Intellectual Property License Agreement
                          Synthonics Technologies, Inc.
                                 Acuscape, Inc.
                                  02 June 2000

This  Agreement  is  effective  as of 02 June 2000  ("Effective  Date")  between
Acuscape, Inc., a Delaware Corporation,  with its principal place of business at
1200  East  Alosta  Avenue,  Suite  206,  Glendora,   California,   USA,  91740,
(626)-963-3699  ("LICENSEE")  and  Synthonics  Technologies,   Inc.  a  Delaware
corporation,  with  its  principal  place of  business  at  31324  Via  Colinas,
Suite106, Westlake Village, California, USA 91362, (818)-707-6000 ("COMPANY").


Whereas COMPANY, as licensor,

     a.   is the owner of intellectual  property rights  associated with certain
          patented  technologies  dealing,  in general,  with the  construction,
          modification,  transmission and display of digital 3D computer graphic
          models, and

     b.   has the right to exclude others from making,  using, offering for sale
          or selling or importing the inventions contained in COMPANY's patents,
          and no one else may do any of these  things in the  United  States and
          certain other geographical locations without COMPANY's permission, and

     c.   may grant licenses to others, such license agreements being in essence
          nothing  more than a promise by COMPANY not to sue the  licensees  for
          infringing on intellectual properties owned by COMPANY, and

     d.   desires  to  license   certain   rights  to  use  COMPANY's   patented
          intellectual  properties  to  multiple  third  parties  at  reasonable
          royalty rates and in a fashion that reduces the  possibility of piracy
          and unauthorized use of COMPANY's intellectual properties, and


     e.   desires  to  obtain a  license  to use  certain  COMPANY  intellectual
          properties,   related  to

          a.   "phototexturing via photogrammetric  techniques" and

          b.   "morphing    of    generic    surface    structures    to   match
               photogrammetrically derived data sets",

          on an exclusive  basis,  to develop and market new  LICENSEE-developed
          products and  services,  specifically  for

               i. Medical and

               ii.  Medical Forensics

               iii. Veterinary Medical, and

               iv.  Veterinary Medical Forensics markets, and

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     f.   desires to utilize  COMPANY  intellectual  property  in a manner  that
          protects COMPANY from unauthorized, non-royalty-paying distribution of
          LICENSEE-developed  products and services that contain, rely on or are
          derived from COMPANY's intellectual properties, and

Whereas COMPANY desires to provide assistance to LICENSEE for the development of

     a.   LICENSEE-developed source code,

     b.   LICENSEE-developed object code, and

     c.   Other LICENSEE-developed intellectual properties

     in a manner  that  protects  LICENSEE  from  unauthorized  distribution  of
     LICENSEE intellectual properties and trade secrets to other entities, and

Whereas both COMPANY and LICENSEE acknowledge

     a.   each license issued by COMPANY is a contract and may include  whatever
          provisions  the  parties to the  contract  agree upon,  including  the
          payment of royalties, and other considerations, and

     b.   that any  "know-how",  "training",  "source  code",  "object code" and
          other  potentially  valuable  assets  that  may  be  associated  with,
          expressions  of, or derived from COMPANY's  intellectual  property are
          not  a  material  part  of  this  Agreement,  except  as  specifically
          identified herein, and

     c.   that COMPANY is, at the time of the Effective Date of this  Agreement,
          a  shareholder  in Acuscape,  Inc.,  with  expectations  of Acuscape's
          success in business  that will,  in turn,  have benefit to COMPANY and
          COMPANY's shareholders, and

Whereas both COMPANY and LICENSEE acknowledge

     d.   the  existence of a previous  license  agreement  between the parties,
          identified as "License Agreement Between  Synthonics  Incorporated and
          Medscape, LLC", dated "September 2, 1996", and

     e.   said previous  license  agreement was drafted prior to the issuance of
          any patents to COMPANY,  and prior to various company name changes and
          company structural changes and

     f.   said previous license was restricted to specific object code that gave
          utility and form to then un-patented COMPANY intellectual  properties,

     g.   that both parties  intend this Agreement to supersede and replace said
          previous  license  agreement in full,  and

     h.   that both parties agree that any obligations including but not limited
          to  royalties  and fees that arose  pursuant to the  previous  license
          agreement are COMPLETELY EXCUSED,

NOW THEREFORE,  COMPANY and LICENSEE enter into this Agreement  ("Agreement") on
the following terms:

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i.       DEFINITIONS.  The following definitions shall apply to this Agreement:

          a.   "COMPANY  Intellectual  Property"  means: (i) any and all patents
               listed in EXHIBIT A, an  attachment  to and integral part of this
               Agreement; (ii) all intellectual property that is directed to any
               and  all  improvements  made  to the  technology  covered  by the
               patents   listed  in  EXHIBIT   A,  as  well  as  all   reissues,
               reexaminations  and extensions  thereof,  and all priority rights
               under  all  available  International  Agreements,   Treaties  and
               Conventions  for the protection of  intellectual  property in its
               various   forms  in   every   participating   country,   and  all
               applications  for  patents  (including  related  rights  such  as
               utility-model  registrations,  inventor's  certificates,  and the
               like) heretofore or hereafter filed for said  improvements in any
               foreign countries,  and all patents (including all continuations,
               divisions,   extensions,   renewals,  substitutes,  and  reissues
               thereof) granted for said improvements in any foreign  countries;
               and (iii) any and all copyrights  related to the software  listed
               in  EXHIBIT  B,  an  attachment  to and  integral  part  of  this

          b.   "Derivative  Work(s)"  means  a  work  based  upon  one  or  more
               preexisting   works,   such   as  any   revision,   modification,
               translation,  abridgment,  condensation,  expansion,  collection,
               compilation,  elaborations,  or other  form in which an  existing
               work may be recast, transformed, ported or adapted and which is a
               "derivative work" under U.S. copyright law.

          c.   "Effective Date" means the calendar date governing the initiation
               of this Agreement as first entered above.

          d.   "End-user  Customer" means any single end-user  electronic device
               belonging to or used by a direct or indirect customer of LICENSEE
               who obtains LICENSEE  Products for use on said single  electronic

          e.   "Independent   third  party(s)"   means,  for  purposes  of  this
               Agreement,  an  entity  free  from the  influence,  guidance,  or
               control of the LICENSEE and one for which there is no  beneficial
               ownership  ties to LICENSEE or any  officer(s) or  director(s) of
               LICENSEE to an extent that  exceeds  10%, in  aggregate,  of said
               independent   third   party's   equity,   financial  or  business

          f.   "Intellectual  Property Rights" means all  intellectual  property
               rights arising under  statutory or common law, and whether or not
               perfected,  including,  without  limitation,  to all  information
               contained in (i) patents  listed in EXHIBIT A; (ii) all worldwide
               rights to trade secrets and  confidential  information;  (iii) as
               all  intellectual  property  that  is  directed  to any  and  all
               improvements made to the technology covered by the patents listed
               in EXHIBIT A all reissues, reexaminations and extensions thereof,
               and  all  priority  rights  under  all  available   International
               Agreements,  Treaties  and  Conventions  for  the  protection  of
               intellectual property in its various forms in every participating
               country,  and all  applications  for patents  (including  related
               rights   such   as   utility-model   registrations,    inventor's
               certificates,  and the like)  heretofore  or hereafter  filed for
               said  improvements  in any  foreign  countries,  and all  patents
               (including all continuations,  divisions,  extensions,  renewals,
               substitutes,  and reissues thereof) granted for said improvements
               in any foreign  countries;  and any all copyrights related to the
               software listed in EXHIBIT D.

                                  Page 3 of 23

          g.   "Market(s)"  means  the  field-of-use,   territorial,  and  other
               specifications that define the extent, boundaries and limitations
               associated  with  the use of  COMPANY  intellectual  property  by

          h.   "Field of Use" means any and all of the Medical, Medical Forensic
               and Veterinary Medical markets.

          i.   "Medical" is a field-of-use  specification  that defines  certain
               aspects  of  the   LICENSEE's   Market   under  this   agreement.
               Specifically, "medical" means all things directly associated with
               human  health  care,  related  diagnostics,  treatment  plans and
               remedies to heal and otherwise treat the human body.

          j.   "Medical Forensics" is a field-of-use  specification that defines
               certain  aspects of the LICENSEE's  Market under this  agreement.
               Specifically,  "medical  forensics"  means  all  things  directly
               associated with the application of scientific  knowledge of human
               anatomy or Medical (as defined herein) elements of a legal nature
               for purposes  that are suitable to courts of  judicature or legal
               debate in public forums.

          k.   "Veterinary Medical" is a field-of-use specification that defines
               certain  aspects of the LICENSEE's  Market under this  agreement.
               Specifically,  " veterinary  medical"  means all things  directly
               associated   with  animal  health  care,   related   diagnostics,
               treatment plans and remedies to heal and otherwise treat animals,
               especially   domestic   animals,   that  would  normally  receive
               treatment from practicing Veterinarians.

          l.   "Veterinary  Medical  Forensics" is a field-of-use  specification
               that defines certain aspects of the LICENSEE's  Market under this
               agreement. Specifically, "veterinary medical forensics" means all
               things  directly  associated  with the  application of scientific
               knowledge  of animal  anatomy or  Veterinary  Medical (as defined
               herein) elements of a legal nature for purposes that are suitable
               to courts of judicature or legal debate in public forums.

          m.   "Nested   isolation"  means  any  concept  whereby  the  LICENSEE
               isolates,  or attempts to isolate,  COMPANY Intellectual Property
               into one or more  Products,  while  other  products,  that do not
               contain,  or are not Derivative  Works of,  COMPANY  Intellectual
               Property,  derive benefit or function from the Product.  Thus the
               COMPANY's  Intellectual Property is essentially  isolated,  while
               other  products  access the output or utility  from Product via a
               nested programming or nested data access structure.

          n.   "Perpetual"  means  continuous  in time from the  Effective  Date
               until a time that is coincident  with the expiration  date of the
               last patent expiration date for all patents listed in EXHIBIT A.

                                  Page 4 of 23

          o.   "Product(s)"  means  any  of  LICENSEE's   existing  products  or
               services and LICENSEE's  future  products or services,  which may
               incorporate,  implement,  integrate, use, derive benefit from, or
               embody, in whole or in part, COMPANY  Intellectual  Property,  or
               Derivative  Works  based upon,  derived  from,  or using  COMPANY
               Intellectual Property.

          p.   "Timely",  unless  specifically  defined  otherwise,  means  with
               thirty (30) days of an event or action,  such as the distribution
               of a new  product  or notice  provided  by one party to the other

          q.   "Improvements"  mean  each and  every  modification  of  existing
               Technology or new Technology  and/or Product developed by COMPANY
               or  LICENSEE  within the Field of Use that  provides  an improved
               Product  or  an  enhanced  or  higher  degree  of  efficiency  or
               decreased cost in producing a Product.

          r.   "US Patent" means the grant of an intellectual  property right to
               the  inventor,  issued by the United  States Patent and Trademark

          s.   "Technology"  all  intellectual  property  rights relating to the
               field of use.

          t.   "Patent  Rights"  all of the  COMPANY's  patents  covered by this

LICENSEE, and LICENSEE hereby accepts from COMPANY a

     a.   Assignable, as provided for herein,

     b.   Perpetual, as defined herein,

     c.   Worldwide, where such rights can be granted by COMPANY,

     d.   Irrevocable, exclusive (subject to minimum royalty payment, breach and
          other  terms  described  herein),

     license to use COMPANY  patented  technologies as embodied and expressed in
     those  patents  listed in EXHIBIT A, an  attachment to and integral part of
     this Agreement, and a

     e.   Assignable, as provided for herein

     f.   Perpetual, as defined herein,

     g.   Worldwide, where such rights can be granted by COMPANY,

     h.   Irrevocable, exclusive (subject to minimum royalty payment, breach and
          other terms described herein),

     license  to use  COMPANY-supplied  object  code  associated  with  software
     programs  listed in EXHIBIT D, an  attachment  to and integral part of this
     Agreement, for the purposes of developing new,  LICENSEE-developed Products
     and for enhancing existing LICENSEE-developed  Products, and

     i.   Assignable,  as provided for herein,

     j.   Perpetual,  as defined herein,

     k.   Worldwide,   where  such  rights  can  be  granted  by   COMPANY,

     l.   Irrevocable, exclusive (subject to minimum royalty payment, breach and
          other terms described herein),

     license to use COMPANY-supplied source code, in combination with all of the
     above,  for the purpose of addressing only and  specifically  the following
     field-of-use   applications  and  markets

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          i.   Medical, and

          ii.  Medical Forensics,

          iii. Veterinary Medical,  and

          iv.  Veterinary  Medical Forensics

     subject to all terms and conditions contained herein.

k.   TERM, Termination, and Remedies.

     a.   Term.  This  Agreement  takes effect as of the  Effective  Date.  This
          Agreement is Perpetual and irrevocable unless terminated at an earlier
          date by mechanisms described in

          i.   Termination  for  lack  of  royalty   payment,   Subsection  3.2,

          ii.  Termination by COMPANY,  Subsection 3.3,

          iii. Termination by LICENSEE, Subsection 3.4.

     b.   Termination  for lack of royalty  payment.  While this Agreement is in
          effect, LICENSEE will be obligated to make royalty payments to COMPANY
          as described  herein.  LICENSEE agrees that if, at any time during the
          term of this Agreement,  LICENSEE fails to comply with royalty payment
          provisions,  then  COMPANY  shall  have the  right to  terminate  this

     c.   Termination  by COMPANY.  LICENSEE  agrees that if, at any time during
          the term of this Agreement,  LICENSEE breaches a material provision of
          this  Agreement and LICENSEE fails to cure such breach within a period
          of thirty (30) days after the date that COMPANY provides LICENSEE with
          written notice thereof, then COMPANY shall have the right to terminate
          this  Agreement,  terminate the license  rights  granted in Section 2,
          GRANT OF LICENSE , and LICENSEE  shall be obligated to cease the sale,
          sublicensing   and/or   distribution  of  all  LICENSEE   Products  or
          LICENSEE-derived Products subject to this Agreement.

     d.   Termination by LICENSEE.  LICENSEE may terminate this Agreement at any
          time, except when in a condition of breach by LICENSEE, by:

          i.   Ceasing  the  sale,   sublicensing  and/or  distribution  of  all
               LICENSEE  Products  subject to this Agreement,  providing  timely
               written  notice to  COMPANY,  and  allowing  COMPANY to conduct a
               closing  audit  of  LICENSEE's  books  and  records,   as  deemed
               appropriate by COMPANY.

          ii.  Demonstrating  to the  satisfaction  of COMPANY  that no LICENSEE
               Products   contain,   are  derived   from,  or  rely  on  COMPANY
               Intellectual  Property as expressed  herein,  in accordance  with
               "Burden of Proof"  requirements  of  Subsection  8.11,  Burden on
               LICENSEE, of this Agreement.

          iii. Purchasing a fully-paid,  perpetual,  irrevocable  license to use
               COMPANY's  Intellectual Property Rights, as described herein, for
               the larger of
                                  Page 6 of 23

               e.   $10,000,000, or

               f.   five times the largest, audited, annual royalty payment made
                    by  LICENSEE  to COMPANY  during the five years prior to the
                    election to prepay royalties made by LICENSEE.

     g.   Remedy for Royalty  Payment on Default by  LICENSEE.  LICENSEE  agrees
          that if, at any time during the Term of this Agreement,  LICENSEE uses
          any COMPANY  intellectual  properties  in products,  the revenues from
          which are excluded  from royalty  payments to COMPANY,  and the dollar
          amount of royalty  payments not properly  reported to COMPANY  exceeds
          10% of the reported royalty  payments made by LICENSEE,  then LICENSEE
          shall be  immediately  obligated to pay COMPANY the amount of four (4)
          times the error in royalties normally due, in damages for each Product
          in which the COMPANY's  Intellectual Property has been under-reported.
          This  penalty  payment is to be made in addition  to all back  royalty
          payments that should have been paid on offending Products.

     h.   Breach by Either Party. Except as expressly stated in

               l.   Subsection  3.5,  Remedy for  Royalty  Payment on Default by
                    LICENSEE, and in

               m.   Subsection 3.3, Termination by COMPANY,

              the parties  agree that in the event that either  party breach any
              material term of this  Agreement,  the  non-breaching  party shall
              deliver  notice  thereof to the breaching  party and the breaching
              party shall have thirty  (30) days from  receiving  such notice to
              cure such  breach.  If the  breach  continues  after  such  30-day
              period,  this License Agreement shall terminate,  thus halting the
              sale, sublicensing and/or distribution of all LICENSEE Products or
              LICENSEE-derived Products subject to this Agreement.

     n.   Confidentiality.  To assist in their performance under this Agreement,
          the parties may exchange certain information that the disclosing party
          deems confidential.  All confidential information disclosed under this
          Agreement  will be disclosed in  ATTACHMENT 1 to EXHIBIT B and treated
          in accordance with the  CONFIDENTIAL  INFORMATION  EXCHANGE  AGREEMENT
          (CIEA) attached as EXHIBIT B of this Agreement.  The CIEA shall remain
          in force  during the term of this  Agreement  and for a period of five
          (5) years following termination of this Agreement.

     o.   License  Survival.  The license granted in Section 2, GRANT OF LICENSE
          to  Intellectual  Property  Rights,  , shall  survive any  transfer of
          ownership  of the  COMPANY  and  shall be  subject  to  provisions  in
          Subsection  5.1,  COMPANY  Bankruptcy,  and Subsection  5.2,  LICENSEE
          Bankruptcy, herein, as appropriate,  through any bankruptcy proceeding
          involving COMPANY or LICENSEE, subject to legal obligations imposed by
          an appropriate bankruptcy Trustee.

          a.   COMPANY Bankruptcy.  COMPANY and LICENSEE agree that in the event
               a proceeding is commenced by or against  COMPANY under the United
               States  Bankruptcy Code (the "Code"),  Section 365(n) of the Code
               will be applicable to this Agreement,  and LICENSEE may, pursuant
               to 11 U.S.C.  Sections  365(n)(1) and (2),  retain any and all of
               LICENSEE's rights hereunder and thereunder, to the maximum extent
               permitted by law,  subject to the payments  specified  herein and
               the conditions specified therein.

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          b.   LICENSEE Bankruptcy. COMPANY and LICENSEE agree that in the event
               a proceeding is commenced by or against LICENSEE under the United
               States  Bankruptcy Code (the "Code"),  Section 365(n) of the Code
               will be applicable to this Agreement,  and LICENSEE may, pursuant
               to 11 U.S.C.  Sections  365(n)(1) and (2),  retain any and all of
               LICENSEE's rights hereunder and thereunder, to the maximum extent
               permitted  by  law,  subject  to  the  continuation  of  payments
               specified herein and the conditions  specified therein.  However,
               if for any  reason,  the  continuation  of royalty  payments  due
               COMPANY  are  either  (a) not made (b)  delayed  or (c)  reduced,
               without  the  express  written  consent of  COMPANY,  the License
               Rights   granted  herein  are   terminated,   and  LICENSEE  will
               immediately  cease to develop or distribute  products affected by
               the grant of license as conveyed herein.

     p.   Use of Patent Markings.

          a.   LICENSEE is required to prominently  display the statement "under
               license from  Synthonics  Technologies,  Inc." and  reference all
               applicable COMPANY patents with the word "Patent" and the list of
               Patent Numbers of any and all applicable  patents covered by this
               Agreement,  in  connection  with  the  distribution  of  Products
               developed by LICENSEE and covered by COMPANY's Patent Rights,  in
               such a manner that it protects  COMPANY's  claim of  ownership of
               intellectual property rights. Failure to mark, as described, is a
               material breach of this Agreement.

          b.   LICENSEE  may,  at its  option,  use or  apply  its own  name and
               trademarks  in  connection  with  the  Products  covered  by this

     q.   Title and Ownership.

          a.   LICENSEE  Title and  Ownership.  Title to all  LICENSEE  Products
               (including  content)  and  hardware,  all  LICENSEE  patents  and
               copyrights,  and all  copies  thereof,  and  all  specifications,
               designs, programs,  utilities and trademarks, if any, provided by
               LICENSEE under this Agreement shall remain with LICENSEE.

          b.   COMPANY Title and Ownership. Title to all patents and copyrights,
               and  all  copies  thereof,   and  all  specifications,   designs,
               programs, utilities and trademarks provided by COMPANY under this
               Agreement shall remain with COMPANY.


          a.   COMPANY agrees that all  Improvements in Technology  developed by
               COMPANY during the term of this  Agreement  relating to the Field
               of Use, shall be made available to LICENSEE  subject to the terms
               of this Agreement.  COMPANY shall promptly notify LICENSEE of all
               such Improvements as they become available in communicable form.

                                  Page 8 of 23

          b.   COMPANY agrees that all Improvements developed by LICENSEE during
               the  term of this  Agreement  shall  be  owned  by the  LICENSEE.
               LICENSEE shall promptly  notify COMPANY of all such  Improvements
               as they become available in communicable form.

     s.   Payment and Auditing Requirements.

          a.   Applicable  Product Count. A license royalty payment shall be due
               COMPANY for the revenues  associated with each Product  delivered
               to each End-user Customer of LICENSEE.

          b.   Royalties. LICENSEE shall make royalty payments to COMPANY in the
               amount of 3% of all revenues  received by LICENSEE  from delivery
               to  End-user  Customer of  LICENSEE  Products  or  services  that
               incorporate,  rely on or are derived  from  COMPANY  intellectual
               properties, regardless of the number of levels or branches in the
               distribution  channel to End-user  Customer employed by LICENSEE.
               Wholesale  revenue terms are not permitted  under this  Agreement
               unless such wholesale  royalty  schedules are approved by COMPANY
               in writing to avoid Nested isolation breach problems.  Legitimate
               wholesale  pricing  schedules to Independent  third party(s) will
               not be  unreasonably  rejected by COMPANY.  Payments  are payable
               quarterly, beginning with the quarter in which the first shipment
               for  revenue  occurs,  within 30 days  following  the end of each
               calendar quarter.

          c.   Minimum Royalty Payments Required. LICENSEE shall be obligated to
               make  minimum  annual  royalty  payments  to COMPANY as listed in
               EXHIBIT C, Schedule of Minimum Royalty Payments, an attachment to
               and an integral part of this Agreement. If LICENSEE fails to meet
               the  requirements  of the minimum royalty  payment  schedule,  as
               listed in  EXHIBIT  C, then  COMPANY  has the right to cancel the
               exclusive  nature of the rights granted herein by giving LICENSEE
               thirty (30) days written  notice,  and COMPANY is thereafter free
               to enter into any number of other  licensing  agreements  for the
               same or similar  purposes  as granted to LICENSEE  hereunder.  If
               LICENSEE  loses the exclusive  nature of rights  granted  herein,
               COMPANY and LICENSEE  shall be bound by all other  provisions  of
               this Agreement while operating on a non-exclusive license basis.

          d.   Nested  isolation  of  Products  is not  allowed.  Any attempt by
               LICENSEE to avoid or reduce  royalty  payments via a mechanism of
               Nested  isolation  or any  similar  scheme  that  has the same or
               similar  effect  on  royalty  payments,  may  be  considered,  by
               COMPANY,  a material  breach of this  Agreement.  LICENSEE has an
               obligation   to   disclose   all   possible   Nested    isolation
               circumstances and enter into a supplemental agreement that either
               alters this  Agreement or waives the  obligation  to make royalty
               payments as  appropriately  agreed to in writing by both parties.
               Both parties,  on a  case-by-case  basis,  shall address all such
               possible  cases of Nested  isolation  . The  burden of prove (see
               Burden on LICENSEE)  for  disproving  cases of  suspected  Nested
               isolation is a burden hereby accepted by LICENSEE.

                                  Page 9 of 23

          e.   LICENSEE Reporting of Revenues to COMPANY. LICENSEE shall provide
               a  statement  showing  the number of  End-user  Customers  of all
               Products  subject to royalty payments during the calendar quarter
               for  which a fee is owed,  and a  calculation  of the  fees  due.
               Reporting  to COMPANY  is  mandatory  after the first  applicable
               revenues are generated by LICENSEE.  After initiation,  reporting
               is to be continued  for the duration of the  Agreement,  even for
               periods in which  there were no  applicable  revenues  or royalty
               fees due to COMPANY.

          f.   Independent  Audit  Requirement.  COMPANY shall have the right to
               have  independent  auditors audit the accounting sales books, and
               records of  LICENSEE  relevant to this  Agreement  on a quarterly
               basis to ensure  compliance with the terms of this  Agreement.  A
               representative of a COMPANY-specified, SEC-qualified, independent
               certified  public  accounting  firm  whose fee is paid by COMPANY
               shall conduct audits. LICENSEE shall be entitled to 30 days prior
               written  notice to  schedule  an audit on a  mutually  convenient
               date.   LICENSEE   may,   at   LICENSEE's   expense,   engage   a
               representative of an independent certified public accounting firm
               to be present at the time of the  audit.  If the audit  reveals a
               condition of under-reporting of royalties to COMPANY that exceeds
               5% of the total reported and paid by LICENSEE, the LICENSEE shall
               pay all audit  fees and any legal  fees  incurred  by  COMPANY in
               establishing proof of the under-reporting discrepancy.

          g.   Confidentiality  of Audit  Information.  COMPANY,  LICENSEE,  all
               participating  independent accounting firms and representative of
               said  accounting   firms  shall  keep  all  audited   information
               confidential,  subject only to disclosure requirements imposed by
               rules and  regulations  of the SEC and other  legal  authorities.
               COMPANY  will  ensure  that  all such  participating  independent
               accounting firms and their  representatives  hired by the COMPANY
               agree to keep the audited information confidential. LICENSEE will
               ensure that all such participating  independent  accounting firms
               and their representatives hired by the LICENSEE agree to keep the
               audited information confidential.

          h.   Prepaid  Royalty  Fees.  LICENSEE  will prepay  royalties  in the
               amount of Fifty  Thousand  Dollars  ($50,000)  in  United  States
               currency  immediately  upon  the  successful  execution  of  this
               Agreement.  LICENSEE  will prepay  additional  royalties of Fifty
               Thousand Dollars  ($50,000) in United States currency on December
               31, 2000, unless LICENSEE's on hand balance on December 30, 2000,
               is less than One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000) in
               United States Currency.  In such case, the additional  prepayment
               of royalties  will be waived.  These  prepaid  royalties  will be
               applied as a credit against royalty  payments due to COMPANY from
               LICENSEE.  LICENSEE will make no additional  royalty  payments to
               COMPANY  until this  credit has been  eliminated.  These  initial
               prepayments of royalty fees are non-refundable,  even if LICENSEE
               never  develops  Products  subject  to  royalty  fees  under this

          i.   Continuous Payments Required. Royalty payments made to COMPANY by
               LICENSEE, per the terms and conditions contained herein, shall be
               continuous and without break for the term of the Agreement.

                                 Page 10 of 23

          j.   Termination  or  Diminishment  of Royalty  Payments by  LICENSEE.
               LICENSEE  shall be  obligated  to  report  and  make  appropriate
               royalty  payments on all  LICENSEE  revenues  from all  Products,
               until this Agreement  expires or is terminated per the mechanisms
               specified in Section 3, TERM, Termination, and Remedies, herein.

          k.   Burden on LICENSEE.  It is assumed that all Products developed by
               LICENSEE  after the Effective  Date of this Agreement are subject
               to royalty  payments  to the  COMPANY  under the terms  contained
               herein. The burden of providing accurate  information to COMPANY,
               so COMPANY may maintain an accurate list of  applicable  Products
               and  exceptions,  is on the  LICENSEE.  Failure  of  LICENSEE  to
               provide  accurate  and  timely  information  to  COMPANY  may  be
               considered by COMPANY to be a material breach of this Agreement.


          a.   LICENSEE   Product   Distribution.   In  order  to  diminish  the
               likelihood of piracy of COMPANY's  Intellectual  Property Rights,
               LICENSEE shall use reasonable,  currently recognized  anti-piracy
               techniques to distribute  all Products.  LICENSEE  shall have the
               right to distribute  Products through whatever sales distribution
               channels that LICENSEE shall deem appropriate,  including but not
               limited  to  telesales,  Internet  sales  and  independent  sales
               organizations and distributors,  so long as all channels utilized
               by  LICENSEE or LICENSEE  affiliates  are subject to  independent
               auditor tracking for purposes of calculating  appropriate royalty

          b.   Nested isolation of COMPANY Intellectual Property is specifically
               forbidden and any such act  constitutes a material breach of this

          c.   Marketing.  LICENSEE makes no  representations as to the level of
               marketing  and sales  effort  it will  provide  or the  number or
               volume of sales of LICENSEE Products that will be made under this

     u.   Independent  Development.  Except as provided herein,  nothing in this
          Agreement  shall  prohibit  either party from  establishing a business
          relationship  with  any  other  third  party.   LICENSEE  is  free  to
          incorporate competitive technologies from other third party sources.


          a.   COMPANY agrees to diligently  seek to provide and maintain patent
               protection  for patents  covered by this  Agreement in the United
               States at COMPANY's  expense,  and COMPANY  shall own any patents
               which  issue.  COMPANY  may at his own  option  apply for  patent
               protection elsewhere in the world. In the event LICENSEE requests
               COMPANY to obtain  patent  protection in any other country in the
               world and COMPANY declines to do so, LICENSEE shall then have the
               right to advance  the cost of and to apply for patent  protection
               in such  country.  LICENSEE  may deduct  the cost of seeking  and
               obtaining  such  patent  protection,   including  attorneys'  and
               agents'  fees,  from future  royalties  payable for sales made in
               that country. COMPANY shall own any such applications and patents
               obtained in that country.

                                 Page 11 of 23

          b.   Each party will be entitled to file  patent  applications  on its
               own Improvements at its own expense. In the event a party intends
               not to file a patent  application on an  Improvement  that in the
               opinion of the other  party's  patent  counsel  has a  reasonable
               probability of being  patentable,  it will notify the other party
               of this intent. Such other party will then have a right to file a
               patent application on any such Improvement at its own expense and
               receive an  assignment  of all right,  title and interest in such
               patent  application  and any patents issuing thereon based on the
               improvement.  The party making the Improvement  will cooperate in
               filing and prosecuting any such patent application.

          c.   COMPANY   agrees  to  keep   LICENSEE   advised  of  the  filing,
               prosecution  status,  issuance and  maintenance of COMPANY Patent
               Rights. Each of the parties will keep the other party informed of
               the  status  and  general  progress  of patent  applications  and
               patents issuing thereon with respect to any Improvements

          d.   In the event  COMPANY  elects not to provide or  maintain  patent
               protection  for any  patent  covered by this  Agreement,  COMPANY
               shall give notice of such  election to LICENSEE  and LICENSEE may
               thereafter seek to obtain and maintain such patent  protection at
               its own expense.  COMPANY  shall assign any such patent rights to


          a.   The parties  agree to promptly  notify each other of any possible
               infringement  by a third party of COMPANY  Patent Rights of which
               they become aware.  The parties  further agree that LICENSEE will
               have the right,  but not the  obligation,  to take action against
               any third party that may be infringing said COMPANY Patent Rights
               at its own  expense  and can  settle  in any way  which  does not
               adversely  affect  COMPANY's  right to  royalties  under  COMPANY
               Patent  Rights.  COMPANY  agrees to be named a party in any Civil
               Action filed to enforce COMPANY Patent Rights

          b.   If LICENSEE  fails to take action against said third party within
               six months of  notification  of the  infringement,  COMPANY shall
               have the right to enforce  COMPANY  Patent  Rights  against  said
               third party,  at its own expense ; provided  however,  no royalty
               shall be owed by LICENSEE  under Section 9 of this Agreement from
               the time of LICENSEE's  notice to COMPANY of LICENSEE's  decision
               not to enforce COMPANY Patent Rights against said infringer until
               such time as an action is  initiated  against  the  infringer  by

          c.   The enforcing party hereunder shall retain any awards received as
               a result of any action  against said  infringer  and any proposed
               settlement  of any  infringement  must be approved  by  LICENSEE.
               However,  LICENSEE shall be reimbursed  from such reward for lost
               revenues due to the infringment.

                                 Page 12 of 23

          d.   If any  claim of any  patent  in  COMPANY  Patent  Rights is held
               invalid  by  judgment  of  a  court  of  competent  jurisdiction,
               LICENSEE's  obligation  under  this  Agreement  to  make  royalty
               payments to COMPANY  pursuant to that claim  shall  thereupon  be
               suspended  until said judgment has been reversed or vacated as to
               that claim, and upon such reversal or vacation, the obligation of
               LICENSEE and its  sublicensees  to pay royalties  pursuant to any
               such claim or claims shall be reinstated effective as of the date
               of suspension.  It is understood,  however,  that nothing in this
               subsection  shall  relieve  LICENSEE or its  sublicensees  of the
               obligation to keep books of account and make quarterly reports as
               provided in Paragraphs 8.5 and 8.6 hereof.


          a.   Rights and Title.  COMPANY  represents  and warrants  that it has
               title to Intellectual  Property  disclosed in applicable U.S. and
               foreign  Patents listed in Exhibit A, and the right to enter into
               and grant  the  licenses  described  in this  Agreement.  COMPANY
               represents  that it is not  precluded by any  existing  agreement
               from entering into or performing under this Agreement.


          a.   Entire Agreement; Exhibits. This document, including its Exhibits
               and attachments, contain the entire Agreement between the parties
               relating to the subject matter  contained in this Agreement.  All
               prior   or   contemporaneous   agreements,   representations   or
               warranties,  written or oral,  between the parties,  specifically
               the  "License  Agreement  Between  Synthonics   Incorporated  and
               Medscape, LLC", dated "September 2, 1996", are superseded by this
               Agreement.  This Agreement may not be modified  except by written
               document  signed by an authorized  representative  of each party.
               The  following  documents  are attached as Exhibits to and made a
               part of this Agreement:

      EXHIBIT A                    List of Applicable Patents

      EXHIBIT B                    Confidential Information Exchange Agreement

      Exhibit B, ATTACHMENT 1      Confidential Information Transmittal Form

      EXHIBIT C                    Schedule of Minimum Royalty Payments Required

      EXHIBIT D                    List of Licensed Software

          a.   Notice.  All notices  required or authorized under this Agreement
               shall be given in writing  and shall refer to this  Agreement  by
               the Effective  Date. All notices shall be effective upon delivery
               if delivered in person or upon signed  receipt if delivered via a
               delivery  service (such as Federal Express or registered mail via
               the US  Postal  Service)  to the  addresses  as follow or at such
               other  address  that either  party  provides  by advance  written
               notice to the other party.

                                 Page 13 of 23

              If to COMPANY:                       If to LICENSEE:
              Attn: President                      Attn:  President
              Synthonics Technologies, Inc.        Acuscape, Inc.
              31324 Via Colinas #106               1200 East Alosta Avenue
              Westlake Village, CA  91362          Suite 206
                                                   Glendora, California 91740

              Phone: (818)-707-6000                Phone: (626)-963-3699
              Fax: (818)-707-6016                  Fax: (626)-963-6199

          a.   Informal  Dispute  Resolution.  If any  dispute  arises  from  or
               relates to this Agreement,  authorized representatives of Company
               and LICENSEE shall meet no later than ten (10) working days after
               written  receipt of notice by either party of request for dispute
               resolution and shall enter into good faith  negotiations aimed at
               resolving  the  dispute.  If the  representatives  are  unable to
               resolve the dispute in a mutually  satisfactory manner within the
               next five  working  days,  the dispute  shall be escalated to top
               management  level and each party shall designate a top management
               executive  to meet in an  attempt to resolve  the  dispute  for a
               period  of 30 days  prior to  either  party's  instituting  legal

          b.   Publicity  and  Disclosure.   The  specific  provisions  of  this
               Agreement are  confidential and may not be disclosed to any third
               party  without  the prior  written  consent of the other party to
               this Agreement.  However, either party may issue any news release
               or  announcement  concerning  this  Agreement  without  the prior
               written  consent of the other party.  Additionally,  either party
               may disclose any and all provisions of this Agreement in order to
               satisfy   SEC   (Security   and   Exchange   Commission)   filing
               requirements or any other legally required disclosures.

          c.   Non-agency. Neither LICENSEE nor COMPANY is to be construed as an
               agent of the other party.  This  Agreement  does not  establish a
               joint venture,  partnership or agency relationship.  LICENSEE and
               COMPANY  do not  have  any  right  or  authority  to  create  any
               obligation, representation or responsibility,  express or implied
               on behalf of the other party in any manner  whatsoever  except as
               specifically set forth in this Agreement.

          d.   Assignment. This Agreement and any rights granted hereunder shall
               not be assigned by LICENSEE to any person,  firm,  corporation or
               other entity  without the prior written  consent of COMPANY,  and
               such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

          e.   Sublicense.  LICENSEE shall have a right to sublicense the rights
               licensed under this Agreement subject to the terms and conditions
               of this Agreement to any third party approved by the COMPANY, and
               such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

          f.   Waiver not to be construed as waiver of subsequent  defaults.  No
               provision of this  Agreement  shall be  considered  waived and no
               breach  excused  by  either  party  unless  made in  writing.  No
               consent,  waiver, or excuse by either party,  express or implied,
               shall  constitute  a  consent,  waiver or excuse  for  subsequent
               events. No waiver,  consent or breach excused for one instance or
               event shall be deemed to be a continuing  waiver breach or excuse
               for more than the initial instance or event.

                                 Page 14 of 23

          g.   Provisions.  If any provision of this  Agreement is held invalid,
               illegal   or   unenforceable,    the   validity,   legality   and
               enforceability  of the remaining  provisions shall not in any way
               be affected or impaired.

          h.   Controlling  Law. This  Agreement and all  transactions  under it
               shall  be  governed  by the  laws  of the  State  of  California,
               irrespective  of  the  fact  that a  party  hereto  may  not be a
               resident of or maintain a place of business in that State.

          i.   Legal  Expenses.  In the event either party takes legal action to
               enforce any of the terms of this Agreement,  the prevailing party
               shall be entitled to  reimbursement  for its expenses,  including
               court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees at trial, on appeal or
               in connection with any petition for review.

          j.   Survival of  Provisions.  The  following  sections  shall survive
               termination  of  this  Agreement  for  any  reason:

               Section 1, DEFINITIONS

               The remedies from Section 3, TERM, Termination, and Remedies

               Section 4,  Confidentiality

               Section  6,  Use  of  Patent  Markings,

               Section 7, Title and Ownership,

               Subsection 9.7, Confidentiality of Audit Information,

               Section 11, Independent  Development,  Subsection 15.4, Publicity
               and  Disclosure,  EXHIBIT B,  CONFIDENTIAL  INFORMATION  EXCHANGE

          k.  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  in  one or  more
     counterparts,  each of which will be deemed an  original,  but all of which
     constitute but one and the same instrument.

COMPANY                                         LICENSEE

By:  ___________________________                By:  ___________________________
     (Authorized Representative)                     (Authorized Representative)

Name: ___________________________               Name: __________________________
           (Print or Type)                                  (Print or Type)

Title: ___________________________              Title: _________________________

Date: ___________________________               Date: __________________________

                                 Page 15 of 23

                                   EXHIBIT A

                           LIST OF APPLICABLE PATENTS

US Patent#, Title/Description
- -----------------------------

6,037,971  --  Methods  and  apparatus  for the  creation  and  transmission  of
     3-dimensional images 2 claims.  Three-dimensional color images are produced
     by combining  the red image plane from a left color camera and the blue and
     green image planes from a right color camera.  Techniques for  compensating
     for over or  underexposure in a particular image plane are deployed as well
     as techniques for minimizing subjective disturbance when viewing relatively
     pure  color  regions  of a  3-dimensional  image  and for  transmission  of
     3-dimensional color television images to users.  Filed:  February 19, 1998.
     Issued: March 14, 2000.

5,969,722 -- Methods and apparatus for creation of three-dimensional wire frames
     and for  three-dimensional  stereo morphing 4 Claims. A 3-dimensional  wire
     frame  representation is derived from a real 3-dimensional  objects,  where
     the  surface  of the  object is  generally  featureless,  by  projecting  a
     non-uniform pattern of randomly colored spots onto the 3-dimensional object
     and  capturing  images of the object by two  cameras  located at  different
     positions.  A wire frame representation of the object is then reconstructed
     from corresponding colored spots on the images captured by the two cameras.
     Wire frame  representations  are rapidly  created using generic wire frames
     which are  prototypical  of a class of objects and which are  modifiable to
     correspond  to a  specific  instance  of the class.  A set of generic  wire
     frames are bundled as a tool kit with  software for editing wire frames.  A
     method of morphing from a source  3-dimensional  stereo rendered wire frame
     to a target  rendered wire frame is also disclosed and the apparent  camera
     viewpoint  can change  during  morphing.  Filed:  October 6, 1997.  Issued:
     October 19, 1999.

5,793,372  --  Methods  and  apparatus  for  rapidly  rendering  photo-realistic
     surfaces on  3-dimensional  wire frames  automatically  using user  defined
     points 10 Claims. Automatic photographic color rendering of the surfaces of
     wire frame representation of 3-dimensional objects is described. Bit mapped
     information of surface areas is captured as part of image processing in the
     creation of wire frames into the computer. When a wire frame is transformed
     to a  different  orientation,  the  rendering  surfaces  are  automatically
     transformed and the wire frame can be rendered in the new orientation  with
     photographic quality. Filed: October 21, 1994. Issued: August 11, 1998.

5,742,330  --  Methods  and  apparatus  for the  creation  and  transmission  of
     3-dimensional images 2 Claims.  Three-dimensional color images are produced
     by combining  the red image plane from a left color camera and the blue and
     green image planes from a right color camera.  Techniques for  compensating
     for over or  underexposure in a particular image plane are deployed as well
     as techniques for minimizing subjective disturbance when viewing relatively
     pure  color  regions  of a  3-dimensional  image  and for  transmission  of
     3-dimensional  color television images to users.  Filed:  October 04, 1996.
     Issued: April 21, 1998.

                                 Page 16 of 23

5,742,291 -- Method and apparatus for creation of three-dimensional  wire frames
     8 Claims.  Methods and apparatus  are  disclosed for the rapid  creation of
     wire frame  representations  of  3-dimensional  objects  using generic wire
     frames  which  are  prototypical  of a  class  of  objects  and  which  are
     modifiable  to  correspond  to a specific  instance of the class.  A set of
     generic  wire  frames are bundled as a tool kit with  software  for editing
     wire  frames.  A method  of  morphing  from a source  3-dimensional  stereo
     rendered wire frame to a target  rendered wire frame is also  disclosed and
     the apparent camera  viewpoint can change during  morphing.  Filed: May 09,
     1995. Issued: April 21, 1998.

5,699,444 -- Methods  and  apparatus  for using image data to  determine  camera
     location and  orientation  19 Claims.  Methods and apparatus for accurately
     surveying and determining  the physical  location of objects in a scene are
     disclosed  which use image data  captured by one or more  cameras and three
     points  from the scene  which may either be  measured  after the images are
     captured or may be included in the calibrated target placed in the scene at
     the time of image  capture.  Objects  are located  with  respect to a three
     dimensional  coordinate  system defined with reference to the three points.
     The  methods  and  apparatus  permit  rapid set up and  capture  of precise
     location  data using  simple  apparatus  and simple image  processing.  The
     precise  location and  orientation  of the camera  utilized to capture each
     scene is  determined  from image data,  from the three point  locations and
     from optical  parameters  of the camera.  Filed:  March 31,  1995.  Issued:
     December 16, 1997.

5,661,518  --  Methods  and  apparatus  for the  creation  and  transmission  of
     3-dimensional images 1 Claim.  Three-dimensional  color images are produced
     by combining  the red image plane from a left color camera and the blue and
     green image planes from a right color camera.  Techniques for  compensating
     for over or  underexposure in a particular image plane are deployed as well
     as techniques for minimizing subjective disturbance when viewing relatively
     pure  color  regions  of a  3-dimensional  image  and for  transmission  of
     3-dimensional color television images to users. TDM and MPEG 2 transmission
     techniques  for stereo image  transmission  are  disclosed.  Left and right
     images  are  caused to be  epipolar  to reduce  adverse  user  reaction  to
     extended viewing of stereo images. A three dimensional perspective view may
     be connected to a stereo view in accordance with the invention. Filed: June
     07, 1995. Issued: April 26, 1997.

                                  Page 17 of 23

                                   EXHIBIT B

                  Confidential Information Exchange Agreement

The parties agree as follows:

1.   Purpose.  To  assist  in their  performance  pursuant  to the  Intellectual
     Property License AGREEMENT between COMPANY and LICENSEE dated 02 June 2000,
     to which this Exhibit is an attachment and integral part of said Agreement,
     AGREEMENT  (CIEA) to establish a confidential  relationship and to exchange
     confidential  information  which shall be protected by the receiving  party
     from a disclosure or use that is not authorized by the disclosing party.

2.   Designated Liaisons.  The parties' designated liaisons for coordinating the
     receipt, disclosure or exchange of confidential information are:

          For LICENSEE:  President  Located at: Acuscape,  Inc.,1200 East Alosta
          Avenue, Suite 206, Glendora, California 91740

          For COMPANY:  President Located at: 31324 Via Colinas,  #106, Westlake
          Village, CA 91362

3.   Confidential  Information  Transmittal Forms. The confidential  information
     being disclosed under this CIEA shall be described in Transmittal  Forms or
     otherwise  marked as described in this CIEA. The initial  Transmittal  Form
     shall be signed by authorized  representatives of both parties and attached
     to this  CIEA as  Attachment  1.  Subsequent  disclosures  of  confidential
     information  under  this  CIEA  for the  purpose  identified  above  may be
     described  in  additional  Transmittal  Forms  which shall be signed by the
     Designated Liaisons for LICENSEE and COMPANY. Transmittal Forms may also be
     used  for  written  confirmation  of  confidential   information  initially
     disclosed in intangible form, as further described in Paragraph 4.

4.   Marking of  Confidential  Information.  Confidential  information  which is
     disclosed  in  written  or  other  tangible  form  shall be  marked  by the
     disclosing  party as  "Confidential"  or by any other  appropriate  legend.
     Information  that is to be  confidential  information  under  this CIEA and
     which is  disclosed in oral,  visual or other  intangible  form  (including
     electronic  transfers),  shall be identified as confidential at the time of
     disclosure and confirmed in writing (by use of a Transmittal  Form or other
     writing) by the disclosing  party to the receiving  party within 30 days of
     disclosure.  Such written  confirmation may be transmitted to the receiving
     party via mail or facsimile. The receiving party shall maintain all notices
     and legends included on information  identified as confidential as received
     from the disclosing party.

5.   Use  and  Protection  of  Confidential  Information.   In  all  cases,  the
     confidential  information  disclosed  shall remain the sole property of the
     disclosing   party.   The  receiving  party  shall  not  use   confidential
     information for any purpose other than the purpose for which disclosed. The
     receiving party shall disclose confidential information to its employees on
     a need-to-know  basis only. Each party  represents that it protects its own
     confidential  information from  unauthorized use or disclosure.  Each party
     shall protect  confidential  information  received under this CIEA with the
     same degree of care, but no less than a reasonable degree of care, which it
     regularly  employs  to  protect  its  own  confidential   information  from
     unauthorized use or disclosure.

                                 Page 18 of 23

6.   Exceptions  to  Obligations   of   Confidentiality.   The   obligations  of
     confidentiality  imposed  by this CIEA  shall not apply to any  information
     which: (a) is rightfully received by the receiving party from a third party
     without   accompanying   markings  or  disclosure   restrictions;   (b)  is
     independently   developed  by  the  receiving  party  without  use  of  the
     confidential  information;  (c) is or becomes publicly available through no
     wrongful act of the receiving  party; (d) is already known by the receiving
     party without an obligation of  confidentiality;  (e) is disclosed  without
     identification  and appropriate  markings as further described in Paragraph
     4;  or  (f)  is  approved   for   release  in  writing  by  an   authorized
     representative of the disclosing party.

7.   Disclosure of Confidential  Information Pursuant to Judicial Order. Nothing
     in this CIEA shall  restrict  the right of a  receiving  party to  disclose
     confidential  information  to the extent  required  by  judicial  order.  A
     receiving  party  which is  subject to a judicial  order  shall  notify the
     disclosing  party of such order in sufficient time to permit the disclosing
     party  to  respond  to such  order.  All  confidential  markings  shall  be
     maintained on any confidential  information which is disclosed  pursuant to
     judicial order.

8.   Independent  Development.  Each party  understands that the other party may
     have already  developed,  or received from third  parties,  information  or
     material  similar to that received under this CIEA, or in the future may be
     internally  developing,  or receiving  from third  parties,  information or
     material   similar  to  that  received  under  this  CIEA.   Provided  that
     confidential  information is not used in violation of this CIEA, nothing in
     this CIEA shall be construed as a  representation  or inference that either
     party has not or will not  develop  information,  material,  technology  or
     products,  for  itself  or for  others,  that is  similar  to  information,
     material,  or  technology  disclosed  under this CIEA or that competes with
     products of the other party.

9.   Network Access.  To facilitate  certain purposes for which this CIEA may be
     signed,  LICENSEE  may allow  COMPANY  access  to  LICENSEE's  business  or
     engineering computer networks. Such access may be given on site at LICENSEE
     or  remotely  via  computer  modem.  To the extent  such access is given to
     COMPANY,  COMPANY  agrees to  protect  such  access,  and all  information,
     whether marked confidential or not, obtained via such access, in accordance
     with all terms of this CIEA. COMPANY agrees to limit such network access to
     those employees of COMPANY with a need-to-know.  If COMPANY obtains network
     access through the use of COMPANY owned equipment, COMPANY shall physically
     and  electronically  secure such  equipment  to prevent  unauthorized  use.
     COMPANY  acknowledges  that LICENSEE will monitor  COMPANY's network access
     and may terminate such access at any time.

10.  Copying/Return/Destruction   of   Confidential   Information.   Copies   of
     confidential  information  are  limited to those  reasonably  necessary  in
     connection with the use contemplated for such information. All confidential
     information  and copies shall remain the property of the  disclosing  party
     and shall be  destroyed  or  returned  upon the  request of the  disclosing

11.  Waiver/Non-Exclusive  Remedies.  The failure of either party to enforce any
     right under this CIEA shall not be deemed a waiver of any right. The rights
     and remedies of the parties  under this CIEA are not  exclusive  and are in
     addition to any other rights and remedies provided in law or in equity. The
     invalidity  in whole or in part of any term of this CIEA  shall not  affect
     the validity of any other term.

12.  Entire   Agreement/Amendment/Modification   of  CIEA.  This  CIEA  and  the
     Intellectual  Property License AGREEMENT between COMPANY and LICENSEE dated
     25 May  2000  to  which  this  CIEA is  attached,  constitutes  the  entire
     Agreement  between the parties with  respect to the subject  matter of this
     CIEA. No amendment or  modification  of this CIEA shall be valid or binding
     on the  parties  unless (a)  approved in advance by the  LICENSEE,  (b) set
     forth in writing  and (c) signed by an  authorized  representative  of each
     party.  This CIEA shall remain in force  during the term of this  Agreement
     and for a period of five years following termination of this Agreement.

                                 Page 19 of 23

13.  Termination.  This CIEA shall continue in effect until terminated by either
     party  upon 30 days prior  written  notice.  The period of  confidentiality
     described in Paragraph 15 below shall survive such termination for a period
     of five (5) years after termination.

14.  No  Licenses.   Neither  this  CIEA  nor  any  disclosure  of  confidential
     information  under this CIEA grants the  receiving  party any license under
     any patent, copyright or trade secret.

15.  Period of Confidentiality.  Unless a different period of confidentiality is
     specified in a Transmittal  Form, the period for which the receiving  party
     shall be obligated to protect the confidentiality of information  disclosed
     under this CIEA shall  commence on the date the  information is received by
     the receiving  party and end five (5) years  following  termination of this

16.  Successors and Assigns/Nonassignment.  This CIEA shall be binding upon each
     party's  successors and assigns.  Neither party may assign this CIEA to any
     third  party   without  the  prior   written   consent  of  an   authorized
     representative of the other party.

17.  Controlling  Law. This CIEA shall be construed in accordance  with the laws
     of the State of California, exclusive of the conflict of laws provisions.

                                 Page 20 of 23

                                  ATTACHMENT 1

                    Confidential Information Transmittal Form
Disclosure Date:

The parties identified below agree that the following  confidential  information
shall be received,  disclosed or exchanged in  accordance  with the terms of the
Confidential Information Exchange Agreement (CIEA) identified above.

Describe confidential  information disclosed.  (Be specific.  Include subject or
product,  any document title,  drawing/document  number,  date, revision number,
etc.) (Use  additional  sheets,  if  necessary.)  (If a party is not  disclosing
information, indicate "none.")

LICENSEE's confidential information:

COMPANY's confidential information:

This Transmittal Form covers the above-described  confidential information to be
received, disclosed or exchanged on or after the Disclosure Date.

All other terms and conditions of the CIEA remain the same.

COMPANY                             LICENSEE
Synthonics Technologies, Inc.       Acuscape, Inc.
31324 Via Colinas #106              1200 East Alosta Avenue
Westlake Village, CA  91362         Suite 206
                                    Glendora, California 91740
By:  ___________________________
         (Designated Liaison)                  By:  ________________________
Name: ___________________________                     (Designated Liaison)
           (Print or Type)                     Name: ___________________________
Title: ___________________________                         (Print or Type)

                                               Title: __________________________
Date: _______________________
                                               Date: ___________________________

                                 Page 21 of 23

                                   EXHIBIT C

                 Schedule of Minimum Royalty Payments Required

LICENSEE is obligated to make minimum annual  royalty  payments to COMPANY or be
subject to losing the exclusive  nature of the licensed  rights  granted in this

      Calendar Year ending 31           Minimum Royalty Payment Due COMPANY
      December of the year
      listed below

            2000                        See Subsection 9.8: Prepaid Royalty Fees

            2001                                        $200,000

            2002                                        $500,000

            2003                                      $1,500,000

            All subsequent years                      $2,000,000

                                 Page 22 of 23

                                   EXHIBIT D

                           LIST OF LICENSED SOFTWARE

Name                           Description
- ----                           -----------

Wireframe Express,
Version 4.0

          A  COMPANY   software   product  for   constructing  3D  models  using
          photogrammetric means and containing the following software executable

                    a.   WFE40AB.EXE (the main executable program);

                    b.   Wmerge.dll   (a  dynamic   link   library  that  merges
                         wireframe components);

                    c.   WVRX.dll  (a dynamic  link  library  that  creates  VRX
                         user-interactive files);

                    d.   WL.dll and  WF30QL.dll  (dynamic  link  libraries  that
                         creates "QuickLook" photorendered images);

                    e.   and  various  support  libraries  including  Ddeml.dll,
                         Cmdialog.vbx,   gauge.vbx,  ikcoll6.dll,   ikdsp16.vbx,
                         ikeng16.dll,    Lead51n.dll,    Muscle.vbx,   Spin.vbx,
                         Spread20.vbx, Vbrun300.dll and Ver.dll.

VRX04.EXE -- A real-time, user-interactive rendering viewer that is based on the
     Argonaut  Brender game engine.  This viewer can display  wireframe  models,
     surface models and phototextured models in standard 3D perspective views as
     well as  stereoscopic  3D that convey depth  perception when viewed through
     red-blue glasses.

Assign3.dll -- A software  module that has yet to be  incorporated in commercial
     products,  but has the following operating  characteristics:  a utility for
     assigning a "generic wireframe model" to a photograph by means of assigning
     three  known  3-dimensional   locations  on  the  generic  model  to  three
     2-dimensional perspective projection image points of that same object.

Assign4.dll -- A software  module that has yet to be  incorporated in commercial
     products,  but has the following operating  characteristics:  a utility for
     fitting  (by  assignment  and  scaling)  a "generic  wireframe  model" to a
     photograph by means of assigning four known 3-dimensional  locations on the
     generic model to four 2-dimensional  perspective projection image points of
     a similar object, thus creating a patient-specific wireframe model.

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