Filed by the registrant /X/ Filed by a party other than the registrant / / Check
the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary proxy statement
[ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
[X]  Definitive proxy statement
[ ]  Definitive additional materials
[ ]  Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                                THE TIMOTHY PLAN
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

                                 NOT APPLICABLE

                                     OF THE

                           1304 West Fairbanks Avenue
                              Winter Park, FL 32789
                             Toll Free 800-662-0201

     The  Timothy  Plan  (the  "Trust")  is  holding a  special  meeting  of the
shareholders of the Timothy Plan  Conservative  Growth Fund and the Timothy Plan
Strategic  Growth Fund (the  "Special  Meeting") on Friday,  October 17, 2003 at
10:00 a.m., Eastern Time. The Special Meeting will be held at the offices of the
Trust's Administrator,  Citco-Quaker Fund Services, Inc., located at 1288 Valley
Forge Road, Suite 88, Valley Forge, PA 19482.

     The  Trust  is  a  Delaware  business  trust,  operating  as  a  registered
management  investment  company.  The Trust has  authorized  the division of its
shares into various series (each a "Fund" and together the "Funds")and currently
offers shares of eight Funds to the public. The Trust further has authorized the
division of its shares into various  classes,  each with different sales charges
and/or ongoing fees.  Each Fund offers Class A Shares,  which are offered to the
public with a front-end sales charge, and Class B shares, which are offered with
a  contingent  deferred  sales  charge  which  declines to zero over a period of

     The  items for  consideration  at the  Special  Meeting  apply  only to the
Timothy  Plan  Conservative  Growth Fund and the Timothy Plan  Strategic  Growth
Fund.  The Special  Meeting  will be held to  consider  the  following  items of

     1.   Approval of an increase in the investment advisory fee paid to Timothy
          Partners,  Ltd.  for its  services  to the Timothy  Plan  Conservative
          Growth Fund;
     2.   Approval of an increase in the investment advisory fee paid to Timothy
          Partners,  Ltd. for its services to the Timothy Plan Strategic  Growth
          Fund; and
     3.   Such other  business as may properly come before the  shareholders  of
          the Trust.

     Please note that the proposed increase in investment advisory fees will NOT
result in an increase in each Fund's  overall  expense  structure.  The Trust is
seeking  to  increase  each  Fund's  investment   advisory  fee  as  part  of  a
comprehensive restructuring of each Fund's fee arrangements. Although investment
advisory  fees are being  increased,  other  expenses and fees are being reduced
and/or eliminated,  and as a result, each Fund's overall expense ratio will stay
the  same.  The  details  of  this  restructuring  are  contained  in the  proxy
materials, and we encourage you to read them carefully.

     You may vote at the Special  Meeting if you are the record  owner of shares
of Timothy  Plan  Conservative  Growth Fund and/or the  Timothy  Plan  Strategic
Growth Fund as of the close of business  on August 15,  2003.  If you attend the
Special Meeting, you may vote your shares in person. If you expect to attend the
Special Meeting, please call the Trust at 1-800-662-0201 to inform them.

     Your vote on these proposals is very  important.  If you own shares in more
than one account of the Trust,  you will receive  more than one proxy  statement
and  proxy  card and will  need to vote the  shares  you hold for each  account.
Whether or not you plan to attend the Special  Meeting,  please  fill in,  date,
sign and return the proxy card in the enclosed,  postage paid envelope.  You may
also return your completed proxy card by faxing it to the Trust at 610-935-3775.

     As always, we thank you for your confidence and support.

                                        By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                                        Arthur Ally

August __, 2003

                                THE TIMOTHY PLAN
                                     OF THE

                           1304 West Fairbanks Avenue
                              Winter Park, FL 32789
                             Toll Free: 800-662-0201

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                              DATED AUGUST 25, 2003

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                         TO BE HELD ON OCTOBER 17, 2003


     The Board of Trustees  (the  "Board") of the Timothy Plan (the "Trust") has
     voted  to call a  special  meeting  of all  shareholders  of  Timothy  Plan
     Conservative  Growth  Fund and/or the Timothy  Plan  Strategic  Growth Fund
     (each a "Fund" and  together  the  "Funds"),  in order to seek  shareholder
     approval of one proposal relating to each Fund. The Special Meeting will be
     held at the offices of Citco-Quaker Fund Services,  Inc. ("CQFS"),  located
     at 1288 Valley Forge Road, Suite 88, Valley Forge, PA 19482, at 10:00 a.m.,
     Eastern Time, on Friday,  October 17, 2003. CQFS serves as Administrator to
     the Trust.  If you expect to attend the Special  Meeting in person,  please
     call the Trust at  1-800-662-0201  to inform them of your intentions.  This
     proxy was first mailed to eligible  shareholders  on or about  September 8,


     The  Special  Meeting  will be held to  consider  the  following  items  of

     1.   Approval of an increase in the investment advisory fee paid to Timothy
          Partners,  Ltd.  for its  services  to the Timothy  Plan  Conservative
          Growth Fund;
     2.   Approval of an increase in the investment advisory fee paid to Timothy
          Partners,  Ltd. for its services to the Timothy Plan Strategic  Growth
          Fund; and
     3.   Such other  business as may properly come before the  shareholders  of
          the Trust.


     The table below  summarizes  each  proposal to be  presented at the Special
     Meeting and shows the Funds whose shareholders may vote for each proposal.

                 PROPOSAL                        WHICH SHAREHOLDERS MAY VOTE

1.   Approval  of  an  increase  in  the     The  shareholders  of record (as of
     investment  advisory  fee  paid  to     August  15,  2003)  of the  Timothy
     Timothy  Partners,   Ltd.  for  its     Plan Conservative Growth Fund only.
     services   to  the   Timothy   Plan
     Conservative Growth Fund.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.   Approval  of  an  increase  in  the     The  shareholders  of record (as of
     investment  advisory  fee  paid  to     August  15,  2003)  of the  Timothy
     Timothy  Partners,   Ltd.  for  its     Plan Strategic Growth Fund only.
     services   to  the   Timothy   Plan
     Strategic Growth Fund.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     If you were the record owner of any shares of the Timothy Plan Conservative
     Growth Fund and/or the Timothy Plan  Strategic  Growth Fund as of the close
     of business on August 15, 2003 (the "Record  Date"),  then you are eligible
     to vote on one or more of the  proposals  (See the  table in the  preceding
     paragraph to find out which  proposals  apply to you). The number of shares
     outstanding  for each of the  above-listed  Funds as of the Record  Date is
     listed in Exhibit A to this proxy statement. Each share counts as one vote,
     and fractional shares count as fractional votes.


     The simplest and quickest way for you to vote is to complete, sign and date
     the  enclosed  proxy  card  and mail it back to the  Trust in the  envelope
     provided.  The Board  urges you to fill out and return your proxy card even
     if you plan to attend the Special  Meeting.  Returning your proxy card will
     not affect your right to attend the Special Meeting and vote.

     The Board has named Theresa McNamee and Joseph Carlin as proxies, and their
     names  appear  on your  proxy  card(s).  By  signing  your  proxy  card and
     returning  it,  you are  appointing  those  persons  to vote for you at the
     Special  Meeting.  If you properly fill in your proxy card and return it to
     the  Trust in time to vote,  one of the  appointed  proxies  will vote your
     shares as you have directed. If you sign and return your proxy card, but do
     not make  specific  choices,  one of the  appointed  proxies will vote your
     shares on each proposal as recommended by the Board.

     If an additional  matter is presented for vote at the Special Meeting,  one
     of the  appointed  proxies  will  vote  in  accordance  with  his/her  best
     judgment.  At the time this proxy statement was printed,  the Board was not
     aware of any  other  matter  that  needed to be acted  upon at the  Special
     Meeting other than the two proposals discussed in this proxy statement.

     If you appoint a proxy by signing and  returning  your proxy card,  you can
     revoke that appointment at any time before it is exercised.  You can revoke
     your proxy by sending in another  proxy with a later date,  or by notifying
     the Trust's Secretary in writing, that you have revoked your proxy prior to
     the Special  Meeting,  at the  following  address:  Mr. Terry  Covert,  The
     Timothy Plan, 1304 West Fairbanks Avenue, Winter Park, FL 32789.


     If you attend the meeting  and wish to vote in person,  you will be given a
     ballot when you arrive. If you have already voted by proxy and wish to vote
     in person  instead,  you will be given an  opportunity  to do so during the
     Special  Meeting.  If you attend the Special  Meeting,  but your shares are
     held in the name of your broker, bank or other nominee, you must bring with
     you a letter from that nominee stating that you are the beneficial owner of
     the shares on the Record Date and authorizing you to vote.


     The  proxy  is  solicited  by the  Board of  Trustees  of the  Trust  which
     recommends a vote "FOR" all matters.


     A quorum is the number of outstanding  shares,  as of the Record Date, that
     must be  present,  in person or by proxy,  in order for the Trust to hold a
     valid  shareholder  meeting.  The  Trust  cannot  hold a valid  shareholder
     meeting  unless there is a quorum of  shareholders  present in person or by
     proxy.  The table below sets forth the quorum required for each proposal to
     be voted at the Special Meeting:

                  PROPOSAL                  NUMBER OF SHARES REQUIRED FOR QUORUM

1.   Approval  of  an  increase  in  the     A majority of the  shareholders  of
     investment  advisory  fee  paid  to     record (as of August  15,  2003) of
     Timothy  Partners,   Ltd.  for  its     the   Timothy   Plan   Conservative
     services   to  the   Timothy   Plan     Growth Fund only.
     Conservative Growth Fund.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.   Approval  of  an  increase  in  the     A majority of the  shareholders  of
     investment  advisory  fee  paid  to     record (as of August  15,  2003) of
     Timothy  Partners,   Ltd.  for  its     the Timothy Plan  Strategic  Growth
     services   to  the   Timothy   Plan     Fund only.
     Strategic Growth Fund.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Under rules applicable to broker-dealers,  if your broker holds your shares
     in its name,  the broker is not  allowed to vote your  shares on any of the
     Proposals  unless it has  received  voting  instructions  from you. If your
     broker  does not vote your shares on one or more  Proposals  because it has
     not received  instructions from you, those shares will be considered broker

     Broker  non-votes  and  abstentions  with  respect to a  proposal  count as
     present for  purposes  of  establishing  a quorum,  and count as votes cast
     against each Proposal.

     The following table describes the votes needed to approve each Proposal:

                  PROPOSAL                  NUMBER OF SHARES REQUIRED TO APPROVE

1.   Approval  of  an  increase  in  the     The    affirmative    vote   of   a
     investment  advisory  fee  paid  to     "majority"  of the shares  entitled
     Timothy  Partners,   Ltd.  for  its     to vote of record (as of August 15,
     services   to  the   Timothy   Plan     2003)   of   the    Timothy    Plan
     Conservative Growth Fund.               Conservative Growth Fund only.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.   Approval  of  an  increase  in  the     The    affirmative    vote   of   a
     investment  advisory  fee  paid  to     "majority"  of the shares  entitled
     Timothy  Partners,   Ltd.  for  its     to vote of record (as of August 15,
     services   to  the   Timothy   Plan     2003) of the Timothy Plan Strategic
     Strategic Growth Fund.                  Growth Fund only.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act") defines a
     "majority" of the outstanding  voting securities of a Fund as the lesser of
     (a) the vote of  holders of at least 67% of the  voting  securities  of the
     Fund  present  in person or by proxy,  if more than 50% of such  shares are
     present in person or by proxy;  or (b) the vote of holders of more than 50%
     of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund.

     Broker  non-votes  will not count as votes cast and will have the effect of
     votes against each Proposal.


     The appointed proxies may propose to adjourn the Special Meeting, either in
     order to solicit  additional  proxies or for other purposes.  If there is a
     proposal to adjourn the Special Meeting, the affirmative vote of a majority
     of the shares  present at the Special  Meeting,  in person or by proxy,  is
     required to approve such proposal.


     Timothy  Partners, paying the costs of the shareholder  meeting and
     certain of its employees will be conducting proxy solicitations.


     Please call the Trust at  1-800-662-0201  with any  questions  you may have
     relating to this proxy  statement.  Also, at your  request,  the Trust will
     send you a free copy of its most recent unaudited semi-annual report, dated
     June 30, 2003, and audited annual report,  dated December 31, 2002.  Simply
     call the Trust to request a copy of either report.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



     Shareholders  of  record  (as of  August  15,  2003)  of the  Timothy  Plan
     Conservative Growth Fund only.


     The  Timothy  Plan  Conservative  Growth  Fund  (the  "Fund")  is an  asset
     allocation fund that invests  exclusively in a number of other Timothy Plan
     Funds with the  objective of providing  moderate long term growth with some
     current income potential.  The Fund offers both Class A and Class B shares.
     Class A shares of the Fund  commenced  investment  operations on October 5,
     2000,  and Class B shares  commenced  investment  operations  on October 9,
     2000. Timothy Partners,  Ltd., 1304 West Fairbanks Avenue,  Winter Park, FL
     32789  ("TPL"),  serves as  investment  adviser to the Fund under a written
     Investment  Advisory  Agreement (the "IA Agreement")  between the Trust and
     TPL. A copy

     of the IA Agreement  between the Trust and TPL is attached to this proxy as
     Exhibit B and is incorporated herein for all purposes.

     TPL is a Florida limited partnership  organized on December 6, 1993, and is
     registered  with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  ("SEC")  as an
     investment adviser. TPL supervises the investment of the assets of the Fund
     in accordance  with the objectives,  policies and  restrictions of the Fund
     and the Trust. TPL has been the adviser to the Fund since its inception.

     Mr.  Arthur  D.  Ally  is  President  of TPL  and is  responsible  for  the
     day-to-day  activities of TPL. Covenant Funds, Inc., a Florida  corporation
     ("CFI"), is the managing general partner of TPL. Mr. Ally also is President
     and 70% shareholder of CFI. Mr. Ally had over eighteen years  experience in
     the investment industry prior to founding TPL, having worked for Prudential
     Bache, Shearson Lehman Brothers and Investment Management & Research.

     In addition to his  positions  as  President  of TPL and CFI, Mr. Ally also
     serves as President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Trust. Mr.
     Ally does not receive any  compensation for his services to the Trust as an
     officer or Trustee of the Trust, but he may receive  compensation  from TPL
     as a result of his ownership  interest in TPL and service as an officer and
     director of TPL.

     Under the  current IA  agreement,  TPL  receives a fee at an annual rate of
     0.15% of the daily net assets of the Fund, computed daily and paid monthly.
     The current IA agreement with TPL was originally dated January 19, 1994 and
     was last approved by the Trust's  shareholders  on October 04, 2000. The IA
     agreement was amended to include  services to the Fund by the Trust's Board
     of  Trustees on or about  October  01, 2000 and was  approved by the Fund's
     shareholders immediately prior to the Fund's commencement of operations.


     The Fund operates under an arrangement commonly known as a "Fund of Funds".
     Under normal market conditions, the Fund invests at least 75% of its assets
     in the following Timothy Plan Funds ("Traditional  Funds") according to the
     following approximated range of percentages:

                                                            % of Fund's Net
                                                            Assets Invested in
          Timothy Fund                                      Traditional Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Small Cap Value Fund                              15-20%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Large/Mid Cap Value Fund                          25-30%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund                         15-20%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Fixed Income Fund                                 25-30%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The Fund normally  invests its remaining  cash, if any, in U.S.  government
     securities and short-term paper.

     TPL determines the specific asset allocation  program for the Fund. On each
     day that the Fund is open for  business,  TPL reviews the asset  allocation
     program and reallocates,  as necessary,  for any new moneys invested in the
     Fund. TPL also reallocates the Fund's  investments in the Traditional Funds
     at the end of each fiscal quarter to maintain the asset allocation program.

     Since  the Fund  commenced  operations,  TPL has been  responsible  for the
     investment of the Fund's assets,  maintaining the investment  compliance of
     the Fund, creating regulatory reporting for the Board relating to the Fund,
     and  is  primarily   responsible  for  investment  advisory  oversight  and
     reporting to the Board.  Further,  the Fund has  experienced  rapid growth,
     which  creates  the  need  for  near  constant  readjusting  of the  Fund's
     investment mix. Because the fund invests  exclusively in other Timothy Plan
     Funds, calculating ongoing Fund expenses is more intricate than is the case
     with traditional Timothy Plan Funds. Managing those Fund expenses is one of
     TPL's responsibilities.

     After nearly three years of operations,  it has become  apparent to TPL and
     the Trust that the manner in which the  various  services  provided  to the
     Fund by TPL were  conceived and  constructed  have not achieved the desired
     result of an  efficiently  managed  Fund,  but have  achieved  exactly  the
     opposite result.  Under the Fund's current  contractual  structure,  TPL is
     paid an  investment  advisory  fee equal to an annual  rate of 0.15% of the
     average daily net assets of the

     Fund pursuant to the IA Agreement  described above. For  administrative and
     related  services to the Fund,  TPL is also paid an operating  services fee
     equal to an annual  rate of 0.25% of the  average  daily net  assets of the
     Fund pursuant to a separate  written  agreement for such services.  Lastly,
     the Fund  charges a 12b-1 fee of 0.25% of the  average  daily net assets of
     the Fund on Class A shares,  and 1.00% of the  average  daily net assets of
     the Fund for Class B shares.  Because a  significant  factor in the  Fund's
     long term success is the control of overall Fund  expenses,  and TPL is the
     entity most able to control such  expenses  through fee waivers and expense
     reimbursements,  it has become  clear that the current  contractual  scheme
     needs to be redrawn in a more efficient manner.

     After researching  various management  options and thoughtful  deliberation
     with the Board, TPL proposed the following:

     1.   The fee paid to TPL under the IA Agreement be increased  from 0.15% to
          0.65 and the IA Agreement be amended to reflect such changes;
     2.   The  operating   service  fee  of  0.25%  currently  paid  to  TPL  be
     3.   The 12b-1 fee for Class A shares be lowered from 0.25% to 0.00%; and
     4.   The 12b-1 fee for Class B shares be lowered from 1.00% to 0.75%.

     In support of the proposal TPL argued to the Board that under the proposal,
     the  overall  fees  charged to the Fund  would  remain  unchanged,  but the
     structure of those fees would allow TPL to better  control  Fund  expenses,
     would more accurately convey to Fund shareholders what fees were being paid
     to whom and for what services, and would provide TPL additional moneys with
     which to better administer the Fund's affairs


     On June 20, 2003, the Fund's Board of Trustees met to consider, among other
     things, the proposal from TPL to increase the management fee charged to the
     Fund  from  0.15% to 0.65%.  TPL  presented  comparative  data to the Board
     showing how its proposed  management fee compared  against  management fees
     charged  by other  similar  funds.  TPL also  presented  data to the  Board
     comparing  the overall fee  structure of the Fund under its proposed fee to
     the  overall  expense  structure  of  similar  funds.  TPL  then  presented
     information to the Board  relating to the services  provided to the Fund by
     TPL, the expenses  associated with those  services,  and the fees earned by
     TPL to provide those services.

     The  Board  then  discussed  TPL's  proposal  at  length.  The  Board  gave
     significant  weight  to  TPL's  presented  data  that  indicated  that  the
     increased  advisory fee would still fall within the range of advisory  fees
     charged by other  advisors  for  similar  funds.  The Board also noted with
     approval  that the  effect of the  proposed  fee  increase  on the  overall
     expense  ratio of the Fund would  still not  negatively  affect the overall
     expenses  charged by the Fund.  The Board reviewed the activities of TPL on
     behalf of the Fund and noted that those activities were  comprehensive  and
     necessary to the proper management of the Fund and its future success.  The
     Board also noted that TPL was the adviser to each other Timothy  Fund,  and
     its services to those funds over time had been excellent.


     After  full and  complete  discussion,  the Board of  Trustees  unanimously
     agreed to approve an increase in the investment advisory fee payable to TPL
     from the Fund from 0.15% to 0.65%, to recommend to the Fund's  shareholders
     that the increase be approved,  and to implement  the  remaining  points of
     TPL's  proposal  at  such  time  as the  Fund's  shareholders  approve  the
     investment advisory fee increase.


     If the Fund's shareholders  approve the fee increase,  the expenses you pay
     to hold  shares of the Fund will  remain the same,  but the manner in which
     those  expenses are shown will change.  The table below shows an example of
     the fees and expenses  currently  paid by the Fund and to be paid under the
     increased IA Agreement fee.

     NOTE: In a "Fund of Funds" arrangement, certain fees paid by the underlying
     funds in which the Fund invests must also be included in the expense table.
     Those  aggregated  fees are included in the example  below,  so please take
     special note of the footnotes accompanying the expense table.

                                                CLASS A            CLASS B
                                           CURRENT  PROPOSED   CURRENT  PROPOSED
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Management Fee (1)                          0.95%     1.45%     0.95%     1.45%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Service & Distribution (12b-1) Fees         0.25%     0.00%     1.00%     0.75%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Other Expenses (2)                          1.78%     1.53%     1.78%     1.53%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total Annual Operating Expenses
(before reimbursement by Advisor)           2.98%     2.98%     3.73%     3.73%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Reimbursement by Advisor                    0.28%     0.28%     0.28%     0.28%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total Annual Operating Expenses
(after reimbursement by Advisor) (3)        2.70%     2.70%     3.45%     3.45%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     (1)  Management  Fees include the current and proposed  annual fee of 0.15%
          and 0.65%,  respectively  of the average daily net assets of each Fund
          which is paid to the Funds' Adviser,  Timothy Partners.  Ltd., and the
          aggregate  management  fees paid by the underlying  Funds in which the
          Fund invests.

     (2)  Other Expenses include  administration  fees, transfer agency fees and
          all other ordinary operating expenses of the Fund not listed above, as
          well as the payment of a 0.25%  operating  service fee under "Current"
          and without such fee under "Proposed".

     (3)  Timothy  Partners,  Ltd. is contractually  obligated to waive its fees
          and/or  reimburse the Fund to the extent necessary to maintain certain
          overall  expense  caps for each Class.  The figures in the above table
          include  the  expenses  attributable  to the Fund  and the  underlying
          Traditional  Funds in which it invests.  Not  including  the  expenses
          attributable to the underlying  Funds,  the expense cap of the Fund is
          as follows:  For Class A shares, the expense cap is 1.15%. For Class B
          shares of the Fund, the expense cap is 1.90%

     The following example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing
     in this Fund  versus  the cost of  investing  in other  mutual  funds.  The
     example  assumes  that you invest  $10,000 in the Fund for the time periods
     indicated  and then redeem all of your shares at the end of those  periods.
     The example also assumes that your  investment  has a 5% annual return each
     year and that the  Fund's  operating  expenses  remain  the same each year.
     Although  your  actual  costs  may be  higher  or  lower,  based  on  these
     assumptions,  your costs under the current fee  structure  and proposed fee
     structure would be:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  One Year            Three Years           Five Years            Ten Years
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             Current   Proposed    Current   Proposed    Current   Proposed    Current   Proposed
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class A      $  636     $  636     $  871     $  871     $1,125     $1,125     $1,849     $1,849
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class B      $  193     $  193     $  597     $  597     $1,026     $1,026     $2,222     $2,222
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If you did not redeem your shares, your costs would be:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  One Year            Three Years           Five Years            Ten Years
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             Current   Proposed    Current   Proposed    Current   Proposed    Current   Proposed
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class A      $  636     $  636     $  871     $  871     $1,125     $1,125     $1,849     $1,849
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class B      $  693     $  693     $  897     $  897     $1,126     $1,126     $2,222     $2,222
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The following  table shows the aggregate  investment  advisory fees paid to
     TPL under its current fee  structure  for the Fund's fiscal year ended June
     30, 2003,  the fees that would have been paid to TPL under the proposed fee
     structure during that same period, and the difference between the two, both
     in absolute and percentage increase terms.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current Fees Paid     Pro Forma Fees for fiscal     Additional Pro Forma      Change in Fee
 for fiscal year      year ended 06/30/03 under        Fees For fiscal       as a percentage
 ended 06/30/03.       proposed fee structure.      year ended 06/30/03.     of Original Fee
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $25,358                  $109,885                    $84,527             333% increase
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     If the Fund's  shareholders  do not approve this  Proposal,  the Trust will
     consider other alternatives.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



     Shareholders  of  record  (as of  August  15,  2003)  of the  Timothy  Plan
     Strategic Growth Fund only.


     The Timothy Plan Strategic  Growth Fund (the "Fund") is an asset allocation
     fund that invests  exclusively in a number of other Timothy Plan Funds with
     the  objective of providing  medium to high levels of long term growth with
     some  current  income  potential.  The Fund offers both Class A and Class B
     shares.  Class A shares  of the Fund  commenced  investment  operations  on
     October 5, 2000,  and Class B shares  commenced  investment  operations  on
     October 9, 2000. Timothy Partners, Ltd., 1304 West Fairbanks Avenue, Winter
     Park, FL 32789  ("TPL"),  serves as investment  adviser to the Fund under a
     written  Investment  Advisory  Agreement (the "IA  Agreement")  between the
     Trust  and TPL.  A copy of the IA  Agreement  between  the Trust and TPL is
     attached  to this  proxy as  Exhibit B and is  incorporated  herein for all

     TPL is a Florida limited partnership  organized on December 6, 1993, and is
     registered  with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  ("SEC")  as an
     investment adviser. TPL supervises the investment of the assets of the Fund
     in accordance  with the objectives,  policies and  restrictions of the Fund
     and the Trust. TPL has been the adviser to the Fund since its inception.

     Mr.  Arthur  D.  Ally  is  President  of TPL  and is  responsible  for  the
     day-to-day  activities of TPL. Covenant Funds, Inc., a Florida  corporation
     ("CFI"), is the managing general partner of TPL. Mr. Ally also is President
     and 70% shareholder of CFI. Mr. Ally had over eighteen years  experience in
     the investment industry prior to founding TPL, having worked for Prudential
     Bache, Shearson Lehman Brothers and Investment Management & Research.

     In addition to his  positions  as  President  of TPL and CFI, Mr. Ally also
     serves as President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Trust. Mr.
     Ally does not receive any  compensation for his services to the Trust as an
     officer or Trustee of the Trust, but he may receive  compensation  from TPL
     as a result of his ownership  interest in TPL and service as an officer and
     director of TPL.

     Under the  current IA  agreement,  TPL  receives a fee at an annual rate of
     0.15% of the daily net assets of the Fund, computed daily and paid monthly.
     The current IA agreement with TPL was originally dated January 17, 1994 and
     was last approved by the Trust's  shareholders  on October 04, 2000. The IA
     agreement was amended to include  services to the Fund by the Trust's Board
     of  Trustees on or about  October  01, 2000 and was  approved by the Fund's
     shareholders immediately prior to the Fund's commencement of operations.


     The Fund operates under an arrangement commonly known as a "Fund of Funds".
     Under normal market conditions, the Fund invests at least 75% of its assets
     in the following Timothy Plan Funds ("Traditional  Funds") according to the
     following approximated range of percentages:

                                                            % of Fund's Net
                                                            Assets Invested in
          Timothy Fund                                      Traditional Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Small Cap Value Fund                              15-20%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Large/Mid Cap Value Fund                          20-25%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Large/Mid Cap Growth Fund                         30-35%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Aggressive Growth Fund                            15-20%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The Fund normally  invests its remaining  cash, if any, in U.S.  government
     securities and short-term paper.

     TPL determines the specific asset allocation  program for the Fund. On each
     day that the Fund is open for  business,  TPL reviews the asset  allocation
     program and reallocates,  as necessary,  for any new moneys invested in the
     Fund. TPL also reallocates the Fund's  investments in the Traditional Funds
     at the end of each fiscal quarter to maintain the asset allocation program.

     Since  the Fund  commenced  operations,  TPL has been  responsible  for the
     investment of the Fund's assets,  maintaining the investment  compliance of
     the Fund, creating regulatory reporting for the Board relating to the Fund,
     and  is  primarily   responsible  for  investment  advisory  oversight  and
     reporting to the Board.  Further,  the Fund has  experienced  rapid growth,
     which  creates  the  need  for  near  constant  readjusting  of the  Fund's
     investment mix. Because the Fund invests  exclusively in other Timothy Plan
     Funds, calculating ongoing Fund expenses is more intricate than is the case
     with traditional Timothy Plan Funds. Managing those Fund expenses is one of
     TPL's responsibilities.

     After nearly three years of operations,  it has become  apparent to TPL and
     the Trust that the manner in which the  various  services  provided  to the
     Fund by TPL were  conceived and  constructed  have not achieved the desired
     result of an  efficiently  managed  Fund,  but have  achieved  exactly  the
     opposite result.  Under the Fund's current  contractual  structure,  TPL is
     paid an  investment  advisory  fee equal to an annual  rate of 0.15% of the
     average daily net assets of the Fund pursuant to the IA Agreement described
     above.  For  administrative  and related  services to the Fund, TPL is also
     paid an  operating  services  fee equal to an  annual  rate of 0.25% of the
     average  daily  net  assets  of the Fund  pursuant  to a  separate  written
     agreement for such services.  Lastly, the Fund charges a 12b-1 fee of 0.25%
     of the average daily net assets of the Fund on Class A shares, and 1.00% of
     the  average  daily net  assets  of the Fund for Class B shares.  Because a
     significant  factor in the  Fund's  long term  success  is the  control  of
     overall  Fund  expenses,  and TPL is the entity  most able to control  such
     expenses  through fee waivers  and  expense  reimbursements,  it has become
     clear that the  current  contractual  scheme  needs to be redrawn in a more
     efficient manner.

     After researching  various management  options and thoughtful  deliberation
     with the Board, TPL proposed the following:

     5.   The fee paid to TPL under the IA Agreement be increased  from 0.15% to
          0.65 and the IA Agreement be amended to reflect such changes;
     6.   The  operating   service  fee  of  0.25%  currently  paid  to  TPL  be
     7.   The 12b-1 fee for Class A shares be lowered from 0.25% to 0.00%; and
     8.   The 12b-1 fee for Class B shares be lowered from 1.00% to 0.75%.

     In support of the proposal TPL argued to the Board that under the proposal,
     the  overall  fees  charged to the Fund  would  remain  unchanged,  but the
     structure of those fees would allow TPL to better  control  Fund  expenses,
     would more accurately convey to Fund shareholders what fees were being paid
     to whom and for what services, and would provide TPL additional moneys with
     which to better administer the Fund's affairs


     On June 20, 2003, the Fund's Board of Trustees met to consider, among other
     things, the proposal from TPL to increase the management fee charged to the
     Fund  from  0.15% to 0.65%.  TPL  presented  comparative  data to the Board
     showing how its proposed  management fee compared  against  management fees
     charged  by other  similar  funds.  TPL also  presented  data to the  Board
     comparing  the overall fee  structure of the Fund under its proposed fee to
     the  overall  expense  structure  of  similar  funds.  TPL  then  presented
     information to the Board  relating to the services  provided to the Fund by
     TPL, the expenses  associated with those  services,  and the fees earned by
     TPL to provide those services.

     The  Board  then  discussed  TPL's  proposal  at  length.  The  Board  gave
     significant  weight  to  TPL's  presented  data  that  indicated  that  the
     increased  advisory fee would still fall within the range of advisory  fees
     charged by other  advisors  for  similar  funds.  The Board also noted with
     approval  that the  effect of the  proposed  fee  increase  on the  overall
     expense  ratio of the Fund would  still not  negatively  affect the overall
     expenses  charged by the Fund.  The Board reviewed the activities of TPL on
     behalf of the Fund and noted that those activities were  comprehensive  and
     necessary to the proper management of the Fund and its future success.  The
     Board also noted that TPL was the adviser to each other Timothy  Fund,  and
     its services to those funds over time had been excellent.


     After  full and  complete  discussion,  the Board of  Trustees  unanimously
     agreed to approve an increase in the investment advisory fee payable to TPL
     from the Fund from 0.15% to 0.65%, to recommend to the Fund's  shareholders
     that the increase be approved,  and to implement  the  remaining  points of
     TPL's  proposal  at  such  time  as the  Fund's  shareholders  approve  the
     investment advisory fee increase.


     If the Fund's shareholders  approve the fee increase,  the expenses you pay
     to hold  shares of the Fund will  remain the same,  but the manner in which
     those  expenses are shown will change.  The table below shows an example of
     the fees and expenses  currently  paid by the Fund and to be paid under the
     increased IA Agreement fee.

     NOTE: In a "Fund of Funds" arrangement, certain fees paid by the underlying
     funds in which the Fund invests must also be included in the expense table.
     Those  aggregated  fees are included in the example  below,  so please take
     special note of the footnotes accompanying the expense table.

                                                CLASS A            CLASS B
                                           CURRENT  PROPOSED   CURRENT  PROPOSED
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Management Fee                              1.00%     1.50%     1.00%     1.50%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Service & Distribution (12b-1) Fees         0.25%     0.00%     1.00%     0.75%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Other Expenses                              1.69%     1.44%     1.70%     1.45%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total Annual Operating Expenses
(before reimbursement by Advisor)           2.94%     2.94%     3.70%     3.70%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Reimbursement by Advisor                    0.19%     0.19%     0.20%     0.20%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total Annual Operating Expenses
(after reimbursement by Advisor)            2.75%     2.75%     3.50%     3.50%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     (1)  Management  Fees include the current and proposed  annual fee of 0.15%
          and 0.65%,  respectively  of the average daily net assets of each Fund
          which is paid to the Funds' Adviser,  Timothy Partners.  Ltd., and the
          aggregate  management  fees paid by the underlying  Funds in which the
          Fund invests.
     (2)  Other Expenses include  administration  fees, transfer agency fees and
          all other ordinary operating expenses of the Fund not listed above, as
          well as the payment of a 0.25%  operating  service fee under "Current"
          and without such fee under "Proposed".
     (3)  Timothy  Partners,  Ltd. is contractually  obligated to waive its fees
          and/or  reimburse the Fund to the extent necessary to maintain certain
          overall  expense  caps for each Class.  The figures in the above table
          include  the  expenses  attributable  to the Fund  and the  underlying
          Traditional  Funds in which it invests.  Not  including  the  expenses
          attributable to the underlying  Funds,  the expense cap of the Fund is
          as follows:  For Class A shares, the expense cap is 1.15%. For Class B
          shares of the Fund, the expense cap is 1.90%

     The following example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing
     in this Fund  versus  the cost of  investing  in other  mutual  funds.  The
     example  assumes  that you invest  $10,000 in the Fund for the time periods
     indicated  and then redeem all of your shares at the end of those  periods.
     The example also assumes that your  investment  has a 5% annual return each
     year and that the  Fund's  operating  expenses  remain  the same each year.
     Although  your  actual  costs  may be  higher  or  lower,  based  on  these
     assumptions,  your costs under the current fee  structure  and proposed fee
     structure would be:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  One Year            Three Years           Five Years            Ten Years
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             Current   Proposed    Current   Proposed    Current   Proposed    Current   Proposed
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class A      $  636     $  636     $  871     $  871     $1,125     $1,125     $1,849     $1,849
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class B      $  193     $  193     $  597     $  597     $1,026     $1,026     $2,222     $2,222
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If you did not redeem your shares, your costs would be:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  One Year            Three Years           Five Years            Ten Years
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             Current   Proposed    Current   Proposed    Current   Proposed    Current   Proposed
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class A      $  636     $  636     $  871     $  871     $1,125     $1,125     $1,849     $1,849
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class B      $  693     $  693     $  897     $  897     $1,126     $1,126     $2,222     $2,222
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The following  table shows the aggregate  investment  advisory fees paid to
     TPL under its current fee  structure  for the Fund's fiscal year ended June
     30, 2003,  the fees that would have been paid to TPL under the proposed fee
     structure during that same period, and the difference between the two, both
     in absolute and percentage increase terms.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current Fees Paid     Pro Forma Fees for fiscal     Additional Pro Forma      Change in Fee
 for fiscal year      year ended 06/30/03 under        Fees For fiscal       as a percentage
 ended 06/30/03.       proposed fee structure.      year ended 06/30/03.     of Original Fee
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $25,110                  $108,810                    $83,700             333% increase
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     If the Fund's  shareholders  do not approve this  Proposal,  the Trust will
     consider other alternatives.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       The Fund's Board of Trustees , including the independent Trustees,
            unanimously recommends that you vote "For" Proposal # 2.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

                                OTHER INFORMATION


     Timothy Partners,  Ltd. ("TPL") 1304 West Fairbanks Avenue, Winter Park, FL
     32789,  in addition  to serving as  investment  adviser to the Funds,  also
     serves  as  principal   underwriter  to  the  Trust's  shares.   TPL  is  a
     broker/dealer   registered  as  such  with  the   Securities  and  Exchange
     Commission and is a member in good standing of the National  Association of
     Securities Dealers.

     TPL is not directly compensated by the Trust for its distribution services.
     However,  TPL generally retains dealer concessions on sales of Class A Fund
     shares as set forth in the Trust's prospectus and may retain some or all of
     the fees paid by the Fund's pursuant to 12b-1 Plans of  Distribution.  With
     respect to Class A shares, TPL may pay some or all of the dealer concession
     to selling  brokers and dealers  from time to time,  at its  discretion.  A
     broker or dealer who receives more than 90% of a selling  commission may be
     considered an "underwriter" under federal law. With respect to both Class A
     and Class B shares,  TPL may pay some or all of the collected 12b-1 fees to
     selling brokers and dealers from time to time, at its discretion


     Citco-Quaker Fund Services,  Inc., 1288 Valley Forge Road, Suite 88, Valley
     Forge, PA 19482,  provides  administrative,  transfer agent, and accounting
     services to each Fund pursuant to a written agreement with the Trust, dated
     May 01, 2003.


     As a Delaware  Business  Trust,  the Trust is not  required  to hold annual
     shareholder meetings,  but will hold special meetings as required or deemed
     desirable.  Since the Trust does not hold regular meetings of shareholders,
     the anticipated date of the next  shareholders  meeting cannot be provided.
     Any  shareholder  proposal  that may  properly  be  included  in the  proxy
     solicitation material for a special shareholder meeting must be received by
     the Trust no later than four months prior to the date when proxy statements
     are mailed to shareholders.


     The Board is not aware of any matters that will be presented  for action at
     the  meeting  other than the  matters  set forth  herein.  Should any other
     matters  requiring  a  vote  of  shareholders   arise,  the  proxy  in  the
     accompanying  form will confer upon the person or persons  entitled to vote
     the shares  represented by such proxy the  discretionary  authority to vote
     the  shares as to any such  other  matters  in  accordance  with their best
     judgment in the interest of the Trust.


     The  financial  statements  for each Fund and the  Trust  are  incorporated
     herein by reference to the Trust's unaudited  semi-annual financial report,
     dated June 30, 2003, and the Trust's audited annual financial report, dated
     December 31, 2002.


                                    EXHIBIT A

                            TOTAL OUTSTANDING SHARES
                        OF EACH FUND, BY CLASS AND TOTAL,
                              AS OF AUGUST 15, 2003

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NAME OF TIMOTHY PLAN FUND                   CLASS A       CLASS B        TOTAL
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Conservative Growth Fund                   1,415,812     1,165,060     2,580,872
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategic Growth Fund                      1,378,944     1,871,708     3,250,652
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              HOLDERS OF MORE THAN
                            5% OF EACH FUND'S SHARES
                              AS OF AUGUST 15, 2003

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                            SHARE                    % OWNERSHIP
                       NAME OF FUND IN      CLASS    NUMBER OF       OF TOTAL
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                              AS OF AUGUST 15, 2003

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                            SHARE                    % OWNERSHIP
                       NAME OF FUND IN      CLASS    NUMBER OF       OF TOTAL
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Joe Boatwright         Strategic Growth       A       21,142.345         1.55%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Joe Boatwright         Conservative Growth    A         9720.160         0.71%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark Minnella          Strategic Growth       A          104.141         0.01%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                    EXHIBIT B

                          INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT


     AGREEMENT,  dated  April,  27,  2001 by and between  THE  TIMOTHY  PLAN,  a
Delaware  business  trust  (hereinafter  called the  "Trust"),  on behalf of the
Timothy Plan Conservative Growth Fund (the "Fund"), and TIMOTHY PARTNERS,  LTD.,
a Florida limited partnership (hereinafter called "Investment Adviser").


     WHEREAS, the Trust has been organized and operates as an investment company
registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "1940 Act") and engages
in the business of investing and reinvesting  its assets in securities,  and the
Investment  Adviser is a  registered  Investment  Adviser  under the  Investment
Advisers  Act of 1940  (the  "Advisers  Act") and  engages  in the  business  of
providing investment management services; and

     WHEREAS,  the Trust and the  Investment  Adviser  entered into an agreement
dated January 19, 1994, as subsequently amended,  wherein the Investment Adviser
agreed to provide  investment  advisory  services  to the Trust  (the  "Original
Agreement"); and

     WHEREAS,  the Board of Trustees  has  determined  that a separate  advisory
agreement  for  each  series  of  the  Trust  would   clarify  the   contractual
arrangements with the Investment Adviser; and

     WHEREAS,  this Amended and Restated  Investment Advisory Agreement does not
revise the substantive provisions of the Original Agreement, as amended;

     NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained,
and each of the parties hereto  intending to be legally  bound,  it is agreed as

1.   The Trust hereby  employs the  Investment  Adviser to manage the investment
and reinvestment of the Fund's assets and to administer its affairs,  subject to
the  direction of the Board of Trustees and officers of the Trust for the period
and on the terms  hereinafter set forth.  The Investment  Adviser hereby accepts
such  employment and agrees during such period to render the services and assume
the  obligations  herein set forth for the  compensation  herein  provided.  The
Investment Adviser shall for all purposes herein, be deemed to be an independent
contractor, and shall, unless otherwise expressly provided and authorized,  have
no authority  to act for or to represent  the Trust in any way, or in any way be
deemed an agent of the  Trust.  The  Investment  Adviser  shall  regularly  make
decisions as to what  securities  to purchase and sell on behalf of the Fund and
shall  record  and  implement  such  decisions  and shall  furnish  the Board of
Trustees of the Trust with such  information  and reports  regarding  the Fund's
investments  as the Investment  Adviser deems  appropriate or as the Trustees of
the Trust may reasonably request. Subject to compliance with the requirements of
the 1940 Act, the Investment Adviser may retain as a sub-adviser to the Fund, at
the Investment  Adviser's own expense,  any investment  adviser registered under
the Advisers Act.

2.   The Trust  shall  conduct its own  business  and affairs and shall bear the
expenses and salaries  necessary and incidental  thereto  including,  but not in
limitation  of the  foregoing,  the costs  incurred in: the  maintenance  of its
corporate  existence;  the maintenance of its own books, records and procedures;
dealing with its own shareholders;  the payment of dividends; transfer of stock,
including  issuance,  redemption and repurchase of shares;  preparation of share
certificates;  reports  and  notices to  shareholders;  calling  and  holding of
shareholders'  meetings;  miscellaneous office expenses;  brokerage commissions;
custodian fees; legal and accounting fees; and taxes.  Partners and employees of
the Investment  Adviser may be trustees,  officers and employees of the funds of
which Timothy Partners,  Ltd. is Investment  Adviser.  Partners and employees of
the Investment Adviser who are trustees,  officers and/or employees of the Trust
shall not

receive any compensation from the Trust for acting in such dual capacity. In the
conduct  of  the  respective  businesses  of  the  parties  hereto  and  in  the
performance  of this  Agreement,  the Trust  and  investment  Adviser  may share
facilities common to each, with appropriate proration of expenses between them.

3.   (a)  The  Investment  Adviser  shall place and execute  Fund orders for the
purchase and sale of portfolio  securities with  broker/dealers.  Subject to the
primary  objective of obtaining the best  available  prices and  execution,  the
Investment  Adviser  will place  orders for the  purchase  and sale of portfolio
securities for the Fund with such  broker/dealers  as it may select from time to
time,  including  brokers  who  provide   statistical,   factual  and  financial
information  and services to the Trust,  to the  Investment  Adviser,  or to any
other  fund for  which  the  Investment  Adviser  provides  investment  advisory
services  and/or  with  broker/dealers  who sell  shares of the Fund or who sell
shares of any other fund for which the Investment  Adviser  provides  investment
advisory services.  Broker/dealers who sell shares of the funds of which Timothy
Partners, Ltd. is Investment Adviser, shall only receive orders for the purchase
or sale of portfolio securities to the extent that the placing of such orders is
in compliance  with the Rules of the Securities and Exchange  Commission and the
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.

     (b)  Notwithstanding  the provisions of subparagraph  (a) above and subject
to such  policies and  procedures as may be adopted by the Board of Trustees and
officers of the Trust,  the  Investment  Adviser may ask the Trust and the Trust
may  agree to pay a member  of an  exchange,  broker  or  dealer  an  amount  of
commission  for  effecting a securities  transaction  in excess of the amount of
commission  another  member of an exchange,  broker or dealer would have charged
for effecting that  transaction,  in such instances  where it and the Investment
Adviser  have  determined  in good  faith  that such  amount of  commission  was
reasonable  in  relation to the value of the  brokerage  and  research  services
provided  by such  member,  broker or  dealer,  viewed  in terms of either  that
particular transaction or the Investment Adviser's overall responsibilities with
respect  to the Trust  and to other  funds  for  which  the  Investment  Adviser
exercises investment discretion.

4.   As  compensation  for the  services  to be  rendered  to the  Trust  by the
Investment  Adviser under the provisions of this Agreement,  the Trust shall pay
to the Investment Adviser from the Fund's assets an annual fee equal to 0.15% of
the daily average net assets of the Fund, payable on a monthly basis, subject to
reduction  to the extent  necessary  to comply  with the most  stringent  limits
prescribed by any state in which the Fund's shares are offered for sale. If this
Agreement is terminated  prior to the end of any calendar month,  the management
fee shall be prorated for the portion of any month in which this Agreement is in
effect  according to the proportion  which the number of calendar  days,  during
which the  Agreement is in effect,  bears to the number of calendar  days in the
month, and shall be payable within 10 days after the date of termination.

5.   The  services to be rendered by the  Investment  Adviser to the Trust under
the provisions of this  Agreement are not to be deemed to be exclusive,  and the
Investment  Adviser  shall be free to render  similar or  different  services to
others  so long as its  ability  to render  the  services  provided  for in this
Agreement shall not be impaired thereby.

6.   The Investment Adviser, its partners,  employees,  and agents may engage in
other businesses,  may render  investment  advisory services to other investment
companies, or to any other corporation, association, firm or individual, and may
render  underwriting  services to the Trust or to any other investment  company,
corporation, association, firm or individual.

7.   In the absence of willful  misfeasance,  bad faith, gross negligence,  or a
reckless disregard of the performance of duties of the Investment Adviser to the
Trust,  the Investment  Adviser shall not be subject to liabilities to the Trust
or to any  shareholder of the Trust for any action or omission in the course of,
or connected with,  rendering  services  hereunder or for any losses that may be
sustained in the purchase, holding or sale of any security, or otherwise.

8.   The Trust agrees that, in the event that the  Investment  Adviser ceases to
be the Fund's  investment  adviser  for any reason,  the Trust will  (unless the
Investment Adviser otherwise agrees in writing) promptly

take all  necessary  steps to propose to the  shareholders  at the next  regular
meeting that the Fund change to a name not  including  the word  "Timothy."  The
Trust agrees that the word "Timothy" in its name is derived from the name of the
Investment  Adviser and is the property of the Investment  Adviser for copyright
and all other  purposes and that  therefore  such word may be freely used by the
Investment  Adviser  as to  other  investment  activities  or  other  investment

9.   This  Agreement  shall be  executed  and  become  effective  as of the date
written  below if approved by the vote of a majority of the  outstanding  voting
securities of the Fund. It shall continue in effect for a period of one year and
may be  renewed  thereafter  only so long as such  renewal  and  continuance  is
specifically approved at least annually by the Board of Trustees or by vote of a
majority of the outstanding  voting securities of the Fund and only if the terms
and the  renewal  hereof  have been  approved  by the vote of a majority  of the
Trustees of the Trust who are not parties  hereto or  interested  persons of any
such party, cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such
approval.  No amendment to this  Agreement  shall be effective  unless the terms
thereof have been approved by the vote of a majority of the  outstanding  voting
securities  of the Fund and by the vote of a majority  of  Trustees of the Trust
who are not parties to the  Agreement or  interested  persons of any such party,
cast in person at a meeting  called for the purpose of voting on such  approval.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  this Agreement may be terminated by the Trust at
any time, without the payment of a penalty, on sixty days' written notice to the
Investment  Adviser of the Trust's intention to do so, pursuant to action by the
Board of  Trustees  of the  Trust or  pursuant  to a vote of a  majority  of the
outstanding  voting securities of the Fund. The Investment Adviser may terminate
this  Agreement  at any time,  without  the  payment of  penalty on sixty  days'
written notice to the Trust of its intention to do so. Upon  termination of this
Agreement,  the  obligations  of all  the  parties  hereunder  shall  cease  and
terminate  as of the date of such  termination,  except  for any  obligation  to
respond for a breach of this Agreement committed prior to such termination,  and
except for the obligation of the Trust to pay to the Investment  Adviser the fee
provided  in  Paragraph  4 hereof,  prorated  to the date of  termination.  This
Agreement shall automatically terminate in the event of its assignment.

10.  This   Agreement   shall   extend  to  and  bind  the   heirs,   executors,
administrators and successors of the parties hereto.

11.  For the  purposes of this  Agreement,  the terms "vote of a majority of the
outstanding voting  securities";  "interested  persons";  and "assignment" shall
have the meaning defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Agreement to be
signed by their duly authorized officers the 11th day of June, 2001.





     Arthur D. Ally, President

16347 6/4/01 3:31 PM


     AGREEMENT,  dated  April,  27,  2001 by and between  THE  TIMOTHY  PLAN,  a
Delaware  business  trust  (hereinafter  called the  "Trust"),  on behalf of the
Timothy Plan Strategic Growth Fund (the "Fund"),  and TIMOTHY PARTNERS,  LTD., a
Florida limited partnership (hereinafter called "Investment Adviser").


     WHEREAS, the Trust has been organized and operates as an investment company
registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "1940 Act") and engages
in the business of investing and reinvesting  its assets in securities,  and the
Investment  Adviser is a  registered  Investment  Adviser  under the  Investment
Advisers  Act of 1940  (the  "Advisers  Act") and  engages  in the  business  of
providing investment management services; and

     WHEREAS,  the Trust and the  Investment  Adviser  entered into an agreement
dated January 19, 1994, as subsequently amended,  wherein the Investment Adviser
agreed to provide  investment  advisory  services  to the Trust  (the  "Original
Agreement"); and

     WHEREAS,  the Board of Trustees  has  determined  that a separate  advisory
agreement  for  each  series  of  the  Trust  would   clarify  the   contractual
arrangements with the Investment Adviser; and

     WHEREAS,  this Amended and Restated  Investment Advisory Agreement does not
revise the substantive provisions of the Original Agreement, as amended;

     NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained,
and each of the parties hereto  intending to be legally  bound,  it is agreed as

1.   The Trust hereby  employs the  Investment  Adviser to manage the investment
and reinvestment of the Fund's assets and to administer its affairs,  subject to
the  direction of the Board of Trustees and officers of the Trust for the period
and on the terms  hereinafter set forth.  The Investment  Adviser hereby accepts
such  employment and agrees during such period to render the services and assume
the  obligations  herein set forth for the  compensation  herein  provided.  The
Investment Adviser shall for all purposes herein, be deemed to be an independent
contractor, and shall, unless otherwise expressly provided and authorized,  have
no authority  to act for or to represent  the Trust in any way, or in any way be
deemed an agent of the  Trust.  The  Investment  Adviser  shall  regularly  make
decisions as to what  securities  to purchase and sell on behalf of the Fund and
shall  record  and  implement  such  decisions  and shall  furnish  the Board of
Trustees of the Trust with such  information  and reports  regarding  the Fund's
investments  as the Investment  Adviser deems  appropriate or as the Trustees of
the Trust may reasonably request. Subject to compliance with the requirements of
the 1940 Act, the Investment Adviser may retain as a sub-adviser to the Fund, at
the Investment  Adviser's own expense,  any investment  adviser registered under
the Advisers Act.

2.   The Trust  shall  conduct its own  business  and affairs and shall bear the
expenses and salaries  necessary and incidental  thereto  including,  but not in
limitation  of the  foregoing,  the costs  incurred in: the  maintenance  of its
corporate  existence;  the maintenance of its own books, records and procedures;
dealing with its own shareholders;  the payment of dividends; transfer of stock,
including  issuance,  redemption and repurchase of shares;  preparation of share
certificates;  reports  and  notices to  shareholders;  calling  and  holding of
shareholders'  meetings;  miscellaneous office expenses;  brokerage commissions;
custodian fees; legal and accounting fees; and taxes.  Partners and employees of
the Investment  Adviser may be trustees,  officers and employees of the funds of
which Timothy Partners,  Ltd. is Investment  Adviser.  Partners and employees of
the Investment Adviser who are trustees,  officers and/or employees of the Trust
shall not  receive  any  compensation  from the  Trust  for  acting in such dual
capacity.  In the conduct of the respective businesses of the parties hereto and
in the performance of this Agreement, the Trust and investment Adviser may share
facilities common to each, with appropriate proration of expenses between them.

3.   (a)  The  Investment  Adviser  shall place and execute  Fund orders for the
purchase and sale of portfolio  securities with  broker/dealers.  Subject to the
primary  objective of obtaining the best  available  prices and  execution,  the
Investment  Adviser  will place  orders for the  purchase  and sale of portfolio
securities for the Fund with such  broker/dealers  as it may select from time to
time,  including  brokers  who  provide   statistical,   factual  and  financial
information  and services to the Trust,  to the  Investment  Adviser,  or to any
other  fund for  which  the  Investment  Adviser  provides  investment  advisory
services  and/or  with  broker/dealers  who sell  shares of the Fund or who sell
shares of any other fund for which the Investment  Adviser  provides  investment
advisory services.  Broker/dealers who sell shares of the funds of which Timothy
Partners, Ltd. is Investment Adviser, shall only receive orders for the purchase
or sale of portfolio securities to the extent that the placing of such orders is
in compliance  with the Rules of the Securities and Exchange  Commission and the
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.

     (b)  Notwithstanding  the provisions of subparagraph  (a) above and subject
to such  policies and  procedures as may be adopted by the Board of Trustees and
officers of the Trust,  the  Investment  Adviser may ask the Trust and the Trust
may  agree to pay a member  of an  exchange,  broker  or  dealer  an  amount  of
commission  for  effecting a securities  transaction  in excess of the amount of
commission  another  member of an exchange,  broker or dealer would have charged
for effecting that  transaction,  in such instances  where it and the Investment
Adviser  have  determined  in good  faith  that such  amount of  commission  was
reasonable  in  relation to the value of the  brokerage  and  research  services
provided  by such  member,  broker or  dealer,  viewed  in terms of either  that
particular transaction or the Investment Adviser's overall responsibilities with
respect  to the Trust  and to other  funds  for  which  the  Investment  Adviser
exercises investment discretion.

4.   As  compensation  for the  services  to be  rendered  to the  Trust  by the
Investment  Adviser under the provisions of this Agreement,  the Trust shall pay
to the Investment Adviser from the Fund's assets an annual fee equal to 0.15% of
the daily average net assets of the Fund, payable on a monthly basis, subject to
reduction  to the extent  necessary  to comply  with the most  stringent  limits
prescribed by any state in which the Fund's shares are offered for sale. If this
Agreement is terminated  prior to the end of any calendar month,  the management
fee shall be prorated for the portion of any month in which this Agreement is in
effect  according to the proportion  which the number of calendar  days,  during
which the  Agreement is in effect,  bears to the number of calendar  days in the
month, and shall be payable within 10 days after the date of termination.

5.   The  services to be rendered by the  Investment  Adviser to the Trust under
the provisions of this  Agreement are not to be deemed to be exclusive,  and the
Investment  Adviser  shall be free to render  similar or  different  services to
others  so long as its  ability  to render  the  services  provided  for in this
Agreement shall not be impaired thereby.

6.   The Investment Adviser, its partners,  employees,  and agents may engage in
other businesses,  may render  investment  advisory services to other investment
companies, or to any other corporation, association, firm or individual, and may
render  underwriting  services to the Trust or to any other investment  company,
corporation, association, firm or individual.

7.   In the absence of willful  misfeasance,  bad faith, gross negligence,  or a
reckless disregard of the performance of duties of the Investment Adviser to the
Trust,  the Investment  Adviser shall not be subject to liabilities to the Trust
or to any  shareholder of the Trust for any action or omission in the course of,
or connected with,  rendering  services  hereunder or for any losses that may be
sustained in the purchase, holding or sale of any security, or otherwise.

8.   The Trust agrees that, in the event that the  Investment  Adviser ceases to
be the Fund's  investment  adviser  for any reason,  the Trust will  (unless the
Investment  Adviser  otherwise  agrees in writing)  promptly  take all necessary
steps to propose to the  shareholders  at the next regular meeting that the Fund
change to a name not  including  the word  "Timothy."  The Trust agrees that the
word  "Timothy" in its name is derived from the name of the  Investment  Adviser
and is the  property  of the  Investment  Adviser  for  copyright  and all other
purposes  and that  therefore  such  word may be freely  used by the  Investment
Adviser as to other investment activities or other investment products.

9.   This  Agreement  shall be  executed  and  become  effective  as of the date
written  below if approved by the vote of a majority of the  outstanding  voting
securities of the Fund. It shall continue in effect for a period of one year and
may be  renewed  thereafter  only so long as such  renewal  and  continuance  is
specifically approved at least annually by the Board of Trustees or by vote of a
majority of the outstanding  voting securities of the Fund and only if the terms
and the  renewal  hereof  have been  approved  by the vote of a majority  of the
Trustees of the Trust who are not parties  hereto or  interested  persons of any
such party, cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such
approval.  No amendment to this  Agreement  shall be effective  unless the terms
thereof have been approved by the vote of a majority of the  outstanding  voting
securities  of the Fund and by the vote of a majority  of  Trustees of the Trust
who are not parties to the  Agreement or  interested  persons of any such party,
cast in person at a meeting  called for the purpose of voting on such  approval.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  this Agreement may be terminated by the Trust at
any time, without the payment of a penalty, on sixty days' written notice to the
Investment  Adviser of the Trust's intention to do so, pursuant to action by the
Board of  Trustees  of the  Trust or  pursuant  to a vote of a  majority  of the
outstanding  voting securities of the Fund. The Investment Adviser may terminate
this  Agreement  at any time,  without  the  payment of  penalty on sixty  days'
written notice to the Trust of its intention to do so. Upon  termination of this
Agreement,  the  obligations  of all  the  parties  hereunder  shall  cease  and
terminate  as of the date of such  termination,  except  for any  obligation  to
respond for a breach of this Agreement committed prior to such termination,  and
except for the obligation of the Trust to pay to the Investment  Adviser the fee
provided  in  Paragraph  4 hereof,  prorated  to the date of  termination.  This
Agreement shall automatically terminate in the event of its assignment.

10.  This   Agreement   shall   extend  to  and  bind  the   heirs,   executors,
administrators and successors of the parties hereto.

11.  For the  purposes of this  Agreement,  the terms "vote of a majority of the
outstanding voting  securities";  "interested  persons";  and "assignment" shall
have the meaning defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Agreement to be
signed by their duly authorized officers the 11th day of June, 2001.




Managing General Partner

   Arthur D. Ally, President

16347 6/4/01 3:31 PM

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


               GROWTH FUND

          FOR                       AGAINST                      ABSTAIN
          / /                         / /                          / /


               GROWTH FUND

          FOR                       AGAINST                      ABSTAIN
          / /                         / /                          / /

Signature(s)  (All registered owners of accounts shown to the left must sign. If
signing for a  corporation,  estate or trust,  please  indicate your capacity or

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Signature                                                              Date

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Signature                                                              Date


Please vote all issues shown on your ballot.

Please  vote on each  issue  using  blue or black ink to mark an X in one of the
three  boxes  provided on each  ballot.  On all Items,  mark -- For,  Against or
Abstain. Then sign, date and return your ballot in the accompanying postage-paid
envelope.  All registered  owners of an account,  as shown in the address on the
ballot,  must sign the ballot.  If you are signing for a  corporation,  trust or
estate, please indicate your title or position.


Your vote is needed!  Please vote on the  reverse  side of this form and sign in
the space provided. Return your completed proxy in the enclosed envelope today.

You may receive additional proxies for your other accounts with the Trust. These
are not duplicates; you should sign and return each proxy card in order for your
votes to be  counted.  Please  return  them as soon as possible to help save the
cost of additional mailings.

The signers of this proxy hereby appoint Theresa McNamee and Joseph Carlin,  and
each of them, attorneys and proxies, with power of substitution in each, to vote
all shares for the signers at the  special  meeting of  shareholders  to be held
October 17, 2003, and at any adjournments  thereof,  as specified herein, and in
accordance  with their best  judgment,  on any other  business that may properly
come before this  meeting.  Your  shares will be voted in  accordance  with your
designations on this proxy. If no specification is made herein,  all shares will
be voted "FOR" the proposals set forth on this proxy.  The proxy is solicited by
the Board of Trustees of the Trust which recommends a vote "FOR" all matters.