RULE 14a - 101
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                              (Amendment No. _____)

  Filed by the Registrant [x]

  Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

  Check the appropriate box:

  [x]   Preliminary Proxy Statement           [ ]  Confidential, for Use of the
                                                   Commission Only (as permitted
  [ ]   Definitive Proxy Statement                 by Rule 14s-6(e)(2))

  [ ]   Definitive Additional Materials

  [ ]   Soliciting Material Under Rule 14a-12

                              DHB CAPITAL GROUP INC
                (Name or Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

  [x]   No fee required.

  [ ]   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

  (1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

  (2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applied:



  (3)   Per  unit  price or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee
was calculated and state how it was determined):


  (4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


  (5)   Total fee paid:


  [ ]   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:


  [ ]   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided by  Exchange Act
Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

  (1)   Amount Previously Paid:


  (2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


  (3)   Filing Party:


  (4)   Date Filed:



                             DHB CAPITAL GROUP INC.
                               555 WESTBURY AVENUE
                           CARLE PLACE, NEW YORK 11514

                               TEL. (516) 997-1155


NOTICE IS HEREBY  given of the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  of DHB  Capital
Group Inc. (the "Company") will be held on Friday, July 20, 2001 at 5:00 p.m. at
the office of the Company  located at 555 Westbury Ave.,  Carle Place, NY 11514.
The meeting is being called for the following purposes:

         1. To elect five directors.

         2. To approve a change in the name of the  Company to "DHB  Industries,

         3. To ratify the appointment of independent accountants.

         4. To  transact  such other  business as may  properly  come before the

         Accompanying this Notice is the Proxy Statement and form of Proxy.

         Only  stockholders  of record at the close of business on June 20, 2001
will be entitled to vote at the meeting and any adjournment thereof.


                                                          DAWN M.  SCHLEGEL



                             DHB CAPITAL GROUP INC.
                               555 WESTBURY AVENUE
                           CARLE PLACE, NEW YORK 11514

                               TEL. (516) 997-1155

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

This Proxy Statement,  and the Company's 2000 Annual Report are first being sent
to stockholders on or about June 29, 2001 in connection with the solicitation by
the Board of Directors of the enclosed form of Proxy for the 2001 Annual Meeting
of Stockholders to be held on July 20, 2001.

                           PURPOSES OF ANNUAL MEETING

The  Annual  Meeting  has been  called for the  purposes  of (1)  electing  five
Directors;  (2)  approving  an  amendment to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation
changing the Company's name to DHB Industries, Inc.; (3) ratifying the selection
of Paritz  and  Company  P.A.  as  auditors  of the  Company  for 2001;  and (4)
transacting such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

The  person  named in the  enclosed  Proxy  has been  selected  by the  Board of
Directors  and will vote shares of Common  Stock  represented  by valid Board of
Directors'  Proxies.  She has indicated that, unless otherwise  indicated in the
enclosed  Proxy,  she intends to vote for the  election of the  nominees  listed
below and in favor of Proposals 2 and 3 above.

Any  stockholder  signing and returning the enclosed form of Proxy has the power
to revoke it by giving  written notice to the Secretary of the meeting or by the
delivery of a later dated proxy.  Presence at the meeting does not itself revoke
the proxy.  Proxies  properly  executed,  duly  returned  to the Company and not
revoked,  will be  voted  at the  meeting  in  accordance  with  the  directions
specified in the proxy. If no directions are given,  the proxy will be voted for
the election of the five director nominees and "For" Proposals 2 and 3.

The  Company  has no  knowledge  of any other  matters  to be  presented  at the
meeting,  except the  reports of  officers  on which no action is proposed to be
taken. In the event that other matters do properly come before the meeting,  the
person  named in the Proxy will vote in  accordance  with her  judgment  on such


The close of business on June 20, 2001 has been fixed as the record date for the
determination  of holders of record of the shares of Common  Stock  entitled  to
notice of and to vote at the  Annual  Meeting.  On the record  date,  there were
issued and outstanding  31,419,847  shares. A quorum consisting of a majority of
all shares outstanding and entitled to vote at the meeting, present in person or
represented  by proxy,  is required  for the purpose of  considering  all of the
matters to come  before the  meeting.  A quorum  being  present,  directors  are
elected  by a  plurality  of shares


voted;  the change of the  corporate  name  requires the  affirmative  vote of a
majority  of  the  outstanding   shares  entitled  to  vote  thereon;   and  the
ratification  of  the  appointment  of  independent   accountants  requires  the
affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast.

At the  meeting,  broker  "non-votes"  and the shares as to which a  stockholder
abstains are included for purposes of determining  whether a quorum of shares is
present at a meeting.  A broker  "non-vote" occurs when a nominee holding shares
for a  beneficial  owner  does not vote on a  particular  proposal  because  the
nominee does not have  discretionary  voting power with respect to that item and
has not received  instructions from the beneficial owner. Broker "non-votes" are
not  included  in the  tabulation  of the  voting  results  on the  election  of
directors or issues requiring approval of a majority of the votes cast. However,
broker  non-votes  and  abstentions  have the same effect as a vote  against the
proposal to change the corporate name.

                         PERSONS MAKING THE SOLICITATION

Solicitation  will be made by mail and  possibly  supplemented  by  telephone or
other  personal  contact  to be made  without  special  compensation  by regular
officers and  employees of the Company.  The Company may  reimburse  nominees or
agents  (including  brokers  holding  shares on behalf of clients)  for the cost
incurred in obtaining from their  principals  authorization  to execute forms of
proxy.  No  solicitation  will be  made by  specifically  engaged  employees  or
soliciting agents. The cost of solicitation will be borne by the Company.

                                   PROPOSAL 1

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

Each director of the Company is elected annually and holds office until the next
annual meeting of stockholders and until his or her successors are duly elected.
In the absence of instructions to the contrary,  the shares represented by proxy
will be  voted  for the  election  of the  nominees  listed  below.  Four of the
nominees are  currently  directors  and Mr.  Nadelman,  the fifth  nominee,  was
previously a director.

Each  individual  nominated for election as a director of the Company has agreed
to serve if elected.  However,  if any nominee  becomes  unable or  unwilling to
serve if  elected,  the  proxies  will be voted for the  election  of such other
person as may be recommended  by the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors
has no reason to believe that the persons  listed as nominees  will be unable or
unwilling to serve.

The Board of Directors  recommends that each stockholder vote "FOR" the Board of
Directors' nominees.


                                     PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION PAST FIVE YEARS,                            DIRECTOR
NAME OF NOMINEE         AGE                    OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS                                      SINCE
- ---------------         ---                    -------------------                                    --------

David H. Brooks         46       Chairman  or  Co-Chairman  of the Company  since 1992,  and Chief       1992
                                 Executive  Officer  from  1992 to 1998 and from  July 2000 to the

Dawn M. Schlegel        32       Chief Financial  Officer of the Company since 1999, and Treasurer       2000
                                 and Secretary of the Company since  September  1999,  having held
                                 various financial positions with the Company since 1996.

Morten A. Cohen         66       Chairman,  President & CEO of Clarion  Capital  Corp.,  a private       1996
                                 small  business  investment  company  for more than  five  years.
                                 Director of Cohesant Technologies Inc and Zemex Corporation.

Jerome Krantz           45       President of Krantz Financial Group for over five years.                2000

Gary Nadelman           49       President of personal investment  operation for the past year and   New Nominee
                                 the  President  of  Synari,   Inc.,  a  manufacturer  of  women's
                                 sportswear and other apparel, for over five years.

The  Directors  serve for a term of one year  following  their  election  at the
Annual Meeting of Stockholders, and until their successors have been elected and
qualified. The officers serve at the discretion of the Board of Directors. There
were two  telephonic  meetings of the Board of Directors in 2000 and each of the
Directors attended all of the meetings held.  Messrs.  Cohen and Krantz serve on
the Audit and Compensation Committees, but no formal meetings of such committees
were held in 2000.  The Company's  Directors  discharge  their  responsibilities
throughout  the year by personal  meetings and other  communications,  including
frequent and considerable telephone contact with each other regarding matters of
interest and concern to the Company.  Formal action is customarily  accomplished
by the unanimous written consent of the Directors.

During 2000  Directors who were not officers or employees of the Company did not
receive any  compensation  for serving as such,  but were  reimbursed  for their
direct   expenses   incurred  in   connection   with  the   discharge  of  their
responsibilities. However, the Company has periodically granted stock options to
the  directors  for their  services  and in May  2001,  the  directors  received
warrants for 25,000 shares with an exercise price of $2.00.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

The  following  table sets  forth  certain  summary  information  regarding  the
compensation of the executive officers whose total salary and bonus for the year
ended December 31, 2000, exceeded $100,000:

- ---------------------------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------
                                                                                                      Long Term
                                                                                                 Compensation Awards
                                                             Annual Compensation
- ---------------------------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------
   Name and Principal Position                                                                       Securities
                                                                               Other Annual          Underlying
                                      Year         Salary(1)       Bonus       Compensation         Option/SAR's
- ---------------------------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------- ------------------- ----------------------
David Brooks, Chairman and Chief      2000             $413,542          0                   0              3,750,000
Executive                             1999              143,750          0                   0                      0
Officer                               1998               50,000          0                   0                      0

- ---------------------------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------- ------------------- ----------------------
Sandra Hatfield                       2000             $152,098          0                   0                400,000
President of Point Blank              1999              149,196          0                   0                      0
                                      1998              149,080          0                   0                      0
- ---------------------------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------- ------------------- ----------------------
Leonard Rosen, (2)                    2000             $165,400          0                   0                      0
President of PACA                     1999              165,400          0                   0                      0
                                      1998              163,750          0                   0                      0
- ---------------------------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------- ------------------- ----------------------

         (1)      Although certain officers  receive certain  benefits,  such as
                  auto  allowances  and  expense  allowances,  the value of such
                  perquisites did not exceed the lesser of $50,000 or 10% of the
                  respective officers' salary and bonus.
         (2)      Mr. Rosen's employment terminated in February 2001.

In July 2000, Mr. Brooks and the Company entered into a new five-year employment
agreement.  Pursuant to the agreement,  Mr. Brooks  receives an annual salary of
$500,000  through July 2001, with annual  increases of $50,000  thereafter.  The
terms of Mr. Brooks'  contract  provides for 3,750,000  warrants  exercisable at
$1.00 and vesting 20% immediately and in 20% annual increments  thereafter.  The
warrants expire in July 2010.

Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934  requires the  Company's
directors and executive officers, and persons who own more than ten percent of a
registered class of the Company's equity  securities to file with the Securities
and Exchange  Commission  initial reports of ownership and reports of changes of
ownership  of Common Stock and other equity  securities  of the Company.  To the
Company's  knowledge,  based  solely  on review  of the  copies of such  reports
furnished to the Company and written  representations that no other reports were
required  during the fiscal year ended  December  31,  2000,  all Section  16(a)
filing    requirements    applicable    to   its    officers,    directors   and
greater-than-ten-percent beneficial owners were complied with.


                      Warrants Granted in Last Fiscal Year

                                                                                            Potential Gain at
                                                                                            assumed Annual Rates
                                                                                            of Stock Price
                                                                                            Appreciation for
                  Number of      % of Total                                                 Option Term (1):
                  Securities     Options/SARs
                  underlying     granted to             Exercise or
                  options/SAR's  employees in           Base Price        Expiration
Name              Granted        Fiscal Year            ($/Share)         Date           5%            10%
- ----              -------        -----------            ---------         ----           --            ---

David Brooks      3,750,000(2)      88%                   $1.00           7/1/10     $2,358,355    $5,976,534
Sandra Hatfield     400,000(3)       9%                   $2.00          12/31/06    $  503,116    $1,274,994
Leonard Rosen             0          0%                     N/A

         1. These amounts  assume  hypothetical  appreciate  rates of 5% and 10%
            over the term of the option,  as  required  by the SEC,  and are not
            intended to forecast the appreciation of the stock price. No gain to
            the name  officers  will  occur  unless  the  price of DHB's  shares
            exceeds the options' exercise price.
         2. One-fifth of the shares  covered by these  warrants are  exercisable
            immediately, and 20% annual thereafter.
         3. These warrants vest annually over four years.

     No warrants or options have been exercised by executive officers during

                                 AND MANAGEMENT

The following table sets forth the beneficial  ownership of the Company's Common
Stock as of June 8, 2001,  for (i) each director and director  nominee (ii) each
person  known by the Company to  beneficially  own more than five percent of the
shares of outstanding  Common Stock, (iii) each of the executive officers listed
in the Summary  Compensation  Table in "Executive  Compensation" and (iv) all of
the Company's executive officers,  directors,  and director nominees as a group.
Except as  otherwise  indicated,  all shares  are  beneficially  owned,  and the
persons named as the owners hold investment and voting power.

                          Number of Shares
Name                     Beneficially Owned                    Percent Owned
- ----                     ------------------                    -------------
David Brooks                20,775,600 (2)                        51.5%

Morton Cohen                 1,315,300 (3)                         3.2%

Sandra Hatfield                100,000 (4)                           *

Dawn Schlegel                   30,500 (5)                           *


Leonard Rosen                   45,142                               *

Gary Nadelman                  280,000 (6)                           *

Jerome Krantz                   50,000 (7)                           *

All officers, Directors
and nominees as a group
(6 persons)                 22,596,542 (8)                        56%

                                                          * - Less than one (1%)

         1. Based upon  31,419,847  shares  outstanding  as of June 8, 2001.  In
            calculating  the percentage  owned by any  individual,  officer,  or
            director,  the number of currently  exercisable warrants and options
            have been included in  calculation  of percentage  owned.  Currently
            exercisable  options or warrants  are those,  which are  exercisable
            within 60 days after June 8, 2001.

         2. Consists of 7,500,600 shares owned by Mr. Brooks and 4,500,000 owned
            by his wife as custodian for his minor children as well as 8,800,000
            shares acquirable under currently  exercisable warrants. As the only
            person  with more  than 5%  ownership  of the  Company,  Mr.  Brooks
            address is 555 Westbury Avenue, Carle Place NY 11514.

         3. Clarion Capital Corporation,  Clarion Offshore Fund Ltd, and Clarion
            Partners of which Morton  Cohen is an  executive  or  director,  own
            1,265,300 shares.  Mr. Cohen may acquire an additional 50,000 shares
            upon exercise of currently  exercisable  warrants for serving on the

         4. Includes   100,000  shares  issuable  under  currently   exercisable
            warrants awarded to Mrs. Hatfield.

         5. Includes  30,000  shares  that may be  acquired  upon  exercise of a
            currently exercisable warrant.

         6. Includes  25,000  shares  that  may be  acquired  upon  exercise  of
            currently exercisable warrants.

         7. Includes  25,000  shares  that  may be  acquired  upon  exercise  of
            currently exercisable warrants.

         8. Included  8,961,000  shares  that may be acquired  upon  exercise of
            currently exercisable warrants of common stock held by directors and



The Company has funded certain of its acquisitions through the use of term loans
from Mr. David H. Brooks,  Chairman of the Board of the Company,  and Mrs. Terry
Brooks,  his wife. The balance of the shareholder loans at December 31, 2000 was
$16,046,469. These shareholders' loans expire in November 2002 and bear interest
at 12% per annum.

Point Blank Body Armor, Inc., a Company subsidiary,  leases a 67,000 square foot
office  and  manufacturing  facility  in  Oakland  Park,  Florida,  from  V.A.E.
Enterprises  ("V.A.E."),  a partnership  controlled by Terry Brooks, wife of Mr.
David H. Brooks,  and beneficially owned by Mr. and Mrs. Brooks' minor children.
A portion of the facility is subleased to NDL Products, Inc., another subsidiary
of the Company. The annual aggregate base rental is $607,353 and increases by 6%
per year until the lease  expires in  December  31,  2010.  Point  Blank and NDL
Products,  as  lessees,  are  responsible  for all real  estate  taxes and other
operating and capital expenses.

                          COMPENSATION COMMITTEE REPORT

The Compensation Committee is responsible for developing the Company's executive
compensation  policies and  determining the  compensation  paid to the Company's
Chief Executive Officer and its other executive officers.

The  Compensation  Committee did not hold any formal  meetings  during 2000, but
discharged their  responsibility  throughout the year through personal  meetings
and other  communications.  The  Committee  approved the new  contract  with Mr.
Brooks,  the Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer,  entered into last year.  The
Committee considers the executive  compensation currently paid to Mr. Brooks and
the other executives appropriate for executives performing comparable services.

                          Compensation Committee:
                          Morton Cohen, Chrm.
                          Jerome Krantz

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

The members of the audit  committee  met  independently  with  management of the
Company and reviewed and discussed the audited  financial  statements with them.
The audit committee held no separate  discussion with the independent  auditors.
Based on their  discussion with management,  the audit committee  recommended to
the Board of Directors  that the audited  consolidated  financial  statements be
included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December
31, 2000 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


This report by the Audit  Committee  shall not be deemed to be  incorporated  by
reference  by any  general  statement  incorporating  by  reference  this  Proxy
Statement  into any filing under the  Securities  Act or the  Exchange  Act, and
shall not otherwise be deemed filed under such Acts.

                          Audit Committee:
                          Martin A. Cohen, Chrm.
                          Jerome Krantz

                                PERFORMANCE GRAPH

The  following  indexed  graph  indicates  the  Company's  total  return  to its
stockholders  since June 4, 1998 (the day the  Company's  stock began trading on
Nasdaq) as compared to the total return for the Nasdaq  Market Index and Medical
Appliances/Equipment   Industry  Group  Index  (as  complied  by  Media  General
Financial Service).

         See Table below [AT END OF PROXY STATEMENT].

                                   PROPOSAL 2


On May 31,  2001,  the Board of  Directors  approved,  subject to  stockholders'
approval,  an amendment to the Company's  Certificate of Incorporation to change
the name of the Company to "DHB Industries, Inc.".

The Board believes that the new name better reflects the nature of the Company's
business and will avoid any confusion  associated  with the perception  that the
Company is a venture capital or other financial service business.

The  change of the  Company's  name will not affect in any way the  validity  or
transferability  of currently  outstanding stock  certificates or the trading of
the Company's  securities.  If this proposal is approved,  the stockholders will
not be required to surrender or exchange any stock  certificates  currently held
by them. As soon as practicable, following the approval of this proposal and the
filing of the Amendment with the Secretary of the State of Delaware changing the
Company's name to DHB Industries, Inc., all new share certificates issued by the
Company will be printed with the Company's new name.

Under Delaware law, a change in the name of a Delaware corporation requires both
directors'  and  stockholders'  approval of an  amendment  to the  corporation's
Certificate  of  Incorporation  to reflect the new corporate  name. The Board of
Directors has adopted the following resolution to amend the first section of the
Company's  Certificate of  Incorporation to reflect that the name of the Company
shall be DHB Industries, Inc.:


         RESOLVED,  that the Certificate of  Incorporation  be amended to change
         the name of the Company from DHB Capital Group Inc. to DHB  Industries,
         Inc.,  and for that purpose to amend  Article  First thereof to read in
         its entirety as follows:

         "FIRST: The name of the Corporation is DHB Industries, Inc."

The affirmative vote of a majority of shares outstanding and entitled to vote is
necessary to approve this proposal.

                           APPROVAL OF THE NAME CHANGE

                                   PROPOSAL 3


The Board of Directors  has selected  Paritz & Company  P.A.,  as the  Company's
auditors for the year ending December 31, 2001. The Board of Directors  requests
the ratification of the appointment of Paritz & Company P.A. by the stockholders
at the Annual Meeting.

Aggregate  fees  billed  for  the  audit  of  the  Company's   annual  financial
statements,  tax returns and the quarterly analysis of the financial  statements
in 2000 were $55,000.  The Audit Committee has considered  whether the provision
of tax  preparation  services is compatible  with  maintaining  the  independent
accountants'  independence  and has  determined  that  such  services  have  not
adversely affected the auditors' independence.

Paritz and  Company  P.A.  has  served as the  independent  accountants  for the
Company since 1999. A  representative  of Paritz and Company P.A. is expected to
be present at the meeting and will have the opportunity to make statements if he
desires to do so and will be available to respond to appropriate questions.

The affirmative  vote of a majority of the Common Shares present,  in present or
represented by proxy, is required for  ratification of the appointment of Paritz
and Company P.A. as the independent accountants.


                                  ANNUAL REPORT

A copy of the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December
31, 2000 (without exhibits) as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
is being mailed to stockholders with this Proxy Statement.


                                FUTURE PROPOSALS

If any  Stockholder  wishes  to submit a  proposal  for  inclusion  in the Proxy
Statement for the Company's  2002 Annual  Meeting,  the rules of the SEC require
that such proposal be received at the Company's  principal executive office by a
reasonable time prior to January 31, 2002. All such proposals are subject to the
applicable rules and requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

Management knows of no other matters to come before the meeting other than those
referred to in the Notice of Meeting. However, should any other matters properly
come before the meeting,  the shares  represented by the proxy solicited  hereby
will be voted on such matters in accordance with the best judgment of the person
voting the shares represented by the proxy.

                       BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                DAWN M. SCHLEGEL


                             DHB CAPITAL GROUP INC.


         The  undersigned  hereby  appoints  Dawn  Schlegel  with  the  power of
substitution,  as Proxy of the undersigned,  to attend and act for and on behalf
of the  undersigned at the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  of the Company to be
held at the offices of the Company  located at 555 Westbury Ave. Carle Place, NY
11514 at 5:00 PM local  time on July 20,  2001 and at any  adjournment  thereof.
This Proxy hereby  revokes any prior Proxy or Proxies.  This Proxy when properly
executed will be voted as directed herein by the undersigned. IF NO DIRECTION IS

     [X] Please mark your votes as in this example.

1.   To elect as directors, all the persons names below.   [ ] For  [ ] Withheld

     David H. Brooks                    Gary Nadelman      Jerome Krantz
     Morton A. Cohen                    Dawn M. Schlegel

     To Withhold Your Vote For One Or More  Nominees,  Write That Nominee's Name
     In the Space Provided Below:


2.   To approve the change in the name of the Company to "DHB Industries, Inc."

     For:________               Against: ___________         Abstain: __________


3.   To ratify the appointment of Paritz and Company P.A. as auditors of the
Company for 2001.

     For:________               Against: ___________         Abstain: __________

4.   In its discretion, the proxy is  authorized to vote  upon such  business as
may properly come before the meeting.

     (Signature  should conform  exactly to name shown on the proxy.  When joint
tenants hold shares,  both should sign.  Executors,  administrators,  guardians,
trustees,  attorney  and  officers  signing  for  corporations  should give full

     Date: _______________________________________________

     Signature: _____________________Signature if held jointly:  _______________

     Date, sign and return this Proxy promptly using the enclosed envelope.


- ----------------------------------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- -------------
Company/Index/Market                             6/4/98        12/31/98     12/31/99       12/31/00
- ----------------------------------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- -------------
DHB Capital Group                                  100.00         110.81
- ----------------------------------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- -------------
Medical Appliance/ Equipment                       100.00         134.18
- ----------------------------------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- -------------
Nasdaq Market Index                                100.00         147.73
- ----------------------------------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- -------------

