                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION
                                LRS CAPITAL INC.

                         Pursuant to Section 242 of the
                       General Corporation Law of Delaware

         The undersigned President of LRS Capital Inc. ("Corporation") DOES

                FIRST:  The name of the Corporation is LRS Capital Inc.

                SECOND:  The Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation is
hereby amended by deleting Article FIRST in its entirety and by substituting the
following new Article FIRST in lieu thereof:

                          "FIRST. The name of the corporation (herein referred
                 to as the "Corporation") is GL Energy and Exploration Inc."

                THIRD: The Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation is
hereby amended by deleting the first paragraph of Article FOURTH in its entirety
and by substituting the following in lieu thereof:

                FOURTH: The total number of shares of capital stock of all
                classes which the Corporation shall have authority to issue is
                55,000,000 shares, of which 5,000,000 shares shall be
                Preferred Stock, par value $.001 per share, and 50,000,000
                shares shall be Common Stock, par value $.001 per share."

                A.         Preferred Stock

                1.         Shares of Preferred Stock may be issued in one or
                           more series at such time or times and for such
                           consideration as the Board of Directors may
                           determine. All shares of any one series shall be of
                           equal rank and identical in all respects.

                2.         Authority is hereby expressly granted to the Board of
                           Directors to fix from time to time, by resolution or
                           resolutions providing for the establishment and/or
                           issuance of any series of Preferred Stock, the
                           designation of the series and the powers,
                           preferences, and rights of the shares of the series,
                           and the qualifications, limitations, or restrictions
                           thereof, including the following:

                           a.       The distinctive designation and number of
                                    shares comprising the series, which number
                                    may, except where otherwise provided by the
                                    Board of Directors in creating the series,
                                    be increased or decreased from time to time
                                    by action of the Board of Directors, but not
                                    below the number of shares then outstanding;


                           b.       The rate of dividends, if any, on the shares
                                    of that series, whether dividends shall be
                                    noncumulative, cumulative to the extent
                                    earned, or cumulative, and if cumulative,
                                    from which date or dates, whether dividends
                                    shall be payable in cash, property, or
                                    rights, or in shares of the Corporation's
                                    capital stock, and the relative rights of
                                    priority, if any, of payment of dividends on
                                    shares of that series over shares of any
                                    other series;

                           c.       Whether the shares of that series shall be
                                    redeemable and, if so, the terms and
                                    conditions of the redemption, including the
                                    date or dates upon or after which they shall
                                    be redeemable, the event or events upon or
                                    after which they shall be redeemable or at
                                    whose option they shall be redeemable, and
                                    the amount per share payable in case of
                                    redemption, which amount may vary under
                                    different conditions and at different
                                    redemption dates, or the property or rights,
                                    including securities of any other
                                    corporation, payable in case of redemption;

                           d.       Whether that series shall have a sinking
                                    fund for the redemption or purchase of
                                    shares of that series and, if so, the terms
                                    and amounts payable into the sinking fund;

                           e.       The rights to which the holders of the
                                    shares of that series shall be entitled in
                                    the event of voluntary or involuntary
                                    liquidation, dissolution, or winding- up of
                                    the Corporation, and the relative rights of
                                    priority, if any, of payment of shares of
                                    that series in any such event;

                           f.       Whether the shares of that series shall be
                                    convertible into or exchangeable for shares
                                    of stock of any other class or any other
                                    series and, if so, the terms and conditions
                                    of the conversion or exchange, including the
                                    rate or rates of conversion or exchange, the
                                    date or dates upon or after which they shall
                                    be convertible or exchangeable, the duration
                                    for which they shall be convertible or
                                    exchangeable, the event or events upon or
                                    after which they shall be convertible or
                                    exchangeable or at whose option they shall
                                    be convertible or exchangeable, and the
                                    method, if any, of adjusting the rates of
                                    conversion or exchange in the event of a
                                    stock split, stock dividend, combination of
                                    shares, or similar event;

                           g.       Whether the issuance of any additional
                                    shares of the series, or of any shares of
                                    any other series, shall be subject to
                                    restrictions as to issuance, or as to the
                                    powers, preferences, or rights of any such
                                    other series; and

                           h.       Any other preferences, privileges, and
                                    powers and relative, participating,
                                    optional, or other special rights and
                                    qualifications, limitations, or restrictions
                                    of the series, as the Board of Directors may
                                    deem advisable and as shall not be
                                    inconsistent with the provisions of this
                                    Certificate of Incorporation and to the full
                                    extent now or hereafter permitted by the
                                    laws of the State of Delaware.


                B.         Common Stock

                1.         After the requirements with respect to preferential
                           dividends, if any, on any series of Preferred Stock,
                           fixed pursuant to paragraph A(2)(b) of this Article
                           Fourth shall have been met, then, and not otherwise,
                           the holders of Common Stock shall receive, to the
                           extent permitted by law and to the extent the Board
                           of Directors shall determine, such dividends as may
                           be declared from time to time by the Board of

                2.         After distribution in full of the preferential
                           amount, if any, fixed pursuant to paragraph A(2)(e)
                           of this Article Fourth, to be distributed to the
                           holders of any series of Preferred Stock in the event
                           of the voluntary or involuntary liquidation,
                           dissolution, or winding-up of the Corporation, the
                           holders of the Common Stock shall be entitled to
                           receive such of the remaining assets of the
                           Corporation of whatever kind available for
                           distribution to the extent the Board of Directors
                           shall determine.

                3.         Except as may be otherwise required by law or by this
                           Certificate of Incorporation, each holder of Common
                           Stock shall have one vote in respect of each share of
                           such stock held by him on all matters voted upon by
                           the stockholders.

                C.         Preemptive Rights

                           No holder of shares of the Corporation of any class,
                           now or hereafter authorized, shall have any
                           preferential or preemptive right to subscribe for,
                           purchase, or receive any shares of stock of the
                           Corporation of any class, now or hereafter
                           authorized, or any options or warrants for such
                           shares, or any rights to subscribe to or purchase
                           such shares, or any securities convertible into or
                           exchangeable for such shares, which may at any time
                           or from time to time be issued, sold, or offered for
                           sale by the Corporation.

                FOURTH: The foregoing Amendment of the Certificate of
Incorporation was duly approved by the Corporation's Board of Directors in
accordance with the provisions of Section 242 of the General Corporation Law of
the State of Delaware and thereafter was duly adopted by the consent of the
holders of all of the outstanding voting stock of the Corporation in accordance
with the provisions of Sections 228 and 242 of the General Corporation Law of
the State of Delaware.

                IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this Certificate of
Amendment this 22 day of October, 2001.

                                                     /s/ Mitchell Geisler
                                                     Mitchell Geisler,