68 EXHIBIT 10.2 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Ministry of Energy Mines and Petroleum Resources RECORD OF 4 POST CLAIM - MINERAL TENURE ACT (Section 23) _______________________________ _____________________________ Mining Division Tenure No. _______________________________ _____________________________ Gold Commissioner Date of Record - --------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION TO RECORD A 4 POST CLAIM I, James Thom, Name of Locator, Agent for self, #47, 1224 Balmoral Road, Victoria, British Columbia V8T 1B3, (250) 995-1266, Client No. 141136, hereby apply for record of a 4 Post Claim for the location as outlined on the attached copy of mineral titles reference map No. 82 F 14/E(095), in the Slocan Mining Division. ACCESS Describe how you gained access to the location; include references to roads, trails, topographic features, permanent landmarks and a description of the legal post location. Gaining access to the LCP for Marble Arch is obtained by going west from Kaslo along highway 31A for 20 km. Crossing the Kaslo river you walk up 12 mile creek for 3 km until you come across the first switchback on the road. This is where you find the LCP. TAG INFORMATION I have securely fastened the metal identification tag embossed "LEGAL CORNER POST" to the legal post (or witness post) and impressed this information on the tag: LEGAL CORNER POST - TAG NO. 236108 CLAIM NAME MARBLE ARCH LOCATOR JAMES THOM FMC NO. 141136 AGENT FOR SELF FMC NO. DATE COMMENCED JUNE 5, 1999 TIME 3:00 p.m. DATE COMPLETED JUNE 6, 1999 TIME 3:00 p.m. NUMBER OF CLAIM UNITS N - 0 S - 3 E - -0- W - 6 IDENTIFICATION POSTS NOT PLACED were 1S, 2S, 3S, 3S/1W, 3S/2W, 3S/3W, 3S/4W, 3S/5W, 3S/6W, 2S/6W, 1S/6W, 1S/6W, 6W, 5W, 4W, 3W, 2W cliffed out, grizzled out, bridge washed out, water to high to cross. 69 If a witness post was placed for the legal corner post: Bearing from witness post to true position of legal corner post is _____ degrees, at a distance of _____ metres. Bearing from identification post to witness post _____ degrees, at a distance of _____ metres. NOTE: Legal corner post can be witnessed only it is was not feasible to pace any posts. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I have complied with all of the terms and conditions of the Mineral Tenure Act and Regulation pertaining to the location of 4 post claims and have attached a plan of the location on which the positions of the legal corner post and all corner posts (and witness and identification post is applicable) are indicated. Do you intend to extracted industrial Minerals from this tenure? NO /s/ James Thom Signature of Locator SEAL 369851 SUB-RECORDED RECEIVED JUNE 28, 1999 M.R.# ___ $360.00 VANCOUVER, B.C. /s/ R.G. Recording Stamp