                         SPRINT PCS MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT

Manager:     AirGate  PCS,  Inc.

Service  Area:  Anderson,  SC  BTA
          Asheville-Henderson,  NC  BTA
          Augusta,  GA  BTA
          Charleston,  SC  BTA
          Columbia,  SC  BTA
          Florence,  SC  BTA
          Goldsboro-Kinston,  NC  BTA
          Greenville-Washington,  NC  BTA
          Greenville-Spartanburg,  SC  BTA
          Greenwood,  SC  BTA
          Hickory-Lenoir-Morgantown,  NC  BTA
          Jacksonville,  NC  BTA
          Myrtle  Beach,  SC  BTA
          New  Bern,  NC  BTA
          Orangeburg,  SC  BTA
          Roanoke  Rapids,  NC  BTA
          Rocky  Mount-Wilson,  NC  BTA
          Savannah,  GA  BTA
          Sumter,  SC  BTA
          Wilmington,  NC  BTA
          Camden  County,  NC
          Currituck  County,  NC
          Dare  County,  NC
          Pasquotank  County,  NC

     This  Addendum  V  (this  "Addendum")  dated  as of May 12, 2000, contains
certain  additional and supplemental terms and provisions to that certain Sprint
PCS Management Agreement entered into as of July 22, 1998 by the same parties as
this  Addendum,  which  Management  Agreement  was further amended by Addendum I
entered  into  as  of  July 22, 1998, and further amended by Addendum II entered
into  as  of  May  24,  1999, Addendum III entered into as of August 2, 1999 and
Addendum  IV  entered  into  as  of August 26, 1999 (the Management Agreement as
amended  by  Addenda  I,  II, III and IV being the "Management Agreement").  The
terms  and  provisions  of  this  Addendum  control,  supersede  and  amend  any
conflicting  terms and provisions contained in the Management Agreement.  Except
for  express  modification  made  by  this  Addendum  the  Management  Agreement
continues  in  full  force  and  effect.

     Capitalized  terms used and not otherwise defined in this Addendum have the
meanings  ascribed  to  them  in  the Management Agreement.  Section and Exhibit
references are to Sections of, and Exhibits to, the Management Agreement, unless
otherwise  noted.

     1.        EXPEDITE FEES.  If Sprint PCS and Manager agree to pay additional
fees  to  a third party for any efforts associated with expediting completion of
any  portion of Manager's Build Out Plan or Switch Integration to meet a Network
Ready  Date (the "NRD") including, but not limited to, payment of expedited fees
for microwave relocation, and the NRD is later extended due to Manager action or
lack  of  action,  then Manager will have full responsibility for the payment of
such  fees.

     2.     LONG-DISTANCE  PRICING.  (a)  The  first  sentence of Section 3.4 is
deleted  in  its  entirety  and  replaced  by  the  following  language:

Manager  must  purchase  long-distance  telephony  services  from Sprint through
Sprint  PCS  both (i) to provide long-distance telephony service to users of the
Sprint  PCS  Network  and  (ii)  to  connect  the  Service Area Network with the
national  platforms  used by Sprint PCS to provide services to Manager under the
agreement  and/or  the Services Agreement.  Sprint will bill Sprint PCS for such
services  rendered  to  Sprint PCS, Manager and all Other Managers, and in turn,
Sprint  PCS  will bill Manager for the services used by Manager. Manager will be
charged  the  same price for such long-distance service as Sprint PCS is charged
by  Sprint  (excluding  interservice  area  long-distance  travel rates) plus an
additional  administrative  fee  to  cover  Sprint  PCS'  processing  costs.

(b)  The  following  sentence  is  added  as  a second paragraph in Section 3.4:
"Manager  may  not  resell  the  long-distance  telephony services acquired from
Sprint  under  this  Section  3.4."

     3.     RIGHT  OF  LAST  OFFER.  Section  3.7  is  modified  by  adding  the
following language: "(other than backhaul services relating to national platform
and  IT  application connections, which Manager must purchase from Sprint)" both
between  (i) "Service Area Network" and "if Manager decides to use" in the first
sentence  of  the  first  paragraph  and  (ii) "for these services" and "and the
agreement  was  not  made"  in  the  first  sentence  of  the  second paragraph.

4.     NON-TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT.  The following language is added at the end
of  Section  11.5.3 and Section 11.6.4: "but such action does not terminate this

or  before  June  30, 2000, Manager achieves network ready status of the Service
Area Network and meets the covered pops requirement, as stated in Exhibit 2.1 to
the  Management  Agreement, in all of the markets in the Service Area other than
the  markets  listed  below  and the New Service Area (such markets targeted for
June  30, 2000 network ready status being referred to as the "June 30 Markets"),
then  Sections  13,  14, 15 and 16 of Addendum I to the Management Agreement and
any  references  thereto  in  subsequent  Addenda shall be deemed terminated and
deleted  from all Addenda to the Management Agreement and of no further force or
effect.   For purposes of this section, the Service Area Network shall be as set
forth  in  the  original  Management Agreement and the covered pops requirements
shall  be  as  set  forth  in  Exhibit  2.1  to  Addendum  II.

          Greenwood,  SC  BTA
          New  Bern,  NC  BTA
          Camden  County,  NC
          Currituck  County,  NC
          Dare  County,  NC
          Pasquotank  County,  NC

     If  Manager  does  not  achieve  network ready status and meet covered pops
requirements  in  all of the June 30 Markets by June 30, 2000, then Sections 13,
14,  15  and  16  of  Addenda  I  to the Management Agreement and any references
thereto  in  subsequent  Addenda  will remain in full force and effect until the
date  on which all of the June 30 Markets have achieved network ready status and
met  the covered pops requirements, at which time each of such sections shall be
deemed  terminated  and deleted from all Addenda to the Management Agreement and
of  no  further  force  or  effect.

     6.     STOCK  AS  COLLATERAL.  The restrictions in the Management Agreement
against  the  Principals pledging their shares of AirGate PCS, Inc. common stock
as  collateral  terminate  on  the  date  of  this  Addendum.

     7.     ANNOUNCED  TRANSACTIONS.  Section  17.23 of the Management Agreement
is  deleted  in  its  entirety.

     8.     ADDITIONAL  TERMS  AND  PROVISIONS.  The  phrase  "the Addendum also
describes"  is  deleted  from  the  second  sentence  of  Section  17.24  of the
Management  Agreement, and the following language is inserted at the end of that
second  sentence: "have been disclosed verbally or in writing to Sprint PCS, and
photocopies  of any such written agreements will be delivered to Sprint PCS upon
its  request".

9.     PAYMENT OF FEES UNDER SERVICES AGREEMENT.  The second sentence of Section
3.1  of  the  Services  Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the
following  two  sentences:

Except  with  respect  to  fees  paid  for billing-related services, the monthly
charge  for  any  fees  based  on  the number of subscribers of the Service Area
Network will be determined based on the number of subscribers as of the 15th day
of  the  month  for  which the charge is being calculated.  With respect to fees
paid  for billing-related services, the monthly charge for any fees based on the
number  of  subscribers  will be based on the number of gross activations in the
month for which the charge is being calculated plus the number of subscribers of
the  Service  Area  Network  on  the  last  day  of  the  prior  calendar month.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this Addendum V to be
executed  by  their respective authorized officers as of the date and year first
above  written.


By: /s/ Bernard A. Bianchino
Bernard  A.  Bianchino,
Senior  Vice  President  and  Chief  Business  Development  Officer - Sprint PCS


By: /s/ Don A. Jensen
Don  A.  Jensen
Vice  President  -  Law


By: /s/ Thomas M. Dougherty
Thomas  M.  Dougherty
President  and  CEO