June  20,  2000

e-Financial  Depot.com,  Inc.
150  -  1875  Century  Plaza  Park  East
Century  City,  CA  90067

Attention:  John  Huguet

Dear  Sirs/Mesdames:

                    Re:  Directions  for  Share  Issuance

          Pursuant  to  Item  3.1 of the Contractor Agreement (the "Agreement"),
dated  as  of  March  28,  2000,  between  e-Financial Depot.com, Inc. and Cobra
Capital  Limited  ("Cobra"),  we  hereby  direct  you to issue the common stock,
payable  according  to  the  terms  of  the  Agreement,  to  Stephen  Koltai.

          Cobra  hereby  covenants,  represents and warrants to the Company that
Cobra  is  not  providing consulting or advisory services in connection with the
offer  or  sale  of  securities  in  a  capital-raising  transaction and is not,
directly  or  indirectly,  promoting  or  maintaining a market for the Company's

          Stephen  Koltai  hereby  covenants,  represents  and  warrants  to the
Company  that  he is not providing consulting or advisory services in connection
with  the  offer  or  sale of securities in a capital-raising transaction and is
not, directly or indirectly, promoting or maintaining a market for the Company's

Yours  truly,

Per:  /s/  signed

/s/  Stephen  Koltai
Stephen  Koltai