ABN 78 010 741 045
Level 9, Niecon Tower
17 Victoria Avenue
PO Box 1400
Broadbeach QLD 4218
Telephone 07 5584 8900
Facsimile 07 5538 6315

22 January 2003

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Jupiters Limited has sent the following letter and attachment to shareholders in
relation to its Dividend Reinvestment Plan.

"Dear Shareholder


Jupiters Limited is pleased to offer shareholders the opportunity to participate
in the Company's Dividend Reinvestment Plan (the "Plan").

The Plan provides shareholders who hold fully paid ordinary shares in Jupiters
Limited with a convenient means of increasing their holding in the company by
reinvesting all or part of their dividend in additional shares.

On behalf of your Board of Directors, I enclose the Plan booklet for your
careful consideration and invite your participation by completing the enclosed
application form and returning it in the reply paid envelope provided.

Should you wish to participate for the interim dividend, please forward your
application by 21 February 2003.

Yours sincerely


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Jupiters Limited is a public listed company with interests in tourism, leisure
and gaming. It owns Jupiters Casino on the Gold Coast and Treasury Casino in
Brisbane, as well as holding an investment in and the management contract for
the Townsville casino. In addition, the Company operates Keno in Queensland and
New South Wales, online sportsbetting through Centrebet based in the Northern
Territory and provides technology services. Jupiters Limited is based on the
Gold Coast, Queensland, has over 21,000 investors in ordinary shares, over 5,200
Jupiters RPS securityholders and employs over 5,000 staff.

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                                JUPITERS LIMITED
                             ABN  78  010  741  045


                           DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT PLAN


                            CORRS CHAMBERS WESTGARTH
                           Level 35, Waterfront Place
                                 1 Eagle Street
                               BRISBANE QLD 4000
                            Telephone  (07) 3228 9333
                            Facsimile (07) 3228 9444
                                DX 135 BRISBANE
                               Ref:  TH/KL/7628011

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The Dividend Reinvestment Plan (the "PLAN") of Jupiters Limited (the "COMPANY")
provides shareholders with a convenient way of increasing their shareholding in
the Company by reinvesting all or part of their dividends in additional fully
paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company.

Under the Plan, the dividend payable on shares which you nominate to participate
in the Plan is automatically reinvested in additional fully paid ordinary shares
in the capital of the Company.


Participation in the Plan is optional. If you wish to join the Plan, please
complete the Application which accompanies this booklet and return it to the
Company's share registrar.


Subject to the rules of the Plan, participation in the Plan is open to any
shareholder who holds fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company.

The Company may, in its absolute discretion, refuse participation in the Plan to
any applicant whose address or place of residence is in a country other than
Australia and where, in the opinion of the Company, the laws of Australia or of
the other country or any other matter make participation in the Plan illegal,
impossible or impractical.

Under the Company's constitution, the total voting power (as that term is
defined in the Corporations Act 2001) of any person must not exceed 5% at any
time without prior written Ministerial approval.


The value of the shares to be issued or transferred under the Plan will be the
arithmetic average of the daily volume weighted average market price of the
Company's fully paid ordinary shares sold on Australian Stock Exchange Limited
("ASX") during the 10 consecutive trading days commencing on the second trading
day after the record date for determining entitlements to the relevant dividend.
The Company may determine a percentage by which that price will be discounted in
order to calculate the number of shares to be issued or transferred under the
Plan. There is currently no intention to offer a discount.


No brokerage, commission or other transaction costs will be payable by you in
respect of the acquisition of shares under the Plan.


Under the Plan, subject to the Company's constitution the Company may, in its
absolute discretion:

(a) issue new fully paid ordinary shares to you; or

(b) cause existing fully paid ordinary shares to be acquired on-market by a
 broker for transfer to you.

Any shares issued under the Plan will be fully paid ordinary shares and will
rank equally in all respects with existing fully paid ordinary shares.

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The Company will apply to ASX for official quotation of shares issued under the


On or before each dividend payment date, the Company will send you a statement
detailing the status of your participation and entitlements under the Plan.


Your participation in the Plan may be either full or partial in relation to the
total number of shares you hold.

Full participation is where all shares registered in your name on each record
date for determining entitlements to a dividend participate in the Plan. If you
acquire additional shares under the Plan, on market or otherwise, those shares
will participate in the Plan unless the Company's share registrar receives a
Notice of Variation or Termination from you to the contrary.

Partial participation means that you may nominate a specified number of your
shares to participate in the Plan. You may also elect to have any shares issued
or transferred to you under the Plan participate in the Plan. If you acquire
additional shares on market or otherwise than under the Plan, those shares will
not participate in the Plan unless the Company's share registrar receives a
Notice of Variation or Termination from you to the contrary.

If you nominate part of your holding for participation in the Plan, then you
will receive cash dividends in the normal way for the balance of your holding.


You may vary or terminate your participation in the Plan at any time by
completing a Notice of Variation or Termination and sending it to the Company's
share registrar. A Notice of Variation or Termination will be effective from the
date of receipt by the Company's share registrar.


Shares participating in or acquired under the Plan may be sold at any time after
they are issued or transferred to you. If you have elected full participation in
the Plan and you sell shares participating in the Plan, those shares are
automatically withdrawn from the Plan on registration of the transfer. If you
have elected partial participation and you sell some of your shares and wish to
vary your participation, you should complete a Notice of Variation or
Termination and send it to the Company's share registrar.

If you sell all your shares that participate in the Plan after the Company's
record date for entitlement to a dividend and before the dividend payment date,
the Company may at its discretion pay the dividend in respect of your shares in
cash rather than reinvest the amount in additional shares.


The Company may at any time, in its absolute discretion, amend the rules of the
Plan or suspend or terminate the Plan.

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                                JUPITERS LIMITED


1.1  Participation in the Plan is optional and is not transferable. Subject to
     RULES 1.2, 1.3 and 2.2, any Shareholder is eligible to participate in the
     Plan in respect of Shares which are registered in their name on the
     Register on the Record Date for determining entitlements to a dividend.

1.2  Any Shareholder who has an address or place of residence on the Register in
     a country other than Australia and who would otherwise be eligible to
     participate in the Plan may not do so if the Company determines in its
     absolute discretion that the participation would be illegal, impossible or
     impractical or, that the Shareholder should be excluded from participation
     to avoid prospectus requirements of the law of any other country.

1.3  Shares which are held subject to an employee incentive scheme are not
     eligible to participate in the Plan unless the Company decides to allow
     such Shares to participate in the Plan and the relevant scheme does not
     prohibit Shares held under the scheme from participating in a dividend
     reinvestment plan.

1.4  Participation in the Plan is subject to these Rules, the Constitution, all
     applicable laws and the Listing Rules.


2.1  Any Shareholder who is eligible to participate in the Plan may apply to the
     Company to participate in the Plan by completing and signing an Application
     and sending it to the Company's share registrar.

2.2  The Company will determine the result of all applications for participation
     in the Plan and may, in its absolute discretion, accept or reject any
     application. If the Company rejects an application for participation it
     will inform the relevant Shareholder of its determination within a
     reasonable time of receipt of the application.

2.3  All applications to participate in the Plan which are received by the
     Company's share registrar will be effective from the date of receipt by the
     Company's share registrar.


3.1  A Shareholder may elect either full or partial participation in the Plan.

3.2  Upon the Company's acceptance of a Shareholder's application for full
     participation in the Plan, the Rules will apply to dividends payable in
     respect of all Shares registered in that Shareholder's name on the Record
     Date for the dividend.

3.3  If a full participation Participant acquires additional Shares under the
     Plan, on market or otherwise, those Shares will participate in the Plan
     unless the Company's share registrar receives a Notice of Variation or
     Termination to the contrary.

3.4  A shareholder may elect partial participation by specifying in their
     application the number of their shares that they wish to participate in the
     plan. where a shareholder elects to have

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     partial participation in the Plan, the Shareholder may also elect to have
     any Shares issued or transferred to the Shareholder under the Plan
     participate in the Plan.

3.5  If a partial participation Participant acquires additional Shares on market
     or otherwise than under the Plan, those Shares will not participate in the
     Plan unless the Company's share registrar receives a Notice of Variation or
     Termination to the contrary.

3.6  Upon the Company's acceptance of a Shareholder's application for partial
     participation in the Plan, the Rules will apply to dividends payable in
     respect of their Participating Shares as registered in that Shareholder's
     name on the Record Date for the dividend.

3.7  If a Shareholder's Application nominates a number of Shares for
     participation in the Plan that is greater than the number of Shares
     registered in that Shareholder's name, or does not nominate a number of
     Shares for participation in the Plan, the Shareholder's application will be
     for full participation in the Plan.


4.1  Subject to RULE 4.5, the Company will, on a Participant's behalf, apply all
     cash dividends that are payable to the Participant in respect of their
     Participating Shares to subscribe for or acquire the number of Shares
     calculated in accordance with RULE 5.

4.2  Subject to the Constitution, the Company will, in its absolute discretion,
     determine in respect of any dividend whether to issue new Shares or cause a
     broker to arrange the purchase and transfer of existing Shares to
     Participants or to apply a combination of both options, to satisfy the
     obligations of the Company under these Rules.

4.3  If the Company decides to cause the purchase and transfer of existing
     Shares to Participants, the Shares may be acquired through a broker in the
     market in such manner as the Company considers appropriate.

4.4  All Shares issued under the Plan will rank equally with all existing
     Shares. The Plan will not operate if the issue or transfer of Shares under
     the Plan will breach any applicable law, the Constitution or the Listing


5.1  The number of Shares that a Participant will receive in respect of a
     dividend will be calculated as follows:

                                  N =    D - T


     N is the number of Shares which the Participant will receive;

     D is the amount of the dividend in cents payable to a Participant in
     respect of all  of  that  Participant's  Participating  Shares (if any)
     at the Record Date;

     T is the total amount of withholding tax together with any other amount
     the Company is required or is entitled to withhold or retain (including
     any money that the Company is entitled to retain pursuant to the

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     P is the Market Price less any discount determined by the Company from time
     to time  under  RULE  6.

5.2  Where the number of Shares determined in accordance with RULE 5.1 includes
     a fraction of a Share, the number of Shares to be issued or transferred to
     the Participant will be rounded to the nearest whole number.


     The Company may from time to time and in its absolute discretion determine
     the percentage (if any) by which the Market Price will be discounted in
     order to determine the number of Shares to be issued or transferred under
     the Plan.


     On or before the date on which the relevant dividend is paid, the Company
     will send each Participant a statement that complies with sub-division
     202-E of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, and which states:

     a)   the total number of Shares registered in the Participant's name at the
          Record Date;

     b)   the  total  number  of  Participating  Shares;

     c)   the  amount  of  dividend  payable  to  the  Participant  in respect
          of the Participating  Shares  at  the  Record  Date;

     d)   the amount of dividend payable in respect of Shares in the Company
          which did not participate in the Plan (if any);

     e)   any percentage by which the Market Price will be discounted in order
          to determine the number of Shares to be issued or transferred under
          the Plan;

     f)   the number of Shares that the Participant will receive in respect of
          the dividend;

     g)   the date on which the issue or transfer of those Shares will occur;

     h)   whether or not there is a franking credit on an amount specified on
          the dividend;

     i)   the franking percentage for the dividend;

     j)   the amount of any withholding tax that has been deducted from the
          dividend by the Company,  or any other amount that the Company is
          entitled to retain or withhold;

     k)   such  other  information  that  the  Company  may  decide.


8.1  At any time a Participant may give notice to the Company to increase or
     decrease the number of that Participant's Participating Shares by
     completing, signing and sending a Notice of Variation or Termination to the
     Company's share registrar.

8.2  A Notice of Variation or Termination giving notice to vary the level of
     participation in the Plan will be effective from the date of receipt by the
     Company's share registrar.

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9.1  At any time a Participant may give notice to the Company terminating the
     Participant's participation in the Plan by completing, signing and sending
     a Notice of Variation or Termination to that effect to the Company's share

9.2  A Notice of Variation or Termination giving notice of termination will be
     effective from the date of receipt by the Company's share registrar.

9.3  If  a Participant dies, becomes bankrupt or (in the case of a body
     corporate) is placed  in  liquidation or provisional liquidation,
     participation will terminate when:

     a)   in the case of death, the Company's share registrar receives written
          notice of the Participant's death;

     b)   in the case of bankruptcy, the Company's share registrar receives
          written notice  of  the  Participant's  bankruptcy  from the
          Participant or the relevant trustee in bankruptcy; and

     c)   in the case of liquidation or provisional liquidation, the Company's
          share registrar receives written notification of that fact.

9.4  RULE 9.3 will apply to participation by joint Shareholders even if the
     circumstances described apply to only one joint Shareholder.

9.5  If a Participant does not hold a Marketable Parcel at the Record Date for a
     dividend, the Company may at its discretion terminate the participation of
     the Participant in the Plan.


10.1 If a Participant disposes of all of their Shares without giving the Company
     notice of termination of participation in the Plan and the Participant is
     not registered as the holder of any Shares on the next Record Date, the
     Participant will be deemed to have terminated participation in the Plan on
     the date on which the Company registered the transfer or instrument of
     disposal of the Participant's Shares.

10.2 If a Participant who has elected to partially participate in the Plan
     disposes of some of their Shares, those Shares will be treated to the
     extent possible as Shares not participating in the Plan unless the
     Participant completes and signs a Notice of Variation or Termination to the
     contrary and sends it to the Company's share registrar.

10.3 If a Participant disposes of all their Participating Shares after the
     Record Date for a dividend and before the dividend payment date, the
     Company may at its discretion continue to treat the Participating Shares
     held at the Record Date as participating in the Plan or pay the dividend in


     The Company will apply to ASX for official quotation of all Shares issued
     under the Plan.


     No brokerage, commission or other transaction costs will be payable by a
     Participant in respect of any Shares issued or transferred under the Plan.

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     Any determination made by the Board in connection with the Plan or the
     Rules will be final and binding. Without prejudice to the general powers
     of the Board under these Rules or the Constitution, the Board will have the
     power to:

     a)   resolve conclusively any disputes or disagreements relating to the
          Plan in any way it thinks appropriate;

     b)   determine appropriate procedures for the administration of the Plan
          consistent with the Rules;

     c)   waive strict compliance with any of the Rules; and set and vary from
          time to time minimum and maximum limits on the number of Shares that
          Shareholders may elect to participate in the Plan.


14.1 Subject to this Rule 14, the Company may at any time in its absolute
     discretion implement, amend, suspend, recommence or terminate the Plan.

14.2 The Company must give written notice to the Shareholders of any amendment
     to, or suspension or termination of the Plan as soon as reasonably
     practicable. Omission to give notice of amendment, suspension or
     termination to any Shareholder or the non-receipt of any such notice by a
     Shareholder will not invalidate or have any other effect upon the
     amendment, suspension or termination.

14.3 The Company may decide to recommence the suspended Plan at any time and on
     such conditions as it thinks fit.

14.4 Without limiting its power under RULE 14.2, the Company may also direct
     that Shareholders who have nominated Shares for full participation or
     partial participation in the Plan prior to the date of suspension shall,
     with effect from the date of recommencement, participate in the Plan in
     accordance with the previous nominations of the Shareholders concerned. The
     Company must notify Shareholders of the date and conditions of the
     recommencement (including any directions as to Shares recommencing
     participation in the Plan).

14.5 Participants will continue to participate under any amended Plan unless the
     Company's share registrar receives a Notice of Variation or Termination to
     the contrary.

14.6 Upon termination of the Plan, each Participant will receive the amount of
     any dividends in cash that are available for reinvestment in relation to
     their Participating Shares in respect of which no Shares have been issued
     or transferred under the Plan at the date of termination.


     These Rules are governed by the laws of Queensland and each Participant
     Submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State.


     In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires:

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     a)    words importing:

           i)   the singular include the plural and vice versa; and
           ii)  any gender includes the other genders; and

     b)    if a word or phrase is defined, cognate words and phrases have
           corresponding  definitions.


In this Plan:

"APPLICATION" means the form prescribed from time to time by the Company for
applications for participation in the Plan.

"ASX" means Australian Stock Exchange Limited.

"BOARD" means the board of directors of the Company from time to time.

"COMPANY" means Jupiters Limited ABN 78 010 741 045.

"CONSTITUTION" means the constitution of the Company as amended from time to

"LISTING RULES" means the official listing rules of ASX.

"MARKET PRICE" means the arithmetic average of the daily volume weighted average
market price (rounded to the nearest cent) of all Shares sold on ASX during the
10 consecutive trading days commencing on the date which is the second trading
day after the Record Date for the relevant dividend.

"MARKETABLE PARCEL" has the meaning given to that term in the ASX business

"NOTICE OF VARIATION OR TERMINATION" means the form prescribed from time to time
by the Company for notices of variation or termination of participation in the

"PARTICIPANT" means a Shareholder whose application to participate in the Plan
has been accepted by the Company in accordance with RULE 2.2.

"PARTICIPATING SHARES" means those Shares which participate in the Plan in
accordance with these Rules.

"PLAN" means the Dividend Reinvestment Plan of the Company conducted in
accordance with these Rules.

"RECORD DATE" has the meaning given to that term in the Listing Rules.

"REGISTER" means the register of members of the Company.

"RULES" means these terms and conditions as amended from time to time.

"SHARES" means fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company.

"SHAREHOLDER" means a registered holder of Shares.

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