Real Solutions will provide two individuals for the project
management, analytical business development and supervisory
support to eConnect.  The following initial budget estimate sets
forth hours with summary tasks as provided below:

Name            Position          Task                         Hours Est.

Bill Uminowicz  Project Manager   Design Summary Plan              8
                                  Review Hardware Presentation     6

Meetings                          GBM, eConnect, Real, eFunds     27
                                  Design business plan            40
                                  For template and models         25
                                  Set up test model outline       28
Total hours for initial
project work                                                     134

Cost charge for Bill Uminowicz:
$325 /hour

Mike Payne      Senior Business/Systems Consultant

                                 Analyze hardware solution
                                 Matrix                           75
                                 Report preparation ROI           38
                                 Discussion and review
                                 local work                       45
Total hours for initial
project work                                                     158

Cost charges for Mike Payne:  $275/hour

Jim Cudworth    Systems Manager  Review hardware/software
                                 presentation costs               60

Cost charges for Jim Cudworth:  $150/hour

Rob Morrison    Systems Analyst  Test hardware software
                                 Plan                             80

Cost charges Rob Morrison $150/hour

Total estimated hours and the initial estimated cost:     $108,000


Hardware/Software Vendor Identification:  Two individuals from
Real Solutions will assist eConnect with the identification and
selection of appropriate vendors that will provide the local
hardware purchase and installation.  Real Solutions/eConnect will
determine the selection criteria.  Real Solutions will interview
prospective vendors and review results with eConnect.  Real
Solutions/eConnect will contractually agree upon chosen vendors.

Configuration Analysis/Determination:  Real Solutions will
conduct an equipment analysis as it pertains to the appropriate
hardware and operating system for this project.  Once completed,
Real Solutions/eConnect will review and contractually agree to
suggested configurations.  Once agreed, the project manager will
determine implementation schedule and define project tasks within
phases, containing milestones and completion dates.

Test Setup of agreed to Configuration of this project is based on
the completion of the previous deliverables.  This will encompass
the installation of agreed upon hardware and operating system,
testing of this system, knowledge transfer of basic operation of
this system, and an analysis of having this test module used as
the template for the installation deployment.

PLEASE NOTE:  Due to the timing of the situation, Real Solutions
requires that eConnect place 75% of all estimated costs for the
above project into an escrow account immediately.  Upon signing
of this letter of intent, the party's will in good faith, prepare
a Statement of Work, which encompasses the complete project
within ten days.  The escrow account will be replenished on a
monthly basis.  Real Solutions will provide monthly invoices and
the payment terms shall be net 15.  Expenses will also include
all reasonable travel and expense costs.  Initial estimate of
travel requirements is $8,250.

A completed formal Statement of Work and summarized project work
plan will be executed within ten days of the signing of this
Letter of Intent.  For contractually purposes all the terms and
conditions of the Master Services Agreement shall be incorporated
herein by referenced.


Real Solutions will have fulfilled its obligations under this
proposal and statement of work when the following occurs:

Real Solutions accomplishes the tasks, described as Real
Solutions responsibilities in the statement of work, including
the materials referenced as deliverables.


                            Letter of Intent

The undersigned agrees to initiate this proposal for work and
fees outlined in performance of the project operation with the
eConnect and Real Solutions.

Dated: March 9, 2000

EConnect                                Real Solutions, Ltd.

By: /s/  Thomas S. Hughes               By: /s/  Michael Payne
Thomas S. Hughes                        Michael Payne