
ABN 78 010 741 045
Level 9, Niecon Tower
17 Victoria Avenue
PO Box 1400
Broadbeach QLD 4218
Telephone 07 5584 8900
Facsimile 07 5538 6315

5 September 2003

                         PROPOSED SCHEME OF ARRANGEMENT

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has issued class rulings in relation to the
payment of a special dividend and a potential dividend relating to the sale of
Centrebet under the proposed Scheme of Arrangement between Jupiters and its
ordinary shareholders.

On 12 June 2003, Jupiters Limited announced that it had finalised merger terms
with TABCORP Holdings Limited. The merger would be implemented by way of two
separate schemes of arrangement with Jupiters' ordinary shareholders and with
Jupiters' reset preference share holders.

Under the proposed Scheme, Jupiters ordinary shareholders will receive a
fully-franked special dividend of $0.75 per share in addition to consideration
to be received from TABCORP. In addition, if the sale of Centrebet is completed
by 31 October 2003, Jupiters will distribute to ordinary shareholders the net
proceeds from the sale through a fully-franked dividend.

The ATO has issued separate class rulings for the proposed Special Dividend and
Centrebet Dividend in relation to certain specific tax consequences. These
rulings are a favourable response to the matters upon which Jupiters sought
clarification from the ATO on behalf of its ordinary shareholders. The ATO has
ruled that a number of specific tax provisions which can apply to deny franking
credits to shareholders in some circumstances will NOT apply to the proposed
dividends, or any part of them, because of the disposal of ordinary shares under
the proposed Scheme.

The rulings apply to the holders of Jupiters ordinary shares as at the Scheme
Implementation Record Date. Details on the timetable for the Scheme, together
with further details of the tax consequences for ordinary shareholders of the
proposed dividends, will be included in the Scheme Booklet which will be
despatched to the holders of Jupiters ordinary shares and reset preference
shares in mid-September.

The Special Dividend and the Centrebet Dividend (if any) will only be paid if
the proposed Scheme proceeds. The Scheme is subject to approvals from Jupiters'
ordinary shareholders, the Queensland Government and the Supreme Court of

A copy of the class rulings may be obtained from the ATO's website at

For further information, please contact:
Laurie Carsley
Chief Financial Officer
Ph: (07) 5584 8900
