6125 Memorial Drive
                                 P. O. Box 7177
                               Dublin, Ohio 43017

                                 August 29, 2003

Division of Investment Management
Securities and Exchange Commission
Judiciary Plaza
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20549

     Re:  Meeder  Advisor  Funds  (Commission  File Nos.  33-48922 and 811-6720)
          Application  Pursuant  to  Securities  Act of  1933  Rule  477(a)  for
          Withdrawal of  Post-Effective  Amendment to Registration  Statement on
          Form N-1A

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     On July 11, 2003, Meeder Advisor Funds, a Massachusetts business trust (the
"Trust"), filed Post-Effective Amendment No. 28 (the "Post-Effective Amendment")
to the  Trust's  Registration  Statement  on Form  N-1A in  connection  with the
registration of four new series under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and the
Securities Act of 1933.  For the reasons set forth below,  application is hereby
made for the withdrawal of the Post-Effective Amendment.

     At a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Trust held
on  July  31,  2003  (i.e.,  subsequent  to the  filing  of  the  Post-Effective
Amendment),  the Trustees of the Trust and management of the Trust's  investment
adviser  considered in detail  refinements  regarding the proposed  distribution
channels for the four new series and other developments that had occurred during
the period  between the decision to file the  Post-Effective  Amendment and that
meeting.  As a result of such  consideration,  it was decided  that the four new
series would be better  positioned for marketing  under a series trust which was
both separate and distinct from the Trust and bore a different "brand name." The
new name chosen was "Meeder Premier  Portfolios" (the "New Trust").  It was also
decided  that the New Trust would have a Board of Trustees  that,  while  having
some overlap  with the Trust,  would also have new members who would be expected
to become attuned to the marketing and distribution focus of the new funds.

     Because the  implementation  of this new approach  necessitated an original
filing of a registration  statement on Form N-1A for the New Trust, I sought the
guidance  and   cooperation   of  the  Staff  member   assigned  to  review  the
Post-Effective  Amendment. We agreed that the Post-Effective Amendment should be
withdrawn at the time of filing of the New Trust's registration statement.  That
filing is being made contemporaneously with the filing of this application.

     For purposes of this application, please be advised that the undersigned is
the  agent  for  service  named  in  the  Post-Effective   Amendment  and  that,
accordingly,  he is  deemed to have  conferred  upon him by the  signers  of the
Post-Effective  Amendment  the power to withdraw  the  Post-Effective  Amendment
(Securities Act Rule 478(c)).

     Please direct any communication  relating to this application to me. If you
have any questions or need additional information, please call me.

                                        Very truly yours,

                                        /s/ Wesley F. Hoag
                                        Wesley F. Hoag
                                        Vice President