WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K
 (Mark One)
                                   ACT OF 1934

                   For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000

                                   ACT OF 1934
               For the transition period from _______ to ________

                         Commission File Number - 0-8937

                            FIRST BANKS AMERICA, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

              DELAWARE                                75-1604965
(State or other jurisdiction             (I.R.S. Employer Identification Number)
of incorporation or organization)

                   135 North Meramec, Clayton, Missouri 63105
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

                                 (314) 854-4600
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                                      Name of each exchange
               Title of class                          on which registered
               --------------                         --------------------

    Common Stock, $0.15 Par Value Per Share          New York Stock Exchange

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                   8.50% Cumulative Trust Preferred Securities
              (issued by First America Capital Trust and guaranteed
                   by its parent, First Banks America, Inc.)
                                (Title of class)

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                      Yes       X             No
                            --------              -------

         Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to
Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,
to the best of  registrant's  knowledge,  in  definitive  proxy  or  information
statements  incorporated  by  reference  in Part  III of this  Form  10-K or any
amendments to this Form 10-K. [ X ]

         The aggregate market value of the voting stock held by nonaffiliates of
the  registrant,  based on the closing price of the Common Stock on the New York
Stock  Exchange  on  March  20,  2001  was  $17,787,376.  For  purposes  of this
computation,  officers, directors and 5% beneficial owners of the registrant are
deemed to be affiliates.  Such  determination  should not be deemed an admission
that such directors,  officers or 5% beneficial owners are, in fact,  affiliates
of the registrant.

         As of March 20, 2001,  there were 9,578,403  shares of the registrant's
Common Stock,  $0.15 par value, and 2,500,000 shares of the registrant's Class B
Common Stock, $0.15 par value, outstanding.


         Portions  of the  Annual  Report  to  Stockholders  for the year  ended
December 31, 2000, or our 2000 Annual Report, are incorporated by reference into
Parts I, II and IV of this report, as follows:

         The following  portions of our 2000 Annual Report to  Stockholders,  or
our 2000 Annual Report, are incorporated by reference in this report:

                                                                                        Page(s) in our 2000
                        Section                                                            Annual Report
                        -------                                                            -------------

         Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
              Condition and Results of Operations ("MD&A")..............................      3 - 24
         Selected Consolidated and Other Financial Data.................................         2
         Consolidated Financial Statements..............................................      26 - 54
         Supplementary Financial Data...................................................        25
         Range of Prices of Common Stock and Preferred Securities.......................        56

         Except for the parts of our 2000 Annual Report  expressly  incorporated
by reference,  such report is not deemed filed with the  Securities and Exchange

                                     PART I

         Information  appearing in this report,  in  documents  incorporated  by
reference  herein and in documents  subsequently  filed with the  Securities and
Exchange  Commission  which are not  statements of  historical  fact may include
forward-looking  statements with respect to our financial condition,  results of
operations and business. These forward-looking statements are subject to certain
risks and  uncertainties,  not all of which  can be  predicted  or  anticipated.
Factors  that may cause our  actual  results  to differ  materially  from  those
contemplated by the forward-looking  statements herein include market conditions
as well as  conditions  affecting  the banking  industry  generally  and factors
having a specific  impact on us,  including but not limited to  fluctuations  in
interest rates and in the economy; the impact of laws and regulations applicable
to us and changes  therein;  competitive  conditions  in the markets in which we
conduct our  operations,  including  competition  from  banking and  non-banking
companies  with  substantially  greater  resources,  some of which may offer and
develop  products and services that we do not offer;  our ability to control the
composition of our loan portfolio without adversely  affecting  interest income;
and our ability to respond to changes in technology.  With regard to our efforts
to grow  through  acquisitions,  factors  that  could  affect  the  accuracy  or
completeness  of  forward-looking   statements   contained  herein  include  the
potential for higher than acceptable operating costs arising from the geographic
dispersion of our offices,  as compared  with  competitors  operating  solely in
contiguous markets;  the competition of larger acquirers with greater resources;
fluctuations  in the prices at which  acquisition  targets may be available  for
sale and in the market for our  securities;  and the potential for difficulty or
unanticipated  costs  in  realizing  the  benefits  of  particular   acquisition
transactions.  Readers  of our  Form  10-K  and our 2000  Annual  Report  should
therefore  not place  undue  reliance  on  forward-looking  statements.

Item 1.   Business

General.  First Banks America,  Inc. is a registered  bank holding company under
the Bank  Holding  Company  Act of 1956,  as  amended,  or the BHC Act.  We were
incorporated in Delaware in 1978 and our corporate  headquarters  are located in
St. Louis,  Missouri.  Our principal  function is to assist in the management of
our banking subsidiaries.

         At December  31,  2000,  we had $2.74  billion in total  assets,  $2.06
billion in loans, net of unearned discount,  $2.31 billion in total deposits and
$196.9 million in total stockholders'  equity. We operate through two subsidiary
banks and one subsidiary bank holding company, as follows:

         First  Bank  &  Trust,  or   FB&T,  headquartered  in  San   Francisco,
           California; and,
         The San  Francisco  Company,  or  SFC,  headquartered in San Francisco,
           California,  and  its  wholly  owned  subsidiary:
                  Bank of San Francisco, or BSF, headquartered in San Francisco,

         Our  subsidiary  banks  are  wholly  owned by their  respective  parent

         All of our Class B common  stock,  or Class B Stock,  is owned by First
Banks, Inc., or First Banks, a multi-bank  holding company  headquartered in St.
Louis,  Missouri.  The Class B Stock has the same voting rights per share as the
Common Stock, and the two classes of stock are generally  equivalent  except the
Class B Stock is not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, not
listed on any exchange and, with limited exceptions, is not transferable,  other
than to an  affiliate  of First  Banks.  In the  event we were to  commence  the
payment  of  dividends  to our  stockholders,  the Class B Stock  would  receive
dividends only to the extent that dividends on the Common Stock exceed $0.45 per
share  annually.  The terms of the Class B Stock  allow  First Banks to purchase
additional  shares of Class B Stock  through  August  31,  2001 if a  sufficient
number of  additional  shares of Common  Stock are issued to cause First  Banks'
voting  power to fall below 55%, at prices to be  determined  based on a formula
related  to the book  value  per  share of  common  stock.  The Class B Stock is
convertible into shares of Common Stock at the option of First Banks.

         In February  1998, we completed  our  acquisition  of First  Commercial
Bancorp, Inc., or FCB, Sacramento, California, a company that was majority-owned
by First  Banks,  as  described  further in the MD&A  section of our 2000 Annual
Report and in Note 2 to our  Consolidated  Financial  Statements.  In connection
with our acquisition of FCB, we issued approximately  1,555,700 shares of Common
Stock, of which  1,266,176  shares were issued to First Banks. We also issued to
First Banks a convertible  debenture in the principal  amount of $6.5 million in
exchange  for  outstanding  debentures  of FCB.  In December  1998,  First Banks
elected to convert  the $6.5  million  principal  and $2.4  million  accrued and
unpaid interest of the  convertible  debenture into 629,557 shares of our Common
Stock.  As a result,  at December  31,  1998,  First  Banks owned  76.84% of our
outstanding voting stock.

         In February 1999,  First Banks completed its purchase of 314,848 shares
of our Common Stock,  pursuant to a tender offer that commenced in January 1999.
This tender offer  increased  First Banks'  ownership  interest to 82.34% of our
outstanding  voting stock. At December 31, 1999, First Banks owned 83.37% of our
outstanding voting stock.

         On October 31,  2000,  we  completed  our  acquisition  of First Bank &
Trust, Newport Beach,  California,  a wholly owned subsidiary of First Banks, as
described further in the MD&A section of our 2000 Annual Report and in Note 2 to
our Consolidated  Financial  Statements.  In conjunction with this  transaction,
First Bank & Trust and two of our former wholly owned  subsidiary  banks,  First
Bank of California and First Bank Texas N.A.,  were merged with and into Redwood
Bank, our other wholly owned  subsidiary  bank,  which was renamed "First Bank &
Trust." In addition,  in connection  with our acquisition of First Bank & Trust,
we issued  5,727,340 shares of our Common Stock and 803,429 shares of our Common
Stock held for treasury to First Banks. At December 31, 2000,  First Banks owned
92.86% of our outstanding voting stock.

         As of March 20, 2001, the total Common Stock and Class B Stock owned by
First Banks constituted  approximately  93.07% of our outstanding  voting stock.
Accordingly, First Banks exercises control over our management, policies and the
election of our officers and directors.

         For  the  three  years  ended   December  31,  2000,  we  completed  11
acquisitions and two branch office  purchases.  These  transactions  provided us
with total assets of $1.15 billion and 45 banking  locations.  For a description
of these  acquisitions and our acquisition  policies,  see "MD&A - Acquisitions"
and Note 2 to our Consolidated Financial Statements of our 2000 Annual Report.

         Through our subsidiary  banks, we offer a broad range of commercial and
personal deposit  products,  including  demand,  savings,  money market and time
deposit  accounts.  In addition,  we market  combined basic services for various
customer groups,  including packaged accounts for more affluent  customers,  and
sweep accounts,  lock-box  deposits and cash management  products for commercial
customers.  We also offer both consumer and commercial  loans.  Consumer lending
includes   residential  real  estate,  home  equity  and  installment   lending.
Commercial lending includes  commercial,  financial and agricultural loans, real
estate  construction  and  development  loans,  commercial  real  estate  loans,
commercial  leasing  and  trade  financing.  Other  financial  services  include
mortgage banking,  credit and debit cards,  brokerage  services,  credit-related
insurance,  automated teller machines, telephone banking, safe deposit boxes and
trust and private banking services.

         Primary  responsibility for managing our subsidiary banking units rests
with the  officers  and  directors  of each unit.  However,  in keeping with our
policy, we centralize overall corporate policies,  procedures and administrative
functions and provide operational  support functions for our subsidiaries.  This
practice allows us to achieve various operating  efficiencies while allowing our
subsidiary banking units to focus on customer service.

         The following  summarizes  selected data about our subsidiary  banks at
December 31, 2000:

                                                                                       Loans, net of
                                                        Number of         Total          unearned          Total
                       Name                             locations        assets          discount         deposits
                       ----                             ---------        ------          --------         --------
                                                                              (dollars expressed in thousands)

         FB&T........................................      52         $ 2,516,993        1,943,013        2,168,742
              BSF ....................................      1             216,552          115,615          137,727

         We purchase  certain  services  and  supplies,  directly or through our
subsidiary  banks,  including data processing  services,  internal  audit,  loan
review,  income tax  preparation  and  assistance,  accounting,  asset/liability
management and  investment  services,  loan  servicing and other  management and
administrative  services,   through  our  majority  stockholder,   First  Banks.
Additional information regarding the nature of our arrangements with First Banks
appears in Note 16 to our Consolidated Financial Statements  incorporated herein
by reference.

         Further  discussion of our business  operations and our policies is set
forth in the MD&A  section  of our 2000  Annual  Report,  which is  incorporated
herein by reference.

Competition and Branch Banking. The activities in which our subsidiary banks are
engaged are highly  competitive.  Those  activities and the  geographic  markets
served  primarily  involve  competition  with  other  banks,  some of which  are
affiliated with large regional or national holding companies.  Competition among
financial institutions is based upon interest rates offered on deposit accounts,
interest  rates  charged on loans and other  credit  and  service  charges,  the
quality of services rendered,  the convenience of banking facilities and, in the
case of loans to large commercial borrowers, relative lending limits.

         In addition to competing with other banks within their primary  service
areas,  our subsidiary  banks also compete with other financial  intermediaries,
such as credit unions, industrial loan associations, securities firms, insurance
companies,  small loan companies,  finance companies,  mortgage companies,  real
estate investment trusts,  certain governmental  agencies,  credit organizations
and other enterprises.  Additional  competition for depositors' funds comes from
United States  Government  securities,  private issuers of debt  obligations and
suppliers of other investment alternatives for depositors.  Many of our non-bank
competitors  are not  subject to the same  extensive  federal  regulations  that
govern bank holding companies and federally-insured  banks and state regulations
governing state-chartered banks. As a result, such non-bank competitors may have
certain advantages over us in providing some services.

         The  trend in Texas  and  California  has been for  multi-bank  holding
companies to acquire  independent  banks and thrifts in  communities  throughout
these states. We believe we will continue to face competition in the acquisition
of such banks and thrifts from bank holding  companies based in those states and
from bank holding companies based in other states under interstate banking laws.
Many of the financial  institutions with which we compete are larger than us and
have substantially greater resources available for making acquisitions.

         Subject to regulatory approval,  commercial banks situated in Texas and
California  are  permitted to establish  branches  throughout  their  respective
states,  thereby  creating  the  potential  for  additional  competition  in our
subsidiary banks' service areas.

Supervision and Regulation

General.  We are  extensively  regulated  under  federal and state laws designed
primarily to protect  depositors and customers of our subsidiary  banks.  To the
extent this discussion refers to statutory or regulatory  provisions,  it is not
intended to summarize all of such provisions and is qualified in its entirety by
reference  to the  relevant  statutory  and  regulatory  provisions.  Changes in
applicable laws,  regulations or regulatory  policies may have a material effect
on our business and prospects.  We are unable to predict the nature or extent of
the effects on our business and earnings that new federal and state  legislation
or regulation may have.  The enactment of the  legislation  described  below has
significantly  affected  the banking  industry  generally  and is likely to have
ongoing effects on our subsidiary banks and us in the future.

         We are a  registered  bank  holding  company  under the BHC Act and, as
such, are subject to  regulation,  supervision  and  examination by the Board of
Governors  of the Federal  Reserve  System,  or the FRB. We are required to file
annual reports with the FRB and to provide to the FRB additional  information as
it may require.

         FB&T and BSF are chartered by the State of  California  and are subject
to  supervision,  regulation and  examination  by the  California  Department of
Financial Institutions.  Our subsidiary banks are also regulated and examined by
the Federal Deposit Insurance  Corporation,  or the FDIC, which provides deposit
insurance of up to $100,000 for each insured depositor.

Bank Holding  Company  Regulation.  Our  activities  and those of our subsidiary
banks have in the past been  limited to the  business of banking and  activities
"closely related" or "incidental" to banking. Under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley  Act,
which  was  enacted  in  November  1999 and is  discussed  below,  bank  holding
companies  now have the  opportunity  to seek  broadened  authority,  subject to
limitations  on  investment,  to engage in  activities  that are  "financial  in
nature" if its subsidiary  depository  institutions are well  capitalized,  well
managed and have at least a satisfactory rating under the Community Reinvestment
Act (discussed briefly below).

         We are also subject to capital  requirements  applied on a consolidated
basis, which are substantially similar to those required of our subsidiary banks
(briefly  summarized below). The BHC Act also requires a bank holding company to
obtain  approval from the FRB before:  (i)  acquiring,  directly or  indirectly,
ownership  or  control  of any voting  shares of  another  bank or bank  holding
company if, after such acquisition, it would own or control more than 5% of such
shares  (unless it already  owns or  controls a majority of such  shares);  (ii)
acquiring all or substantially all of the assets of another bank or bank holding
company;  or (iii) merging or  consolidating  with another bank holding company.
The FRB will not approve any  acquisition,  merger or  consolidation  that would
have  a  substantially  anti-competitive  result,  unless  the  anti-competitive
effects of the proposed  transaction are clearly  outweighed by a greater public
interest in meeting the convenience and needs of the community to be served. The
FRB also considers  capital adequacy and other financial and managerial  factors
in reviewing acquisitions and mergers.

Safety  and  Soundness  and  Similar  Regulations.  We are  subject  to  various
regulations and regulatory  policies directed at the financial  soundness of our
subsidiary  banks.  These  include,  but are not limited to, the FRB's source of
strength policy, which obligates a bank holding company to provide financial and
managerial strength to our subsidiary banks; restrictions on the nature and size
of  certain  transactions  between a bank  holding  company  and its  subsidiary
depository  institutions;  and  restrictions  on  extensions  of  credit  by our
subsidiary banks to executive officers,  directors,  principal  stockholders and
the related interests of such persons.

Regulatory Capital Standards.  The federal bank regulatory agencies have adopted
substantially  similar  risk-based and leverage  capital  guidelines for banking
organizations.  Risk-based  capital ratios are determined by classifying  assets
and specified  off-balance-sheet financial instruments into weighted categories,
with higher levels of capital being required for categories  deemed to represent
greater risk. FRB policy also provides that banking organizations generally, and
in particular  those that are  experiencing  internal  growth or actively making
acquisitions,  are expected to maintain capital positions that are substantially
above the minimum supervisory levels, without significant reliance on intangible

         Under the risk-based capital standard,  the minimum  consolidated ratio
of total capital to risk-adjusted  assets required for bank holding companies is
8%. At least one-half of the total capital, or Tier 1 capital,  must be composed
of  common  equity,  retained  earnings,   qualifying   noncumulative  perpetual
preferred stock, a limited amount of qualifying  cumulative  perpetual preferred
stock  and   minority   interests  in  the  equity   accounts  of   consolidated
subsidiaries,  less certain items such as goodwill and certain other  intangible
assets.  The  remainder,  or Tier 2 capital,  may consist of  qualifying  hybrid
capital instruments,  perpetual debt, mandatory  convertible debt securities,  a
limited amount of  subordinated  debt,  preferred stock that does not qualify as
Tier 1 capital and a limited amount of loan and lease loss reserves.

         In  addition  to the  risk-based  standard,  we are  subject to minimum
requirements  with  respect  to the ratio of our Tier 1 capital  to our  average
assets less goodwill and certain other intangible assets, or the Leverage Ratio.
Applicable  requirements  provide  for a minimum  Leverage  Ratio of 3% for bank
holding companies that have the highest supervisory rating, while all other bank
holding companies must maintain a minimum Leverage Ratio of at least 4% to 5%.

         The FDIC has  established  capital  requirements  for  banks  under its
jurisdiction  that are consistent  with those imposed by the FRB on bank holding
companies.  Information  regarding our capital levels and our subsidiary  banks'
capital levels under the federal capital requirements is contained in Note 19 to
our Consolidated Financial Statements incorporated herein by reference.

Prompt  Corrective  Action.  The FDIC  Improvement Act requires the federal bank
regulatory  agencies to take prompt  corrective  action in respect to depository
institutions  that  do not  meet  minimum  capital  requirements.  A  depository
institution's  status under the prompt  corrective action provisions will depend
upon how its capital levels  compare to various  relevant  capital  measures and
other factors as established by regulation.

         The federal regulatory agencies have adopted  regulations  establishing
relevant capital measures and relevant capital levels. Under the regulations,  a
bank will be: (i) "well  capitalized"  if it has a total capital ratio of 10% or
greater,  a Tier 1 capital ratio of 6% or greater and a Leverage  Ratio of 5% or
greater  and is not  subject  to any  order  or  written  directive  by any such
regulatory  authority  to meet and  maintain  a specific  capital  level for any
capital measure;  (ii) "adequately  capitalized" if it has a total capital ratio
of 8% or greater,  a Tier 1 capital ratio of 4% or greater and a Leverage  Ratio
of 4% or greater (3% in certain circumstances);  (iii)  "undercapitalized" if it
has a total  capital  ratio of less than 8%, a Tier 1 capital ratio of less than
4% or a  Leverage  Ratio of less  than 4% (3% in  certain  circumstances);  (iv)
"significantly  undercapitalized"  if it has a total  capital ratio of less than
6%, a Tier 1 capital ratio of less than 3% or a Leverage  Ratio of less than 3%;
and (v) "critically undercapitalized" if its tangible equity is equal to or less
than 2% of average quarterly tangible assets. A depository institution's primary
federal  regulatory  agency is  authorized  to lower the  institution's  capital
category  under  certain  circumstances.  The banking  agencies are permitted to
establish  individualized  minimum  capital  requirements  exceeding the general
requirements  described  above.  Generally,  a bank which does not  maintain the
status of "well  capitalized"  or  "adequately  capitalized"  will be subject to
restrictions and limitations on its business that are progressively more severe.

         A bank is prohibited  from making any capital  distribution  (including
payment of a dividend) or paying any  management  fee to its holding  company if
the bank would thereafter be "undercapitalized."  "Undercapitalized"  depository
institutions  are subject to limitations  on, among other things,  asset growth,
acquisitions,  branching, new lines of business, acceptance of brokered deposits
and borrowings from the Federal Reserve System,  and they are required to submit
a capital  restoration  plan that  includes a guarantee  from the  institution's
holding company. "Significantly undercapitalized" depository institutions may be
subject to a number of requirements and  restrictions,  including orders to sell
sufficient  voting stock to become  "adequately  capitalized,"  requirements  to
reduce total  assets and  cessation  of receipt of deposits  from  correspondent
banks. "Critically undercapitalized" institutions are subject to the appointment
of a receiver or conservator.

Dividends.  Our primary source of funds in the future is the dividends,  if any,
paid by our  subsidiary  banks.  The  ability  of our  subsidiary  banks  to pay
dividends is limited by federal laws,  by  regulations  promulgated  by the bank
regulatory agencies and by principles of prudent bank management.  The amount of
dividends  our  subsidiary  banks may pay to us is also  limited by First Banks'
credit agreement with a group of unaffiliated financial institutions. Additional
information concerning limitations on the ability of our subsidiary banks to pay
dividends  appears  in  Note  15  to  our  Consolidated   Financial   Statements
incorporated herein by reference.

Customer Protection.  Our subsidiary banks are also subject to consumer laws and
regulations  intended  to protect  consumers  in  transactions  with  depository
institutions,  as well as  other  laws or  regulations  affecting  customers  of
financial  institutions  generally.  These laws and regulations  mandate various
disclosure requirements and substantively regulate the manner in which financial
institutions  must deal with their customers.  Our subsidiary banks are required
to comply with numerous  regulations  in this regard and are subject to periodic
examinations with respect to their compliance with the requirements.

Community  Reinvestment  Act. The  Community  Reinvestment  Act of 1977, or CRA,
requires that, in connection with examinations of financial  institutions within
their  jurisdiction,  the federal banking regulators must evaluate the record of
the  financial   institutions  in  meeting  the  credit  needs  of  their  local
communities,  including low and moderate income  neighborhoods,  consistent with
the safe and sound  operation of those banks.  These factors are also considered
in evaluating mergers, acquisitions and other applications to expand.

The  Gramm-Leach-Bliley  Act.  The  activities  of bank holding  companies  have
historically  been  limited to the business of banking and  activities  "closely
related" or "incidental" to banking. The enactment of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
in 1999 has relaxed the  previous  limitations  and  permits  some bank  holding
companies  to engage in a broader  range of financial  activities.  Bank holding
companies may elect to become "financial  holding  companies" that may affiliate
with  securities  firms and insurance  companies and engage in other  activities
that are financial in nature.  In addition to lending,  activities  that will be
deemed  "financial in nature"  include  securities  underwriting,  dealing in or
making a market in securities, sponsoring mutual funds and investment companies,
insurance  underwriting and agency  activities,  merchant banking activities and
other  activities  which the FRB determines to be closely related to banking.  A
bank holding company may become a financial  holding company only if each of its
subsidiary  banks is well  capitalized  and  well  managed  and has a rating  of
satisfactory  or higher under CRA. A bank  holding  company that ceases to be in
compliance with those requirements may be required to stop engaging in specified

         The  Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act also permits banks to own subsidiaries that
engage in a somewhat  broader range of financial  activities than was previously
permitted,  including some insurance  activities.  In order to take advantage of
any new powers, a bank must satisfy standards  governing capital adequacy and is
also required to have satisfactory examination ratings of its management and CRA
compliance,  among other factors.  The powers available to bank subsidiaries are
not as broad as those available to qualifying financial holding companies.

         Under the  Gramm-Leach-Bliley  Act, the FRB has  supervisory  authority
over each  parent  financial  holding  company and  limited  authority  over its
subsidiaries.  The  determination  of which federal  regulatory  agency is given
primary  authority over a subsidiary of a financial  holding company will depend
on the  types  of  activities  conducted  by the  subsidiary.  In  that  regard,
broker-dealer  subsidiaries will be regulated primarily by securities regulators
and insurance subsidiaries will primarily be regulated by insurance authorities.

         The  Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act also will impose significant new regulatory
requirements  regarding the privacy of customer  information  when  implementing
regulations  become  effective in July,  2001.  Each bank and other  provider of
financial services will be required to protect the security and  confidentiality
of  nonpublic  information  about  its  customers,  to  adopt a  privacy  policy
regarding  its  practices  for sharing  information  about  customers,  and, for
consumer accounts,  to disclose its privacy policy when an account  relationship
is established  and at least annually  thereafter.  Unless an exemption from the
requirements in the Act is available for a particular type of disclosure, a bank
or other financial  company must provide an opportunity for the consumer to "opt
out" of disclosure of information to third parties,  and third parties with whom
information  is shared  will be subject to  restrictions  on their use of shared
information.  The Act will also prohibit the  disclosure to  unaffiliated  third
parties  of  account  numbers  and  other  specified   information  for  use  in
telemarketing, direct mail and electronic mail marketing.

Reserve Requirements;  Federal Reserve System and Federal Home Loan Bank System.
The FRB requires all depository  institutions to maintain reserves against their
transaction accounts and non-personal time deposits.  The balances maintained to
meet  the  reserve  requirements  imposed  by the FRB  may be  used  to  satisfy
liquidity  requirements.  Institutions are authorized to borrow from the Federal
Reserve Bank "discount  window," but FRB  regulations  require  institutions  to

exhaust other reasonable  alternative sources of funds,  including advances from
Federal Home Loan Banks,  or FHLBs,  before  borrowing from the Federal  Reserve

         Certain of our  subsidiary  banks are  members of the  Federal  Reserve
System  and  the  Federal  Home  Loan  Bank  System  and  are  required  to hold
investments in regional banks within those systems. Our subsidiary banks were in
compliance with these  requirements  at December 31, 2000,  with  investments of
$2.0 million and $767,000 in stock of the FHLB of San Francisco held by FB&T and
BSF, respectively, $1.5 million in stock of the FHLB of Dallas held by FB&T, and
$328,000 in stock of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco held by FB&T.

Monetary  Policy and  Economic  Control.  The  commercial  banking  business  is
affected  not only by  legislation,  regulatory  policies  and general  economic
conditions,  but  also by the  monetary  policies  of the  FRB.  Changes  in the
discount  rate on member  bank  borrowings,  the  availability  of credit at the
"discount window," open market operations,  the imposition of changes in reserve
requirements against deposits and assets of foreign branches, and the imposition
of and changes in reserve  requirements  against certain borrowings by banks and
their affiliates are some of the instruments of monetary policy available to the
FRB.  These  monetary  policies  are used in varying  combinations  to influence
overall growth and  distributions of bank loans,  investments and deposits,  and
this use may affect interest rates charged on loans or paid on liabilities.  The
monetary  policies  of the FRB have had a  significant  effect on the  operating
results  of  commercial  banks and are  expected  to do so in the  future.  Such
policies are influenced by various factors,  including inflation,  unemployment,
short-term and long-term changes in the  international  trade balance and in the
fiscal policies of the U.S. Government.  Future monetary policies and the effect
of such policies on our future  business and earnings and on the future business
and earnings of our subsidiary banks cannot be predicted.


         As of March 20, 2001, we employed approximately 645 employees.  None of
our employees are subject to a collective bargaining agreement.  We consider our
relationships with our employees to be good.

Executive Officers of the Registrant

         Information  regarding  executive  officers is  contained in Item 10 of
Part III hereof (pursuant to General  Instruction G) and is incorporated  herein
by this reference.

Item 2.  Properties

         Our executive  office is located at the executive office owned by First
Banks at 135 North Meramec,  Clayton,  Missouri 63105.  The  headquarters of our
subsidiary  banks  are (i) in the case of FB&T,  in a  building  leased  by FB&T
located at 735 Montgomery  Street,  San Francisco,  California;  and (ii) in the
case of BSF, in a building leased by BSF located at 550 Montgomery  Street,  San
Francisco,  California.  In addition to those offices, as of March 20, 2001, our
subsidiary  banks do business at 51 branch offices in Texas and  California,  of
which 14 are located in  buildings  that we own and 37 are located in  buildings
that we lease.

         We  consider  the  properties  at  which we do  business  to be in good
condition,  suitable for our business conducted at each location.  To the extent
our  properties or those  acquired in connection  with the  acquisition of other
entities provide space in excess of that effectively  utilized in the operations
of our subsidiary  banks, we seek to lease or sublease any excess space to third
parties. Additional information regarding the premises and equipment utilized by
our subsidiary banks appears in Note 5 to our Consolidated  Financial Statements
incorporated herein by reference.

Item 3.  Legal Proceedings

         There are various  claims and pending  actions  against our  subsidiary
banks  and us in  the  ordinary  course  of  business.  It is  our  opinion,  in
consultation with legal counsel, the ultimate liability,  if any, resulting from
such claims and pending  actions will not have a material  adverse effect on our
financial position or results of operations.

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

         Our Annual Meeting of Stockholders  was  held  on October 11, 2000. Our
seven directors  were reelected, with the vote totals indicated in the following

                   Name of Director                          For                              Against
                   ----------------                          ---                              -------

         Allen H. Blake                                   5,430,571                           39,366
         Charles A. Crocco, Jr.                           5,431,672                           38,265
         James F. Dierberg                                5,431,707                           38,230
         Albert M. Lavezzo                                5,431,780                           38,157
         Ellen D. Schepman                                5,430,665                           39,272
         Edward T. Story, Jr.                             5,431,618                           38,319
         Donald W. Williams                               5,430,799                           39,138

         Stockholders  also approved the  acquisition  of First Bank & Trust and
the related  issuance of 6,530,769  shares of Common Stock to First Banks,  with
the following vote totals:

                For             Against          Abstain          Non-Votes
                ---             -------          -------          ---------

             5,026,491          41,597            7,084            394,765

                                     PART II

Item 5.  Market for Registrant's Common Stock and Related Stockholder Matters

Market  Information.  We have two classes of common  stock.  Our Common Stock is
listed on the New York Stock Exchange,  or the NYSE, under the symbol "FBA." All
of our Class B Stock is held by First  Banks and is not  listed or  traded.  See
"Item 1, Business - General."  Continued listing of our Common Stock on the NYSE
is subject to various  requirements,  including  the financial  eligibility  and
distribution requirements of the NYSE.

         Information  regarding the number of stockholders and the market prices
for Common Stock since January 1, 2001 is set forth under the caption  "Investor
Information" of our 2000 Annual Report and is incorporated herein by reference.

Dividends.  In recent years, we have not paid any dividends on our Common Stock.
Our ability to pay  dividends is limited by regulatory  requirements  and by the
receipt of dividend payments from our subsidiary  banks,  which are also subject
to regulatory requirements. See Note 15 to our Consolidated Financial Statements
incorporated herein by reference.

Item 6.  Selected Financial Data

         The  information  required  by this  item  is  incorporated  herein  by
reference  from page 2 of our 2000 Annual  Report  under the  caption  "Selected
Consolidated and Other Financial Data."

Item 7.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
of Operations

         The  information  required  by this  item  is  incorporated  herein  by
reference  from pages 3 through 24 of our 2000 Annual  Report  under the caption

Item 7a. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosure About Market Risk

         The  information  required  by this  item  is  incorporated  herein  by
reference  from pages 10 through 11 of our 2000 Annual  Report under the caption
"MD&A - Interest Rate Risk Management."

Item 8.  Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

         Our  consolidated  financial  statements  are  incorporated  herein  by
reference  from pages 26 through 54 of our 2000 Annual Report under the captions
"Consolidated   Balance   Sheets,"   "Consolidated    Statements   of   Income,"
"Consolidated  Statements of Changes in Stockholders'  Equity and  Comprehensive
Income,"  "Consolidated  Statements  of  Cash  Flows,"  "Notes  to  Consolidated
Financial Statements" and "Independent Auditors' Report."

         Our  Supplementary  Financial  Information  is  incorporated  herein by
reference  from page 25 of our 2000 Annual  Report under the caption  "Quarterly
Condensed Financial Data - Unaudited."

Item 9.  Changes  in  and  Disagreements  with  Accountants  on  Accounting  and
Financial Disclosure


                                    PART III

Item 10. Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

Board of Directors

         Our Board of Directors,  consisting of seven members,  is identified in
the following  table.  Each of our directors was elected or appointed to serve a
one-year term and until his/her successor has been duly qualified for office.

                                      Director               Principal Occupation(s) During Last Five Years
          Name                 Age      Since                    and Directorships of Public Companies
          ----                 ---      -----                    -------------------------------------

James F. Dierberg (1)           63      1994      Chairman of the Board of Directors,  President  and Chief Executive
                                                  Officer  of  FBA  since  1994;  Chairman  of  the  Board and  Chief
                                                  Executive  Officer of First  Banks  since  1988;  Director of First
                                                  Banks  since  1979;  President of First Banks from 1979 to 1992 and
                                                  from 1994 to October 1999; Trustee of First Preferred Capital Trust
                                                  and First America Capital Trust since 1997 and 1998, respectively.

Allen H. Blake                  58      1994      Executive Vice President,  Chief Operating Officer and Secretary of
                                                  FBA  since  1998;  Vice  President,  Chief  Operating  Officer  and
                                                  Secretary of FBA from 1994 to 1998; Chief Financial  Officer of FBA
                                                  from  1994 to  September  1999;  President  of  First  Banks  since
                                                  October 1999;  Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
                                                  of  First  Banks  from  1996 to  September  1999;  Chief  Operating
                                                  Officer of First Banks since 1998;  Secretary  of First Banks since
                                                  1988;  Trustee of First  Preferred  Capital  Trust,  First  America
                                                  Capital  Trust and First  Preferred  Capital  Trust II since  1997,
                                                  1998 and September 2000, respectively.

Charles A. Crocco, Jr. (2)      62      1988      Counsel  to the law firm of Crocco & De Maio,  P.C.,  Mount  Kisco,
                                                  New York  since  April  2000;  Counsel to the law firm of Jackson &
                                                  Nash,  LLP.,  New York,  New York from  January 1999 to April 2000;
                                                  Counsel to Crocco & De Maio,  P.C. in 1998;  Partner in Crocco & De
                                                  Maio,  P.C.,  New York,  New York  prior to 1998;  Director  of The
                                                  Hallwood Group Incorporated, a merchant banking firm.

Albert M. Lavezzo (2)           64      1998      President  and Chief  Operating  Officer of the law firm of Favaro,
                                                  Lavezzo,   Gill,   Caretti   &   Heppell,   Vallejo,  California, a
                                                  professional      legal   corporation,    since    1974;     Former
                                                  Chairman  of the Board  of  Directors  of Surety  Bank  (15 years);
                                                  Director of FB&T; President of North Bay Exchange Co., Inc.

Ellen D. Schepman (1)           26      1999      Retail  Marketing  Officer of First  Banks  since May 1999;  Retail
                                                  Marketing  Specialist of FB&T from 1997 to May 1999; prior to 1996,
                                                  Mrs. Schepman was a full-time student.

Edward T. Story, Jr. (2)       57       1987      President,   Chief   Executive   Officer   and   Director  of  SOCO
                                                  International,  plc,  Comfort,  Texas, a corporation  listed on the
                                                  London  Stock  Exchange  and engaged in  international  oil and gas
                                                  operations, since 1991; Director of Cairn Energy plc  and  Hallwood
                                                  Realty  Corporation.

Donald W. Williams             53       1995      Senior  Executive  Vice President and Chief Credit Officer of First
                                                  Banks since  September  2000;  Executive  Vice  President and Chief
                                                  Credit Officer of First Banks since 1996;  Chairman of the Board of
                                                  Directors,  President and Chief Executive  Officer of First Bank, a
                                                  wholly owned  subsidiary  of First Banks;  Chairman of the Board of
                                                  Directors of First Capital Group,  Inc., a wholly owned  subsidiary
                                                  of First Banks.

- ----------------------------------
(1)  Mrs.  Schepman  is the  daughter  of Mr.  James F.  Dierberg.  See Item 12.
     Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management.
(2)  Member of the Audit Committee.

Executive Officers

         Our  executive  officers,  each of whom was  elected  to the  office(s)
indicated by our Board of Directors, as of March 20, 2001, were as follows:

                                                                                    Principal Occupation(s)
          Name                Age        Current FBA Office(s) Held                 During Last Five Years
          ----                ---        --------------------------                 ----------------------

James F. Dierberg              63   Chairman  of  the  Board,  President  See  Item  10 - "Directors  and  Executive
                                    and Chief Executive Officer.          Officers  of  the  Registrant  -  Board of

Allen H. Blake                 58   Executive  Vice   President,   Chief  See  Item 10 -  "Directors  and  Executive
                                    Operating Officer and Secretary.      Officers  of the  Registrant  -  Board  of

Frank H. Sanfilippo            38   Executive  Vice  President and Chief  Executive   Vice   President   and   Chief
                                    Financial Officer.                    Financial  Officer  of First  Banks  since
                                                                          September  1999;  Executive Vice President
                                                                          and  Chief  Financial Officer of FBA since
                                                                          September  1999;  Director, Executive Vice
                                                                          Chief  Financial  Officer,  Secretary  and
                                                                          Treasurer  of  First  Bank since September
                                                                          1999; Trustee  of  First Preferred Capital
                                                                          Trust  II  since  September  2000;  Senior
                                                                          Vice President and Director of  Management
                                                                          Accounting  of  Mercantile Bancorporation,
                                                                          Inc., St. Louis,  Missouri,  from  1998 to
                                                                          September  1999;  Vice President and Chief
                                                                          Financial Officer - Mercantile Bank Opera-
                                                                          tions Division, from 1996  to  1997;  Vice
                                                                          President   and  Assistant  Controller  of
                                                                          Mercantile Bank N.A. from 1994 to 1996.

Terrance M. McCarthy           46   Executive Vice  President;  Chairman  Mr.  McCarthy has been employed in various
                                    of   the    Board   of    Directors,  executive  capacities with First Banks and
                                    President   and   Chief    Executive  FBA since 1995 and 1998, respectively.
                                    Officer of FB&T and BSF.

David F. Weaver                53   Executive Vice President;  President  Mr.  Weaver has been  employed  in various
                                    - Texas Region.                       executive capacities with FBA since 1994.

         Except for the relationship of Mrs. Schepman and Mr. Dierberg described
above,  there  are no  family  relationships  between  any of our  nominees  for
director, our directors or executive officers or our subsidiary banks' directors
or executive officers.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

         To  our  knowledge,  none  of  our  directors,  executive  officers  or
shareholders,  subject, in their capacity as such, to the reporting  obligations
set forth in Section 16 of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  or
the  Exchange  Act,  has failed to file on a timely  basis  reports  required by
Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act during the year ended December 31, 2000.

Item 11.  Executive Compensation

         The   following   table  sets  forth  certain   information   regarding
compensation  earned  during the year ended  December  31, 2000,  and  specified
information  with respect to the two preceding  years,  by Mr.  McCarthy and Mr.
Weaver,  who are our only executive  officers whose annual  compensation in 2000
from our subsidiary banks or us exceeded $100,000.

         Neither  Mr.  Dierberg,  Mr.  Blake  nor Mr.  Sanfilippo  receives  any
compensation  directly from our subsidiary banks or us. Our subsidiary banks and
we have entered  into  various  contracts  with First  Banks,  of which  Messrs.
Dierberg, Blake and Sanfilippo are directors and/or executive officers, pursuant
to which services are provided to our subsidiary banks and us (see "Compensation
Committee  Interlocks  and Insider  Participation"  for  additional  information
regarding contracts with First Banks).

                                       SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                                                                                                      All Other
         Name and Principal Position(s)                     Year          Salary (1)     Bonus     Compensation (2)
         ------------------------------                     ----          ---------      -----     ----------------

Terrance M. McCarthy                                        2000        $  180,000       25,000         6,650
   Executive Vice President;                                1999           147,500       20,000         4,950
   Chairman of the Board of Directors,                      1998           121,600       27,000         4,460
   President and Chief Executive Officer
   of FB&T and BSF

David F. Weaver                                             2000           137,500       18,000         5,150
   Executive Vice President;                                1999           127,000       20,450         3,700
   President - Texas Region                                 1998           116,200       20,000         3,400

- ---------------------
(1)  The total of all other annual  compensation  for the named  officer is less
     than the amount  required to be reported which is the lesser of (a) $50,000
     or (b) ten percent  (10%) of the total of the annual  salary and bonus paid
     to that person.
(2)  All other compensation  reported represents  matching  contributions to our
     401(k) Plan for the year indicated and ownership interests granted in units
     of Star Lane Trust,  First Bank's unit investment trust that was created on
     January 21, 2000.

Compensation of Directors. Directors who are not our officers or affiliated with
First Banks  (Messrs.  Crocco,  Story and Lavezzo) were paid a fee of $2,000 for
each  meeting  of our Board of  Directors  attended,  and a fee of $500 for each
committee  meeting attended.  In addition,  each of these individuals was paid a
fee of $10,000 for their  participation  on a special  committee of our Board of
Directors  created  during 2000 for the  purpose of  conducting  an  independent
evaluation of our  acquisition  of FB&T. For their service as directors in 2000,
Messrs.  Crocco, Story and Lavezzo each received aggregate fees of $20,000. Mrs.
Schepman,  who serves as a Retail  Marketing  Officer of First Banks, but who is
not an officer of FBA,  also  received  $8,000 for her  service as a director in
2000.  Furthermore,  Mr.  Lavezzo  received  $6,000  as a member of the Board of
Directors of FB&T.

         Messrs. Crocco, Story and Lavezzo and Mrs. Schepman also participate in
our 1993  Directors'  Stock Bonus Plan, or our Stock Bonus Plan,  which provides
for an annual  grant of 500  shares of our Common  Stock to each such  director.
Future grants would apply equally to current directors and to any individual who
becomes our  director in the  future.  The maximum  number of shares that may be
issued may not exceed 16,667  shares,  and the plan will expire on July 1, 2001.
Directors'  compensation  expense of $36,000 was incurred in 2000 in  connection
with our Stock Bonus Plan.

         None of our three  directors who are also  executive  officers of First
Banks (Messrs.  Dierberg,  Blake and Williams) receive any compensation from our
subsidiary banks or us for service as a director, nor do they participate in our
Stock Bonus Plan or any of our other  compensation  plans. First Banks, of which
Messrs.  Dierberg,  Blake,  McCarthy,  Sanfilippo  and  Williams  are  executive
officers and Messrs. Dierberg and Blake are directors, provides various services
to our subsidiary  banks and us for which it is compensated  (see  "Compensation
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation").

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation.  Messrs.  Dierberg,
Blake and  Sanfilippo,  who are our  executive  officers  but do not receive any
compensation  for their  services as such, are also  executive  officers  and/or
members of the Board of Directors  of First  Banks.  First Banks does not have a
separate  compensation  committee,  but its  Board  of  Directors  performs  the
functions of such a committee.  Except for the foregoing,  none of our executive
officers served during 2000 as a member of our  compensation  committee,  or any
other  committee  performing  similar  functions,  or as a  director  of another
entity,  any of whose  executive  officers or  directors  served on our Board of

         We purchase  certain services and supplies from or through First Banks.
Our financial  position and operating  results could  significantly  differ from
those that would be obtained if our relationship with First Banks did not exist.

         First Banks provides  management  services to our subsidiary  banks and
us. Management  services are provided under management fee agreements whereby we
compensate First Banks for our use of personnel for various functions  including
internal audit, loan review, income tax preparation and assistance,  accounting,
asset/liability  management  and investment  services,  loan servicing and other
management and  administrative  services.  Fees paid under these agreements were
$5.2  million,  $4.4 million and $3.2  million for the years ended  December 31,
2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.  The fees paid for management services are at
least as favorable as we could have obtained from unaffiliated third parties.

         First Services,  L.P., a limited partnership  indirectly owned by First
Banks'  Chairman and his adult  children,  provides data  processing and various
related  services to FB&T and us under the terms of data processing  agreements.
Fees paid under  these  agreements  were $6.8  million,  $5.3  million  and $3.5
million for the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.  The
fees paid for data  processing  services  are at least as  favorable as we could
have obtained from unaffiliated third parties.

         Our  subsidiary  banks had $108.2  million  and $31.9  million in whole
loans  and loan  participations  outstanding  at  December  31,  2000 and  1999,
respectively,  that were purchased from First Bank, a wholly owned subsidiary of
First  Banks.  In addition,  our  subsidiary  banks had sold $146.1  million and
$167.5 million in whole loans and loan  participations to First Bank at December
31,  2000 and  1999,  respectively.  These  loans and loan  participations  were
acquired and sold at interest  rates and terms  prevailing at the dates of their
purchase or sale and under  standards  and policies  followed by our  subsidiary

         As  more  fully  discussed  in  Note  7 to our  Consolidated  Financial
Statements of our 2000 Annual Report,  we have a $100.0  million  revolving note
payable to First Banks. At December 31, 2000, the amount  outstanding  under our
note payable was $98.0 million. There were no amounts outstanding under our note
payable at December 31, 1999.

Employee  Benefit  Plans.  We  maintain  various  employee  benefit  plans.  Our
directors are not eligible to  participate  in such plans except our Stock Bonus
Plan unless they are also our  employees or employees of our  subsidiary  banks.
Although Messrs. Dierberg, Blake and Sanfilippo are executive officers, they are
not participants in any of our employee benefit plans.

         Prior to 1996, we maintained a  noncontributory,  defined benefit plan,
or our Pension  Plan,  for eligible  officers  and  employees.  During 1994,  we
discontinued  the  accumulation  of benefits  under our Pension Plan.  While our
Pension  Plan  continues  in  existence  and  provides  benefits  that  had then
accumulated, no additional benefits have accrued to participants since 1994, and
no new participants will become eligible for benefits  thereafter.  In addition,
we intend to dissolve this plan in 2001.

         Benefits under our Pension Plan are based upon annual base salaries and
years of service as of 1994 and are payable only upon  retirement  or disability
and, in some  instances,  at death. A participant  who fulfilled the eligibility
and tenure requirements prior to the discontinuation of accumulation of benefits
will receive,  upon reaching the normal  retirement age of 65, monthly  benefits
based upon average monthly  compensation  during the five  consecutive  calendar
years out of his or her last ten calendar  years prior to 1994 that provided the
highest average compensation.

         As of December 31, 2000, Mr. Weaver would be eligible to receive annual
benefits of approximately $11,000 upon retirement at age 65.

Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

         The  following  table  sets  forth,  as  of  March  20,  2001,  certain
information  with  respect to the  beneficial  ownership of our Common Stock and
Class B Stock by each person known to us to be the beneficial owner of more than
five percent of the outstanding  shares of either class of our stock, by each of
our directors and  executive  officers and by all of our executive  officers and
directors as a group:

         Title of                  Name of                  Number of Shares and Nature         Percent of
          Class               Beneficial Owner                of Beneficial Ownership              Class
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Class B Stock        First Banks, Inc.                     2,500,000 (1)(2)(3)                 100.0%
                            135 North Meramec
                            Clayton, Missouri 63105

       Class B Stock        James F. Dierberg                     2,500,000 (1)(2)(3)                 100.0

       Common Stock         First Banks, Inc.                     8,741,350 (1)(2)(3)                  91.3

       Common Stock         James F. Dierberg                     8,741,350 (1)(2)(3)                  91.3

       Common Stock         Allen H. Blake                            1,000 (4)                        (*)

       Common Stock         Charles A. Crocco, Jr.                    7,772 (4)                        (*)

       Common Stock         Albert M. Lavezzo                        10,210 (4)                        (*)

       Common Stock         Terrance M. McCarthy                      2,000 (4)                        (*)

       Common Stock         Frank H. Sanfilippo                           0                             --

       Common Stock         Ellen D. Schepman                         1,000 (2)(3)(4)                  (*)

       Common Stock         Edward T. Story, Jr.                     10,682 (4)                        (*)

       Common Stock         David F. Weaver                           2,974 (4)                        (*)

       Common Stock         Donald W. Williams                          100 (4)                        (*)

       All executive officers                                   8,777,088 shares                 91.6% of
         and directors as a                                       Common Stock                 Common Stock
         group (10 persons)

                                                                2,500,000 shares                 100% of
                                                                  Class B Stock                Class B Stock

- ------------------------
(*)  Less than one percent

(1)  The shares shown as beneficially owned by First Banks and James F. Dierberg
     comprise 100% of the  outstanding  shares of Class B Stock and 91.3% of the
     outstanding  shares of Common Stock. Each share of Common Stock and Class B
     Stock is entitled to one vote on matters  subject to stockholder  vote. All
     of the shares of Class B Stock and Common  Stock  owned by First  Banks are
     pledged  to  secure a loan to  First  Banks  from a group  of  unaffiliated
     lenders.  The related credit agreement contains customary  provisions which
     could ultimately  result in the transfer of such shares if First Banks were
     to default in the repayment of the loan and such default were not cured, or
     other  arrangements  satisfactory  to the lenders  were not made,  by First

(2)  The controlling  stockholders of First Banks are (i) the James F. Dierberg,
     II Family Trust, dated December 30, 1992; (ii) Irrevocable Trust of Michael
     J. Dierberg,  dated May 1, 1998;  (iii) the Ellen C. Dierberg Family Trust,
     dated December 30, 1992;  (iv) James F.  Dierberg,  trustee of the James F.
     Dierberg  living trust,  dated October 8, 1985; (v) the Michael J. Dierberg
     Family  Trust,  dated  December  30,  1992;  and (vi) First  Trust (Mary W.
     Dierberg and First Bank, Trustees) established U/I James F. Dierberg, dated
     December 30,  1992.  Mr. James F.  Dierberg and Mrs.  Mary W.  Dierberg are
     husband and wife, and Messrs. James F. Dierberg, II, Michael James Dierberg
     and Mrs. Ellen D. Schepman are their adult children.

(3)  Due to the relationships among James F. Dierberg,  Mary W. Dierberg,  First
     Bank and the three  adult  children of James F. and Mary W.  Dierberg,  Mr.
     Dierberg  is deemed to share  voting and  investment  power over all of the
     outstanding  voting stock of First Banks which in turn exercises voting and
     investment  power  over  the  shares  of  Common  Stock  and  Class B Stock
     attributed to it in the table.

(4)  All of the  shares  attributed  in the  table  to  Messrs.  Blake,  Crocco,
     Lavezzo,  McCarthy,  Story, Weaver and Williams and Mrs. Schepman are owned
     by them directly.

Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

         Outside  of normal  customer  relationships,  no  directors,  executive
officers  or  stockholders   holding  over  5%  of  our  voting  stock,  and  no
corporations  or firms with  which such  persons  or  entities  are  associated,
currently  maintain  or have  maintained  since the  beginning  of the last full
fiscal  year,  any  significant  business  or  personal  relationships  with our
subsidiaries  or us, other than that which arises by virtue of such  position or
ownership  interest in our  subsidiaries or us, except as set forth in Item 11 -
"Executive  Compensation  -  Compensation  of Directors," or as described in the
following paragraphs.

         Our subsidiary  banks have had in the past, and may have in the future,
loan transactions in the ordinary course of business with our directors or their
affiliates.  These loan  transactions  have been and will be on the same  terms,
including  interest rates and  collateral,  as those  prevailing at the time for
comparable  transactions  with  unaffiliated  persons  and did not and  will not
involve more than the normal risk of collectibility or present other unfavorable
features.  Our  subsidiary  banks do not  extend  credit to our  officers  or to
officers  of our  subsidiary  banks,  except  extensions  of credit  secured  by
mortgages on personal  residences,  loans to purchase  automobiles  and personal
credit card accounts.

         Certain of our directors and officers and their  respective  affiliates
have  deposit  accounts  with our  subsidiary  banks.  It is the  policy  of our
subsidiary  banks not to permit  any of their  officers  or  directors  or their
affiliates to overdraw their respective  deposit accounts unless that person has
been previously approved for overdraft  protection under a plan whereby a credit
limit has been  established in accordance  with the standard  credit criteria of
our subsidiary banks.

                                     PART IV

Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on Form 8-K

           (a)    1.     Financial  Statements  and   Supplementary   Data - The
                         financial  statements and  supplementary  data filed as
                         part of this Report are listed under Item 8.

                  2.     Financial  Statement  Schedules - These  schedules  are
                         omitted for the reason they are not required or are not

                  3.     Exhibits  - The  exhibits  are  listed  in the index of
                         exhibits required by Item 601 of Regulation S-K at Item
                         (c) below and are incorporated herein by reference.

           (b)    Reports on Form 8-K.

                         A current  report on Form 8-K was filed on  November 8,
                         2000. Item 2 of the Report  describes our  acquisitions
                         of FB&T and Commercial Bank of San Francisco,  which we
                         completed on October 31, 2000.  In addition,  Item 7 of
                         the  Report  presents   financial   statements  of  the
                         businesses  acquired,  pro forma financial  information
                         and exhibits, as applicable.

           (c)    The index of required  exhibits is included  beginning on page
                  20 of this Report.


         Pursuant to the  requirements  of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                            FIRST BANKS AMERICA, INC.

                            By: /s/ James F. Dierberg
                                    James F. Dierberg
                                    Chairman of the Board of Directors,
                                    President and Chief Executive Officer
                                    (Principal Executive Officer)

                            By: /s/ Frank H. Sanfilippo
                                    Frank H. Sanfilippo
                                    Executive Vice President and
                                    Chief Financial Officer
                                    (Principal Financial and Accounting Officer)

March 28, 2001

         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
this Report has been signed by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant
and in the capacities and on the date indicated.

            Signatures                                          Title                                  Date
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       /s/James F. Dierberg                                   Director                           March 28, 2001
          James F. Dierberg

       /s/Allen H. Blake                                      Director                           March 28, 2001
          Allen H. Blake

       /s/Charles A. Crocco, Jr.                              Director                           March 28, 2001
          Charles A. Crocco, Jr.

       /s/Albert M. Lavezzo                                   Director                           March 28, 2001
          Albert M. Lavezzo

       /s/Ellen D. Schepman                                   Director                           March 28, 2001
          Ellen D. Schepman

       /s/Edward T. Story, Jr.                                Director                           March 28, 2001
          Edward T. Story, Jr.

       /s/Donald W. Williams                                  Director                           March 28, 2001
          Donald W. Williams

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

EXHIBIT NUMBER                                     DESCRIPTION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         3(a)          Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of the  Company
                       effective  August 31, 1995 (filed as Exhibit  3(a) to the
                       Quarterly  Report  on Form  10-Q  for the  quarter  ended
                       September 30, 1995 and incorporated herein by reference).

         3(b)          Amended  and  Restated  Bylaws of the Company (as amended
                       April 21, 1995)  (filed as Exhibit 3(b) to the  Quarterly
                       Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended March 31, 1995
                       and incorporated herein by reference).

         3(c)          Certificate  of Amendment of the Restated  Certificate of
                       Incorporation  of the  Company  effective  June 16,  1999
                       (filed as Exhibit  3(c) to the  Quarterly  Report on Form
                       10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1999 and incorporated
                       herein by reference).

         3(d)          Certificate of Amendment of the Restated  Certificate  of
                       Incorporation   of  the  Company  effective  December 26,
                       2000 - filed herewith.

         4(a)          Specimen  Stock  Certificate  for Common  Stock (filed as
                       Exhibit 1.01 to the Company's Amendment No. I to Form 8-A
                       on Form 8,  dated  September  4, 1987,  and  incorporated
                       herein by reference).

         4(b)          The  Company  agrees to  furnish  to the  Securities  and
                       Exchange   Commission  upon  request   pursuant  to  Item
                       601(b)(4)(iii)  of Regulation  S-K, copies of instruments
                       defining the rights of holders of  long-term  debt of the
                       Company and its subsidiaries.

         4(c)          Agreement  as to Expenses and  Liabilities  (incorporated
                       herein by  reference  to  Exhibit  4(a) to the  Company's
                       Registration   Statement   on  Form  S-2,   file   number
                       333-58355, dated July 1, 1998).

         4(d)          Preferred  Securities  Guarantee Agreement  (incorporated
                       herein by  reference  to  Exhibit  4(b) to the  Company's
                       Registration   Statement   on  Form  S-2,   file   number
                       333-58355, dated July 1, 1998).

         4(e)          Indenture  (incorporated  herein by  reference to Exhibit
                       4(c) to the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-2,
                       file number 333-58355, dated July 1, 1998).

         4(f)          Amended and Restated Trust Agreement (incorporated herein
                       by   reference   to   Exhibit   4(d)  to  the   Company's
                       Registration   Statement   on  Form  S-2,   file   number
                       333-58355, dated July 1, 1998).

         10(a)*        BancTEXAS  Group Inc.  1990 Stock Option Plan (as amended
                       July 22, 1993) (filed as Exhibit  10(c) to the  Quarterly
                       Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended June 30, 1993,
                       and incorporated herein by reference).

         10(b)*        1993 Directors'  Stock Bonus Plan (filed as Exhibit 10(k)
                       to the  Quarterly  Report  on Form  10-Q for the  quarter
                       ended   June  30,   1993  and   incorporated   herein  by

         10(c)         Stock  Purchase  and  Operating  Agreement by and between
                       First  Banks,  Inc.,  a  Missouri   Corporation  and  the
                       Company,  dated May 19, 1994  (filed as Exhibit  10(d) to
                       the  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended
                       June 30, 1994 and incorporated herein by reference).

         10(d)*        Financial  Management Policy by and  between First Banks,
                       Inc. and  the Company,  dated  September 15, 1994  (filed
                       as  Exhibit  10(m) to the Annual  Report on Form 10-K for
                       the  year  ended  December  31,  1994  and   incorporated
                       herein by reference).

         10(e)*        Federal  Funds  Agency  Agreement  by  and  between First
                       Banks,  Inc. and the Company,  dated  September  15, 1994
                       (filed as  Exhibit 10(k)  to the  Annual  Report  on Form
                       10-K   for   the   year  ended   December  31,  1994  and
                       incorporated herein by reference).

         10(f)         Promissory  note   payable  to  First Banks, Inc.   dated
                       November 30, 2000 - filed herewith.

         10(g)*        Management Services Agreement by and between First Banks,
                       Inc.  and  Redwood  Bank,  dated  June 1, 1999  (filed as
                       Exhibit  10(x) to the  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for
                       the quarter  ended  September  30, 1999 and  incorporated
                       herein by reference).

         10(h)         Brokerage  Service Agreement by and between First Bank of
                       California and First  Brokerage  America,  L.L.C.,  dated
                       July 1, 1999  (filed as  Exhibit  10(y) to the  Quarterly
                       Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended  September 30,
                       1999 and incorporated herein by reference).

         10(i)*        Service   Agreement   by   and  between  First   Bank  of
                       California,  First  Brokerage  America,  L.L.C.  and  BTI
                       Insurance   Agency,  Inc.  d/b/a  BTI  Coastal  Insurance
                       Agency,  Inc., dated July 1, 1999  filed as Exhibit 10(z)
                       to   the   Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter
                       ended   September 30, 1999  and  incorporated  herein  by

         10(j)         Brokerage  Service  Agreement  by and  between First Bank
                       Texas N.A. and First  Brokerage  America,  L.L.C.,  dated
                       July 1, 1999 (filed as  Exhibit 10(aa) to  the  Quarterly
                       Report on Form 10-Q  for the quarter ended  September 30,
                       1999 and incorporated herein by reference).

         10(k)*        Service  Agreement by and between  First Bank Texas N.A.,
                       First  Brokerage  America,  L.L.C.  and   BTI   Insurance
                       Agency,   Inc.,   dated  July 1, 1999   (filed as Exhibit
                       10(bb)  to  the  Quarterly Report  on  Form 10-Q  for the
                       quarter  ended September 30, 1999 and incorporated herein
                       by reference).

         10(l)*        Federal  Funds  Agency  Agreement  by and  between  First
                       Banks,  Inc. and Redwood Bank,  dated May 26, 1999 (filed
                       as Exhibit  10(cc) to the  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q
                       for the quarter ended September 30, 1999 and incorporated
                       herein by reference).

         10(m)*        Resignation and General  Release  Agreement among Anthony
                       S. Dee,  Redwood Bank,  First  Banks  America,  Inc.  and
                       its  affiliates,  dated March 12, 2000 (filed  as Exhibit
                       10(bb) to  the  Annual  Report on  Form 10-K for the year
                       ended   December 31, 1999  and  incorporated  herein   by

         10(n)         Agreement and Plan of Reorganization by and between First
                       Banks America, Inc. and Commercial Bank of San Francisco,
                       dated  June 27,  2000  (filed  as  Exhibit  10(dd) to the
                       Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June
                       30, 2000 and incorporated herein by reference).

         10(o)         Agreement and Plan of  Reorganization  by and among First
                       Banks  America,  Inc.,  Redwood Bank, First  Banks,  Inc.
                       and  First  Bank  & Trust,  dated June 29, 2000 (filed as
                       Exhibit  10(ee) to the Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for
                       the  quarter  ended June 30, 2000 and incorporated herein
                       by reference).

         10(p)         Agreement and Plan of Reorganization by and between First
                       Banks America, Inc. and Millennium Bank, dated August 23,
                       2000 (filed as Exhibit 10(ff) to the Quarterly  Report on
                       Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended  September  30, 2000 and
                       incorporated herein by reference).

         10(q)         Agreement  and Plan of Merger by and  among  First  Banks
                       America,  Inc.,  Redwood Bank, The San Francisco  Company
                       and  Bank of San  Francisco,  dated  September  22,  2000
                       (filed as Exhibit 10(gg) to the Quarterly  Report on Form
                       10-Q  for  the  quarter  ended  September  30,  2000  and
                       incorporated herein by reference).

         13            2000  Annual  Report  to  Stockholders  filed   herewith.
                       Portions not  specifically  incorporated  by reference in
                       this Report are not deemed "filed" for  purposes  of  the
                       Securities Exchange Act of 1934 - filed herewith.

         21            Subsidiaries of the Company - filed herewith.

         23            Consent of KPMG LLP - filed herewith.

*    Exhibits  designated  by an asterisk  in this Index to  Exhibits  relate to
     management contracts and/or compensatory plans or arrangements.

                                                                EXHIBIT 3(d)

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT


                            FIRST BANKS AMERICA, INC.

         First Banks America,  Inc., a corporation  organized and existing under
and by virtue of the  General  Corporation  Law of the  State of  Delaware  (the
"Corporation"), does hereby certify as follows:

         FIRST:  That the Board of  Directors of the  Corporation,  at a meeting
duly held, adopted a resolution  proposing and declaring advisable the following
amendment to the Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation:

         RESOLVED:   That  Article   FOURTH  of  the  Restated   Certificate  of
Incorporation  of First Banks America,  Inc., is amended to read in its entirety
as follows:

                  FOURTH:  (A) The total  number of  shares  of all  classes  of
         capital stock which the  Corporation  shall have  authority to issue is
         nineteen million  (19,000,000) shares consisting of (a) fifteen million
         (15,000,000) shares of a class designated Common Stock, par value $0.15
         per share ("Common Stock"),  and (b) four million (4,000,000) shares of
         a class  designated  Class B Common  Stock,  par value  $0.15 per share
         ("Class B Common Stock").

                  (B) The  designations  and the  powers,  preferences,  rights,
         qualifications,  limitations,  and restrictions of the Common Stock and
         the Class B Common Stock are as follows:

                  1.  Provisions  Relating  to  the Common Stock and the Class B
         Common Stock.

                  (a)  General.  Except  as  otherwise  provided  herein,  or as
         otherwise  provided by  applicable  law, all shares of Common Stock and
         Class B Common  Stock shall have  identical  rights and  privileges  in
         every respect.

                  (b)  Voting.  The  Common  Stock and the Class B Common  Stock
         shall each be fully  voting  stock  entitled to one vote per share with
         respect to the election of directors  and for all other  purposes.  The
         holders  of  Common  Stock  and  Class B  Common  Stock  shall,  unless
         otherwise  required by law or by another  provision of this Certificate
         of  Incorporation,  vote  as a  single  class  on all  matters.  In all
         elections for directors of the Corporation, each stockholder shall have
         the right to cast as many  votes in the  aggregate  as shall  equal the
         number of voting shares held by such  stockholder  in the  Corporation,
         multiplied  by the  number of  directors  to be elected by the class to
         which such stockholder  belongs at such election,  and each stockholder
         may cast the whole number of votes,  either in person or by proxy,  for
         one candidate or distribute them among two or more candidates.

                   (c) Dividends.  Subject to the limitations prescribed herein,
         holders  of Common  Stock and Class B Common  Stock  shall  participate
         equally in any dividends  (whether  payable in cash, stock or property)
         when and as declared by the Board of Directors of the  Corporation  out
         of the assets of the  Corporation  legally  available  therefor and the
         Corporation  shall  treat the  Common  Stock  and Class B Common  Stock
         identically  in  respect  of  any  subdivisions  or  combinations  (for
         example,  if the  Corporation  effects a  two-for-one  stock split with
         respect  to the  Common  Stock,  it  shall at the  same  time  effect a
         two-for-one  stock  split with  respect  to the Class B Common  Stock);

         provided,  however,  that (i) with respect to dividends payable in cash
         by  the  Corporation,  the  holders  of  Class  B  Common  Stock  shall
         participate  equally  per  share  only if and to the  extent  such cash
         dividends  exceed $0.45 per share on the Common Stock per calendar year
         (for example,  if the Board of Directors  declares and the  Corporation
         pays a dividend of $0.75 per share of Common Stock for a given calendar
         year,  holders of Class B Common  Stock shall be entitled to a dividend
         of $0.30 per  share);  and (ii)  dividends  payable in shares of Common
         Stock (or rights to subscribe for or purchase shares of Common Stock or
         securities  or  indebtedness  convertible  into shares of Common Stock)
         shall be paid only on shares of Common Stock and  dividends  payable in
         shares of Class B Common Stock (or rights to subscribe  for or purchase
         shares  of  Class  B  Common  Stock  or  securities   or   indebtedness
         convertible  into shares of Class B Common Stock) shall be paid only on
         shares of Class B Common Stock (for example,  if the Board of Directors
         declares and the Corporation pays a five percent (5%) stock dividend on
         the Common Stock,  payable in shares of Common Stock,  at the same time
         the Board of Directors  shall declare and the  Corporation  shall pay a
         five percent (5%) stock dividend on the Class B Common Stock payable in
         shares of Class B Common Stock).

                  (d)  Liquidation.  In the event the Corporation is liquidated,
         dissolved  or wound  up,  whether  voluntarily  or  involuntarily,  the
         holders  of the  Common  Stock  and the  Class  B  Common  Stock  shall
         participate equally in any distribution.

                  (e)  Voluntary   Conversion  of  Class  B  Common  Stock.  (i)
         Conversion Rights.  Each share of Class B Common Stock may be converted
         into one (1) share of Common Stock at the option of any holder  thereof
         at any  time  after  the  fifth  (5th)  anniversary  of the date of its
         issuance by the  Corporation.  For the  foregoing  purpose,  a share of
         Class B Common Stock issued as a stock  dividend or pursuant to a stock
         split,  reclassification or other combination,  shall be deemed to have
         been  issued  on the date of the  share of  Class B Common  Stock  with
         respect to which it is so issued.

                  (ii) Conversion Procedures. Any holder of Class B Common Stock
         desiring  to  exercise  such  holder's  option to convert  such Class B
         Common Stock in  accordance  with the  foregoing  shall  surrender  the
         certificate or certificates representing the Class B Common Stock to be
         converted,  duly  endorsed  to  the  Corporation  or in  blank,  at the
         principal  executive office of the Corporation,  and shall give written
         notice to the  Corporation  at such office  that such holder  elects to
         convert  the  number  of  shares  represented  by such  certificate  or
         certificates, or a specified number thereof. As promptly as practicable
         after the  surrender for  conversion  of any Class B Common Stock,  the
         Corporation  shall  execute  and  deliver or cause to be  executed  and
         delivered  to the  holder  of such  Class B Common  Stock  certificates
         representing  the shares of Common Stock issuable upon such conversion.
         In case any certificate or certificates  representing shares of Class B
         Common Stock shall be surrendered for conversion for only a part of the
         shares represented  thereby,  the Corporation shall execute and deliver
         to the holders of the certificate or certificates for shares of Class B
         Common  Stock  so  surrendered  a  new   certificate  or   certificates
         representing  the shares of Class B Common Stock not  converted,  dated
         the same  date as the  certificate  or  certificates  representing  the
         Common Stock. Shares of the Class B Common Stock converted as aforesaid
         shall be deemed to have been converted  immediately  prior to the close
         of  business  on  the  date  such  shares  are  duly   surrendered  for
         conversion, and the person or persons entitled to receive the shares of
         Common Stock  issuable  upon such  conversion  shall be treated for all
         purposes as the record holder or holders of such shares of Common Stock
         as of such date.

                  (iii)  Recapitalization,   Consolidation,  or  Merger  of  the
         Corporation.  In the event that the Corporation shall be recapitalized,
         consolidated  with,  or merged  with or into any other  corporation  (a
         "Reorganization")  and the terms  thereof  shall  provide  (i) that the
         Class B Common Stock shall remain outstanding after such Reorganization
         and (ii) for any change in or conversion of the Common Stock,  then the
         terms of such  Reorganization  shall  include a provision to the effect
         that each share of Class B Common Stock after such Reorganization shall
         thereafter  be entitled to receive  upon  conversion  the same kind and
         amount of  securities  or assets  as shall be  distributable  upon such
         Reorganization with respect to one share of Common Stock.

                  (iv) Reservation of Shares. The Corporation shall at all times
         reserve and keep available out of its authorized but unissued shares of
         Common  Stock,  solely for the purpose of effecting  the  conversion of
         Class B Common  Stock as  herein  provided,  such  number  of shares of
         Common  Stock as shall  from time to time be  sufficient  to effect the
         conversion of all outstanding  shares of Class B Common Stock and shall
         take all such corporate  action as may be necessary to assure that such
         shares  of  Common  Stock  may  be  validly  and  legally  issued  upon
         conversion  of all of the  outstanding  shares of Class B Common Stock;
         and if, at any time the number of  authorized  but  unissued  shares of
         Common Stock shall not be  sufficient  to effect the  conversion of the
         Class B Common Stock, the Corporation  shall take such corporate action
         as may be necessary to increase its authorized  but unissued  shares of
         Common Stock to such number of shares as shall be  sufficient  for such

                  (v) Retirement of Shares. Shares of Class B Common Stock which
         have  been  issued  and  have  been   converted   into  Common   Stock,
         repurchased, or reacquired in any other manner by the Corporation shall
         not be reissued.

                  (f) Mandatory  Conversion of Class B Common Stock.  If, at any
         time  while  there  are  shares  of Class B  Common  Stock  issued  and
         outstanding,  it shall be determined by the Board of Directors,  in its
         sole  discretion,  that  legislation or regulations  are enacted or any
         judicial or  administrative  determination is made which would prohibit
         the  listing,  quotation or trading of the Common Stock on the New York
         Stock  Exchange  or the  National  Association  of  Securities  Dealers
         Automated  Quotation System, or would otherwise have a material adverse
         effect  on the  Corporation,  in any such  case due to the  Corporation
         having more than one class of common shares outstanding, then the Board
         of Directors may by resolution  convert all outstanding shares of Class
         B Common Stock into shares of Common Stock on a share-for-share  basis.
         To the extent practicable,  notice of such conversion of Class B Common
         Stock  specifying the date fixed for said  conversion  shall be mailed,
         postage pre-paid,  at least ten (10) days but not more than thirty (30)
         days prior to said  conversion  date to the holders of record of Common
         Stock and Class B Common  Stock at their  respective  addresses  as the
         same shall appear on the books of the Corporation;  provided,  however,
         that no failure or  inability  to provide  such notice  shall limit the
         authority  or  ability  of  the  Board  of  Directors  to  convert  all
         outstanding shares of Class B Common Stock into shares of Common Stock.
         Immediately prior to the close of business on said conversion date (or,
         if said  conversion  date is not a business day, on the next succeeding
         business  day) each  outstanding  share of Class B Common  Stock  shall
         thereupon  automatically  be converted into a share of Common Stock and
         each  certificate  theretofore  representing  shares  of Class B Common
         Stock shall thereupon and thereafter  represent a like number of shares
         of Common Stock.

                  (g) Class  Voting  Under  Certain  Circumstances.  None of the
         provisions   hereof   affecting   the  powers,   preferences,   rights,
         qualifications, limitations or restrictions of the Class B Common Stock
         may be  amended  or  repealed  unless,  in  addition  to any other vote
         required by law or this  Certificate of  Incorporation,  such amendment
         shall be approved by the affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority
         of the  shares  of the  Common  Stock  then  outstanding,  voting  as a
         separate class.

                  2.  General.  Subject  to the  foregoing  provisions  of  this
         Certificate of  Incorporation,  the Corporation may issue shares of its
         Common  Stock  and  Class B  Common  Stock  from  time to time for such
         consideration  (not less than the par value thereof) as may be fixed by
         the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Corporation,   which  is  expressly
         authorized to fix the same in its absolute and uncontrolled discretion,
         subject  to the  foregoing  conditions.  Shares so issued for which the
         consideration  shall  have been paid or  delivered  to the  Corporation
         shall be deemed fully paid stock and shall not be liable to any further
         call or assessment thereon, and the holders of such shares shall not be
         liable for any further payments in respect of such shares.

         SECOND:  That in lieu  of a  meeting  and  vote  of  stockholders,  the
stockholders of the Corporation  have given written consent to said amendment in
accordance with the provisions of Section 228 of the General  Corporation Law of
the State of Delaware,  and written  notice of the adoption of the amendment has
been given as  provided in Section  228 of the  General  Corporation  Law of the
State of Delaware.

         THIRD:  That said  amendment  was duly adopted in  accordance  with the
applicable  provisions of Sections 242 and 228 of the General Corporation Law of
the State of Delaware.

         IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,   First  Banks  America,  Inc.  has  caused  this
Certificate  to be  signed  by  James  F.  Dierberg,  Chairman  of the  Board of
Directors,  Chief Executive Officer and President and Allen H. Blake, Secretary,
this 26th day of December, 2000.

                                   FIRST BANKS AMERICA, INC.

                                   By: /s/ James F. Dierberg

                                           James F. Dierberg
                                           Chairman of the Board of Directors,
                                           Chief Executive Officer and President


 /s/ Allen H. Blake
- ---------------------
     Allen H. Blake

                                                                   EXHIBIT 10(f)

                                 PROMISSORY NOTE

$100,000,000.00                 CLAYTON, MISSOURI              November 30, 2000

         On or before June 30,  2005,  First  Banks  America,  Inc.,  a Delaware
corporation  (hereinafter  called  "Borrower"),  promises to pay to the order of
First Banks, Inc., a Missouri  corporation  (hereinafter called "Lender") at its
offices at 135 North Meramec,  Clayton,  Missouri, in lawful money of the United
States of America, the sum of One Hundred Million Dollars ($100,000,000.00),  or
so much  thereof  as is  advanced  from  time to time and  remains  outstanding,
together with interest  thereon from the date hereof until maturity at a varying
rate per annum which is one-quarter percent per annum less than the "Prime Rate"
as  hereinafter  defined  (but  in no  event  to  exceed  the  maximum  rate  of
non-usurious  interest allowed from time to time by law,  hereinafter called the
"Highest Lawful Rate"),  with adjustments in such varying rate to be made on the
first day of each month  beginning on December 1, 2000, and  adjustments  due to
changes  in the  Highest  Lawful  Rate to be made on the  effective  date of any
change in the Highest Lawful Rate. All past due principal and interest shall, at
the option of Lender,  bear  interest at the Highest  Lawful Rate from  maturity
until  paid.  Interest  shall be  computed on a per annum basis of a year of 365
days and for the actual  number of days  (including  the first but excluding the
last day) elapsed.

         Principal  and  accrued  interest  owing on this  Promissory  Note (the
"Note") shall be due and payable on June 30, 2005.

         If any default shall occur in the payment of any amount due pursuant to
this Note,  then,  at the option of Lender,  the unpaid  principal  balance  and
accrued,  unpaid  interest  shall become due and payable  forthwith  without any
further demand, notice of default,  notice of acceleration,  notice of intent to
accelerate the maturity hereof,  notice of nonpayment,  presentment,  protest or
notice of dishonor, all of which are hereby expressly waived by Borrower. Lender
may waive any default without waiving any prior or subsequent default.

         If this Note is not paid at  maturity  and is placed in the hands of an
attorney for  collection,  or suit is filed hereon,  or  proceedings  are had in
probate, bankruptcy,  receivership,  reorganization,  arrangement or other legal
proceedings for collection hereof,  Borrower agrees to pay Lender its collection
costs,  including a  reasonable  amount for  attorneys'  fees.  Borrower  hereby
expressly  waives bringing of suit and diligence in taking any action to collect
any sums owing hereon.

         Borrower  reserves the option of prepaying  the principal of this note,
in whole or in part, at any time after the date hereof without  penalty.  Unless
otherwise agreed at the time of payment, the amount of any partial payment shall
be  applied  first  to  accrued  unpaid  interest,  then  to any  amount  due as
collection costs, and then to the unpaid principal of the Note.

         This Note is given by  Borrower in  replacement  of that  certain  Note
dated  June  30,  2000  in  the  principal  amount  of  ninety  million  dollars
($90,000,000.00) (the "2000 Note"), and the accrued interest on the 2000 Note as
of the date of this Note shall  become  accrued  interest  on this Note from and
after the date hereof.  This Note shall be  construed  under and governed by the
laws of the State of Missouri.

         "Prime Rate" shall mean at any time that  variable rate of interest per
annum  published  under  "Money  Rates" in the Wall  Street  Journal and defined
therein  as "the  base  rate on  corporate  loans  posted by at least 75% of the
nation's 30 largest  banks," or any successor to such rate  announced as such by
the Wall Street  Journal.  If the foregoing rate ceases to be published,  Lender
will choose a new basis for the prime rate,  based upon comparable  information,
and Lender will give Borrower notice of such change.

EXECUTED effective as of the 30th day of November, 2000.


                                    FIRST BANKS AMERICA, INC.

                                    By:  /s/ Allen H. Blake
                                             Allen H. Blake
                                             Executive Vice President

135 North Meramec
Clayton, Missouri 63105

                                                                     EXHIBIT 13

                            FIRST BANKS AMERICA, INC.

                               2000 ANNUAL REPORT

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS..............................................................................           1

SELECTED CONSOLIDATED AND OTHER FINANCIAL DATA......................................................           2

     AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS......................................................................           3

QUARTERLY CONDENSED FINANCIAL DATA - UNAUDITED......................................................          25


     CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS....................................................................          26

     CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME..............................................................          28

         AND COMPREHENSIVE INCOME...................................................................          29

     CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS..........................................................          30

     NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.....................................................          31

INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT........................................................................          54

DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT.....................................................................          55

INVESTOR INFORMATION................................................................................          56

To Our Valued Shareholders, Customers and Friends:

First  Banks  America  continued  its solid  performance  in 2000!  The  Company
reported  record  earnings of $27.8  million  compared to $17.6 million in 1999.
Earnings per share improved from $1.44 in 1999 to $2.29 in 2000, a 59% increase.
On October 31, 2000, we acquired  First Bank & Trust from First Banks,  Inc. and
added  $1.10  billion  in  assets  and  27  locations  to  our  franchise.  This
acquisition  allowed  us to  combine  our  California  and Texas  banks into one
charter,  resulting in more  convenience  for our customers in California  and a
more  efficient  operating  model.  Please note our  financial  information  and
commentary  have been  restated  to include  First  Bank & Trust in all  periods
presented,   in  accordance   with  the  accounting   treatment   applicable  to
combinations of entities under common control.

During the fourth  quarter of 2000,  the  Company  significantly  increased  its
presence in the San Francisco Bay area. The  acquisitions  of Commercial Bank of
San Francisco,  Millennium  Bank and Bank of San Francisco  added  approximately
$456.4  million in assets.  Earlier in the year,  we also  acquired  Lippo Bank,
based in San Francisco,  and Bank of Ventura in Ventura,  California.  These two
banks added another $149.1 million in assets.

Our acquisition  activities enhanced our existing commercial and commercial real
estate  lending   portfolios   and  expertise,   and  also  gave  us  additional
opportunities  for  retail  banking,  given  the  favorable  locations.  The San
Francisco  Company  and its  subsidiary,  Bank of San  Francisco,  also  brought
additional niche businesses including Stock Option Lending,  Escrow Services and
Private  Banking,  along with a historic  and famous  location in  downtown  San

Our primary  objective  of achieving  progressive  and  profitable  growth still
remains,  and the key driver of this growth is net  interest  income.  Continued
emphasis  on  our  commercial  and  commercial  real  estate  lending  strengths
increased  average  loans over $317.7  million or 24.4%.  This  volume  increase
combined with a rising interest rate  environment  drove our net interest income
up $24.1  million or 29.6%.  The net  interest  rate margin  increased  24 basis
points from 1999 to 5.51% of our interest-earning assets for 2000.

While the  revenue  growth was strong,  increased  expenditures  for  employees,
facilities and technology were also required.  Non-interest  expenses  increased
$11.6 million or 19.8% in 2000;  however,  our  efficiency  ratio  improved from
64.0%  to  59.5%.   We  are  committed  to  improving  the   efficiency  of  our
organization,  while  increasing  the  convenience  for our  customer  base,  by
investing in technology,  additional  market  presence  through  acquisition and
internal growth, and seeking diversified revenue sources that are less dependent
on market interest rates.

Credit quality is still strong.  Non-performing  loans  represented 0.73% of our
loan  portfolio  at the end of 2000 and net  charge-offs  were only  $201,000 or
0.01% of average  loans for the year.  These  results  are  consistent  with our
conservative  underwriting  practices and sound  monitoring  procedures over our
loan portfolio.

BANK FIRST. BE FIRST.  These simple sentences  reflect our dedication to serving
our customers and our communities. With the continued rapid consolidation in the
banking industry, consistent,  high-quality service is getting more difficult to
find. I assure you our Company will strive to  continuously  improve its service
levels, and this should be a competitive advantage for us in the marketplace.

In closing,  I would like to extend our sincere  appreciation for the dedication
of our employees,  the loyalty of our customers and the continued support of our


/s/ James F. Dierberg
- ---------------------
    Chairman of the Board, President
       and Chief Executive Officer


     The selected  consolidated  financial data set forth below are derived from
our consolidated financial statements, which have been audited by KPMG LLP. This
information is qualified by reference to our consolidated  financial  statements
included  herein.  This  information  should  be read in  conjunction  with such
consolidated  financial statements,  the related notes thereto and "Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations."

                                                               As of or for the year ended December 31, (1)
                                                            2000        1999         1998       1997      1996
                                                            ----        ----         ----       ----      ----
                                                         (dollars expressed in thousands, except per share data)

Income Statement Data:
    Interest income.................................. $  177,248       132,720     108,833     85,163     67,844
    Interest expense.................................     71,625        51,239      49,295     39,560     29,220
                                                      ----------     ---------   ---------  ---------  ---------
    Net interest income..............................    105,623        81,481      59,538     45,603     38,624
    Provision for loan losses........................      1,877         4,183       1,750      4,000      6,879
                                                      ----------     ---------   ---------  ---------  ---------
    Net interest income after provision
      for loan losses................................    103,746        77,298      57,788     41,603     31,745
    Noninterest income...............................     12,077         9,880       7,856      5,469      6,329
    Noninterest expense..............................     70,019        58,463      48,965     32,312     34,388
                                                      ----------     ---------   ---------  ---------  ---------
    Income before provision (benefit)
      for income tax expense and  minority
      interest in income of subsidiary...............    45,804        28,715      16,679     14,760      3,686
    Provision (benefit) for income tax expense.......     18,007        11,116       6,605      4,018     (2,400)
                                                      ----------      --------   ---------  ---------  ---------
    Income before minority interest
      in income of subsidiary........................     27,797        17,599      10,074     10,742      6,086
    Minority interest in income of subsidiary........         --            --          --       (294)      (131)
                                                      ----------     ---------   ---------  ---------  ---------
    Net income....................................... $   27,797        17,599      10,074     10,448      5,955
                                                      ==========     =========   =========  =========  =========

Per Share Data:
    Earnings per common share:
      Basic.......................................... $     2.29          1.44        0.86       0.99       0.55
      Diluted........................................       2.29          1.44        0.86       0.99       0.55
    Weighted average common stock outstanding........     12,129        12,235      11,671     10,600     10,756

Balance Sheet Data:
    Investment securities............................ $  335,219       196,174     251,166    372,799    205,815
    Loans, net of unearned discount..................  2,058,677     1,469,091   1,089,965    816,707    647,300
    Total assets.....................................  2,741,379     1,861,862   1,513,276  1,317,490  1,003,261
    Total deposits...................................  2,306,356     1,584,999   1,297,859  1,154,796    856,284
    Note payable ....................................     98,000            --          --     14,900     14,000
    Guaranteed preferred beneficial
      interest in First Banks America, Inc.
       subordinated debentures.......................     44,280        44,218      44,155         --         --
    Stockholders' equity.............................    196,909       174,513     143,194    101,190     87,869

Earnings Ratios:
    Return on average total assets...................       1.32%         1.04%       0.72%      0.97%      0.68%
    Return on average total stockholders' equity.....      15.86         11.36        8.43      11.31       6.85
    Efficiency ratio (2).............................      59.49         63.99       72.65      63.27      76.50
    Net interest margin..............................       5.51          5.27        4.66       4.52       4.72

Asset Quality Ratios:
    Allowance for loan losses to loans...............       1.84          2.06        2.29       2.52       2.96
    Nonperforming loans to loans (3).................       0.73          1.11        2.30       1.37       3.73
    Allowance for loan losses to
      nonperforming loans (3)........................     252.78        185.87       99.61     184.03      79.36
    Nonperforming assets to loans
      and other real estate (4)......................       0.76          1.13        2.38       1.64       4.37
    Net loan charge-offs to average loans............       0.01          0.15        0.06       0.39       2.33

Capital Ratios:
    Average total stockholders' equity
      to average total assets........................       8.34          9.12        8.54       8.57       9.98
    Total risk-based capital ratio...................       8.01         12.04       13.51       9.70      10.46
    Leverage ratio...................................       7.34          9.91       10.66       6.62       7.49

- --------------------------
(1)  The  comparability  of the  selected  data  presented  is  affected  by the
     acquisitions of 11 banks and two branch offices during the five-year period
     ended December 31, 2000. These acquisitions were accounted for as purchases
     and,  accordingly,  the selected data  includes the financial  position and
     results  of  operations  of each  acquired  entity  only  for  the  periods
     subsequent to its respective  date of  acquisition.  In addition on October
     31,  2000,  we  completed  our  acquisition  of First Bank & Trust,  and on
     February 2, 1998, we completed our acquisition of First Commercial Bancorp,
     Inc. and its wholly owned  subsidiary,  First Commercial Bank. As discussed
     in Note 2 to our consolidated  financial statements,  the selected data has
     been restated to reflect First Banks, Inc.'s interest in First Bank & Trust
     and First  Commercial  Bancorp,  Inc.  for the  periods  subsequent  to the
     respective date on which First Banks, Inc. acquired its initial interest in
     these entities.
(2)  Efficiency  ratio is the  ratio of  noninterest  expense  to the sum of net
     interest income and noninterest income.
(3)  Nonperforming  loans  consist of  nonaccrual  loans and certain  loans with
     restructured terms.
(4)  Nonperforming assets consist of nonperforming loans and other real estate.

                            FIRST BANKS AMERICA, INC.

                            AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

     The discussion  set forth in the Letter to  Shareholders  and  Management's
Discussion  and  Analysis  of  Financial  Condition  and  Results of  Operations
contains  certain  forward-looking  statements  with  respect  to our  financial
condition,  results of operations and business. These forward-looking statements
are  subject  to  certain  risks  and  uncertainties,  not all of  which  can be
predicted or  anticipated.  Factors that may cause our actual  results to differ
materially from those  contemplated  by the  forward-looking  statements  herein
include market  conditions as well as conditions  affecting the banking industry
generally and factors having a specific impact on us,  including but not limited
to  fluctuations  in interest  rates and in the economy;  the impact of laws and
regulations applicable to us and changes therein;  competitive conditions in the
markets in which we conduct our operations,  including  competition from banking
and non-banking  companies with substantially  greater resources,  some of which
may offer and develop products and services that we do not offer; our ability to
control  the  composition  of our loan  portfolio  without  adversely  affecting
interest  income;  and our  ability to respond  to changes in  technology.  With
regard to our efforts to grow  through  acquisitions,  factors that could affect
the accuracy or  completeness of  forward-looking  statements  contained  herein
include the potential for higher than  acceptable  operating  costs arising from
the geographic dispersion of our offices, as compared with competitors operating
solely in contiguous  markets;  the competition of larger acquirers with greater
resources;  fluctuations  in the  prices  at which  acquisition  targets  may be
available for sale and in the market for our  securities;  and the potential for
difficulty  or  unanticipated  costs in  realizing  the  benefits of  particular
acquisition  transactions.  Readers of our Annual  Report  should  therefore not
place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

Company Profile

     We are a  registered  bank  holding  company  incorporated  in Delaware and
headquartered  in St.  Louis  County,  Missouri.  Through the  operation  of our
subsidiaries,  we offer a broad array of  financial  services  to  consumer  and
commercial customers.  Over the years, our organization has grown significantly,
primarily as a result of acquisitions,  as well as through  internal growth.  We
currently  operate banking  subsidiaries  that have branch offices in California
and Texas.  At December 31, 2000, we had total assets of $2.74  billion,  loans,
net of unearned discount, of $2.06 billion,  total deposits of $2.31 billion and
total stockholders'  equity of $196.9 million.
     We operate  through one subsidiary  bank holding company and two subsidiary
banks, which are wholly owned by their respective parent companies, as follows:

   First Bank & Trust, or FB&T, headquartered in San Francisco, California; and,
   The San Francisco Company, or SFC, headquartered in San Francisco,
      California, and its wholly owned subsidiary:
          Bank  of  San  Francisco,  or  BSF,  headquartered  in  San Francisco,

     We  offer a broad  range  of  commercial  and  personal  deposit  products,
including demand,  savings, money market and time deposit accounts. In addition,
we market  combined  basic  services  for  various  customer  groups,  including
packaged  accounts for more affluent  customers,  and sweep  accounts,  lock-box
deposits and cash management  products for commercial  customers.  We also offer
both consumer and commercial loans.  Consumer lending includes  residential real
estate,  home  equity  and  installment  lending.  Commercial  lending  includes
commercial,  financial and  agricultural  loans,  real estate  construction  and
development  loans,  commercial real estate loans,  commercial leasing and trade
financing.  Other financial services include mortgage banking,  credit and debit
cards, brokerage services,  credit-related insurance, automated teller machines,
telephone banking, safe deposit boxes and trust and private banking services.
     Primary responsibility for managing our subsidiary banking units rests with
the officers and directors of each unit. However, in keeping with our policy, we
centralize overall corporate policies,  procedures and administrative  functions
and provide  operational  support functions for our subsidiaries.  This practice
allows  us  to  achieve  various  operating   efficiencies  while  allowing  our
subsidiary banking units to focus on customer service.
     The following table summarizes  selected data about our subsidiary banks at
December 31, 2000:

                                                                          Loans, net of
                                                 Number of      Total       unearned        Total
                                                 locations      assets      discount       deposits
                                                 ---------      ------      --------       --------
                                                             (dollars expressed in thousands)

           FB&T.............................      52        $2,516,993    1,943,013        2,168,742
             BSF............................       1           216,552      115,615          137,727


     We are majority owned by First Banks,  Inc., or First Banks,  headquartered
in St. Louis, Missouri. As discussed in Note 15 to our accompanying consolidated
financial  statements,  at December 31, 2000, First Banks owned 2,500,000 shares
of our Class B common  stock and  8,741,350  shares of our common  stock,  which
represented  92.86% of our total outstanding  voting stock.  Accordingly,  First
Banks has effective  control over our management and policies,  and the election
of our directors.
     In July 1998,  our financing  subsidiary,  First America  Capital  Trust, a
Delaware statutory business trust, issued $46.0 million of 8.50% trust preferred
securities.  The  preferred  securities  are publicly held and traded on the New
York  Stock  Exchange  and have no  voting  rights  except  in  certain  limited
circumstances.  We pay distributions on these preferred  securities quarterly in
arrears on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31 of each year.


     In the development of our banking franchise,  we emphasize  acquiring other
financial  institutions  as  one  means  of  achieving  our  growth  objectives.
Acquisitions may serve to enhance our presence in a given market,  to expand the
extent of our  market  area or to enable us to enter  into new or  noncontiguous
markets.  We  believe  we must  achieve a size  sufficient  to enable us to take
advantage of many of the efficiencies  available to our much larger competitors.
We also view a combination of internal  growth and  acquisitions as the means by
which we will achieve our overall growth objectives.
     Although we originally  viewed Texas,  particularly  the Dallas and Houston
areas,  as our  primary  acquisition  area,  during  1995  and 1996  prices  for
acquisitions   escalated   sharply  in  those  areas.  The  prices  required  to
successfully   consummate  these  transactions  would  have  caused  substantial
diminution in the economic benefits that we envisioned would be available in our
acquisition  program.  This diminution in benefits resulted in our evaluation of
California  for   acquisition   candidates,   where   acquisition   pricing  was
considerably  more favorable.  During the five years ended December 31, 2000, we
have concentrated our acquisitions in California,  completing 12 acquisitions of
banks and five  purchases of branch  offices.  In addition,  our  acquisition of
First  Bank &  Trust  from  our  parent  company,  First  Banks,  Inc.,  and the
associated  internal  reorganizations,  is expected to significantly  expand our
presence throughout the state of California,  improve operational  efficiencies,
convey a more consistent image and quality of service and more cohesively market
and deliver our products and services.
     In conjunction  with our  acquisition  strategy,  we were also building the
infrastructure  necessary to accomplish our objectives for internal growth. This
process   included   significantly   expanding  our  commercial  and  financial,
commercial real estate and real estate construction  business development staff,
enhancing  our retail  service  delivery  organization  and  systems,  improving
overall  asset  quality and  changing  the  composition  of our loan  portfolio.
Previously,   our  lending  strategy  had  been  focused  on  consumer  lending,
particularly indirect automobile lending. However, in conjunction with that type
of lending,  we began experiencing  substantial asset quality problems resulting
in  high  provisions  for  loan  losses.  With  the  expansion  of our  business
development  staff, we began building our portfolio of commercial and financial,
commercial real estate and real estate  construction  loans while  substantially
reducing our  indirect  automobile  loan  portfolio.  Reflective  of our revised
lending strategy,  at December 31, 2000,  consumer and installment loans, net of
unearned discount, represented only 2.2% of our loan portfolio compared to 17.1%
at December 31, 1996, while  commercial and financial,  real estate mortgage and
real  estate  construction  and  development  loans  constituted  97.8%  of  our
portfolio, compared to 82.9% at December 31, 1996.
     Our acquisitions have provided us with access into several new major market
areas and, accordingly,  an opportunity for future growth and profitability.  We
continue to meld the acquired entities into our operations, systems and culture.
Some of the acquired institutions exhibited elements of financial distress prior
to their  acquisitions  which,  generally  resulted from asset quality  problems
and/or high noninterest expenses. Although we have incurred significant expenses
in the  amalgamation of newly acquired  entities into our corporate  culture and
systems, and in the expansion of our organizational  capabilities,  the earnings
of the acquired entities and the improved net interest income resulting from the
transition  in the  composition  of  our  loan  portfolio  have  contributed  to
improving net income during 2000 and 1999. For the years ended December 31, 2000
and 1999, net income was $27.8 million and $17.6 million, respectively, compared
with $10.1 million in 1998.



     To enhance our banking  franchise,  we emphasize  acquiring other financial
institutions as a means of accelerating  our growth,  in order to  significantly
expand our presence in a given market, to increase the extent of our market area
or  to  enter  new  or  noncontiguous  market  areas.  After  we  consummate  an
acquisition,  we expect to  enhance  the  franchise  of the  acquired  entity by
supplementing  the  marketing  and business  development  efforts to broaden the
customer  bases,  strengthening  particular  segments of the business or filling
voids in the overall  market  coverage.  In addition,  our  acquisition  program
enables  us to further  leverage  the  operational  support  services  available
through First Banks and its  affiliates and to provide the products and services
typically  available only through such a larger  organization.  We have utilized
cash, voting stock, borrowings and the issuance of additional securities to meet
our growth objectives under our acquisition program.
     Although in the past we have issued voting stock as  consideration  in some
acquisitions,  the majority of our recent  acquisitions  have been for cash, and
our  present  policy is to seek cash  transactions.  Our  ability to  consummate
additional  acquisitions  will be  dependent,  in part,  on our  access  to cash
resources with which to fund such  transactions,  and the maintenance of capital
levels  which are  adequate  to satisfy  regulatory  requirements  and  internal
     During the three  years ended  December  31,  2000,  we  completed  11 bank
acquisitions  and two  branch  office  purchases.  As  demonstrated  below,  our
acquisitions  during the three years  ended  December  31,  2000 have  primarily
served to increase  our presence in markets that we  originally  entered  during
1996  and  that  First  Bank &  Trust  originally  entered  during  1995.  These
transactions, as more fully described in Note 2 to our accompanying consolidated
financial statements, are summarized as follows:

                                                                     Loans, net of                               of
                                                            Total      unearned    Investment                  banking
           Entity                         Date             assets      discount    securities    Deposits     locations
           ------                         ----             ------      --------    ----------    --------     ---------
                                                                  (dollars expressed in thousands)


     The San Francisco Company
     San Francisco, California        December 31, 2000   $  183,800       115,700       38,300      137,700        1

     Millennium Bank
     San Francisco, California (1)    December 29, 2000      117,000        81,700       21,100      104,200        2

     Commercial Bank of San Francisco
     San Francisco, California (1)     October 31, 2000      155,600        97,700       45,500      109,400        1

     First Bank & Trust
     Newport Beach, California (2)     October 31, 2000    1,104,000       894,200       91,100      959,400       27

     Bank of Ventura
     Ventura, California (3)            August 31, 2000       63,800        39,400       15,500       57,300        1

     Lippo Bank
     San Francisco, California (4)    February 29, 2000       85,300        40,900       37,400       76,400        3
                                                          ----------     ---------     --------    ---------     ----
                                                          $1,709,500     1,269,600      248,900    1,444,400       35
                                                          ==========     =========     ========    =========     ====


     Brentwood Bank of California
     Malibu, California
        branch office (5)            September 17, 1999   $   23,600         6,300           --       17,300        1

     Century Bank
     Beverly Hills, California (3)      August 31, 1999      156,000        94,800       26,100      132,000        6

     Redwood Bancorp
     San Francisco, California (6)        March 4, 1999      183,900       134,400       34,400      162,900        4
                                                          ----------     ---------     --------    ---------     ----
                                                          $  363,500       235,500       60,500      312,200       11
                                                          ==========     =========     ========    =========     ====


                                                                     Loans, net of                                of
                                                            Total      unearned     Investment                  banking
           Entity                         Date             assets      discount     securities    Deposits     locations
           ------                         ----             ------      --------     ----------    --------     ---------
                                                                  (dollars expressed in thousands)


     Republic Bank
     Torrance, California (3)      September 15, 1998     $124,100        97,900        7,500      117,200        3

     Bank of America
     Solvang, California
        branch office (5)              March 19, 1998       15,500            --           --       15,500        1

     First Commercial Bancorp, Inc.
     Sacramento, California) (7)     February 2, 1998      192,500       118,900       64,400      173,100        6

     Pacific Bay Bank
     San Pablo, California (4)       February 2, 1998       38,300        29,700          232       35,200        1
                                                          --------     ---------     --------    ---------     ----
                                                          $370,400       246,500       72,132      341,000       11
                                                          ========     =========     ========    =========     ====

- -------------------------
(1)  Millennium  Bank and Commercial  Bank of San Francisco were merged with and
     into our existing subsidiary bank, FB&T.
(2)  First Bank & Trust was acquired from First Banks. In conjunction  with this
     transaction,  First  Bank  &  Trust  and  two of our  former  wholly  owned
     subsidiary banks,  First Bank of California and First Bank Texas N.A., were
     merged with and into Redwood Bank, our other wholly owned  subsidiary bank.
     Redwood Bank was renamed FB&T.
(3)  Bank of Ventura, Century Bank and Republic Bank were merged with and into a
     predecessor of FB&T.
(4)  Lippo  Bank,  First  Commercial   Bancorp,   Inc.'s  wholly  owned  banking
     subsidiary,  First  Commercial  Bank, and Pacific Bay Bank were merged with
     and into a predecessor of FB&T.
(5)  The Malibu  branch office of Brentwood  Bank of California  and the Solvang
     branch  office of Bank of America were  acquired by a  predecessor  of FB&T
     through a purchase of certain assets and assumption of deposit  liabilities
     of the branch  offices.  Total assets  reflected in the table above consist
     primarily of cash received upon  assumption of the deposit  liabilities and
     selected loans.
(6)  Redwood Bancorp was merged with and into its wholly owned  subsidiary,  now
(7)  First  Commercial  Bancorp,  Inc. was merged with and into a predecessor of

     Except  for the  acquisitions  of First  Bank & Trust and First  Commercial
Bancorp,  Inc., or FCB, and its wholly owned subsidiary,  First Commercial Bank,
these acquisitions were funded from available cash reserves, proceeds from sales
and maturities of available-for-sale investment securities, borrowings under our
revolving  note  payable to First  Banks and the  proceeds  from  First  America
Capital  Trust's  issuance of preferred  securities.  As more fully discussed in
Note 2 to our accompanying  consolidated financial statements, we acquired First
Bank & Trust and FCB through an  exchange of shares of our common  stock for all
of the issued and outstanding shares of their common stock.

Restatements to Reflect Reorganizations

     In connection  with our  acquisitions  of First Bank & Trust on October 31,
2000 and FCB on February 2, 1998, our financial information has been restated to
include  First Banks'  respective  ownership  interest,  reflected at historical
cost, in these entities for all periods subsequent to First Banks'  acquisitions
of  First  Bank & Trust  and  FCB,  consistent  with  the  accounting  treatment
applicable  to  combinations  of entities  under  common  control.  Accordingly,
Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and Results of
Operations and our accompanying  consolidated financial statements are presented
as if First Bank & Trust and FCB had been  consolidated  into our operations for
all periods subsequent to March 15, 1995 and August 23, 1995, respectively.

Financial Condition and Average Balances

     Our average total assets were $2.10 billion for the year ended December 31,
2000,  compared to $1.70 billion and $1.40 billion for the years ended  December
31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.  We attribute the increase of $404.6 million in
total average assets for 2000 primarily to: the  acquisitions of Commercial Bank
of San Francisco, Bank of Ventura and Lippo Bank, which provided total assets of
$155.6 million,  $63.8 million and $85.3 million,  respectively;  and,  internal
loan growth  resulting  from the  continued  expansion  and  development  of our


business  development  staff.  Similarly,  we  attribute  the increase of $297.9
million in total average assets for 1999 primarily to:

 >   the acquisitions of Century Bank and Redwood Bancorp,  which provided total
     assets of $156.0 million and $183.9 million, respectively;

 >   the  purchase of the deposit  accounts  of the Malibu,  California  banking
     location of Brentwood Bank of California;

 >   internal loan growth; and

 >   the issuance of by our financing  subsidiary of trust preferred  securities
     during 1998.

     The  increase  in assets for 2000 was  primarily  funded by an  increase in
total  average  deposits of $357.3  million to $1.80  billion for the year ended
December  31,  2000 and a decrease  in  average  investment  securities  of $2.7
million to $205.7  million for the year ended December 31, 2000. We utilized the
majority of the funds generated from our deposit growth to fund a portion of our
loan growth, and the remaining funds were temporarily  invested in federal funds
sold, resulting in an increase in average federal funds sold of $55.5 million to
$86.7  million for the year ended  December 31, 2000.  Similarly,  we funded the
increase in assets for 1999 by an increase in total  average  deposits of $229.1
million  to $1.44  billion  for the year ended  December  31,  1999,  from $1.21
billion  for the year  ended  December  31,  1998,  and a  decrease  in  average
investment securities of $95.8 million during 1999. We attribute the increase in
deposits for 1999 of $287.1  million to our  acquisitions  and internal  deposit
     Loans, net of unearned discount,  averaged $1.62 billion, $1.30 billion and
$935.3  million  for  the  years  ended  December  31,  2000,   1999  and  1998,
respectively.   As  summarized  under   "--Acquisitions,"  the  acquisitions  we
completed  during 1999 and 2000 provided  loans,  net of unearned  discount,  of
$235.5  million  and $375.4  million,  respectively.  In  addition to the growth
provided by these acquisitions,  for 2000, $273.1 million of net loan growth was
provided by corporate banking business development, consisting of an increase of
$106.5 million of commercial, financial and agricultural loans, $44.0 million of
real  estate  construction  and land  development  loans and  $122.6  million of
commercial  real  estate  loans.   These  increases  were  partially  offset  by
continuing  reductions  in  residential  real estate loans of $33.5  million and
consumer  and  installment  loans,  net  of  unearned  discount,  which  consist
primarily of indirect  automobile loans, of $25.4 million.  These changes result
from the  focus we have  placed  on our  business  development  efforts  and the
portfolio  repositioning which we began in 1995. This repositioning provided for
the origination of indirect automobile loans to be substantially reduced.
     Investment  securities  averaged $205.7 million,  $208.5 million and $304.3
million for the years ended  December  31,  2000,  1999 and 1998,  respectively,
reflecting  decreases  of $2.7  million  and $95.8  million  for the years ended
December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively. We attribute these decreases primarily
to the  liquidation of certain  acquired  investment  securities and to sales of
investment  securities  available  for sale  necessary to provide an  additional
source of funds for our loan growth. The investment  securities that we obtained
in conjunction with our acquisitions during 1999 and 2000 and we retained in our
portfolio partially offset the decreases.
     We use deposits as our primary funding source and acquire them from a broad
base of local  markets,  including  both  individual  and  corporate  customers.
Deposits  averaged $1.80 billion,  $1.44 billion and $1.21 billion for the years
ended December 31, 2000,  1999 and 1998,  respectively.  We credit the increases
primarily to our acquisitions  completed  during the respective  periods and the
expansion of the deposit product and service offerings available to our customer
     During July 1998, First America Capital Trust issued $46.0 million of 8.50%
trust  preferred  securities.  Proceeds from this offering,  net of underwriting
fees and offering expenses,  were  approximately  $44.0 million and were used to
reduce borrowings, to support possible repurchases of our common stock from time
to time  and  for  general  corporate  purposes.  We  temporarily  invested  the
remaining  proceeds in  interest-bearing  deposits and subsequently used them to
fund our acquisition of Redwood Bancorp,  completed in March 1999. Distributions
payable on the trust preferred  securities  were $3.9 million,  $4.0 million and
$1.8 million for the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively,
and  are  recorded  as  noninterest  expense  in our  accompanying  consolidated
financial statements.


     Stockholders'  equity averaged  $175.3  million,  $154.9 million and $119.5
million for the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998,  respectively.  We
associate the increase for 2000 primarily with net income of $27.8 million and a
$3.0 million increase in accumulated other comprehensive income,  resulting from
the  change in  unrealized  gains and  losses on  available-for-sale  investment
securities.  The increase was partially offset by repurchases of $1.5 million of
common  stock for  treasury  and a reduction  of $7.0  million  associated  with
pre-merger  transactions  of FB&T,  which represent  transactions  that occurred
prior to our  acquisition  of FB&T.  We  attribute  the increase for 1999 to net
income  of  $17.6  million,  pre-merger  transactions  of  $18.2  million  and a
reduction  of the  deferred tax  valuation  reserve of $981,000  relating to the
utilization of tax net operating  losses  incurred by certain  subsidiary  banks
prior to completing quasi-reorganizations.  The increase was partially offset by
repurchase  of $1.3  million of common  stock for  treasury  and a $4.3  million
reduction in accumulated other comprehensive income resulting from the change in
unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale investment securities.
     The following table sets forth certain information  relating to our average
balance  sheets,  and  reflects  the average  yield  earned on  interest-bearing
assets, the average cost of  interest-bearing  liabilities and the resulting net
interest income for the periods indicated.

                                                                 Years ended December 31,
                                           2000                             1999                          1998
                               ----------------------------    -----------------------------   --------------------------
                                         Interest                         Interest                       Interest
                               Average    income/   Yield/      Average    income/   Yield/    Average    income/  Yield/
                               balance    expense    rate       balance    expense    rate     balance    expense   rate
                               -------    -------    ----       -------    -------    ----     -------    -------   ----
                                                              (dollars expressed in thousands)

Interest-earning assets:
   Loans (1) (2) (3) (4)....  $1,621,432   158,020    9.75%    $1,303,742   118,279  9.07%  $  935,284    88,351    9.45%
   Investment securities (3)     205,746    13,652    6.64        208,481    12,753  6.12      304,294    18,494    6.08
   Federal funds sold.......      86,700     5,416    6.25         31,176     1,582  5.07       33,563     1,791    5.34
   Other....................       2,082       160    7.68          1,865       106  5.68        3,875       197    5.08
                              ----------  --------             ----------   -------         ----------   -------
     Total interest-earning
       assets...............   1,915,960   177,248    9.25      1,545,264   132,720  8.59    1,277,016   108,833    8.52
                              ----------  --------             ----------   -------         ----------   -------
Nonearning assets...........     186,709                          152,827                      123,155
                              ----------                       ----------                   ----------
     Total assets ..........  $2,102,669                       $1,698,091                   $1,400,171
                              ==========                       ==========                   ==========


Interest-bearing liabilities:
   Interest-bearing demand
     deposits ..............  $  152,487     2,415    1.58%    $  133,976     2,053  1.53%  $  107,070     1,721    1.61%
   Savings deposits.........     575,227    25,398    4.42        454,022    17,146  3.78      358,371    15,114    4.22
   Time deposits............     727,695    41,561    5.71        586,970    30,009  5.11      541,274    30,058    5.55
                              ----------  --------             ----------   -------         ----------   -------
     Total interest-bearing
       deposits ............   1,455,409    69,374    4.77      1,174,968    49,208  4.19    1,006,715    46,893    4.66
   Note payable and
     short-term borrowings..      38,696     2,251    5.82         39,677     2,031  5.12       36,298     2,402    6.62
                              ----------  --------             ----------   -------         ----------   -------
     Total interest-bearing
       liabilities .........   1,494,105    71,625    4.79      1,214,645    51,239  4.22    1,043,013    49,295    4.73
                                          --------                          -------                      -------
     Demand deposits........     340,278                          263,427                      202,628
     Other liabilities......      92,967                           65,092                       35,001
                              ----------                       ----------                   ----------
     Total liabilities......   1,927,350                        1,543,164                    1,280,642
Stockholders' equity........     175,319                          154,927                      119,529
                              ----------                       ----------                   ----------
     Total liabilities and
       stockholders' equity.  $2,102,669                       $1,698,091                   $1,400,171
                              ==========                       ==========                   ==========
Net interest income.........               105,623                           81,481                       59,538
                                          ========                          =======                      =======
Interest rate spread........                          4.46%                          4.37%                          3.79%
Net interest margin.........                          5.51                           5.27                           4.66
                                                      ====                           ====                           ====

- -----------------------
(1)  For purposes of these  computations,  nonaccrual  loans are included in the
     average loan amounts.
(2)  Interest income on loans includes loan fees.
(3)  We have no tax-exempt income.
(4)  Includes the effects of interest rate exchange agreements.


     The following  table  indicates the changes in interest income and interest
expense  which are  attributable  to changes in  average  volume and  changes in
average rates, in comparison with the preceding year. The change in interest due
to the  combined  rate/volume  variance  has been  allocated  to rate and volume
changes in proportion to the dollar amounts of the change in each.

                                                       Increase (decrease) attributable to change in:
                                               December 31, 2000 compared           December 31, 1999 compared
                                                  to December 31, 1999                 to December 31, 1998
                                             -----------------------------         ----------------------------
                                                                      Net                                  Net
                                              Volume      Rate      Change         Volume      Rate      Change
                                              ------      ----      ------         ------      ----      ------
                                                              (dollars expressed in thousands)

Interest-earning assets:
   Loans (1) (2) (3) (4)..................  $ 30,391     9,350     39,741         33,606     (3,678)     29,928
   Investment securities (3)..............      (170)    1,069        899         (5,862)       121      (5,741)
   Federal funds sold.....................     3,391       443      3,834           (122)       (87)       (209)
   Other..................................        13        41         54           (112)        21         (91)
                                            --------   -------    -------         ------     ------      ------
         Total interest income............    33,625    10,903     44,528         27,510     (3,623)     23,887
                                            --------   -------    -------         ------     ------      ------
Interest-bearing liabilities:
   Interest-bearing demand deposits.......       293        69        362            420        (88)        332
   Savings deposits.......................     5,049     3,203      8,252          3,729     (1,697)      2,032
   Time deposits..........................     7,648     3,904     11,552          2,429      (2,478)       (49)
   Note payable and
     short-term borrowings................       (51)      271        220            209       (580)       (371)
                                            --------   -------    -------         ------     ------      ------
         Total interest expense...........    12,939     7,447     20,386          6,787     (4,843)      1,944
                                            --------   -------    -------         ------     ------      ------
         Net interest income..............  $ 20,686     3,456     24,142         20,723      1,220      21,943
                                            ========   =======    =======         ======     ======      ======

- ------------------------
(1)  For purposes of these  computations,  nonaccrual  loans are included in the
     average loan amounts.
(2)  Interest income on loans includes loan fees.
(3)  We have no tax-exempt income.
(4)  Includes the effect of interest rate exchange agreements.

Net Interest Income

     The  primary  source of our  income is net  interest  income,  which is the
difference  between the interest earned on our  interest-earning  assets and the
interest paid on our interest-bearing  liabilities. Net interest income improved
to $105.6 million,  or 5.51% of average  interest-earning  assets,  for the year
ended   December   31,   2000,   from  $81.5   million,   or  5.27%  of  average
interest-earning assets, and $59.5 million, or 4.66% of average interest-earning
assets, for the years ended December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.  We credit
the improved net interest income  primarily to the net  interest-earning  assets
provided by our  acquisitions,  internal  loan growth and increases in the prime
lending rate which  resulted in  increased  yields on  interest-earning  assets.
During 2000, the cost of interest-bearing  liabilities increased with prevailing
interest rates. However, since this increase was less dramatic than the increase
in earnings on interest-earning  assets, it did not undermine the improvement in
net interest margins.
     Average total loans, net of unearned discount,  increased by $317.7 million
to $1.62  billion for the year ended  December 31, 2000,  from $1.30 billion and
$935.3  million for the years ended  December  31, 1999 and 1998,  respectively.
During the period from June 30, 1999 through  December  31,  2000,  the Board of
Governors of the Federal  Reserve  System  increased  the discount  rate several
times,  resulting in six  increases in the prime rate of interest  from 7.75% to
9.50%.  This is reflected not only in the rate of interest  earned on loans that
are indexed to the prime rate,  but also in other assets and  liabilities  which
either have variable or adjustable  rates,  or which matured or repriced  during
this  period.  The yield on our loan  portfolio  increased to 9.75% for the year
ended  December  31,  2000,  from 9.07% for the year ended  December  31,  1999,
principally as the result of an increase in prevailing interest rates.  However,
the improved  yield on our loan  portfolio was  partially  offset by the expense
associated  with our  interest  rate swap  agreements  that we  entered  into in
conjunction with our risk management  program.  Although our net interest margin
has  continued  to  improve  over the last  three  years,  the yield on our loan
portfolio  declined to 9.07% for the year ended  December 31, 1999 in comparison
to 9.45% for the year ended December 31, 1998. This reduction primarily resulted
from the overall  decline in prevailing  interest rates that occurred during the
fourth  quarter of 1998. In addition,  increased  competition  within the market
areas we serve led to reduced lending rates.  The effect of the reduced yield on
our loan portfolio was partially mitigated in 1999 by the earnings impact of the
interest  rate swap  agreements  that we entered into and a reduced rate paid on
average interest-bearing liabilities.


     For the  years  ended  December  31,  2000,  1999 and 1998,  the  aggregate
weighted average rate paid on our interest-bearing  deposit portfolio was 4.77%,
4.19% and 4.66%, respectively.  This increase for 2000 reflected increased rates
we paid to provide a funding  source for  continued  loan  growth,  whereas  the
decrease for 1999 reflected the ongoing realignment of our deposit portfolio. In
addition,  the  aggregate  weighted  average  rate paid on our note  payable and
short-term  borrowings  increased to 5.82% for the year ended  December 31, 2000
from 5.12% for the year ended  December  31,  1999,  reflecting  an  increase in
market interest rates.  Amounts  outstanding  under our $100.0 million revolving
note  payable to First  Banks bear  interest  at an annual  rate of  one-quarter
percent less than the "Prime Rate" as reported in the Wall Street Journal. Thus,
our revolving note payable represents a relatively  high-cost funding source, so
that  increased  advances  under the  revolving  note payable have the effect of
increasing the weighted average rate of non-deposit liabilities. During 2000, we
utilized the note  payable to fund our  acquisitions  of Lippo Bank,  Commercial
Bank of San Francisco, Millennium Bank and The San Francisco Company, whereas in
1999 we did not utilize the revolving note payable.

Interest Rate Risk Management

     For financial institutions,  the maintenance of a satisfactory level of net
interest  income is a primary  factor in  achieving  acceptable  income  levels.
However,  the maturity and repricing  characteristics  of the institution's loan
and investment portfolios,  relative to those within its deposit structure,  may
differ  significantly.  The nature of the loan and deposit  markets within which
such institution  operates,  and its objective for business  development  within
those  markets  at any  point  in  time,  influence  these  characteristics.  In
addition,  the ability of  borrowers to repay loans and  depositors  to withdraw
funds prior to stated maturity dates introduces divergent option characteristics
which operate  primarily as interest  rates change.  These factors cause various
elements of the institution's balance sheet to react in different manners and at
different  times  relative  to changes in  interest  rates,  thereby  leading to
increases  or decreases in net  interest  income over time.  Depending  upon the
direction  and  velocity  of interest  rate  movements  and their  effect on the
specific  components  of the  institution's  balance  sheet,  the effects on net
interest  income  can  be  substantial.   Consequently,   managing  a  financial
institution  requires  establishing  effective  control over the exposure of the
institution to changes in interest rates.
     We manage our interest rate risk by:

     >    maintaining an Asset Liability Committee, or ALCO, responsible to  our
          Board of Directors to review the overall interest rate risk management
          activity and approve actions taken to reduce risk;

     >    maintaining an effective simulation model to determine our exposure to
          changes in interest rates;

     >    coordinating the lending,  investing  and deposit-generating functions
          to control the assumption of interest rate risk; and

     >    employing various off-balance-sheet  financial  instruments, including
          derivatives, to offset inherent  interest  rate risk when   it becomes
          excessive. The objective of these procedures is  to  limit the adverse
          impact which changes in interest rates may  have  on  our net interest

     The  ALCO  has  overall  responsibility  for the  effective  management  of
interest rate risk and the approval of policy guidelines.  The ALCO includes our
Chairman,  Chief  Executive  Officer  and  President,  as  well  as  the  senior
executives of  investments,  credit,  banking  support and finance,  and certain
other officers.  The Asset Liability  Management Group,  which monitors interest
rate  risk,  supports  the ALCO,  prepares  analyses  for review by the ALCO and
implements  actions  which  are  either  specifically  directed  by the  ALCO or
established by policy guidelines.
     In interest rate  sensitivity  management,  we strive to optimize  earnings
results,  while managing interest rate risk within internal policy  constraints.
Regarding rate sensitivity,  our policy is to manage exposure to potential risks
associated  with changing  interest rates by maintaining a balance sheet posture
in which annual net interest income is not significantly  impacted by reasonably
possible  near-term changes in interest rates. To measure the effect of interest
rate changes,  we calculate  our net income over two one-year  horizons on a pro
forma basis. The analysis assumes various  scenarios for increases and decreases
in interest rates  including both  instantaneous  and gradual,  and parallel and
non-parallel  shifts in the yield  curve,  in varying  amounts.  For purposes of
arriving at reasonably  possible near-term changes in interest rates, we include
scenarios based on actual changes in interest rates,  which have occurred over a
two-year period,  simulating both a declining and rising interest rate scenario.
We are "asset-sensitive," and our simulation model indicates a loss of projected
net interest income should  interest rates decline.  While a decline in interest
rates of less than 100 basis points has a relatively  minimal  impact on our net
interest  income,  a decline in interest  rates of 100 basis points  indicates a
pre-tax  projected  loss of  approximately  7.5% of net interest  income,  and a
decline in interest rates of 200 basis points indicates a pre-tax projected loss


of approximately  10.5% of net interest income,  based on assets and liabilities
at December 31, 2000.
     We utilize off-balance-sheet  derivative financial instruments to assist in
our  management  of  interest  rate  sensitivity  and to modify  the  repricing,
maturity and option characteristics of on-balance-sheet  assets and liabilities.
We limit the use of such derivative financial instruments to reduce our interest
rate  exposure.  As  more  fully  described  in  Note  17  to  our  accompanying
consolidated financial statements, the derivative financial instruments we hold,
for purposes of managing interest rate risk, are summarized as follows:

                                                           December 31, 2000          December 31, 1999
                                                         --------------------       --------------------
                                                          Notional    Credit        Notional     Credit
                                                           amount    exposure        amount     exposure
                                                           ------    --------        ------     --------
                                                                 (dollars expressed in thousands)

         Interest rate swap agreements - pay
           adjustable rate, receive fixed rate.........   $535,000      1,112        235,000       1,094
         Interest rate swap agreements - pay
           adjustable rate, receive adjustable rate....         --         --        150,000          --
         Interest rate cap agreements..................    150,000      1,251         10,000          26
                                                          ========     ======       ========      ======

     The notional amounts of derivative  financial  instruments do not represent
amounts exchanged by the parties and, therefore, are not a measure of our credit
exposure through our use of these  instruments.  The credit exposure  represents
the  accounting  loss we would  incur in the  event  the  counterparties  failed
completely  to  perform  according  to the  terms  of the  derivative  financial
instruments  and the  collateral  held to support the credit  exposure was of no
     During 1998,  we entered into $105.0  million  notional  amount of interest
rate swap agreements to effectively  lengthen the repricing  characteristics  of
certain  interest-earning  assets to correspond  more closely with their funding
source  with the  objective  of  stabilizing  cash flow,  and  accordingly,  net
interest  income,  over time. The swap agreements  initially  provided for us to
receive  a  fixed  rate  of  interest  and pay an  adjustable  rate of  interest
equivalent  to the 90-day London  Interbank  Offering  Rate. In March 2000,  the
terms of the  swap  agreements  were  modified  such  that we  currently  pay an
adjustable  rate of interest  equivalent  to the daily  weighted  average  prime
lending rate minus 2.705%.  The terms of the swap agreements  provide for FBA to
pay  quarterly and receive  payment  semiannually.  The amount  receivable by us
under the swap  agreements  was $1.4 million at December 31, 2000 and 1999,  and
the amount payable by us under the swap  agreements was $281,000 and $294,000 at
December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.
     During May 1999, we entered into $150.0 million notional amount of interest
rate swap  agreements  with the objective of stabilizing the net interest margin
during the six-month period  surrounding the Year 2000 century date change.  The
swap  agreements  provided  for us to receive  an  adjustable  rate of  interest
equivalent to the daily weighted average 30-day London  Interbank  Offering Rate
and pay an adjustable rate of interest  equivalent to the daily weighted average
prime lending rate minus 2.665%. The terms of the swap agreements,  which had an
effective  date of  October  1,  1999 and a  maturity  date of March  31,  2000,
provided for us to pay and receive interest on a monthly basis. In January 2000,
we determined  these swap  agreements  were no longer  necessary  based upon the
results of the Year 2000 transition and terminated these agreements resulting in
a cost of $45,000.
     During  September  1999, we entered into $130.0 million  notional amount of
interest   rate  swap   agreements   to   effectively   lengthen  the  repricing
characteristics  of certain  interest-earning  assets to correspond more closely
with their  funding  source with the  objective of  stabilizing  cash flow,  and
accordingly,  net interest income, over time. The swap agreements provide for us
to receive a fixed  rate of  interest  and pay an  adjustable  rate of  interest
equivalent to the weighted  average prime lending rate minus 2.70%. The terms of
the swap  agreements  provide for us to pay and receive  interest on a quarterly
basis.  The amount  receivable  by us under the swap  agreements  was $89,000 at
December  31,  2000 and  1999,  and the  amount  payable  by us  under  the swap
agreements   was   $123,000   and  $105,000  at  December  31,  2000  and  1999,

     During  September  2000, we entered into $300.0 million  notional amount of
interest   rate  swap   agreements   to   effectively   lengthen  the  repricing
characteristics  of certain  interest-earning  assets to correspond more closely
with their  funding  source with the  objective of  stabilizing  cash flow,  and
accordingly,  net interest income, over time. The swap agreements provide for us
to receive a fixed rate of interest and pay an adjustable rate equivalent to the
weighted  average  prime  lending  rate  minus  2.70%.  The  terms  of the  swap
agreements  provide for us to pay and receive interest on a quarterly basis. The
amount  receivable by us under the swap  agreements was $621,000 at December 31,
2000 and the amount  payable by us under the swap  agreements  was  $623,000  at
December 31, 2000. In conjunction with these interest rate swap  agreements,  we
also  entered  into  $150.0  million  notional  amount of an  interest  rate cap
agreement to limit the net interest  expense  associated  with the interest rate
swap  agreements in the event of a rising rate  scenario.  The interest rate cap
agreement  has a maturity  date of September  20,  2004,  and provides for us to
receive a  quarterly adjustable rate  of interest equivalent to the  three-month
London  Interbank  Offering  Rate  should  such rate  exceed  the  predetermined
interest rate of 7.50%. At December 31, 2000, the unamortized  costs  associated
with this interest rate cap  agreement  were $1.3 million,  and were included in
other assets.
     During 2000 and 1998,  we realized net interest  expense on our  derivative
financial instruments of $2.1 million and $55,000,  respectively,  in comparison
to net interest income of $226,000 that we realized on our derivative  financial
instruments in 1999.
     As  more  fully  described  in  Note  1 to  our  accompanying  consolidated
financial  statements,  in the event of early  termination  of the interest rate
swap  agreements,  the net proceeds  received or paid are deferred and amortized
over the shorter of the  remaining  contract life or the maturity of the related
asset. If, however,  the amount of the underlying asset is repaid, then the fair
value  gains or  losses on the  interest  rate swap  agreements  are  recognized
immediately in our consolidated statements of income.


     In  addition to our  simulation  model,  we also  prepare and review a more
traditional  interest rate sensitivity  position in conjunction with the results
of the simulation  model. The following table presents the projected  maturities
and periods to  repricing of our rate  sensitive  assets and  liabilities  as of
December 31, 2000, adjusted to account for anticipated prepayments:

                                                                   Over       Over
                                                                   three       six        Over
                                                        Three     through    through       one       Over
                                                       months       six      twelve      through     five
                                                       or less    months     months    five years    years      Total
                                                       -------    ------     ------    ----------    -----      -----
                                                                    (dollars expressed in thousands)

Interest-earning assets:
   Loans (1)......................................  $1,523,039    165,291    192,658    169,230     8,459   2,058,677
   Investment securities..........................     103,822     15,018     21,201    156,926    38,252     335,219
   Federal funds sold and other...................      56,276         --         --         --        --      56,276
                                                    ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------   ---------
     Total interest-earning assets................   1,683,137    180,309    213,859    326,156    46,711   2,450,172
   Effect of interest rate swap agreements........    (535,000)        --    130,000    405,000        --          --
                                                    ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------   ---------
     Total interest-earning assets
       after the effect of interest
         rate swap agreements.....................  $1,148,137    180,309    343,859    731,156    46,711   2,450,172
                                                    ==========  =========  =========  =========  ========   =========
Interest-bearing liabilities:
   Interest-bearing demand accounts...............  $   72,366     44,985     29,338     21,514    27,382     195,585
   Money market demand accounts...................     527,583         --         --         --        --     527,583
   Savings accounts...............................      40,630     33,461     28,680     40,631    95,602     239,004
   Time deposits..................................     226,966    220,408    246,811    174,206         8     868,399
   Note payable...................................          --         --         --     98,000        --      98,000
   Other borrowed funds...........................      47,041         --         --     10,544        --      57,585
                                                    ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------   ---------
     Total interest-bearing liabilities...........  $  914,586    298,854    304,829    344,895   122,992   1,986,156
                                                    ==========  =========  =========  =========  ========   =========
Interest-sensitivity gap:
   Periodic.......................................  $  233,551   (118,545)    39,030    386,261   (76,281)    464,016
   Cumulative.....................................     233,551    115,006    154,036    540,297   464,016
                                                    ==========  =========  =========  =========  ========
Ratio of interest-sensitive assets to
     interest-sensitive liabilities:
         Periodic.................................        1.26       0.60       1.13       2.12      0.38        1.23
         Cumulative...............................        1.26       1.09       1.10       1.29      1.23
                                                    ==========  =========  =========  =========  ========

- ----------------------
(1) Loans are presented net of unearned discount.


     Management  made certain  assumptions  in preparing the table above.  These
assumptions included:

       >     loans will repay at projected repayment speeds;

       >     mortgage-backed securities, included in investment securities, will
             repay at projected repayment speeds;

       >     interest-bearing demand accounts and savings accounts are interest-
             sensitive  at  rates  ranging  from  11%  to  37%  and  12% to 40%,
             respectively, of the remaining balance for each  period  presented;

       >     fixed maturity deposits will not be withdrawn prior to maturity.

     A  significant  variance  in  actual  results  from  one or more  of  these
assumptions could materially affect the results reflected in the table.
     At December 31, 2000 and 1999, our asset-sensitive position on a cumulative
basis  through the  twelve-month  time horizon was $154.0  million,  or 5.62% of
total assets,  and $166.5 million,  or 8.9% of total assets,  respectively.  The
asset-sensitive  position is  attributable  to the  composition  of our loan and
investment security portfolios as compared to our deposit base. We attribute the
decrease  for 2000 to the  interest  rate swap  agreements  entered into in June
1998, September 1998, September 1999 and September 2000.
     The  interest-sensitivity  position is one of several  measurements  of the
impact of interest  rate  changes on net  interest  income.  Its  usefulness  in
assessing the effect of potential changes in net interest income varies with the
constant  change in the composition of our assets and liabilities and changes in
interest rates. For this reason, we place greater emphasis on a simulation model
for monitoring our interest rate risk exposure.

Comparison  of Results of Operations  for the Years Ended  December 31, 2000 and

     Net Income.  Net income was $27.8 million,  or $2.29 per share on a diluted
basis, for the year ended December 31, 2000, compared to $17.6 million, or $1.44
per share on a diluted  basis,  for 1999.  The earnings  progress was  primarily
driven  by  increased  net  interest  income  generated  from  our  acquisitions
completed  during 1999 and 2000; the continued  change in the composition of our
loan  portfolio;  increased  yields on earning assets;  internal loan growth;  a
reduced provision for loan losses; and, increased  noninterest income. We funded
the overall loan growth primarily through internal deposit growth. As previously
discussed under "--Financial Condition and Average Balances" and "--Net Interest
Income," net interest income  increased by $24.1 million to $105.6  million,  or
5.51% of  average  interest-earning  assets,  from  $81.5  million,  or 5.27% of
average  interest-earnings  assets,  for the years ended  December  31, 2000 and
1999, respectively.
     The improvement in net income was partially  offset by increased  operating
expenses. The increased operating expenses reflect the operating expenses of our
1999 and 2000 acquisitions, exclusive of First Bank & Trust, subsequent to their
respective  acquisition dates; increased salaries and employee benefit expenses;
increased data processing fees,  increased  legal,  examination and professional
fees; and increased  amortization of intangibles associated with the purchase of

     Provision  for Loan Losses.  The provision for loan losses was $1.9 million
and $4.2 million for the years ended  December 31, 2000 and 1999,  respectively.
We attribute the decrease in the provision for loan losses primarily to improved
asset quality, as determined by management's review and evaluation of the credit
quality of the loans in our portfolio,  reduced  charge-offs,  and  management's
assessment  of the  adequacy of our  allowance  for loan  losses.  Nonperforming
assets decreased by $934,000 to $15.7 million from $16.6 million at December 31,
2000 and 1999, respectively, resulting in a reduced ratio of nonperforming loans
to loans from 1.11% at December 31, 1999 to 0.73% at December 31, 2000.
     Our loan loss  experience  further  supported the decrease in the provision
for loan losses.  For the year ended December 31, 2000,  loan  charge-offs  were
$5.4  million,  in  comparison  to $7.1 million for the year ended  December 31,
1999.  The decrease in loan  charge-offs  shows the  generally  strong  economic
conditions  prevalent  in our  markets,  as well as a decline  in  nonperforming
assets and management's  continued efforts to effectively monitor and manage our
loan portfolio.  In addition,  loan  charge-offs for the year ended December 31,
2000  included a charge-off  of $1.6 million on a single loan.  Loan  recoveries
were $5.2 million for the years ended  December 31, 2000 and 1999, in comparison
to $4.3  million for the year ended  December  31,  1998,  reflecting  continued
aggressive  collection  efforts.  Our acquisitions during 1999 and 2000 provided
$3.0 million and $6.1 million,  respectively,  in additional  allowance for loan
losses at the respective acquisition dates.


     Tables summarizing  nonperforming assets, past-due loans and charge-off and
recovery experience are presented under "--Loans and Allowance for Loan Losses."

     Noninterest Income and Expense. The following table summarizes  noninterest
income and noninterest expense for the years ended December 31, 2000 and 1999:

                                                                                        Increase (Decrease)
                                                               2000        1999         Amount       Percent
                                                               ----        ----         ------       -------
                                                                     (dollars expressed in thousands)

   Noninterest income:
       Service charges on deposit accounts
         and customer service fees........................   $  7,626       6,210         1,416        22.80%
       Other income.......................................      4,274       3,185         1,089        34.19
       Gains on sales of securities, net..................        177         485          (308)      (63.51)
                                                             --------     -------      --------
           Total noninterest income.......................   $ 12,077       9,880         2,197        22.24
                                                             ========     =======      ========     ========

   Noninterest expense:
       Salaries and employee benefits.....................   $ 25,917      21,889         4,028        18.40%
       Occupancy, net of rental income....................      8,496       6,980         1,516        21.72
       Furniture and equipment............................      3,588       3,232           356        11.01
       Advertising and business development...............        969         819           150        18.32
       Postage, printing and supplies.....................      1,459       1,362            97         7.12
       Data processing fees...............................      7,406       5,570         1,836        32.96
       Legal, examination and professional fees...........      6,995       5,753         1,242        21.59
       Communications.....................................        943       1,098          (155)      (14.12)
       Gain on sales of other real estate,
         net of expenses..................................       (215)       (720)          505       (70.14)
       Amortization of intangibles associated with the
         purchase of subsidiaries.........................      3,234       2,296           938        40.85
       Guaranteed preferred debentures....................      3,908       3,966           (58)       (1.46)
       Other..............................................      7,319       6,218         1,101        17.71
                                                             --------     -------      --------
           Total noninterest expense......................   $ 70,019      58,463        11,556        19.77
                                                             ========     =======      ========     ========

     Noninterest Income. Noninterest income was $12.1 million for the year ended
December  31,  2000,  compared  to $9.9  million  for 1999.  Noninterest  income
consists primarily of service charges on deposit accounts, customer service fees
and other income.
     Service charges on deposit  accounts and customer service fees increased to
$7.6 million for 2000,  from $6.2 million for 1999. We attribute the increase in
service charges and customer service fees to:

      >   increased deposit balances provided by internal growth;

      >   our acquisitions completed throughout 1999 and 2000;

      >   additional  services  available and utilized by  our expanding base of
          retail and corporate customers;

      >   increased  fee  income  resulting from  revisions of customer  service
          charge rates,  effective April 1, 1999 and June 30, 2000, and enhanced
          control of fee waivers; and

      >   increased income associated with automated teller machine services and
          debit cards.

     Other income was $4.3 million and $3.2 million for the years ended December
31, 2000 and 1999,  respectively.  The primary  components  of the  increase are
increased income earned on our investment in bank-owned life insurance; earnings
associated with our International Banking Division, which was initially acquired
in  conjunction  with our  Lippo  Bank  acquisition  and has  subsequently  been
expanded to offer these services to our entire customer base; and  approximately
$620,000  relating  to the  repayment  of an  acquired  loan  in  excess  of our
historical cost basis.


     Noninterest  income for 2000 and 1999 also includes  $177,000 and $485,000,
respectively, of net gains on sales of available-for-sale investment securities.
The net gain in 2000 resulted from sales of certain  investment  securities held
by acquired  institutions that did not meet our overall  investment  objectives,
whereas  the  net  gain  in 1999  resulted  from  sales  of  certain  investment
securities to facilitate the funding of loan growth.

     Noninterest  Expense.  Noninterest  expense was $70.0  million for the year
ended  December  31,  2000,  compared to $58.5  million for 1999.  The  increase

      >    the noninterest expense of our acquisitions completed throughout 1999
           and 2000  subsequent  to  the respective acquisition dates, including
           certain nonrecurring expenses associated with those acquisitions;

      >    increased salaries and employee benefit expenses;

      >    increased data processing fees;

      >    increased legal, examination and professional fees; and

      >    increased amortization of intangibles associated with the purchase of

     Salaries and employee  benefits  increased by $4.0 million to $25.9 million
from $21.9 million for the years ended December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.
We  primarily  associate  the  increase  with our  1999  and 2000  acquisitions.
However,  the  increase  also  reflects  the  competitive   environment  in  the
employment  market that has resulted in a higher  demand for limited  resources,
thus  escalating  industry  salary and employee  benefit costs  associated  with
employing and retaining qualified personnel.  In addition, the increase includes
various additions to our staff to enhance management expertise.
     Occupancy,  net of rental  income,  and  furniture  and  equipment  expense
totaled $12.1  million in 2000,  in  comparison  to $10.2  million in 1999.  The
increase is primarily  attributable to  acquisitions,  the relocation of certain
California and Texas branches and increased depreciation expense associated with
numerous capital expenditures made throughout 1999, including the implementation
of our new teller system.
     Data processing fees were $7.4 million and $5.6 million for the years ended
December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively, of which $6.8 million and $5.3 million
were paid to First  Services,  L.P., an affiliate of First Banks.  As more fully
described  in Note 16 to our  accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements,
First Services,  L.P.  provides data processing and various related  services to
our subsidiary  banks and us. We attribute the increased data processing fees to
growth and  technological  advancements  consistent with our product and service
offerings and upgrades to technological  equipment,  networks and  communication
     Legal, examination and professional fees were $7.0 million and $5.8 million
for the years ended December 31, 2000 and 1999,  respectively.  We attribute the
increase in these fees to our  expanded  utilization  of legal and  professional
services in conjunction with general corporate activities.
     Intangibles associated with the purchase of subsidiaries are amortized on a
straight-line  basis generally over 15 years.  Amortization of these intangibles
was $3.2 million and $2.3 million in 2000 and 1999,  respectively.  The increase
for 2000 is primarily  attributable to amortization of the cost in excess of the
fair value of the net assets acquired of Commercial Bank of San Francisco,  Bank
of Ventura, Lippo Bank, Century Bank and Redwood Bancorp.
     Other  expense  was $7.3  million  and $6.2  million  for the  years  ended
December 31, 2000 and 1999,  respectively.  Other expense  encompasses  numerous
general and administrative  expenses including but not limited to travel,  meals
and entertainment,  insurance, freight and courier services,  correspondent bank
charges,  miscellaneous  losses and recoveries,  memberships and  subscriptions,
transfer agent fees and sales taxes. We attribute the overall  increase in these
expenses to the continued growth and expansion of our banking franchise.


Comparison  of Results of Operations  for the Years Ended  December 31, 1999 and

     Net Income.  Net income was $17.6 million,  or $1.44 per share on a diluted
basis, for the year ended December 31, 1999,  compared to $10.1 million or $0.86
per share on a diluted  basis,  for 1998.  We associate  our improved  operating
results with  increased  net interest  income  generated  from our  acquisitions
completed  throughout  1998 and 1999;  our  continuing  efforts to  realign  the
composition of our loan portfolio  through further  diversification  and growth;
and increased noninterest income. Net interest income increased by $21.9 million
to $81.5  million,  or 5.27% of  average  interest-earning  assets,  from  $59.5
million,  or 4.66% of  average  interest-earning  assets,  for the  years  ended
December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.
     An increase in the  provision  for loan losses and an increase in operating
expenses partially offset the improvement in net income. The increased operating
expenses are primarily reflective of the operating expenses of our 1998 and 1999
acquisitions;   increased  salaries  and  employee   benefits;   increased  data
processing  fees  primarily  associated  with  Year 2000  activities;  increased
amortization of intangibles  associated with the purchase of  subsidiaries;  and
increased  guaranteed  preferred  debentures expense,  reflecting the additional
cost of the trust preferred securities issued in July 1998.

     Provision  for Loan Losses.  The provision for loan losses was $4.2 million
and $1.8 million for the years ended  December 31, 1999 and 1998,  respectively.
We attribute the increase in the provision for loan losses for 1999 to continued
growth in our loan portfolio, both internal and through acquisitions;  increased
risk associated with the continued  changing  composition of our loan portfolio;
increased loans charged-off; and a relatively high level of nonperforming assets
that existed at December 31, 1998.  For the year ended  December 31, 1999,  loan
charge-offs were $7.1 million,  in comparison to $4.9 million for the year ended
December 31, 1998. The increase in loan  charge-offs  reflects overall growth in
our loan  portfolio,  the changing  composition  of our loan  portfolio  and the
further  degradation and charge-off of certain  nonperforming loans that existed
at December  31,  1998.  Loan  recoveries  were $5.2  million for the year ended
December 31, 1999, in comparison to $4.3 million for the year ended December 31,
1998,  reflecting  continued  aggressive  collection  efforts.  Our acquisitions
during 1999 and 1998 provided $3.2 million and $3.0  million,  respectively,  in
additional allowance for loan losses at the respective acquisition dates.
     Tables summarizing  nonperforming assets, past-due loans and charge-off and
recovery experience are presented under "--Loans and Allowance for Loan Losses."

     Noninterest Income and Expense. The following table summarizes  noninterest
income and noninterest expense for the years ended December 31, 1999 and 1998:

                                                                                        Increase (Decrease)
                                                               1999        1998         Amount       Percent
                                                               ----        ----         ------       -------
                                                                    (dollars expressed in thousands)
   Noninterest income:
       Service charges on deposit accounts
         and customer service fees........................   $  6,210       5,166         1,044        20.21%
       Other income ......................................      3,185       1,991         1,194        59.97
       Gains on sales of securities, net..................        485         699          (214)      (30.62)
                                                             --------     -------       -------
           Total noninterest income.......................   $  9,880       7,856         2,024        25.76
                                                             ========     =======       =======      =======

   Noninterest expense:
       Salaries and employee benefits ....................   $ 21,889      17,465         4,424        25.33%
       Occupancy, net of rental income ...................      6,980       5,655         1,325        23.43
       Furniture and equipment ...........................      3,232       3,149            83         2.64
       Advertising and business development...............        819       1,178          (359)      (30.48)
       Postage, printing and supplies.....................      1,362       1,395           (33)       (2.37)
       Data processing fees...............................      5,570       3,738         1,832        49.01
       Legal, examination and professional fees...........      5,753       5,627           126         2.24
       Communications.....................................      1,098       1,315          (217)      (16.50)
       Gain on sales of other real estate,
         net of expenses..................................       (720)        (93)         (627)      674.19
       Amortization of intangibles associated with the
         purchase of subsidiaries.........................      2,296       1,046         1,250       119.50
       Guaranteed preferred debentures....................      3,966       1,758         2,208       125.60
       Other..............................................      6,218       6,732          (514)       (7.64)
                                                             --------     -------       -------
           Total noninterest expense......................   $ 58,463      48,965         9,498        19.40
                                                             ========     =======       =======      =======


     Noninterest Income.  Noninterest income was $9.9 million for the year ended
December  31,  1999,  compared  to $7.9  million  for 1998.  Noninterest  income
consists primarily of service charges on deposit accounts, customer service fees
and other income.
     Service charges on deposit  accounts and customer service fees increased to
$6.2 million for 1999,  from $5.2 million for 1998. We attribute the increase in
service charges and customer service fees to:

    >   increased deposit balances provided by internal growth;

    >   our acquisitions completed during 1998 and 1999;

    >   additional products and services available and utilized by our expanding
        base of retail and corporate customers; and

    >   increased fee income resulting from revisions of customer service charge
        rates,  effective  April 1, 1999,  and enhanced control of fee waivers.

     Other income was $3.2 million and $2.0 million for the years ended December
31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.  The primary components of the increase consist
of $795,000  relating  to the  repayment  of an  acquired  loan in excess of our
historical  cost  basis  and  increased  income  earned  on  our  investment  in
bank-owned life insurance.  The bank-owned  life insurance  income  increased to
$1.2 million for 1999, in comparison to $848,000 for 1998 and primarily  results
from twelve months of earnings in 1999, in comparison to nine months of earnings
in 1998.
     Noninterest  income for 1999 and 1998 also includes  $485,000 and $699,000,
respectively, of net gains on sales of available-for-sale investment securities.
The net gains resulted from sales of certain investment securities to facilitate
the funding of loan growth.

     Noninterest Expense. Noninterest expense increased to $58.5 million for the
year ended December 31, 1999 from $49.0 million for 1998. The increase reflects:

     >    the noninterest expense of our acquisitions completed throughout 1998
          and 1999, exclusive of FCB and First Bank & Trust, subsequent to the
          respective acquisition dates, including certain nonrecurring expenses;

     >    increased salaries and employee benefit expenses;

     >    increased data processing fees;

     >    increased  amortization of intangibles associated with the purchase of
          subsidiaries; and

     >    increased guaranteed preferred debentures expense.

     The overall  increase in  noninterest  expense  was  partially  offset by a
reduction in advertising and business  development  expenses and  communications
expenses, and is consistent with management's efforts to more effectively manage
these expenditures.
     Specifically,  salaries and employee benefits  increased by $4.4 million to
$21.9 million from $17.5 million for the years ended December 31, 1999 and 1998,
respectively.  We associate the increase with our 1999 and 1998 acquisitions and
our  continued  commitment  to  expanding  our  commercial  and retail  business
development capabilities.
     Occupancy,  net of rental  income,  and  furniture  and  equipment  expense
totaled  $10.2  million in 1999,  in  comparison  to $8.8  million in 1998.  The
increase is primarily  attributable  to our  acquisitions  and the relocation of
certain California branches.
     Data processing fees were $5.6 million and $3.7 million for the years ended
December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively, of which $5.3 million and $3.5 million
were paid to First  Services,  L.P.  As more fully  described  in Note 16 to our
accompanying  consolidated financial statements,  First Services,  L.P. provides
data processing and various related  services to our subsidiary banks and us. We
attribute  the  increased  data  processing  fees to  growth  and  technological
advancements  consistent  with our  product  and  service  offerings,  increased
expenses  attributable to  communication  data lines related to the expansion of
our branch network  infrastructure  and expenses  associated  with our Year 2000
program.  We  incurred  direct  expenses  related  to our Year 2000  program  of
approximately  $900,000 and  $310,000 for the years ended  December 31, 1999 and
1998, respectively.


     Intangibles associated with the purchase of subsidiaries are amortized on a
straight-line  basis generally over 15 years.  Amortization of such  intangibles
was $2.3 million and $1.0 million in 1999 and 1998,  respectively.  The increase
for 1999 is primarily  attributable to amortization of the cost in excess of the
fair value of the net assets acquired of Century Bank, Redwood Bancorp, Republic
Bank, the Solvang branch office of Bank of America, FCB and Pacific Bay Bank.
     Guaranteed  preferred  debentures expense was $4.0 million and $1.8 million
for the years  ended  December  31, 1999 and 1998,  respectively.  As more fully
discussed under  "--Financial  Condition and Average Balances" and Note 9 to our
accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements,  First America  Capital Trust
issued $46.0  million of trust  preferred  securities  in July 1998.  Thus,  the
increase  is  reflective  of twelve  months  of  expense  incurred  on the trust
preferred  securities  in 1999, in  comparison  to  approximately  six months of
expense incurred in 1998.
     Other  expense  was $6.2  million  and $6.7  million  for the  years  ended
December 31, 1999 and 1998,  respectively.  Other expense  encompasses  numerous
general and administrative  expenses including but not limited to travel,  meals
and entertainment,  insurance, freight and courier services,  correspondent bank
charges,  miscellaneous  losses and recoveries  memberships  and  subscriptions,
transfer agent fees and sales taxes. We attribute the overall  decrease in these
expenses primarily to a $350,000 charge in settlement of certain litigation that
occurred in 1998.

Investment Securities

     We classify  the  securities  within our  investment  portfolio  as held to
maturity or available  for sale.  We do not engage in the trading of  investment
securities.  As  more  fully  described  in  Notes  1 and 3 to our  accompanying
consolidated  financial  statements,  our investment security portfolio consists
primarily  of  securities  designated  as  available  for sale.  The  investment
security  portfolio  was $335.2  million at December 31, 2000 compared to $196.2
million and $251.2 million at December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

Loans and Allowance for Loan Losses

     Interest  earned on our loan portfolio  represents the principal  source of
income for our subsidiary  banks.  Interest and fees on loans were 89.2%,  89.1%
and 81.2% of total interest  income for the years ended December 31, 2000,  1999
and 1998,  respectively.  Loans, net of unearned discount,  represented 75.1% of
total assets as of December 31, 2000, compared to 78.9% and 72.0% as of December
31,  1999  and  1998,  respectively.  Total  loans,  net of  unearned  discount,
increased  $589.6 million to $2.06 billion for the year ended December 31, 2000,
and $379.1  million to $1.47  billion for the year ended  December 31, 1999.  We
view the  quality,  yield and growth of our loan  portfolio  to be  instrumental
elements in determining our profitability.
     As summarized in the composition of loan portfolio  table,  during the five
years ended December 31, 2000, total loans, net of unearned discount,  increased
substantially  from  $647.3  million at December  31,  1996 to $2.06  billion at
December  31,  2000.  Prior to 1995,  our lending  strategy  had been focused on
consumer  lending,   particularly  indirect  automobile  lending.   However,  in
conjunction with that type of lending,  we began experiencing  substantial asset
quality problems  resulting in high provisions for loan losses in 1995 and 1996.
As a result,  we initiated a process of repositioning our loan portfolio through
acquisitions  and the expansion of our  corporate  business  development  staff,
which is  responsible  for the  internal  development  of both loan and  deposit
relationships with commercial  customers.  As the corporate business development
effort  continued  to  originate  a  substantial  volume of new  commercial  and
financial,  real estate  construction  and  development and real estate mortgage
loans, we substantially  reduced our origination of indirect  automobile  loans.
This  allowed us to fund a part of the growth in corporate  lending  through the
reduction in indirect  automobile  lending.  Reflective  of our revised  lending
strategy,  at December 31, 2000, consumer and installment loans, net of unearned
discount,  represented only 2.2% of our loan portfolio,  whereas at December 31,
1996, such loans constituted 17.1%.
     In addition,  our acquisitions  added substantial  portfolios of new loans.
However,  some of these portfolios,  particularly  those related to First Bank &
Trust's acquisitions  completed in 1995, contained significant loan problems. As
we resolved the asset quality  issues,  the portfolios of the acquired  entities
tended to  decline  because  many of the  resources  which  would  otherwise  be
directed  toward   generating  new  loans  were  concentrated  on  improving  or
eliminating existing relationships.


     The following  table  summarizes  the changes in the loan portfolio for the
periods indicated:

                                                                                      Increase (decrease)
                                                                               For the Years Ended December 31,
                                                                            2000            1999            1998
                                                                            ----            ----            ----
                                                                               (dollars expressed in thousands)

     Internal loan volume increase (decrease):
         Commercial lending............................................   $ 273,099        191,223         235,202
         Indirect automobile lending...................................     (13,865)       (21,841)        (14,343)
         Other.........................................................     (45,048)       (25,756)        (75,201)
     Loans provided by acquisition.....................................     375,400        235,500         127,600
                                                                          ---------      ---------       ---------
              Total increase in loans, net of unearned discount........   $ 589,586        379,126         273,258
                                                                          =========      =========       =========
     (Decrease) increase in potential problem loans (1)................   $  (6,300)          (100)          7,000
                                                                          =========      =========       =========

- -------------------------
(1)  Potential  problem loans include loans on nonaccrual status and other loans
     identified by management as having potential credit problems.

     Our  lending  strategy  stresses  quality,   growth  and   diversification.
Throughout our organization,  we employ a common credit underwriting policy. Our
commercial  lenders  focus  principally  on  small to  middle-market  companies.
Consumer lenders focus principally on residential  loans,  including home equity
loans,  automobile financing and other consumer financing  opportunities arising
out of our branch banking network.
     Commercial and financial  loans include loans that are made primarily based
on the borrowers' general credit strength and ability to generate cash flows for
repayment from income sources even though such loans may also be secured by real
estate  or  other  assets.  Real  estate  construction  and  development  loans,
primarily  relating  to  residential   properties  and  commercial   properties,
represent  financing  secured by real  estate  under  construction.  Real estate
mortgage   loans   consist   primarily  of  loans   secured  by   single-family,
owner-occupied  properties  and various types of commercial  properties on which
the income from the property is the intended  source of repayment.  Consumer and
installment  loans  consist  primarily  of  loans  to  individuals   secured  by
     The following  table shows the  composition  of our loan portfolio by major
category and the percent of each category to the total portfolio as of the dates

                                                                      December 31,
                                   2000                1999               1998                1997              1996
                           ------------------    ----------------   ----------------    ----------------   -----------------
                           Amount     Percent    Amount   Percent    Amount  Percent    Amount   Percent    Amount   Percent
                           ------     -------    ------   -------    ------  -------    ------   -------    ------   -------
                                                           (dollars expressed in thousands)

Commercial and
 financial............... $  686,426     33.3% $  427,974   29.1% $  337,084    30.9%  $217,214    26.6%  $141,518    21.9%
Real estate
 construction and
 development.............    444,218     21.6     377,254   25.7     293,665    26.9    146,147    17.9     78,878    12.2
Real estate mortgage.....    883,103     42.9     607,171   41.3     394,255    36.2    370,790    45.4    316,305    48.8
Consumer and
 installment,net of
 unearned discount.......     44,930      2.2      56,692    3.9      64,961     6.0     82,556    10.1    110,599    17.1
                          ----------    -----  ----------  -----  ----------   -----   --------   -----   --------   -----
      Total loans,
        excluding loans
        held for sale.... $2,058,677    100.0% $1,469,091  100.0% $1,089,965   100.0%  $816,707   100.0%  $647,300   100.0%
                          ==========    =====  ==========  =====  ==========   =====   ========   =====   ========   =====


     Loans at December 31, 2000 mature as follows:

                                                            Over one year
                                                          through five years         Over five years
                                                          ------------------         ---------------
                                             One year      Fixed     Floating      Fixed     Floating
                                              or less      rate        rate        rate        rate      Total
                                              -------      ----        ----        ----        ----      -----
                                                           (dollars expressed in thousands)

Commercial and financial.................. $  574,979      56,101      29,762     15,178      10,406    686,426
Real estate construction
   and development........................    433,497       4,538       3,867         --       2,316    444,218
Real estate mortgage......................    574,219      86,884      68,436     42,871     110,693    883,103
Consumer and installment,
   net of unearned discount...............     18,887      22,398       1,022        916       1,707     44,930
                                           ----------   ---------    --------    -------    --------  ---------
     Total loans.......................... $1,601,582     169,921     103,087     58,965     125,122  2,058,677
                                           ==========   =========    ========    =======    ========  =========

     The following table is a summary of loan loss experience for the five years
ended December 31, 2000:

                                                                           December 31,
                                                  2000          1999           1998          1997          1996
                                                  ----          ----           ----          ----          ----
                                                                (dollars expressed in thousands)

Balance at beginning of year...............  $   30,192        24,947         20,586        19,156        24,156
Acquired allowances for loan losses........       6,062         3,008          3,200            30         2,338
                                             ----------     ---------      ---------       -------       -------
                                                 36,254        27,955         23,786        19,186        26,494
                                             ----------     ---------      ---------       -------       -------
Loans charged off:
  Commercial and financial.................      (4,893)       (5,458)        (2,347)       (1,158)       (5,009)
  Real estate construction
   and development.........................          --          (228)            --           (15)         (427)
  Real estate mortgage.....................        (113)         (586)        (1,416)       (4,528)       (8,237)
  Consumer and installment.................        (384)         (835)        (1,099)       (2,524)       (4,338)
                                             ----------     ---------      ---------       -------       -------
     Total loans charged-off...............      (5,390)       (7,107)        (4,862)       (8,225)      (18,011)
                                             ----------     ---------      ---------       -------       -------
Recoveries of loans previously
  charged off:
    Commercial and financial...............       3,575         2,201          2,357         1,188         1,395
    Real estate construction
     and development.......................          75           400            219           183            15
    Real estate mortgage...................       1,066         1,745            912         3,075         1,249
    Consumer and installment...............         473           815            785         1,179         1,135
                                             ----------     ---------      ---------       -------       -------
     Total recoveries of loans
        previously charged off.............       5,189         5,161          4,273         5,625         3,794
                                             ----------     ---------      ---------       -------       -------
       Net loan charge-offs................        (201)       (1,946)          (589)       (2,600)      (14,217)
                                             -----------    ---------      ---------       -------       -------
Provision for loan losses..................       1,877         4,183          1,750         4,000         6,879
                                             ----------     ---------      ---------       -------       -------
Balance at end of year.....................  $   37,930        30,192         24,947        20,586        19,156
                                             ==========     =========      =========       =======       =======
Loans outstanding, net of
  unearned discount:
    Average................................   1,621,432     1,303,742        935,284       669,902       610,835
    End of period..........................   2,058,677     1,469,091      1,089,965       816,707       647,300
    Ratio of allowance for
     loan losses to loans outstanding:
        Average............................        2.34%         2.32%          2.67%         3.07%         3.14%
        End of period......................        1.84          2.06           2.29          2.52          2.96
    Ratio of net loan charge-offs to
     average loans outstanding.............        0.01          0.15           0.06          0.39          2.33
                                             ==========     =========      =========       ========       =======
Allocation of allowance for
  loan losses at end of period:
    Commercial and financial............... $    13,626        10,051          7,413         5,256         5,859
    Real estate construction
     and development.......................       8,038         6,582          6,982         2,979         2,144
    Real estate mortgage...................      11,665         8,405          5,987         6,865         6,177
    Consumer and installment...............         929         1,933          2,166         2,464         4,213
    Unallocated............................       3,672         3,221          2,399         3,022           763
                                            -----------     ---------      ---------       -------       -------
       Total .............................. $    37,930        30,192         24,947        20,586        19,156
                                            ===========     =========      =========       =======       =======

Percent of categories to loans,
  net of unearned discount:
     Commercial and financial..............        33.3%         29.1%           30.9%        26.6%          21.9%
     Real estate construction
       and development......................        21.6          25.7            26.9         17.9           12.2
     Real estate mortgage...................        42.9          41.3            36.2         45.4           48.8
     Consumer and installment...............         2.2           3.9             6.0         10.1           17.1
                                            ------------    ---------      ----------      -------       --------
       Total...............................       100.0%        100.0%          100.0%       100.0%         100.0%
                                            ============    =========      ==========      =======       ========


     Nonperforming assets include nonaccrual loans, restructured loans and other
real estate. The following table presents the categories of nonperforming assets
and certain ratios as of the dates indicated:

                                                                          December 31,
                                                   2000          1999         1998           1997          1996
                                                   ----          ----         ----           ----          ----
                                                                  (dollars expressed in thousands)

   Nonperforming loans.........................  $   15,005       16,244      25,044        11,186        24,139
   Other real estate, net......................         694          389         935         2,254         4,347
                                                 ----------    ---------   ---------     ---------      --------
         Total nonperforming assets............  $   15,699       16,633      25,979        13,440        28,486
                                                 ==========    =========   =========     =========      ========

   Loans, net of unearned discount.............  $2,058,677    1,469,091   1,089,965       816,707       647,300
                                                 ==========    =========   =========     =========      ========

   Loans past due:
      Over 30 days to 90 days..................  $   12,387        6,284      17,497         9,673        11,470
      Over 90 days and still accruing..........         985        4,626         816         1,314           879
                                                 ----------    ---------   ---------     ---------      --------
         Total past-due loans..................  $   13,372       10,910      18,313        10,987        12,349
                                                 ==========    =========   =========     =========      ========

   Allowance for loan losses
      to loans.................................        1.84%        2.06%       2.29%         2.52%         2.96%
   Nonperforming loans to loans................        0.73         1.11        2.30          1.37          3.73
   Allowance for loan losses
      to nonperforming loans...................      252.78       185.87       99.61        184.03         79.36
   Nonperforming assets to loans
      and other real estate....................        0.76         1.13        2.38          1.64          4.37
                                                 ==========    =========   =========     =========      ========

     Nonperforming  loans,  consisting of loans on nonaccrual status and certain
restructured  loans,  were $15.0  million at December 31, 2000 in  comparison to
$16.2 million at December 31, 1999. The decrease in nonperforming  loans in 2000
and 1999 primarily  results from  continued  aggressive  collection  efforts and
management's  continued  efforts  to  effectively  monitor  and  manage the loan
portfolios of acquired entities. As previously discussed,  certain acquired loan
portfolios,  particularly those acquired during 1995,  exhibited varying degrees
of distress prior to their acquisition. While these problems had been identified
and considered in the acquisition  pricing,  our acquisitions led to an increase
in nonperforming assets and problem loans (as defined below) to $55.0 million at
December 31, 1995.  Problem  loans were reduced to $22.5 million at December 31,
1997. At December 31, 1998,  nonperforming assets and problem loans increased to
$29.5   million.   We  associate  the  increase  for  1998  primarily  with  our
acquisitions of Republic Bank and Pacific Bay Bank and the overall growth of our
loan   portfolio,   principally  in  commercial   and  financial,   real  estate
construction and development and real estate mortgage loans.
     As of December 31, 2000,  1999 and 1998,  $8.1  million,  $13.2 million and
$4.5  million,  respectively,  of loans not  included  in the table  above  were
identified by management as having  potential  credit problems  (problem loans).
Problem  loans  totaled  $11.3 million and $9.9 million at December 31, 1997 and
1996, respectively.
     Our credit management policy and procedures focus on identifying, measuring
and controlling  credit  exposure.  These procedures  employ a  lender-initiated
system of rating  credits,  which is ratified in the loan  approval  process and
subsequently  tested in internal loan reviews,  external  audits and  regulatory
bank  examinations.  The system  requires  rating all loans at the time they are
originated, except for homogeneous categories of loans, such as residential real
estate mortgage loans and indirect automobile loans. These homogeneous loans are
assigned an initial  rating based on our  experience  with each type of loan. We
adjust  these   ratings  based  on  payment   experience   subsequent  to  their
     We  include  adversely  rated  credits,  including  loans  requiring  close
monitoring  which  would  not  normally  be  considered  criticized  credits  by
regulators,  on a monthly loan watch list.  Loans may be added to our watch list
for reasons that are temporary and  correctable,  such as the absence of current
financial  statements  of the  borrower or a deficiency  in loan  documentation.
Other loans are added whenever any adverse  circumstance is detected which might
affect the borrower's  ability to meet the terms of the loan. The delinquency of
a scheduled loan payment, a deterioration in the borrower's  financial condition
identified in a review of periodic financial statements, a decrease in the value
of the  collateral  securing the loan,  or a change in the economic  environment
within which the borrower  operates could initiate the addition of a loan to the
list.  Loans on the watch list require  periodic  detailed  loan status  reports
prepared by the responsible officer, which are discussed in formal meetings with
loan review and credit  administration  staff  members.  Downgrades of loan risk
ratings may be initiated by the responsible loan officer at any time.   However,


upgrades of risk ratings may only be made with the  concurrence of selected loan
review and credit  administration  staff  members  generally  at the time of the
formal watch list review meetings.
     Each month, the credit  administration  department  provides our management
with detailed  lists of loans on the watch list and summaries of the entire loan
portfolio  of each  subsidiary  bank by risk  rating.  These  are  coupled  with
analyses of changes in the risk profiles of the portfolios,  changes in past-due
and  nonperforming  loans and  changes in watch list and  classified  loans over
time. In this manner, we continually  monitor the overall increases or decreases
in the  levels  of risk in the  portfolios.  Factors  are  applied  to the  loan
portfolios  for each  category of loan risk to  determine  acceptable  levels of
allowance  for loan losses.  We derive these factors  primarily  from the actual
loss experience of our subsidiary  banks and from published  national surveys of
norms in the industry. The calculated allowances required for the portfolios are
then  compared to the actual  allowance  balances to  determine  the  provisions
necessary  to maintain  the  allowances  at  appropriate  levels.  In  addition,
management exercises a certain degree of judgment in its analysis of the overall
adequacy of the allowance for losses. In its analysis,  management considers the
change in the  portfolio,  including  growth,  composition  and the ratio of net
loans to total  assets,  and the economic  conditions of the regions in which we
operate.  Based on this  quantitative and qualitative  analysis,  provisions are
made to our  allowance  for loan losses.  Such  provisions  are reflected in our
consolidated statements of income.
     We do not engage in lending in foreign  countries or based on activities in
foreign  countries.  Additionally,  we do not have any  concentrations  of loans
exceeding  10% of total  loans  that  are not  otherwise  disclosed  in the loan
portfolio composition table and Note 4 to our accompany  consolidated  financial
statements.  We do not have a material  amount of  interest-earning  assets that
would have been included in nonaccrual,  past due or restructured  loans if such
assets were loans.


     Deposits  are the primary  source of funds for our  subsidiary  banks.  Our
deposits  consist  principally  of core  deposits  from each bank's local market
areas,  including both individual and corporate  customers.  The following table
sets  forth  the  distribution  of our  average  deposit  accounts  at the dates
indicated and the weighted average interest rates on each category of deposits:

                                                                     December 31,
                                               2000                      1999                          1998
                                     ----------------------   -------------------------     ------------------------
                                              Percent                   Percent                       Percent
                                                of                        of                            of
                                     Amount  deposits Rate    Amount   deposits   Rate      Amount   deposits   Rate
                                     ------  -------- ----    ------   --------   ----      ------   --------   ----
                                                                (dollars expressed in thousands)

Noninterest-bearing demand.....  $  340,278    18.95%    --% $  263,427   18.31%     --% $  202,628    16.76%    --%
Interest-bearing demand........     152,487     8.49   1.58     133,976    9.31    1.53     107,070     8.85   1.61
Savings........................     575,227    32.04   4.42     454,022   31.56    3.78     358,371    29.63   4.22
Time deposits..................     727,695    40.52   5.71     586,970   40.82    5.11     541,274    44.76   5.55
                                 ----------   ------   ====  ----------  ------    ====  ----------   ------   ====
   Total average deposits......  $1,795,687   100.00%        $1,438,395  100.00%         $1,209,343   100.00%
                                 ==========   ======         ==========  ======          ==========   ======

     Noninterest-bearing  demand,  interest-bearing  demand and savings  have no
stated maturity.  The maturity distribution of time deposits of $100,000 or more
and other time  deposits is  presented in the interest  rate  sensitivity  table
under "--Interest Rate Risk Management."


     In February 1998, we completed our  acquisition of FCB. In connection  with
this  acquisition,  we issued  1,555,728  shares of our common  stock,  of which
1,266,176  shares  were  issued to First  Banks,  resulting  in an  increase  to
stockholders' equity of $13.0 million. The consolidated statements of changes in
stockholders'  equity and  comprehensive  income  reflect our accounts as if the
common stock issued to acquire First Banks' interest in FCB had been outstanding
since August 23, 1995.
     In December 1998, First Banks exercised its right to acquire 629,557 shares
of our common stock by converting an outstanding  convertible  debenture and the
related   accrued  but  unpaid  interest  of  $6.5  million  and  $2.3  million,
respectively.  In  connection  with our  acquisition  of FCB, we issued to First
Banks a  convertible  debenture  totaling  $6.5  million and assumed the related
accrued but unpaid interest of $2.4 million associated with similar  outstanding
debentures of FCB owned by First Banks. This transaction resulted in an increase
to stockholders' equity of $8.7 million.


     On October 31, 2000, we completed our acquisition of First Bank & Trust. In
connection with this acquisition, we issued 5,727,340 shares of our common stock
and 803,429  shares of our common stock held for  treasury to First  Banks.  The
consolidated  statements of changes in  stockholders'  equity and  comprehensive
income  reflect our  accounts as if the common  stock,  excluding  the  treasury
shares,  issued to acquire First Banks'  interest in First Bank & Trust had been
outstanding since March 15, 1995. In addition,  for the years ended December 31,
2000, 1999 and 1998, the statements of changes in stockholders' equity and other
comprehensive  income  includes $7.0  million,  $18.2 million and $15.3 million,
respectively, of pre-merger transactions of FB&T.
     Our Board of Directors,  through  various  resolutions  passed from 1995 to
2000,  has  authorized  the  purchase of up to a  cumulative  total of 1,094,797
shares of common  stock.  As of December 31, 2000, we had purchased a cumulative
total of  807,929  shares  of  common  stock  held  for  treasury.  However,  as
previously  discussed,  we issued  803,429  treasury  shares  to First  Banks in
conjunction with our acquisition of First Bank & Trust. As a result, at December
31, 2000, we had purchased  4,500 shares of common stock held for treasury at an
aggregate cost of $76,000. At December 31, 2000, we could purchase approximately
287,000 additional shares under the existing authorization.
     Management  believes as of December 31, 2000 and 1999, our subsidiary banks
each were  "well  capitalized"  as  defined  by the  Federal  Deposit  Insurance
Corporation  Improvement  Act of 1991.  At December 31, 2000,  our  consolidated
total capital ratio fell below the well capitalized  level,  however we remained
adequately  capitalized.  The  reduction  in  our  total  capital  is  primarily
attributable  to our  acquisitions  of Millennium Bank and SFC in December 2000,
which added assets of approximately $300.8 million.
     As more fully discussed under "--Financial  Condition and Average Balances"
and Note 9 to the accompanying  consolidated financial statements, in July 1998,
we formed First  America  Capital Trust for the purpose of issuing $46.0 million
of trust preferred securities.  We received the proceeds,  issued a subordinated
debenture  to First  America  Capital  Trust  and made  certain  guarantees  and
commitments relating to the trust preferred securities. For regulatory reporting
purposes, the trust preferred securities are eligible for inclusion,  subject to
certain limitations, in our Tier 1 capital.


     Our liquidity and the liquidity of our  subsidiary  banks is the ability to
maintain  a cash  flow  which  is  adequate  to fund  operations,  service  debt
obligations and meet other  commitments on a timely basis.  Our subsidiary banks
receive funds for liquidity from customer deposits, loan payments, maturities of
loans and investments,  sales of investments and earnings.  In addition,  we may
avail  ourselves of more volatile  sources of funds by issuing  certificates  of
deposit in denominations of $100,000 or more,  borrowing federal funds,  selling
securities sold under agreements to repurchase and utilizing borrowings from the
Federal  Home Loan Banks and other  borrowings,  including  our note  payable to
First Banks.  The aggregate funds acquired from these more volatile sources were
$457.2 million and $231.2 million at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.
     The  following  table  presents the maturity  structure of volatile  funds,
which  consists of  certificates  of deposit of $100,000 or more,  the revolving
note payable and other short-term borrowings, at December 31, 2000:

                                         (dollars expressed in thousands)

         3 months or less..................         $  137,549
         Over 3 through 6 months...........             76,814
         Over 6 through 12 months..........             78,250
         Over 12 months....................            164,621
           Total...........................         $  457,234

     We have  periodically  borrowed from First Banks under our  revolving  note
payable.  Borrowings  under the  revolving  note payable  have been  utilized to
facilitate the funding of our acquisitions,  support repurchases of common stock
from time to time and for  other  corporate  purposes.  The  increase  to $100.0
million of the maximum amount  available  under the revolving  note payable,  as
further  discussed  in  Note  7  to  our  accompanying   consolidated  financial
statements,  is intended to provide us with sufficient  additional  liquidity to
pursue  acquisition  opportunities.  Borrowings under the revolving note payable
bear  interest at an annual  rate of  one-quarter  percent  less than the "Prime
Rate" as reported in the Wall Street Journal. The principal and accrued interest
under the  revolving  note  payable  is due and  payable  on June 30,  2005.  At
December 31, 2000,  there was $98.0  million in advances  outstanding  under the
revolving note payable.  At December 31, 1999, there were no amounts outstanding
under the revolving note payable.
     In 1999, FB&T established a borrowing relationship with the Federal Reserve
Bank  of San  Francisco.  This  borrowing  relationship,  which  is  secured  by
commercial loans, provides an additional liquidity facility that may be utilized
for  contingency  purposes.  At  December  31, 2000 and 1999,  FB&T's  borrowing
capacity  under this  agreement  was  approximately  $756.4  million  and $603.0
million,  respectively.  In addition,  our subsidiary banks' borrowing  capacity
through their relationships with the  Federal Home Loan Banks was  approximately


$20.4  million and $70.4  million at December  31, 2000 and 1999,  respectively.
     Management  believes the available  liquidity and operating  results of our
subsidiary  banks will be  sufficient  to provide funds for growth and to permit
the  distribution  of dividends to us  sufficient to meet our operating and debt
service  requirements,  both on a short-term and long-term basis, and to pay the
dividends on the trust preferred securities issued by our financing subsidiary.

Effect of New Accounting Standards

     In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board, or the FASB, issued
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards,  or SFAS, No. 133 -- Accounting for
Derivative  Instruments and Hedging Activities.  SFAS 133 establishes accounting
and reporting standards for derivative instruments, including certain derivative
instruments  embedded in other contracts,  and for hedging activities.  SFAS 133
requires  that  an  entity   recognize  all  derivatives  as  either  assets  or
liabilities in the statement of financial position and measure those instruments
at fair value.  If certain  conditions are met, a derivative may be specifically
designated as a hedge in one of three categories.  The accounting for changes in
the fair  value of a  derivative  (that is,  gains and  losses)  depends  on the
intended use of the derivative and the resulting designation. Under SFAS 133, an
entity that elects to apply hedge  accounting is required to  establish,  at the
inception of the hedge,  the method it will use for assessing the  effectiveness
of the hedging  derivative  and the  measurement  approach for  determining  the
ineffective  aspect of the hedge.  Those  methods  must be  consistent  with the
entity's approach to managing risk. SFAS 133 applies to all entities.
     In June 1999,  the FASB issued  SFAS No. 137 -  Accounting  for  Derivative
Instruments  and Hedging  Activities  - Deferral of the  Effective  Date of FASB
Statement  No. 133, an Amendment  of FASB  Statement  No. 133,  which defers the
effective  date of SFAS 133 from fiscal years  beginning  after June 15, 1999 to
fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2000. Initial  application should be as of
the beginning of an entity's fiscal quarter; on that date, hedging relationships
must be designated  and  documented  pursuant to the  provisions of SFAS 133, as
amended.  Earlier  application  of all of the  provisions is  encouraged  but is
permitted  only as of the beginning of any fiscal  quarter that begins after the
issuance  date of SFAS 133,  as  amended.  Additionally,  SFAS 133,  as amended,
should not be applied retroactively to financial statements of prior periods.
     In June 2000,  the FASB issued  SFAS No. 138 -  Accounting  for  Derivative
Instruments  and Hedging  Activities,  an Amendment of FASB  Statement  No. 133,
which addresses a limited number of issues causing  implementation  difficulties
for  numerous  entities  that apply SFAS 133,  as  amended.  SFAS 138 amends the
accounting  and  reporting  standards  of SFAS  133,  as  amended,  for  certain
derivative instruments, certain hedging activities and for decisions made by the
FASB relating to the Derivatives  Implementation Group, or the DIG, process. The
DIG  presently  has  additional  issues and  questions  pending and continues to
release guidance and interpretations as such issues are resolved. We continue to
consider the actions and conclusions of the DIG as they are released in order to
determine their potential impact on our consolidated financial statements.
     On January 1, 2001, we implemented SFAS 133, as amended. The implementation
of SFAS 133,  as  amended,  did not have a material  impact on our  consolidated
financial statements as it relates to the derivative financial  instruments that
existed  at  December  31,  2000.  However,  the  effect  of  future  derivative
transactions   as  well  as  further   guidance  from  the  DIG  may  result  in
modifications of our current assessment of SFAS 133, as amended, and its overall
impact on our consolidated financial statements.
     In September 2000, the FASB issued SFAS No. 140 -- Accounting for Transfers
and  Servicing  of  Financial  Assets  and  Extinguishments  of  Liabilities,  a
replacement of FASB Statement 125. SFAS 140 revises the standards for accounting
for  securitizations  and other transfers of financial assets and collateral and
requires  certain  disclosures.  SFAS  140  provides  accounting  and  reporting
standards for transfers and servicing of financial assets and extinguishments of
liabilities   which   are   based   on   the   consistent   application   of   a
financial-components approach. SFAS 140 is effective for transfers and servicing
of financial assets and extinguishments of liabilities occurring after March 31,
2001, and is effective for  recognition and  reclassification  of collateral and
for  disclosures  relating to  securitization  transactions  and  collateral for
fiscal  years  ending  after  December  15,  2001.  On  December  31,  2000,  we
implemented  the  disclosure  requirements  of SFAS  140,  which  did not have a
material  effect on our  consolidated  financial  statements.  We are  currently
evaluating the additional  requirements of SFAS 140 to determine their potential
impact on our consolidated financial statements.

Effects of Inflation

     Inflation  affects   financial   institutions  less  than  other  types  of
companies.   Financial   institutions  make  relatively  few  significant  asset
acquisitions that are directly affected by changing prices.  Instead, the assets
and liabilities are primarily monetary in nature.  Consequently,  interest rates
are more  significant  to the  performance  of financial  institutions  than the
effect of general  inflation  levels.  While a  relationship  exists between the
inflation  rate and interest  rates,  we believe  this is  generally  manageable
through our asset-liability management program.


                                                                                2000 Quarter Ended
                                                                 March 31      June 30   September 30    December 31
                                                                 --------      -------   ------------    -----------
                                                                    (dollars in thousands, except per share data)

Interest income ..............................................  $   38,888      42,752        45,015        50,593
Interest expense..............................................      15,137      17,094        18,386        21,008
                                                                ----------     -------       -------       -------
       Net interest income....................................      23,751      25,658        26,629        29,585
Provision for loan losses.....................................         982         470           365            60
                                                                ----------     -------       -------       -------
       Net interest income after provision for loan losses....      22,769      25,188        26,264        29,525
Noninterest income ...........................................       2,914       2,752         3,285         3,126
Noninterest expense ..........................................      15,610      17,418        17,472        19,519
                                                                ----------     -------       -------       -------
       Income before provision for income tax expense.........      10,073      10,522        12,077        13,132
Provision for income tax expense..............................       3,655       4,249         4,872         5,231
                                                                ----------     -------       -------       -------
       Net income ...........................................   $    6,418       6,273         7,205         7,901
                                                                ==========     =======       =======       =======
Earnings per common share:
     Basic....................................................  $     0.53        0.52          0.59          0.65
     Diluted..................................................        0.53        0.52          0.59          0.65
                                                                ==========     =======       =======       =======

                                                                                1999 Quarter Ended
                                                                 March 31      June 30   September 30    December 31
                                                                 --------      -------   ------------    -----------
                                                                    (dollars in thousands, except per share data)

Interest income ..............................................  $   29,109      31,482        33,795        38,334
Interest expense..............................................      11,674      12,323        12,872        14,370
                                                                ----------     -------       -------       -------
       Net interest income ...................................      17,435      19,159        20,923        23,964
Provision for loan losses.....................................         390         773           930         2,090
                                                                ----------     -------       -------       -------
       Net interest income after provision for loan losses....      17,045      18,386        19,993        21,874
Noninterest income ...........................................       2,323       2,604         2,109         2,844
Noninterest expense ..........................................      13,983      15,336        15,327        13,817
                                                                ----------     -------       -------       -------
       Income before provision for income tax expense.........       5,385       5,654         6,775        10,901
Provision for income tax expense..............................       2,155       2,329         2,718         3,914
                                                                ----------     -------       -------       -------
       Net income   ..........................................  $    3,230       3,325         4,057         6,987
                                                                ==========     =======       =======       =======
Earnings per common share:
     Basic....................................................  $     0.26        0.27          0.33          0.57
     Diluted..................................................        0.26        0.27          0.33          0.57
                                                                ==========     =======       =======       =======

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

             (dollars expressed in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                                               December 31,
                                                                                             2000         1999
                                                                                             ----         ----


Cash and cash equivalents:
    Cash and due from banks........................................................... $     96,934       62,631
    Interest-bearing deposits with other financial institutions
       with maturities of three months or less........................................        3,101        1,165
    Federal funds sold................................................................       53,175       33,500
                                                                                       ------------    ---------
         Total cash and cash equivalents..............................................      153,210       97,296
                                                                                       ------------    ---------

Investment securities:
    Available for sale, at fair value.................................................      330,557      194,294
    Held to maturity, at amortized cost (fair value of $4,615 and
       $1,757 at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively)............................        4,662        1,880
                                                                                       ------------    ---------
         Total investment securities..................................................      335,219      196,174
                                                                                       ------------    ---------
    Commercial and financial..........................................................      686,426      427,974
    Real estate construction and development..........................................      444,218      377,254
    Real estate mortgage..............................................................      883,103      607,171
    Consumer and installment..........................................................       50,247       60,884
                                                                                       ------------    ---------
         Total loans..................................................................    2,063,994    1,473,283
    Unearned discount.................................................................       (5,317)      (4,192)
    Allowance for loan losses.........................................................      (37,930)     (30,192)
                                                                                       ------------    ---------
         Net loans....................................................................    2,020,747    1,438,899
                                                                                       ------------    ---------

Bank premises and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation..........................       45,526       26,545
Intangibles associated with the purchase of subsidiaries..............................       74,609       32,343
Accrued interest receivable...........................................................       20,048       12,513
Deferred tax assets...................................................................       45,308       27,219
Other assets..........................................................................       46,712       30,873
                                                                                       ------------    ---------
         Total assets................................................................. $  2,741,379    1,861,862
                                                                                       ============    =========

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


             (dollars expressed in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                                               December 31,
                                                                                            2000          1999
                                                                                            ----          ----


      Non-interest-bearing............................................................ $    475,785      301,134
      Interest-bearing................................................................      195,585      147,043
    Savings...........................................................................      766,587      472,399
    Time deposits:
      Time deposits of $100 or more...................................................      301,649      189,493
      Other time deposits.............................................................      566,750      474,930
                                                                                       ------------    ---------
         Total deposits...............................................................    2,306,356    1,584,999

Note payable..........................................................................       98,000           --
Short-term borrowings.................................................................       57,585       41,756
Accrued interest payable..............................................................        8,434        3,710
Deferred tax liabilities..............................................................        5,525        3,619
Accrued expenses and other liabilities................................................       24,290        9,047
                                                                                       ------------    ---------
         Total liabilities............................................................    2,500,190    1,643,131
                                                                                       ------------    ---------

Guaranteed preferred beneficial interest in First Banks
    America, Inc. subordinated debentures.............................................       44,280       44,218
                                                                                       ------------    ---------

                                           STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY

Common stock:
    Common stock, $0.15 par value; 15,000,000 shares and 6,666,666 shares
      authorized at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively; 9,610,703 shares
      and 9,602,037 shares issued at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.........        1,442        1,441
    Class B common stock, $0.15 par value; 4,000,000
      shares authorized; 2,500,000 shares issued and
      outstanding at December 31, 2000 and 1999.......................................          375          375
Capital surplus.......................................................................      153,929      161,613
Retained earnings since elimination of accumulated
    deficit effective December 31, 1994...............................................       40,894       25,097
Common treasury stock, at cost; 4,500 shares and 724,396 shares
     at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively......................................          (76)     (11,369)
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss).........................................          345       (2,644)
                                                                                       ------------    ---------
         Total stockholders' equity...................................................      196,909      174,513
                                                                                       ------------    ---------
         Total liabilities and stockholders' equity................................... $  2,741,379    1,861,862
                                                                                       ============    =========


             (dollars expressed in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                                      Years Ended December 31,
                                                                                    2000         1999        1998
                                                                                    ----         ----        ----

Interest income:
    Interest and fees on loans..................................................  $158,020      118,279      88,351
    Investment securities.......................................................    13,652       12,753      18,494
    Federal funds sold and other................................................     5,576        1,688       1,988
                                                                                  --------    ---------   ---------
         Total interest income..................................................   177,248      132,720     108,833
                                                                                  --------    ---------   ---------
Interest expense:
      Interest-bearing demand...................................................     2,415        2,053       1,721
      Savings...................................................................    25,398       17,146      15,114
      Time deposits of $100 or more.............................................    11,288        6,283       6,728
      Other time deposits.......................................................    30,273       23,726      23,330
    Note payable and short-term borrowings......................................     2,251        2,031       2,402
                                                                                  --------    ---------   ---------
         Total interest expense.................................................    71,625       51,239      49,295
                                                                                  --------    ---------   ---------
         Net interest income....................................................   105,623       81,481      59,538
Provision for loan losses.......................................................     1,877        4,183       1,750
                                                                                  --------    ---------   ---------
         Net interest income after provision for loan losses....................   103,746       77,298      57,788
                                                                                  --------    ---------   ---------
Noninterest income:
    Service charges on deposit accounts and customer service fees...............     7,626        6,210       5,166
    Gain on sales of securities, net............................................       177          485         699
    Other income................................................................     4,274        3,185       1,991
                                                                                  --------    ---------   ---------
         Total noninterest income...............................................    12,077        9,880       7,856
                                                                                  --------    ---------   ---------
Noninterest expense:
    Salaries and employee benefits..............................................    25,917       21,889      17,465
    Occupancy, net of rental income.............................................     8,496        6,980       5,655
    Furniture and equipment.....................................................     3,588        3,232       3,149
    Advertising and business development........................................       969          819       1,178
    Postage, printing and supplies..............................................     1,459        1,362       1,395
    Data processing fees........................................................     7,406        5,570       3,738
    Legal, examination and professional fees....................................     6,995        5,753       5,627
    Communications..............................................................       943        1,098       1,315
    Gain on sales of other real estate, net of expenses.........................      (215)        (720)        (93)
    Amortization of intangibles associated with the purchase of subsidiaries....     3,234        2,296       1,046
    Guaranteed preferred debentures.............................................     3,908        3,966       1,758
    Other.......................................................................     7,319        6,218       6,732
                                                                                  --------    ---------   ---------
         Total noninterest expense..............................................    70,019       58,463      48,965
                                                                                  --------    ---------   ---------
         Income before provision for income tax expense.........................    45,804       28,715      16,679
Provision for income tax expense................................................    18,007       11,116       6,605
                                                                                  --------    ---------   ---------
         Net income.............................................................  $ 27,797       17,599      10,074
                                                                                  ========    =========   =========

Earnings per common share:
    Basic.......................................................................  $   2.29         1.44        0.86
    Diluted.....................................................................      2.29         1.44        0.86
                                                                                  ========    =========   =========
Weighted average common stock outstanding (in thousands)........................    12,129       12,235      11,671
                                                                                  ========    =========   =========

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial

               Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders'
                         Equity and Comprehensive Income

                       Three Years ended December 31, 2000
             (dollars expressed in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                                                          Compre-     Total
                                                   Class B              Compre-               Common      hensive    Stock-
                                         Common    Common    Capital    hensive   Retained   Treasury     Income    holders'
                                          Stock     Stock    Surplus    Income    Earnings     Stock      (Loss)     Equity
                                          -----     -----    -------    ------    --------     -----      ------     ------

Consolidated balances, January 1, 1998.. $1,182      375    88,314                14,786     (4,350)        883    101,190
Year ended December 31, 1998:
   Comprehensive income:
    Net income..........................     --       --        --     10,074     10,074         --          --     10,074
    Other comprehensive income,
      net of tax - unrealized gains
      on securities, net of
      reclassification adjustment (1)...     --       --        --        738         --         --         738        738
    Comprehensive income................                               10,812
   Issuance of common stock for purchase
      accounting acquisition of FCB.....     43       --     2,965                    --         --          --      3,008
   Exercise of stock options............     --       --        13                    --         --          --         13
   Redemption of stock options..........     --       --       (48)                   --         --          --        (48)
   Compensation paid in stock...........     --       --        27                    --         --          --         27
   Conversion of note payable...........    121       --     9,879                    --         --          --     10,000
   Conversion of 12% convertible
      debentures........................     95       --     8,578                    --         --          --      8,673
   Repurchases of common stock..........     --       --        --                    --     (5,738)         --     (5,738)
   Pre-merger transactions of FB&T......     --       --    19,257                (4,000)        --          --     15,257
                                         ------     ----   -------               -------    -------     -------    -------
Consolidated balances,
   December 31, 1998....................  1,441      375   128,985                20,860    (10,088)      1,621    143,194
Year ended December 31, 1999:
   Comprehensive income:
    Net income..........................     --       --        --     17,599     17,599         --          --     17,599
    Other comprehensive income,
       net of tax - unrealized losses
       on securities, net of
       reclassification adjustment (1)..     --       --        --     (4,265)        --         --      (4,265)    (4,265)
    Comprehensive income................                               13,334
   Reduction of deferred tax asset
      valuation allowance...............     --       --       981                    --         --          --        981
   Compensation paid in stock...........     --       --        36                    --         --          --         36
   Repurchases of common stock..........     --       --        --                    --     (1,281)         --     (1,281)
   Pre-merger transactions of FB&T......     --       --    31,611               (13,362)        --          --     18,249
                                         ------     ----   -------               -------    -------     -------    -------
Consolidated balances,
   December 31, 1999...................   1,441      375   161,613                 25,097   (11,369)     (2,644)   174,513
Year ended December 31, 2000:
   Comprehensive income:
    Net income..........................     --       --        --     27,797      27,797        --          --     27,797
    Other comprehensive income,
      net of tax - unrealized gains
      on securities, net of
      reclassification adjustment (1)...     --       --        --      2,989         --         --       2,989      2,989
    Comprehensive income................                               30,786
   Exercise of stock options............      1       --        24                    --         --          --         25
   Compensation paid in stock...........     --       --        36                    --         --          --         36
   Repurchases of common stock..........     --       --        --                    --     (1,454)         --     (1,454)
   Retirement and reissuance
      of treasury stock.................     --       --   (12,747)                   --     12,747          --         --
   Pre-merger transactions of FB&T......     --       --     5,003               (12,000)        --          --     (6,997)
                                         ------     ----   -------               -------    -------     -------    -------
Consolidated balances,
   December 31, 2000.................... $1,442      375   153,929                40,894        (76)        345    196,909
                                         ======     ====   =======               =======    =======     =======    =======

(1) Disclosure of reclassification adjustment:

                                                                                              Years Ended December 31,
                                                                                             2000       1999       1998
                                                                                             ----       ----       ----
    Unrealized gains (losses) arising during the year...................................    $3,104     (3,950)     1,192
    Less reclassification adjustment for gains included in net income...................       115        315        454
                                                                                            ------     ------      -----
    Unrealized gains (losses) on investment securities..................................    $2,989     (4,265)       738
                                                                                            ======     ======      =====

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


                        (dollars expressed in thousands)

                                                                                    Years Ended December 31,
                                                                                  2000           1999         1998
                                                                                  ----           ----         ----

Cash flows from operating activities:
    Net income...............................................................    $ 27,797        17,599       10,074
    Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash
     provided by operating activities:
      Depreciation, amortization and accretion, net..........................       5,695         5,070        3,480
      Provision for loan losses..............................................       1,877         4,183        1,750
      Provision for income tax expense.......................................      18,007        11,116        6,605
      Payments of income taxes...............................................     (15,162)       (5,912)      (4,731)
      Gains on sales of securities, net......................................        (177)         (485)        (699)
      (Increase) decrease in accrued interest receivable.....................      (3,017)         (713)         745
      Interest accrued on liabilities........................................      71,625        51,239       49,295
      Payments of interest on liabilities....................................     (68,630)      (50,185)     (51,598)
      Other operating activities, net........................................       7,173        (5,536)       2,986
                                                                                 --------     ---------    ---------
              Net cash provided by operating activities......................      45,188        26,376       17,907
                                                                                 --------     ---------    ---------

Cash flows from investing activities:
    Cash (paid) received for acquired entities, net of
      cash and cash equivalents received (paid)..............................     (86,106)       15,538       32,594
    Proceeds from sales of investment securities.............................      25,062        60,891       79,784
    Maturities of investment securities available for sale...................     165,897       134,404      165,341
    Maturities of investment securities held to maturity.....................          46           143            7
    Purchases of investment securities available for sale....................    (155,680)      (88,708)    (112,457)
    Purchases of investment securities held to maturity......................      (2,828)           --       (2,033)
    Net increase in loans....................................................    (236,158)     (152,689)    (149,992)
    Recoveries of loans previously charged-off...............................       5,189         5,161        4,273
    Purchases of bank premises and equipment.................................      (3,738)       (5,719)      (6,027)
    Proceeds from sales of other real estate.................................         899         2,868        2,863
    Other investing activities, net..........................................      (1,239)       (1,524)     (14,689)
                                                                                 --------     ---------    ---------
              Net cash used in investing activities..........................    (288,656)      (29,635)        (336)
                                                                                 --------     ---------    ---------

Cash flows from financing activities:
    Other increases (decreases) in deposits:
      Demand and savings deposits............................................     183,774       (20,017)      53,801
      Time deposits..........................................................      52,305        12,180      (78,579)
    (Decrease) increase in federal funds purchased and short-term borrowings.     (54,600)       27,500           --
    Decrease in Federal Home Loan Bank advances..............................          --            --       (1,515)
    Increase (decrease) in securities sold under agreements to repurchase....      28,329           200       (2,620)
    Increase (decrease) in note payable......................................      98,000            --       (4,900)
    Decrease in payable to former shareholders of Surety Bank................          --            --       (3,829)
    Proceeds from issuance of guaranteed preferred subordinated debenture....          --            --       44,124
    Redemption of stock options..............................................          --            --          (48)
    Exercise of stock options................................................          25            --           13
    Repurchases of common stock..............................................      (1,454)       (1,281)      (5,738)
    Pre-merger transactions of FB&T..........................................      (6,997)      (13,250)      (4,000)
                                                                                 --------     ---------    ---------
              Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities............     299,382         5,332       (3,291)
                                                                                 --------     ---------    ---------
              Net increase in cash and cash equivalents......................      55,914         2,073       14,280
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year.................................      97,296        95,223       80,943
                                                                                 --------     ---------    ---------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of year.......................................    $153,210        97,296       95,223
                                                                                 ========     =========    =========

Noncash investing and financing activities:
    Loans transferred to other real estate...................................    $    295         1,443          761
    Loans exchanged for and transferred to
      available-for-sale investment securities...............................      17,207            --           --
    Compensation paid in stock...............................................          36            36           27
    Reduction of deferred tax valuation reserve..............................          --           981           --
    Issuance of common stock in purchase accounting acquisition..............          --            --        3,008
    Conversion of note payable to common stock...............................          --            --       10,000
    Conversion of 12% convertible debentures and accrued interest payable
      to common stock, net of unamortized deferred acquisition costs.........          --            --        8,673
                                                                                 ========     =========    =========

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial



     The  following  is a summary of the more  significant  accounting  policies
followed by First Banks America, Inc. and subsidiaries (FBA or the Company):

     Basis of Presentation.  The accompanying  consolidated financial statements
of FBA have been prepared in accordance  with  accounting  principles  generally
accepted in the United  States of America and conform to  predominant  practices
within the banking  industry.  Management  of FBA has made a number of estimates
and  assumptions  relating to the  reporting of assets and  liabilities  and the
disclosure  of contingent  assets and  liabilities  to prepare the  consolidated
financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted
in the  United  States of  America.  Actual  results  could  differ  from  those

     Restatements.  Effective October 31, 2000, FBA completed its acquisition of
First Bank & Trust in a transaction  accounted for as a combination  of entities
under common  control.  FBA acquired First Bank & Trust from First Banks,  Inc.,
St. Louis,  Missouri (First Banks). Prior to the acquisition,  First Banks owned
84.42% of the outstanding  common stock of FBA and all of the outstanding common
stock of First Bank & Trust.
     Effective  February  2,  1998,  FBA  completed  its  acquisition  of  First
Commercial  Bancorp,  Inc.  (FCB)  and  FCB's  wholly  owned  subsidiary,  First
Commercial  Bank  (First  Commercial),  in  a  transaction  accounted  for  as a
combination of entities under common control.  Prior to the  acquisition,  First
Banks owned a majority interest in both FBA and FCB.
     The accompanying  consolidated financial statements give retroactive effect
to these  transactions  and,  as a  result,  the  consolidated  balance  sheets,
statements  of income  and  statements  of cash  flows are  presented  as if the
combining  entities had been  consolidated  for all periods  presented  that are
subsequent to First Banks'  acquisitions  of First Bank & Trust and FCB on March
15, 1995 and August 23,  1995,  respectively.  The  consolidated  statements  of
changes in stockholders' equity and comprehensive income reflect the accounts of
FBA as if the common stock,  excluding treasury shares, issued to First Banks in
exchange for its  interests  in First Bank & Trust and FCB had been  outstanding
for all periods subsequent to March 15, 1995 and August 23, 1995, respectively.

     Principles of Consolidation.  The consolidated financial statements include
the accounts of the parent company and its subsidiaries, all of which are wholly
owned.  All  significant   intercompany  accounts  and  transactions  have  been
eliminated. Certain reclassifications of 1999 and 1998 amounts have been made to
conform with the 2000 presentation.
     FBA is  majority  owned  by  First  Banks.  Accordingly,  First  Banks  has
effective  control over the  management  and policies of FBA and the election of
its directors.  First Banks' ownership  interest in FBA at December 31, 2000 and
1999 was 92.86% and 83.37%, respectively.
     FBA operates  through its wholly owned  subsidiary bank holding company and
subsidiary financial  institutions  (collectively  referred to as the Subsidiary
Banks) as follows:

         First  Bank & Trust, headquartered in San Francisco, California (FB&T);
         The San Francisco Company,  headquartered in  San Francisco, California
         (SFC), and its wholly owned subsidiary:
            Bank of San Francisco,  headquartered in San Francisco, California

     Cash and Cash  Equivalents.  Cash, due from banks,  federal funds sold, and
interest-bearing deposits with maturities of three months or less are considered
to be cash and cash equivalents for purposes of the  consolidated  statements of
cash flows.
     The  Subsidiary  Banks are  required  to  maintain  certain  daily  reserve
balances in accordance  with  regulatory  requirements.  These reserve  balances
maintained  in  accordance  with such  requirements  were $15.4 million and $5.7
million at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.

     Investment  Securities.  The  classification  of  investment  securities as
available  for sale or held to maturity is  determined  at the date of purchase.
FBA does not engage in the trading of investment securities.
     Investment  securities  designated as available for sale, which include any
security  that FBA has no  immediate  plan to sell but  which may be sold in the
future under different  circumstances,  are stated at fair value. Realized gains
and losses are included in noninterest  income upon commitment to sell, based on
the amortized cost of the individual security sold.  Unrealized gains and losses
are  recorded,   net  of  related  income  tax  effects,  in  accumulated  other
comprehensive  income.  All  previous  fair value  adjustments  included  in the
separate component of accumulated other  comprehensive  income are reversed upon


     Investment  securities  designated  as held to maturity,  which include any
security  that FBA has the positive  intent and ability to hold until  maturity,
are stated at cost, net of  amortization  of premiums and accretion of discounts
computed  on the  level-yield  method  taking  into  consideration  the level of
current and anticipated prepayments.

     Loans. Loans are carried at cost, adjusted for amortization of premiums and
accretion of discounts using the interest method. Interest and fees on loans are
recognized  as income  using the  interest  method.  Loan  origination  fees are
deferred and accreted  over the  estimated  life of the loans using the interest
method.  Loans are stated at cost as FBA has the ability and it is  management's
intention to hold them to maturity.
     The  accrual of  interest  on loans is  discontinued  when it appears  that
interest or principal may not be paid in a timely manner in the normal course of
business.  Generally,  payments  received on nonaccrual  and impaired  loans are
recorded  as  principal  reductions.  Interest  income is  recognized  after all
principal  has been repaid or an  improvement  in the  condition of the loan has
occurred which would warrant resumption of interest accruals.
     A loan is  considered  impaired  when it is probable  FBA will be unable to
collect  all  amounts  due,  both  principal  and  interest,  according  to  the
contractual terms of the loan agreement. When measuring impairment, the expected
future cash flows of an impaired  loan are  discounted  at the loan's  effective
interest  rate.  Alternatively,  impairment  is  measured  by  reference  to  an
observable  market price, if one exists, or the fair value of the collateral for
a  collateral-dependent  loan.  Regardless of the historical  measurement method
used, FBA measures  impairment  based on the fair value of the  collateral  when
foreclosure  is probable.  Additionally,  impairment of a  restructured  loan is
measured  by  discounting  the total  expected  future  cash flows at the loan's
effective  rate of interest as stated in the original loan  agreement.  FBA uses
its existing  nonaccrual  methods for  recognizing  interest  income on impaired

     Allowance for Loan Losses. The allowance for loan losses is maintained at a
level considered adequate to provide for probable losses. The provision for loan
losses is based on a periodic analysis of the loans by management,  considering,
among other factors,  current economic conditions,  loan portfolio  composition,
past loan loss experience,  independent  appraisals,  loan  collateral,  payment
experience and selected key financial ratios.  As adjustments  become necessary,
they are  reflected  in the results of  operations  in the periods in which they
become known.

     Bank Premises and Equipment. Bank premises and equipment are stated at cost
less  accumulated  depreciation  and  amortization.   Depreciation  is  computed
primarily using the straight-line  method over the estimated useful lives of the
related assets.  Amortization of leasehold  improvements is calculated using the
straight-line  method over the shorter of the useful life of the  improvement or
term of the lease.  Bank premises and  improvements are depreciated over five to
40 years and equipment over three to seven years.

     Intangibles  Associated  With the  Purchase  of  Subsidiaries.  Intangibles
associated  with the purchase of  subsidiaries  include  excess of cost over net
assets  acquired.  The  excess of cost over net  assets  acquired  of  purchased
subsidiaries  is amortized  using the  straight-line  method over the  estimated
periods to be benefited,  which  generally has been  estimated at 15 years.  FBA
reviews  intangibles for impairment  whenever events or changes in circumstances
indicate  the  carrying  value  of  an  underlying  asset  associated  with  the
intangibles may not be recoverable.  FBA measures  recoverability based upon the
future cash flows  expected to result from the use of the  underlying  asset and
its  eventual  disposition.  If the  sum  of  the  expected  future  cash  flows
(undiscounted  and without interest  charges) is less than the carrying value of
the underlying  asset,  FBA recognizes an impairment  loss. The impairment  loss
recognized  represents  the amount by which the carrying value of the underlying
asset exceeds the fair value of the underlying asset. As such adjustments become
necessary,  they are  reflected in the results of  operations  in the periods in
which they become known.

     Other Real Estate.  Other real estate,  consisting of real estate  acquired
through  foreclosure or deed in lieu of  foreclosure,  is stated at the lower of
cost or fair value less applicable  selling costs.  The excess of cost over fair
value of the property at the date of acquisition is charged to the allowance for
loan losses.  Subsequent  reductions in carrying  value, to reflect current fair
value or costs incurred in maintaining the properties, are charged to expense as

     Income  Taxes.  Deferred  tax  assets  and  liabilities  are  reflected  at
currently  enacted  income  tax  rates  applicable  to the  period  in which the
deferred tax assets or  liabilities  are expected to be realized or settled.  As
changes in tax laws or rates are enacted,  deferred  tax assets and  liabilities
are adjusted through the provision for income tax expense.


     FBA and its  subsidiaries  filed a  consolidated  federal income tax return
through February 19, 1999. Each subsidiary paid its allocation of federal income
taxes to FBA,  or  received  payment  from FBA to the extent tax  benefits  were
realized.  Subsequent  to February 19, 1999,  FBA and its  subsidiaries  join in
filing a consolidated  federal and Missouri  income tax return with First Banks,
as First Banks'  ownership of FBA is greater than 80%. FBA and its  subsidiaries
pay their  allocation of federal income taxes to First Banks, or receive payment
from  First  Banks  to the  extent  tax  benefits  are  realized.  FBA  and  its
subsidiaries  join in filing Illinois and California  unitary income tax returns
with First Banks, as First Banks' ownership of FBA is greater than 50%. Separate
state  franchise tax returns are filed in Texas and Delaware for the appropriate

     Financial Instruments.  A financial instrument is defined as cash, evidence
of an ownership  interest in an entity, or a contract that conveys or imposes on
an entity the contractual  right or obligation to either receive or deliver cash
or another financial instrument.

     Financial  Instruments  With  Off-Balance-Sheet  Risk.  FBA uses  financial
instruments  to reduce the interest rate risk arising from its financial  assets
and liabilities.  These  instruments  involve,  in varying degrees,  elements of
interest  rate risk and credit  risk in excess of the amount  recognized  in the
consolidated balance sheets.  "Interest rate risk" is defined as the possibility
that interest rates may move  unfavorably  from the perspective of FBA. The risk
that a counterparty  to an agreement  entered into by FBA may default is defined
as "credit  risk." FBA is party to  commitments  to extend credit and commercial
and  standby  letters of credit in the  normal  course of  business  to meet the
financing needs of its customers. These commitments involve, in varying degrees,
elements  of  interest  rate  risk  and  credit  risk in  excess  of the  amount
recognized in the consolidated balance sheets.

     Interest  Rate  Swap  and  Cap  Agreements.  Interest  rate  swap  and  cap
agreements  are  accounted  for  on an  accrual  basis  with  the  net  interest
differential  being  recognized as an adjustment to interest  income or interest
expense  of the  related  asset or  liability.  Premiums  and fees paid upon the
purchase of interest rate swap and cap agreements are amortized over the life of
the agreements using the straight-line method. In the event of early termination
of these derivative financial instruments, the net proceeds received or paid are
deferred and amortized  over the shorter of the  remaining  contract life of the
derivative  financial  instrument  or the  maturity  of  the  related  asset  or
liability.  If,  however,  the amount of the  underlying  asset or  liability is
repaid, then the gains or losses on the agreements are recognized immediately in
the consolidated  statements of income.  The unamortized  premiums and fees paid
are included in other assets in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets.

     Earnings  Per Common  Share.  Basic  earnings  per common  share  (EPS) are
computed by dividing the income available to common stockholders (the numerator)
by the weighted average number of common shares  outstanding  (the  denominator)
during  the  year.  The  computation  of  diluted  EPS  is  similar  except  the
denominator is increased to include the number of additional  common shares that
would have been outstanding if the dilutive potential shares had been issued. In
addition,  in  computing  the dilutive  effect of  convertible  securities,  the
numerator is adjusted to add back (a) any  convertible  preferred  dividends and
(b) the after-tax  amount of interest  recognized in the period  associated with
any convertible debt.



     During  the  three  years  ended   December  31,  2000,  FBA  completed  11
acquisitions as follows:

                                                                              Total        Purchase        Excess
           Entity                                       Date                 assets          price          cost
           ------                                       ----                 ------          -----          ----
                                                                               (dollars expressed in thousands)

     The San Francisco Company
     San Francisco, California                    December 31, 2000      $  183,800         62,200          16,300

     Millennium Bank
     San Francisco, California                    December 29, 2000         117,000         20,700           8,700

     Commercial Bank of San Francisco
     San Francisco, California                    October 31, 2000          155,600         26,400           9,300

     First Bank & Trust
     Newport Beach, California                    October 31, 2000        1,104,000        120,800              --

     Bank of Ventura
     Ventura, California                           August 31, 2000           63,800         14,200           7,200

     Lippo Bank
     San Francisco, California                    February 29, 2000          85,300         17,200           4,800
                                                                         ----------       --------        --------
                                                                         $1,709,500        261,500          46,300
                                                                         ==========       ========        ========

     Century Bank
     Beverly Hills, California                     August 31, 1999       $  156,000         31,500           4,500

     Redwood Bancorp
     San Francisco, California                      March 4, 1999           183,900         26,000           9,500
                                                                         ----------       --------        --------
                                                                         $  339,900         57,500          14,000
                                                                         ==========       ========        ========

     Republic Bank
     Torrance, California                        September 15, 1998      $  124,100         19,300          10,200

     First Commercial Bancorp, Inc.
     Sacramento, California                       February 2, 1998          192,500         23,700           1,500

     Pacific Bay Bank
     San Pablo, California                        February 2, 1998           38,300          4,200           1,500
                                                                         ----------       --------        --------
                                                                         $  354,900         47,200          13,200
                                                                         ==========       ========        ========

     In addition to the  acquisitions  included in the table  above,  during the
three years ended  December  31,  2000,  FBA also  completed  two branch  office
     On September 17, 1999,  First Bank & Trust  completed its assumption of the
deposits  and certain  liabilities  and the  purchase of selected  assets of the
Malibu,   California  branch  office  of  Brentwood  Bank  of  California.   The
transaction  resulted in the acquisition of approximately $6.3 million in loans,
$17.3 million in deposits and one branch office. The excess of the cost over the
fair value of the net assets  acquired was $325,000 and is being  amortized over
15 years.
     On March 19,  1998,  FBA  completed  its  assumption  of the  deposits  and
purchase of selected assets of the Solvang,  California branch office of Bank of
America.  The  transaction  resulted in the acquisition of  approximately  $15.5
million of deposits and one branch office.  The excess of the cost over the fair
value of the net assets acquired was $1.8 million and is being amortized over 15


     With the exception of First Bank & Trust and First Commercial Bancorp, Inc.
(FCB), the aforementioned  acquisition transactions were accounted for using the
purchase  method of accounting  and,  accordingly,  the  consolidated  financial
statements  include the  financial  position and results of  operations  for the
periods subsequent to the respective  acquisition dates, and the assets acquired
and liabilities  assumed were recorded at fair value at the  acquisition  dates.
These  acquisitions,  exclusive of First Bank & Trust and FCB,  were funded from
available   cash    reserves,    proceeds   from   sales   and   maturities   of
available-for-sale  investment securities,  borrowing under FBA's $100.0 million
revolving  note  payable to First  Banks and the  proceeds  from  First  America
Capital Trust's  issuance of trust preferred  securities.  As further  described
below, First Bank & Trust and FCB were acquired through an exchange of shares of
FBA common stock for all of the issued and outstanding shares of common stock of
First Bank & Trust and FCB, respectively.
     On October 31, 2000, FBA acquired First Bank & Trust.  In conjunction  with
this  transaction,  First  Bank & Trust  and two of FBA's  former  wholly  owned
subsidiary  banks,  First Bank of  California  and First Bank Texas  N.A.,  were
merged with and into Redwood Bank, FBA's other wholly owned subsidiary bank, and
Redwood Bank was renamed FB&T. In accordance with the terms of the Agreement and
Plan of  Reorganization,  FBA issued  5,727,340  shares of its common  stock and
803,429 shares of its common shares held for treasury to First Banks in exchange
for First Banks' 100% interest in First Bank & Trust.  First Bank & Trust had 27
banking  offices in the  counties  of Los  Angeles,  Orange,  Ventura  and Santa
Barbara,  California  as well as  branches  in San Jose  and  Walnut  Creek,  in
Northern  California.  At the time of the  transaction,  First  Bank & Trust had
total assets of $1.10 billion,  $91.1 million in investment  securities,  $894.2
million in total loans,  net of unearned  discount,  and $959.4 million in total
     In February 1998, FBA and FCB were merged. Under the terms of the Agreement
and Plan of Merger,  FCB was merged into FBA, and FCB's wholly owned subsidiary,
First Commercial,  was merged into FBA's former wholly owned  subsidiary,  First
Bank of California.  The FCB  shareholders  received 0.8888 shares of FBA common
stock for each share of FCB common stock they held. In total,  FCB  shareholders
received  approximately 751,728 shares of FBA common stock. The transaction also
provided  for First  Banks to  receive  804,000  shares of FBA  common  stock in
exchange for $10.0 million of the revolving note payable. In addition, FCB's 12%
convertible  debentures of $6.5 million,  which were owned by First Banks,  were
exchanged  for a  similar  convertible  debenture  of FBA.  FCB had six  banking
offices  located in  Sacramento,  Roseville  (2),  San  Francisco,  Concord  and
Campbell,  California.  At the time of the transaction,  FCB had total assets of
$192.5 million, $64.4 million in investment securities,  $118.9 million in total
loans, net of unearned discount, and $173.1 million in total deposits.
     Prior to these  transactions,  First Banks owned majority interests in FBA,
First  Bank & Trust and FCB.  Consistent  with the  accounting  treatment  for a
combination  of  entities  under  common   control,   FBA  accounted  for  these
acquisitions as follows:

  >  First Banks'  interests in First Bank & Trust and FCB were accounted for at
     First Banks'  historical cost. First Banks'  historical cost bases in First
     Bank & Trust  and FCB were  determined  utilizing  the  purchase  method of
     accounting,  effective upon First Banks' acquisitions of First Bank & Trust
     on March 15, 1995 and of First Commercial on August 23, 1995.  Accordingly,
     First Banks'  historical  cost bases  includes the financial  positions and
     results of operations of these entities for the periods subsequent to their
     respective  acquisition  dates,  and the assets  acquired  and  liabilities
     assumed were recorded at fair value at the acquisition dates.

  >  FBA's  consolidated  financial  statements  were  restated to reflect First
     Banks'  interests in the financial  conditions and results of operations of
     First Bank & Trust and FCB for the periods subsequent to March 15, 1995 and
     August 23, 1995, respectively.

  >  The amount attributable to the interest of the minority shareholders in the
     fair value of the net assets of FCB was  accounted for by FBA utilizing the
     purchase  method of accounting.  Accordingly,  FBA reflected this amount at
     fair  value,  as  determined  by the  market  value of FBA's  common  stock
     exchanged for the minority interest.


     The following  information  presents unaudited pro forma combined condensed
results of operations of FBA,  combined with the acquisitions of Commercial Bank
of San  Francisco,  Bank of  Ventura,  Millennium  Bank  and  The San  Francisco
Company,  as if the  combining  entities had been  consolidated  for all periods

                                                                                     Year Ended December 31,
                                                                                      2000           1999
                                                                                      ----           ----
                                                                                (dollars expressed in thousands,
                                                                                     except per share data)

                  Net interest income...........................................   $120,252         94,593
                                                                                   ========         ======

                  Net income....................................................   $ 28,168         15,100
                                                                                   ========         ======

                  Earnings per share:
                    Basic.......................................................   $   2.32           1.23
                    Diluted.....................................................       2.32           1.23
                                                                                   ========         ======

     The  unaudited  pro forma  condensed  results  of  operations  reflect  the
application of the purchase method of accounting and certain other  assumptions.
Purchase  accounting  adjustments  have been applied to  investment  securities,
loans,  net of unearned  discount,  bank  premises and  equipment,  deferred tax
assets,  deferred tax liabilities,  other liabilities and excess cost to reflect
the assets and  liabilities  assumed at fair value.  The resulting  premiums and
discounts are  amortized or accreted to income  consistent  with the  accounting
policies of FBA. The unaudited pro forma condensed  results of operations do not
reflect  the  acquisition  of Lippo  Bank,  as this  acquisition  did not have a
material impact on FBA's results of operations for the periods presented.



     Securities  Available for Sale. The amortized cost,  contractual  maturity,
gross  unrealized  gains and  losses  and fair  value of  investment  securities
available for sale at December 31, 2000 and 1999 were as follows:

                                                        Maturity                     Total
                                        ----------------------------------------     -----
                                                                           After     Amor-         Gross           Weighted
                                        1 Year        1-5       5-10        10       tized      Unrealized    Fair  Average
                                        or Less      Years      Years      Years     Cost     Gains   Losses  Value  Yield
                                        -------      -----      -----      -----     ----     -----   ------  -----  -----
                                                                    (dollars expressed in thousands)

 December 31, 2000:
    Carrying value:
       U.S. Treasury.................. $ 65,193        801         --         --   65,994      23      (23)   65,994  5.88%
       U.S. Government agencies
          and corporations:
              Mortgage-backed.........      576     19,248      6,568     73,600   99,992     418     (132)  100,278  6.87
              Other...................   17,065    104,005     10,131     20,256  151,457   1,664   (1,483)  151,638  6.68
       Corporate debt securities......      912      1,961         --        500    3,373      --      (20)    3,353  7.65
       Equity investments in other
          financial institutions......    5,082         --         --         --    5,082      28     (369)    4,741  7.77
       Federal Home Loan Bank and
          Federal Reserve Bank stock
          (no stated maturity)........    4,553         --         --         --    4,553      --       --     4,553  6.45
                                       --------    -------    -------     ------  -------   -----   ------   -------
                Total................. $ 93,381    126,015     16,699     94,356  330,451   2,133   (2,027)  330,557  6.61
                                       ========    =======    =======     ======  =======   =====   ======   =======  ====

    Fair value:
       Debt securities................ $ 83,767    126,957     16,896     93,643
       Equity securities..............    9,294         --         --         --
                                       --------    -------    -------    -------
                Total................. $ 93,061    126,957     16,896     93,643
                                       ========    =======    =======    =======

    Weighted average yield............     6.10%      6.76%      7.06%      6.92%
                                       ========    =======    =======    =======

 December 31, 1999:
    Carrying value:
       U.S. Treasury.................. $  6,009     20,136         --         --   26,145      49      (19)   26,175  6.17%
       U.S. Government agencies
          and corporations:
              Mortgage-backed.........    5,204         --      6,784     33,947   45,935       3     (878)   45,060  6.38
              Other...................   76,772      4,968      6,585     24,256  112,581       4   (3,050)  109,535  6.02
       Foreign debt securities........    2,995         --         --         --    2,995     286       --     3,281  9.42
       Equity investments in other
          financial institutions......    4,249         --         --         --    4,249      --     (434)    3,815  7.57
       Federal Home Loan Bank and
          Federal Reserve Bank stock
          (no stated maturity)........    6,428         --         --         --    6,428      --       --     6,428  5.60
                                       --------    -------    -------     ------  -------   -----   ------   -------
                Total................. $101,657     25,104     13,369     58,203  198,333     342   (4,381)  194,294  6.15
                                       ========    =======    =======     ======  =======   =====   ======   =======  ====

    Fair value:
       Debt securities................ $ 87,832     25,100     12,862     54,975
       Equity securities..............   13,525         --         --         --
                                       --------    -------    -------     ------
                Total................. $101,357     25,100     12,862     54,975
                                       ========    =======    =======     ======

    Weighted average yield............     5.98%      6.20%      6.32%      6.54%
                                       ========    =======    =======     ======


     Securities  Held to Maturity.  The amortized  cost,  contractual  maturity,
gross unrealized  gains and losses and fair value of investment  securities held
to maturity at December 31, 2000 and 1999 were as follows:

                                                    Maturity                    Total
                                                                   After        Amor-        Gross             Weighted
                                         1 Year    1-5    5-10      10          tized     Unrealized     Fair   Average
                                         or Less  Years   Years    Years        Cost    Gains   Losses   Value   Yield
                                         -------  -----   -----    -----        ----    -----   ------   -----   -----
                                                                (dollars expressed in thousands)

 December 31, 2000:
    Carrying value:
       U.S. Government agencies
          and corporations:
              Mortgage-backed.........  $  --       --       --    4,662        4,662       3    (50)    4,615    6.75%
                                        =====     ====     ====    =====        =====    ====   ====     =====   =====
    Fair value:
       Debt securities................  $  --       --       --    4,615
                                        =====     ====     ====    =====

    Weighted average yield............     --%      --%      --%    6.75%
                                        =====     ====     ====    =====

 December 31, 1999:
    Carrying value:
       U.S. Government agencies
          and corporations:
              Mortgage-backed.........  $  --       --       --    1,880        1,880      --   (123)    1,757    6.26%
                                        =====     ====     ====   ======        =====    ====   ====     =====   =====
    Fair value:
       Debt securities................  $  --       --       --    1,757
                                        =====     ====     ====   ======

    Weighted average yield............     --%      --%      --%    6.26%
                                        =====     ====     ====   ======

     Proceeds from sales of available-for-sale  investment securities were $25.1
million,  $60.9 million and $79.8 million for the years ended December 31, 2000,
1999 and 1998, respectively. Gross gains of $565,000, $485,000 and $699,000 were
realized on these sales during the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998,
respectively.  Gross losses of $388,000  were realized on these sales during the
year ended  December 31, 2000.  There were no losses  realized on these sales in
1999 and 1998.
     Certain of the Subsidiary  Banks  maintain  investments in the Federal Home
Loan Bank  (FHLB) and the Federal  Reserve  Bank (FRB).  These  investments  are
recorded at cost,  which  represents  redemption  value.  The investment in FHLB
stock is  maintained  at a  minimum  amount  equal to the  greater  of 1% of the
aggregate  outstanding balance of the applicable Subsidiary Bank's loans secured
by residential  real estate,  or 5% of advances from the FHLB to each Subsidiary
Bank.  FB&T and BSF are members of the FHLB system.  The investment in FRB stock
is maintained at a minimum of 6% of the  applicable  Subsidiary  Bank's  capital
stock and capital surplus. FB&T is a member of the FRB system.
     Investment  securities with a carrying value of approximately $28.1 million
and $63.3 million at December 31, 2000 and 1999,  respectively,  were pledged in
connection  with  deposits  of public  and trust  funds,  securities  sold under
agreements to repurchase,  interest rate swap  agreements and for other purposes
as required by


     Changes in the  allowance  for loan losses for the years ended  December 31
were as follows:

                                                                                   2000         1999         1998
                                                                                   ----         ----         ----
                                                                                  (dollars expressed in thousands)

                Balance at beginning of year.................................    $30,192       24,947        20,586
                Acquired allowances for loan losses..........................      6,062        3,008         3,200
                                                                                 -------      -------      --------
                                                                                  36,254       27,955        23,786
                                                                                 -------      -------      --------
                Loans charged-off............................................     (5,390)      (7,107)       (4,862)
                Recoveries of loans previously charged-off...................      5,189        5,161         4,273
                                                                                 -------      -------      --------
                    Net loan charge-offs.....................................       (201)      (1,946)         (589)
                                                                                 -------      -------      --------
                Provision for loan losses....................................      1,877        4,183         1,750
                                                                                 -------      -------      --------
                Balance at end of year.......................................    $37,930       30,192        24,947
                                                                                 =======      =======      ========


     At December  31, 2000 and 1999,  FBA had $12.1  million and $13.3  million,
respectively, of loans on nonaccrual status. Interest on nonaccrual loans, which
would  have  been  recorded  under the  original  terms of the  loans,  was $1.5
million,  $2.4 million and $1.7  million for the years ended  December 31, 2000,
1999 and 1998,  respectively.  Of these  amounts,  $630,000,  $1.3  million  and
$874,000 was actually  recorded as interest  income on such loans in 2000,  1999
and 1998, respectively.
     At December 31, 2000 and 1999,  FBA had $15.0  million and $16.2 million of
impaired loans, respectively, including $12.1 million and $13.3 million of loans
on  nonaccrual  status.  At  December  31,  2000 and 1999,  impaired  loans also
included  $2.9 million of  restructured  loans.  The  allowance  for loan losses
includes an allocation for each impaired  loan. The aggregate  allocation of the
allowance  for loan losses  related to  impaired  loans was  approximately  $3.2
million  and $3.8  million at  December  31,  2000 and 1999,  respectively.  The
average recorded  investment in impaired loans was $13.9 million,  $20.4 million
and  $17.3  million  for the  years  ended  December  31,  2000,  1999 and 1998,
respectively. The amount of interest income recognized using a cash basis method
of  accounting  during the time those loans were  impaired  was  $895,000,  $1.5
million and $1.3 million in 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.
     FBA's primary market areas are California and Houston,  Dallas,  Irving and
McKinney, Texas. At December 31, 2000 and 1999, approximately 88.5% and 70.4% of
the total loan  portfolio,  respectively,  and 89.8% and 75.8% of the commercial
and financial loan portfolio,  respectively, were made to borrowers within these
     Real estate  lending  constituted  the only  significant  concentration  of
credit risk.  Real estate loans comprised  approximately  64.5% and 67.0% of the
loan portfolio at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.
     FBA is, in  general,  a secured  lender.  At  December  31,  2000 and 1999,
approximately 93.9% and 97.2%, respectively,  of the loan portfolio was secured.
Collateral is required in accordance with the normal credit  evaluation  process
based upon the  creditworthiness  of the customer and the credit risk associated
with the particular transaction.


     Bank premises and equipment were comprised of the following at December 31:

                                                                              2000         1999
                                                                              ----         ----
                                                                      (dollars expressed in thousands)

        Land.............................................................  $  7,512        6,993
        Buildings and improvements.......................................    48,315       22,699
        Furniture, fixtures and equipment................................    22,470       14,872
        Construction in progress.........................................     2,084          482
                                                                           --------    ---------
            Total........................................................    80,381       45,046
        Less accumulated depreciation ...................................    34,855       18,501
                                                                           --------    ---------
            Bank premises and equipment, net.............................  $ 45,526       26,545
                                                                           ========    =========

     Depreciation  expense for the years ended December 31, 2000,  1999 and 1998
totaled $2.8 million, $3.2 million and $1.9 million, respectively.
     FBA  leases  land,  office  properties  and some items of  equipment  under
operating  leases.  Certain of the leases contain renewal options and escalation
clauses.  Total rent expense was $6.5 million, $4.3 million and $3.7 million for
the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998,  respectively.  Future minimum
lease  payments  under  noncancellable  operating  leases extend through 2020 as

                                                                (dollars expressed in thousands)

           Year ending December 31:
                2001....................................................   $ 6,464
                2002....................................................     5,492
                2003....................................................     5,020
                2004....................................................     3,780
                2005....................................................     3,077
                Thereafter..............................................     8,536
                    Total future minimum lease payments.................   $32,369

     FBA leases to unrelated parties a portion of its banking facilities.  Total
rental  income was $1.3  million,  $1.6  million and $1.3  million for the years
ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.



     Short-term borrowings were comprised of the following at December 31:

                                                                                2000          1999
                                                                                ----          ----
                                                                         (dollars expressed in thousands)

                  Federal funds purchased.................................. $      --        27,500
                  Securities sold under agreements to repurchase...........    42,041        13,712
                  FHLB borrowings .........................................    15,544           544
                                                                            ---------       -------
                      Short-term borrowings................................ $  57,585        41,756
                                                                            =========       =======

     The average  balance of short-term  borrowings  was $32.6 million and $39.7
million,   respectively,   and  the  maximum  month-end  balance  of  short-term
borrowings  was $60.0  million and $61.2  million,  respectively,  for the years
ended  December  31,  2000  and  1999.  The  average  rates  paid on  short-term
borrowings  during the years ended December 31, 2000,  1999 and 1998 were 5.43%,
5.12% and 6.32%,  respectively.  The assets underlying the short-term borrowings
are under FBA's control.


     FBA had a $20.0 million  revolving note payable to First Banks on which the
outstanding  principal and accrued  interest under the note payable were due and
payable on October 31, 2001. On June 30, 2000,  FBA and First Banks renewed this
note  payable,  increasing  the  commitment  to $90.0  million and extending the
maturity  date to June 30,  2005.  On  November  30,  2000,  FBA and First Banks
further  modified  the note  payable  by  increasing  the  commitment  to $100.0
million.  The borrowings  under the note payable bear interest at an annual rate
of one-quarter percent less than the "Prime Rate" as reported in the Wall Street
Journal.  The interest  expense under the note payable was $482,000 for the year
ended December 31, 2000 and $599,000 for the year ended December 31, 1998. There
were no amounts outstanding under the note payable during 1999.
     The average balance and maximum balance  outstanding during the years ended
December 31 were as follows:

                                                                                2000          1999
                                                                                ----          ----
                                                                         (dollars expressed in thousands)

                  Average balance..........................................  $  6,114            --
                  Maximum month-end balance ...............................    98,000            --
                                                                             ========        ======

     The average rates paid on notes payable  outstanding during the years ended
December 31, 2000 and 1998 were 7.9% and 7.7%, respectively.


     As more fully described in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements,
FBA issued to First Banks a $6.5 million 12%  convertible  debenture in exchange
for similar  convertible  debentures  of FCB. The  principal and any accrued but
unpaid interest  thereon was  convertible at any time prior to maturity,  at the
option of First Banks,  into FBA common  stock at $14.06 per share.  In December
1998, First Banks elected to convert the $6.5 million principal and $2.4 million
accrued  and  unpaid  interest  into  629,557  shares of FBA common  stock.  The
interest expense under the convertible debenture was $724,000 for the year ended
December 31, 1998.



     In July 1998, First America Capital Trust (FACT),  a newly-formed  Delaware
business trust subsidiary of FBA, issued 1.84 million shares of 8.50% cumulative
trust preferred  securities at $25 per share in an underwritten public offering,
and issued 56,908 shares of common  securities to FBA at $25 per share. FBA owns
all of FACT's common securities. The gross proceeds of the offering were used by
FACT to  purchase  $47.4  million  of 8.50%  subordinated  debentures  from FBA,
maturing on June 30,  2028.  The  maturity  date may be  shortened to a date not
earlier than June 30, 2003 or extended to a date not later than June 30, 2037 if
certain  conditions are met. The  subordinated  debentures are the sole asset of
FACT. In connection with the issuance of the FACT preferred securities, FBA made
certain guarantees and commitments that, in the aggregate, constitute a full and
unconditional  guarantee  by FBA of the  obligations  of  FACT  under  the  FACT
preferred  securities.  FBA's  proceeds  from the  issuance of the  subordinated
debentures to FACT, net of underwriting fees and offering  expenses,  were $44.0
million.  Distributions  payable  on the FACT  preferred  securities  were  $3.9
million,  $4.0 million and $1.8  million for the years ended  December 31, 2000,
1999 and 1998,  respectively,  and are  included in  noninterest  expense in the
consolidated financial statements.


     Income tax expense  attributable to income from  continuing  operations for
the years ended December 31 consists of:

                                                                          2000         1999           1998
                                                                          ----         ----           ----
                                                                          (dollars expressed in thousands)

         Current income tax expense:
              Federal................................................   $ 12,083        3,734        3,124
              State..................................................      2,344        2,172        1,357
                                                                        --------      -------      -------
                                                                          14,427        5,906        4,481
                                                                        --------      -------      -------
         Deferred income tax expense:
              Federal................................................      4,026        5,808        2,524
              State..................................................        (41)         137          168
                                                                        --------      -------      -------
                                                                           3,985        5,945        2,692
                                                                        --------      -------      -------
         Reduction in deferred valuation allowance...................       (405)        (735)        (568)
                                                                        --------      -------      -------
                 Total...............................................   $ 18,007       11,116        6,605
                                                                        ========      =======      =======

     The effective rates of federal income taxes for the years ended December 31
differ from statutory rates of taxation as follows:

                                                    2000                      1999                      1998
                                            -------------------      --------------------         -----------------
                                             Amount     Percent      Amount        Percent        Amount    Percent
                                             ------     -------      ------        -------        ------    -------
                                                                (dollars expressed in thousands)

         Income before provision for
              income tax expense..........  $ 45,804               $ 28,715                       $16,679
                                            ========               ========                       =======
         Tax expense at federal
              income tax rates............  $ 16,031      35.0%      10,050         35.0%           5,838    35.0%
         Effects of differences
          in tax reporting:
           Change in the deferred tax
              valuation allowance.........      (405)     (0.9)        (735)        (2.6)            (568)   (3.4)
           State income taxes.............     1,497       3.3        1,501          5.2              991     5.9
           Amortization of intangibles
              associated with the purchase
              of subsidiaries.............       901       2.0          584          2.0              182     1.1
           Other..........................       (17)     (0.1)        (284)        (0.9)             162     1.0
                                            --------     -----     --------        -----          -------   -----
              Income tax expense
                at effective rate.........  $ 18,007      39.3%    $ 11,116         38.7%         $ 6,605    39.6%
                                            ========     =====     ========        =====          =======   =====


     The tax  effects of  temporary  differences  that give rise to  significant
portions of the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are as follows:

                                                                                                 December 31,
                                                                                             2000           1999
                                                                                             ----           ----
                                                                                              (dollars expressed
                                                                                                 in thousands)

       Deferred tax assets:
          Net operating loss carryforwards.............................................   $ 38,993        23,168
          Allowance for loan losses....................................................     12,815        11,688
          Quasi-reorganization adjustment of bank premises.............................      1,226         1,276
          Alternative minimum tax credits..............................................      2,509         2,016
          Net fair value adjustment for securities available for sale..................         --         1,414
          Other real estate............................................................         42            --
          Other........................................................................      2,798         1,137
                                                                                          --------       -------
                Gross deferred tax assets..............................................     58,383        40,699
          Valuation allowance..........................................................    (13,075)      (13,480)
                                                                                          --------       -------
                Deferred tax assets, net of valuation allowance........................     45,308        27,219
                                                                                          --------       -------
       Deferred tax liabilities:
          Net fair value adjustment for securities available for sale..................        181            --
          Depreciation on bank premises and equipment..................................      4,387         2,224
          FHLB stock dividends.........................................................        528           732
          Other .......................................................................        429           663
                                                                                          --------       -------
                Deferred tax liabilities...............................................      5,525         3,619
                                                                                          --------       -------
                Net deferred tax assets................................................   $ 39,783        23,600
                                                                                          ========       =======

     The  realization  of  FBA's  net  deferred  tax  assets  is  based  on  the
expectation  of  future  taxable  income  and the  utilization  of tax  planning
strategies.  Based on these factors,  management believes it is more likely than
not that  FBA will  realize  the  recognized  net  deferred  tax  asset of $39.8
million.  The net change in the  valuation  allowance,  related to deferred  tax
assets,  was a decrease of $405,000 for the year ended  December  31, 2000.  The
decrease was comprised of the reversal of valuation  reserves resulting from the
utilization of net operating losses.
     Changes to the deferred tax asset  valuation  allowance for the years ended
December 31 were as follows:

                                                                         2000       1999        1998
                                                                         ----       ----        ----
                                                                       (dollars expressed in thousands)

           Balance, January 1........................................  $13,480     15,912      16,480
           Current year deferred provision, change in
              deferred tax valuation allowance.......................     (405)      (735)       (568)
           Reduction attributable to utilization
              of deferred tax assets:
                 Adjustment to capital surplus.......................       --       (981)         --
                 Adjustment to intangibles associated with the
                    purchase of subsidiaries.........................       --       (716)         --
           Purchase acquisitions.....................................       --         --          --
                                                                       -------     ------      ------
           Balance, December 31......................................  $13,075     13,480      15,912
                                                                       =======     ======      ======

     The  valuation  allowance  for  deferred  tax assets at  December  31, 1998
included  $716,000  that was  recognized  in 1999 and  credited  to  intangibles
associated  with the  purchase of  subsidiaries.  The  valuation  allowance  for
deferred tax assets at December 31, 2000 and 1999  includes  $5.0 million  which
when  recognized,  will be  credited to capital  surplus  under the terms of the
quasi-reorganizations  implemented  for FBA and FCB as of December  31, 1994 and
1996,  respectively.
     At December 31, 2000, FBA has separate return limitation year net operating
loss carryforwards of $111.4 million and alternative minimum tax credits of $2.5
million. Their utilization is subject to annual limitations.  Additionally,  FBA
had alternative minimum tax credits of $185,000, which are not subject to annual


     The net operating loss carryforwards for FBA at December 31, 2000 expire as

                                               (dollars expressed in thousands)
          Year ending December 31:
             2001....................................   $     561
             2002....................................       4,562
             2003....................................       1,563
             2004....................................       4,120
             2005....................................      21,019
             2006 through 2020.......................      79,583
                 Total...............................   $ 111,408


     The following is a reconciliation of the numerators and denominators of the
basic and diluted EPS computations for the periods indicated:

                                                                                Income         Shares     Per share
                                                                              (numerator)   (denominator)   amount
                                                                              -----------   -------------   ------
                                                                                (dollars expressed in thousands,
                                                                                     except per share data)
         Year ended December 31, 2000:
              Basic EPS - income available to common stockholders..........   $  27,797       12,129        $ 2.29
              Effect of dilutive securities - stock options................          --            1
                                                                              ---------       ------
              Diluted EPS - income available to common stockholders........   $  27,797       12,130        $ 2.29
                                                                              =========       ======        ======

         Year ended December 31, 1999:
              Basic EPS - income available to common stockholders..........   $  17,599       12,235        $ 1.44
              Effect of dilutive securities - stock options................          --            5
                                                                              ---------       ------
              Diluted EPS - income available to common stockholders........   $  17,599       12,240        $ 1.44
                                                                              =========       ======        ======

         Year ended December 31, 1998:
              Basic EPS - income available to common stockholders..........   $  10,074       11,671        $ 0.86
              Effect of dilutive securities - stock options................          --            8
                                                                              ---------       ------
              Diluted EPS - income available to common stockholders........   $  10,074       11,679        $ 0.86
                                                                              =========       ======        ======


     401(K) Plan. FBA's 401(k) plan is a self-administered savings and incentive
plan covering  substantially  all employees.  Under the plan,  employer matching
contributions  are  determined  annually by FBA's Board of  Directors.  Employee
contributions  are limited to 15% of the employee's  annual  compensation not to
exceed  $10,500  for  2000.  Total  employer  contributions  under the plan were
$441,000,  $318,000 and $202,000 for the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and
1998, respectively. The plan assets are held and managed under a trust agreement
with the trust department of an affiliated bank.

     Pension Plan. Previously, FBA had a noncontributory defined benefit pension
plan covering substantially all officers and employees.  In conjunction with the
acquisition of FBA by First Banks,  the  accumulation of benefits under the plan
were  discontinued  during  1994.  While the plan  continues  in  existence  and
provides  benefits  which had then  accumulated,  no  additional  benefits  have
accrued to participants since 1994, and no new participants will become eligible
for benefits thereafter.  During 2000, 1999 and 1998, no contributions were made
to the pension plan. In addition, FBA is proceeding with the dissolution of this
plan in 2001.



     The 1993  Directors'  Stock Bonus Plan  provides  for annual  grants of FBA
common stock to the  nonemployee  directors of FBA.  Directors'  compensation of
$36,000,  $36,000 and $27,000 was  recorded  relating to this plan for the years
ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.  These amounts represented
the market values of the 2,000, 2,000 and 1,500 shares granted for the years
ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.
     The plan is self-operative,  and the timing, amounts,  recipients and terms
of individual grants are determined automatically.  On July 1 of each year, each
nonemployee  director  automatically  receives  a grant of 500  shares of common
stock.  The maximum  number of plan  shares that may be issued  shall not exceed
16,667  shares,  and 4,167  shares were  available  to be issued at December 31,
2000. The plan will expire on July 1, 2001.


     FBA is a party to  commitments  to extend credit and commercial and standby
letters of credit in the normal course of business to meet the  financing  needs
of its customers.  These instruments  involve,  to varying degrees,  elements of
credit risk and  interest  rate risk in excess of the amount  recognized  in the
consolidated balance sheets. The interest rate risk associated with these credit
commitments relates primarily to the commitments to originate  fixed-rate loans.
The credit  risk  amounts are equal to the  contractual  amounts,  assuming  the
amounts are fully  advanced and the collateral or other security is of no value.
FBA uses the same  credit  policies  in  granting  commitments  and  conditional
obligations as it does for on-balance-sheet items.
     Commitments to extend credit at December 31 were as follows:

                                                                                        2000              1999
                                                                                        ----              ----
                                                                                   (dollars expressed in thousands)

            Commitments to extend credit............................................  $ 719,039         538,178
            Commercial and standby letters of credit................................     37,077          15,422
                                                                                      ---------         -------
                                                                                      $ 756,116         553,600
                                                                                      =========         =======

     Commitments  to extend credit are  agreements to lend to a customer as long
as  there  is no  violation  of  any  condition  established  in  the  contract.
Commitments  generally have fixed expiration dates or other termination  clauses
and may require  payment of a fee. Since many of the commitments are expected to
expire without being drawn upon, the total commitment amounts do not necessarily
represent  future  cash  requirements.   Each  customer's   creditworthiness  is
evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The amount of collateral obtained,  if deemed
necessary upon extension of credit,  is based on management's  credit evaluation
of the counterparty. Collateral held varies but may include accounts receivable,
inventory, property, plant, equipment, income-producing commercial properties or
single family  residential  properties.  Collateral is generally required except
for consumer credit card commitments.
     Commercial and standby letters of credit are conditional commitments issued
to guarantee  the  performance  of a customer to a third  party.  The letters of
credit  are  primarily  issued to support  private  borrowing  arrangements  and
commercial  transactions.  Most letters of credit extend for less than one year.
The credit risk involved in issuing letters of credit is essentially the same as
that involved in extending  loan  facilities to customers.  Upon issuance of the
commitments,   FBA  holds  marketable   securities,   certificates  of  deposit,
inventory,  real  property  or  other  assets  as  collateral  supporting  those
commitments for which collateral is deemed necessary.


     Classes of Common Stock.  FBA is majority owned by First Banks. At December
31,  2000,  First  Banks  owned  2,500,000  shares  of Class B common  stock and
8,741,350 shares of common stock,  which represented 92.86% of FBA's outstanding
voting stock. Accordingly, First Banks has effective control over the management
and policies of FBA and the election of its directors.
     As of December 31, 2000, FBA had issued and  outstanding  9,606,203  shares
and 2,500,000 shares of common stock and Class B common stock, respectively. The
rights of Class B common  stock are in most  respects  equivalent  to the rights
associated with common stock,  except the common stock has a dividend preference
over the Class B common stock,  and the Class B common stock is unregistered and
transferable only in certain limited  circumstances.  The outstanding  shares of
Class B common stock became convertible on August 31, 1999, at the option of the
holder,  into an equal  number of shares of common  stock.  Each share of common
stock and Class B common  stock is entitled to one vote in the election of FBA's
directors and in other matters on which a vote of stockholders is taken.


     Stock Options. On April 19, 1990, FBA's Board of Directors adopted the 1990
Stock Option Plan (1990 Plan).  The 1990 Plan provided that no more than 200,000
shares of common stock would be available for stock options.  One-fourth of each
stock option became exercisable at the date of the grant and at each anniversary
date of the grant.  The  options  expired  ten years from the date of the grant.
There  were no options  granted  under this plan  during the three  years  ended
December 31, 2000.
     At December  31,  2000,  there were no shares  available  for future  stock
options and no shares of common stock  reserved for the exercise of  outstanding
options.  Transactions relating to the 1990 Plan for the years ended December 31
are as follows:

                                                     2000                      1999                     1998
                                               -----------------       -------------------       -----------------
                                                          Average                   Average                Average
                                                          option                    option                 option
                                               Amount      price       Amount        price       Amount     price
                                               ------      -----       ------        -----       ------     -----

     Outstanding options, January 1.......      6,667     $ 3.75         6,667     $  3.75        13,334   $ 3.75
     Options exercised and redeemed.......     (6,667)      3.75            --        3.75        (6,667)    3.75
                                               ------                   ------                   -------
     Outstanding options, December 31.....         --       3.75         6,667        3.75         6,667     3.75
                                               ======     ======        ======     =======       =======   ======

     Options exercisable, December 31.....         --                    6,667                     6,667
                                               ======                   ======                   =======

     Distribution of Earnings of the Subsidiary  Banks. The Subsidiary Banks are
restricted  by  various  state  and  federal  regulations  as to the  amount  of
dividends which are available for payment to FBA. Under the most  restrictive of
these requirements,  the Subsidiary Banks would be required to obtain permission
from the regulatory  authorities prior to making future payments of dividends to
FBA at December 31, 2000.


     FBA  purchases  certain  services and supplies from or through First Banks.
FBA's financial position and operating results could  significantly  differ from
those that would be  obtained  if FBA's  relationship  with First  Banks did not
     First  Banks  provides  management  services  to FBA and its  subsidiaries.
Management  services are provided under  management  fee agreements  whereby FBA
compensates First Banks for its use of personnel for various functions including
internal audit, loan review, income tax preparation and assistance,  accounting,
asset/liability  management  and investment  services,  loan servicing and other
management and  administrative  services.  Fees paid under these agreements were
$5.2  million,  $4.4 million and $3.2  million for the years ended  December 31,
2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.  The fees paid for management services are at
least as favorable as could have been obtained from unaffiliated third parties.
     First  Services,  L.P.,  a limited  partnership  indirectly  owned by First
Banks'  Chairman and his adult  children,  provides data  processing and various
related services to FBA and FB&T under the terms of data processing  agreements.
Fees paid under  these  agreements  were $6.8  million,  $5.3  million  and $3.5
million for the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.  The
fees paid for data  processing  services are at least as favorable as could have
been obtained from unaffiliated third parties.
     FB&T  had  $108.2  million  and  $31.9  million  in  whole  loans  and loan
participations  outstanding  at December 31, 2000 and 1999,  respectively,  that
were  purchased  from First Bank, a wholly owned  subsidiary of First Banks.  In
addition,  FB&T had sold $146.1  million  and $167.5  million in whole loans and
loan  participations to First Bank at December 31, 2000 and 1999,  respectively.
These loans and loan participations were acquired and sold at interest rates and
terms  prevailing at the dates of their purchase or sale and under standards and
policies followed by FB&T.
     As more fully discussed in Note 7 to the consolidated financial statements,
FBA has a revolving  note payable from First  Banks.  At December 31, 2000,  the
amount  outstanding  under the note  payable  was $98.0  million.  There were no
amounts outstanding under the note payable at December 31, 1999.
     Outside of normal customer relationships,  no directors, executive officers
or  stockholders  holding over 5% of FBA's voting stock,  and no corporations or
firms with which such persons or entities are associated,  currently maintain or
have maintained,  any significant business or personal relationships with FBA or
its  subsidiaries,  other than that which  arises by virtue of such  position or
ownership interest in FBA, except as described above.



     FBA utilizes  off-balance-sheet  derivative financial instruments to assist
in the  management of interest  rate  sensitivity  and to modify the  repricing,
maturity and option characteristics of on-balance-sheet  assets and liabilities.
The use of such derivative financial instruments is strictly limited to reducing
FBA's interest rate risk exposure.
     Derivative  financial  instruments  held by FBA for  purposes  of  managing
interest rate risk are summarized as follows:

                                                                      December 31, 2000          December 31, 1999
                                                                     -------------------       --------------------
                                                                     Notional    Credit        Notional     Credit
                                                                      amount    exposure        amount     exposure
                                                                      ------    --------        ------     --------
                                                                            (dollars expressed in thousands)

         Interest rate swap agreements - pay
           adjustable rate, receive fixed rate....................   $535,000      1,112         235,000      1,094
         Interest rate swap agreements - pay
           adjustable rate, receive adjustable rate...............         --         --         150,000         --
         Interest rate cap agreements.............................    150,000      1,251          10,000         26
                                                                     ========      =====       =========      =====

     The notional amounts of derivative  financial  instruments do not represent
amounts  exchanged  by the parties  and,  therefore,  are not a measure of FBA's
credit exposure through its use of derivative financial instruments.  The credit
exposure  represents  the  accounting  loss FBA  would  incur in the  event  the
counterparties  failed  completely  to  perform  according  to the  terms of the
derivative financial instruments and the collateral was of no value.
     During 1998,  FBA entered into $105.0 million  notional  amount of interest
rate swap agreements to effectively  lengthen the repricing  characteristics  of
certain  interest-earning  assets to correspond  more closely with their funding
source  with the  objective  of  stabilizing  cash flow,  and  accordingly,  net
interest income,  over time. The swap agreements  initially  provided for FBA to
receive  a  fixed  rate  of  interest  and pay an  adjustable  rate of  interest
equivalent  to the 90-day London  Interbank  Offering  Rate. In March 2000,  the
terms of the swap  agreements  were  modified  such that FBA  currently  pays an
adjustable  rate of interest  equivalent  to the daily  weighted  average  prime
lending rate minus 2.705%.  The terms of the swap agreements  provide for FBA to
pay quarterly and receive  payment  semiannually.  The amount  receivable by FBA
under the swap  agreements  was $1.4 million at December 31, 2000 and 1999,  and
the amount payable by FBA under the swap agreements was $281,000 and $294,000 at
December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.
     During  May 1999,  FBA  entered  into  $150.0  million  notional  amount of
interest rate swap agreements with the objective of stabilizing the net interest
margin  during the  six-month  period  surrounding  the Year 2000  century  date
change.  The swap  agreements  provided for FBA to receive an adjustable rate of
interest  equivalent  to the  daily  weighted  average  30-day  LIBOR and pay an
adjustable  rate of interest  equivalent  to the daily  weighted  average  prime
lending  rate  minus  2.665%.  The  terms of the swap  agreements,  which had an
effective  date of  October  1,  1999 and a  maturity  date of March  31,  2000,
provided  for FBA to pay and  receive  interest on a monthly  basis.  In January
2000, FBA determined  these swap agreements were no longer  necessary based upon
the  results  of the  Year  2000  transition  and  terminated  these  agreements
resulting in a cost of $45,000.
     During  September 1999, FBA entered into $130.0 million  notional amount of
interest   rate  swap   agreements   to   effectively   lengthen  the  repricing
characteristics  of certain  interest-earning  assets to correspond more closely
with their  funding  source with the  objective of  stabilizing  cash flow,  and
accordingly, net interest income, over time. The swap agreements provide for FBA
to receive a fixed  rate of  interest  and pay an  adjustable  rate of  interest
equivalent to the weighted  average prime lending rate minus 2.70%. The terms of
the swap agreements  provide for FBA to pay and receive  interest on a quarterly
basis.  The amount  receivable by FBA under the swap  agreements  was $89,000 at
December  31,  2000 and  1999,  and the  amount  payable  by FBA  under the swap
agreements   was   $123,000   and  $105,000  at  December  31,  2000  and  1999,
     During  September 2000, FBA entered into $300.0 million  notional amount of
four-year  interest rate swap  agreements to effectively  lengthen the repricing
characteristics  of certain  interest-earning  assets to correspond more closely
with their  funding  source with the  objective of  stabilizing  cash flow,  and
accordingly, net interest income, over time. The swap agreements provide for FBA
to receive a fixed rate of interest and pay an adjustable rate equivalent to the
weighted  average  prime  lending  rate  minus  2.70%.  The  terms  of the  swap
agreements provide for FBA to pay and receive interest on a quarterly basis. The
amount  receivable by FBA under the swap agreements was $621,000 at December 31,
2000 and the amount payable by FBA under the swap agreements was $623,000.


     In conjunction with these interest rate swap  agreements,  FBA also entered
into $150.0 million  notional  amount of an interest rate cap agreement to limit
the net interest  expense  associated  with the interest rate swap agreements in
the event of a rising rate  scenario.  The  interest  rate cap  agreement  has a
maturity date of September 20, 2004, and provides for FBA to receive a quarterly
adjustable  rate of interest  equivalent  to the  three-month  London  Interbank
Offering Rate should such rate exceed the predetermined  interest rate of 7.50%.
At December 31, 2000, the unamortized  costs  associated with this interest rate
cap agreement were $1.3 million, and were included in other assets, and the fair
value of the interest rate cap agreement was $546,000.
     During 2000 and 1998, the net interest  expense  realized on the derivative
financial instruments was $2.1 million and $55,000,  respectively, in comparison
to  net  interest  income  of  $226,000  realized  on the  derivative  financial
instruments in 1999.
     At December 31, 2000, FBA had pledged investment  securities  available for
sale with a carrying value of $2.6 million in connection  with the interest rate
swap agreements.  In addition, at December 31, 2000, FBA had accepted investment
securities  with a fair value of $8.5 million as collateral  in connection  with
the  interest  rate swap  agreements.  FBA is  permitted  by contract to sell or
repledge the collateral accepted from its  counterparties,  however, at December
31, 2000, FBA had not sold or repledged any of this collateral.
     The maturity dates, notional amounts,  interest rates paid and received and
fair value of interest rate swap agreements  outstanding as of December 31, 2000
and 1999 were as follows:

                                                          Notional     Interest rate   Interest rate      Fair
                  Maturity date                            amount          paid          received         Value
                  -------------                           --------      -----------   -------------    -----------
                                                                       (dollars expressed in thousands)

          December 31, 2000:
              September 27, 2001......................  $ 130,000           6.80%           6.14%        $    49
              June 11, 2002...........................     15,000           6.80            6.00               7
              September 16, 2002......................     20,000           6.80            5.36            (184)
              September 18, 2002......................     70,000           6.80            5.33            (690)
              September 20, 2004......................    300,000           6.80            6.78           8,434
                                                        ---------                                        -------
                                                        $ 535,000           6.80            6.35         $ 7,616
                                                        =========         ======           =====         =======

          December 31, 1999:
              March 31, 2000 .........................  $ 150,000           5.84%           6.45%        $    37
              September 27, 2001......................    130,000           5.80            6.14          (1,187)
              June 11, 2002...........................     15,000           6.12            6.00            (291)
              September 16, 2002......................     20,000           6.12            5.36            (751)
              September 18, 2002......................     70,000           6.14            5.33          (2,700)
                                                        ---------                                        -------
                                                        $ 385,000           5.90            6.06         $(4,892)
                                                        =========         ======          ======         =======



     The fair value of financial  instruments  is  management's  estimate of the
values at which the  instruments  could be  exchanged in a  transaction  between
willing parties.  These estimates are subjective and may vary significantly from
amounts  that would be  realized  in actual  transactions.  In  addition,  other
significant  assets are not considered  financial assets including  deferred tax
assets, bank premises and equipment and intangibles associated with the purchase
of subsidiaries.  Further,  the tax ramifications  related to the realization of
the unrealized gains and losses can have a significant  effect on the fair value
estimates and have not been considered in any of the estimates.
     The estimated fair value of FBA's financial instruments at December 31 were
as follows:

                                                              December 31, 2000                December 31, 1999
                                                       -----------------------------     ---------------------------
                                                        Carrying          Estimated        Carrying       Estimated
                                                         amount          fair value         amount       fair value
                                                         ------          ----------         ------       ----------
                                                                     (dollars expressed in thousands)

         Financial assets:
              Cash and cash equivalents............... $  153,210          153,210           97,296          97,296
              Investment securities:
                 Available for sale...................    330,557          330,557          194,294         194,294
                 Held to maturity.....................      4,662            4,615            1,880           1,757
              Net loans...............................  2,020,747        2,027,284        1,438,899       1,433,572
              Accrued interest receivable.............     20,048           20,048           12,513          12,513
                                                       ==========        =========        =========      ==========

         Financial liabilities:
              Demand and savings deposits............. $1,437,957        1,437,957          920,576         920,576
              Time deposits...........................    868,399          880,807          664,423         664,423
              Note payable............................     98,000           98,000               --              --
              Accrued interest payable................      8,434            8,434            3,710           3,710
              FACT preferred securities...............     44,280           40,259           44,218          40,710
              Short-term borrowings...................     57,585           57,585           41,756          41,756
                                                       ==========        =========        =========      ==========

              Interest rate swap and cap agreements... $    2,363            8,162            1,120          (4,844)
              Credit commitments......................         --               --               --              --
                                                       ==========        =========        =========      ==========

     The following  methods and  assumptions  were used in  estimating  the fair
value of financial instruments:

Financial Assets:

     Cash and cash  equivalents and accrued  interest  receivable:  The carrying
values reported in the consolidated balance sheets approximate fair value.

     Investment  securities:  The fair value of investment  securities available
for sale is the amount reported in the  consolidated  balance  sheets.  The fair
value of investment securities held to maturity is based on quoted market prices
where available. If quoted market prices were not available,  the fair value was
based upon quoted market prices of comparable instruments.

     Net loans: The fair value of most loans was estimated utilizing  discounted
cash flow  calculations  that applied interest rates currently being offered for
similar loans to borrowers  with similar risk  profiles.  The carrying  value of
loans is net of the allowance for loan losses and unearned discount.

Financial Liabilities:

     Deposits: The fair value disclosed for deposits generally payable on demand
(i.e.,  non-interest-bearing  and  interest-bearing  demand,  savings  and money
market  accounts) is considered  equal to their  respective  carrying amounts as
reported in the consolidated balance sheets. The fair value disclosed for demand
deposits  does not include the benefit that  results  from the low-cost  funding
provided by deposit  liabilities  compared to the cost of borrowing funds in the
market.  The fair value  disclosed  for  certificates  of deposit was  estimated
utilizing  a  discounted  cash flow  calculation  that  applied  interest  rates
currently  being  offered on similar  certificates  to a schedule of  aggregated
monthly maturities of time deposits.


     FACT preferred securities: The fair value is based on quoted market prices.

     Short-term  borrowings,  note  payable and accrued  interest  payable:  The
carrying values reported in the  consolidated  balance sheets  approximate  fair


     Interest rate swap and cap agreements:  The fair value of the interest rate
swap and cap agreements is estimated by comparison to market rates quoted on new
agreements with similar terms and creditworthiness.

     Credit  commitments:  The majority of the  commitments to extend credit and
commercial  and standby  letters of credit contain  variable  interest rates and
credit deterioration clauses and, therefore,  the carrying value of these credit
commitments reported in the consolidated balance sheets approximates fair value.


     FBA and the  Subsidiary  Banks are  subject to various  regulatory  capital
requirements administered by the federal and state banking agencies.  Failure to
meet minimum capital  requirements can initiate  certain  mandatory and possibly
additional discretionary actions by regulators that, if undertaken, could have a
direct material effect on FBA's consolidated financial statements. Under capital
adequacy  guidelines and the regulatory  framework for prompt corrective action,
FBA and the Subsidiary Banks must meet specific capital  guidelines that involve
quantitative measures of assets, liabilities and certain off-balance-sheet items
as  calculated  under  regulatory  accounting  practices.  Capital  amounts  and
classifications  are also subject to  qualitative  judgments  by the  regulators
about components, risk weightings and other factors.
     Quantitative  measures established by regulation to ensure capital adequacy
require FBA and the Subsidiary  Banks to maintain  minimum amounts and ratios of
total  and Tier I capital  (as  defined  in the  regulations)  to  risk-weighted
assets,  and of Tier I capital to average  assets.  Management  believes,  as of
December 31, 2000, the Subsidiary Banks were each well capitalized.  At December
31,  2000,  FBA's total  capital  ratio fell below the  well-capitalized  level,
however, FBA remained adequately  capitalized.  FBA's reduction in total capital
for 2000 is primarily  attributable  to the  acquisitions of Millennium Bank and
SFC in December 2000, which added total assets of approximately $300.8 million.
     As of December 31, 2000,  the most recent  notification  from FBA's primary
regulator categorized FBA and the Subsidiary Banks as well capitalized under the
regulatory  framework for prompt  corrective  action.  To be categorized as well
capitalized,   FBA  and  the  Subsidiary   Banks  must  maintain  minimum  total
risk-based,  Tier I  risk-based  and Tier I leverage  ratios as set forth in the
following table.
     At December 31, 2000 and 1999, FBA's and the Subsidiary Banks' required and
actual capital ratios were as follows:

                                                                                                     To be well
                                                                                                  capitalized under
                                                           Actual              For capital        prompt corrective
                                                     2000          1999     adequacy purposes     action provisions
                                                     ----          ----     -----------------     -----------------

         Total capital (to risk-weighted assets):
             FBA..................................    8.01%        12.04%          8.0%                 10.0%
             FB&T.................................   10.58         11.17           8.0                  10.0
             BSF (1)..............................   22.38           --            8.0                  10.0
         Tier 1 capital (to risk-weighted assets):
             FBA..................................    6.76         10.78           4.0                   6.0%
             FB&T.................................    9.32          9.94           4.0                   6.0
             BSF (1)..............................   21.42           --            4.0                   6.0
         Tier 1 capital (to average assets):
             FBA..................................    7.34          9.91           3.0                   5.0%
             FB&T.................................    9.27          9.15           3.0                   5.0
             BSF (1)..............................   22.00           --            3.0                   5.0

         (1)  BSF was acquired by FBA on December 31, 2000.



     FBA's business segments are its Subsidiary  Banks. The reportable  business
segments are  consistent  with the  management  structure of FBA, the Subsidiary
Banks and the internal reporting system that monitors performance.
     Through the  respective  branch  networks,  the  Subsidiary  Banks  provide
similar  products and services in their defined  geographic  areas. The products
and services  offered  include a broad range of commercial and personal  banking
products,  including demand, savings, money market and time deposit accounts. In
addition,  the  Subsidiary  Banks  market  combined  basic  services for various
customer groups,  including packaged accounts for more affluent  customers,  and
sweep accounts,  lock-box  deposits and cash management  products for commercial
customers.  The Subsidiary Banks also offer both consumer and commercial  loans.
Consumer lending includes  residential real estate,  home equity and installment
lending.  Commercial  lending  includes  commercial,  financial and agricultural
loans, real estate  construction and development  loans,  commercial real estate
loans, commercial leasing and trade financing.

                                                                                          FB&T (1)
                                                                              2000           1999           1998
                                                                              ----           ----           ----
                                                                               (dollars expressed in thousands)

Balance sheet information:

Investment securities....................................................  $  330,478       192,357        247,566
Loans, net of unearned discount..........................................   2,058,628     1,469,093      1,089,965
Total assets.............................................................   2,733,545     1,854,827      1,504,311
Deposits.................................................................   2,306,469     1,590,490      1,329,253
Stockholders' equity.....................................................     333,186       204,617        148,239
                                                                           ==========     =========      =========

Income statement information:

Interest income..........................................................  $  176,902       132,407        108,662
Interest expense.........................................................      71,167        51,544         48,320
                                                                           ----------     ---------      ---------
       Net interest income...............................................     105,735        80,863         60,342
Provision for  loan losses...............................................       1,877         4,183          1,750
                                                                           ----------     ---------      ---------
       Net interest income after provision
         for loan losses.................................................     103,858        76,680         58,592
Noninterest income.......................................................      12,343        10,774          8,322
Noninterest expense......................................................      65,567        54,992         47,105
                                                                           ----------     ---------      ---------
       Income before provision (benefit) for
         income tax expense and minority
         interest in income of subsidiary................................      50,634        32,462         19,809
Provision (benefit) for income tax expense...............................      20,064        12,353          8,163
                                                                           ----------     ---------      ---------
       Income (loss) before minority
         interest in income of subsidiary................................      30,570        20,109         11,646
Minority interest in income of subsidiary................................          --            --             --
                                                                           ----------     ---------      ---------
       Net income........................................................  $   30,570        20,109         11,646
                                                                           ==========     =========      =========

- -----------------
(1)  Includes BSF, which was acquired by FBA on December 31, 2000.
(2)  Corporate and other includes $2.5 million, $2.6 million and $1.3 million of
     guaranteed preferred debenture expense, after applicable income tax benefit
     of $1.4 million, $1.4 million and $700,000 for the years ended December 31,
     2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively. See Note 9 to the consolidated financial

             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

     Other financial services include mortgage banking,  credit and debit cards,
brokerage  services,   credit-related  insurance,   automated  teller  machines,
telephone  banking,  safe deposit boxes and trust and private banking  services.
The revenues  generated by each business  segment consist  primarily of interest
income, generated from the loan and investment security portfolios,  and service
charges  and  fees,  generated  from the  deposit  products  and  services.  The
geographic  areas  include  Houston,  Dallas,  Irving  and  McKinney,  Texas and
southern  and  northern  California.  The  products  and services are offered to
customers primarily within their respective geographic areas, with the exception
of loan  participations  executed  between the Subsidiary  Banks and other banks
affiliated  with  First  Banks.  See  Note  16  to  the  consolidated  financial
     The business  segment results are consistent with FBA's internal  reporting
system  and,  in all  material  respects,  with  generally  accepted  accounting
principles and practices  predominant in the banking  industry.  Such principles
and practices are summarized in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements.

                   Corporate and other (2)                                Consolidated totals
         ------------------------------------------           --------------------------------------------
         2000                1999              1998           2000                1999                1998
         ----                ----              ----           ----                ----                ----
                        (dollars expressed in thousands)

         4,741              3,817             3,600            335,219           196,174            251,166
            49                 (2)               --          2,058,677         1,469,091          1,089,965
         7,834              7,035             8,965          2,741,379         1,861,862          1,513,276
          (113)            (5,491)          (31,394)         2,306,356         1,584,999          1,297,859
      (136,277)           (30,104)           (5,045)           196,909           174,513            143,194
     =========            =======           =======          =========         =========         ==========

           346                313               171            177,248           132,720            108,833
           458               (305)              975             71,625            51,239             49,295
     ---------            -------           -------          ---------         ---------         ----------
          (112)               618              (804)           105,623            81,481             59,538
            --                 --                --              1,877             4,183              1,750
     ---------            -------           -------          ---------         ---------         ----------

          (112)               618              (804)           103,746            77,298             57,788
          (266)              (894)             (466)            12,077             9,880              7,856
         4,452              3,471             1,860             70,019            58,463             48,965
     ---------            -------           -------          ---------         ---------         ----------

        (4,830)            (3,747)           (3,130)            45,804            28,715             16,679
        (2,057)            (1,237)           (1,558)            18,007            11,116              6,605
     ---------            -------           -------          ---------         ---------         ----------

        (2,773)            (2,510)           (1,572)            27,797            17,599             10,074
            --                 --                --                 --                --                 --
     ---------            -------           -------          ---------         ---------         ----------
        (2,773)            (2,510)           (1,572)            27,797            17,599             10,074
     =========            =======           =======          =========         =========         ==========

             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)


     Following are condensed balances sheets of First Banks America,  Inc. as of
December 31, 2000 and 1999,  and  condensed  statements of income and cash flows
for the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998:

                                              CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                                            December 31,
                                                                                      2000                1999
                                                                                      ----                ----
                                                                                  (dollars expressed in thousands)

          Cash deposited in subsidiary banks....................................   $    1,650            8,079
          Investment securities.................................................        4,741            3,816
          Investment in subsidiaries............................................      334,711          206,201
          Deferred tax assets...................................................          144            1,885
          Other assets..........................................................        3,068            3,225
                                                                                   ----------        ---------
                  Total assets..................................................   $  344,314          223,206
                                                                                   ==========        =========

                      Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

          Note payable..........................................................   $   98,000               --
          Subordinated debentures...............................................       47,423           47,423
          Accrued expenses and other liabilities................................        1,982            1,270
                                                                                   ----------        ---------
                  Total liabilities.............................................      147,405           48,693
          Stockholders' equity..................................................      196,909          174,513
                                                                                   ----------        ---------
                  Total liabilities and stockholders' equity....................   $  344,314          223,206
                                                                                   ==========        =========

                         CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                                                                     Years ended December 31,
                                                                                2000          1999           1998
                                                                                ----          ----           ----
                                                                                (dollars expressed in thousands)
           Dividends from subsidiaries....................................    $ 14,509        5,000          4,750
           Other..........................................................         523          744            711
                                                                              --------       ------       --------
                  Total income............................................      15,032        5,744          5,461
                                                                              --------       ------       --------
           Interest.......................................................         482           --          1,363
           Other..........................................................       4,870        4,492          2,475
                                                                              --------       ------       --------
                  Total expense...........................................       5,352        4,492          3,838
                                                                              --------       ------       --------
                  Income before income tax benefit and equity
                    in undistributed income of subsidiaries ..............       9,680        1,252          1,623
         Income tax benefit...............................................      (2,057)      (1,238)        (1,032)
                                                                              --------       ------       --------
                  Income before equity in undistributed
                    income of subsidiaries................................      11,737        2,490          2,655
         Equity in undistributed income of subsidiaries...................      16,060       15,109          7,419
                                                                              --------       ------       --------
                  Net income..............................................    $ 27,797       17,599         10,074
                                                                              ========       ======       ========

             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)


                                                                                     Years ended December 31,
                                                                                2000          1999           1998
                                                                                ----          ----           ----
                                                                                 (dollars expressed in thousands)
         Cash flows from operating activities:
           Net income....................................................  $   27,797        17,599        10,074
           Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
             provided by operating activities:
              Equity in undistributed income of subsidiaries.............     (16,060)      (15,109)       (7,419)
              Dividends from subsidiaries................................      14,509         5,000         4,750
              Other, net.................................................       2,726        (4,787)          956
                                                                           ----------       -------       -------
                    Net cash provided by operating activities............      28,972         2,703         8,361
                                                                           ----------       -------       -------

         Cash flows from investing activities:
           Acquisition of subsidiaries...................................    (131,984)      (26,000)       (4,200)
           Purchase of investment securities.............................      (1,687)         (649)       (3,600)
           Proceeds from sales of investment securities..................         268            --            --
           Investment in common securities of FACT.......................          --            --        (1,423)
           Return of subsidiary capital..................................      17,000         2,000            --
           Decrease in payable to former shareholders of Surety Bank.....          --            --        (3,829)
           Pre-merger transactions.......................................     (15,569)           --            --
                                                                           ----------       -------       -------
                    Net cash used in investing activities................    (131,972)      (24,649)      (13,052)
                                                                           ----------       -------       -------

         Cash flows from financing activities:
           Increase (decrease) in note payable...........................      98,000            --        (4,900)
           Proceeds from issuance of subordinated debentures.............          --            --        45,547
           Exercise of stock options.....................................          25            --            13
           Repurchases of common stock...................................      (1,454)       (1,281)       (5,738)
                                                                           ----------       -------       -------
                    Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities..      96,571        (1,281)       34,922
                                                                           ----------       -------       -------
                    Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents.      (6,429)      (23,227)       30,231
         Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year....................       8,079        31,306         1,075
                                                                           ----------       -------       -------
         Cash and cash equivalents, end of year..........................  $    1,650         8,079        31,306
                                                                           ==========       =======       =======

         Noncash investing and financing activities:
           Reduction of deferred tax valuation reserve...................  $       --           981            --
           Issuance of common stock in purchase accounting acquisition...          --            --         3,008
           Conversion of note payable to common stock....................          --            --        10,000
           Conversion of 12% convertible debentures and accrued interest
              payable to common stock....................................          --            --         8,673
           Compensation paid in common stock.............................          36            36            27
           Cash paid for interest........................................         245            --         1,867
                                                                           ==========       =======       =======


     In the ordinary  course of business,  there are various  legal  proceedings
pending against FBA and/or its  subsidiaries.  Management,  in consultation with
legal counsel,  is of the opinion the ultimate  resolution of these  proceedings
will have no material effect on the financial condition or results of operations
of FBA or its subsidiaries.

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

The Board of Directors and Stockholders
First Banks America, Inc.:

     We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of First Banks
America,  Inc. and subsidiaries  (the Company) as of December 31, 2000 and 1999,
and the related  consolidated  statements  of income,  changes in  stockholders'
equity  and  comprehensive  income,  and cash flows for each of the years in the
three-year  period  ended  December  31,  2000.  These  consolidated   financial
statements   are  the   responsibility   of  the   Company's   management.   Our
responsibility  is  to  express  an  opinion  on  these  consolidated  financial
statements based on our audits.

     We conducted our audits in accordance  with  auditing  standards  generally
accepted in the United States of America.  Those standards  require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

     In our opinion,  the consolidated  financial  statements  referred to above
present fairly, in all material respects,  the financial position of First Banks
America, Inc. and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2000 and 1999, and the results
of their operations and their cash flows for each of the years in the three-year
period  ended  December  31,  2000  in  conformity  with  accounting  principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.

                                  /s/ KPMG LLP

St. Louis, Missouri
March 16, 2001

                         DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT

   Directors of First Banks America, Inc.

       James F. Dierberg             Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive  Officer,  First Banks America,  Inc., St.
                                        Louis,  Missouri;  Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, First Banks, Inc., St.
                                        Louis, Missouri.
       Allen H. Blake                Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer and Secretary, First Banks America, Inc., St.
                                        Louis, Missouri;  Director,  President,  Chief Operating Officer and Secretary, First Banks,
                                        Inc., St. Louis, Missouri.
       Charles A. Crocco, Jr.        Counsel to the law firm of Crocco & De Maio, P.C., Mount Kisco, New York.
       Albert M. Lavezzo             President  and Chief  Operating  Officer of the law firm of  Favaro,  Lavezzo, Gill,  Caretti &
                                        Heppell, Vallejo, California.
       Ellen D. Schepman             Retail Marketing Officer, First Banks, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri.
       Edward T. Story, Jr.          President and Chief Executive Officer of SOCO International, plc, Comfort, Texas.
       Donald W. Williams            Senior  Executive  Vice  President  and Chief Credit  Officer,  First Banks,  Inc.,  St. Louis,

   Executive Officers of First Banks America, Inc.

       James F. Dierberg             Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer
       Allen H. Blake                Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer and Secretary
       Terrance M. McCarthy          Executive Vice President
       Frank H. Sanfilippo           Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
       David F. Weaver               Executive Vice President

   Directors and Senior Officers of First Bank & Trust

       Terrance M. McCarthy          Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer
       Norman O. Broyer              Director, Senior Vice President and Senior Credit Officer - Southern California
       Patrick S. Day                Director, Senior Vice President and Senior Credit Officer - Northern California
       Fred D. Jensen                Vice Chairman of the Board
       Albert M. Lavezzo             Director
       Kathryn L. Perrine            Director, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
       David F. Weaver               Director and President - Texas Region

   Directors and Senior Officers of Bank of San Francisco

       Terrance M. McCarthy          Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer
       Keary L. Colwell              Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
       Patrick S. Day                Director, Senior Vice President and Senior Credit Officer
       Peter A. Goetze               Director
       Joanne J. Haakinson           Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer
       William G. Nelle, Jr.         Director, Senior Vice President - Commercial / Private Banking
       Kathryn L. Perrine            Director

                              INVESTOR INFORMATION

     FBA's Annual Report on Form 10-K, as filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission,  is  available  without  charge  to any  stockholder  upon  request.
Requests should be directed,  in writing,  to Frank H.  Sanfilippo,  First Banks
America, Inc., 11901 Olive Boulevard, Creve Coeur, Missouri 63141.

Common Stock

     The common stock of FBA is traded on the New York Stock  Exchange  with the
ticker  symbol  "FBA"  and is  frequently  reported  in  newspapers  of  general
circulation  with the symbol  "FBKSAM"  and in the Wall Street  Journal with the
symbol "FBA." As of March 20, 2001,  there were  approximately  1,287 registered
common  stockholders  of record.  This  number  does not  include any persons or
entities  that hold their  stock in nominee or  "street"  name  through  various
brokerage  firms.  The high and low  common  stock  prices for 2000 and 1999 are
summarized as follows:

                                                                         2000                    1999
                                                                  ------------------      ------------------
                                                                   High          Low       High          Low
                                                                   ----          ---       ----          ---

         First quarter........................................  $  18.13        16.88      20.63        18.75
         Second quarter.......................................     18.63        16.88      18.63        17.50
         Third quarter........................................     19.06        17.63      18.19        16.88
         Fourth quarter.......................................     17.63        14.00      18.25        16.63

Preferred Securities

     The preferred  securities of FBA are traded on the New York Stock  Exchange
with the ticker symbol "FBAPrt." As of March 20, 2001, there were  approximately
235 record  holders of  preferred  securities.  This number does not include any
persons or entities that hold their preferred  securities in nominee or "street"
name through  various  brokerage  firms.  The high and low preferred  securities
prices and the dividends declared for 2000 and 1999 are summarized as follows:

                                                                               2000            Dividend
                                                                         High        Low       declared
                                                                         ----        ---       --------

         First quarter...............................................   $ 23.00     19.50     $  0.53125
         Second quarter..............................................     23.88     20.69        0.53125
         Third quarter...............................................     23.75     21.13        0.53125
         Fourth quarter..............................................     22.63     20.75        0.53125
                                                                                              $  2.12500

                                                                               1999            Dividend
                                                                         High        Low       declared
                                                                         ----        ---       --------

         First quarter...............................................   $ 26.25     24.75     $  0.53125
         Second quarter..............................................     26.25     24.31        0.53125
         Third quarter...............................................     25.25     22.50        0.53125
         Fourth quarter..............................................     24.50     21.94        0.53125
                                                                                              $  2.12500

                        INVESTOR INFORMATION (CONTINUED)

For information concerning FBA, please contact:

     Frank H. Sanfilippo                    Terrance M. McCarthy                      David F. Weaver
     Executive Vice President and           Executive Vice President                  Executive Vice President
       Chief Financial Officer              550 Montgomery Street                     P.O Box 630369
     11901 Olive Boulevard                  San Francisco, California 94111           Houston, Texas 77263-0369
     Creve Coeur, Missouri 63141            Telephone - (415) 273-2000                Telephone - (713) 954-2400
     Telephone - (314) 995-8700

Transfer Agents:

        Common Stock:                                                 Preferred Securities:
           Mellon Investor Services, L.L.C.                              State Street Bank and Trust Company
           85 Challenger Road                                            Corporate Trust Department
           Overpect Centre                                               P. O. Box 778
           Ridgefield Park, New Jersey 07666                             Boston, Massachusetts 02102-0778
           Telephone - (888) 213-0965                                    Telephone - (800) 531-0368
           www.chasemellon.com                                           www.statestreet.com

                                                                     EXHIBIT 21

                            FIRST BANKS AMERICA, INC.


         The following is a list of our  subsidiaries  and the  jurisdiction  of
incorporation or organization.

                                               Jurisdiction of Incorporation
    Name of Subsidiary                                of Organization
    ------------------                                ---------------

    First Bank & Trust                                  California

        Eucaluptus Financial Corp.                      California

    The San Francisco Company                           Delaware

        Bank of San Francisco                           California

             Bank of San Francisco Investors, Inc.      California

                                                                     EXHIBIT 23

The Board of Directors
First Banks America, Inc.:

We consent to  incorporation  by reference in the  registration  statement  (No.
33-42607)  on Form S-8 of First Banks  America,  Inc.  and  subsidiaries  of our
report  dated March 16, 2001,  relating to the  consolidated  balance  sheets of
First Banks America,  Inc. and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2000 and 1999 and
the  related  consolidated  statements  of  income,   stockholders'  equity  and
comprehensive  income,  and cash  flows for each of the years in the  three-year
period ended  December 31, 2000,  which report  appears in the December 31, 2000
annual report on Form 10-K of First Banks America, Inc.

                                           /s/ KPMG LLP

St. Louis, Missouri
March 26, 2001