Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report:                 February 25, 2000

ADVANTA Mortgage Loan Trust 1998-4A,  1998-4B, 1998-4C

New York                          333-52351-02                 "Pending"

c/o ADVANTA Mortgage Corp., USA
Attn:  H. John Berens
10790 Rancho Bernardo Road
San Diego, CA  92127

(858) 676-3099

Item 5.                         Other Events

Information relating to the distributions to Certificate holders
for the January, 2000 Monthly Period of the Trust in respect of
the Mortgage Backed Notes, Series 1998-4, Class A, Class B
and Class C (the "Certificates") issued by the Registrant and the
performance of the Trust (including distributions of principal
and interest, delinquent balances of Home  Loans,
and the Subordinated amount remaining), together with certain other
information relating to the certificates, is contained in the
Monthly Report for the Monthly Period provided to certificateholders
pursuant to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement (the "Agreement")
dated as of November 1, 1998 between ADVANTA Mortgage Corp.,
USA as Servicer, and Bankers Trust Company, as Trustee.

Item 7.                         Financial Statements, Exhibits

                 Exhibit No.                    Exhibit

                             1. Monthly Report for the January 2000 Monthly
                                Period relating to the Mortgage Backed Notes
                                Series 1998-4, Class A, Class B, and Class C
                                issued by the ADVANTA Mortgage Loan
                                Trust 1998-4A, 1998-4B, 1998-4C.

                                                EXHIBIT INDEX


       1.        Monthly Report for the January 2000 Monthly
                 Period relating to the Mortgage Backed Notes, Series
                 1998-4, Class A, Class B, and Class C issued by the
                 ADVANTA Mortgage Loan Trust 1998-4A, 1998-4B, 1998-4C.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed
on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

ADVANTA Mortgage Loan Trust 1998-4A, 19984-B, 1998-4C.

BY:              ADVANTA Mortgage Corp., USA

BY:              /s/ H. John Berens
                 H. John Berens
                 Senior Vice President
                 Advanta Mortgage

    March 1, 2000

                                                EXHIBIT 1

                 ADVANTA Mortgage Loan Trust 1998-4A

                            Statement to Certificateholders

                 Original       Prior
                 Face           Principal
Class            Value          Balance         Interest       Principal      Total
A                    650,000,000      531,420,93       2,980,77        6,225,4       9,206,272.77
A Certificate                                             928,7                         928,708.21

Totals               650,000,000      531,420,93       3,909,48        6,225,4     10,134,980.98

                                                Current        Pass-Through
                 Realized       Deferred        Principal      Rates
Class            Losses         Interest        Balance        Current        Next
A                                                  525,195,435.      6.513750%     6.578750%
A Certificate                                                              NA            NA

Totals                                             525,195,435.07

                                Prior                                                       Current
                                Principal                                                   Principal
Class            CUSIP          Balance         Interest       Principal      Total         Balance
A                   00755WGC4         817.570669       4.585805       9.577692     14.163497    807.992977
A Certificate                           0.000000       1.428782       0.000000      1.428782      0.000000

Delinquent Loan Information:

                                                               90+ Days       Loans         Loans
                                30-59           60-89          excldg f/c,REO in            in
                                Days            Days           & Bkrptcy      Bankruptcy    REO
Trust A          Principal Balan  16,933,380.26   4,389,454.99   1,014,777.16  8,979,016.77  2,343,434.57
                 % of Pool Balan        3.07912%       0.79817%       0.18452%      1.63272%      0.42612%
                 Number of Loans             292             80             29           150            45
                 % of Loans             3.35055%       0.91796%       0.33276%      1.72117%      0.51635%

Trust A          Principal Balan        12,317,794.29
                 % of Pool Balan        2.23984%
                 Number of Loans             231
                 % of Loans             2.65060%

General Mortgage Loan Information:

                                                                                               Trust A
Beginning Aggregate Mortgage Loan Balance                                                   556,167,154.40
Prefunding                                                                                           0.00
Principal Reduction                                                                          6,225,499.53
Ending Aggregate Mortgage Loan Balance                                                      549,941,654.87

Beginning Aggregate Mortgage Loan Count                                                               8802
Ending Aggregate Mortgage Loan Count                                                                  8715

Current Weighted Average Coupon Rate                                                             9.599919%
Next Weighted Average Coupon Rate                                                                9.592174%

Mortgage Loan Principal Reduction Information:

                                                                                               Trust A
Scheduled Principal                                                                            901,174.26
Curtailments                                                                                         0.00
Prepayments                                                                                  4,837,987.62
Repurchases                                                                                          0.00
Substitutions                                                                                        0.00
Liquidation Proceeds                                                                           486,337.65
Other Principal                                                                                      0.00

Less: Realized Losses                                                                         (205,955.76)

Total Principal Reduction                                                                         6,019,543.77

Servicer Information:

                                                                                               Trust A
Accrued Servicing Fee for the Current Period                                                         231,736.31
Less: Amounts to Cover Interest Shortfalls                                                       3,343.95
Less: Delinquent Service Fees                                                                          60,892.11
Collected Servicing Fees for Current Period:                                                         167,500.25

Advanced Principal                                                                                   N/A
Advanced Interest                                                                                 1,178,638.73

                                Other           Scheduled       Interest       Available     Available Funds
                 Prepayment     Unscheduled     Principal      Carry          Funds Cap     Cap Carry
                 Principal      Principal       Distribution   Forward        Current       Forward
Class            Distributed    Distributed     Amount         Amount         Amount        Amount
Class A                  4,837,9             486       6,019,54                                                    -

Total                    4,837,9             486       6,019,54                                                    -

                  Realized Loss
Class A                                   -

Total                                     -

                                                     Prior                                     Current
                      Has a        Remaining         Over-       Accelerated      Extra          Over
                  Trigger Event    Pre-Funded     Collateral      Principal     Principal     Collateral
                    Occurred         Amount         Amount       Distributed   Distributed      Amount
Trust A                NO             0.00       24,746,219.80     205,955.76          0.00 24,746,219.80

Total                                                24,746,219           205,         0.00 24,746,219.80

                    Specified        Over-
                      Over-        Collateral
                   Collateral       Deficit
                     Amount          Amount
Trust A            24,746,219.80            0.00

Total              24,746,219.80            0.00


Trust A Insured Payment                                                                               0.00
Pool Rolling six month delinquency rate                                                           0.022016
Pool Cumulative Realized Losses - Average of 12 preceeding remittance periods                        0.00%
Pool Cumulative Realized Losses - Percentage of the original aggregate loan balance                  0.00%
Book Value of REO loans                                                                       2,779,903.05
Cumulative Number of Mortgage loans repurchased to date                                                 11
Unreimbursed Delinquent/Servicing Advances Paid Back to Servicer This Period                    49,072.51
Unreimbursed Delinquent/Servicing Advances Paid Back to Certificateholder This Period                0.00


Current Interest Collected:                                            3,209,769.07

Principal Collected:                                                   5,739,161.88

Insurance Proceeds Received:                                                            -

Net Liquidation Proceeds:                                                 280,381.89

Delinquency Advances on Mortgage Interest:                             1,178,638.73

Delinquency Advances on Mortgage Principal                                NA

Repurchase and Substitution Amounts:                                                    -

Trust Termination Proceeds:                                                             -

Investment Earnings on Note Account:                                          9,347.00

Capitalized Interest Requirement:                                                       -

Capitalized Interest Fund Earnings                                       0.00

Capitalized Interest Account                                             0.00

Investment Earnings on Pre-Funding Account                                0.00

Unreimbursed Delq/Servicing Advances Paid Back To CertificateHo                         -

Sum of the Above Amounts:                                                          10,417,298.57


Servicing Fees (including PPIS):                                          170,844.20

Non Recoverable Advance                                                       1,308.19

Indenture Trustee Fees:                                                       3,244.31

Owner Trustee Fees:                                                     277.78

Insurance Premiums:                                                         57,570.60

Reimbursement of Delinquency Advances/Servicing Advances                    49,072.51

Total Reductions to Available Funds Amount:                                             282,317.59

Total Available Funds:                                                                          10,134,980.98

                                                EXHIBIT 1

                 ADVANTA Mortgage Loan Trust 1998-4B

                            Statement to Certificateholders

                 Original       Prior
                 Face           Principal
Class            Value          Balance         Interest       Principal      Total
B                    350,000,000      287,338,96       1,611,70        4,646,5       6,258,262.25
B Certificate                                             606,6                         606,680.84

Totals               350,000,000      287,338,96       2,218,38        4,646,5       6,864,943.09

                                                Current        Pass-Through
                 Realized       Deferred        Principal      Rates
Class            Losses         Interest        Balance        Current        Next
B                                                  282,692,406.      6.513750%     6.578750%
B Certificate                                                              NA            NA

Totals                                             282,692,406.78

                                Prior                                                       Current
                                Principal                                                   Principal
Class            CUSIP          Balance         Interest       Principal      Total         Balance
B                   00755WGD2         820.968477       4.604863      13.275886     17.880749    807.692591
B Certificate                           0.000000       0.933355       0.000000      0.933355      0.000000

Delinquent Loan Information:

                                                               90+ Days       Loans         Loans
                                30-59           60-89          excldg f/c,REO in            in
                                Days            Days           & Bkrptcy      Bankruptcy    REO
Trust B          Principal Balan   7,785,966.20   2,063,283.41     692,689.23  4,437,036.90  1,769,532.20
                 % of Pool Balan        2.63024%       0.69701%       0.23400%      1.49891%      0.59778%
                 Number of Loans             132             39              9            74            26
                 % of Loans             3.35451%       0.99111%       0.22872%      1.88056%      0.66074%

Trust B          Principal Balan   9,673,806.71
                 % of Pool Balan        3.26799%
                 Number of Loans             144
                 % of Loans             3.65947%

General Mortgage Loan Information:

                                                                                               Trust B
Beginning Aggregate Mortgage Loan Balance                                                   300,663,839.91
Subsequent Mortgage Loans Added This Period                                                          0.00
Principal Reduction                                                                          4,646,560.03
Ending Aggregate Mortgage Loan Balance                                                      296,017,279.88

Beginning Aggregate Mortgage Loan Count                                                                       3,988
Ending Aggregate Mortgage Loan Count                                                                          3,935

Current Weighted Average Coupon Rate                                                             9.608543%
Next Weighted Average Coupon Rate                                                                9.601209%

Mortgage Loan Principal Reduction Information:

                                                                                               Trust B
Scheduled Principal                                                                            449,397.68
Curtailments                                                                                   (76,869.34)
Prepayments                                                                                  4,242,031.69
Repurchases                                                                                          0.00
Substitutions                                                                                        0.00
Liquidation Proceeds                                                                            32,000.00
Other Principal                                                                                      0.00

Less: Realized Losses                                                                          (32,000.00)

Total Principal Reduction                                                                         4,614,560.03

Servicer Information:

                                                                                               Trust B
Accrued Servicing Fee for the Current Period                                                         125,276.60
Less: Amounts to Cover Interest Shortfalls                                                       3,874.92
Less: Delinquent Service Fees                                                                          31,159.50
Collected Servicing Fees for Current Period:                                                           90,242.18

Advanced Principal                                                                                   N/A
Advanced Interest                                                                                    611,419.00

                                Other           Scheduled       Interest       Available     Available Funds
                 Prepayment     Unscheduled     Principal      Carry          Funds Cap     Cap Carry
                 Principal      Principal       Distribution   Forward        Current       Forward
Class            Distributed    Distributed     Amount         Amount         Amount        Amount
Class B                  4,242,0             (44       4,614,56                                                    -
                                          -                                                                        -

Total                    4,242,0             (44       4,614,56                                                    -

                  Realized Loss
Class B                                   -

Total                                     -

                                                     Prior                                     Current
                      Has a        Remaining         Over-       Accelerated      Extra          Over
                  Trigger Event    Pre-Funded     Collateral      Principal     Principal     Collateral
                    Occurred         Amount         Amount       Distributed   Distributed      Amount
Trust B                NO             0.00       13,324,873.10      32,000.00          0.00 13,324,873.10

Total                                                13,324,873             32         0.00 13,324,873.10

                    Specified        Over-
                      Over-        Collateral
                   Collateral       Deficit
                     Amount          Amount
Trust B            13,324,873.10            0.00

Total              13,324,873.10            0.00


Trust B Insured Payment                                                                               0.00
Pool Rolling six month delinquency rate                                                               0.03
Pool Cumulative Realized Losses - Average of 12 preceeding remittance periods                        0.00%
Pool Cumulative Realized Losses - Percentage of the original aggregate loan balance                  0.00%
Book Value of REO loans                                                                              0.00
Cumulative Number of Mortgage loans repurchased to date                                                  8
Unreimbursed Delinquent/Servicing Advances Paid Back to Servicer This Period                     4,955.50
Unreimbursed Delinquent/Servicing Advances Paid Back to Certificateholder This Period


                 Current Interest Collected:                           1,764,872.70

                 Principal Collected:                                  4,614,560.03

                 Insurance Proceeds Received:                                           -

                 Net Liquidation Proceeds:                                              -

                 Delinquency Advances on Mortgage Interest:               611,419.00

                 Delinquency Advances on Mortgage Principal               NA

                 Repurchase and Substitution Amounts:                                   -

                 Trust Termination Proceeds:                                            -

                 Investment Earnings on Note Account:                         6,324.00

                 Capitalized Interest Requirement:                       0.00

                 Capitalized Interest Account  Earnings                  0.00

                 Capitalized Interest Account                            0.00

                 Reversal of Realized Loss Amount                                       -

                 Unreimbursed Delq/Servicing Advances Paid Back           0.00

                 Sum of the Above Amounts:                                           6,997,175.73


                 Servicing Fees (including PPIS):                           94,117.10

                 Non-Recoverable Advance                                                -

                 Indenture Trustee Fees:                                      1,753.87

                 Owner Trustee Fees:                                    277.78

                 Insurance Premiums:                                        31,128.39

                 Reimbursement of Delinquency Advances/Servicin               4,955.50

                 Total Reductions to Available Funds Amount:                            132,232.64

                 Total Available Funds:                                                           6,864,943.09

                                                EXHIBIT 1

                 ADVANTA Mortgage Loan Trust 1998-4C

                            Statement to Certificateholders

                 Original       Prior
                 Face           Principal
Class            Value          Balance         Interest       Principal      Total
C                    100,000,000        77,608,3          425,2        2,219,9       2,645,228.66
C Certificate                                             137,4                         137,477.18

Totals               100,000,000        77,608,3          562,7        2,219,9       2,782,705.84

                                                Current        Pass-Through
                 Realized       Deferred        Principal      Rates
Class            Losses         Interest        Balance        Current        Next
C                                                    75,388,419      6.363750%     6.428750%
C Certificate                                                              NA            NA

Totals                                               75,388,419.45

                                Prior                                                       Current
                                Principal                                                   Principal
Class            CUSIP          Balance         Interest       Principal      Total         Balance
C                   00755WGE0         776.083624       4.252857      22.199429     26.452286    753.884195
C Certificate                           0.000000       0.211503       0.000000      0.211503      0.000000

Delinquent Loan Information:

                                                               90+ Days       Loans         Loans
                                30-59           60-89          excldg f/c,REO in            in
                                Days            Days           & Bkrptcy      Bankruptcy    REO
Trust C          Principal Balan   2,428,103.16     775,512.74     353,366.80  1,430,037.03    789,674.84
                 % of Pool Balan        3.02547%       0.96630%       0.44030%      1.78186%      0.98395%
                 Number of Loans              29              6              5            19             7
                 % of Loans             3.34101%       0.69124%       0.57604%      2.18894%      0.80645%

Trust C          Principal Balan   3,854,602.14
                 % of Pool Balan        4.80291%
                 Number of Loans              45
                 % of Loans             5.18433%

General Mortgage Loan Information:

                                                                                               Trust C
Beginning Aggregate Mortgage Loan Balance                                                   82,475,447.57
Prefunding                                                                                            N/A
Principal Reduction                                                                          2,219,942.92
Ending Aggregate Mortgage Loan Balance                                                      80,255,504.65

Beginning Aggregate Mortgage Loan Count                                                                888
Ending Aggregate Mortgage Loan Count                                                                   868

Current Weighted Average Coupon Rate                                                             9.561788%
Next Weighted Average Coupon Rate                                                                9.548650%

Mortgage Loan Principal Reduction Information:

                                                                                               Trust C
Scheduled Principal                                                                             47,782.44
Curtailments                                                                                         0.00
Prepayments                                                                                  1,933,477.39
Repurchases                                                                                          0.00
Substitutions                                                                                        0.00
Liquidation Proceeds                                                                           238,683.09
Other Principal                                                                                      0.00

Less: Realized Losses                                                                          (51,000.00)

Total Principal Reduction                                                                         2,168,942.92

Servicer Information:

                                                                                               Trust C
Accrued Servicing Fee for the Current Period                                                           34,364.77
Less: Amounts to Cover Interest Shortfalls                                                         615.74
Less: Delinquent Service Fees                                                                            8,596.11
Collected Servicing Fees for Current Period:                                                           25,152.92

Advanced Principal                                                                                   N/A
Advanced Interest                                                                                    162,353.44

                                Other           Scheduled       Interest       Available     Available Funds
                 Prepayment     Unscheduled     Principal      Carry          Funds Cap     Cap Carry
                 Principal      Principal       Distribution   Forward        Current       Forward
Class            Distributed    Distributed     Amount         Amount         Amount        Amount
Class C                  1,933,4             238       2,168,94                                                    -
                                          -      .                                                                 -

Total                    1,933,4             238       2,168,94                                                    -

                  Realized Loss
Class C                                   -

Total                                     -

                                                     Prior                                     Current
                      Has a                          Over-       Accelerated      Extra          Over
                  Trigger Event                   Collateral      Principal     Principal     Collateral
                    Occurred                        Amount       Distributed   Distributed      Amount
Trust C                NO                         4,867,085.20      51,000.00          0.00  4,867,085.20

Total                                                  4,867,08             51         0.00  4,867,085.20

                    Specified        Over-
                      Over-        Collateral
                   Collateral       Deficit
                     Amount          Amount
Trust C             4,867,085.20            0.00

Total               4,867,085.20            0.00


Trust C Insured Payment                                                                               0.00
Pool Rolling six month delinquency rate                                                               0.04
Pool Cumulative Realized Losses - Average of 12 preceeding remittance periods                        0.00%
Pool Cumulative Realized Losses - Percentage of the original aggregate loan balance                  0.00%
Book Value of REO loans                                                                         902,394.71
Cumulative Number of Mortgage loans repurchased to date                                                  3
Unreimbursed Delinquent/Servicing Advances Paid Back to Servicer This Period                       827.31
Unreimbursed Delinquent/Servicing Advances Paid Back to Certificateholder This Period                0.00


                 Current Interest Collected:                              486,227.75

                 Principal Collected:                                  1,981,259.83

                 Insurance Proceeds Received:                                           -

                 Net Liquidation Proceeds:                                187,683.09

                 Delinquency Advances on Mortgage Interest:               162,353.44

                 Delinquency Advances on Mortgage Principal               NA

                 Repurchase and Substitution Amounts:                                   -

                 Trust Termination Proceeds:                                            -

                 Investment Earnings on Note Account:                         2,561.00

                 Sum of the Above Amounts:                                           2,820,085.11


                 Servicing Fees (including PPIS):                           25,768.66

                 Non-Recoverable Advance                                                -

                 Indenture Trustee Fees:                                         481.11

                 Owner Trustee Fees:                                    277.78

                 Insurance Premiums:                                        10,024.41

                 Reimbursement of Delinquency Advances/Servicin                  827.31

                 Total Reductions to Available Funds Amount:                              37,379.27

                 Total Available Funds:                                                           2,782,705.84