June  20,  2000

e-Financial  Depot.com,  Inc.
150  -  1875  Century  Plaza  Park  East
Century  City,  CA  90067

Attention:  John  Huguet

Dear  Sirs/Mesdames:

                    Re:  Directions  for  Share  Issuance

          Pursuant  to  Item  3.1 of the Contractor Agreement (the "Agreement"),
dated  as  of  March  17,  2000,  between  e-Financial Depot.com, Inc. and e-DGM
Consulting  B.V.,  we  hereby  direct  you  to  issue  the common stock, payable
according  to  the  terms  of  the  Agreement,  to  Don  G.  Merriman.

Yours  truly,

/s/  signed