Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                            [Amendment No. _________]

Filed by the Registrant  X
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant ___

Check the appropriate box:

___  Preliminary Proxy Statement
___  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
     Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
 X   Definitive Proxy Statement
- ---
___  Definitive Additional Materials
___  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or
     Section 240.14a-12

                              ALFA RESOURCES, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                              ALFA RESOURCES, INC.
                 (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

                              ALFA RESOURCES, INC.
                          218 W. Carmen Lane, Suite 208
                          Santa Maria, California 92454

                            NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING

                           TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 5, 1999

Dear Stockholder:

The Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  of Alfa  Resources,  Inc.  ("Alfa" or the
"Company") will be held at 2922 Chapman Avenue,  Suite 202,  Orange,  California
93869 on November 8, 1999, at 10:30 a.m. PST for the following purposes:

I.   to elect five directors of the Company;

II.  to approve a 100 to 1 reverse stock split;

III. to approve changing the name of the Company;

VI.  to approve the 1999 Incentive Equity Plan (the "Incentive Equity Plan");

VII. to consider and act upon such other matters as may properly come before the
meeting or any adjournment thereof.

The Board of  Directors  has fixed the close of  business on October 15, 1999 as
the record date for determining  Stockholders entitled to notice of, and to vote
at, the meeting or any adjournment or postponements thereof.

You are  cordially  invited to attend the meeting in person.  Whether or not you
plan to attend the meeting, you are urges to complete, date, sign and return the
enclosed proxy in the accompanying envelope,  which mailing will be postage free
if mailed in the United  States of  America.  You may revoke the proxy by filing
properly  executed proxy bearing a later date or by attending the Annual Meeting
and voting in person.

Regardless of how many shares you own, your vote is very important. Please sign,
date and return the enclosed proxy card today.

The  Company's  Annual  Report for its fiscal  year ending May 31, 1999 is being
mailed to Stockholders and accompanies these proxy materials.  The Annual Report
contains  financial  and  other  information  about  the  Company,  but  is  not
incorporated  in the  Proxy  Statement  and is not  deemed  a part of the  proxy
soliciting materials.

                                      BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                      William J. Hickey

Santa Maria, California
October 15, 1999

                              ALFA RESOURCES, INC.
                          218 W. Carmen Lane, Suite 208
                          Santa Maria, California 93454

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

     This Proxy statement is furnished to the holders ("Stockholders") of common
stock,  par  value  ("Common  Stock")  of  Alfa  Resources,   Inc.,  a  Colorado
corporation  (the "Company") in connection  with the  solicitation of proxies by
the Board of Directors for use at the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders to be held
on November 8, 1999 at 10:30 a.m. PST at 2922 Chapman Avenue, Suite 202, Orange,
California 92869  (including any  adjournments or  postponements  thereof (the "
Meeting"). A copy of the Notice of Meeting accompanies this Proxy Statement.  It
is  anticipated  that the mailing of this Proxy  Statement and the  accompanying
Proxy Card will commence on October 25, 1999.


     Only  Stockholders  of record at the close of business on October 15, 1999,
the record date ("Record  Date") for the meeting,  will be entitled to notice of
and to  vote  at the  Meeting.  As of the  Record  Date,  Alfa  had  outstanding
100,000,000  shares  of  Common  Stock.  Shares  of  Common  Stock  are the only
securities  of Alfa  entitled  to vote at the  'annual  Meeting  and each  share
outstanding as of the Record Date will be entitled to one vote.


     The presence in person or by proxy of the holders representing one-third of
the  outstanding  shares  of  Common  Stock  will  constitute  a quorum  for the
transaction  of business at the meeting.  If a quorum is present,  a majority of
the shares of Common Stock  represented in person or by proxy at the meeting and
voting on a proposal is required to approve the  election of  Directors  and all
other proposals.  Sultan Mahmud, Imran Jattala, Tariq Chaudhary, Javed Chaudhary
and  Faisal  Chaudhary  who each own 9.9% of the  shares of Common  Stock of the
Company,  and Edward J. Names and C. L.  Nordstrom  who own 6.5% and 1.9% of the
shares of Common Stock of the Company  (collectively  representing  57.9% of the
shares entitled to vote at the Meeting), have each advised the Company that they
intend to vote FOR each of the nominees named herein,  FOR the approval of the 1
for 100 share reverse stock split, FOR the change of the Company's name, and FOR
the Incentive Plan.


     A  Stockholder  who dates,  signs and returns the enclosed for of proxy may
revoke the proxy at any time before it is voted by  submitting  a duly  executed
written  revocation  or a proxy  bearing a later  date to the  Secretary  of the
Company. Attendance at the meeting shall not have the effect of revoking a proxy
unless the Stockholder so attending  shall, in writing,  so notify the secretary
of the meeting at any time prior to the voting of the proxy.


     The cost of soliciting proxies will be borne by the Company. In addition to
soliciting  proxies  will be borne by the  Company.  In addition  to  soliciting
proxies by mail,  directors,  executive  officers and  employees of the Company,
without  receiving   extra   compensation  therefor, may  solicit  proxies  by

telephone,  telegram or in person. Arrangements will also be made with brokerage
firms and other  custodians,  nominees and  fiduciaries to forward  solicitation
materials to the beneficial owner of shares of the common Stock, and the Company
will  reimburse  such  brokerage  firms  and  other  custodians,   nominees  and
fiduciaries for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by them in connection
with  forwarding such  materials,  which are anticipated to total  approximately


     Proxies  will be  voted  in  accordance  with  the  instructions  indicated
thereon. A validly executed proxy, that does not indicate instructions,  will be
voted FOR the Director  Nominees  identified  below and FOR the other proposals.
The proxy  permits a  Stockholder  to  withhold  voting for any  proposal if the
Stockholder so chooses.  Abstentions are counted for purposes of determining the
number of shares  represented  and  entitled  to vote at the  meeting.  However,
abstentions  are not counted in  determining  the number of shares voting for an
item of  business,  and,  therefore,  have the same  effect as a vote  AGAINST a
business  item.  Broker  non-votes are counted for purposes of  determining  the
number of shares represented and entitled to vote at the meeting;  however,  the
shares represented  thereby are not voted and do not represent a vote either FOR
or  AGAINST  an  item of  business.  The  Annual  Meeting  will be held  for the
transaction of business  described  herein and for the transaction of such other
business as may  properly  come  before the Annual  Meeting  (which,  as defined
herein, includes any postponements or adjournments thereof). At the date of this
Proxy  Statement,  the only business that the  Company's  management  intends to
present,  or knows that others will  present,  is that  described  in this Proxy
Statement.  If other matters come before the Annual Meeting, the persons holding
proxies solicited hereunder intend to vote such proxies in accordance with their
judgment on all such matters.


     The entire  Board of  Directors  is elected  annually  to serve until their
terms expire and their  successors  have been elected and  qualified.  It is the
intention  of the  persons  named in the Proxy to vote for the  nominees  listed
below except where authority has been withheld as to a particular  nominee or as
to all nominees.  If any candidate nominated in this Proxy /statement should for
any  reason,  become  unavailable  for  election,  proxies  may  be  voted  with
discretionary authority for any substitute designated by the Board of Directors.
Sultan  Mahmud,  Imran  Jattala,  Tariq  Chaudhary,  Javed  Chaudhary and Faisal
Chaudhary  who each own 9.9% of the shares of Common Stock of the  Company,  and
Edward  J.  Names  and C. L.  Nordstrom  who own 6.5% and 1.9% of the  shares of
Common  Stock of the  Company  (collectively  representing  57.9% of the  shares
entitled to vote at the Meeting), have each advised the Company that they intend
to vote  for  each of the  nominees  listed  below.  Pursuant  to the  Company's
Articles of  Incorporation,  the Stockholders have authorized a minimum of three


     The  Board  of  Directors  recommends  a vote  for the  following  Director
Nominees, designated as Proposal No. I on the enclosed proxy card.


NAME AND POSITION                             YEAR FIRST
CURRENTLY HELD                                BECAME A       YEAR CURRENT
WITH THE COMPANY                     AGE      DIRECTOR       TERM EXPIRES
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sultan Mahmud, President, Director    43       1999          1999

Nancy Heck, Secretary-Treasurer       53       1999          1999

C. L. Nordstrom, Director             80       1981          1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Following  is a brief  account of the business  experience  during the past
five (5) years of each of the three Director Nominees of the Company  indicating
their principal  occupation and employment during that period,  and the name and
principal  business of any organization in which such occupations and employment
were carried out.

     Sultan Mahmud has been  president and a Director of the Company since 1999.
Mr. Mahmud has 16 years  experience  in various  aspects of management in public
and private companies. He has MBA degrees in Finance and Marketing from American
International  College of  Massachusetts.  Prior to 1995,  Mr. Mahmud worked for
seven years in various  positions  for  Innovation  Luggage,  a New Jersey based
company.  During the year 1996,  he was the Chief  Operating  Officer of Pyramid
Stores,  Inc., a wholly owned  subsidiary of Meteor  Industries,  Inc.  (Nasdaq;
"METR").  From  January  1997 to  July  1998 he was a Vice  President  of  Capco
Acquisub,  Inc., a wholly owned  subsidiary of Capco  Resources  Ltd.  (Alberta;
"CPD-AL").  From  August  1998 to January  1999 Mr.  Mahmud was Vice  President,
Investor Relations for Saba Petroleum Company (Amex;  "SAB").  From January 1999
to July 1999, he was President of Capco  Resources  Ltd. and from August 1999 to
present he has been President of the Company.

     Nancy Heck has been Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, Secretary and a
Director of the Company since 1999. Ms. Heck is a Colorado licensed Certified
Public Accountant with twenty years experience in business and finance. Ms.
Heck's educational background includes a Bachelor's and Master of Science
degree in biology from the University of Michigan, supplementary education in
business and accounting from Ft. Lewis College in Colorado, and yearly
continuing professional educational required for CPA licensure. Prior to
joining the Company, Ms. Heck was a consultant to Community Health Centers,
Inc. and it's affiliated health care organizations in Colorado Springs.
Before consulting for Community Health Centers, Inc. she was employed as the
Center's Chief Financial Officer.   She has also held the position of Chief
Financial Officer at Cedar Springs Hospital in Colorado Springs and at Mercy
Medical Center in Durango, Colorado.   Ms. Heck has also worked as a Practice
Administrator to an ophthalmology medical practice.  Her Public Accounting
experience includes four years as a Senior Accountant in tax and auditing.

     C. L.  Nordstrom has been a Director of the Company  since 1981.  From June
1979 to March 1994, Mr. Nordstrom was a Director of Winco Petroleum Corporation,
a publicly  held Colorado  corporation  engaged in oil and gas  exploration  and
development.  Since 1973, Mr.  Nordstrom has been  self-employed as an investor.
From  1970  until  1973,  Mr. Nordstrom  served  as  Manager  of  Operations


for the Rocky Mountain District as well as Petroleum Engineer for the Rocky
Mountain Division of Champlin Petroleum Company, a subsidiary of the Union
Pacific Railroad Company. Mr. Nordstrom received a Bachelor of Science degree
in Geology and Engineering from the Montana School of Mines in 1947.



     The Board of Directors  met twice during the fiscal year 1998.  The Company
has no standing executive, audit or compensation committees.


     On  October  14,  1999,  the  Board  of  Directors   adopted  a  resolution
authorizing the 1 for 100 shares reverse stock split or "rollback" of the issued
and outstanding shares of the Common Stock (the "Rollback"), subject to approval
by the Stockholders of the Company at the Annual Meeting.  Sultan Mahmud,  Imran
Jattala, Tariq Chaudhary, Javed Chaudhary and Faisal Chaudhary who each own 9.9%
of the  shares of Common  Stock of the  Company,  and  Edward J. Names and C. L.
Nordstrom  who own 6.5% and 1.9% of the  shares of Common  Stock of the  Company
(collectively representing 57.9% of the shares entitled to vote at the Meeting),
have each  advised the Company  that they intend to vote for the approval of the

     On January 4, 1982,  the shares of Common Stock of the Company (the Stock")
began trading on the NASD-OTC  market.  The Stock has never been traded actively
or sustained  any level of  significant  interest by the  investment  community.
Since 1994, the Company has been unable to attract a market maker to participate
in its  securities,  and,  as a  consequence,  the Stock has not  traded in that
period of time.

     As a part of the other business to be transacted by the Stockholders in the
Meeting,  the Company  proposes to refocus the  Company's  business  strategy by
changing the name of the Company  [Proposal No III] in anticipation of acquiring
other oil and gas entities in the near future.  It is  management's  belief that
reducing the outstanding  shares of the Common Stock by implementing the reverse
split of 1:100 will  allow Alfa  Stockholders  to gain  economic  benefit by the
creation of an orderly  market for the  securities,  where buyers and sellers of
Stock would be allowed to trade their  securities  at a price as dictated by the
market.  The current lack of a market for the Stock does not allow investors the
opportunity to, either value their holdings  appropriately,  or realize proceeds
should they wish to liquidate.  The liquidity  offered to Stockholders by virtue
of this method would be  invaluable  in allowing  Stockholders  to make informed
decisions about their investment in the Company.  The 1 for 100 share adjustment
will reduce the current issued and  outstanding  shares of the Common Stock from
99,000,000 as of August 15, 1999 to 990,000 upon approval of this Proposal. This
will have the effect of increasing  the per share Stock value and  attracting an
experienced  and  motivated  market  maker to  create  an  active  market in the
Company's Stock.

     No  fractional  shares of the  Company's  post-split  Common  Stock will be
issued upon the surrender for exchange of pre-split stock certificates, and such
fractional  share  interests  will not entitle the owner thereof to vote or have
any other rights of a shareholder of the Company.  For each fractional  share of
the  Company's  Common  Stock that would  otherwise be issued as a result of the
proposed reverse stock split, the Company, in its sole discretion, will remit an
amount in cash (without  interest)  equal to the product of (a) such  fractional
part of a share of the company's  Common Stock  multiplied by (b) the book value
of the Company's Common Stock as of October 15, 1999, or issue one full share.



     On  October  14,  1999,  the  Board  of  Directors  unanimously  adopted  a
resolution  approving the amendment of the Articles of  Incorporation  to change
the name of the  Company to "Capco  Energy,  Inc.",  subject to  approval by the
Stockholders of the Company at the Annual Meeting. Sultan Mahmud, Imran Jattala,
Tariq  Chaudhary,  Javed Chaudhary and Faisal Chaudhary who each own 9.9% of the
shares of Common Stock of the Company,  and Edward J. Names and C. L.  Nordstrom
who own 6.5% and 1.9% of the shares of Common Stock of the Company (collectively
representing  57.9% of the shares  entitled to vote at the  Meeting),  have each
advised the Company that they intend to vote for the  approval of this  Proposal
No. III.



     The  Board of  Directors  adopted  the 1999  Incentive  Equity  Plan of the
Company (the "Incentive  Plan") on October 14, 1999,  subject to approval by the
Stockholders of the Company at the Annual Meeting. Sultan Mahmud, Imran Jattala,
Tariq  Chaudhary,  Javed Chaudhary and Faisal Chaudhary who each own 9.9% of the
shares of Common Stock of the Company,  and Edward J. Names and C. L.  Nordstrom
who own 6.5% and 1.9% of the shares of Common Stock of the Company (collectively
representing  57.9% of the shares  entitled to vote at the  Meeting),  have each
advised the Company that they intend to vote for the  approval of the  Incentive


     On September 30, 1981,  the Board of Directors  approved the adoption of an
Incentive Stock Option Plan ("ISOP").  The ISOP reserved 5,000,000 shares of the
Company's  $.001 par value  common  stock for grants to  employees  at  exercise
prices no less than the market  value of the common  stock on the date of grant.
As of May 31, 1999, no options were outstanding. Options granted are exercisable
for a period of five years or three  months  after an  employee  terminates  his
employment with the Company, whichever is sooner.

     On May 18, 1982, the Board of Directors  established a Bargain Stock Option
Plan ("BSOP").  The BSOP reserved  8,000,000  shares of the Company's  $.001 par
value common stock for grants to officers,  Directors and employees.  Under this
plan, the exercise price is determined by the Board of Directors but in no event
can the can the exercise price be less than $.12 per share.  As of May 31, 1999,
no options under the this plan were issued and outstanding or exercisable.

     On October 14, 1999,  the Board of Directors  terminated  both the ISOP and
the BSOP with instructions to management to review  alternative plans that would
provide greater  flexibility to the Company in terms of the types of awards that
might be granted.


     The  purpose  of the  Incentive  Plan is to enable  the  Company to attract
officers  and other key  employees  and  consultants  and to  provide  then with
appropriate incentives and rewards for superior performance.  The Incentive Plan
affords the Company  the ability to re4spond to changes in the  competitive  and
legal  environments  by providing  the Company with greater  flexibility  in key
employee  and  executive  compensation  than  was  available


through the previously  approved  plans.  This plan is designed to be an omnibus
plan allowing the Company to grant a wide range of compensatory awards including
stock options,  stock appreciation rights,  restricted stock, deferred stock and
performance  shares or units.  The Incentive Plan is intended to encourage stock
ownership  by  recipients  by  providing  for or  increasing  their  proprietary
interests in the Company,  thereby  encouraging  them to remain in the Company's
employment.  The Incentive  Plan has been prepared to comply with all applicable
tax and securities laws, including Section 16 (b) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), and state and federal tax laws.



     The following general description of certain features of the Incentive Plan
is  qualified  in its entirety by  reference  to the  Incentive  Plan,  which is
attached as Appendix A. Subject to adjustment as provided in the Incentive Plan,
the number of shares of common stock that may be issued or transferred, plus the
amount of shares of common stock covered by outstanding awards granted under the
Incentive  Plan,  shall  not in the  aggregate  exceed  10%  of the  issued  and
outstanding  shares. The number of Performance Units granted under the Incentive
Plan shall not in the aggregate exceed 5% of the issued and outstanding  shares.
The number of shares of common stock  granted  under the  Incentive  Plan to any
individual  in any  calendar  year shall not in the  aggregate  exceed 3% of the
issued and outstanding shares.


     Officers, including officers who are members of the Board of Directors, and
other key  employees  and  consultants  to the  Company  may be  selected by the
Committee (as defined below) to receive benefits under the Incentive Plan.

Terms of Options and Other Possible Awards

     The Incentive Plan authorizes the granting of options to purchase shares of
Common  Stock  ("Option  Rights"),   stock  appreciation  rights  ("Appreciation
Rights"),  restricted shares ("Restricted  Shares"),  deferred shares ("Deferred
Shares"),  performance  shares  ("Performance  Shares")  and  performance  units
("Performance  Units").  The terms  applicable to these various types of awards,
including  those terms that may be  established  by the Committee when making or
administering  particular  awards, are set forth in detail in the 1999 Incentive

Option Rights.

     The Committee may grant Option Rights that entitle the optionee to purchase
shares of common  stock at a price less than,  equal to or greater  than  market
value on the date of grant.  The option price is payable at the time of exercise
(i) in cash or cash  equivalent,  (ii) by  transfer  to the Company of shares of
Common Stock that are already owned by the optionee and have a value at the time
of exercise equal to the option price, (iii) with any other legal  consideration
the Committee may deem  appropriate or (iv) by any  combination of the foregoing
methods of payment.  Any grant may provide  for  deferred  payment of the option
price from the proceeds of sale through a broker on the date of exercise of some
or all of the  shares  of  Common  stock  to which  the  exercise  relates.  The
Committee  has  the  authority  to  specify  at


any time that  Restricted  shares or other  shares  of  Common  Stock  which are
subject to risk of forfeiture or  restrictions  on transfer will be accepted for
part or all of the option price.  In such event,  the Committee may provide that
the shares of Common Stock  received  upon exercise of the stock option will not
be subject to the same risks of forfeiture  or  restrictions  on transfer  which
applied to the shares used for payment of the option  price.  The  Committee may
also provide that additional  Option Rights will  automatically be granted to an
optionee upon exercise of Option Rights.

     Option Rights  granted  under the Incentive  Plan may be Option Rights that
are intended to qualify as incentive stock options  ("ISO's") within the meaning
of Section 422 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986  ("Code") or Option  Rights
that are not intended to so qualify.  The Incentive Plan permits the granting of
incentive stock options or non-qualified  stock options at the discretion of the
Committee. The exercise price for non-qualified stock options granted may not be
less than 85% of the fair m market  value per share of Common  Stock on the date
of grant.  The  exercise  price  for ISO's may not be less than the fair  market
value per share on the date of grant,  ISO's granted to persons owning more than
10% of the Company's  voting stock must have an exercise  price of not less than
110% of the fair  market  value per share of Common  Stock on the date of grant.
All options  granted  must be exercised  within ten years of grant,  except that
ISO's  granted to  Stockholders  owning  10% or more of the voting  stock of the
Company must be exercised  within five years of the date of grant. The aggregate
market  value (as  determined  as of the date of grant) of the common  stock for
which any  optionee  may be awarded  ISO's which are first  exercisable  by such
optionee during any calendar year may not exceed $100,000.  At or after the date
of grant of any non-qualified  Option rights,  the Committee may provide for the
payment  of  dividend  equivalents  to the  optionee  on  current,  deferred  or
contingent  basis or may provide that dividend  equivalents be credited  against
the option price.

     Each grant must  specify  the  conditions,  including  as and to the extent
determined by the Committee,  the period or periods of continuous  employment or
continuous  engagement of consulting  services of the optionee by the Company or
any subsidiary,  or the achievement of Management  Objectives (as defined in the
Incentive  Plan),  that are  necessary  before the  Option  Rights  will  become
exercisable,  and may  provide for the  earlier  exercise of the Option  rights,
including,  without  limitation,  in the  event of a change  in  control  of the
Company or other similar transaction or event.  Successive grants may be made to
the same optionee  regardless of whether Option Rights previously granted to him
or her remains unexercised.

Appreciation Rights.

     Appreciation  Rights  granted  under  the  Incentive  Plan  may  either  be
freestanding  or granted in tandem with Option  Rights.  An  Appreciation  Right
represents the right to receive from the Company the difference ("Spread"), or a
percentage  thereof  not in excess of 100  percent,  between  the base price per
share of Common Stock in the case of a freestanding  Appreciation  Right, or the
option price of the related  Option  Right in the case of a tandem  Appreciation
Right,  and the market  value of the Common Stock on the date of exercise of the
Appreciation Right. Tandem Appreciation Rights may only be exercised at the time
when the related Option Right is exercisable and the Spread is positive, and the
exercise of a tandem  Appreciation  Right  requires the surrender of the related
Option Right for cancellation.

     A Freestanding  Appreciation Right must have a base price which is at least
equal  to  the  fair  market  value  of  a  share  of  Common  Stock on the date


of the  grant,  must  specify  the  conditions,  including  as and to the extent
determined by the Committee,  the period of continuous  employment or continuous
engagement of consulting services,  or the achievement of Management  objectives
that are necessary before the  Appreciation  Right becomes  exercisable  (except
that it may provide for its earlier exercise, including , without limitation, in
the event of a change of control of the Company or other similar  transaction or
event) and may not be exercised  more than 10 years from the date of grant.  Any
grant of Appreciation  Rights may specify that the amount payable by the Company
upon  exercise  may be paid in cash,  shares  of Common  Stock or a  combination
thereof,  and the  Committee  may either  reserve or grant to the  recipient the
right to elect among those alternatives.  The committee may provide with respect
to any grant of  appreciation/rights  for the  payment of  dividend  equivalents
thereon in cash or Common Stock on a current, deferred or contingent basis.

Restricted Shares.

     An award of  Restricted  Shares  involves  the  immediate  transfer  by the
Company to a participant  of ownership of a specific  number of shares of Common
Stock in  consideration  of the performance of services or, as and to the extent
determined by the  Committee,  the  achievement  of Management  Objectives.  The
participant  is entitled  immediately  to voting,  dividend and other  ownership
rights in the shares. The transfer may be made without additional  consideration
from the participant or in consideration of a payment by the participant that is
less than the market value of the shares on the date of grant,  as the Committee
may determine.

     Restricted  Shares must be subject to a  "substantial  risk of  forfeiture"
within the  meaning of Section 83 of the Code for a period to be  determined  by
the Committee.  An example would be a provision that the Restricted Shares would
be  forfeited  if the  participant  ceased to serve the Company as an officer or
other key employee during a specified period of years. In order to enforce these
forfeiture  provisions,   the  transferability  of  Restricted  Shares  will  be
prohibited  or  restricted  in a  manner  and to the  extent  prescribed  by the
Committee for the period during which the forfeiture provisions are to continue.
The  Committee  may provide for a shorter  period  during  which the  forfeiture
provisions are to apply, including, without limitation, in the event of a change
in control of the Company or other similar transaction or event.

Deferred Shares.

     An award of Deferred  Shares  constitutes  an  agreement  by the Company to
deliver shares of Common Stock to the participant in the future in consideration
of the  performance of services,  subject to the  fulfillment of such conditions
during the Deferral  Period (as defined in the Incentive  Plan) as the Committee
may  specify.  During  the  Deferral  Period,  the  participant  has no right to
transfer any rights under the award and no right top vote the shares  covered by
the award. On or after the date of any grant of Deferred  Shares,  the Committee
may authorize the payment of dividend equivalents thereon on a current, deferred
or contingent basis in either cash or additional shares of Common Stock.  Grants
of  Deferred  Shares  may be made  without  additional  consideration  from  the
participant or for consideration in an amount that is less than the market value
of the  shares  on the date of  grant.  Deferred  Shares  must be  subject  to a
Deferral  Period,  as determined bay the Committee on the date of grant,  except
that the Committee may provide for a shorter Deferral Period, including, without
limitation,  in the event of a change  of  control  of the  Company  or  similar
transaction event.


Performance Shares and Performance Units.

     A Performance  Share is the equivalent of one share of Common Stock,  and a
Performance  Unit is the equivalent of $1.00.  A participant  may be granted any
number of Performance Shares or Performance Units. The participant will be given
one  or  more   Management   Objectives  to  meet  within  a  specified   period
("Performance  Period") which may be subject to earlier termination,  including,
without limitation,  in the event of a change in control of the Company or other
similar  transaction  or event. A minimum level of acceptable  achievement  will
also be established by the Committee.  If by the end of the  Performance  Period
the participant has achieved the specified Management Objectives, he or she will
be deemed to have fully earned the Performance  Shares or Performance  Units. If
the participant  has not achieved the Management  Objectives but has attained or
exceeded the predetermined  minimum level of acceptable  achievement,  he or she
will be deemed to have partly earned the Performance Shares or Performance Units
in  accordance  with  a  predetermined   formula.  To  the  extent  earned,  the
Performance  Shares or Performance  Units will be paid to the participant at the
time and in the manner  determined  by the  Committee in cash,  shares of Common
Stock or any  combination  thereof,  and the  Committee  may either grant to the
recipient or retain the right to elect among these alternatives. At or after the
date of grant of any  Performance  Shares,  the  committee  may  provide for the
payment of  dividend  equivalents  to the  optionee  on a current,  deferred  or
contingent basis.

Management Objectives

   Management   Objectives  mean  the  achievement  of  performance   objectives
established  pursuant to the Incentive Plan. The Committee may adjust Management
Objectives  and related  minimum  acceptable  levels of achievement if events or
transactions  have  occurred  after  the  date an  award  was  granted  that are
unrelated to the  performance of the participant and result in distortion of the
Management  Objectives or the related mime levels.  Management  Objectives my be
described in terms of either  Company-wide  objectives  or  objectives  that are
related  to the  performance  of the  individual  participant  or the  division,
subsidiary,  department  or function  within the Company or a subsidiary  in the
participant  is  employed  or with  respect  to which the  participant  provides
consulting services.


     No Option Right, or other "derivative  security" within the meaning of Rule
16b-3 under the Exchange Act, is transferable by a participant except by will or
the laws of descent and distribution.  Option Rights and Appreciation Rights may
not be exercised during a participant's  lifetime except bay the participant or,
in the  event  of  his or her  incapacity,  by  his  or her  guardian  or  legal
representative acting in a fiduciary capacity on behalf of the participant under
state law and supervision.


The maximum  number of shares of Common Stock that may be issued or  transferred
under the Incentive Plan, the number of shares covered by outstanding awards and
the option prices or base prices per share  applicable  thereto,  are subject to
adjustment in the event of stock dividends, stock splits, combination of shares,
re-capitalizations,   mergers,   consolidations,   spin-offs,   reorganizations,
liquidations,  issuances  of rights or  warrants  and  similar  transactions  or
events. In the event of any such transaction or event, the


Committee  may it its sole  discretion  provide in  substitution  for any or all
outstanding awards under the Incentive Plan such alternative consideration as it
may in good faith determine to be equitable in the circumstances and may require
the surrender of all awards so replaced.

Administration and Amendments

     The Incentive Plan is to be  administered by a committee  ("Committee")  of
the Board of Directors which shall consist of not less than two Directors,  each
of whom is a  "disinterested  person" within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 under the
Exchange Act. In connection with its  administration  of the Incentive Plan, the
Committee is authorized to interpret the Incentive  Plan and related  agreements
and other documents.  The Committee may make grants to participants under any or
a combination  of all of the various  categories  of awards that are  authorized
under the Incentive Plan. The Committee may with the concurrence of the affected
participant cancel any agreement evidencing an award granted under the Incentive
Plan.  In the event of any such  cancellation,  the  Committee may authorize the
granting of a new award under the Incentive  Plan in such manner,  at such price
and subject to such other terms,  conditions  and  discretion as would have been
applicable under the Incentive Plan had the canceled award not been granted. The
Committee may also grant any award or combination of awards authorized under the
Incentive Plan,  including without limitation an award that was granted prior to
the adoption of the Incentive  Plan, and any such award or combination of awards
so  granted  under the  Incentive  Plan may or may not cover the same  number of
shares of Common  Stock as had been  covered by the  canceled  award and will be
subject  to such  other  terms,  conditions  and  discretion  as would have been
permitted under the Incentive Plan had the canceled award not been granted.

     The Incentive Plan may be amended from time to time by the  Committee,  but
without  further  approval by the  Stockholders of the Company no such amendment
(unless expressly allowed pursuant to the adjustment provisions described above)
may  (i)  increase  the  aggregate  number  of  shares  that  may be  issued  or
transferred plus the amount of shares covered by outstanding awards, or increase
the aggregate number of Performance Units that may be granted thereunder or (ii)
otherwise  cause Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act to cease to be  applicable to
the Incentive Plan.

Federal Income Tax Consequences to Participants in Plan

     The  following  is a brief  summary of certain  of the  federal  income tax
consequences of certain  transactions  under the Incentive Plan based on federal
income tax laws in effect on January 1, 1999. This summary is not intended to be
exhaustive and does not describe state or local tax consequences.

Non-qualified Option Rights.

     In general;  (i) no income will be  recognized by an optionee at the time a
non-qualified  Option  Right  is  granted;  (ii) at the  time of  exercise  of a
non-qualified  Option Right,  ordinary income will be recognized by the optionee
in an amount  equal to the  difference  between  the  option  price paid for the
shares and the fair market value of the shares if they are  nonrestricted on the
date of exercise;  and (iii) at the time of sale of shares acquired  pursuant to
the exercise of a non-qualified Option right, any appreciation (or depreciation)
in the value of the shares after the date of exercise  will be treated as either
short-term  capital  gain (or loss)  depending  on how long the shares have been


Incentive Stock Options.

     No income  generally  will be  recognized  by an optionee upon the grant or
exercise of an incentive  stock option.  If shares of Common Stock are issued to
an  optionee  pursuant  to the  exercise  of an  incentive  stock  option and no
disqualifying disposition of the shares is made by the optionee within two years
after the date of grant or within one year after the  transfer  of the shares to
the optionee,  then upon the sale of the shares any amount realized in excess of
the option price will be taxed to the optionee as long-term capital gain and any
loss sustained will be long-term capital loss.

     If shares of Common Stock acquired upon the exercise of an incentive  stock
option  are  disposed  of prior  to the  expiration  of  either  holding  period
described  above, the optionee  generally will recognize  ordinary income in the
year of disposition in an amount equal to any excess of the fair market value of
the shares at the time of  exercise  (or,  if less,  the amount  realized on the
disposition  of the shares in a sale or exchange) over the option price paid for
the shares.  Any further gain (or loss) realized by the optionee  generally will
be taxed as  short-term  or long-term  capital  gain (or loss)  depending on the
holding period.

Appreciation Rights.

     No income will be recognized by a participant in connection  with the grant
of an  Appreciation  Right.  When  the  Appreciation  Right  is  exercised,  the
participant  normally will be required to include as taxable  ordinary income in
the year of  exercise  an  amount  of cash,  and the  fair  market  value of any
nonrestricted  shares of Common Stock,  received  pursuant to the  exercise.  In
limited circumstances,  however, the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS) may contend
that the holder of a free-standing appreciation right is in constructive receipt
of ordinary income before the  Appreciation  Right is exercised if (i) a maximum
limitation on the amount payable upon exercise of the Appreciation  Right at the
time when  Appreciation  Right is imposed  and (ii) the  maximum  limitation  is
reached  prior to the  exercise  of the  appreciation  Right at a time  when the
Appreciation Right is exercisable.

Restricted Shares.

     A  recipient  of  Restricted  Shares  generally  will be  subject to tax at
ordinary income rates on the fair market value of the Restricted  Shares reduced
by any  amount  paid by the  recipient  at such time as the shares are no longer
subject to a risk of  forfeiture  or  restrictions  on transfer  for purposes of
Section 83 of the Code.  However, a recipient who so elects under Section 83 (b)
of the Code  within  30 days of the date of  transfer  of the  shares  will have
taxable  ordinary  income on the date of  transfer  of the  shares  equal to the
excess of the fair market value of the share  (determined  without regard to the
risk of forfeiture or restrictions on transfer) over any purchase price paid for
the shares.  If a Section 83 (b) election has not been made, any  non-restricted
dividends  received  with respect to  Restricted  Shares that are subject at the
time to a risk of  forfeiture  or  restrictions  on transfer  generally  will be
treated as compensation that is taxable as ordinary income to the recipient.

Deferred Shares.

     No income  generally will be recognized upon the grant of Deferred  Shares.
The recipient of a grant of Deferred Shares  generally will be subject to tax at
ordinary  income  rates  on  the  fair  market value of non-restricted shares of


Common  Stock on the date  that  the  Deferred  Shares  are  transferred  to the
recipient,  reduced by any amount paid by the recipient, and the capital gain or
loss holding periods for the Deferred Shares will also commence on that date.

Performance Shares and Performance Units.

No income  generally will be recognized upon the grant of Performance  Shares or
Performance Units. Upon payment in respect of the earn-out of Performance Shares
or  Performance  Units,  the recipient  generally will be required to include as
taxable  ordinary income in the year of receipt an amount equal to the amount of
cash  received and the fair market value of any  nonrestricted  shares of Common
Stock received.

Special Rules Applicable to Officers and Directors

     In limited  circumstances  where the sale of stock that is  received as the
result of a grant of an award could subject an officer or Director to suit under
Section 16 (b) of the  Exchange  Act,  the tax  consequences  to the  officer or
Director  may  differ  from  the tax  consequences  described  above.  In  these
circumstances, unless a special election has been made, the principal difference
usually will be to postpone valuation and taxation of the stock received so long
as the sale of stock  received  could  subject  the  Officer or Director to suit
under Section 16 (b) of the Exchange Act, but no longer than six months.

Tax Consequences to the Company

     To  the  extent  that  a  participant  recognizes  ordinary  income  in the
circumstance  described  above,  the Company will be entitled to a corresponding
deduction  provided that,  among other things,  (i) the income meets the test of
reasonableness, is an ordinary and necessary business expense, is not subject to
the annual compensation  limitation set forth in Section 162 (m) of the Code and
is not an "excess  parachute  payment" within the meaning of Section 280G of the
Code and (ii) any applicable withholding obligations are satisfied.



     The following  table sets forth certain  information  as of August 15, 1999
with respect to the beneficial  ownership of the Company's  Common Stock by: (i)
each person who is known by the Company to beneficially own five percent or more
of any class of the Company's Common Stock,  (ii) each Directors and nominee for
Director of the  Company,  and (iii) all  Directors,  nominees  for Director and
officers of the Company as a group.


                                           Amount & Nature
                    Name & Address          of Beneficial      Percent
Title of Class      Beneficial Owner(2)      Ownership        of Class
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
$.001 Par      Paul Roebling A Trust      10,330,000 (1)         10.4%
Value Common   c/o Bank of New York,
Stock          530 Fifth Avenue
               New York, NY 10021

$.001 Par      Edward J. Names             4,658,000              6.5%
Value Common   216 16th Street #730
Stock          Denver, CO 80202

$.001 Par      Sultan Mahmud               9,800,000              9.9%
Value Common   3838 Mira Loma Drive
Stock          Santa Maria, CA 93455

$.001 Par      Imran Jattala               9,800,000              9.9%
Value Common   13763 Harvard Avenue
Stock          Chino, CA 91710

$.001 Par      Tariq Chaudhary             9,800,000              9.9%
Value Common   3834 Mira Loma Drive
Stock          Santa Maria, CA 93455

$.001 Par      Javed Chaudhary             9,800,000              9.9%
Value Common   330 E. Enos Drive #170
Stock          Santa Maria, CA 93454

$.001 Par      Faisal Chaudhary            9,800,000              9.9%
Value Common   5753-G Santiago Road #1500
Stock          Anaheim Hills, CA 92807

$.001 Par      C. L. Nordstrom             1,891,500              1.9%
Value Common   1735 Clark Street
Stock          Aurora, CO 80011

$.001 Par      Nancy Heck                         -0-               0%
Value Common   822 Speed Street
Stock          Santa Maria, CA 93454

All Officers and
Directors as a Group                                              21.7%
- -----------------------
(1)Includes  2,000,000  shares  held in the name of the Estate of Paul  Roebling
individually and 8,330,000 shares in the name of Paul Roebling A Trust.

(2)Each  of the  individuals  named own all the shares  listed of Alfa's  Common
Stock directly and of record unless otherwise indicated.

     Changes  in  Control.  There  are no  arrangements,  known to the  Company,
including any pledge by any person of securities of Alfa, the operation of which
may at a subsequent date result in a change of control of Alfa.


     The following  table sets forth the name, age and position of the executive
officers and key employees of the Company.


   Name               Age     Position
- ----------------------------------------

Sultan Mahmud         43      President

Nancy Heck            53      Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer

William J. Hickey     58      Secretary

     Sultan Mahmud has been  president and a Director of the Company since 1999.
Mr. Mahmud has 16 years  experience  in various  aspects of management in public
and private companies. He has MBA degrees in Finance and Marketing from American
International College of Massachusetts.

     Nancy Heck has been Chief  Financial  Officer,  Treasurer,  Secretary and a
Director of the Company since 1999.  Ms. Heck is a Colorado  licensed  Certified
Public  Accountant  with twenty years  experience  in business and finance.  Ms.
Heck's educational background includes a Bachelor's and Master of Science degree
in biology from the University of Michigan,  supplementary education in business
and  accounting  from Ft.  Lewis  College in  Colorado,  and  yearly  continuing
professional educational required for CPA licensure.

     Prior to joining CRC, Ms. Heck was a consultant to Community Health
Centers, Inc. and it's affiliated health care organizations in Colorado
Springs.  Before consulting for Community Health Centers, Inc. she was
employed as the Center's Chief Financial Officer.  She has also held the
position of Chief Financial Officer at Cedar Springs Hospital in Colorado
Springs and at Mercy Medical Center in Durango, Colorado.

     Ms. Heck has also worked as a Practice Administrator to an ophthalmology
medical practice.  Her Public Accounting experience includes four years as a
Senior Accountant in tax and auditing.

     William J. Hickey was elected Secretary of the Company on October 14,
1999. Mr. Hickey was a Director and Secretary of Saba Petroleum Company
(Amex; "SAP") from 1992 to 1995. From 1995 to 1996, he was Vice President and
a Director of American Telephone + Data, Inc. (OTC-BB; "AMDP"). From 1997 to
present, he has been a Director and Consultant to Capco Resources Ltd. (ASE;
"CPD-AL"). Mr. Hickey is a lawyer by training and a graduate of Cornell
University Law School.


     No executive officer of the Company received salary, bonuses, option grants
or any other  form of  compensation  during the  fiscal  year 1998.  Any and all
options granted prior to the fiscal year 1998 have expired.

Compensation of Directors.

     The Directors of Alfa who do not receive annual  salaries from the Company,
receive fees of $350 per Board Meeting attended in person, and reimbursement for
travel expenses. These fees may be increased or decreased from time to time by a
majority vote of the Board of Directors.  In addition, any Director who presents
a prospect to Alfa acceptable to a majority of disinterested  Board members,  or
if a Director substantially assists in the sale of a Company property, the Board
may grant such Director an overriding royalty interest, and/or pay such Director
a commission or finder's fee in


varying amounts, on a case-by-case basis. Commissions, if paid, are a minimum of
two percent of the purchase or sale price of the property.  No consulting  fees,
finder's  fees or  commissions  were paid to Directors of Alfa during the fiscal
year ended May 31, 1999.

Termination of Employment and Change of Control Arrangement.

     Alfa has no  compensation  plan or  arrangement  with any of its current or
former  officers  or  Directors,   which  will  result  from  the   resignation,
retirement, or any other termination by such individual of employment with Alfa.


     No  Director  or officer  of Alfa,  nominee  for  election  as a  Director,
security  holder who is known to the  Company  to own of record or  beneficially
more than 5% of any class of the Company's voting securities, or any relative or
spouse of any of the foregoing persons,  or any relative of such spouse, who has
the same home as such  person or who is a  Director  or officer of any parent or
subsidiary of Alfa, has had any transaction or series of transactions  exceeding
$60,000  during  Alfa's last two fiscal  years,  or has any  presently  proposed
truncation to which Alfa was or is a party,  in which any of such persons had or
is to have any direct or indirect material interest.

     As a matter of policy,  Directors  who are not employees of the Company may
receive  finder's fees or  commissions if they present a property or prospect to
the Company, which is considered acceptable to a majority of disinterested Board
members.  Such  commission or finder's fees will be determined on a case-by-case
basis if a transaction is consummated with regard to such prospect or property.

    In 1994, a former Company Director  (former  president) and the former chief
financial officer organized a corporation  ("Industries').  In 1998,  Industries
charged Alfa $18,392 for accounting and administrative services. In 1998, $2,500
was paid to a Director (chief financial officer) for accounting services related
to SEC filings.  A payment of $2,900 was also made to Industries as a prepayment
for preparation of the 1998 Form 10-KSB.


     Section 16 (a) of the Exchange  Act, as amended,  and the rules  thereunder
require the  Company's  officers and Directors and persons who own more than 10%
of the  Company's  Common Stock to file reports of ownership  and changes in the
ownership with the Securities and Exchange Commission and to furnish the Company
with copies.

     Based  upon its  review of the  copies  of such  forms  received  by it, or
written  representation  from certain  reporting  persons,  the Company believes
that,  during the last fiscal year,  all filing  requirements  applicable to its
officers, directors and greater than 10% beneficial owners were met.


Glenn, Burdette, Phillips & Bryson, a professional corporation, were independent
accountants  for  the  Company  for the  fiscal  year  ended  May  31,  1999.  A
representative of Glenn,  Burdette,  Phillips & Bryson is expected to be present
at the Meeting  and to be  available  to respond to  appropriate  questions.  No
auditors have been appointed for the fiscal year 1999. The  Stockholders are not
being asked to ratify the appointment of auditors for 1999.


     In order to be eligible for inclusion in the company's  Proxy Statement for
the next Annual Meeting of Stockholders, anticipated to be held in October 2000,
any proposal by a Stockholder  must be received by the company in writing at its
principal office in Santa Maria, California by May 27, 2000.


     The Board of Directors  does not know of any  business to be presented  for
consideration  at the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  other than that stated in
the Notice of Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders.  It is intended,  however,  that
persons  authorized  under the proxies  solicited from the  Stockholders bay the
Board of Directors may, in the absence of instructions to the contrary,  vote or
act in  accordance  with their  judgment  with  respect  top any other  proposal
properly presented for action at the Meeting.


William J. Hickey

Santa Maria, California
October 15, 1999


                                   Appendix A

                               CAPCO ENERGY, INC.

                           1999 INCENTIVE EQUITY PLAN

1.  Purpose.  The purpose this Plan is to attract and retain  officers and other
key employees of and consultants to Capco Energy,  Inc. (the  "Corporation") and
its  Subsidiaries  and to provide such persons with  incentives  and rewards for
superior performance.

2. Definitions. As used in this Plan, "Appreciation Right" means a right granted
Pursuant to Section 5 of this Plan, including a Free-standing Appreciation Right
and a Tandem Appreciation Right.

"Base Price" means the price to be used as the basis for  determining the Spread
upon the exercise of a Freestanding Appreciation Right.

"Board" means the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

"Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time.

"Committee" means the committee described in Section 14(a) of this Plan.

"Common  Shares"  means (i) shares of the  Common  Stock,  no par value,  of the
Corporation  and (ii) any security  into which Common Shares may be converted by
reason of any transaction or event of the type referred to in Section 10 of this

"Date of Grant" means the date  specified  by the  Committee on which a grant of
Option Rights, Appreciation Rights, Performance Shares or Performance Units or a
grant or sale of Restricted  Shares or Deferred  Shares shall become  effective,
which shall not be earlier than the date on which the Committee
takes action with respect thereto.

"Deferral  Period"  means the period of time during  which  Deferred  Shares are
subject to deferral limitations under Section 7 of this Plan.

"Deferred Shares" means an award pursuant to Section 7 of this Plan of the right
to receive Common Shares at the end of a specified Deferral Period.

"Effective Date" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 17.

"Free-standing  Appreciation Right" means an Appreciation Right granted pursuant
to Section 5 of this Plan that is not granted in tandem with an Option  Right or
similar right.

"Incentive Stock Option" means an Option Right that is intended to qualify as an
"incentive  stock  option"  under  Section  422 of  the  Code  or any  successor
provision thereto.

"Management   Objectives"  means  the  achievement  of  performance   objectives
established  pursuant  to  this  Plan,  which  may  be  described  in  terms  of
Corporation-wide objectives or objectives that are related to the performance of
the individual Participant, or the Subsidiary,  division, department or function
within the  corporation  or Subsidiary in which the  Participant  is employed or
with respect to which the Participant provides consulting


services. The Committee may adjust Management Objectives and the related minimum
acceptable  level of  achievement  if, in the sole  judgment  of the  Committee,
events or transactions  have occurred after the Date of Grant that are unrelated
to the performance of the Participant and result in distortion of the Management
Objectives or the related minimum acceptable level of achievement.

"Market  Value per Share"  means the fair market  value of the Common  Shares as
determined by the Committee from time to time.

"Nonqualified  Option"  means an Option Right that is not intended to qualify as
an Incentive Stock Option.

"Optionee"  means  the  person  so  designated  in an  agreement  evidencing  an
outstanding  Option Right or the  Successor  of an  Optionee,  as the context so

"Option  Price" means the purchase  price payable upon the exercise of an Option

"Option  Right" means the right to purchase  Common Shares from the  Corporation
upon the exercise of a Nonqualified  Option or an Incentive Stock Option granted
pursuant to Section 4 of this Plan.

"Participant"  means a  person  who is  selected  by the  Committee  to  receive
benefits under this Plan and (i) is at that time an officer,  including  without
limitation  an  officer  who may also be a member  of the  Board,  or other  key
employee of or a consultant  to the  Corporation  or any  Subsidiary or (ii) has
agreed  to  commence  serving  in  any  such  capacity,  or the  Successor  of a
Participant, as the context requires.

"Performance  Period"  means,  in respect of a Performance  Share or Performance
Unit,  a period of time  established  pursuant  to Section 8 of this Plan within
which the Management Objectives relating thereto are to be achieved.

"Performance Share" means a bookkeeping entry that records the equivalent of one
Common Share awarded pursuant to Section 8 of this Plan.

"Performance  Unit" means a bookkeeping  entry that records a unit equivalent to
$1.00 awarded pursuant to Section 8 of this Plan.

"Reload Option Rights" means additional Option Rights  automatically  granted to
an Optionee upon the exercise of Option Rights  pursuant to Section 4(f) of this

"Restricted Shares" means Common Shares granted or sold pursuant to Section 6 of
this  Plan as to  which  neither  the  substantial  risk of  forfeiture  nor the
restrictions on transfer referred to in Section 6 hereof has expired.

"Rule 16b-3" means Rule 16b-3,  as promulgated  and amended from time to time by
the Securities  and Exchange  Commission  under the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, as amended, or any successor rule to the same effect.

"Spread" means, in the case of a Free-standing Appreciation Right, the amount by
which the  Market  Value per  Share on the date when the  Appreciation  Right is
exercised  exceeds the Base Price specified  therein or, in the case of a Tandem
Appreciation  Right,  the amount by which the Market Value per Share on the date
when the Appreciation  Right is exercised  exceeds the Option Price specified in
the related Option Right.

"Subsidiary"  means any  corporation in which the  Corporation  owns or controls
directly or indirectly  more than 50 percent of the total combined  voting power
represented  by all classes of stock issued by such  corporation  at the time of
the grant.

"Successor" of a Participant  means the legal  representative of the estate of a
deceased  Participant  or the person or persons  who shall  acquire the right to
exercise an award  hereunder by bequest or  inheritance or by reason of death of
the Participant.

"Tandem  Appreciation  Right" means an  Appreciation  Right granted  pursuant to
Section 5 of this Plan that is  granted  in tandem  with an Option  Right or any
similar right granted under any other plan of the Corporation.

3. Shares and Performance Units Available under the Plan.

   (a) Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 10 of this Plan,  the number
of Common Shares issued or transferred, plus the number of Common Shares covered
by outstanding awards granted under this Plan, shall not in the aggregate exceed
500,000 Common Shares, which may be Common Shares of original issuance or Common
Shares held in treasury or a combination thereof.
For the purposes of this Section 3 (a):

      (i) Upon  payment in cash of the  benefit  provided  by any award  granted
under this Plan,  any Common  Shares that were covered by that award shall again
be available for issuance or transfer hereunder.

      (ii) Common  Shares  covered by any award granted under this Plan shall be
deemed to have been issued or  transferred,  and shall cease to be available for
future issuance or transfer in respect of any other award granted hereunder,  at
the earlier of the time when they are actually issued or transferred or the time
when dividends or dividend equivalents are paid thereon; provided, however, that
Restricted  Shares  shall be deemed to have been  issued or  transferred  at the
earlier  of the time when they  cease to be  subject  to a  substantial  risk of
forfeiture or the time when dividends are paid thereon.

   (b) The number of Performance Units that may be granted under this Plan shall
not in the aggregate  exceed 100,000.  Performance  Units that are granted under
this Plan, but are paid in Common Shares or are not earned by the Participant at
the end of the  Performance  Period,  shall be  available  for future  grants of
Performance Units hereunder.

4.  Option  Rights.  The  Committee  may from time to time  authorize  grants to
Participants of options to purchase Common Shares upon such terms and conditions
as the Committee may determine in accordance with the following provisions:

   (a) Each  grant  shall  specify  the  number  of  Common  Shares  to which it
pertains;  provided, however, that no participant shall be granted Option Rights
for more than 100,000  Common Shares in any one fiscal year of the  Corporation,
subject to adjustment as provided in Section 10 of this Plan.

   (b) Each grant shall specify an Option Price per Common  Share,  which may be
less than,  equal to or greater  than the Market  Value per Share on the Date of
Grant;  provided,  however, (i) the Option Price shall equal at least 85% of the
Market  Value per  Share on the Date of Grant,  or (ii) the  Option  Price  with
respect to each Incentive Stock Option shall not be less than 100% (or


110%,  in the case of an individual  described in Section  422(b)(6) of the Code
(relating  to certain 10%  owners)) of the Market Value per Share on the Date of

   (c)  Each  grant  shall  specify  the  form  of  consideration  to be paid in
satisfaction   of  the   Option   Price  and  the  manner  of  payment  of  such
consideration,  which may  include  (i) cash in the form of currency or check or
other cash  equivalents  acceptable  to the  Committee,  (ii) subject to Section
4(d),  non-forfeitable,  unrestricted Common Shares,  which are already owned by
the  Optionee  and  have a value at the  time of  exercise  that is equal to the
Option Price,  (iii) any other legal  consideration  that the Committee may deem
appropriate,  including without limitation any form of consideration author-ized
under  Section  4(d) below,  on such basis as the  Committee  may  determine  in
accordance with this Plan and (iv) any combination of the foregoing.

   (d) On or after the Date of Grant of any Nonqualified  Option,  the Committee
may  determine  that payment of the Option Price may also be made in whole or in
part in the form of Restricted Shares or other Common Shares that are subject to
risk of forfeiture or restrictions on transfer.  Unless otherwise  determined by
the  Committee on or after the Date of Grant,  whenever any Option Price is paid
in whole or in part by means of any of the forms of  consideration  specified in
this Section 4(d), the Common Shares  received by the Optionee upon the exercise
of the  Nonqualified  Option shall be subject to the same risks of forfeiture or
restrictions on transfer as those that applied to the consideration  surrendered
by  the  Optionee;   provided,  however,  that  such  risks  of  forfeiture  and
restrictions  on transfer  shall apply only to the same number of Common  Shares
received by the  Optionee as applied to the  forfeitable  or  restricted  Common
Shares surrendered by the Optionee.

   (e) Any grant may provide for  deferred  payment of the Option Price from the
proceeds of sale  through a broker on the date of exercise of some or all of the
Common Shares to which the exercise relates.

   (f) On or after the Date of Grant of any Option  Rights,  the  Committee  may
provide for the automatic grant to the Optionee of Reload Option Rights upon the
exercise of Option Rights,  including  Reload Option Rights for Common Shares or
any other noncash consideration authorized under Sections 4(c) and (d) above.

   (g)  Successive  grants  may be made to the same  Participant  regardless  of
whether  any  Option  Rights  previously   granted  to  the  Participant  remain

   (h) Each grant shall specify the  conditions,  including as and to the extent
determined by the Committee, the period or periods of continuous employment,  or
continuous  engagement  of  the  consulting  services,  of the  Optionee  by the
Corporation or any Subsidiary, or the achievement of Management Objectives, that
are  necessary  before the Option  Rights or  installments  thereof shall become
exercisable,  and any grant may provide  for the earlier  exercise of the Option
Rights,  including,  without limitation,  in the event of a change in control of
the Corporation or other similar transaction or event.

   (i) Option Rights  granted  pursuant to this Section 4 might be  Nonqualified
Options or Incentive Stock Options or combinations  thereof, as set forth in the
award agreement.


   (j) On or after the Date of Grant of any Nonqualified  Option,  the Committee
may provide for the payment to the Optionee of dividend  equivalents  thereon in
cash or  Common  Shares on a  current,  deferred  or  contingent  basis,  or the
Committee may provide that any dividend  equivalents  shall be credited  against
the Option Price.

   (k) No Option Right granted  pursuant to this Section 4 may be exercised more
than 10 years from the Date of Grant  (except that, in the case of an individual
described in Section  422(b)(6) of the Code (relating to certain 10% owners) who
is granted an Incentive Stock Option,  the term of such Option Right shall be no
more than five years from the Date of Grant).

   (l) Each grant shall be evidenced by an agreement, which shall be executed on
behalf of the  Corporation by any officer  thereof and delivered to and accepted
by the Optionee and shall contain such terms and provisions as the Committee may
determine consistent with this Plan.

   (m) The aggregate Market Value per Share, determined as of the Date of Grant,
of the Common  Shares for which any  Optionee  may be  awarded  Incentive  Stock
Options  which are first  exercisable  by the Optionee  during any calendar year
under  this Plan (or any other  stock  option  plan  required  to be taken  into
account under Section 422(d) of the Code) shall not exceed $100,000.

   (n) If and to the extent  otherwise  advisable herein or under the applicable
option  agreement,  upon and  after the death of an  Optionee,  such  Optionee's
Option  Rights,  to the extent  exercisable  after death may be exercised by the
Successors  of the Optionee.  An Option Right may be  exercised,  and payment in
full of the aggregate  Option Price made, by the  Successors of an Optionee only
by written notice (in the form  prescribed by the Committee) to the  Corporation
specifying the number of Common Shares to be purchased.  Such notice shall state
that the  aggregate  Option Price will be paid in full, or that the Option Right
will be exercised as otherwise  provided  hereunder,  in the  discretion  of the
Corporation or the Committee, if and as applicable.

5. Appreciation  Rights. The Committee may also authorize grants to Participants
of  Appreciation  Rights.  An  Appreciation  Right  shall  be  a  right  of  the
Participant to receive from the Corporation an amount, which shall be determined
by the  Committee  and shall be  expressed as a percentage  (not  exceeding  100
percent) of the Spread at the time of the exercise of an Appreciation Right. Any
grant of  Appreciation  Rights  under  this Plan  shall be upon  such  terms and
conditions  as the  Committee  may  determine in  accordance  with the following

   (a) Any grant may specify  that the amount  payable  upon the  exercise of an
Appreciation  Right may be paid by the Corporation in cash, Common Shares or any
combination  thereof and may (i) either grant to the  Participant  or reserve to
the Committee the right to elect among those  alternatives  or (ii) preclude the
right of the  Participant to receive and the  Corporation to issue Common Shares
or other equity securities in lieu of cash; provided,  however,  that no form of
consideration  or manner of  payment  that  would  cause Rule 16b- 3 to cease to
apply to this Plan shall be permitted.

   (b) Any grant may specify  that the amount  payable  upon the  exercise of an
Appreciation  Right shall not exceed a maximum specified by the Committee on the
Date of Grant.


   (c) Any grant may specify (i) a waiting period or periods before Appreciation
Rights  shall become  exercisable  and (ii)  permissible  dates or periods on or
during which Appreciation Rights shall be exercisable.

   (d) Any grant may specify that an Appreciation Right may be exercised only in
the event of a change in control of the Corporation or other similar transaction
or event.

   (e) On or after the Date of Grant of any Appreciation  Rights,  the Committee
may provide for the payment to the Participant of dividend  equivalents  thereon
in cash or Common Shares on a current, deferred or contingent basis.

   (f) Each grant shall be evidenced by an agreement, which shall be executed on
behalf of the  Corporation by any officer  thereof and delivered to and accepted
by the  Optionee  and shall  contain  such  other  terms and  provisions  as the
Committee may determine consistent with this Plan.

   (g) Regarding Tandem  Appreciation Rights only: Each grant shall provide that
a Tandem Appreciation Right may be exercised only (i) at a time when the related
Option  Right  (or  any  similar  right  granted  under  any  other  plan of the
Corporation)  is also  exercisable  and  the  Spread  is  positive  and  (ii) by
surrender of the related Option Right (or such other right) for cancellation.

   (h)   Regarding Free-standing Appreciation Rights only:

      (i) Each grant shall specify in respect of each Free-standing Appreciation
Right a Base Price per Common Share, which shall be equal to or greater than the
Market Value per Share on the Date of Grant;

      (ii) Successive  grants may be made to the same Participant  regardless of
whether  any  Free-standing   Appreciation  Rights  previously  granted  to  the
Participant remain unexercised;  provided, however, that no participant shall be
granted more than  100,000  Freestanding  Appreciation  Rights in any one fiscal
year of the Corporation, subject to adjustment as provided in Section 10 of this

      (iii) Each grant shall  specify the  conditions,  including  as and to the
extent  determined  by the  Committee,  the  period  or  periods  of  continuous
employment,  or  continuous  engagement  of  the  consulting  services,  of  the
Participant  by  the  Corporation  or any  Subsidiary,  or  the  achievement  of
Management Objectives,  that are necessary before the Free-standing Appreciation
Rights or  installments  thereof  shall  become  exercisable,  and any grant may
provide  for the  earlier  exercise of the  Free-standing  Appreciation  Rights,
including,  without  limitation,  in the  event of a change  in  control  of the
Corporation or other similar transaction or event; and

      (iv) No  Freestanding  Appreciation  Right  granted under this Plan may be
exercised more than 10 years from the Date of Grant.

6.  Restricted  Shares.  The  Committee  may also  authorize  grants or sales to
Participants  of  Restricted  Shares  upon  such  terms  and  conditions  as the
Committee may determine in accordance with the following provisions:

   (a)  Each  grant  or sale  shall  constitute  an  immediate  transfer  of the
ownership  of  Common  Shares  to  the  Participant  in   consideration  of  the
performance  of services,  or as and to the extent  determined by the Committee,
the achievement of Management Objectives, entitling such Participant to


dividend,  voting and other ownership rights, subject to the substantial risk of
forfeiture and restrictions on transfer hereinafter referred to.

   (b) Each grant or sale may be made without additional  consideration from the
Participant or in  consideration  of a payment by the  Participant  that is less
than the Market Value per Share on the Date of Grant.

   (c) Each grant or sale  shall  provide  that the  Restricted  Shares  covered
thereby  shall be  subject  to a  "substantial  risk of  forfeiture"  within the
meaning of Section 83 of the Code for a period to be determined by the Committee
on the  Date of  Grant,  and any  grant  or sale  may  provide  for the  earlier
termination  of such period,  including  without  limitation,  in the event of a
change in control of the Corporation or other similar transaction or event.

   (d) Each grant or sale shall provide  that,  during the period for which such
substantial  risk of  forfeiture  is to  continue,  the  transferability  of the
Restricted  Shares shall be  prohibited  or  restricted in the manner and to the
extent  prescribed by the Committee on the Date of Grant.  Such restrictions may
include,  without  limitation,  rights of  repurchase  or first  refusal  in the
Corporation  or  provisions  subjecting  the  Restricted  Shares to a continuing
substantial risk of forfeiture in the hands of any transferee.

   (e) Any  grant  or sale  may  require  that  any or all  dividends  or  other
distributions   paid  on  the  Restricted  Shares  during  the  period  of  such
restrictions  be  automatically  sequestered  and  reinvested on an immediate or
deferred  basis in additional  Common  Shares,  which may be subject to the same
restrictions as the underlying award or such other restrictions as the Committee
may determine.

   (f) Each grant or sale shall be  evidenced  by an  agreement,  which shall be
executed an behalf of the  Corporation  by any officer  thereof and delivered to
and accepted by the  Participant  and shall contain such terms and provisions as
the Committee may determine consistent with this Plan. Unless otherwise directed
by the Committee, all certificates representing Restricted Shares, together with
a stock power that shall be endorsed in blank by the Participant with respect to
the Restricted  Shares,  shall be held in custody by the  Corporation  until all
restrictions thereon lapse.

7. Deferred Shares. The Committee may also authorize grants or sales of Deferred
Shares to  Participants  upon such terms and  conditions  as the  Committee  may
determine in accordance with the following provisions:

   (a) Each grant or sale shall  constitute the agreement by the  Corporation to
issue  or  transfer   Common  Shares  to  the   Participant  in  the  future  in
consideration  of  the  performance  of  services   rendered,   subject  to  the
fulfillment  during the Deferral  Period of such conditions as the Committee may

   (b) Each grant or sale may be made without additional  consideration from the
Participant or in  consideration  of a payment by the  Participant  that is less
than the Market value per Share on the Date of Grant.

   (c) Each grant or sale shall provide that the Deferred Shares covered thereby
shall be subject to a Deferral Period,  which shall be fixed by the Committee on
the Date of Grant, and any grant or sale may provide for the earlier termination
of the Deferral Period,  including without limitation,  in the event of a change
in control of the Corporation or other similar transaction or event.

   (d) During the Deferral Period,  the Participant  shall not have any right to
transfer  any  rights  under the  subject  award,  shall not have any  rights of
ownership  in the  Deferred  Shares  and  shall  not have any  right to vote the
Deferred  Shares,  but the Committee may on or after the Date of Grant authorize
the payment of dividend equivalents on the Deferred Shares in cash or additional
Common Shares on a current, deferred or contingent basis.

   (e) Each grant or sale shall be  evidenced  by an  agreement,  which shall be
executed on behalf of the  Corporation  by any officer  thereof and delivered to
and accepted by the  Participant  and shall contain such terms and provisions as
the Committee may determine consistent with this Plan.

8.  Performance  Shares and Performance  Units. The Committee may also authorize
grants of Performance  Shares and Performance  Units, which shall become payable
to the Participant upon the achievement of specified Management Objectives, upon
such terms and conditions as the Committee may determine in accordance  with the
following provisions:

   (a) Each grant shall specify the number of Performance  Shares or Performance
Units to which it  pertains,  which may be  subject  to  adjustment  to  reflect
changes in compensation or other factors.

   (b) The  Performance  Period  with  respect  to  each  Performance  Share  or
Performance  Unit shall be  determined by the Committee on the Date of Grant and
may be subject to earlier  termination,  including,  without limitation,  in the
event of a change in control of the Corporation or other similar  transaction or

   (c)  Each  grant  shall  specify  the  Management  Objectives  that are to be
achieved by the Participant.

   (d)  Each  grant  shall  specify  in  respect  of  the  specified  Management
Objectives a minimum acceptable level of achievement below which no payment will
be made and shall set forth a formula for  determining the amount of any payment
to be made if performance is at or above the minimum  acceptable level but falls
short of full achievement of the specified Management Objectives.

   (e) Each grant shall  specify  the time and manner of payment of  Performance
Shares or  Performance  Units  that shall  have been  earned,  and any grant may
specify  that any such  amount may be paid by the  Corporation  in cash,  Common
Shares or any  combination  thereof and may either grant to the  Participant  or
reserve to the Committee the right to elect among those alternatives;  provided,
however,  that no form of  consideration  or manner of payment  that would cause
Rule 16b-3 to cease to apply to this Plan shall be permitted.

   (f) Any grant of Performance  Shares may specify that the amount payable with
respect thereto may not exceed a maximum  specified by the Committee on the Date
of Grant. Any grant of Performance Units may specify that the amount payable, or
the number of Common Shares issued, with respect thereto may not exceed maximums
specified by the Committee on the Date of Grant.

   (g) On or after the Date of Grant of  Performance  Shares,  the Committee may
provide for the payment to the  Participant of dividend  equivalents  thereon in
cash or additional Common Shares on a current, deferred or contingent basis.


   (h) Each grant shall be evidenced by an agreement, which shall be executed on
behalf of the  Corporation by any officer  thereof and delivered to and accepted
by the  Participant and shall contain such terms and provisions as the Committee
may determine consistent with this Plan.

9.   Transferability.

   (a) No Option  Right or other  derivative  security  (as that term is used in
Rule 16b-3) granted under this Plan may be  transferred by a Participant  except
by will or the laws of descent and distribution.  Option Rights and Appreciation
Rights  granted  under  this Plan may not be  exercised  during a  Participant's
lifetime except by the Participant or, in the event of the  Participant's  legal
incapacity,  by his  guardian  or legal  representative  acting  in a  fiduciary
capacity on behalf of the Participant under state law and court supervision.

   (b) Any grant made under  this Plan may  provide  that all or any part of the
Common Shares that are to be issued or transferred by the  Corporation  upon the
exercise of Option Rights or Appreciation  Rights or upon the termination of the
Deferral  Period  applicable  to  Deferred  Shares or in payment of  Performance
Shares or Performance Units, or are no longer subject to the substantial risk of
forfeiture and  restrictions on transfer  referred to in Section 6 of this Plan,
shall be subject to further restrictions upon transfer.

10.  Adjustments.  The Committee may make or provide for such adjustments in the
number of Common Shares covered by outstanding  awards  granted  hereunder,  the
Option Prices per Common Share or Base Prices per Common Share applicable to any
such awards, and the kind of shares (including shares of another issuer) covered
thereby,  as the Committee may in good faith determine to be equitably  required
in order to prevent  dilution or  expansion of the rights of  Participants  that
otherwise would result from (a) any stock dividend,  stock split, combination of
shares,  re-capitalization  or other  change  in the  capital  structure  of the
Corporation or (b) any merger,  consolidation,  spin-off,  spin-out,  split-off,
split-up, reorganization,  partial or complete liquidation or other distribution
of assets,  issuance of warrants or other rights to purchase  securities  or any
other  corporate  transaction  or event  having an effect  similar to any of the
foregoing.  In the event of any such  transaction  or event,  the  Committee may
provide in substitution  for any or all outstanding  awards under this Plan such
alternative  consideration  as it may in good faith  determine  to be  equitable
under the circumstances and may require in connection therewith the surrender of
all awards so  replaced.  Moreover,  the  Committee  may on or after the Date of
Grant  provide in the  agreement  evidencing  any award under this Plan that the
holder of the award may elect to  receive  an  equivalent  award in  respect  of
securities  of the  surviving  entity  of any  merger,  consolidation  or  other
transaction or event having a similar effect,  or the Committee may provide that
the holder will  automatically be entitled to receive such an equivalent  award.
The  Committee  may also make or provide  for such  adjustments  in the  maximum
number of Common  Shares  specified  in Section  3(a) of this Plan,  the maximum
number of Performance Units specified in Section 3(b), and the maximum number of
Common Shares and Free-standing  Appreciation  Rights specified in Sections 4(a)
and  5(h)(ii) of this Plan as the  Committee  may in good faith  determine to be
appropriate  in order to reflect  any  transaction  or event  described  in this
Section 10.

11.  Fractional  Shares.  The  Corporation  shall not be  required  to issue any
fractional  Common Shares  pursuant to this Plan.  The Committee may provide for
the elimination of fractions or for the settlement thereof in cash.

12.  Withholding  Taxes.  To the extent  that the  Corporation  is  required  to
withhold federal,  state,  local or foreign taxes in connection with any payment
made or benefit  realized by a Participant  or other person under this Plan, and
the amounts  available to the Corporation for the withholding are  insufficient,
it shall be a condition to the receipt of any such payment or the realization of
any such benefit  that the  Participant  or such other person make  arrangements
satisfactory to the Corporation for payment of the balance of any taxes required
to be withheld. At the discretion of the Committee and subject to the provisions
of Rule 16b-3, any such arrangements may include  relinquishment of a portion of
any such payment or benefit.  The  Corporation and any Participant or such other
person may also make  similar  arrangements  with  respect to the payment of any
taxes with respect to which withholding is not required.

13.  Certain  Terminations  of Employment or Consulting  Services,  Hardship and
Approved Leaves of Absence.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan to
the contrary,  in the event of termination of employment or consulting  services
by reason of death, disability,  normal retirement,  early retirement,  with the
consent of the Corporation,  termination of employment or consulting services to
enter  public  service with the consent of the  Corporation  or leave of absence
approved  by the  Corporation,  or in the  event of  hardship  or other  special
circumstances,  of a Participant who holds an Option Right or Appreciation Right
that is not immediately and fully exercisable, any Restricted Shares as to which
the substantial risk of forfeiture or the prohibition or restriction on transfer
has not  lapsed,  any  Deferred  Shares as to which the  Deferral  Period is not
complete,  any Performance  Shares or Performance Units that have not been fully
earned,  or any  Common  Shares  that are  subject to any  transfer  restriction
pursuant to Section 9(b) of this Plan, the Committee may take any action that it
deems to be equitable  under the  circumstances  or in the best interests of the
Corporation,  including without limitation,  waiving or modifying any limitation
or requirement with respect to any award under this Plan.

14. Administration of the Plan.

   (a) This Plan shall be administered by a Committee of the Board,  which shall
be composed  of not less than two members of the Board,  each of whom shall be a
"disinterested person" within the meaning of Rule 16b-3.

   (b) The  interpretation and construction by the Committee of any provision of
this Plan or any  agreement,  notification  or document  evidencing the grant of
Option  Rights,   Appreciation  Rights,   Restricted  Shares,  Deferred  Shares,
Performance  Shares or Performance Units, and any determination by the Committee
pursuant to any provision of this Plan or any such  agreement,  notification  or
document,  shall be final and  conclusive.  No member of the Committee  shall be
liable for any such action taken or determination made in good faith.

15.   Amendments and Other Matters.

   (a) This Plan may be amended  from time to time by the  Committee;  provided,
however,  that except as expressly  authorized by this Plan,  no such  amendment
shall  increase  the number of Common  Shares  specified in Section 3(a) hereof,
increase the number of Performance  Units  specified in Section 3(b) hereof,  or
otherwise  cause this Plan to cease to satisfy any applicable  condition of Rule
16b-3, without further approval of the Stockholders of the Corporation.


   (b) With the  concurrence  of the affected  Participant,  the  Committee  may
cancel any agreement  evidencing  Option Rights or any other award granted under
this Plan.  In the event of any such  cancellation,  the Committee may authorize
the granting of new Option  Rights or other awards  hereunder,  which may or may
not cover the same  number of  Common  Shares or  Performance  Units as had been
covered by the canceled  Option Rights or other award,  at such Option Price, in
such manner and subject to such other terms,  conditions and discretion as would
have been  permitted  under this Plan had the  canceled  Option  Rights or other
award not been granted.

   (c) The  Committee  may grant  under  this Plan any award or  combination  of
awards  authorized  under this Plan in exchange for the cancellation of an award
that was not granted under this Plan,  including  without  limitation  any award
that was granted  prior to the adoption of this Plan by the Board,  and any such
award or  combination  of awards so granted under this Plan may or may not cover
the same number of Common  Shares as had been covered by the canceled  award and
shall be subject to such other terms,  conditions  and  discretion as would have
been permitted under this Plan had the canceled award not been granted.

   (d) This Plan shall not confer upon any Participant any right with respect to
continuance  of  employment  or  other  service  with  the  Corporation  or  any
Subsidiary  and  shall  not  interfere  in any  way  with  any  right  that  the
Corporation   or  any   Subsidiary   would   otherwise  have  to  terminate  any
Participant's employment or other service at any time.

   (e) (i) To the  extent  that any  provision  of this Plan would  prevent  any
Option Right that was  intended to qualify as an Incentive  Stock Option from so
qualifying,  any such provision  shall be null and void with respect to any such
Option Right: provided,  however, that any such provision shall remain in effect
with respect to other Option Rights, and there shall be no further effect on any
provision of this Plan.

        (ii) Any award that may be made  pursuant to an  amendment  to this Plan
that shall have been  adopted  without the approval of the  Stockholders  of the
Corporation  shall be null and void if it is  subsequently  determined that such
approval  was  required  in order  for this  Plan to  continue  to  satisfy  the
applicable conditions of Rule 16b-3.

16.  Termination of the Plan. No further awards shall be granted under this Plan
after the passage of 10 years from the date on which this Plan is first approved
by the Stockholders of the Corporation.

17.  Effective Date. The effective date of this Plan (the Effective Date") shall
be October 15, 1999,  provided,  however,  that this Plan and each award granted
hereunder  shall be void and of no force or effect  until and  unless  this Plan
shall have been  approved by a vote of the holders of the majority of the Common
Shares of the Corporation  present,  or  represented,  and entitled to vote at a
meeting duly held in accordance with Colorado law.

18.  Non-transferability.  Each award granted under this Plan shall by its terms
be  nontransferable  by the Participant except by will or the laws of decent and
distribution  of the state wherein the  Participant  is domiciled at the time of
his death; provided, however, that the Committee may (but need not) permit other
transfers,  to the  extent  consistent  with Rule  16b-3;  where  the  Committee
concludes that such  transferability does not result in accelerated taxation and
is otherwise appropriate and desirable.


                              ALFA RESOURCES, INC.
                         218 West Carmen Lane, Suite 208
                          Santa Maria, California 93454

                      ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS - 1999

          This proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors.

   The undersigned  hereby appoints Nancy Heck and William J. Hickey,  or either
of them,  as  attorneys-in-fact  and  proxies,  each with the  power to  appoint
his/her  substitute  and hereby  authorizes  them to represent  and to vote,  as
designated  below, all the shares of Alfa Resources,  Inc. held of record by the
undersigned as of October 15, 1999, at the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders to be
held at 2922 Chapman Avenue, Suite 202, Orange,  California 92869 on November 8,
1999 at 10:30 a.m. or at any adjournments or postponements thereof.

I.   Election of Directors

   FOR all nominees listed below                 WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
   (except as marked to the                      to vote for all nominees
    contrary below)       [  ]                   below                 [  ]

   Sultan Mahmud, Nancy Heck and C. L. Nordstrom

II.  Approval of 1 for 100 reverse stock split

[   ]  FOR      [   ] AGAINST

III.   Approval of the change of name of the Company to "Capco Energy, Inc."

[   ]  FOR      [   ] AGAINST

IV.   Approval of the 1999 Incentive Equity Plan

[   ]  FOR      [   ] AGAINST

     In their  discretion,  the proxies are  authorized  to vote upon such other
business as may come before the meeting.


     This  proxy when  properly  executed  will be voted in the manner  directed
herein by the undersigned Stockholder.  If no direction is made, this proxy will
be voted for the proposals listed above and for any other proposals.


     The undersigned  hereby  ratifies and confirms that said  attorneys-in-fact
and proxies shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue  hereof,  and hereby
revokes any and all proxies  heretofore  given by the undersigned to vote at the
Annual Meeting or at any adjournments or postponements  thereof. The undersigned
acknowledges  receipt  of  notice  of  said  meeting  and  the  proxy  statement
accompanying such notice.

                                       Dated: __________________________


                                              Signature If Held Jointly

     Please sign  exactly as your name  appears  below.  When shares are held as
joint  tenants,   both  should  sign.   When  signing  as  attorney,   executor,
administrator,  trustee  or  guardian,  please  give  full  title as such.  If a
corporation,  please sign in the full  corporate  name by the president or other
authorized officer or if a partnership, by an authorized person.

