Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report:                  December 24, 1999

ADVANTA Revolving Home Equity Loan Trust 1999-A

New York                           333-77927-01                  "Pending"

c/o ADVANTA Mortgage Corp., USA
Attn:  H. John Berens
10790 Rancho Bernardo Road
San Diego, Ca  92127

(858) 676-3099

Item 5.                          Other Events

Information relating to the distributions to Certificate holders
for the November1999 Monthly Period of the Trust in respect of
the Revolving Home Equity Loan Asset Backed Notes,
Series 1999-A,  (the "Certificates") issued by the Registrant
and the performance of the Trust (including distributions of principal
and interest, delinquent balances of Home Equity Loans,
and the Subordinated amount remaining), together with certain other
information relating to the certificates, is contained in the
Monthly Report for the Monthly Period provided to certificateholders
pursuant to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement (the "Agreement")
dated as of May 1, 1999 between ADVANTA Mortgage Corp.,
USA as Servicer, and Bankers Trust Company, as Trustee.

Item 7.                          Financial Statements, Exhibits

                 Exhibit No.                     Exhibit

                              1. Monthly Report for the November 1999 Monthly
                                 Period relating to the Revolving Home Equity
                                 Loan Asset Backed Notes, Series 1999-A,
                                 issued by the ADVANTA Revolving
                                 Home Equity Loan Trust 1999-A.

                                                 EXHIBIT INDEX


       1.        Monthly Report for the November 1999 Monthly
                 Period relating to the Revolving Home Equity
                 Loan Asset Backed Notes, Series 1999-A,
                 issued by the ADVANTA Revolving
                 Home Equity Loan Trust 1999-A.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed
on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

ADVANTA Revolving Home Equity Loan Trust 1999-A

BY:              ADVANTA Mortgage Corp., USA

BY:              /s/ H. John Berens
                 H. John Berens
                 Senior Vice President
                 Advanta Mortgage

December 31, 1999

                                                 EXHIBIT 1

                 ADVANTA Revolving Home Equity Loan Trust 1999-A

                            Statement to Certificateholders

                 Original        Prior
                 Face            Principal
                 Value           Balance         Interest        Principal      Total
NOTES                      247,50            218,               1            5,8               6,931,121.73
CERTS                                                                                              -
Totals                     247,50            218,               1            5,8               6,931,121.73

                                                 Current         Pass-Through
                 Realized        Deferred        Principal       Rates
Class            Losses          Interest        Balance         Current        Next
NOTES                                                      212,16      5.840000%       6.731250%
Totals                                                     212,169,366.68

                                 Prior                                                          Current
                                 Principal                                                      Principal
Class            CUSIP           Balance         Interest        Principal      Total           Balance
A                   00757CAD0         880.8249279       4.4295707     23.5749615      28.0045322    857.2499664

Delinquent Loan Information:

                                 30-59           60-89           90+
                                 Days            Days            Days                           Total
                 Principal Balanc                               2            3,063,393.00                 11,76
                 % of Pool Balanc         2.7237%         0.9984%        1.3106%                        5.0327%
                 Number of Loans              244              89            108                            441
Loans in Bankruptcy

                                 30-59           60-89           90+
                                 Days            Days            Days                           Total
                 Principal Balanc                                                179,895.00           855,514.0
                 % of Pool Balanc         0.0000%         0.0461%        0.0770%                        0.3660%
                 Number of Loans                0               4              8                             29
Loans in Foreclosure

                                 30-59           60-89           90+
                                 Days            Days            Days                           Total
                 Principal Balanc                                                  16,241.00
                 % of Pool Balanc        0.00000%        0.00000%        0.0069%                        0.0069%
                 Number of Loans                0               0              1                              1
Loans in REO

                                 30-59           60-89           90+
                                 Days            Days            Days                           Total
                 Principal Balanc
                 % of Pool Balanc        0.00000%        0.00000%       0.00000%                       0.00000%
                 Number of Loans                0               0              0                              0


Note Interest Shortfall

The Amount of Insured Payment Made This Period

Substitution Amounts
Loan Reacquisition Price

Realized Losses for Current Remittance Period

Servicing Fees Due for Current Period

Beginning Pool Balance                                                                                 238,925,
Ending Pool Balance                                                                                    233,738,

Number of Loans Reacquired to the Sponsor
Balance of Loans Reacquired to the Sponsor

Overcollateralization Deficit
Overcollateralization Reduction Amount
Current Overcollateralization Amount                                                                      21,56
Specified Overcollateralization Amount                                                                    26,88

Net Funds Cap Carry-Forward Amount