------------  ------------------------
Lump sum cash severance payment (1)                                      7,375,000             7,375,000                    0
Intrinsic value of accelerated unvested stock options (2)                  259,656                     0                    0
Accelerated vesting of restricted shares (3)                               311,190                     0                    0
Accelerated vesting of performance shares under long-term
        incentive equity award plan (4)                                  1,675,494                     0                     0
Continuing health and welfare benefits for five years (5)                   59,940                59,940                     0
                                                                     -----------------  ------------------  ------------------------
        Total                                                            9,681,280             7,434,940                     0

                                                       William E. Shea
                                                                                       Triggering Event
                                                                        Change of          Termination            Resignation/
Estimated Potential Payment or Benefit                                   Control          Without Cause         or Good Cause
- ------------------------------------------------                     -----------------  ------------------  ------------------------
Lump sum cash severance payment (6)                                        122,827               122,827                    0
Intrinsic value of accelerated unvested stock options (2)                  103,045                     0                    0
Accelerated vesting of restricted shares (3)                               155,595                     0                    0
Accelerated vesting of performance shares under long-term
        incentive equity award plan (4)                                    296,225                     0                    0
Continuing health and welfare benefits for five years (5)                        0                     0                    0
                                                                     -----------------  ------------------  ------------------------
        Total                                                              677,691               122,827                    0

                                                       Christoper G. McCann
                                                                                       Triggering Event
                                                                                          Without Cause/
                                                                                             for Good              Death/
                                                                                            Reason (per           Voluntary
                                                                        Change of            Employment          Resignation/
Estimated Potential Payment or Benefit                                   Control             Agreement)         or Good Cause
- ------------------------------------------------                     -----------------  ------------------  ------------------------
Lump sum cash severance payment (7)                                      3,594,080             3,594,080                    0
Intrinsic value of accelerated unvested stock options (2)                1,030,162                     0                    0
Accelerated vesting of restricted shares                                   116,696                     0                    0
Accelerated vesting of performance shares under long-term
        incentive equity award plan (4)                                  1,694,797                     0                    0
Continuing health and welfare benefits for five years (5)                   90,832                90,832                    0
                                                                     -----------------  ------------------  ------------------------
        Total                                                            6,526,567             3,684,912                    0


                                                       Monica L. Woo
                                                                                       Triggering Event
                                                                        Change of          Termination            Resignation/
Estimated Potential Payment or Benefit                                   Control          Without Cause          or Good Cause
- ------------------------------------------------                     -----------------  ------------------  ------------------------
Lump sum cash severance payment (8)                                         43,269                43,269                    0
Intrinsic value of accelerated unvested stock options (2)                  152,850                     0                    0
Accelerated vesting of restricted shares (3)                                94,159                     0                    0
Accelerated vesting of performance shares under long-term
        incentive equity award plan (4)                                    483,316                     0                    0
Continuing health and welfare benefits for five years (5)                        0                     0                    0
                                                                     -----------------  ------------------  ------------------------
        Total                                                              773,594                43,269                    0

                                                       Timothy J. Hopkins
                                                                                       Triggering Event
                                                                        Change of           Termination          Resignation/
Estimated Potential Payment or Benefit                                   Control          Without Cause         or Good Cause
- ------------------------------------------------                     -----------------  ------------------  ------------------------
Lump sum cash severance payment (9)                                        367,500               367,500                    0
Intrinsic value of accelerated unvested stock options (2)                  194,400                     0                    0
Accelerated vesting of restricted shares (3)                               129,889                     0                    0
Accelerated vesting of performance shares under long-term
        incentive equity award plan (4)                                    473,650                     0                    0
Continuing health and welfare benefits for five years (5)                        0                     0                    0
                                                                     -----------------  ------------------  ------------------------
        Total                                                            1,165,439               367,500                    0


(1)     Mr. James McCann  is  entitled to  severence  pursuant to his employment
        agreement which entitles him to $2,500,000, plus the base salary payable
        to him for the  then remaining  duration of the term of his contract. As
        of  July 1, 2007,  Mr.  McCann's  base  salary  was  $975,000,  and  his
        employment agreement provided for a remaining term of five years.

(2)     The intrinsic value of accelerated unvested stock options was calculated
        using the closing  price of  the Company's Class A Common Stock  on June
        29, 2007 ($9.43). The  intrinsic  value is the  aggregate spread between
        $9.43 and  the exercise prices of  the accelerated options, if less than

(3)     The value of accelerated unvested restricted shares was calculated using
        the closing price of the Company's Class A Common Stock on June 29, 2007

(4)     Represents the estimated amounts to be  paid under  the Company's Fiscal
        2007 LTIP  grant in the  event of a  change  of  control. The  value  of
        the  accelerated performance shares  was calculated  using  the  closing
        price of  the  Company's Class A  Common Stock on June 29, 2007 ($9.43),
        and assumes the Company's financial performance  was  at targeted levels
        to achieve 100% of  share awards at the time of the change in control.

(5)     Represents  the estimated cost of paying for continuing medical, dental,
        life and long-term  disability for  five years. The  amounts for medical
        and  dental  insurance  coverage  are  based  on  rates  charged  to the
        Company's employees for post-employment coverage provided  in accordance
        with  the Consolidated  Omnibus  Reconciliation  Act of  1985, or COBRA,
        adjusted  by a 10% inflation factor. The  costs  of  providing the other
        insurance coverage are based on quoted amounts for Fiscal 2007, adjusted
        by a 10% inflation factor, compounded annually.

(6)     Mr. Shea  does not  have an  employment  agreement. Absent  any  special
        arrangements  approved by  the Compensation  Committee or  the  Board of
        Directors, for  purposes of  this computation, Mr.  Shea  was  deemed to
        receive two weeks of  severance for each  completed year of service with
        the Company. As of July 1, 2007, Mr. Shea's base salary was $290,318.

(7)     Mr.  Christopher  McCann  is  entitled  to  severence  pursuant  to  his
        employment  agreement  which  entitles  him to  $500,000, plus the  base
        salary payable to him for the then remaining duration of the term of his
        contract. As of July 1, 2007, Mr. McCann's base salary was $618,816, and
        his employment agreement provided for a remaining term of five years.

(8)     Ms. Woo is  entitled  to severence  pursuant to  her offer letter which,
        absent any special arrangements approved by the Compensation Committee
        or  the Board  of Directors,  entitles her  to  two  weeks  of severance
        for each completed year of service with the Company. As of July 1, 2007,
        Ms. Woo's base salary was $375,000.


(9)     Mr.  Hopkins is entitled to severence pursuant to his employment  offer
        letter  which,  absent  any   special  arrangements  approved   by   the
        Compensation Committee  or  the  Board of  Directors,  entitles  him to
        one year  of severance. As of July 1, 2007, Mr. Hopkins' base salary was

     The above table does not include  payments  and benefits to the extent they
are provided on a non-discriminatory  basis to salaried employees generally upon
termination  of  employment  such as 401(k) plan vested  benefits and earned but
unused vacation.

Employment Agreements and Employment Offer Letters
- --------------------------------------------------
     The employment  agreements of James F. McCann and Christopher G. McCann, as
well as the  employment  offer  letters of Monica L. Woo and Timothy J. Hopkins,
provide for certain  payments in the event of termination of employment  (and in
the case of  Christopher  G.  McCann,  Monica  L. Woo and  Timothy  J.  Hopkins,
terminations following a change in control of the Company). William E. Shea will
be provided  severance payments under the Company's general severance policy. In
addition, the terms of the 2003 Plan, the 1999 Stock Incentive Plan and the 1997
Stock Option Plan provide for the  acceleration of vesting and/or lapse of award
restrictions in the event of a change of control.

James F. McCann

     Upon  termination   without  Good  Cause  (as  defined  in  the  employment
agreement)  or  resignation  by Mr.  McCann for Good  Reason (as  defined in the
employment agreement) within ten days following the termination date, Mr. McCann
is entitled to severance  pay in the amount of  $2,500,000  plus the base salary
otherwise payable to him for the balance of the then current employment term and
any base salary, bonuses,  vacation and unreimbursed expenses accrued but unpaid
as of the termination  date, and health and life insurance  coverage for himself
and his dependents  for the balance of the then current  employment  term.  Upon
termination  for Good  Cause,  voluntary  resignation  without  Good  Reason  or
termination due to death,  Mr. McCann is not entitled to any  compensation  from
the  Company,  except for the payment of any base salary,  bonuses,  benefits or
unreimbursed  expenses  accrued  but  unpaid  as of  the  termination  date.  As
discussed  above,  Mr. McCann is restricted from  participating in a competitive
floral products business for a period of one year after a voluntary  resignation
or termination for Good Cause. He is also bound by  confidentiality  provisions,
which prohibit him from, among other things, disseminating or using confidential
information about the Company in any way that would be adverse to the Company.

Christopher G. McCann

     Upon  termination   without  Good  Cause  (as  defined  in  the  employment
agreement)  or  resignation  by Mr.  McCann for Good  Reason (as  defined in the
employment  agreement),  within ten days  following the  termination  date,  Mr.
McCann is entitled  to  severance  pay in the amount of  $500,000  plus the base
salary otherwise  payable to him for the balance of the then current  employment
term and any base salary,  bonuses,  vacation and unreimbursed  expenses accrued
but unpaid as of the  termination  date, and health and life insurance  coverage
for himself and his  dependents  for the balance of the then current  employment
term. The Good Reason definition includes a Change of Control (as defined in the
employment agreement) of the Company, so long as Mr. McCann's resignation occurs
no later than one year following a Change of Control.  Upon termination for Good
Cause,  voluntary  resignation  without Good Reason or termination due to death,
Mr. McCann is not entitled to any compensation from the Company,  except for the
payment of any base salary,  bonuses,  benefits or unreimbursed expenses accrued
but  unpaid as of the  termination  date.  As  discussed  above,  Mr.  McCann is
restricted from  participating in a competitive  floral products  business for a
period of one year after a voluntary  resignation or termination for Good Cause.
He is also bound by confidentiality  provisions,  which prohibit him from, among
other things,  disseminating or using confidential information about the Company
in any way that would be adverse to the Company.

Monica L. Woo

     Upon  termination  without Cause (as defined in the November 25, 2003 offer
letter described above),  Constructive  Termination without Cause (as defined in
the November 25, 2003 employment  offer letter described above) or without Cause
following  a Change of  Control,  Ms. Woo is  entitled  to receive  base  salary
through the date of termination,  any other amounts earned, accrued and owed but
not yet  paid,  two  weeks of base pay for each  completed  year of  service,  a
pro-rata portion of any bonus due under the Company's incentive plans, the right
to exercise vested equity awards for a period of one year following  termination
and any  other  benefits  payable  under  the  Company's  applicable  plans  and
programs. Upon termination for Cause or due to death, disability or resignation,
Ms. Woo is only entitled to base salary through the date of termination  and any
other amounts earned, accrued and owed but not yet paid. Ms. Woo is bound by the
terms of her Confidentiality and Non-Compete Agreement.


Timothy J. Hopkins

     Upon  termination  without Cause (as defined in the February 12, 2005 offer
letter described above),  Constructive  Termination without Cause (as defined in
the February 12, 2005 employment  offer letter described above) or without Cause
following a Change of Control,  Mr.  Hopkins is entitled to receive  base salary
through the date of termination, any other amounts earned, accrued, due and owed
but not yet paid,  base pay for a period of 12 months  following  termination of
employement or until Mr. Hopkins finds new employment,  whichever  occurs first,
the right to exercise  vested equity  awards  pursuant to terms of the Company's
2003 Plan  following  termination,  and any  other  benefits  payable  under the
Company's  applicable  plans and programs.  Upon termination for Cause or due to
death,  disability or  resignation,  Mr. Hopkins is only entitled to base salary
through the date of termination and any other amounts  earned,  accrued and owed
but not yet paid. Mr. Hopkins is bound by the terms of his  Confidentiality  and
Non-Compete Agreement.

1997 Stock Option Plan
- ----------------------
     The 1997 Stock Option Plan provides that in the event of any sale,  merger,
transfer or acquisition of the Company or  substantially  all of its assets,  in
which the Company is not the  surviving  corporation,  each  outstanding  option
which is not to be  assumed by the  successor  corporation,  will  automatically
accelerate,  so that each option shall,  immediately prior to such event, become
exercisable  for all of the shares of Common  Stock at such time subject to that
option and may be exercised for any or all of those shares.

1999 Stock Incentive Plan
- -------------------------

     The 1999 Stock  Incentive  Plan provides,  generally but with  limitations,
that  each  option  outstanding  at the  time of a  change  of  control  but not
otherwise  fully-vested shall automatically  accelerate so that each such option
shall,  immediately prior to the effective date of the change in control, become
exercisable  for all of the shares of Common  Stock at the time  subject to that
option and may be exercised for any or all of those shares.

2003 Long Term Incentive and Share Award Plan
- ---------------------------------------------

     The 2003 Plan provides that unless  otherwise  provided by the Compensation
Committee at the time of the award  grant,  in the event of a change of control,
(i) all outstanding awards pursuant to which the participant may have rights the
exercise of which is  restricted  or limited,  shall  become  fully  exercisable
immediately  prior to the  time of the  change  of  control  so that the  shares
subject to the award will be  entitled to  participate  in the change of control
transaction,  and (ii) unless the right to lapse of  restrictions or limitations
is waived or deferred by a participant  prior to such lapse, all restrictions or
limitations  (including risks of forfeiture and deferrals) on outstanding awards
subject to  restrictions  or  limitations  under the Plan shall  lapse,  and all
performance  criteria  and other  conditions  to payment of awards  under  which
payments of cash,  shares or other  property are subject to conditions  shall be
deemed  to be  achieved  or  fulfilled  and  shall  be  waived  by  the  Company
immediately  prior to the  time of the  change  of  control  so that the  shares
subject to the award will be  entitled to  participate  in the change of control


October 29, 2007

To the Board of Directors
of 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, INC. (the "Company"):

We, the members of the Audit  Committee,  assist the Board of  Directors  in its
oversight of the Company's financial accounting, reporting and controls. We also
evaluate  the  performance  and   independence  of  the  Company's   independent
registered  public accounting firm. We operate under a written charter that both
the Board and we have approved.  A current copy of the Audit  Committee  charter
can be found on the Company's website located at  www.1800flowers.com  under the
Investor Relations section of the website and is attached hereto as Annex "A".

The  Board  annually  reviews  the  NASDAQ  listing   standards   definition  of
independence for audit committee  members and has determined that each member of
the Audit  Committee  meets that standard.  In addition,  although the Board has
determined  that  each  of the  members  of the  Audit  Committee  meets  NASDAQ
regulatory  requirements for financial literacy and that John J. Conefry, Jr. is
an "audit committee  financial  expert," as defined by Commission  rules, and is
financially sophisticated under NASDAQ requirements, we would like to remind our
stockholders that we are not professionally  engaged in the practice of auditing
or accounting and are not technical experts in auditing or accounting.

The Company's  management is responsible for the  preparation,  presentation and
integrity of the Company's consolidated financial statements,  including setting
the  accounting and financial  reporting  principles and designing the Company's
system of internal control over financial  reporting and disclosure controls and
procedures designed to ensure compliance with accounting  standards,  applicable
laws and  regulations.  The Company's  management is responsible for objectively
reviewing  and  evaluating  the  adequacy,  effectiveness  and  quality  of  the
Company's  system of internal  control.  The  Company's  independent  registered
public accounting firm, Ernst & Young LLP ("Ernst & Young"),  is responsible for
performing an independent  audit of the  consolidated  financial  statements and
expressing  an opinion on the  conformity  of those  financial  statements  with
accounting  principles  generally accepted in the United States. The independent
registered public accounting firm is also responsible for expressing opinions on
management's  assessment of the effectiveness of the Company's  internal control
over  financial  reporting and on the  effectiveness  of the Company's  internal
control over financial  reporting.  Although the Board is the ultimate authority
for effective corporate governance, including oversight of the management of the
Company,  the Audit Committee's purpose is to assist the Board in fulfilling its
responsibilities  by  overseeing  these  processes,  as well as  overseeing  the
qualifications  and performance of the Company's  independent  registered public
accounting firm.

The Audit Committee has policies and procedures that require the pre-approval by
the Audit  Committee  of all fees paid to, and all  services  performed  by, the
Company's  independent  registered  public  accounting firm. At the beginning of
each year, the Audit  Committee  approves the proposed  services,  including the
nature,  type and scope of service  contemplated  and the  related  fees,  to be
rendered by the firm during the year. In addition,  Audit Committee pre-approval
is also required for those  engagements  that may arise during the course of the
year that are outside the scope of the initial services and fees approved by the
Audit  Committee.  For  each  category  of  proposed  service,  the  independent
accounting  firm is required to confirm that the provision of such services does
not impair their  independence.  Pursuant to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the
fees and services  provided [as noted in the table  below] were  authorized  and
approved by the Audit Committee in compliance with the pre-approval policies and
procedures described herein.

We reviewed and  discussed the audited  consolidated  financial  statements  and
related footnotes for the fiscal year ended July 1, 2007 with management and the
independent  registered  public accounting firm.  Management  represented to the
Audit  Committee  that the  Company's  consolidated  financial  statements  were
prepared in accordance with generally accepted  accounting  principles.  We also
discussed with the  independent  registered  public  accounting firm the matters
required to be  discussed  by  Statement  on Auditing  Standards  61, as amended
(Communication  with Audit Committees).  We received the written disclosures and
the letter from the independent  registered  public  accounting firm required by
Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1 (Independence Discussions with Audit
Committees),  and discussed with Ernst & Young their  independence.  This review
included a discussion  with  management and the  independent  registered  public
accounting  firm of the  quality  (and  not  merely  the  acceptability)  of the
Company's accounting principles, the reasonableness of significant estimates and
judgments, and the disclosures in the Company's financial statements,  including
the disclosures relating to critical accounting policies.

Based on the reports,  discussions  and reviews  described  in this  report,  we
recommended  to the Board of Directors that the audited  consolidated  financial
statements  be  included  in the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the
fiscal year ended July 1, 2007,  for filing  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission.  We also selected Ernst & Young as the independent registered public
accounting  firm for Fiscal 2008. The Board is  recommending  that  shareholders
ratify that selection at the Annual Meeting.

Audit Committee
John J. Conefry, Jr. (Chairman)
Lawrence Calcano
Jan L. Murley


     The  following  table sets forth  information  with  respect to  beneficial
ownership of the Company's  Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock, as of
October 9, 2007, or as of the dates  referenced  below for (i) each person known
by the  Company  to  beneficially  own more  than 5% of each  class;  (ii)  each
Director;  (iii) each Named  Executive  Officer;  and (iv) all of the  Company's
Directors and Executive Officers as a group.  Beneficial ownership is determined
in accordance with the rules of the Commission and includes voting or investment
power with respect to the securities.  Unless otherwise  indicated,  the address
for those listed below is c/o  1-800-FLOWERS.COM,  Inc.,  One Old Country  Road,
Suite 500, Carle Place, NY 11514.  Except as indicated by footnote,  and subject
to applicable  community property laws, the persons named in the table have sole
voting and investment  power with respect to all shares of Common Stock shown as
beneficially  owned by them.  The number of shares of Common  Stock  outstanding
used in calculating the percentage for each listed person includes the shares of
Common Stock underlying options held by such persons that are exercisable within
60 days of October 9,  2007,  but  excludes  shares of Common  Stock  underlying
options held by any other person. Percentage of beneficial ownership is based on
25,879,795  shares  of Class A Common  Stock  and  36,858,465  shares of Class B
Common Stock outstanding as of October 9, 2007.

                                                               Shares                   % of Shares
                                                        Beneficially Owned           Beneficially Owned
                                                        ------------------           ------------------
                                                    A Shares        B Shares         A Shares     B Shares
                                                    --------        --------         --------     --------
- ----
5% Stockholders:
- -----------------------
Bear Stearns Asset Management, Inc. (1)             3,106,232               -          12.0%             -
Awad Asset Management, Inc. (2)                     1,970,494               -           7.6%             -
AXA (3)                                             1,817,011               -           7.0%             -
Tocqueville Asset Management L.P. (4)               1,617,615               -           6.3%             -
Royce & Associates LLC (5)                          1,599,300               -           6.2%             -
RLR Capital Partners, LP (6)                        1,307,000               -           5.1%             -
The TCW Group, Inc., on behalf
of the TCW Business Unit (7)                        1,285,760               -           5.0%             -

Directors, not including CEO and President:
- -------------------------------------------
Lawrence Calcano (8)                                   15,000               -           0.1%             -
James Cannavino (9)                                         -               -             -              -
John J. Conefry (10)                                   46,200               -           0.2%             -
Leonard J. Elmore (11)                                 45,000               -           0.2%             -
Jan L. Murley (12)                                          -               -             -              -
Jeffrey C. Walker (13)                                 27,500               -           0.1%             -

Named Executive Officers:
- -------------------------
James F. McCann (14)                                  741,974      35,914,905           2.8%          97.4%
William E. Shea (15)                                  375,093               -           1.4%             -
Christpher G. McCann (16)                           1,776,019       3,146,753           6.4%           8.5%
Monica L. Woo (17)                                    115,033               -           0.4%             -
Timothy J. Hopkins (18)                                80,844               -           0.3%             -

Directors and Executive Officers                    3,795,838      37,014,120          12.8%          99.7%
as a  Group (14 persons)(19)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*    Indicates less than 0.1%.

(1)  This  information is based on the  Schedule 13G  filed  with the Commission
     by Bear Stearns Asset Management Inc. on August 10, 2007 for shares held as
     of July 31, 2007. Bear Stearns Asset  Management Inc. reported  that it had
     sole voting power over 2,022,444  shares of Class A  Common Stock,  shared
     voting power over 845,441 shares of Class A Common Stock,  sole dispositive
     power over 2,208,931 shares of Class A Common Stock and shared  dispositive
     power  over 897,300  shares of Class A  Common Stock.  The  address of Bear
     Stearns Asset Management Inc. is 237 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10017.

(2)  This  information is based on the  Schedule 13G  Amendment No. 1 filed with
     the SEC by Awad  Asset  Management,  Inc.  on  January 29,  2007 for shares
     beneficially  owned as of  December 31,  2006.  The  address  of Awad Asset
     Management, Inc. is 250 Park Avenue, 2nd Floor, New York, New York 10177.


(3)  This  information is based on the  Schedule 13G  Amendment No. 1 filed with
     the SEC by AXA Financial,  Inc.;  AXA, which owns AXA Financial,  Inc.; and
     AXA  Assurances  I.A.R.D.  Mutuelle  ("IARD"),  AXA Assurances Vie Mutuelle
     ("Vie") and AXA Courtage  Assurance  Mutuelle  (collectively  with IARD and
     Vie, the "Mutuelles AXA"), as members of a group, on February 14,  2007 for
     shares beneficially owned as of December 31, 2006. According to the filing,
     AXA Rosenberg  Investment  Management LLC, as to which AXA serves as parent
     holding  company,  has sole  power to vote or  direct  the vote of  751,704
     shares of Class A Common  Stock and the sole power to dispose or direct the
     disposition  of 1,842,211  shares of Class A Common Stock.  AXA  Financial,
     Inc.'s  subsidiary,  AllianceBernstein  L.P.,  has sole power to dispose or
     direct the  disposition  of 27,800 shares of Class A Common Stock,  and AXA
     Financial,  Inc.'s subsidiary,  AXA Equitable Life Insurance  Company,  has
     sole  power to vote or direct  the vote and the sole  power to  dispose  or
     direct the disposition of 1,000 shares of Class A Common Stock. The address
     of the Mutuelles AXA is 26, rue Drout, 75009 Paris,  France, the address of
     AXA is 25, avenue  Matignon,  75008 Paris,  France,  and the address of AXA
     Financial, Inc. is 1290 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10104.

(4)  This  information  is  based  on the  Schedule 13G  filed  with  the SEC by
     Tocqueville  Asset Management L.P. on February 14,  2007 for shares held as
     of December 31,  2006. The address of Tocqueville  Asset Management L.P. is
     40 West 57th Street, New York, New York 10019.

(5)  This information is based on the Schedule 13G filed with the SEC by Royce &
     Associates  LLC on  January 24,  2007 for shares  beneficially  owned as of
     December 31,  2006. The address  of  Royce & Associates  LLC is 1414 Avenue
     of the Americas, New York, New York 10019.

(6)  This  information  is based on the  Schedule 13D  filed with the SEC by RLR
     Capital  Partners,  LP ("RLR")  and Robert L.  Rosen on  June 27,  2007 for
     shares held as of June 22,  2007. The reporting  persons reported that they
     have shared voting power and shared dispositive power over 1,307,000 shares
     of  Class A  Common  Stock.  The  reporting  persons  reported  that  RLR's
     principal  business is to serve as the  investment  manager of funds and/or
     accounts,  including  RLR Focus Master Fund,  LP, the holder of the Class A
     Shares set forth in the  Schedule 13D.  RLR Capital  Partners  GP, LLC (the
     "Manager"),  is the sole general  partner of RLR.  Mr. Robert  Rosen is the
     managing member of the Manager. The address of RLR Capital Partners, LP and
     Robert L. Rosen is 152 West  57th Street,  21st Floor,  New York,  New York

(7)  This information is based on the Schedule 13G filed with the SEC by The TCW
     Group,  Inc.,  on behalf of The TCW Business Unit on  February 9,  2007 for
     shares  beneficially  owned as of December 31,  2006. The  Schedule 13G was
     filed by the TCW  Group,  Inc.  on  behalf  of itself  and its  direct  and
     indirect  subsidiaries,  including  Trust  Company  of the West,  TCW Asset
     Management   Company  and  TCW   Investment   Management   Company,   which
     collectively  constitute  The TCW  Group,  Inc.  business  unit  (the  "TCW
     Business Unit").  TCW Group,  Inc.  reported that, as of July 6,  2001, the
     ultimate parent company of TCW is Societe Generale, S.A. ("SG"). TCW Group,
     Inc. reported that SG disclaims beneficial ownership of Shares beneficially
     owned by the reporting person.  The reporting person disclaimed  beneficial
     ownership of Shares beneficially owned by SG and any of SG's other business
     units.  The TCW Group,  Inc., on behalf of the TCW Business Unit,  reported
     that it has shared  voting power over  1,137,459  shares of Class A  Common
     Stock and shared  dispositive power over 1,285,760 shares of Class A Common
     Stock.  The address of The TCW Group,  Inc., on behalf of the  TCW Business
     Unit is 865 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, California 90017.

(8)  Includes  10,000 shares of Class A Common Stock that may be acquired within
     60 days of October 9, 2007  through  the  exercise  of stock  options.  Mr.
     Calcano's address is 140 Greenwich Avenue, Greenwich, CT  06830

(9)  Mr. Cannavino's address is c/o Direct Insite Corporation, 80 Orville Drive,
     Bohemia, NY 11716

(10) Includes  35,000 shares of Class A Common Stock that may be acquired within
     60 days of October 9, 2007  through  the  exercise  of stock  options.  Mr.
     Conefry's  address is c/o Astoria  Federal  Savings,  One  Astoria  Federal
     Plaza, Lake Success, New York 11042.

(11) Includes  45,000 shares of Class A Common Stock that may be acquired within
     60 days of October 9, 2007  through  the  exercise  of stock  options.  Mr.
     Elmore's  address is  c/o Dewey & LeBoeufcRae, LLP, 125  West 55th, Street,
     New York, New York 10019-5389.

(12) Ms. Jan  Murley's  address  is c/o 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, INC., One Old Country
     Road, Suite 500, Carle Place, NY 11514.

(13) Includes  25,000 shares of Class A Common Stock that may be acquired within
     60 days of October 9, 2007  through  the  exercise  of stock  options.  Mr.
     Walker disclaims  beneficial  ownership to  these shares, as  well as,  the
     2,500 RSA's. Mr. Walker's address is c/o CCMP Capital  Advisors,  LLC,  245
     Park Avenue,  New York, NY 10167.


(14) Includes  (a) 741,494  shares of Class A Common  Stock that may be acquired
     within 60 days of October 9, 2007  through the  exercise of stock  options,
     (b) 5,875,000 shares of Class B Common Stock held by limited  partnerships,
     of which Mr. J. McCann is  a limited  partner and does not exercise control
     and of which he disclaims beneficial ownership,  (c) 52,548 shares of Class
     B Common Stock held by The  McCann  Charitable  Foundation, Inc., of which
     Mr. J. McCann is a Director and  the President; and  (d) 15,006,237  shares
     of  Class B Common  Stock held by five Grantor  Retained  Annuity Trusts of
     which Mr. J. McCann is the Trustee.

(15) Includes  370,000  shares of  Class A  Common  Stock  that may be  acquired
     within 60 days of October 9, 2007 through the exercise of stock options.

(16) Includes (a) 1,770,836  shares of Class A Common Stock that may be acquired
     within 60 days of October 9, 2007  through the  exercise of stock  options,
     (b) 2,000,000 shares of Class B Common Stock held by a limited partnership,
     of  which Mr. C. McCann  is a  general  partner and  exercises control, (c)
     243,575 shares  of Class B Common  Stock  that may be  acquired  within  60
     days of October 9, 2007  through  the  exercise  of stock  options, and (d)
     52,548  shares of Class  B  Common  Stock held  by  The  McCann  Charitable
     Foundation, Inc., of which Mr. C. McCann is a Director and Treasurer.

(17) Includes  90,000 shares of Class A Common Stock that may be acquired within
     60 days of October 9, 2007 through the exercise of stock options.

(18) Includes  80,000   shares of  Class A  Common  Stock  that may be  acquired
     within 60 days of October 9, 2007 through the exercise of stock options.

(19) Includes (a) 3,727,130  shares of Class A Common Stock that may be acquired
     within 60 days of October 9, 2007  through the  exercise of stock  options,
     and (b) 248,575  shares of Class B Common Stock that may be acquired within
     60 days of October 9, 2007 through the exercise of stock options.



Certain Business Relationships with Directors and Officers

     The Company has a policy providing that all material  transactions  between
it and one or more of its Directors,  Executive Officers,  nominees for Director
or a member of their immediate families must be approved either by a majority of
the disinterested members of the Board or by the stockholders of the Company.

     Below are the  transactions  that occurred  during Fiscal 2007 in which, to
the  Company's  knowledge,  the Company  was or is a party,  in which the amount
involved  exceeded  $120,000,  and in  which  any  Director,  Director  nominee,
Executive  Officer,  holder of more than 5% of the Common Stock or any member of
the immediate  family of any of the foregoing  persons had or will have a direct
or indirect material interest.

     In Fiscal 2007, the Company  entered into an agreement with Julie Mulligan,
the sister of Directors and Executive Officers,  James F. McCann and Christopher
G. McCann,  pursuant to which Ms. Mulligan was employed as a Personality  Expert
Designer. Ms. Mulligan's  compensation for Fiscal 2007 was $392,000,  consisting
of $130,000 in base salary and $262,000 in earned floral sales  commissions  for
sales of products designed by Ms. Mulligan for the Company. In consideration for
the floral sales commissions paid to Ms. Mulligan  described above, Ms. Mulligan
was not  eligible  to receive  any cash bonus  under the  Company's  annual cash
incentive plan ("Sharing Success Program"). During Fiscal 2007, Ms. Mulligan was
awarded,  pursuant to the 2003 Plan, 3,500 shares of restricted stock. The grant
date for these awards was October 13, 2006. The  restricted  stock vests 100% on
the third anniversary of the grant date,  assuming Ms. Mulligan remains employed
by the Company as of that time.

     Gerard M. Gallagher, our Senior Vice President of Business Affairs, General
Counsel and Corporate Secretary,  is the founder and managing partner in the law
firm of Gallagher,  Walker,  Bianco & Plastaras based in Mineola,  New York. The
Company pays the law firm a fee for Mr. Gallagher's services to the Company. The
Company,  with the  approval  of the  Board,  also  pays  the law firm  fees for
services rendered by other members of the firm on the Company's behalf.

     The fees  paid in  Fiscal  2007 by the  Company  to the  firm for  services
provided by Mr. Gallagher totaled $453,000, which represented an annual retainer
of $348,000 and an earned cash bonus under the Company's Sharing Success Program
of $105,000.  For legal  services  provided by the other members of the firm the
Company paid the sum of $485,000  inclusive of  disbursements,  which collective
fees the Company believes are fair and reasonable.  In addition,  as a result of
the position Mr. Gallagher holds with the Company, he is eligible to participate
in its Long Term Incentive Plan ("LTIP") and under such plan, Mr.  Gallagher was
granted 47,615 performance shares in Fiscal 2007. (See "Compensation  Discussion
and Analysis- Long Term Incentive Equity Awards" for a description of the LTIP).
Except for his participation in the Company's Sharing Success Plan and the LTIP,
Mr. Gallagher does not participate in any other Company benefit or other plans.

     The Company maintains life insurance for each of its NEO's in the amount of
$50,000 and also maintains a directors' and officers' insurance policy.


                                   PROPOSAL 2

                             PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM

     Upon the recommendation of the Audit Committee,  the Board of Directors has
appointed E&Y to serve as the Company's independent registered public accounting
firm  for the  fiscal  year  ending  June 29,  2008,  and the  Board  is  asking
stockholders to ratify such selection at the Annual Meeting.  The  stockholders'
ratification  of the  appointment  of E&Y will not impact the Audit  Committee's
responsibility  pursuant to its charter,  to appoint,  replace and discharge the
independent  auditors.  In the  event  the  stockholders  fail  to  ratify  this
selection,  the  matter  of  the  selection  of  independent  auditors  will  be
reconsidered by the Board of Directors.

Fees Paid to Ernst & Young LLP

     The  following  table shows the fees that the  Company  paid or accrued for
audit and other  services provided by E & Y for Fiscal 2007 and Fiscal 2006, all
of which were approved by the Audit Committee.

                                                2007        2006
                                                  (in thousands)
                        Audit Fees              $475        $480
                        Audit-Related Fees       108         340
                        Tax Fees                  91          18
                        All Other Fees             0           0
                                                ----        ----
                        Total                   $674        $838
                                                ====        ====

     Audit Fees. Fees for audit services include fees associated with the annual
audit, including the Company's  annual report on Form 10-K, consents and reviews
of the  Company's  quarterly  reports on Form 10-Q.  These fees also include the
audit of management's assessment of internal control over financial reporting as
required by Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

     Audit-Related  Fees.  Fees for  audit-related  services  include audits and
assurance services related to the Company's benefit plans and separate financial
statements for its franchise  operations,  as well as due diligence  services in
connection with acquisitions.

     Tax Fees. Fees for tax service  include tax compliance,  tax advice and tax

     All  Other  Fees.  Consists  of  other  fees  not  reported  in  the  above

     Financial  Information Systems Design and Implementation  Fees. E&Y did not
render  professional  services relating to financial  information systems design
and implementation for Fiscal 2007 and Fiscal 2006.

     Audit Committee  Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures.  The Audit Committee
pre-approves  all audit,  audit-related  and non-audit  services  (including tax
services)  provided  by  the  independent  registered  public  accounting  firm.
Pre-approval is generally  provided for up to one year, and any  pre-approval is
detailed  as to  the  particular  service.  The  independent  registered  public
accounting firm and the Company's management are required to periodically report
to the  Audit  Committee  regarding  the  extent  of  services  provided  by the
independent   registered   public   accounting  firm  in  accordance  with  this
pre-approval,  including  fees for the services  performed to date. In addition,
the Audit Committee also may pre-approve  particular  services on a case-by-case
basis, as required.

     The  affirmative  vote of a plurality of the Company's  outstanding  Common
Stock present in person or by proxy is required to ratify the appointment of the
independent  registered accounting firm. Unless otherwise instructed,  the proxy
holders will vote the proxies  received by them "FOR" the ratification of E&Y as
the Company's  independent  registered public accounting firm for Fiscal 2008. A
representative  of E&Y will attend the Annual  Meeting with the  opportunity  to
make a statement  if he or she so desires and will also be  available  to answer


                              FIRM FOR FISCAL 2008.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     The Board of Directors does not intend to bring any other  business  before
the Annual  Meeting,  and so far as is known to the Board,  no matters are to be
presented for action at the Annual Meeting other than those set forth above.  If
any other matters properly come before the Annual Meeting,  the persons named in
the enclosed form of proxy will vote the shares  represented by proxies in their
discretion on such matters.


     Shareholders  who, in accordance with Commission Rule 14a-8 wish to present
proposals for inclusion in the proxy  materials to be  distributed in connection
with next year's Annual Meeting Proxy  Statement must submit their  proposals so
that they are received at the  Company's  principal  executive  offices no later
than the close of business on July 1, 2008. As the rules of the Commission  make
clear, simply submitting a proposal does not guarantee that it will be included.

     In accordance with our Bylaws,  in order to be properly  brought before the
2008 Annual Meeting, a shareholder's notice of the matter the shareholder wishes
to  present,  or the person or persons the  shareholder  wishes to nominate as a
director,  must be  delivered to the  Secretary of the Company at its  principal
executive  offices  not later than the close of  business  on the 90th day,  nor
earlier  than  the  close of  business  on the  120th  day,  prior to the  first
anniversary date of the 2007 Annual Meeting date. As a result,  any notice given
by a shareholder pursuant to these provisions of our Bylaws (and not pursuant to
the Commission's Rule 14a-8) must be received no earlier than August 6, 2008 and
no later than  September 5, 2008. If,  however,  our 2008 Annual Meeting date is
advanced by more than 30 days before,  or delayed  more than 70 days after,  the
one year  anniversary  of the 2007 Annual  Meeting date,  then proposals must be
received  no earlier  than the close of  business  on the 120th day prior to the
2008 Annual meeting and not later than the close of business on the later of the
90th day before the 2008 Annual  Meeting or the 10th day  following  the date on
which the 2008 Annual Meeting date is publicly announced.

     To be in proper form,  a  shareholder's  notice must include the  specified
information  concerning  the proposal or nominee as  described in our Bylaws.  A
shareholder  who wishes to submit a proposal or nomination is encouraged to seek
independent  counsel about our Bylaws and  Commission  requirements. The Company
will not  consider  any  proposal  or  nomination  that does not meet the Bylaws
requirements  and the  Commission's  requirements  for  submitting a proposal or
nomination. Notices of intention to present proposals at the 2008 Annual Meeting
should be addressed to Corporate  Secretary,  1-800-FLOWERS.COM,  Inc.,  One Old
Country Road,  Suite 500, Carle Place,  New York 11514. The Company reserves the
right to  reject,  rule out of order,  or take  other  appropriate  action  with
respect to any  proposal  that does not comply  with these and other  applicable

                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

     The Proxy  accompanying  this Proxy  Statement is solicited by the Board of
Directors of the Company.  Proxies may be solicited by officers,  Directors  and
regular  supervisory and executive  employees of the Company,  none of whom will
receive any additional  compensation for their services.  Such solicitations may
be made personally or by mail, facsimile,  telephone,  telegraph,  messenger, or
via the Internet.  The Company may pay persons holding shares or Common Stock in
their  names  or  in  the  names  of  nominees,   but  not  owning  such  shares
beneficially,  such as  brokerage  houses,  banks  and  other  fiduciaries,  for
expenses of forwarding  solicitation  materials to their principals.  All of the
costs of solicitation will be paid by the Company.

                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K

     The Company will provide  without charge to each  beneficial  holder of its
Common  Stock on the  Record  Date who did not  receive a copy of the  Company's
Annual Report for the fiscal year ended July 1, 2007, on the written  request of
such person,  a copy of the  Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K as filed with
the  Commission.  Any such request should be made in writing to the Secretary of
the Company at the address set forth on the first page of this Proxy Statement.

                                       By Order of the Board of Directors
                                       /s/ James F. McCann
                                       James F. McCann
                                       Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive

Carle Place, New York
October 29, 2007

Annex "A"



The Audit  Committee (the  "Committee")  of the Board of Directors (the "Board")
shall be  com-prised of at least three  directors.  The members of the Committee
shall meet the  independence  requirements of the Nasdaq National  Market,  Inc.
Members  of the  Committee  must  be able to  read  and  understand  fundamental
financial  statements,  including the Company's balance sheet,  income statement
and cash flow  statement,  and have the ability to  understand  key business and
financial  risks  and  related  controls  and  control  processes.  At least one
director must be a com-mittee expert with education and employment experience as
a principal financial officer, princi-pal accounting officer, controller, public
accountant or auditor or experience in one or more  posi-tions  that involve the
performance of similar functions;  experience actively  supervising a princi-pal
financial officer, principal accounting officer, controller,  public accountant,
auditor or per-forming similar functions; experience overseeing or assessing the
performance of companies or public  accountants with respect to the preparation,
auditing or evaluation of financial statements; or other relevant experience.

Statement of Policy

The  Committee  shall provide  assistance  to the directors in fulfilling  their
responsibility  to the  shareholders,  potential  shareholders,  and  investment
community relating to corporate accounting,  reporting practices of the Company,
and the quality and integrity of financial reports of the Company.  In so doing,
it  is  the   responsibility   of  the  Committee  to  maintain  free  and  open
com-munication  between the directors,  the independent  auditors,  the internal
auditors, and the finan-cial management of the Company.


In carrying out its  responsibilities,  the  Committee  believe its policies and
procedures should re-main flexible in order to best react to changing conditions
and to ensure to the directors and  shareholders  that the corporate  accounting
and reporting  practices of the Company are in accor-dance with all requirements
and are the highest quality.

In carrying out these responsibilities, the Committee will:

     o    Obtain the full  board of  directors'  approval  of this  Charter  and
          review and  reassess  this  Charter as  conditions  dictate  (at least

     o    Discuss with management and the independent  auditor,  as appropriate,
          earnings  press  releases  and  financial   information  and  earnings
          guidance provided to analysts and to rating agencies.

     o    Select the independent  auditors to audit the financial  statements of
          the  Company  and its  divisions  and  subsidiaries  and  approve  the
          independent auditor's compensation.

     o    Have a clear understanding with the independent auditors that they are
          ultimately accountable to the board of directors and the Committee, as
          the shareholders' representatives,  who have the ultimate authority in
          de-ciding to engage,  evaluate,  and if  appropriate,  terminate their

     o    Meet with the  independent  auditors and  financial  management of the
          Company to review the scope of the proposed audit and timely quarterly
          reviews for the current year and the procedures to be utilized, and at
          the  conclusion  thereof  review such audit or review,  including  any
          comments or recommendations of the independent auditors.

     o    Pre-approve  all  audit  services  and  permitted  non-audit  services
          (includ-ing  the fees  and  terms  thereof)  to be  performed  for the
          Company  by  the  independent  auditor.  The  Committee  may  delegate
          authority to pre-approve  audit services,  other than the audit of the
          Company's  annual  fi-nancial  statements,   and  permitted  non-audit
          services to one or more members, provided that decisions made pursuant
          to such delegated  au-thority shall be presented to the full committee
          at its next scheduled meeting.

     o    Discuss with the internal auditors, if applicable, and the independent
          auditors  the  overall  scope  and plans  for the  respective  audits,
          including  the adequacy of staffing and  compensation.  The  Committee
          shall discuss with management,  the internal auditors, if any, and the
          independent  auditors the adequacy and effectiveness of the accounting
          and  financial   con-trols,   including  the  Company's  policies  and
          procedures to assess,  moni-tor,  and manage  business risk, and legal
          and ethical compliance pro-grams (e.g. Company's Code of Ethics).

     o    Review reports received from regulators and other legal and regulatory
          matters that may have a material effect on the financial statements or
          re-lated Company compliance policies.

     o    Review the internal controls of the Company,  the proposed audit plans


          for the  coming  year,  and the  coordination  of such  plans with the
          inde-pendent auditors.

     o    Inquire of management and the independent  auditors about  significant
          risks or  exposures  and assesses  the steps  management  has taken to
          minimize such risks to the Company.

     o    Review the interim  financial  statements  and the  disclosures  under
          Man-agement's  Discussion  and  Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and
          Results of Operations  with  management and the  independent  auditors
          prior to the filing of the  Company's  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q.
          The Committee  shall also discuss the results of the quarterly  review
          and any other mat-ters required to be communicated to the Committee by
          the independent  auditors under generally accepted auditing standards.
          The Chair of the  Committee  may  represent  the entire  Committee for
          purposes of this re-view.

     o    Review the  financial  statements  contained  in the annual  report to
          share-holders   with  management  and  the  independent   auditors  to
          determine  that  the  independent  auditors  are  satisfied  with  the
          disclosure and content of the financial  statements to be presented to
          the shareholders. Review with financial management and the independent
          auditors the results of their timely analysis of significant financial
          reporting  issues and practices,  in-cluding  changes in, or adoptions
          of, accounting  principles and disclosure  practices,  and discuss any
          other  matters  required to be  communicated  to the  committee by the
          auditors.  Also review with financial  management and the  independent
          auditors their judgments about the quality, not just acceptability, of
          accounting  principles  and the  clarity of the  financial  disclosure
          practices  used  or  proposed  to  be  used,  and  particularly,   the
          reasonableness  of  significant  judgements  and estimates , and other
          sig-nificant decisions made in preparing the financial statements.

     o    Provide  sufficient  opportunity for the independent  auditors to meet
          with the  members  of the  Committee  without  members  of  management
          pre-sent.  Among the items to be discussed  in these  meetings are the
          inde-pendent   auditors'   evaluation  of  the  Company's   financial,
          accounting,  and  auditing  personnel,  and the  cooperation  that the
          independent auditors re-ceived during the course of audit.

     o    Review accounting and financial human resources within the Company.

     o    Report the results of the annual audit to the board of  directors.  If
          re-quested by the board, invite the independent auditors to attend the
          full board of directors  meeting to assist in reporting the results of
          the   annual   audit  or  to   answer   other   directors'   questions
          (alternatively,   the  other   di-rectors,   particularly   the  other
          independent directors, may be invited to at-tend the Committee meeting
          during which the results of the annual audit are reviewed).

     o    On an annual  basis,  obtain from the  independent  auditors a written
          com-munication delineating all relationships and professional services
          as  re-quired  by   Independence   Standards  Board  Standard  No.  1,
          Independence  Discussions with Audit Committees.  In addition,  review
          with the  inde-pendent  auditors the nature and scope of any disclosed
          relationships or professional services and take, or recommend that the
          board of directors take,  appropriate  action to ensure the continuing
          independence of the auditors.

     o    Review  the  report  of  the   Committee  in  the  annual   report  to
          shareholders and disclosing  whether or not the committee had reviewed
          and  discussed  with  management  and  the  independent  auditors  the
          financial  statements  and the quality of  accounting  principles  and
          significant   judgments  affect-ing  the  financial   statements.   In
          addition,  disclose  the  committee's  con-clusion  on the fairness of
          presentation  of the  financial  statements in  con-formity  with GAAP
          based on those discussions.

     o    Submit the minutes of all meetings of the Committee to, or discuss the
          matters  discussed  at each  committee  meeting  with,  the  board  of

     o    Investigate  any matter  brought to its attention  within the scope of
          its  du-ties,  with  the  power to  retain  outside  counsel  or other
          auditors for this purpose if, in its  judgment,  that is  appropriate,
          and receive funding for these services as necessary.

     o    Review the Company's  disclosure in the proxy statement for its annual
          meeting  of  shareholders   that  describes  that  the  Committee  has
          satisfied its responsibilities  under this Charter for the prior year.
          In addition,  in-clude a copy of this Charter in the annual  report to
          shareholders or the proxy  statement at least  triennially or the year
          after any significant amendment to the Charter.

     o    The  Committee  shall have  authority to retain such outside  counsel,
          ex-perts and other  advisors as the Committee may deem  appropriate in
          its sole  discretion.  The  Committee  shall  have sole  authority  to
          approve re-lated fees and retention terms.


                                 (Rule 14a-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                        Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

Filed by the registrant  |X|

Filed by a party other than the registrant  |_|

Check the appropriate box:  |_|

         Preliminary Proxy Statement  |_|

         Confidential for Use of the Commission only ?

         Definitive Proxy Statement  |X|

         Definitive Additional Materials  |_|

         Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss. 240.14a-12  |_|

                             1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

|X|                   No fee required.

|_| Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

         (1)     Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

         (2)     Aggregate number of securities to which transactions applies:

         (3)     Per  unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction
                 computed  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act  Rule 0-11 (Set forth the
                 amount on  which the filing fee is calculated and  state how it
                 was determined):

         (4)     Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

         (5)     Total fee paid:

[ ]              Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

|_|      Check box if any part of  the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
         Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify  the  filing for which  the offsetting fee
         was  paid  previously. Identify  the previous  filing  by  registration
         statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         (1)     Amount Previously Paid:

         (2)     Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

         (3)     Filing Party:

         (4)     Date Filed:

                                 (Form of Proxy)
                             1-800-FLOWERS.COM, INC.
       (This Proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of the Company)

The undersigned stockholder of 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. hereby appoints Gerard M.
Gallagher,  Corporate  Secretary,  with full power of substitution,  as proxy to
vote the shares of stock, in accordance with the  undersigned's  specifications,
which the undersigned could vote if personally  present at the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders  of  1-800-FLOWERS.COM,  Inc. to be held at One Old  Country  Road,
Carle Place, New York 11514, Fourth Floor Conference Room (the "Meeting Place"),
on  Thursday,  December  4,  2007  at 9:00  a.m.  eastern  standard  time or any
adjournment thereof.

1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS (for terms as described in the Proxy Statement)

   FOR all nominees below                    WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
   |_|  (except as marked to the contrary)   |_|  to vote for all nominees below

   John J. Conefry, Jr., Leonard J. Elmore and Jan L. Murley

   INSTRUCTION:  To withhold authority to vote for an individual nominee, write
   the nominee's name in the space provided below.



      FOR                       AGAINST                  ABSTAIN WITH RESPECT TO
      |_|                         |_|                              |_|

         proposal  to  ratify  the  appointment  of  Ernst & Young  LLP  as  the
         Company's independent registered  public accounting firm for the fiscal
         year ending June 29, 2008 as described in the Proxy Statement.


         All of the  proposals set forth   are proposals of the Company. None of
         the proposals is related  to or conditioned upon approval of  any other

Please date and sign  exactly as your name appears on the envelope in which this
material was mailed. If shares are held jointly,  each stockholder  should sign.
Executors,  administrators,  trustees,  etc.  should use full title and, if more
than one, all should sign. If the stockholder is a corporation, please sign full
corporate name by an authorized  officer.  If the  stockholder is a partnership,
please sign full partnership name by an authorized person.

        --------------------------          ------------------------------
                                             Signature(s) of Stockholder