INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT

     This Indemnification  Agreement,  dated as of February 29, 2008, is made by
and  between  POINT  BLANK   SOLUTIONS,   INC.,  a  Delaware   corporation  (the
"Corporation") and ______________________ (the "Indemnitee").


A.   The  Corporation  recognizes  that  competent and  experienced  persons are
     increasingly  reluctant  to serve or to continue to serve as  directors  or
     officers  of  corporations  unless  they  are  protected  by  comprehensive
     liability insurance or indemnification,  or both, due to increased exposure
     to  litigation  costs  and  risks  resulting  from  their  service  to such
     corporations,  and due to the fact that the  exposure  frequently  bears no
     reasonable relationship to the compensation of such directors and officers;

B.   The statutes and judicial  decisions  regarding the duties of directors and
     officers  are often  difficult to apply,  ambiguous,  or  conflicting,  and
     therefore  fail to provide  such  directors  and  officers  with  adequate,
     reliable  knowledge of legal risks to which they are exposed or information
     regarding the proper course of action to take;

C.   The Corporation and Indemnitee recognize that plaintiffs often seek damages
     in such  large  amounts  and the  costs of  litigation  may be so  enormous
     (whether  or  not  the  case  is  meritorious),  that  the  defense  and/or
     settlement  of such  litigation  is often beyond the personal  resources of
     directors and officers;

D.   The  Corporation  believes that it is unfair for its directors and officers
     to assume the risk of huge  judgments and other expenses which may occur in
     cases in which the director or officer  received no personal  profit and in
     cases where the director or officer was not culpable;

E.   The Corporation,  after reasonable  investigation,  has determined that the
     liability  insurance coverage presently available to the Corporation may be
     inadequate  in certain  circumstances  to cover all  possible  exposure for
     which  Indemnitee  should be protected.  The Corporation  believes that the
     interests of the Corporation and its stockholders would best be served by a
     combination of such insurance and the indemnification by the Corporation of
     the directors and officers of the Corporation;

F.   The  Corporation's  Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  requires  the
     Corporation  to indemnify its directors and officers to the fullest  extent
     permitted  by the  Delaware  General  Corporation  Law  (the  "DGCL").  The
     Restated   Certificate  of  Incorporation   expressly   provides  that  the
     indemnification  provisions  set  forth  therein  are  not  exclusive,  and
     contemplate  that contracts may be entered into between the Corporation and
     its directors and officers with respect to indemnification;

G.   Section 145 of the DGCL  ("Section  145"),  under which the  Corporation is
     organized,  empowers the Corporation to indemnify its officers,  directors,
     employees  and agents by agreement and to indemnify  persons who serve,  at

     the request of the Corporation,  as the directors,  officers,  employees or
     agents of other  corporations or enterprises,  and expressly  provides that
     the indemnification provided by Section 145 is not exclusive;

H.   The Board of Directors has determined that contractual  indemnification  as
     set forth herein is not only  reasonable  and prudent but also promotes the
     best interests of the Corporation and its stockholders;

I.   The Corporation  desires and has requested  Indemnitee to serve or continue
     to serve as a director  or officer  of the  Corporation  and/or one or more
     subsidiaries or affiliates of the  Corporation  free from undue concern for
     unwarranted  claims for damages  arising out of or related to such services
     to the  Corporation  and/or one or more  subsidiaries  or affiliates of the
     Corporation; and

J.   Indemnitee is willing to serve,  continue to serve or to provide additional
     service for or on behalf of the  Corporation  on the  condition  that he is
     furnished the indemnity provided for herein.


     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set
forth below, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy
of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the parties hereto,  intending to be legally
bound, hereby agree as follows:


     To the fullest extent permitted by the laws of the State of Delaware:

     (a)  The Corporation  shall indemnify  Indemnitee if Indemnitee was or is a
          party or is threatened to be made a party to any  threatened,  pending
          or completed  action,  suit or proceeding,  whether  civil,  criminal,
          administrative or investigative, by reason of the fact that Indemnitee
          is or was or has agreed to serve at the request of the  Corporation as
          a director,  officer,  employee or agent of the Corporation,  or while
          serving as a director or officer of the Corporation, is or was serving
          or has  agreed  to  serve  at the  request  of  the  Corporation  as a
          director,  officer,  employee or agent  (which,  for purposes  hereof,
          shall  include a trustee,  partner or manager or similar  capacity) of
          another  corporation,  partnership,  joint  venture,  trust,  employee
          benefit plan or other  enterprise,  or by reason of any action alleged
          to have been taken or omitted in such capacity.

     (b)  The  indemnification  provided  by this  Section  1 shall  be from and
          against expenses  (including  attorneys' fees),  judgments,  fines and
          amounts  paid  in  settlement  actually  and  reasonably  incurred  by
          Indemnitee or on  Indemnitee's  behalf in connection with such action,
          suit or  proceeding  and  any  appeal  therefrom,  but  shall  only be
          provided if Indemnitee acted in good faith and in a manner  Indemnitee
          reasonably  believed to be in or not opposed to the best  interests of
          the  Corporation,  and, with respect to any criminal  action,  suit or
          proceeding,  had no reasonable cause to believe  Indemnitee's  conduct
          was unlawful.


     (c)  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing  provisions  of this Section 1, in the
          case of any threatened,  pending or completed  action or suit by or in
          the right of the  Corporation  to procure a  judgment  in its favor by
          reason  of the fact that  Indemnitee  is or was a  director,  officer,
          employee or agent of the  Corporation,  or while serving as a director
          or  officer  of the  Corporation,  is or was  serving or has agreed to
          serve  at the  request  of the  Corporation  as a  director,  officer,
          employee or agent of another corporation,  partnership, joint venture,
          trust,  employee benefit plan or other enterprise,  no indemnification
          shall be made in  respect  of any  claim,  issue or matter as to which
          Indemnitee  shall have been  adjudged to be liable to the  Corporation
          unless, and only to the extent that, the Delaware Court of Chancery or
          the court in which such  action or suit was  brought  shall  determine
          upon  application  that,  despite the adjudication of liability but in
          view of all the  circumstances  of the case,  Indemnitee is fairly and
          reasonably  entitled to indemnity for such expenses which the Delaware
          Court of Chancery or such other court shall deem proper.

     (d)  The termination of any action, suit or proceeding by judgment,  order,
          settlement,  conviction,  or  upon a plea of  nolo  contendere  or its
          equivalent, shall not, of itself, create a presumption that Indemnitee
          did not act in good faith and in a manner which Indemnitee  reasonably
          believed  to be in or  not  opposed  to  the  best  interests  of  the
          Corporation,  and, with respect to any criminal  action or proceeding,
          had  reasonable  cause  to  believe  that  Indemnitee's   conduct  was

Indemnitee  has been  successful  on the merits or  otherwise  in defense of any
action,  suit or proceeding referred to in Section 1 hereof or in defense of any
claim, issue or matter therein, Indemnitee shall be indemnified against expenses
(including  attorneys'  fees)  actually and  reasonably  incurred in  connection
therewith. For purposes of this Agreement and without limiting the foregoing, if
any  action,  suit or  proceeding  is  disposed  of, on the merits or  otherwise
(including a disposition without  prejudice),  without (i) the disposition being
adverse to Indemnitee,  (ii) an  adjudication  that Indemnitee was liable to the
Corporation,  (iii) a plea of guilty or nolo  contendere by Indemnitee,  (iv) an
adjudication  that  Indemnitee  did  not  act in  good  faith  and  in a  manner
Indemnitee  reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of
the  Corporation,   and  (v)  with  respect  to  any  criminal  proceeding,   an
adjudication  that  Indemnitee  had  reasonable  cause to  believe  Indemnitee's
conduct was unlawful,  Indemnitee shall be considered for the purposes hereof to
have been wholly successful with respect thereto.

     If  Indemnitee  is  entitled  under  any  provision  of this  Agreement  to
indemnification  by the  Corporation  for  some  or a  portion  of the  expenses
(including  attorneys'  fees),  judgments,  fines or amounts paid in  settlement
actually and  reasonably  incurred by  Indemnitee or on  Indemnitee's  behalf in
connection with any action, suit, proceeding or investigation,  or in defense of
any claim,  issue or matter therein,  and any appeal therefrom but not, however,
for the total amount  thereof,  the  Corporation  shall  nevertheless  indemnify
Indemnitee  for  the  portion  of such  expenses  (including  attorneys'  fees),
judgments, fines or amounts paid in settlement to which Indemnitee is entitled.


indemnification hereunder shall (unless otherwise ordered by a court) be made by
the Corporation  unless a  determination  is made that  indemnification  of such
person is not  proper  in the  circumstances  because  he or she has not met the
applicable  standard  of conduct  set forth in  Section  1(b)  hereof.  Any such
determination  shall be made (i) by a majority vote of the directors who are not
and were not parties to, or threatened  to be made a party to, the action,  suit
or  proceeding  in  question  ("disinterested  directors"),  even if less than a
quorum,  (ii) by a  majority  vote of a  committee  of  disinterested  directors
designated  by majority  vote of  disinterested  directors,  even if less than a
quorum,  (iii) by a majority vote of a quorum of the outstanding shares of stock
of all classes entitled to vote on the matter,  voting as a single class,  which
quorum  shall  consist of  stockholders  who are not at that time parties to the
action,  suit or proceeding in question,  (iv) by independent legal counsel,  or
(v) by a court of competent jurisdiction; provided, however, that if a Change in
Control shall have occurred or  indemnification  is sought in connection  with a
Company Authorized Proceeding, an indemnification  determination hereunder shall
be made by  independent  legal  counsel  in a  written  opinion  to the Board of
Directors, a copy of which shall be delivered to Indemnitee.


     (a)  Expenses  (including   attorneys'  fees)  incurred  by  Indemnitee  in
          defending a threatened or pending civil,  criminal,  administrative or
          investigative  action,  suit or proceeding,  or in connection  with an
          enforcement  action  pursuant  to Section  5(b),  shall be paid by the
          Corporation in advance of the final  disposition of such action,  suit
          or proceeding within twenty (20) days after receipt by the Corporation
          of (i) a statement  or  statements  from  Indemnitee  requesting  such
          advance or advances from time to time,  and (ii) an  undertaking by or
          on behalf of Indemnitee to repay such amount or amounts,  only if, and
          to the extent that, it shall  ultimately be determined that Indemnitee
          is not entitled to be indemnified by the  Corporation as authorized by
          this  Agreement  or  otherwise.  Such  undertaking  shall be  accepted
          without  reference to the financial ability of Indemnitee to make such
          repayment. Advances shall be unsecured and interest-free.

     (b)  Promptly after receipt by Indemnitee of notice of the  commencement of
          any action,  suit or proceeding,  Indemnitee shall, if a claim thereof
          is  to  be  made  against  the  Corporation   hereunder,   notify  the
          Corporation  of the  commencement  thereof.  The  failure to  promptly
          notify the  Corporation  of the  commencement  of the action,  suit or
          proceeding,  or  Indemnitee's  request for  indemnification,  will not
          relieve  the  Corporation  from  any  liability  that  it may  have to
          Indemnitee  hereunder,   except  to  the  extent  the  Corporation  is
          prejudiced  in its defense of such  action,  suit or  proceeding  as a
          result of such failure.

     (c)  After delivery of such notice,  approval of such counsel by Indemnitee
          and the retention of such counsel by the Corporation,  the Corporation
          will not be liable to Indemnitee  under this Agreement for any fees of
          counsel  subsequently  incurred by Indemnitee with respect to the same
          action,  suit or proceeding,  provided that (1) Indemnitee  shall have
          the right to employ  Indemnitee's own counsel in such action,  suit or
          proceeding at  Indemnitee's  expense and (2) if (i) the  employment of
          counsel by Indemnitee has been previously authorized in writing by the
          Corporation,  (ii)  counsel to the  Corporation  or, in the event of a
          Change  of  Control,   Indemnitee's  counsel,  shall  have  reasonably
          concluded  that there may be a conflict of interest  or  position,  or


          reasonably  believes  that a  conflict  is  likely  to  arise,  on any
          significant  issue  between  the  Corporation  and  Indemnitee  in the
          conduct of any such  defense or (iii) the  Corporation  shall not,  in
          fact, have employed counsel to assume the defense of such action, suit
          or  proceeding,  then the fees and  expenses of  Indemnitee's  counsel
          shall  be at the  expense  of the  Corporation,  except  as  otherwise
          expressly  provided by this Agreement.  The  Corporation  shall not be
          entitled,  without the consent of Indemnitee, to assume the defense of
          any claim brought by or in the right of the Corporation or as to which
          counsel for the  Corporation  or, in the event of a Change in Control,
          Indemnitee's   counsel  shall  have  reasonably  made  the  conclusion
          provided for in clause (ii) above.

     (d)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary,
          to the extent that Indemnitee is, by reason of Indemnitee's  corporate
          status  with   respect  to  the   Corporation   or  any   corporation,
          partnership,  joint  venture,  trust,  employee  benefit plan or other
          enterprise  which  Indemnitee is or was serving or has agreed to serve
          at the request of the Corporation, a witness or otherwise participates
          in any action,  suit or proceeding at a time when  Indemnitee is not a
          party  in the  action,  suit  or  proceeding,  the  Corporation  shall
          indemnify Indemnitee against all expenses (including  attorneys' fees)
          actually and  reasonably  incurred by  Indemnitee  or on  Indemnitee's
          behalf in connection therewith.


     (a)  To obtain  indemnification,  Indemnitee  shall promptly  submit to the
          Corporation a written  request,  including  therein or therewith  such
          documentation and information as is reasonably available to Indemnitee
          and is  reasonably  necessary to determine  whether and to what extent
          Indemnitee  is entitled to  indemnification.  The  Corporation  shall,
          promptly  upon receipt of such a request for  indemnification,  advise
          the Board of  Directors  in  writing  that  Indemnitee  has  requested
          indemnification.   Indemnitee  shall  reasonably  cooperate  with  the
          person,  persons or entity making such  determination  with respect to
          Indemnitee's entitlement to indemnification.  Any expenses incurred by
          Indemnitee  in so  cooperating  shall  be  borne  by  the  Corporation
          (irrespective of the  determination as to Indemnitee's  entitlement to
          indemnification)   and  the  Corporation   shall  indemnify  and  hold
          Indemnitee harmless therefrom.

     (b)  The  Corporation's   determination   whether  to  grant   Indemnitee's
          indemnification  request  shall  be made  promptly,  and in any  event
          within 60 days  following  receipt  of a request  for  indemnification
          pursuant to Section 5(a). The right to  indemnification  as granted by
          Section 1 of this Agreement  shall be enforceable by Indemnitee in any
          court  of  competent  jurisdiction  if  the  Corporation  denies  such
          request,  in whole or in part, or fails to respond  within such 60-day
          period. It shall be a defense to any such action (other than an action
          brought  to  enforce a claim for the  advance  of costs,  charges  and
          expenses  under  Section 4 hereof where the required  undertaking,  if
          any, has been received by the Corporation) that Indemnitee has not met
          the standard of conduct set forth in Section 1 hereof,  but the burden
          of proving such defense by clear and  convincing  evidence shall be on
          the Corporation. Neither the failure of the Corporation (including its
          Board of Directors or one of its  committees,  its  independent  legal
          counsel,  and its stockholders) to have made a determination  prior to
          the commencement of such action that  indemnification of Indemnitee is
          proper in the circumstances  because Indemnitee has met the applicable
          standard of conduct  set forth in Section 1 hereof,  nor the fact that
          there has been an actual  determination by the Corporation  (including
          its Board of Directors or one of its committees, its independent legal


          counsel,  and its  stockholders)  that  Indemnitee  has  not met  such
          applicable  standard of  conduct,  shall be a defense to the action or
          create a presumption that Indemnitee has or has not met the applicable
          standard of conduct. The Indemnitee's  expenses (including  attorneys'
          fees)   incurred  in   connection   with   successfully   establishing
          Indemnitee's  right to  indemnification,  in whole or in part,  in any
          such  proceeding  or  otherwise  shall  also  be  indemnified  by  the

     (c)  The  Indemnitee  shall be presumed  to be entitled to  indemnification
          under this Agreement upon submission of a request for  indemnification
          pursuant to this Section 5, and the Corporation  shall have the burden
          of proof in overcoming  that  presumption in reaching a  determination
          contrary  to that  presumption.  Such  presumption  shall be used as a
          basis for a determination of entitlement to indemnification unless the
          Corporation   overcomes  such  presumption  by  clear  and  convincing

     (d)  If it is determined  that  Indemnitee is entitled to  indemnification,
          payment shall be timely made after that determination.


     (a)  The  Corporation  shall use its best  efforts to purchase and maintain
          insurance on behalf of Indemnitee who is or was or has agreed to serve
          at the  request of the  Corporation  as a  director  or officer of the
          Corporation,  and may  purchase  and  maintain  insurance on behalf of
          Indemnitee who is or was serving at the request of the  Corporation as
          a  director,  officer,  employee  or  agent  of  another  corporation,
          partnership,  joint  venture,  trust,  employee  benefit plan or other
          enterprise,  against any liability asserted against,  and incurred by,
          Indemnitee or on Indemnitee's behalf in any such capacity,  or arising
          out of  Indemnitee's  status as such,  whether or not the  Corporation
          would have the power to indemnify  Indemnitee  against such  liability
          under the provisions of this  Agreement.  If the  Corporation has such
          insurance  in  effect  at  the  time  the  Corporation  receives  from
          Indemnitee  any  notice  of  the  commencement  of a  proceeding,  the
          Corporation  shall  give  prompt  notice of the  commencement  of such
          proceeding to the insurers in accordance with the procedures set forth
          in the policy.  The Corporation shall thereafter take all necessary or
          desirable  action  to cause  such  insurers  to pay,  on behalf of the
          Indemnitee,  all  amounts  payable as a result of such  proceeding  in
          accordance with the terms of such policy.

     (b)  In the event of any payment by the  Corporation  under this Agreement,
          the  Corporation  shall be subrogated to the extent of such payment to
          all of the  rights of  recovery  of  Indemnitee  with  respect  to any
          insurance  policy,  who shall execute all papers required and take all
          action  necessary to secure such rights,  including  execution of such
          documents as are necessary to enable the  Corporation to bring suit to
          enforce  such rights in  accordance  with the terms of such  insurance
          policy.  The Corporation  shall pay or reimburse all expenses actually
          and  reasonably   incurred  by  Indemnitee  in  connection  with  such

     (c)  The  Corporation  shall not be liable under this Agreement to make any
          payment of amounts otherwise indemnifiable  hereunder (including,  but
          not limited to, judgments, fines, ERISA excise taxes or penalties, and
          amounts paid in settlement)  if and to the extent that  Indemnitee has


          otherwise  actually  received such payment under this Agreement or any
          insurance policy, contract, agreement or otherwise.

     SECTION  7.  CERTAIN  DEFINITIONS.  For  purposes  of this  Agreement,  the
following definitions shall apply:

     (a)  The term "action,  suit or proceeding"  shall be broadly construed and
          shall include,  without  limitation,  the investigation,  preparation,
          prosecution,  defense, settlement,  arbitration and appeal of, and the
          giving of testimony in, any  threatened,  pending or completed  claim,
          action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or

     (b)  The term "by reason of the fact that  Indemnitee is or was a director,
          officer,  employee or agent of the Corporation,  or while serving as a
          director  or  officer  of the  Corporation,  is or was  serving or has
          agreed  to serve at the  request  of the  Corporation  as a  director,
          officer, employee or agent of another corporation,  partnership, joint
          venture,  trust,  employee benefit plan or other  enterprise" shall be
          broadly construed and shall include, without limitation, any actual or
          alleged act or omission to act.

     (c)  The term  "expenses"  shall be broadly and  reasonably  construed  and
          shall include,  without  limitation,  all direct and indirect costs of
          any type or nature  whatsoever  (including,  without  limitation,  all
          attorneys'  fees  and  related  disbursements,   appeal  bonds,  other
          out-of-pocket  costs and  reasonable  compensation  for time  spent by
          Indemnitee  for which  Indemnitee is not otherwise  compensated by the
          Corporation or any third party, provided that the rate of compensation
          and estimated  time involved is approved by the Board,  which approval
          shall not be unreasonably withheld),  actually and reasonably incurred
          by Indemnitee in connection with either the investigation,  defense or
          appeal  of a  proceeding  or  establishing  or  enforcing  a right  to
          indemnification  under  this  Agreement,  Section  145 of the  General
          Corporation Law of the State of Delaware or otherwise.

     (d)  The term  "judgments,  fines and amounts paid in settlement"  shall be
          broadly construed and shall include,  without  limitation,  all direct
          and  indirect  payments  of any type or nature  whatsoever  including,
          without limitation, all penalties and amounts required to be forfeited
          or reimbursed to the  Corporation,  as well as any penalties or excise
          taxes assessed on a person with respect to an employee benefit plan).

     (e)  The  term  "Corporation"  shall  include,  without  limitation  and in
          addition to the resulting  corporation,  any  constituent  corporation
          (including  any   constituent   of  a   constituent)   absorbed  in  a
          consolidation   or  merger  which,  if  its  separate   existence  had
          continued,  would  have had  power  and  authority  to  indemnify  its
          directors,  officers,  and employees or agents, so that any person who
          is or was a director,  officer,  employee or agent of such constituent
          corporation,  or is or was serving at the request of such  constituent
          corporation  as a  director,  officer,  employee  or agent of  another
          corporation,  partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan
          or  other  enterprise,  shall  stand in the same  position  under  the
          provisions  of  this  Agreement  with  respect  to  the  resulting  or
          surviving  corporation  as he or she would  have with  respect to such
          constituent corporation if its separate existence had continued.


     (f)  The  term  "other  enterprises"  shall  include,  without  limitation,
          employee benefit plans.

     (g)  The term "serving at the request of the  Corporation"  shall  include,
          without limitation,  any service as a director,  officer,  employee or
          agent of the Corporation which imposes duties on, or involves services
          by,  such  director,  officer,  employee  or agent with  respect to an
          employee benefit plan, its participants or beneficiaries.

     (h)  A  person  who  acted  in  good  faith  and in a  manner  such  person
          reasonably  believed  to be in the  interest of the  participants  and
          beneficiaries  of an  employee  benefit  plan  shall be deemed to have
          acted  in  a  manner  "not  opposed  to  the  best  interests  of  the
          Corporation" as referred to in this Agreement.

     (i)  "Change  in  Control"  means a change in  control  of the  Corporation
          occurring  after the Effective Date of a nature that would be required
          to be reported in response to Item 6(e) of Schedule 14A of  Regulation
          14A (or in  response to any  similar  item on any similar  schedule or
          form)  promulgated  under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as
          amended (the "Act"), whether or not the Corporation is then subject to
          such  reporting   requirement;   provided,   however,   that,  without
          limitation,  such a Change in Control shall be deemed to have occurred
          if after the Effective Date:

          (i)  any "person" (as such term is used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d) of
               the Act) is or becomes the "beneficial owner" (as defined in Rule
               13d-3 under the Act),  directly or  indirectly,  of securities of
               the  Corporation  representing  15% or  more  of the  outstanding
               shares  entitled to vote  generally  in the election of directors
               without the prior approval of at least  two-thirds of the members
               of the Board of Directors in office immediately prior to the time
               such person becomes such a beneficial owner; or

          (ii) there occurs a proxy contest,  or the Corporation is a party to a
               merger,  consolidation,  sale of assets,  plan of  liquidation or
               other  reorganization  not approved by at least two-thirds of the
               members  of  the  Board  of  Directors  then  in  office,   as  a
               consequence  of which members of the Board of Directors in office
               immediately  prior to such  transaction or event  constitute less
               than a majority of the Board of Directors thereafter; or

          (iii) during  any  period of two  consecutive  years,  other than as a
               result of an event described in clause (b)(ii) of this Section 1,
               individuals  who at the beginning of such period  constituted the
               Board of Directors  (including  for this purpose any new director
               whose  election or nomination  for election by the  Corporation's
               stockholders was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds of the
               directors  then  still  in  office  who  were  directors  at  the
               beginning of such period)  cease for any reason to  constitute at
               least a majority of the Board of Directors.

     (j)  "Effective  Date"  means  the date on which the  Indemnitee  became an
          officer or director of the Corporation.

     (k)  "Independent  legal  counsel"  means a law firm,  or a member of a law
          firm,  that is experienced  in matters of corporation  law and neither
          is, nor in the past five years has been,  retained to  represent:  (i)
          the  Corporation,  the Indemnitee or one of the other directors of the
          Corporation  in any matter  material  to any such  party,  or (ii) any
          other party to the action,  suit or proceeding  giving rise to a claim


          for  indemnification  hereunder.  Independent  legal  counsel shall be
          selected by the  Corporation,  with the approval of Indemnitee,  which
          approval will not be unreasonably  withheld;  provided,  however, that
          independent  legal counsel shall be selected by  Indemnitee,  with the
          approval  of the  Board  of  Directors,  which  approval  will  not be
          unreasonably withheld (i) from and after the occurrence of a Change in
          Control,  and (ii) in connection with an action, suit or proceeding by
          or in the right of the  Corporation  authorized or not  disapproved by
          the Board of Directors  alleging  claims against  Indemnitee  that, if
          sustained,  reasonably might give rise to a judgment for money damages
          of more than $1,000,000 and/or injunctive relief ("Company  Authorized
          Proceeding").  Anything  herein to the  contrary  notwithstanding,  if
          Indemnitee  and the  Corporation  are unable to agree with  reasonable
          promptness on the selection of the  independent  legal  counsel,  such
          counsel shall be selected by lot from among: Morris,  Nichols, Arsht &
          Tunnell LLP;  Richards,  Layton & Finger P.A.;  and Potter  Anderson &
          Corroon  LLP;  unless all such law firms do not qualify  hereunder  or
          decline to serve, in which event such counsel shall be selected by lot
          from among the following law firms:  Simpson,  Thacher & Bartlett LLP;
          Debevoise & Plimpton LLP; DLA Piper; Brune & Richard LLP; and Spears &
          Imes LLP. The  Corporation  shall  contact these law firms in order of
          their  selection  by lot,  requesting  each  such  firm to  accept  an
          engagement  hereunder until one of such firms qualifies  hereunder and
          accepts  the  engagement.  The fees and  costs  of  independent  legal
          counsel shall be paid by the Corporation.

     SECTION  8.  LIMITATION  ON  INDEMNIFICATION.   Notwithstanding  any  other
provision  herein  to the  contrary,  the  Corporation  shall  not be  obligated
pursuant to this Agreement:

     (a)  Claims  Initiated by Indemnitee.  To indemnify or advance  expenses to
          Indemnitee  with  respect to an action,  suit or  proceeding  (or part
          thereof)  initiated by  Indemnitee,  except with respect to an action,
          suit or  proceeding  brought  to  establish  or  enforce  a  right  to
          indemnification  (which shall be governed by the provisions of Section
          8(b) of this  Agreement),  unless such action,  suit or proceeding (or
          part thereof) was authorized or consented to by the Board of Directors
          of the Corporation.

     (b)  Action for  Indemnification.  To indemnify Indemnitee for any expenses
          incurred by Indemnitee with respect to any action,  suit or proceeding
          instituted  by  Indemnitee  to enforce or  interpret  this  Agreement,
          unless Indemnitee is successful in establishing  Indemnitee's right to
          indemnification  in such action,  suit or  proceeding,  in whole or in
          part, or unless and to the extent that the court in such action,  suit
          or proceeding shall determine that,  despite  Indemnitee's  failure to
          establish  their right to  indemnification,  Indemnitee is entitled to
          indemnity for such expenses;  provided,  however, that nothing in this
          Section 8(b) is intended to limit the  Corporation's  obligation  with
          respect to the  advancement  of expenses to  Indemnitee  in connection
          with any such action,  suit or proceeding  instituted by Indemnitee to
          enforce or interpret this Agreement, as provided in Section 4 hereof.

     (c)  Section  16  Violations.  To  indemnify  Indemnitee  on account of any
          proceeding  with respect to which final  judgment is rendered  against
          Indemnitee  for payment or an accounting  of profits  arising from the
          purchase or sale by  Indemnitee  of securities in violation of Section
          16(b) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended,  or any
          similar successor statute.


     (d)  Non-compete and Non-disclosure.  To indemnify Indemnitee in connection
          with  proceedings or claims  involving the  enforcement of non-compete
          and/or   non-disclosure   agreements   or   the   non-compete   and/or
          non-disclosure   provisions  of  employment,   consulting  or  similar
          agreements the Indemnitee may be a party to with the  Corporation,  or
          any subsidiary of the Corporation or any other  applicable  foreign or
          domestic  corporation,  partnership,  joint  venture,  trust  or other
          enterprise, if any.

     SECTION 9. CERTAIN  SETTLEMENT  PROVISIONS.  The Corporation  shall have no
obligation  to indemnify  Indemnitee  under this  Agreement  for amounts paid in
settlement of any action,  suit or proceeding  without the  Corporation's  prior
written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Corporation shall
not settle any action,  suit or  proceeding  in any manner that would impose any
fine or other  obligation  on  Indemnitee  without  Indemnitee's  prior  written
consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

     SECTION  10.  SAVINGS  CLAUSE.  If any  provision  or  provisions  of  this
Agreement  shall  be  invalidated  on any  ground  by  any  court  of  competent
jurisdiction, then the Corporation shall nevertheless indemnify Indemnitee as to
costs, charges and expenses (including  attorneys' fees),  judgments,  fines and
amounts  paid in  settlement  with  respect to any action,  suit or  proceeding,
whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, including an action by
or in the  right  of  the  Corporation,  to the  full  extent  permitted  by any
applicable portion of this Agreement that shall not have been invalidated and to
the full extent permitted by applicable law.

     SECTION  11.  CONTRIBUTION.  In order  to  provide  for just and  equitable
contribution in circumstances in which the  indemnification  provided for herein
is held by a court of competent  jurisdiction to be unavailable to Indemnitee in
whole or in part, it is agreed that, in such event,  the  Corporation  shall, to
the fullest extent  permitted by law,  contribute to the payment of Indemnitee's
costs, charges and expenses (including  attorneys' fees),  judgments,  fines and
amounts  paid in  settlement  with  respect to any action,  suit or  proceeding,
whether civil, criminal,  administrative or investigative,  in an amount that is
just and  equitable  in the  circumstances,  taking  into  account,  among other
things,  contributions  by other  directors and officers of the  Corporation  or
others  pursuant to  indemnification  agreements or otherwise;  provided,  that,
without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such contribution shall not be
required where such holding by the court is due to (i) the failure of Indemnitee
to meet the  standard  of  conduct  set forth in  Section 1 hereof,  or (ii) any
limitation on indemnification set forth in Section 6(c), 8 or 9 hereof.

     SECTION 12. FORM AND  DELIVERY OF  COMMUNICATIONS.  Any notice,  request or
other communication  required or permitted to be given to the parties under this
Agreement  shall  be in  writing  and  either  delivered  in  person  or sent by
telecopy,  telex,  telegram,  overnight mail or courier service, or certified or
registered mail, return receipt  requested,  postage prepaid,  to the parties at
the  following  addresses  (or at such other  addresses  for a party as shall be
specified by like notice):

                  If to the Corporation:
                  POINT BLANK SOLUTIONS, INC.
                  2102 S.W. 2nd Street
                  Pompano Beach, FL 33069


                  Attn: Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel
                  Facsimile:  (954) 630-9335

                  If to Indemnitee:

                  Facsimile: _____________________

     SECTION  13.  SUBSEQUENT  LEGISLATION.  If the General  Corporation  Law of
Delaware is amended  after  adoption  of this  Agreement  to expand  further the
indemnification  permitted to directors or officers,  then the Corporation shall
indemnify  Indemnitee to the fullest extent permitted by the General Corporation
Law of Delaware, as so amended.

     SECTION  14.   NONEXCLUSIVITY.   The  provisions  for  indemnification  and
advancement  of  expenses  set  forth  in this  Agreement  shall  not be  deemed
exclusive of any other rights which  Indemnitee  may have under any provision of
law, the  Corporation's  Certificate of Incorporation or ByLaws, in any court in
which a proceeding is brought,  the vote of the  Corporation's  stockholders  or
disinterested directors,  other agreements or otherwise, and Indemnitee's rights
hereunder  shall continue after  Indemnitee has ceased acting as an agent of the
Corporation  and  shall  inure  to the  benefit  of  the  heirs,  executors  and
administrators  of  Indemnitee.  However,  no  amendment  or  alteration  of the
Corporation's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  or ByLaws or any other  agreement
shall adversely affect the rights provided to Indemnitee under this Agreement

     SECTION 15. ENFORCEMENT.  The Corporation shall be precluded from asserting
in any  judicial  proceeding  that  the  procedures  and  presumptions  of  this
Agreement are not valid,  binding and enforceable.  The Corporation  agrees that
its execution of this Agreement shall constitute a stipulation by which it shall
be  irrevocably  bound  in any  court  of  competent  jurisdiction  in  which  a
proceeding by Indemnitee for enforcement of his rights hereunder shall have been
commenced,  continued  or  appealed,  that  its  obligations  set  forth in this
Agreement are unique and special,  and that failure of the Corporation to comply
with the provisions of this Agreement will cause  irreparable  and  irremediable
injury to Indemnitee, for which a remedy at law will be inadequate. As a result,
in addition to any other right or remedy Indemnitee may have at law or in equity
with  respect  to breach of this  Agreement,  Indemnitee  shall be  entitled  to
injunctive or mandatory relief directing specific performance by the Corporation
of its obligations under this Agreement.

     SECTION 16. INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT.  It is understood that the parties
hereto  intend this  Agreement to be  interpreted  and enforced so as to provide
indemnification  to Indemnitee to the fullest extent now or hereafter  permitted
by law.

     SECTION 17. ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.  This Agreement and the documents  expressly
referred to herein  constitute the entire  agreement  between the parties hereto
with  respect  to  the  matters   covered   hereby,   and  any  other  prior  or
contemporaneous oral or written understandings or agreements with respect to the
matters covered hereby are expressly superceded by this Agreement.


     SECTION  18.  MODIFICATION  AND  WAIVER.  No  supplement,  modification  or
amendment of this Agreement  shall be binding unless executed in writing by both
of the parties  hereto.  No waiver of any of the  provisions  of this  Agreement
shall be deemed or shall  constitute  a waiver  of any  other  provision  hereof
(whether or not similar) nor shall such waiver constitute a continuing waiver.

     SECTION 19. SUCCESSOR AND ASSIGNS.  All of the terms and provisions of this
Agreement  shall be binding  upon,  shall  inure to the  benefit of and shall be
enforceable  by the parties  hereto and their  respective  successors,  assigns,
heirs,  executors,  administrators  and legal  representatives.  The Corporation
shall require and cause any direct or indirect  successor  (whether by purchase,
merger,  consolidation or otherwise) to all or substantially all of the business
or  assets  of the  Corporation,  by  written  agreement  in form and  substance
reasonably satisfactory to Indemnitee,  expressly to assume and agree to perform
this  Agreement  in the same manner and to the same extent that the  Corporation
would be required to perform if no such succession had taken place.

     SECTION  20.  SERVICE OF PROCESS AND VENUE.  For  purposes of any claims or
proceedings  to  enforce  this  agreement,   the  Corporation  consents  to  the
jurisdiction  and venue of any federal or state court of competent  jurisdiction
in the states of Delaware and New Jersey, and waives and agrees not to raise any
defense that any such court is an inconvenient forum or any similar claim.

     SECTION 21. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed  exclusively by
and  construed  according  to the laws of the State of  Delaware,  as applied to
contracts between Delaware  residents entered into and to be performed  entirely
within  Delaware.  If a  court  of  competent  jurisdiction  shall  make a final
determination  that the  provisions  of the law of any state other than Delaware
govern  indemnification  by the Corporation of its officers and directors,  then
the  indemnification  provided  under this  Agreement  shall in all instances be
enforceable to the fullest extent permitted under such law,  notwithstanding any
provision of this Agreement to the contrary.

     SECTION 22.  EMPLOYMENT  RIGHTS.  Nothing in this  Agreement is intended to
create in Indemnitee any right to employment or continued employment.

     SECTION 23.  COUNTERPARTS.  This  Agreement  may be executed in two or more
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to be an original  and all of which
together shall be deemed to be one and the same instrument, notwithstanding that
both parties are not signatories to the original or same counterpart.

     SECTION 24. HEADINGS. The section and subsection headings contained in this
Agreement  are for  reference  purposes only and shall not affect in any way the
meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered to
be effective as of the date first above written.

                            [Signature Page Follows]


                                   POINT BLANK SOLUTIONS, INC.






