<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Future Carz.com, Inc.</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY LINK="#0000ff" VLINK="#800080"> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">UNITED STATES<BR> SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION<BR> Washington, D.C. 20549</P> <P ALIGN="CENTER">FORM 10-QSB</P></B></FONT> <P ALIGN="CENTER"><CENTER><TABLE CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=4 WIDTH=638> <TR><TD VALIGN="MIDDLE" COLSPAN=3> <P><FONT SIZE=2>(Mark One)</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="MIDDLE"> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P>[X]</B></FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="55%" VALIGN="MIDDLE" COLSPAN=2> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P>QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934</B></FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD VALIGN="MIDDLE" COLSPAN=3> <FONT SIZE=2><P>For the quarterly period ended: <U>March 31, 2000</U></FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD VALIGN="MIDDLE" COLSPAN=3> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P>Or</B></FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="MIDDLE"> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P>[ ]</B></FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="55%" VALIGN="MIDDLE" COLSPAN=2> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P>TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934</B></FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD VALIGN="MIDDLE" COLSPAN=3> <FONT SIZE=2><P>For the transition period from ____________ to _____________</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD VALIGN="MIDDLE" COLSPAN=3> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Commission File Number: </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD VALIGN="MIDDLE" COLSPAN=3> <B><U><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">Future Carz.com, Inc.</P> </B></U><P ALIGN="CENTER">(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="48%" VALIGN="MIDDLE" COLSPAN=2> <U><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">Nevada</U><BR> (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="52%" VALIGN="TOP"> <U><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">88-0431029</P> </U><P ALIGN="CENTER">(I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="48%" VALIGN="MIDDLE" COLSPAN=2> <U><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">12624 Carmel Country Road, San Diego, CA</U><BR> (Address of principal executive offices)</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="52%" VALIGN="MIDDLE"> <U><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">92130</U><BR> (Zip Code)</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD VALIGN="MIDDLE" COLSPAN=3 HEIGHT=33> <U><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">(619) 669-8900<BR> </U>(Registrant's telephone number, including area code)</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD VALIGN="MIDDLE" COLSPAN=3> <U><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">N/A</U><BR> (Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed since last report)</FONT></TD> </TR> </CENTER></P> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. <BR> Yes [X] No [ ]</P> <B><P ALIGN="CENTER">APPLICABLE ONLY TO ISSUERS INVOLVED IN BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS DURING THE PRECEDING FIVE YEARS:</P> </B><P ALIGN="CENTER">Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed all documents and reports required to be filed by Sections 12, 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 subsequent to the distribution of securities under a plan confirmed by a court.<BR> Yes [ ] No [ ]</P> <B><P ALIGN="CENTER">APPLICABLE ONLY TO CORPORATE ISSUERS:</P> </B><P ALIGN="CENTER">Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable date: 5,328,087</P> </FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER"><HR></P> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">FUTURE CARZ.COM, INC.<BR> (A Development Stage Company)</P> <P ALIGN="CENTER">Table of Contents</P></B></FONT> <P ALIGN="CENTER"><CENTER><TABLE CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=7 WIDTH=688> <TR><TD WIDTH="88%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24> <P><FONT SIZE=2> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="12%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Page</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="88%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24> <FONT SIZE=2><P>PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="12%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24><P></P></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="88%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24><DIR> <DIR> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Item 1. Financial Statements</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="12%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24><P></P></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="88%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Independent Accountant's Review Report</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="12%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24> <FONT SIZE=2><P>4</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="88%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Balance Sheet March 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="12%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24> <FONT SIZE=2><P>5</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="88%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Income Statement for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2000; the period July 13, 1999 (Inception) to December 31, 1999 and the period July 13, 1999 (Date of Inception) to March 31, 2000.</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="12%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24> <FONT SIZE=2><P>6</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="88%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Statement of Cash Flows for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2000; the period July 13, 1999 (Inception) to December 31, 1999 and the period from July 13, 1999 (Date of Inception) to March 31, 2000.</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="12%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24> <FONT SIZE=2><P>7</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="88%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Notes to Financial Statements</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="12%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24> <FONT SIZE=2><P>8</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="88%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24><DIR> <DIR> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Item 2. Management's Discussion and Plan of Operation</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="12%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24> <FONT SIZE=2><P>10</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="88%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24> <FONT SIZE=2><P>PART II - OTHER INFORMATION</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="12%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24><P></P></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="88%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24><DIR> <DIR> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Item 6. Exhibits</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="12%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24> <FONT SIZE=2><P>11</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="88%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24> <FONT SIZE=2><P>SIGNATURES</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="12%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24> <FONT SIZE=2><P>12</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="88%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24><P></P></TD> <TD WIDTH="12%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" HEIGHT=24><P></P></TD> </TR> </CENTER></P> <P ALIGN="CENTER"><HR></P> <B><U><P>G. BRAD BECKSTEAD</U><BR> <FONT SIZE=2>Certified Public Accountant	</P> </B><P ALIGN="RIGHT">330 E. Warm Springs<BR> Las Vegas, NV 89119<BR> 702.528.1984<BR> 425.928.2877 (efax)</P> <B><P ALIGN="CENTER">INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS' REVIEW REPORT</P> </B><P>Board of Directors<BR> Future Carz.com, Inc.<BR> Las Vegas, NV</P> <P ALIGN="JUSTIFY">I have reviewed the accompanying balance sheet of Future Carz.com, Inc. as of March 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999 and the related statements of income, shareholder's equity, and cash flows for the three-month ended March 31, 2000, the period July 13, 1999 (Date of Inception) to December 31, 1999 and July 13, 1999 (Date of Inception) to March 31, 2000. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management.</P> <P ALIGN="JUSTIFY">I conducted my reviews in accordance with standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A review of interim financial information consists principally of applying analytical procedures to financial data, and making inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters. It is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, which will be performed for the full year with the objective of expressing an opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, I do not express such an opinion.</P> <P ALIGN="JUSTIFY">Based on my reviews, I am not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the accompanying financial statements referred to above for them to be in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States.</P> <P>/s/G. Brad Beckstead, CPA</P> <P>May 15, 2000<BR> Las Vegas, Nevada<BR> License #2701</P> </FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER"><HR></P> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION<BR> Item 1. Unaudited Financial Statements</P> <P ALIGN="CENTER">Future Carz.com, Inc.<BR> (A Development Stage Company)</P> <P ALIGN="CENTER">Balance Sheet<BR> March 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999</P></B></FONT> <P ALIGN="CENTER"><CENTER><TABLE CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=7 WIDTH=619> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> <B><U><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">UNAUDITED<BR> For the Quarter<BR> Ended March 31, 2000</B></U></FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">AUDITED<BR> For the Year Ended<BR> <U>December 31, 1999</B></U></FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Cash</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">$ 779</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">$ 5,082</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Equipment, net</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">8,049</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">8,473</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Web development, net</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">18,667</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">19,667</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" HEIGHT=19> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Total Assets</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP" HEIGHT=19> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">$ 27,495</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP" HEIGHT=19> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">$ 33,222</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Loan from shareholder</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">2,000</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">-0-</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Subscription refund</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">375</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">375</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Total Liabilities</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">$ 2,375</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">$ 375</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Common stock, $0.001 par value,<BR> 20,000,000 shares authorized; 5,328,087 shares issued and outstanding at 3/31/00 and 12/31/99, respectively</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">5,328</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">5,328</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Preferred stock, $0.001 par value, <BR> 5,000,000 shares authorized; no shares issued and outstanding at 3/31/00 and 12/31/99, respectively</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">-0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">-0-</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Additional paid-in capital</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">65,076</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">65,076</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Deficit accumulated during <BR> Development stage</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">(45,284)</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">(37,557)</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Total Stockholders' Equity</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">25,120</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">32,846</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">$ 27,495</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">$ 33,222</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" HEIGHT=25><P></P></TD> <TD WIDTH="24%" VALIGN="TOP" HEIGHT=25><P></P></TD> <TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP" HEIGHT=25><P></P></TD> </TR> </CENTER></P> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">See accompanying "Accountant's Review Report" and footnotes.</P> </FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER"><HR></P> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">Future Carz.com, Inc.<BR> (A Development Stage Company)</P> <P ALIGN="CENTER">Income Statement<BR> for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2000,<BR> the period July 13, 1999 (Inception) to December 31, 1999<BR> and the period July 13, 1999 (Date of Inception) to March 31, 2000<BR> UNAUDITED</P></B></FONT> <P ALIGN="CENTER"><CENTER><TABLE CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=7 WIDTH=667> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" COLSPAN=2> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">Quarter Ended<BR> <U>March 31, 2000</B></U></FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="19%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" COLSPAN=2> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">Period July 13, <BR> 1999 (Inception) to <BR> <U>December 31, 1999</B></U></FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="19%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" COLSPAN=2> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">Period July 13, 1999 (Inception) to <BR> <U>March 31, 2000 </B></U></FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="19%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="19%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Revenue</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ -0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ -0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ -0-</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>General and administrative expenses</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">6,303</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">36,674</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">42,977</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Marketing</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">-0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">550</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">550</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Depreciation and amortization</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">1,424</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">333</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">1,757</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Net income or (loss)</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ (7,727)</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ (37,557)</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ (45,284)</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Weighted average number of common shares outstanding</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">5,328,087</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">4,332,022</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">5,118,389</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Net income per share</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ -0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ -0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ -0-</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="45%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="13%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="3%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="16%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="17%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> </CENTER></P> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">See accompanying "Accountant's Review Report" and footnotes.</P> </FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER"><HR></P> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">Future Carz.com, Inc.<BR> (A Development Stage Company)</P> <P ALIGN="CENTER">Statement of Cash Flows<BR> for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2000,<BR> the Period July 13, 1999 (Inception) to December 31, 1999<BR> and the period July 13, 1999 (Date of Inception) to March 31, 2000</P> <P ALIGN="CENTER">UNAUDITED</P></B></FONT> <P ALIGN="CENTER"><CENTER><TABLE CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=7 WIDTH=637> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="20%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" COLSPAN=2> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">Quarter Ended<BR> <U>March 31, 2000</B></U></FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="20%" VALIGN="BOTTOM" COLSPAN=2> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">Period July 13, 1999 (Inception) to <U>December 31, 1999</B></U></FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="20%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">For the period<BR> July 13, 1999 (Inception) to <U>March 31, 2000</B></U></FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="20%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="20%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="20%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Net loss</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ (7,727)</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ (37,557)</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ (45,284)</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Increase in loan from shareholder</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">2,000</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">-0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">2,000</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Increase in subscriptions refunded</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">-0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">375</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">375</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Increase in equipment, net</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">-0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">(8,473)</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">(8,473)</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Increase in web development, net</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">-0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">(19,667)</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">(19,667)</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Decrease in equipment, net</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">424</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">-0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">424</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Decrease in web development, net</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">1,000</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">-0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">1,000</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Net cash used by operating activities</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ (4,303)</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ (65,322)</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ (69,625)</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Net cash provided by investing activities</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ -0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ -0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ -0-</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Issuance of common stock</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">-0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">5,328</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">5,328</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Additional paid-in capital</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">-0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">65,076</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">65,076</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Net cash provided by financing activities</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ -0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ 70,404</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="BOTTOM"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ 70,404</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Beginning cash</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ 5,082</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ -0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ -0-</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Ending cash</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ 779</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ 5,082</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">$ 779</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P>NON-CASH TRANSACTIONS</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Interest expense</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">-0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">-0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">-0-</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="41%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Income taxes</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">-0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">-0-</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="6%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="RIGHT">-0-</FONT></TD> </TR> </CENTER></P> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">See accompanying "Accountant's Review Report" and footnotes</P> </FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER"><HR></P> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">Future Carz.com, Inc.<BR> (A Development Stage Company)</P> <P ALIGN="CENTER">Footnotes<BR> March 31, 2000</P> <P>Note 1 - History and organization of the company</P> </B><P>The Company was organized July 13, 1999 (Date of Inception) under the laws of the State of Nevada, as Future Carz.com, Inc. The Company has limited operations and in accordance with SFAS #7, the Company is considered a development stage company. The Company is authorized to issue 20,000,000 shares of $0.001 par value common stock and 5,000,000 shares of $0.001 par value preferred stock.</P> <B><P>Note 2 - Accounting policies and procedures</P> </B><P>Accounting policies and procedures have not been determined except as follows:</P> <U><P>Accounting method</P> </U><P>The Company reports income and expenses on the accrual method.</P> <U><P>Estimates</P><DIR> <DIR> </U><P>	The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principals requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.</P> <U><P>Cash and equivalents</P> </U><P>	The Company maintains a cash balance in a non-interest-bearing account that currently does not exceed federally insured limits. For the purpose of the statements of cash flows, all highly liquid investments with the maturity of three months or less are considered to be cash equivalents. There are no cash equivalents as of March 31, 2000.</P> <U><P>Reporting in the costs of start-up activities</P> </U><P>	Statement of Position 98-5 (SOP 98-5), "Reporting on the Costs of Start-Up Activities" which provides guidance on the financial reporting of start-up costs and organizational costs. It requires most costs of start-up activities and organizational costs to be expensed as incurred. SOP 98-5 is effective for its fiscal years beginning after December 15, 1998. With the adoption of SOP 98-5, there has been little or no effect on the Company's financial statements.</P> <U><P>Loss per share</P> </U><P>	Net loss per share is provided in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 128 (SFAS #128) "Earnings Per Share". Basic loss per share is computed by dividing losses available to common stockholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period. Diluted loss per share reflects per share amounts that would have resulted if dilutive common stock equivalents had been converted to common stock. As of March 31, 2000, the Company had no dilutive common stock equivalents such as stock options.</P> <U><P>Dividends</P> </U><P>The Company has not yet adopted any policy regarding payment of dividends. No dividends have been paid since inception.</P></DIR> </DIR> <U><P>Website development</P><DIR> <DIR> </U><P>Website development costs are totaling $20,000 are capitalized and amortized over a period of 60 months from December 1, 1999 through November 30, 2004. The accumulated amortization as of March 31, 2000 is $1,333.</P></DIR> </DIR> <U><P>Equipment</P><DIR> <DIR> </U><P>The cost of equipment is depreciated over the estimated useful life of the equipment utilizing the straight-line method of depreciation. Equipment acquired in December 1999 totaling $8,473 is capitalized and depreciated over a period of 60 months from January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2004. The accumulated depreciation as of March 31, 2000 is $424.</P></DIR> </DIR> <U><P>Year end</P> </U><P>The Company has adopted December 31 as its fiscal year end.</P> </FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER"><HR></P> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">Future Carz.com, Inc.<BR> (A Development Stage Company)</P> <P ALIGN="CENTER">Footnotes<BR> March 31, 2000</P> <P>Note 3 - Income Taxes</P> </B><P>Income taxes are provided for using the liability method of accounting in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109 (SFAS #109) "Accounting for Income Taxes". A deferred tax asset or liability is recorded for all temporary differences between financial and tax reporting. Deferred tax expense (benefit) results from the net change during the year of deferred tax assets and liabilities. There is no provision for income taxes for the period ended March 31, 2000, due to the net loss and no state income tax in Nevada, the state of the Company's domicile and operations.</P> <B><P>Note 4 - Stockholders' Equity</P> </B><P>The Company is authorized to issue 20,000,000 shares of $0.001 par value common stock and 5,000,000 shares of $0.001 par value preferred stock.</P> <P>On July 29, 1999, the Company issued 4,000,000 shares of its $0.001 par value common stock to a shareholder in exchange for cash.</P> <P>On November 30, 1999, the Company issued 1,328,087 shares of its $0.001 par value common stock to shareholders in exchange for cash of $56,145 and in exchange for services rendered of $10,259. Of the total amount, $1,328 is considered common stock and $65,076 is additional paid in capital.</P> <P>There have been no other issuances of common stock and/or preferred stock.</P> <B><P>Note 5 - Going concern</P> </B><P>The Company's financial statements are prepared using the generally accepted accounting principles applicable to a going concern, which contemplates the realization of assets and liquidation of liabilities in the normal course of business. Without realization of additional capital, it would be unlikely for the Company to continue as a going concern. However, the Company has not commenced its planned principal operations. Additionally the Company does not have significant cash or other material assets nor does it an established source of revenue sufficient to cover its operating costs to allow it to continue as a going concern indefinitely. Until that time, the officers have committed to advance the operating costs the company interest free.</P> <B><P>Note 6 - Related party transactions</P> </B><P>The Company does not lease or rent any property. Office services are provided without charge by a director / shareholder. Such costs are immaterial to the financial statements and, accordingly, have not been reflected therein. The officers and directors of the Company are involved in other business activities and may, in the future, become involved in other business opportunities. If a specific business opportunity becomes available, such persons may face a conflict in selecting between the Company and their other business interests. The Company has not formulated a policy for the resolution of such conflicts.</P> <B><P>Note 7 - Warrants and options</P> </B><P>There are no warrants or options outstanding to acquire any additional shares of common stock.</P> <B><P>Note 8 - Year 2000 issue</P> </B><P>The Company uses a significant number of computer software programs and operating systems in its internal operations, including applications used in financial business systems and various administrative functions. Although the Company's software applications contain source code that appropriately interpreted the calendar year 2000, failure by the Company to make any future modifications resulting from "Year 2000" could result in systems interruptions or failures that could have a material adverse effect on the Company's business. The Company has not incurred, nor anticipates that it will incur material expenses to make its computer software programs and operating systems "Year 2000" compliant. However, there can be no assurance that unanticipated costs necessary to update software, or potential systems interruptions, will not exceed the Company's expectations and have a material adverse effect on the Company's business, financial condition and results of operations.</P> </FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER"><HR></P> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">Item 2. Management's Discussion and Plan of Operation</P> </B><P>General </P> <P>The Company is a developmental stage company with a principal business objective to provide automobile information and purchasing services via the Internet to assist consumers in researching, evaluating and buying new and pre-owned vehicles. In addition, the Company seeks to offer services to enable consumers to purchase automotive-related products and services such as insurance, financing and automobile parts. </P> <P>The Company currently operates a web site at www.futurecarz.com, where visitors are able to search for automobile-related information and services. The Company is enrolled in an affiliate program, through which it receives remuneration for referrals to other automotive web site. Remuneration is based upon the following factors: (i) the level of traffic directed to affiliates, (ii) the number of price inquiries submitted and (iii) the number of sales realized as a result of referrals. The Company, however, has limited operating history, and must be considered a developmental stage company. Future operations are dependent upon management's ability to attract and retain users, of which there can be no assurance. Management must, among other things, develop and market the Company's vehicle information and purchasing services. </P> <P>Results of Operations</P> <P>The Company has not generated any revenues since its inception. The Company has limited operating history. The Company was organized on July 13, 1999. Activities to date have been limited primarily to organization, initial capitalization, finding and securing a management team and board of directors, the development of a business plan and web site operations and commencing with initial operational plans.</P> <P>As of March 31, 2000, the Company has developed a business plan, recruited and retained a management team, developed a web site at www.futurecarz.com and raised capital via a private placement offering of stock made pursuant to Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and an offering made in reliance upon an exemption from the registration provisions of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, in accordance with Regulation D, Rule 504. As a start-up and development stage company, the Company has no new products or services to announce.</P> <P>Liquidity and Capital Resources</P> <P>To date, the Company has attained cash from offerings of its common stock. On July 29, 1999, the Company issued 4,000,000 shares of its $0.001 par value common shares for cash. On November 30, 1999, the Company issued 1,328,087 shares of its common stock for cash of $56,145 and in exchange for services rendered of $10,259. Of the total amount, $1,328 is considered common stock and $65,076 is additional paid-in capital.</P> <P>The Company has yet to generate any revenues. Without the realization of additional capital, it would be unlikely for the Company to continue as a going concern. It is management's plan to seek additional capital through a private offering of its securities once it gets listed on the NQB's "Pink Sheets" or the OTC-BB. The Company does not have significant cash or other material assets nor does it have an established source of revenue sufficient to cover its operating costs to allow it to continue as a going concern indefinitely. Until that time, the officers have committed to advance the operating costs the company interest free.</P> <P>The officers and directors of the Company are involved in other business activities and may, in the future, become involved in other business opportunities. If a specific business opportunity becomes available, such persons may face a conflict in selecting between the Company and their other business interests. The Company has not formulated a policy for the resolution of such conflicts.</P> </FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER"><HR></P> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">PART II - OTHER INFORMATION</P> </B><P ALIGN="CENTER">Item 6. Exhibits</P></FONT> <P ALIGN="CENTER"><CENTER><TABLE CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=7 WIDTH=722> <TR><TD WIDTH="11%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P><B><FONT SIZE=2>Exhibit Number</B></FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="89%" VALIGN="MIDDLE"> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P>Name and/or Identification of Exhibit</B></FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="11%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">3(1)</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="89%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Articles of Incorporation & By-Laws</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="11%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="89%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT SIZE=2><P>(a)Articles of Incorporation of the Company filed July 13, 1999. Incorporated by reference to the exhibits to the Company's General Form For Registration Of Securities Of Small Business Issuers on Form 10-SB, previously filed with the Commission.</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="11%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="89%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT SIZE=2><P>(b)By-Laws of the Company adopted July 16, 1999. Incorporated by reference to the exhibits to the Company's General Form For Registration Of Securities Of Small Business Issuers on Form 10-SB, previously filed with the Commission.</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="11%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">23</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="89%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Consent of Experts and Counsel</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="11%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="89%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Consents of independent public accountants</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="11%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">27</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="89%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Financial Data Schedule</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="11%" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT SIZE=2><P> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="89%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT SIZE=2><P>Financial Data Schedule of Future Carz.com, Inc. ending March 31, 2000</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="11%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="89%" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> </TD> </TR> </CENTER></P> <FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">(1) These exhibits are hereby incorporated by reference to the Company's previous SEC filings.</P> </FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER"><HR></P> <B><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">SIGNATURES</P> </B><P>Pursuant to the requirements of the Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.</P> <B><P ALIGN="CENTER">Future Carz.com, Inc.<BR> </B><I>(Registrant)</P> </I><P> </P> <P>Date: May 15, 2000</P> <P ALIGN="JUSTIFY">By:/s/ Hal Crawford</P> <P ALIGN="JUSTIFY">Hal Crawford, President </P> </FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER"><HR></P> </HTML>