                      PAXTON MINING CORPORATION


     .01  Annual Meetings.

     The annual meeting of the shareholders of this Corporation, for
     the purpose of election of Directors and for such other business
     as may come before it, shall be held at the registered office of
     the Corporation, or such other places, either within or without
     the State of Nevada, as may be designated by the notice of the
     meeting, on the first week in  June of each and every year, at
     1:00 p.m., commencing in 2000, but in case such day shall be a
     legal holiday, the meeting shall be held at the same hour and
     place on the next succeeding day not a holiday.

     .02  Special Meeting.

     Special meetings of the shareholders of this Corporation may be
     called at any time by the holders of ten percent (10%) of the
     voting shares of the Corporation, or by the president, or by the
     Board of Directors or a majority thereof.  No business shall be
     transacted at any special meeting of shareholders except as is
     specified in the notice calling for said meeting.  The Board of
     Directors may designate any place, either within or without the
     State of Idaho, as the place of any special meeting called by the
     president or the Board of Directors, and special meetings called
     at the request of shareholders shall be held at such place in the
     State of Idaho, as may be determined by the Board of Directors and
     placed in the notice of such meeting.

     .03  Notice of Meeting.

     Written notice of annual or special meetings of shareholders
     stating the place, day, and hour of the meeting and, in the case
     of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the
     meeting is called shall be given by the secretary or persons
     authorized to call the meeting to each shareholder of record
     entitled to vote at the meeting.  Such notice shall be given not
     less than ten (10) nor more than fifty (50) days prior to the date
     of the meeting, and such notice shall be deemed to be delivered
     when deposited in the United States mail addressed to the
     shareholder at his/her address as it appears on the stock transfer
     books of the Corporation.

     .04  Waiver of Notice.

     Notice of the time, place, and purpose of any meeting may be
     waived in writing and will be waived by any shareholder by his/her
     attendance thereat in person or by proxy.  Any shareholder so
     waiving shall be bound by the proceedings of any such meeting in
     all respects as if due notice thereof had been given.

     .05  Quorum and Adjourned Meetings.

     A majority of the outstanding shares of the Corporation entitled
     to vote, represented in person or by proxy, shall constitute a
     quorum at a meeting of shareholders.  A majority of the shares
     represented at a meeting, even if less than a quorum, may adjourn
     the meeting from time to time without further notice.  At such
     adjourned meeting at which a quorum shall be present or
     represented, any business may be transacted which might have been
     transacted at the meeting as originally notified.  The
     shareholders present at a duly organized meeting may continue to
     transact business until adjournment, notwithstanding the
     withdrawal of enough shareholders to leave less than a quorum.

     .06  Proxies.

     At all meetings of shareholders, a shareholder may vote by proxy
     executed in writing by the shareholder or by his/her duly
     authorized attorney in fact.  Such proxy shall be filed with the
     secretary of the Corporation before or at the time  of the
     meeting.  No proxy shall be valid after eleven (11) months from
     the date of its execution, unless otherwise provided in the proxy.

     .07  Voting of Shares.

     Except as otherwise provided in the Articles of Incorporation or
     in these Bylaws, every shareholder of record shall have the right
     at every shareholder's meeting to one (1) vote for every share
     standing in his/her name on the books of the Corporation, and the
     affirmative vote of a majority of the shares represented at a
     meeting and entitled  to vote thereat shall be necessary for the
     adoption of a motion or for the determination of all questions and
     business which shall come before the meeting.


     .01  General Powers.

     The business and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by
     its Board of Directors.

     .02  Number, Tenure and Qualifications.

     The number of Directors of the Corporation shall be not less than
     one nor more than five. Each Director shall hold office until the
     next annual meeting of shareholders and until his/her successor
     shall have been elected and qualified.  Directors need not be
     residents of the State of Idaho or shareholders of the

     .03  Election.

     The Directors shall be elected by the shareholders at their annual
     meeting each year; and if, for any cause the Directors shall not
     have been elected at an annual meeting, they may be elected at a
     special meeting of shareholders called for that purpose in the
     manner provided by these Bylaws.

     .04  Vacancies.

     In case of any vacancy in the Board of Directors, the remaining
     Director, whether constituting a quorum or not, may elect a
     successor to hold office for the unexpired portion of the terms of
     the Director whose place shall be vacant, and until his/her
     successor shall have been duly elected and qualified.

     .05  Resignation.

     Any Director may resign at any time by delivering written notice
     to the secretary of the Corporation.

     .06  Meetings.

     At any annual, special or regular meeting of the Board of
     Directors, any business may be transacted, and the Board may
     exercise all of its powers.  Any such annual, special or regular
     meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corporation may be held
     outside of the State of Idaho, and any member or members of the
     Board of Directors of the Corporation may participate in any such
     meeting by means of a conference telephone or similar
     communications equipment by means of which all persons
     participating in the meeting can hear each other at the same time;
     the participation by such means shall constitute presence in
     person at such meeting.

          A.  Annual Meeting of Directors.

          Annual meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held
          immediately after the annual shareholders' meeting or at such
          time and place as may be determined by the Directors.  No
          notice of the annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall
          be necessary.

          B.  Special Meetings.

          Special meetings of the Directors shall be called at any time
          and place upon the call of the president or any Director.
          Notice of the time and place of each special meeting shall be
          given by the secretary, or the persons calling the meeting,
          by mail, radio, telegram, or by personal communication by
          telephone or otherwise at least one (1) day in advance of the
          time of the meeting.  The purpose of the meeting need not be
          given in the notice.  Notice of any special meeting may be
          waived in writing or by telegram (either before or after such
          meeting) and will be waived by any Director in attendance at
          such meeting.

          C.  Regular Meetings of Directors.

          Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at
          such place and on such day and hour as shall from time to
          time be fixed by resolution of the Board of Directors.  No
          notice of regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be

     .07  Quorum and Voting.

     A majority of the Directors presently in office shall constitute
     a quorum for all purposes, but a lesser number may adjourn any
     meeting, and the meeting may be held as adjourned without further
     notice.  At each meeting of the Board at which a quorum is
     present, the act of a majority of the Directors present at the
     meeting shall be the act of the Board of Directors.  The Directors
     present at a duly organized meeting may continue to transact
     business until adjournment, notwithstanding the withdrawal of
     enough Directors to leave less than a quorum.

     .08  Compensation.

     By resolution of the Board of Directors, the Directors may be paid
     their expenses, if any, of attendance at each meeting of the Board
     of Directors and may be paid a fixed sum for attendance at each
     meeting of the Board of Directors or a stated salary as Director.
     No such payment shall preclude any Director from serving the
     Corporation in any other capacity and receiving compensation

     .09  Presumption of Assent.

     A Director of the Corporation who is present at a meeting of the
     Board of Directors at which action on any corporate matter is
     taken shall be presumed to have assented to the action taken
     unless his/her dissent shall be entered in the minutes of the
     meeting or unless he/she shall file his/her written dissent to
     such action with the person acting as the secretary of the meeting
     before the adjournment thereof or shall forward such dissent by
     registered mail to the secretary of the Corporation immediately
     after the adjournment of the meeting.  Such right to dissent shall
     not apply to a Director who voted in favor of such action.
     .10  Executive and Other Committees.

     The Board of Directors, by resolution adopted by a majority of the
     full Board of Directors, may designate from among its members an
     executive committee and one of more other committees, each of
     which, to the extent provided in such resolution, shall have and
     may exercise all the authority of the Board of Directors, but no
     such committee shall have the authority of the Board of Directors,
     in reference to amending the Articles of Incorporation, adoption
     a plan of merger or consolidation, recommending to the
     shareholders the sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition of
     all of substantially all the property and assets of the
     dissolution of the Corporation or a revocation thereof,
     designation of any such committee and the delegation thereto of
     authority shall not operate to relieve any member of the Board of
     Directors of any responsibility imposed by law.


     .11  Chairman of Board of Directors.

     The Board of Directors may, in its discretion, elect a chairman of
     the Board of Directors from its members; and, if a chairman has
     been elected, he/she shall, when present, preside at all meetings
     of the Board of Directors and the shareholders and shall have such
     other powers as the Board may prescribe.

     .12  Removal.

     Directors may be removed from office with or without cause by a
     vote of shareholders holding a majority of the shares entitled to
     vote at an election of Directors.


Any corporate action required by the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws,
or the laws under which this Corporation is formed, to be voted upon or
approved at a duly called meeting of the Directors or shareholders may
be accomplished without a meeting if a written memorandum of the
respective Directors or shareholders, setting forth the action so
taken, shall be signed by all the Directors or shareholders, as the
case may be.


     .01  Officers Designated.

     The Officers of the Corporation shall be a president, one or more
     vice presidents (the number thereof to be determined by the Board
     of Directors), a secretary and a treasurer, each of whom shall be
     elected by the Board of Directors.  Such other Officers and
     assistant officers as may be deemed necessary may be elected or
     appointed by the Board of Directors.  Any Officer may be held by
     the same person, except that in the event that the Corporation
     shall have more than one director, the offices of president and
     secretary shall be held by different persons.

     .02  Election, Qualification and Term of Office.

     Each of the Officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors.
     None of said Officers except the president need be a Director, but
     a vice president who is not a Director cannot succeed to or fill
     the office of president.  The Officers shall be elected by the
     Board of Directors.  Except as hereinafter provide, each of said
     Officers shall hold office from the date of his/her election until
     the next annual meeting of the Board of Directors and until
     his/her successor shall have been duly elected and qualified.

     .03  Powers and Duties.

     The powers and duties of the respective corporate Officers shall
be as follows:
          A.  President.

          The president shall be the chief executive Officer of the
          Corporation and, subject to the direction and control of the
          Board of Directors, shall have general charge and supervision
          over its property, business, and affairs.  He/she shall,
          unless a Chairman of the Board of Directors has been elected
          and is present, preside at meetings of the  shareholders and
          the Board of Directors.

          B.  Vice President.

          In the absence of the president or his/her inability to act,
          the senior vice president shall act in his place and stead
          and shall have all the powers and authority of the president,
          except as limited by resolution of the Board of Directors.

          C.  Secretary.

          The secretary shall:

               1.   Keep the minutes of the shareholder's and of the
                    Board of Directors meetings in one or more books
                    provided for that purpose;

               2.   See that all notices are duly given in accordance
                    with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required
                    by law;

               3.   Be custodian of the corporate records and of the
                    seal of the Corporation and affix the seal of the
                    Corporation to all documents as may be required;

               4.   Keep a register of the post office address of each
                    shareholder which shall be furnished to the
                    secretary by such shareholder;

               5.   Sign with the president, or a vice president,
                    certificates for shares of the Corporation, the
                    issuance of which shall have been authorized by
                    resolution of the Board of Directors;

               6.   Have general charge of the stock transfer books of
                    the corporation; and,

               7.   In general perform all duties incident to the
                    office of secretary and such other duties as from
                    time to time may be assigned to him/her by the
                    president or by the Board of Directors.


          D.  Treasurer.

          Subject to the direction and control of the Board of
          Directors, the treasurer shall have the custody, control and
          disposition of the funds and securities of the Corporation
          and shall account for the same; and, at the expiration of
          his/her term of office, he/she shall turn over to his/her
          successor all property of the Corporation in his/her

          E.  Assistant Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers.

          The assistant secretaries, when authorized by the Board of
          Directors, may sign with the president or a vice president
          certificates for shares of the Corporation the issuance of
          which shall have been authorized by a resolution of the Board
          of Directors.  The assistant treasurers shall, respectively,
          if required by the Board of Directors, give bonds for the
          faithful discharge of their duties in such sums and with such
          sureties as the Board of Directors shall determine.  The
          assistant secretaries and assistant treasurers, in general,
          shall perform such duties as shall be assigned to them by the
          secretary or the treasurer, respectively, or by the president
          or the Board of Directors.

     .04  Removal.

     The Board of Directors shall have the right to remove any Officer
     whenever in its judgment the best interest of the Corporation will
     be served thereby.

     .05  Vacancies.

     The Board of Directors shall fill any office which becomes vacant
     with a successor who shall hold office for the unexpired term and
     until his/her successor shall have been duly elected and

     .06  Salaries.

     The salaries of all Officers of the Corporation shall be fixed by
     the Board of Directors.


     .01  Form and Execution of Certificates.

     Certificates for shares of the Corporation shall be in such form
     as is consistent with the provisions of the Corporation laws of
     the State of Idaho.  They shall be signed by the president and by
     the secretary, and the seal of the Corporation shall be affixed
     thereto.  Certificates may be issued for fractional shares.

     .02  Transfers.

     Shares may be transferred by delivery of the certificates
     therefor, accompanied either by an assignment in writing on the
     back of the certificates or by a written power of attorney to
     assign and transfer the same signed by the record holder of the
     certificate.  Except as otherwise specifically provided in these
     Bylaws, no shares shall be transferred on the books of the
     Corporation until the outstanding certificate therefor has been
     surrendered to the Corporation.

     .03  Loss or Destruction of Certificates.

     In case of loss or destruction of any certificate of shares,
     another may be issued in its place upon proof of such loss or
     destruction and upon the giving of a satisfactory bond of
     indemnity to the Corporation.  A new certificate may be issued
     without requiring any bond, when in the judgment of the Board of
     Directors it is proper to do so.


     .01  Books of Accounts, Minutes and Share Register.

     The Corporation shall keep complete books and records of accounts
     and minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Directors and
     shareholders and shall keep at its registered office, principal
     place of business, or at the office of its transfer agent or
     registrar a share register giving the names of the shareholders in
     alphabetical order and showing their respective addresses and the
     number of shares held by each.

     .02  Copies of Resolutions.

     Any person dealing with the Corporation may rely upon a copy of
     any of the records of the proceedings, resolutions, or votes of
     the Board of Directors or shareholders, when certified by the
     president or secretary.


The following is an impression of the corporate seal of this



Generally, no loans shall be made by the Corporation to its Officers or
Directors, unless first approved by the holder of two-third of the
voting shares, and no loans shall be made by the Corporation secured by
its shares.  Loans shall be permitted to be made to Officers, Directors
and employees of the Company for moving expenses, including the cost of
procuring housing.  Such loans shall be limited to $25,000.00 per
individual upon unanimous consent of the Board of Directors.


     .01  Indemnification.

     The Corporation shall indemnify any person who was or is a party
     or is threatened to be made a party to any proceeding, whether
     civil, criminal, administrative or investigative (other than an
     action by or in the right of the Corporation) by reason of the
     fact that such person is or was a Director, Trustee, Officer,
     employee or agent of the Corporation, or is or was serving at the
     request of the Corporation as a Director, Trustee, Officer,
     employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint
     venture, trust or other enterprise, against expenses (including
     attorneys' fees), judgment, fines and amounts paid in settlement
     actually and reasonably incurred by such person in connection with
     such action, suit or proceeding if such person acted in good faith
     and in a manner such person reasonably believed to be  in or not
     opposed to the best interests of the Corporation, and with respect
     to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to
     believe such person's conduct was unlawful.  The termination of
     any action, suit or proceeding by judgment, order, settlement,
     conviction, or upon a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent,
     shall not, of itself, create a presumption that the person did not
     act in good faith and in a manner which such person reasonably
     believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the
     Corporation, and with respect to any criminal action proceeding,
     had reasonable cause to believe that such person's conduct was

     .02  Derivative Action

     The Corporation shall indemnify any person who was or is a party
     or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or
     completed action or suit by or in the right of the Corporation to
     procure a judgment in the Corporation's favor by reason of the
     fact that such person is or was a Director, Trustee, Officer,
     employee or agent of the Corporation, or is or was serving at the
     request of the Corporation as a Director, Trustee, Officer,
     employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint
     venture, trust or other enterprise, against expenses (including
     attorney's fees) and amount paid in settlement actually and
     reasonably incurred by such person in connection with the defense
     or settlement of such action or suit if such person acted in good
     faith and in a manner such person reasonably believed to be in or

     not opposed to the best interests of the Corporation, and, with
     respect to amounts paid in settlement, the settlement of the suit
     or action was in the best interests of the Corporation; provided,
     however, that no indemnification shall be made in respect of any
     claim, issue or matter as to which such person shall have been
     adjudged to be liable for gross negligence or willful misconduct
     in the performance of such person's duty to the Corporation unless
     and only to the extent that, the court in which such action or
     suit was brought shall determine upon application that, despite
     circumstances of the case, such person is fairly and reasonably
     entitled to indemnity for such expenses as such court shall deem
     proper.  The termination of any action or suit by judgment or
     settlement shall not, of itself, create a presumption that the
     person did not act in good faith and in a manner which such person
     reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests
     of the Corporation.

     .03  Successful Defense.

     To the extent that a Director, Trustee, Officer, employee or Agent
     of the Corporation has been successful on the merits or otherwise,
     in whole or in part in defense of any action, suit or proceeding
     referred to in Paragraphs .01 and .02 above, or in defense of any
     claim, issue or matter therein, such person shall be indemnified
     against expenses (including attorneys' fees) actually and
     reasonably incurred by such person in connection therewith.

     .04  Authorization.

     Any indemnification under Paragraphs .01 and .02 above (unless
     ordered by a court) shall be made by the Corporation only as
     authorized in the specific case upon a determination that
     indemnification of the Director, Trustee, Officer, employee or
     agent is proper in the circumstances because such person has met
     the applicable standard of conduct set forth in Paragraphs .01 and
     .02 above.  Such determination shall be made (a) by the Board of
     Directors of the Corporation by a majority vote of a quorum
     consisting of Directors who were not parties to such action, suit
     or proceeding, or (b) is such a quorum is not obtainable, by a
     majority vote of the Directors who were not parties to such
     action, suit or proceeding, or (c) by independent legal counsel
     (selected by one or more of the Directors, whether or not a quorum
     and whether or not disinterested) in a written opinion, or (d) by
     the Shareholders.  Anyone making such a determination under this
     Paragraph .04 may determine that a person has met the standards
     therein set forth as to some claims, issues or matters but not as
     to others, and may reasonably prorate amounts to be paid as

     .05  Advances.

     Expenses incurred in defending civil or criminal action, suit or
     proceeding shall be paid by the Corporation, at any time or from
     time to time in advance of the final disposition of such action,
     suit or proceeding as authorized in the manner provided in
     Paragraph .04 above upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf
     of the Director, Trustee, Officer, employee or agent to repay such
     amount unless it shall ultimately be by the Corporation is
     authorized in this Section.

     .06  Nonexclusivity.

     The indemnification provided in this Section shall not be deemed
     exclusive of any other rights to which those indemnified may be
     entitled under any law, bylaw, agreement, vote of shareholders or
     disinterested Directors or otherwise, both as to action in such
     person's official capacity and as to action in another capacity
     while holding such office, and shall continue as to a person who
     has ceased to be a Director, Trustee, Officer, employee or agent
     and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, and
     administrators of such a person.

     .07  Insurance.

     The Corporation shall have the power to purchase and maintain
     insurance on behalf of any person who is or was a Director,
     Trustee, Officer, employee or agent of the Corporation, or is or
     was serving at the request of the Corporation as a Director,
     Trustee, Officer, employee or agent of another corporation,
     partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, against any
     liability assessed against such person in any such capacity or
     arising out of such  person's status as such, whether or not the
     corporation would have the power to indemnify such person against
     such liability.

     .08  "Corporation" Defined.

     For purposes of this Section, references to the "Corporation"
     shall include, in addition to the Corporation, an constituent
     corporation (including any constituent of a constituent) absorbed
     in a consolidation or merger which, if its separate existence had
     continued, would have had the power and authority to indemnify its
     Directors, Trustees, Officers, employees or agents, so that any
     person who is or was a Director, Trustee, Officer, employee or
     agent of such constituent corporation or of any entity a majority
     of the voting stock of which is owned by such constituent
     corporation or is or was serving at the request of such
     constituent corporation as a Director, Trustee, Officer, employee
     or agent of the corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or
     other enterprise, shall stand in the same position under the
     provisions of this Section with respect to the resulting or
     surviving Corporation as such person would have with respect to
     such constituent corporation if its separate existence had


     .01  By the Shareholders.

     These Bylaws may be amended, altered, or repealed at any regular
     or special meeting of the shareholders if notice of the proposed
     alteration or amendment is contained in the notice of the meeting.

     .02  By the Board of Directors.

     These Bylaws may be amended, altered, or repealed by the
     affirmative vote of a majority of the entire Board of Directors at
     any regular or special meeting of the Board.


The fiscal year of the Corporation shall be set by resolution of the
Board of Directors.


The rules contained in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules or
Order, Newly Revised, shall govern all meetings of shareholders and
Directors where those rules are not inconsistent with the Articles of
Incorporation, Bylaws, or special rules or order of the Corporation.


If any salary, payment, reimbursement, employee fringe benefit, expense
allowance payment, or other expense incurred by the Corporation for the
benefit of an employee is disallowed in whole or in part as a
deductible expense of the Corporation for Federal Income Tax purposes,
the employee shall reimburse the Corporation, upon notice and demand,
to the full extent of the disallowance.  This legally enforceable
obligation is in accordance with the provisions of Revenue Ruling
69-115, 1969-1 C.B. 50, and is for the purpose of entitling such
employee to a business expense deduction for the taxable year in which
the repayment is made to the Corporation.  In this manner, the
Corporation shall be protected from having to bear the entire burden of
disallowed expense items.