Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report:                 December 24, 1999

ADVANTA Mortgage Loan Trust 1999-3

New York                          333-75295-01                   Pending

c/o ADVANTA Mortgage Corp., USA
Attn:  H. John Berens
10790 Rancho Bernardo Road
San Diego, CA  92127

(858) 676-3099

Item 5.                         Other Events

Information relating to the distributions to Certificate holders
for the November 1999 Monthly Period of the Trust in respect of
the Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 1999-3
Class A (the "Certificates") issued by the Registrant and the
performance of the Trust (including distributions of principal
and interest, delinquent balances of Home Equity Loans,
and the Subordinated amount remaining), together with certain other
information relating to the certificates, is contained in the
Monthly Report for the Monthly Period provided to certificateholders
pursuant to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement (the "Agreement")
dated as of August 1, 1999 between ADVANTA Mortgage Corp.,
USA as Servicer, and Bankers Trust Company, as Trustee.

Item 7.                         Financial Statements, Exhibits

                 Exhibit No.                     Exhibit

                             1. Monthly Report for the November 1999 Monthly
                                period relating to the Mortgage Loan Asset-
                                Backed Certificates Series 1999-3, Class A
                                issued by the ADVANTA Mortgage Loan
                                Trust 1999-3.

                                                 EXHIBIT INDEX


       1.        Monthly Report for the November 1999 Monthly
                 Period relating to the Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed
                 Certificates, Series 1999-3, Class A issued by the
                 ADVANTA Mortgage Loan Trust 1999-3.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed
on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

ADVANTA Mortgage Loan Trust 1999-3

BY:              ADVANTA Mortgage Corp., USA

BY:              /s/ H. John Berens
                 H. John Berens
                 Senior Vice President
                 Advanta Mortgage
December 31, 1999

                                                 EXHIBIT 1

                 ADVANTA Mortgage Loan Trust 1999-3

                            Statement to Certificateholders

Distribution in Dollars - Current Period

                    Original        Principal                                        Total         Realized
      Class        Face Value        Balance         Interest       Principal     Distribution      Losses
A-1                  117,581,000      108,179,123           613,9      3,408,605        4,022,52
A-2                    69,182,00        69,182,00           416,8                          416,8
A-3                    46,259,00        46,259,00           284,4                          284,4
A-4                    74,498,00        74,498,00           481,1                          481,1
A-5                    29,980,00        29,980,00           200,8                          200,8
A-6                    37,500,00        37,500,00           237,1                          237,1
A-7                  150,000,000      145,475,122           750,3      2,560,374        3,310,74

Totals               525,000,000      511,073,245        2,984,78      5,968,979        8,953,76

                    Deferred        Principal
      Class         Interest         Balance
A-1                                   104,770,518.45
A-2                                     69,182,000.00
A-3                                     46,259,000.00
A-4                                     74,498,000.00
A-5                                     29,980,000.00
A-6                                     37,500,000.00
A-7                                   142,914,747.93
B                                                        -
BS                                                       -
R-II                                                     -

Totals                                505,104,266.38

Interest Accrual Detail         Current Period Factor Information per $1,000 of Original Face

                                                                                Orig. Principal      Prior
                     Period          Period                                     (with Notional)    Principal
      Class         Starting         Ending           Method          Cusip         Balance         Balance
A-1                     11/26/99         12/26/99      F-30/360      00755WGV2      117,581,000.        920.039
A-2                                                    F-30/360      00755WGW0        69,182,000     1,000.0000
A-3                                                    F-30/360      00755WGX8        46,259,000     1,000.0000
A-4                                                    F-30/360      00755WGY6        74,498,000     1,000.0000
A-5                                                    A-30/360      00755WGZ3        29,980,000     1,000.0000
A-6                                                    A-30/360      00755WHA7        37,500,000     1,000.0000
A-7                     11/26/99         12/26/99     A-Act/360      00755WHB5      150,000,000.        969.834

                                                      Total         Principal
      Class         Interest        Principal      Distribution      Balance
A-1                           5.             28.9            34.2        891.049731
A-2                           6.                              6.0     1,000.000000
A-3                           6.                              6.1     1,000.000000
A-4                           6.                              6.4     1,000.000000
A-5                           6.                              6.7     1,000.000000
A-6                           6.                              6.3     1,000.000000
A-7                           5.             17.0            22.0        952.764986
B                                                                                      -
BS                                                                                     -
R-II                                                                                   -

Distribution in Dollars - To Date

                    Original                       Unscheduled      Scheduled        Total          Total
      Class        Face Value       Interest        Principal       Principal      Principal     Distribution
A-1                  117,581,000          2,569,6      11,104,886      1,705,594      12,810,481    15,380,147.
A-2                    69,182,00          1,667,2                                                     1,667,286
A-3                    46,259,00          1,137,9                                                     1,137,971
A-4                    74,498,00          1,924,5                                                     1,924,531
A-5                    29,980,00            803,4                                                        803,46
A-6                    37,500,00            948,7                                                        948,75
A-7                  150,000,000          2,988,4        6,467,43         617,81        7,085,25    10,073,681.
R-II                                        693,0                                                        693,02

Totals               525,000,000        12,733,12      17,572,322      2,323,411      19,895,733    32,628,857.

                    Realized        Deferred        Principal
      Class          Losses         Interest         Balance
A-1                                                  104,770,518.46
A-2                                                    69,182,000.00
A-3                                                    46,259,000.00
A-4                                                    74,498,000.00
A-5                                                    29,980,000.00
A-6                                                    37,500,000.00
A-7                                                  142,914,747.93
B                                                                        -
BS                                                                       -
R                                                                        -

Totals                                               505,104,266.39

Interest Detail

                      Pass       Prior Principal                      Non-           Prior        Unscheduled
                     Through     (with Notional)     Accrued        Supported        Unpaid        Interest
      Class           Rate           Balance         Interest      Interest SF      Interest      Adjustments
A-1                     6.81000%      108,179,123           613,9
A-2                     7.23000%        69,182,00           416,8
A-3                     7.38000%        46,259,00           284,4
A-4                     7.75000%        74,498,00           481,1
A-5                     8.04000%        29,980,00           200,8
A-6                     7.59000%        37,500,00           237,1
A-7                     5.99000%      145,475,122           750,3

Totals                                511,073,245        2,984,78

                                     Paid or         Current
                     Optimal        Deferred          Unpaid
      Class         Interest        Interest         Interest
A-1                        613,9            613,9                        -
A-2                        416,8            416,8                        -
A-3                        284,4            284,4                        -
A-4                        481,1            481,1                        -
A-5                        200,8            200,8                        -
A-6                        237,1            237,1                        -
A-7                        750,3            750,3                        -
B                                                                        -
BS                                                                       -
R-II                                                                     -

Totals                   2,984,7          2,984,7                        -

Collection Account Report

Summary                                                            Adjustable        Fixed           Total
Principal Collections                                                  2,222,206        2,870,61      5,092,820
Principal Withdrawals
Principal Other Accounts
TOTAL PRINCIPAL                                                        2,222,206        2,870,61      5,092,820

Interest Collected                                                     1,183,650        3,006,63      4,190,285
Interest Withdrawals
Interest Other Accounts
Fees                                                                       (95,1          (234,2        (329,34
TOTAL INTEREST                                                         1,088,536        2,772,40      3,860,945

TOTAL AVAILABLE TO CERTIFICATEHOLDERS                                  3,310,742        5,643,02      8,953,765

Principal - Collections                                            Adjustable        Fixed           Total
Scheduled Principal                                                       138,20           447,9         586,17
Prepayments in Full                                                    2,083,999        2,422,64      4,506,644
Repurchased Principal Amounts
Substitution Principal Amount
Insurance Principal
Other Principal
Total Realized Loss of Principal

TOTAL PRINCIPAL COLLECTED                                              2,222,206        2,870,61      5,092,820

Collection Account Report

Principal - Withdrawals                                            Adjustable        Fixed           Total


Principal - Other Accounts                                         Adjustable        Fixed           Total

Amounts Remaining in Pre-Funding Account

Interest - Collections                                             Adjustable        Fixed           Total
Scheduled Interest                                                     1,203,849        3,048,48      4,252,339
Repurchased Interest
Substitution Interest Amount
Liquidation Interest
Insurance Interest
Other Interest

Delinquent Interest                                                      (265,62          (587,0        (852,71
Interest Advanced                                                         245,42           545,2         790,65
Prepayment Interest Shortfalls                                                 (             (2,           (2,9
Compensating Interest                                                                         2,            2,9
Civil Relief Act Shortfalls

TOTAL INTEREST  COLLECTED                                              1,183,650        3,006,63      4,190,285

Collection Account Report

Interest - Withdrawals                                             Adjustable        Fixed           Total
Current Nonrecoverable Advances


Interest - Other Accounts                                          Adjustable        Fixed           Total
Capitalized Interest Requirement
Pre-Funding Account Earnings
Capitalized Interest Account

Interest - Fees                                                    Adjustable        Fixed           Total
Current Servicing Fees                                                      74,9           189,1         264,11
Trustee Fee Amount                                                           1,1              2,            3,9
Insurance Premium Amount                                                    19,0            42,2           61,3

TOTAL FEES                                                                  95,1           234,2         329,34

Credit Enhancement Report

Accounts                                                           Adjustable        Fixed           Total


Insurance                                                          Adjustable        Fixed           Total
Total Insured Payments

Structural Features                                                Adjustable        Fixed           Total
Specified Overcollateralization Amount                             9,263,103.27   11,706,948.64  20,970,051.91
Current Overcollateralization Amount                               7,049,240.99    4,623,888.22  11,673,129.21
Overcollateralization Deficiency Amount                            2,552,030.27    7,621,051.94  10,173,082.21
Overcollateralization Deficit Amount
Overcollateralization Increase Amount                                338,167.99      537,991.53     876,159.52
Overcollateralization Reduction Amount

Components of Change in Overcollateralization*
Excess Interest Generated by Pool                                    338,167.99      537,991.53     876,159.52
Pre-Funding Account Interest Earnings
Additional Principal
TOTAL                                                                     338,16     537,991.53     876,159.52
*(NOTE: If at specified amount, components will not equal increase amount)

Collateral Report

Collateral                                                         Adjustable        Fixed           Total
     Loan Count:
Scheduled Paid Offs
Full Voluntary Prepayments

Principal Balance
Original                                                         142,758,206.98  331,219,376.10 473,977,583.08
Prior                                                            152,186,195.13  369,684,020.47 521,870,215.60
Scheduled Principal                                                 (138,206.58)    (447,969.04)   (586,175.62)
Partial and Full Voluntary Prepayments                                (2,083,999       (2,422,64     (4,506,644
Current                                                             149,963,988.    366,813,406.   516,777,395.

Prefunding                                                         Adjustable        Fixed           Total

Original Pre-Funded Amount                                           12,924,201.  46,424,128.36  59,348,329.36
Balance of Subsequent Mortgage Loans Added This Period
Pre-Funding Account Earnings
Withdrawal Account Earnings
Pre-Funding Account Ending Balance


Original Capitalized Interest Deposit                                     117,36           575,6         693,02
Capitalized Interest Requirement
Withdrawal Remaining Amounts
Capitalized Interest Account Ending Balance

Collateral Report

Characteristics                                                    Adjustable        Fixed           Total
Weighted Average Coupon Original                                       9.495321%       9.907285%      9.783205%
Weighted Average Coupon Prior                                          9.496136%       9.903984%      9.785190%
Weighted Average Coupon Current                                        9.492450%       9.895444%      9.777924%
Weighted Average Months to Maturity Original                                348             246            277
Weighted Average Months to Maturity Prior                                   345             243            273
Weighted Average Months to Maturity Current                                 344             242            272
Weighted Average Remaining Amortization Term Original                       348             302            316
Weighted Average Remaining Amortization Term Prior                          346             295            310
Weighted Average Remaining Amortization Term Current                        345             294            309
Weighted Average Seasoning Original                                        3.58            3.22           3.33
Weighted Average Seasoning Prior                                           5.26            4.79           4.93
Weighted Average Seasoning Current                                         6.20            5.76           5.89
Note:  Original information refers to deal issue

Collateral Report

Arm Characteristics                                                Adjustable        Fixed           Total
Weighted Average Margin Original                                          5.302%
Weighted Average Margin Prior                                             5.236%
Weighted Average Margin Current                                           5.233%
Weighted Average Max Rate Original                                       16.388%          9.907%
Weighted Average Max Rate Prior                                          16.400%          9.904%
Weighted Average Max Rate Current                                        16.399%          9.895%
Weighted Average Min Rate Original                                        9.008%          9.157%
Weighted Average Min Rate Prior                                           8.940%          9.154%
Weighted Average Min Rate Current                                         8.934%          9.145%
Weighted Average Cap Up Original                                          1.082%
Weighted Average Cap Up Prior                                             1.075%
Weighted Average Cap Up Current                                           1.075%
Weighted Average Cap Down Original                                        1.082%
Weighted Average Cap Down Prior                                           1.075%
Weighted Average Cap Down Current                                         1.075%
Note:  Original information refers to deal issue

Servicing Fees / Advances                                          Adjustable        Fixed           Total
Current Servicing Fees                                                      74,9           189,1         264,11
Delinquent Servicing Fees                                                   20,1            41,8           62,0
TOTAL SERVICING FEES                                                        95,1           231,0         326,16

Total Servicing Fees                                                        95,1           231,0         326,16
Compensating Interest                                                          (             (2,           (2,9
Delinquent Servicing Fees                                                  (20,1           (41,8          (62,0
COLLECTED SERVING FEES                                                      74,1           187,0         261,17

Prepayment Interest Shortfall                                                                 2,            2,9

Total Advanced Interest                                                   245,42           545,2         790,65

Current Nonrecoverable Advances

Unreimbursed Delq/Servicing Advances Paid To Servicer

Additional Collateral Information                                  Adjustable        Fixed           Total

Weighted Average Coupon Next                                           9.482145%       9.887612%      9.769949%

Delinquency Report - Total

                                     Current        1 Payment      2 Payments     3+ Payments        Total
DELINQUENT       Balance                                 9,983,07      2,806,554           194,7    12,984,425.
                 % Balance                                  1.93%          0.54%           0.04%          2.51%
                 # Loans                                     162             47               3             212
                 % # Loans                                  2.30%          0.67%           0.04%          3.01%
FORECLOSURE      Balance                                     66,3         663,65        3,428,77      4,158,729
                 % Balance                  0.00%           0.01%          0.13%           0.66%          0.80%
                 # Loans                                                      8              50              59
                 % # Loans                  0.00%           0.01%          0.11%           0.71%          0.83%
BANKRUPTCY       Balance                    420,2           500,1           69,4           248,4      1,238,300
                 % Balance                  0.08%           0.10%          0.01%           0.05%          0.24%
                 # Loans                        8                                             5              21
                 % # Loans                  0.11%           0.09%          0.03%           0.07%          0.30%
REO              Balance
                 % Balance                  0.00%           0.00%          0.00%           0.00%          0.00%
                 # Loans
                 % # Loans                  0.00%           0.00%          0.00%           0.00%          0.00%
TOTAL            Balance                    420,2      10,549,496      3,539,695        3,872,05    18,381,455.
                 % Balance                  0.08%           2.04%          0.68%           0.75%          3.55%
                 # Loans
                 % # Loans                  0.11%           2.40%          0.81%           0.82%          4.14%
Note: Current=0-29 days, 1 payment=30-59 days, 2 payments=60-89 days, 3+payments=90+

Delinquency Report - Fixed Group

                                     Current        1 Payment      2 Payments     3+ Payments        Total
DELINQUENT       Balance                                 7,217,05      1,720,114            68,2      9,005,402
                 % Balance                                  1.97%          0.47%           0.02%          2.46%
                 # Loans
                 % # Loans                                  2.27%          0.68%           0.04%          2.99%
FORECLOSURE      Balance                                                  427,93        2,212,17      2,640,117
                 % Balance                  0.00%           0.00%          0.12%           0.60%          0.72%
                 # Loans
                 % # Loans                  0.00%           0.00%          0.09%           0.63%          0.72%
BANKRUPTCY       Balance                    115,9           226,8           69,4           184,8         597,16
                 % Balance                  0.03%           0.06%          0.02%           0.05%          0.16%
                 # Loans
                 % # Loans                  0.06%           0.06%          0.04%           0.07%          0.23%
REO              Balance
                 % Balance                  0.00%           0.00%          0.00%           0.00%          0.00%
                 # Loans
                 % # Loans                  0.00%           0.00%          0.00%           0.00%          0.00%
TOTAL            Balance                    115,9        7,443,94      2,217,539        2,465,20    12,242,684.
                 % Balance                  0.03%           2.03%          0.61%           0.67%          3.34%
                 # Loans
                 % # Loans                  0.06%           2.33%          0.81%           0.74%          3.94%
Note: Current=0-29 days, 1 payment=30-59 days, 2 payments=60-89 days, 3+payments=90+

Delinquency Report - Adjustable Group

                                     Current        1 Payment      2 Payments     3+ Payments        Total
DELINQUENT       Balance                                 2,766,01      1,086,439           126,5      3,979,023
                 % Balance                                  1.84%          0.72%           0.08%          2.64%
                 # Loans
                 % # Loans                                  2.42%          0.62%           0.06%          3.10%
FORECLOSURE      Balance                                     66,3         235,71        1,216,59      1,518,612
                 % Balance                  0.00%           0.04%          0.16%           0.81%          1.01%
                 # Loans
                 % # Loans                  0.00%           0.06%          0.19%           0.99%          1.24%
BANKRUPTCY       Balance                    304,2           273,2                           63,6         641,13
                 % Balance                  0.20%           0.18%          0.00%           0.04%          0.42%
                 # Loans
                 % # Loans                  0.31%           0.19%          0.00%           0.06%          0.56%
REO              Balance
                 % Balance                  0.00%           0.00%          0.00%           0.00%          0.00%
                 # Loans
                 % # Loans                  0.00%           0.00%          0.00%           0.00%          0.00%
TOTAL            Balance                    304,2        3,105,55      1,322,155        1,406,84      6,138,771
                 % Balance                  0.20%           2.06%          0.88%           0.93%          4.07%
                 # Loans
                 % # Loans                  0.31%           2.67%          0.81%           1.11%          4.90%
Note: Current=0-29 days, 1 payment=30-59 days, 2 payments=60-89 days, 3+payments=90+

Prepayment Report - Voluntary Prepayments

Voluntary Prepayments                                              Adjustable        Fixed           Total
Number of Paid in Full Loans                                                  18              46             64
Number of Repurchased Loans
Total Number of Loans Prepaid in Full                                         18              46             64

Paid in Full Balance                                                   2,083,999        2,422,64      4,506,644
Repurchase Loans Balance
Curtailments Amount
Total Prepayment Amount                                                2,083,999        2,422,64      4,506,644

Number of Paid in Full Loans                                                  50             153            203
Number of Repurchased Loans                                                                                   0
Total Number of Loans Prepaid in Full                                         50             153            203

Paid in Full Balance                                                   5,098,552        9,124,88    14,223,438.
Repurchase Loans Balance
Curtailments Amount                                                            (             (1,           (1,7
Total Prepayment Amount                                                5,098,126        9,123,52    14,221,651.


Prepayment Report - Voluntary Prepayments

Voluntary Prepayment Rates                                         Adjustable        Fixed           Total
SMM                                                                        1.37%           0.66%          0.86%
3 Months Average SMM                                                       0.96%           0.69%          0.77%
12 Months Average SMM
Average SMM Since Cut-Off                                                  0.84%           0.62%          0.69%

CPR                                                                       15.26%           7.60%          9.89%
3 Months Average CPR                                                      10.97%           7.98%          8.86%
12 Months Average CPR
Average CPR Since Cut-Off                                                  9.64%           7.24%          7.95%

PSA                                                                     1230.85%         659.33%        840.31%
3 Months Average PSA Approximation                                      1045.76%         833.38%        900.29%
12 Months Average PSA Approximation
Average PSA Since Cut-Off Approximation                                  997.91%         823.20%        878.18%

Realized Loss Report - Collateral

Collateral Realized Losses                                         Adjustable        Fixed           Total
Number of Loans Liquidated
Collateral Realized Loss / (Gain) Amount
Net Liquidation Proceeds

Number of Loans Liquidated
Collateral Realized Loss / (Gain) Amount
Net Liquidation Proceeds

Note: Collateral realized losses may include adjustments to loans liquidated in prior periods.


Realized Loss Report - Collateral

Default Speeds                                                     Adjustable        Fixed           Total
MDR                                                                        0.00%           0.00%          0.00%
3 Months Average MDR
12 Months Average MDR
Average MDR Since Cut-Off                                                  0.00%           0.00%          0.00%

CDR                                                                        0.00%           0.00%          0.00%
3 Months Average CDR
12 Months Average CDR
Average CDR Since Cut-Off                                                  0.00%           0.00%          0.00%

SDA                                                                        0.00%           0.00%          0.00%
3 Months Average SDA Approximation
12 Months Average SDA Approximation
Average SDA Since Cut-Off Approximation                                    0.00%           0.00%          0.00%

Loss Severity Approximation for Current Period
3 Months Average Loss Severity Approximation
12 Months Average Loss Severity Approximation
Average Loss Severity Approximation Since Cut-Off

Triggers, Adj. Rate Cert. And Miscellaneous Report

Trigger Events                                                     Adjustable        Fixed           Total
Has Servicer Termination Loss Trigger Occurred?                                                             No

Adjustable Rate Certificate Information                            Adjustable        Fixed           Total
Next Pass-Through Rates for Adjustable Rate Certificates
Class A-5                                                                                             8.040000%
Class A-6                                                                                             7.590000%
Class A-7                                                                                             6.881250%

Additional Information                                             Adjustable        Fixed           Total

Supplemental Interest Amount
Supplemental Interest Shortfall Carry-Forward Amount
Supplemental Interest Shortfall Amount
Deposit to Supp Int Acct (Class B Distribution)
Payment to Supplemental interest Right
Supplemental Interest Account Ending Balance