[LETTERHEAD] Law Offices Reisman & Associates, P.A. 6975 NW 62nd Terrace Parkland, Florida 33067 email: Jbreisman@earthlink.net phone:954-344-0809 Fax:928-569-8195 November 09, 2004 Ms. Carrie Darling Division of Corporation Finance Securities and Exchange Commission Washington, D.C. 20549 Re: McKenzie Bay International, Ltd. Form SB-2 filed October 4, 2004 File No. 333-119493 Dear Ms. Darling: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of this morning, the following are the responses to Mr. Schwall's letter of November 4, 2004. The following paragraph numbers correspond to those in Mr. Schwall's letter. Pending any further comments you may have, the changes referred to below will be included in Amendment No. 1 to Form SB-2. General 1.	We have been advised my McKenzie Bay that tits common stock trades in 	the over-the-counter market, averaging approximately 5,000 shares per 	day. 2.	The operation of the standby equity distribution is described in detail 	under the caption "The Standby Equity Distribution Agreement." A table 	has been added to the disclosure under that caption to explain and 	quantify the effective commission to be paid by McKenzie Bay. Cross 	references to that caption will be added to other parts of the 	prospectus. 3.	The actual effective discount which Cornell Capital Partners will 	receive, under the described assumptions, will be disclosed on the cover 	page and elsewhere in the prospectus. Plan of Distribution 4.	The terms "cross or blocked transactions" will be deleted. The Selling Stockholders 5.	The identity of each person with voting or investment control over each 	non-natural person will be disclosed. 6.	The heading to the first quantitative column will be revised by adding 	"Before the Offering." Corrections will be made to certain of the 	quantitative data in the table. We believe that the disclosure includes 	all the information required by Item 507 of Regulation SB. Changes in Accountants 7.	McKenzie Bay engaged KPMG LLP as its auditors for the fiscal year ended 	September 30, 2002. Subsequently, KPMG LLP sold the office that 	conducted the audit to Deloitte & Touche LLP. Deloitte & Touche LLP 	conducted the audit for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2003. 	McKenzie Bay found that the certain services rendered by Deloitte & 	Touche LLP were lacking in timeliness and, accordingly, engaged other 	auditors for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2004. The Company has 	no specific policy with respect to frequent changes in auditors. Attached to this letter are pages of the prospectus that reflect your comments. The changes from the corresponding pages in the registration statement as previously filed have been marked. We intend to include the changes in Amendment No. 1 to Form SB-2. Sincerely, /s/ Jonathan B. Reisman ________________________ Jonathan B. Reisman