SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 15 Critical Path, Inc. (Nasdaq: CPTH) announced today that
it will revise its previously announced financial results for the fourth quarter
of 2000.

On January 18, 2001, Critical Path announced its fourth quarter of 2000
financial results, which included revenues of $52.0 million and a net loss,
excluding special charges, of $11.5 million or $0.16 per share. Based on the
preliminary results of the investigation being conducted by a special committee
of the Board of Directors, Critical Path expects that its previously announced
revenues for the fourth quarter of 2000 will decrease by $6.5 million to $8.0
million. Of these amounts, Critical Path now expects that approximately $4.2
million involved transactions that will not result in revenue. The remainder may
result in revenue that will be recognized during 2001. The Company further
expects that its costs and operating and expenses for the fourth quarter of 2000
will increase by $1.0 to $2.0 million. These revisions will cause the Company's
net loss for the fourth quarter of 2000, excluding special charges, to increase
to $19.0 million to $21.5 million, or $0.27 to $0.30 per share.

"We are providing preliminary estimates at this time," Chief Financial Officer
Larry Reinhold commented, "because we believe that keeping our shareholders,
customers, and employees informed is the right thing to do. These regrettable
issues do not involve our products, our services, or our business model."

The Company is currently reviewing certain specific transactions that were
reported as revenue during the third quarter of 2000. The Company is evaluating
new facts that may bear on the initial accounting judgment that revenue was
properly recognized during that quarter for these transactions. The Company
expects that its previously reported revenues for the third quarter of 2000 will
not be affected by more than $2.0 million, or 4.4%, related to these
transactions. The Company will provide supplemental information in the event
that further accounting adjustments are deemed necessary.

The Company anticipates announcing its final financial results for the fourth
quarter and full year 2000 when the results of the investigation are presented
to its auditors, the annual audit is completed, and the Company files its Annual
Report on Form 10-K. The Company anticipates providing revised guidance for
fiscal 2001 at the time it announces its first quarter of 2001 financial

This press release contains forward-looking statements about Critical Path's
anticipated financial results for the third and fourth quarters of 2000. These
forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties that
could cause actual results to differ materially. The Company may determine that
further accounting adjustments should be made for the transactions currently
being evaluated. The Company may review additional transactions that occurred
during fiscal 2000 and may determine that further accounting adjustments should
be made. In addition to the ongoing investigation which is being conducted by a
special committee of the Board of Directors, the Company's auditors will
continue to conduct the annual audit, during which it may be determined


that further accounting adjustments should be made. If further accounting
adjustments are made, they may materially increase the amount of the adjustments
that the Company currently believes it will record for the fourth quarter of
2000 and may require a restatement of other quarters of fiscal 2000. In
addition, although Critical Path believes that the Company will complete its
evaluation, and the Company's auditors will complete the annual audit, in time
to file the Annual Report on Form 10-K by the ordinary filing deadline, there is
no guarantee that this will occur. Other risks and uncertainties are described
in more detail in the Company's Annual Report on form 10-K/A filed March 29,
2000 and in subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission
