OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

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Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [X]
    Check the appropriate box:
     [ ]   Preliminary Proxy Statementn
     [ ]   Confidential, for Use of the Commission only (as permitted by
           Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
     [ ]   Definitive Proxy Statement
     [ ]   Definitive Additional Materials
     [X]   Soliciting Material Under Rule 14a-12

                              NETRO CORPORATION

                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                              C. ROBERT COATES

     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.
[ ]  $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), 14a-6(i)(2) or
     Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
     1)     Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     2)     Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     3)     Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
            pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
            the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
     4)     Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     5)     Total fee
[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     1)     Amount Previously Paid:
     2)     Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     3)     Filing Party: C. Robert Coates
     4)     Date Filed: May 20, 2002

  (These materials are intended to be released to one or more shareholders,
    inconjunction with the previously supplied Definitive Proxy Statement
                currently on file, on or about April 05, 2002)

                            FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION
          (Against Defendants Baruch, Merens, Lange, Tischer, Minar
                 and Von Lehman For Breach of Fiduciary Duty)

34.     Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges each allegation set
        forth above as though set forth at length herein.

35.     At all relevant times, defendants Baruch, Merens, Lange, Tischer,
        Minar, and Von Lehman (the "Director Defendants") were members of the
        RNA Board of Directors. As such, each of the Director Defendants are
        fiduciaries of RNA and all its shareholders, and owe to them the duty
        to conduct the business of RNA loyally, faithfully, carefully,
        diligently and prudently. Each of the Director Defendants voted in
        favor of the Settlement between RNA and ACLARA described in paragraph
        25, above.

36.     Each of the Director Defendants suffered from disabling conflicts of
        interest which prevented them from acting in the best interests of RNA
        and its shareholders when voting to approve the Settlement of
        potential claims between ACLARA and RNA, including the following: (i)
        defendant Baruch's conflict of interest arising from his dual role as
        Chairman of the Board of both ACLARA and RNA, as well as the conflict
        of interest arising from his unlawful conduct in connection with
        ACLARA's Redemption of it's Series A Preferred Stock from RNA, as
        detailed in paragraph 18, above,; (ii) defendant Meren's conflict of
        interest arising from his ownership of control of a substantial equity
        stake in ACLARA, through his position as an employee and agent of Dow,
        as detailed in paragraph 5, above; (iii) the conflict of interest
        suffered by defendants Lange, Tischer and Minar arising from their
        positions as representatives of Rodenstock on the RNA Board, and (iv)
        the conflict of interest suffered by defendant Von Lehman based upon
        his potential liability to RNA for approving the Redemption without
        properly discharging his fiduciary duty of care in considering this

37.     Each of the Director Defendants, in their respective roles as
        directors of RNA, participated in the acts of mismanagement and self-
        dealing alleged herein, by settling the ACLARA claim for tens of
        millions of dollars less than the value of that claim, and have
        therefore misused corporate assets. In so doing, the Director
        Defendants breached their duty of care, loyalty and accountability to
        the shareholders of RNA by acting out of self- interest, and failing
        to act as an ordinary prudent person would have acted in a like

38.     As a result of the Director Defendants' wrongful conduct and wrongful
        actions, RNA has suffered considerable damage to the value of its

39.     By reason of the foregoing, each of the Director Defendants has
        breached his fiduciary duty to care and loyalty to RNA and its

40.     RNA and its shareholders have been injured by reason of the Director
        Defendants' breach of their fiduciary duties to the RNA. Plaintiff, as
        a shareholder and representative of RNA, seeks damages and other
        relief for RNA as hereinafter set forth.

                            SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION
            (Against The Director Defendants For Corporate Waste)

41.     Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges each allegation set
        forth above as though set forth at length herein. Each of the Director
        Defendants owes and owed to RNA the obligation to protect RNA's assets
        from loss or waste.

42.     As specified above, each of the Director Defendants knew or should
        have known that RNA possessed significant, viable legal claims against
        defendants ACLARA, Baruch and Merens arising form the Redemption, as
        set forth in paragraph 19, above. The Director Defendants also knew or
        should have known that the recoverable damages from this claim
        exceeded $100 million. By agreeing to settle these claims with ACLARA
        for $1.75 million, without even commencing litigation, the Director
        Defendant caused RNA to lose a substantial asset for grossly
        inadequate consideration, which constitutes corporate waste.

43.     By reason of the foregoing, RNA has sustained and will continue to
        sustain serious damages and irreparable injury, for which relief is
        sought herein.

44.     The plaintiff and RNA are therefore entitled to judgment against the
        Director Defendants as specified below.

                            THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION
        (Mandatory Injunctive Relief Against The Director Defendants)

45.     Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges each allegation set
        forth above as though set forth at length herein.

46.     As described herein, RNA's Settlement with ACLARA arising from the
        Redemption constitutes corporate waste.

47.     As further described herein, the RNA Board of Directors act of
        approving the Settlement constitutes a breach of those directors' duty
        of loyalty to RNA. As such, the Settlement with ACLARA is an ultra
        vires act. For these reasons, the RNA Board of Directors action of
        settling RNA's claim against ACLARA is void.

48.     Further, as described herein, the Redemption itself resulted from the
        failure of ACLARA, along with defendants Baruch and Merens, to
        disclose material facts concerning this transaction, including the
        following: (i) Baruch had purchased shares of ACLARA stock at a
        significantly higher price two months prior to the Redemption; (ii)
        ACLARA was negotiating a private placement of its stock at a
        significantly higher price at the time of the Redemption; and (iii)
        ACLARA was planning to commence an IPO of its stock at a significantly
        higher price at the time of the Redemption. Had these materials facts
        been disclosed, the RNA Board would not have approved the Redemption.

49.     RNA has suffered, and will continue to suffer, irreparable injury as a
        result of the Settlement and RNA's failure to pursue its legal
        remedies arising from the Redemption. Accordingly, mandatory
        injunctive relief compelling the Director Defendants to rescind the
        Settlement and the Redemption is appropriate.

                            FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION
         (Against Defendant Rodenstock For Breach of Fiduciary Duty)

50.     Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges each allegation set
        forth above as though set forth at length herein.

51.     As the majority, controlling shareholder of RNA, with the power to
        appoint three members of the RNA Board of Directors, Rodenstock is a
        fiduciary of the minority shareholders of RNA, and owes them fiduciary
        duties of care, loyalty and good faith in exercising its control or
        influence over the business and affairs of RNA.

52.     By instructing its representatives on the RNA Board to vote in favor
        of the Settlement of potential claims with ACLARA, and voting its own
        shares in favor of this Settlement, Rodenstock acted in its own self-
        interest, and to the detriment of RNA and its minority shareholders.
        As detailed in paragraph 26, above, Rodenstock acted in this unlawful
        manner for the purpose of avoiding liability for its agents' improper
        conduct in failing to exercise due care in connection with the
        Redemption of the Series A Preferred Stock at a price far below its
        fair value.

53.     By reason of the foregoing, Rodenstock breached its fiduciary duties
        to RNA and its minority shareholders. RAN and its minority
        shareholders have been injured by reason of Rodenstock's breach of its
        fiduciary duties.

                            FIFTH CAUSE OF ACTION
              (Against Defendant ACLARA For Abiding and Abetting
                          Breach of Fiduciary Duty)

54.     Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges each allegation set
        forth above as though set forth at length herein.

55.     As set forth above, each of the RNA Defendants breached their
        fiduciary duties to RNA and its shareholders by agreeing to the
        improper Settlement of claims with ACLARA in exchange for grossly
        inadequate consideration.  ACLARA, through the direct participation of
        its Chairman, defendant Baruch, knowingly participated in and assisted
        the breaches of fiduciary duty committed by the RNA Defendants, as
        detailed herein.  Without ACLARA's direct participation and
        substantial assistance, defendants would have been unable to commit
        these fiduciary breaches, and consummate a Settlement that constitutes
        a waste of corporate assets.

56.     ACLARA's substantial assistance in the unlawful conduct complained of
        herein was knowing, intentional, and provided for the purpose of
        shielding itself from liability for its own misconduct in connection
        with the Redemption of its shares from RNA.

57.     As a result of ACLARA's wrongful conduct and wrongful actions, RNA has
        suffered considerable damage to the value of its assets.

                              PRAYERS FOR RELIEF

        Wherefore, plaintiff on behalf of RNA, prays for judgment against
defendants, and each of them jointly and severally as follows:

        A.      Determining that this suit is a proper derivative action and
                certifying plaintiff as an appropriate representative of
                Rodenstock North America, Inc. for this action pursuant to
                Section 800 of the California Corporations Code;

        B.      Determining and awarding RNA damages for defendants' breaches
                of fiduciary duty and waste of corporate assets;

        C.      Determining and awarding RNA the damages sustained as a result
                of the violations set forth above from each defendant, jointly
                and severally, together with interest thereon;

        D.      Awarding plaintiff the costs and disbursements of this action,
                including reasonable fees and costs to plaintiff's attorneys
                and experts; Determining RNA's Settlement with ACLARA to be an
                ultra vires, act and therefore null and void;

        E.      Issuing a mandatory injunction compelling the current RNA
                Director Defendants to seek a rescission of the Settlement and
                the Redemption; and Granting such other and further relief as
                the Court deems just and proper.

                                 Jury Demand

        Plaintiff demands a trial by jury of all issues so triable.

Dated:  April 26, 2001


/s/ Alan Schulman

12730 High Bluff Drive, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92130
Tel:    (858)793-0070
Fax:   (858) 793-0323

Attorneys for Plaintiff

        I, Yehochai Schneider, a duly authorized representative of S&A Biotech
Investments, LLC, hereby declare:

        On behalf of S&A Biotech Investments, LLC, the plaintiff in the
captioned matter, I have read the foregoing Shareholders' Verified Derivative
Complaint and know its contents. I am informed and believe and, on the ground,
allege that the matters stated therein are true and correct.

        I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and

        Executed this 10th  day of April, 2001, in Los Angeles, California.

/s/ Yehochai Schneider
    Yehochai Schneider