OPTION AGREEMENT

     THIS OPTION AGREEMENT is entered into by and between AIRGATE PCS, INC. (the
"Company")  and  _____  (the  "Optionee")  in  accordance  with  the  terms  and
conditions  of the 1999 Stock Option Plan adopted by the Company (the "Plan"), a
copy  of  which  is  on  file  at  the  principal  office  of  the  Company.

The  Company  and  the  Optionee  hereby  agree  as  follows:

1.     OPTION OF SHARES.  The Optionee shall have the right from the date hereof
through  the  term  hereof  to  purchase ___ shares of the $.01 par value common
stock  of  the  Company  (such ___ shares, as may be adjusted in accordance with
this Option Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "Optioned Shares" and this
option  hereinafter  referred  to  as  the  "Option").

2.     OPTION  PRICE.  The price per share for each of the Optioned Shares to be
paid  by  the  Optionee shall be ____ per share  (hereinafter referred to as the
"Option Price"), such Option Price having been determined in accordance with the

3.     EXERCISE  AND  TERM  OF  OPTION.  This  Option  may  be exercised only by
delivery  by  the  Optionee  to the Company or the Company's delegate of written
notice  of  exercise  executed by the Optionee on the exercise form set forth as
Exhibit  A  attached  hereto  and  made a part hereof, which exercise form shall
identify  this  Option, together with the number of shares with respect to which
the  Optionee  is  exercising the Option.  The Optionee may exercise this Option
for  less  than  the full number of the Optioned Shares, but such exercise shall
not  be  made  for  less  than twenty-five percent (25%) of the then-exercisable
number  of Optioned Shares.  Subject to the other restrictions on exercisability
set forth herein and in the Plan, the unexercised portion of the Optioned Shares
may  be exercised at a later date by the Optionee; the twenty-five percent (25%)
requirement  set  forth  above shall not apply to any exercise of this Option in
which  all  of  the  remaining  Optioned  Shares  which are then-exercisable are
exercised.  Notwithstanding  any  provisions herein to the contrary, this Option
shall  not  be  exercisable  either  in  whole or in part after whichever of the
following  first  occurs:

     (i)     Month  ___, 20__;  (10  years  minus  one  day  from  date of Board
Resolution  -  if  resolution  list of Optionees is adopted on January 21, 2000,
then  this  date  is  January  20,  2010.)

     (ii)     if  the Optionee was not, at all times during the period beginning
on  the  date hereof and ending on the date three (3) months before the proposed
date  of exercise of this Option, in Continuous Status as an Employee, except if
such  cessation  of  Continuous Status as an Employee was caused by the death of
the Optionee or occurred before the Option otherwise expired, in which case such
period  shall  end  on  the date six (6) months following the date of death, and
except  if such cessation of Continuous Status as an Employee was as a result of
the  total  and  permanent disability of the Optionee as defined in the Plan, in
which  case,  such period shall end on the date twelve (12) months from the date
of  Optionee's  cessation  in Continuous Status as an Employee be reason of such

     (iii)     the date upon which the stockholders of the Company have voted to
liquidate  or  dissolve  the  Company;  or

(iv)     to  the  extent  exercisability  of the Option is limited in accordance
with  the  conditions  set  forth  in  Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part

4.     OPTION  NON-TRANSFERABLE.  During  the  lifetime  of  the  Optionee, this
Option  shall be exercisable only by the Optionee and shall not be assignable or
transferable  by the Optionee and, subject to Paragraph 5 below, no other person
shall  acquire  any  rights  in  this  Option.

5.     DEATH  OF  OPTIONEE AND TRANSFER OF OPTION.  In the event of the death of
the  Optionee,  the  unexercised  portion  of  this Option owned by the deceased
Optionee  shall  be  exercisable  to  the  extent provided in Paragraph 3 by the
executors  or  administrators  of the estate of the Optionee or by any person or
persons who shall have acquired the Option directly from the Optionee by bequest
or  inheritance.  Such  exercise  shall be effected in accordance with the terms
set  forth  in Paragraph 3 as if such executor, administrator or legatee was the
Optionee  herein.  For  purposes of Paragraph 3(iv), above, the determination of
the  vested  percentage shall be made on the earlier of the date of cessation of
Continuous  Status  as  an  Employee  or the date of death, as applicable.  This
Option  shall  not  be transferable by the Optionee otherwise than by will or by
the  laws  of  descent  and  distribution.

6.     MEDIUM  AND  TIME  OF  PAYMENT.  The Option Price shall be payable by the
Optionee  (or his successors in accordance with Paragraph 5 above) upon exercise
of  this  Option in cash.  Without limiting the foregoing, if the Optionee is an
officer  or  director  of  the  Company  within the meaning of Section 16 of the
Securities  Exchange  Act  of 1934, as amended, he may in addition be allowed to
pay  all  or part of the purchase price with Shares.  Shares used by officers or
directors  to  pay the exercise price shall be valued at their fair market value
on  the  exercise  date.

7.     DELIVERY  OF  STOCK  CERTIFICATES.  Except  as  provided  in Exhibit B or
       ---------------------------------                            ---------
Exhibit  C, as promptly as practicable after the date of exercise of this Option
and  the  receipt  by  the  Company  of full payment therefor, the Company shall
deliver  to  the  Optionee  a  stock  certificate  representing the stock of the
Company  so  purchased.

8.     STATUS  OF  OPTION.  This  Option  is  intended  to be an Incentive Stock

9.     OTHER  TERMS AND CONDITIONS.  In addition to the terms and conditions set
forth  herein,  this  Option  is  subject to and governed by the other terms and
conditions  set  forth  in the Plan, which other terms and conditions are hereby
incorporated  by  reference.  In the case of express conflict, the provisions of
this  Option  Agreement  shall  govern.

     IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Option Agreement
as  of  this __st day of Month, 20__.  (Date of this Option Agreement determined
by  date  created  after  Board  Resolution  approves  Optionee.)



Title:  President  and  CEO

                                [CORPORATE SEAL]


Name:  ___________  (Type  in  full name of Optionee here as it appears in first
paragraph  of  agreement.)

                                    EXHIBIT A
                               NOTICE OF EXERCISE
     The undersigned Optionee hereby exercises his option to purchase __________
shares  subject  to  the  Option  Agreement  between  AIRGATE  PCS, INC. and the
undersigned  Optionee  dated  ____________________.   The  undersigned  Optionee
hereby  delivers,  together  with this written statement of exercise, payment of
the  full  Option  Price  for  the  exercised  shares.

     This  _____  day  of  _______________,  _____.


AIRGATE  PCS,  INC.  hereby acknowledges receipt of the above notice of exercise
and  payment  of  the  Option  Price,  this _____ day of _______________, _____.

                                     AIRGATE  PCS,  INC.


                                              [CORPORATE  SEAL]

                                    EXHIBIT B

                                   "EXHIBIT 2"


                SINCE DATE OF HIRE:
              -------------------             -------------------------------

                 Less than 12                            25%
                  -----------                            ---
                    12 - 14                              25%
                    -------                              ---
                    15 - 17                              30%
                    -------                              ---
                    18 - 20                              35%
                    -------                              ---
                    21 - 23                              40%
                    -------                              ---
                    24 - 26                              45%
                    -------                              ---
                    27 - 29                              50%
                    -------                              ---
                    30 - 32                              55%
                    -------                              ---
                    33 - 35                              60%
                    -------                              ---
                    36 - 38                              65%
                    -------                              ---
                    39 - 41                              70%
                    -------                              ---
                    42 - 44                              75%
                    -------                              ---
                    45 - 47                              80%
                    -------                              ---
                    48 - 50                              85%
                    -------                              ---
                    51 - 53                              90%
                    -------                              ---
                    54 - 56                              95%
                    -------                              ---
                    57 or more                          100%
                   ----------                           ----

     1.     For  purposes  of  computing  the  number  of  Optioned Shares which
Optionee  has  a  right to acquire by exercise of this Option in accordance with
the vesting schedule set forth above, fractional shares shall be disregarded and
the  next  lower  whole  number  of shares shall be used, rounding all fractions

     2.          Notwithstanding  the  foregoing vesting schedule, if Optionee's
Continuous  Status  as an Employee has not terminated at the time of a Change of
Control  (as  defined  below), the exercise of the Option shall be vested to the
same  extent  as  if  Optionee  were  credited  with  additional  full months of
Continuous  Status  as an Employee equal to one-half (rounded to the next lowest
integer)  of  the number of months remaining until Optionee is 100% vested.  For
example, if a Change of Control occurs after the Offering at a time Optionee has
24  such  months  of  such  Continuous Status, then he will be deemed to have 40
months  of such Continuous Status [i.e., 24 + 1/2 (57 - 24) = 40.5, or 40].  For
purposes  of  this  paragraph,  a  "Change  of  Control" shall be deemed to have
occurred  if,  after  the  Offering,  there is a Control Transaction (as defined
below)  and  any  entity,  person  or  Group  (as  defined below) other than the
Company or its Parent or Subsidiary or their officers, directors or shareholders
as  of  the  date  hereof  acquires  shares  of  the  Company or its Parent in a
transaction  (or  series  of transactions within a consecutive twelve (12) month
period)  that  result  in  such  entity,  person or Group directly or indirectly
owning  beneficially  fifty-one  percent  (51%)  or  more of the total number of
outstanding  shares  entitled to vote to elect members of the Board of Directors
(without  distinction  as  to  class)  of  the  Company  or  its  Parent.

     As  used  herein, "Control Transaction" shall mean (i) any tender offer for
or  acquisition  of  capital  stock of the Company or and its Parent or (ii) any
merger,  consolidation, or sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the
Company  or  its Parent which has been approved by the shareholders thereof, but
expressly  excludes  any  public offering of capital stock by the Company or its
Parent.  As  used  herein,  "Group"  shall  mean  persons  who act in concert as
described in Sections 13(d)(3) and/or 14(d)(2) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934,  as  amended.

     3.          Notwithstanding  the foregoing, Optionee may  not exercise this
Option  as  to  any  Optioned  Shares prior to April 15, 2000 (unless Optionee's
employment  is  terminated  involuntarily  by  the  Company).

                                    EXHIBIT B

                                   "EXHIBIT 3"


                SINCE DATE OF HIRE:
              -------------------             -------------------------------

                 Less than 12                            25%
                  -----------                            ---
                    12 - 14                              25%
                    -------                              ---
                    15 - 17                              30%
                    -------                              ---
                    18 - 20                              35%
                    -------                              ---
                    21 - 23                              40%
                    -------                              ---
                    24 - 26                              45%
                    -------                              ---
                    27 - 29                              50%
                    -------                              ---
                    30 - 32                              55%
                    -------                              ---
                    33 - 35                              60%
                    -------                              ---
                    36 - 38                              65%
                    -------                              ---
                    39 - 41                              70%
                    -------                              ---
                    42 - 44                              75%
                    -------                              ---
                    45 - 47                              80%
                    -------                              ---
                    48 - 50                              85%
                    -------                              ---
                    51 - 53                              90%
                    -------                              ---
                    54 - 56                              95%
                    -------                              ---
                    57 or more                          100%
                   ----------                           ----

     1.          For  purposes  of computing the number of Optioned Shares which
Optionee  has  a  right to acquire by exercise of this Option in accordance with
the vesting schedule set forth above, fractional shares shall be disregarded and
the  next  lower  whole  number  of shares shall be used, rounding all fractions

     2.          Notwithstanding  the  foregoing vesting schedule, if Optionee's
Continuous  Status  as an Employee has not terminated at the time of a Change of
Control  (as  defined  below), the exercise of the Option shall be vested to the
same  extent  as  if  Optionee  were  credited  with  additional  full months of
Continuous  Status  as an Employee equal to one-half (rounded to the next lowest
integer)  of  the number of months remaining until Optionee is 100% vested.  For
example, if a Change of Control occurs after the Offering at a time Optionee has
24  such  months  of  such  Continuous Status, then he will be deemed to have 40
months  of such Continuous Status [i.e., 24 + 1/2 (57 - 24) = 40.5, or 40].  For
purposes  of  this  paragraph,  a  "Change  of  Control" shall be deemed to have
occurred  if,  after  the  Offering,  there is a Control Transaction (as defined
below)  and  any  entity,  person  or  Group  (as  defined below) other than the
Company or its Parent or Subsidiary or their officers, directors or shareholders
as  of  the  date  hereof  acquires  shares  of  the  Company or its Parent in a
transaction  (or  series  of transactions within a consecutive twelve (12) month
period)  that  result  in  such  entity,  person or Group directly or indirectly
owning  beneficially  fifty-one  percent  (51%)  or  more of the total number of
outstanding  shares  entitled to vote to elect members of the Board of Directors
(without  distinction  as  to  class)  of  the  Company  or  its  Parent.

     As  used  herein, "Control Transaction" shall mean (i) any tender offer for
or  acquisition  of  capital  stock of the Company or and its Parent or (ii) any
merger,  consolidation, or sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the
Company  or  its Parent which has been approved by the shareholders thereof, but
expressly  excludes  any  public offering of capital stock by the Company or its
Parent.  As  used  herein,  "Group"  shall  mean  persons  who act in concert as
described in Sections 13(d)(3) and/or 14(d)(2) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934,  as  amended.

                                    EXHIBIT B

                                   "EXHIBIT 4"


                SINCE DATE OF HIRE:
              -------------------             -------------------------------
                   Less than 24*                           0%
                  -------------                            --
                     24 - 26                           25.00%
                     -------                           ------
                     27 - 29                           31.25%
                     -------                           ------
                     30 - 32                           37.50%
                     -------                           ------
                     33 - 35                           43.75%
                     -------                           ------
                     36 - 38                           50.00%
                     -------                           ------
                     39 - 41                           56.25%
                     -------                           ------
                     42 - 44                           62.50%
                     -------                           ------
                     45 - 47                           68.75%
                     -------                           ------
                     48 - 50                           75.00%
                     -------                           ------
                     51 - 53                           81.25%
                     -------                           ------
                     54 - 56                           87.50%
                     -------                           ------
                     57 - 59                           93.75%
                     -------                           ------
                     60 or more                       100.00%
                     ----------                       -------
             *  Before  July  22,  2000

     1.     The individuals governed by this "Exhibit 4" were hired for purposes
hereof  on  July  22,  1998.

    2.      For  purposes  of  computing  the  number  of  Optioned Shares which
Optionee  has  a  right to acquire by exercise of this Option in accordance with
the vesting schedule set forth above, fractional shares shall be disregarded and
the  next  lower  whole  number  of shares shall be used, rounding all fractions

   3.      Notwithstanding  the  foregoing vesting schedule, if Optionee's
Continuous  Status  as an Employee has not terminated at the time of a Change of
Control  (as  defined  below), the exercise of the Option shall be vested to the
same  extent  as  if  Optionee  were  credited  with  additional  full months of
Continuous  Status  as an Employee equal to one-half (rounded to the next lowest
integer)  of  the number of months remaining until Optionee is 100% vested.  For
example, if a Change of Control occurs after the Offering at a time Optionee has
24  such  months  of  such  Continuous Status, then he will be deemed to have 42
months  of such Continuous Status [i.e., 24 + 1/2 (60 - 24) = 42].  For purposes
of  this  paragraph,  a "Change of Control" shall be deemed to have occurred if,
after  the  Offering, there is a Control Transaction (as defined below) and  any
entity,  person or Group (as defined below) other than the Company or its Parent
or Subsidiary or their officers, directors or shareholders as of the date hereof
acquires  shares  of  the  Company  or its Parent in a transaction (or series of
transactions  within a consecutive twelve (12) month period) that result in such
entity,  person  or  Group  directly or indirectly owning beneficially fifty-one
percent (51%) or more of the total number of outstanding shares entitled to vote
to  elect members of the Board of Directors (without distinction as to class) of
the  Company  or  its  Parent.

     As  used  herein, "Control Transaction" shall mean (i) any tender offer for
or  acquisition  of  capital  stock of the Company or and its Parent or (ii) any
merger,  consolidation, or sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the
Company  or  its Parent which has been approved by the shareholders thereof, but
expressly  excludes  any  public offering of capital stock by the Company or its
Parent.  As  used  herein,  "Group"  shall  mean  persons  who act in concert as
described in Sections 13(d)(3) and/or 14(d)(2) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934,  as  amended.

     4.          Notwithstanding  the foregoing vesting schedule, if Optionee is
involuntarily  terminated  by  the Company without Cause, Optionee shall be 100%
vested  in  all  Optioned  Shares effective as of date of such termination.  For
purposes  of  this  paragraph  4,  "Cause"  shall  mean  (i) breach of the stock
transfer restrictions set forth in Section 13 of Addendum II and Addendum III to
the  Management Agreement between the Company and SprintCom, Inc. dated July 22,
1998  (the  "Management  Agreement"),  (ii)  breach  of  the  primary  business
restriction  set  forth  in  Section  14(a)  of  Addendum  II  of the Management
Agreement,  or  (iii)  breach  of  any  covenant not to compete contained in the
Management  Agreement  or any employment agreement now or hereafter entered into
between  Optionee  and  the  Company.

                                    EXHIBIT C

                            NONCOMPETITION AGREEMENT

     AGREEMENT  entered  into  as  of the ____ day of __________, _____, between
AIRGATE  PCS,  INC.,  a  Delaware  corporation  ("Employer"),  and
________________________  ("Employee").

     Employer  is  in  the business of _________________________________________
(the "Business").  Employee currently is, or at the time of his termination was,
employed  by  Employer  as  ________________________________  of  Employer  (the

     To  protect  Employer"s legitimate interests, Employer and Employee find it
necessary  and  appropriate to restrict competition and certain other activities
by  Employee,  on  the  terms  and  conditions  hereinafter  set  forth.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  for  and in consideration of the issuance of AirGate PCS,
Inc.  stock  to  Employee  as compensation, the premises, and for other good and
valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged and accepted by Employee, Employee agrees with Employer as follows:

of  two  (2)  years  after  Employee's  employment has terminated for any reason
whatsoever  (or, in the case of trade secrets, for so long as the information in
question  remains  a trade secret) and during any period Employee is employed by
Employer  hereafter,  Employee  shall  not, without the prior written consent of
Employer,  directly or indirectly, divulge, disclose or publish to any person or
entity,  or reproduce or use in any way, except only as required for the benefit
of  Employer, any Confidential Information (as defined herein).  Upon Employer's
request  and,  in  any event, upon the termination of Employee's employment with
Employer  for  any  reason  whatsoever,  Employee  shall  immediately return any
reproductions  of  Confidential  Information  to Employer.  For purposes of this
Agreement,  "Confidential  Information"  means  any  trade  secrets  and  any
information  relating to Employer's business that is competitively sensitive and
not  generally  known  by the public, including processes, policies, procedures,
techniques,  designs,  drawings,  know-how,  show-how,  technical  information,
technology,  specifications,  products,  computer  programs  (including computer
programs  developed,  improved  or  modified  by  Employee  for  or on behalf of
Employer  for  use  in  Employer's  business),  algorithms,  systems, methods of
operation, order entry forms, price lists, customer lists, customer information,
solicitation leads, marketing research data, marketing and advertising materials
and  methods  and  manuals  and  forms,  all  of  which pertain to the Business.
Confidential Information does not include any information which (i) is available
in  published  print  or otherwise known to the public, unless published or made
known as a result of acts or omissions of Employee, or (ii) is lawfully obtained
by  Employee in writing from a third party who did not acquire such confidential
information  or trade secret, directly or indirectly, from Employee or Employer.

     2.     COMPETITION.  During  the  period  of  eighteen  (18)  months  after
Employee's  employment  has  terminated for any reason whatsoever and during any
period  Employee is employed by Employer hereafter, Employee shall not, directly
or  indirectly,  for  himself  or  on behalf of or in conjunction with any other
person,  firm  or  entity  --

     (a)     Engage  in  the  Business,  in  the  same  or a similar capacity as
Employee  has  been  employed  by  Employer,  anywhere  within
__________  (the  "Territory"),  provided  that,  if  Employee's employment with
Employer  is  ended,  the  prohibition  of this Section 2(a) applies only to the
locations  within  such Territory where Employee actually was working during the
six  months  immediately  preceding the time Employee's employment with Employer

     (b)     Initiate  any action to solicit in competition with the Business of
Employer  or  to  divert  or attempt to divert from Employer the Business of any
person,  firm  or entity for which Employer provided services in connection with
the  Business  at  any  time  during  the  period  of  twenty-four  (24)  months
immediately  preceding  the  time  of such solicitation, diversion or attempt to
divert  and  with whom Employee had material contact in the course of Employee's
employment  with  Employer;  or

(c)     Initiate  any  action to hire for any other employer any employee of the
Employer  or  directly or indirectly cause any employee of the Employer to leave
his  employment  in  order  to  work  for  another.

     Employee  acknowledges  that  Employer has conducted and expects to conduct
its  business throughout the Territory and that Employer expects that during the
aforesaid  period,  Employer will continue to expand its business throughout the
Territory and that this expectation is realistic; that Employee shall be engaged
in  Employer's  business, in the Capacity, with respect to Employer's activities
throughout  the  Territory;  and  that  because  of  Employee's association with
Employer,  Employer's  business  would  be  seriously  and irreparably harmed if
Employee  were  to  compete  with  Employer  in  the  manner  prohibited  above.


     (a)     If  Employee  breaches his obligations under Section 1 or Section 2
hereof,  Employer  or  AirGate PCS, Inc. shall have the option to repurchase any
and  all  shares then owned by Employee and acquired by Employee pursuant to the
AIRGATE  PCS, INC. 1999 Stock Option Plan (the "Plan") at a purchase price equal
to  Employee's  Option  Price  thereunder.  Employer  or AirGate PCS, Inc. shall
exercise  its  option  by notifying Employee of such exercise in writing, within
ten (10) days of which Employee shall deliver certificates for such shares, duly
endorsed in blank, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, and Employer or
AirGate  PCS,  Inc.  shall concurrently deliver payment   therefor.  If Employee
fails  to so deliver such certificates, AirGate PCS, Inc. may cancel such shares
of  record  and  deposit  payment  into  escrow, for release to Employee pending
delivery  of  the  endorsed  share  certificates. Following full satisfaction by
Employee  of  his  obligations  pursuant  to  this Section 3, Employer agrees to
release  Employee  from  his  covenants  in  Section  2(a).

     (b)     If,  after  termination of employment, Employee disparages Employer
or  any  officer, director, shareholder, employee or representative of Employer,
then  without  regard  to  whether  Employee  has breached his obligations under
Section  2  hereof,  Employer  or  AirGate  PCS,  Inc.  shall have the option to
repurchase  any  and  all shares then owned by Employee and acquired by Employee
pursuant  to  the Plan at the option price and in the same manner as is provided
in  Section 3(a); provided, however, the last sentence of Section 3(a) shall not

     4.     INJUNCTION.  As  any  breach  by  Employee  of  any of the covenants
contained  in this Agreement would result in irreparable injury to Employer, and
as  the  damages arising out of any such breach would be difficult to ascertain,
Employee  agrees  that,  in addition to all other remedies provided by law or in
equity,  Employer  shall  be  entitled to an injunction against any such breach,
whether  actual  or  contemplated.

     5.     SETOFF.  Employer  or AirGate PCS, Inc. shall be entitled to set off
against  any  compensation,  commissions  and other payments of any kind owed to
Employee  any  amounts  owing  to Employer or AirGate PCS, Inc. as a result of a
breach  of  this  Agreement  or  otherwise.

     6.     MODIFICATION.  Should  any  provision  of this Agreement be declared
unenforceable  by  a  court  of competent jurisdiction, the parties request that
such  court modify such provision in a manner consistent with the intent of this
Agreement so that it shall be enforceable as modified to the greatest extent, in
the  largest territory, and for the longest duration as may be permitted by law.

7.     SEVERABILITY.    If  any provision of this Agreement shall for any reason
be  held illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed severable from
the  remaining provisions of this Agreement and shall in no way affect or impair
the  validity  or  enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement.

     8.     CUMULATIVE  RIGHTS.  Any  rights and remedies of Employer or AirGate
PCS,  Inc. pursuant to this Agreement shall be in addition to and cumulative of,
and  shall  in no way limit or supersede, any other rights and remedies Employer
or  AirGate  PCS,  Inc. may have under law or in equity or pursuant to any other
agreement  with  Employee.

     9.     MISCELLANEOUS.  As  to  the  subject  matter  hereof, this Agreement
supersedes  any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the
parties  hereto  and  constitutes  the entire agreement between the parties. Any
modification of this Agreement will be effective only if it is in writing signed
by  the  party  to  be charged.  Failure or delay of either party to insist upon
compliance with any provision hereof will not operate and is not to be construed
as a waiver or amendment of the provision or the right of the aggrieved party to
insist  upon compliance with such provision or to take remedial steps to recover
damages  or other relief for noncompliance.  Any express waiver of any provision
of this Agreement will not operate and is not to be construed as a waiver of any
subsequent  breach, whether occurring under similar or dissimilar circumstances.
This  Agreement  shall  be  binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties
hereto  and  their  successors,  assigns,  heirs,  executors  and  personal
representatives,  but  neither  this Agreement nor any rights hereunder shall be
assignable  by  Employee.  If  any  action  at  law or in equity is necessary to
enforce  or interpret the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be
entitled  to  reasonable  attorneys'  fees, costs and necessary disbursements in
addition  to any other relief to which such party may be entitled.  The captions
set  forth herein are for convenience of reference only and shall not be used in
interpreting  this  Agreement.  "Including"  means including without limitation.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
the  State  of  Georgia.

     EXECUTED  as  of  the  date  first  above  written.




