Exhibit 10.32

April 24, 2002

Mr. Peter J. Bennett
c/o Everest Reinsurance (Bermuda) Ltd.
Wessex House
45 Reid Street
PO Box HM845
Hamilton, HM DX  Bermuda

Dear Mr. Bennett:

This letter is to confirm that Everest  Reinsurance  (Bermuda) Ltd.  ("Company")
wishes to renew your  employment  subject to the following terms and conditions.
The term  "Group" as used in this letter  shall refer to Everest Re Group,  Ltd.
and all its subsidiaries and affiliates as now or hereafter constituted.

1.   (a)  This  Employment  Agreement  will  commence  on May 1, 2002 and unless
          sooner terminated according to its terms or extended in writing, shall
          terminate  on May 1,  2003.  You  will  be  employed  as the  Managing
          Director and Chief Executive Officer,  Everest  Reinsurance  (Bermuda)
          Ltd. This offer is conditional  upon your  maintaining an appropriate,
          valid work permit issued by the Bermuda immigration authorities.

     (b)  You will be entitled to receive 25 days of annual  vacation  with pay,
          which may be taken in the calendar  year for which it is earned.  This
          annual  vacation  entitlement is in addition to those public  holidays
          mandated by Bermuda law.

     (c)  During  the term of your  employment,  you  shall  not  engage  in any
          activities  competitive  with the business of the Group or detrimental
          to the best interests of the Group or the business of the Group.

     (d)  Your responsibilities as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
          of the Company  will consist of those  duties  customarily  associated
          with that position and any duties that the Company (acting through the
          Board,  the  Chairman or the Deputy  Chairman of the Company) may from
          time  to  time  direct  you to  undertake  and to  perform,  that  are
          consistent with and appropriate to the position.  As Managing Director
          and  Chief  Executive  Officer,   you  will  be  responsible  for  the
          day-to-day   management   and   operations  of  the  Company  and  its
          subsidiaries and any affiliates as may be directed by the Company. You
          will not have authority to act on behalf of any U.S.  operation except
          with a specific  delegation  of authority  from the Board of such U.S.

2.   As  compensation  for your services to the Company  during the term of your
     employment, the Company shall pay you a salary at the rate of U.S. $270,400
     per annum.  The Company has secured an  appropriate  Work Permit for you in
     connection  with this  Agreement.  This Work Permit is valid  beyond May 1,
     2003 but has no  bearing  on the  termination  date of this  agreement  and
     cannot be construed as the Company  extending the terms of this  Agreement.
     Medical  Insurance,  dental  insurance,  group life insurance and a pension
     scheme will be available to you.

3.   In addition to your salary,  you will be eligible to participate in Everest
     Re Group, Ltd.'s Annual Incentive Plan as implemented by the Company. It is
     understood that this bonus plan is entirely discretionary in nature and may

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     be amended or  terminated by that company at any time with or without prior
     notice to you.

4.   You will receive a housing allowance of U.S. $5,000 per month.

5.   (a)  If the Company terminates your employment prior to the terminated date
          of this  Agreement  for reasons  other than  misconduct or a breach of
          Company policies,  a separation  payment  equivalent to one (1) year's
          salary will be made to you and a reasonable allowance will be provided
          to move your personal possessions from Bermuda to the UK. "Misconduct"
          shall be defined as any activity as set forth in Paragraph 5(b)(i) and
          6(b)(iv), below.

     (b)  The Company may terminate your employment for cause at any time during
          the term of this Agreement without prior notice to you. In that event,
          your employment  with the Company shall  forthwith be terminated,  and
          except as may be required  under  Paragraph  5(a)  above,  the Company
          shall have no further obligations to you.  Termination for cause shall
          mean a  termination  of your  employment on account of: (i) failure to
          maintain an appropriate  work permit as required under Paragraph 1(a);
          (ii) willful  misfeasance  or gross  negligence  by you in a matter of
          material importance to the conduct of the Group's affairs;  (iii) your
          negligence  having an adverse effect,  financial or otherwise,  on the
          Group or on the conduct of the Group's affairs; (iv) a material breach
          by you of your  obligations  under  this  Agreement  or  your  refusal
          satisfactorily  to perform any duties reasonably  required  hereunder,
          after  notification  by the Company of such breach or refusal and your
          refusal  or  failure  to  remedy  such  breach  within 10 days of such
          notification; or (v) your conviction for a criminal offense.

6.   You recognize that, by reason of your employment hereunder, you may acquire
     confidential  information and trade secrets concerning the operation of the
     Group and of the clients of the Group, the use or disclosure of which could
     cause the Group  substantial  loss and  damages  that  could not be readily
     calculated and for which no remedy under  applicable law would be adequate.
     Accordingly,  you  covenant  and agree with the Company  that you will not,
     either  during  the  term  of  your  employment  hereunder  or at any  time
     thereafter,  disclose,  furnish or make  accessible to any person,  firm or
     corporation  (except in the ordinary  course of business in  performance of
     your  obligations to the Group  hereunder or with the prior written consent
     of the  Company  pursuant  to  authority  granted  by a  resolution  of the
     Company) any confidential information that you have learned or may learn by
     reason of your association with the Group. As used in this Paragraph 6, the
     term  "confidential   information"  shall  include,   without   limitation,
     information  not previously  disclosed to the public or to the trade by the
     Group with  respect  to the  business  or  affairs of the Group  including,
     without limitation,  information relating to business opportunities,  trade
     secrets, systems, techniques,  procedures, methods, inventions, facilities,
     financial information, business plans or prospects.

7.   Without  intending  to limit the remedies  available  to the  Company,  you
     acknowledge  that a breach of the  covenants  and  agreements  contained in
     Paragraph 6 of this Agreement may result in material  irreparable injury to
     the Group for which there is no adequate remedy at law and that it will not
     be possible to precisely measure damages for such injuries.  Therefore,  in
     the event of such a breach or threat thereof, the Company shall be entitled
     to obtain a temporary  restraining  order and/or a preliminary or permanent
     injunction  restraining  you from  engaging  in  activities  prohibited  by
     Paragraph 6 or such other relief as may be required specifically to enforce
     any of the covenants in such Paragraph.

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8.   This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of you and the
     Company and any successors and assigns of the business of the Company.

9.   This  Agreement  contains all the terms and  conditions  agreed upon by the
     parties hereto, and no other agreements, oral or otherwise,  regarding your
     employment and/or this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of
     the parties hereto.

10.  The  terms of this  Agreement  may not be  modified  or  amended  except by
     written instrument signed by the Company and you.

11.  The validity,  interpretation,  and  performance of this Agreement shall be
     governed by and  construed  in  accordance  with the laws of the Islands of

12.  Any notice  required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be
     in writing and shall be deemed  sufficiently  given if delivered in person,
     or mailed by certified first class, postage prepaid, or sent by a reputable
     overnight  courier  service.  Notices  shall be deemed given as of the date
     delivered  or the  date  entrusted  to the  Bermuda  postal  service  or an
     appropriate courier service.

13.  If any one or more of the provisions  contained in this Agreement  shall be
     held  to be  invalid,  illegal,  or  unenforceable  in  any  respect,  such
     invalidity,  illegality,  or  unenforceability  shall not  affect any other
     provisions hereof.

If you wish to accept  this  offer on the terms and  conditions  set out  above,
please  sign a copy  of  this  letter  and  return  it to Mr.  Michael  Ashford,
Secretary,  Everest  Reinsurance  (Bermuda)  Ltd., c/o Codan  Services  Limited,
Clarendon House, 2 Church Street, Hamilton HM DX, Bermuda, by April 30, 2002.


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Joseph V. Taranto


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 Mr. Peter J. Bennett

April 25, 2002
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