EXHIBIT 23.2 - Consent from Auditors

                          L.L. Bradford & Company, LLc
                          Certified Public Accountants
                                 & Consultants
                             344q S. Bastern Avenue
                            Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
                              Phone: 702-735-5030
                               Fax: 702-735-4854

November 18, 2002

U.S Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
450 Fifth Street, N. W.
Washington, DC 20549

Re: Human BioSystems (Formerly Known as HyperBaric Systems)-Form S-8

Dear Sir/Madame:

As independent certified public accountants, we hereby accept to
the incorporation by reference in this Registration Statement on
Form S-8, our report dated January 29, 2002 in HyperBaric Systems'
Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 2001, and to all
references to our firm included in this Registration Statement.


/s/ L.L. Bradford & Company
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    L.L. Bradford & Company