Washington, D.C. 20549

                            FORM 8-K

                         CURRENT REPORT
               Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
             The Securities and Exchange Act of 1934

  Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported) December 15,

         (Name of Small Business issuer in its charter)

     NEVADA              000-32229           76-0616474
(State or other jurisdiction of    (Commission file No.)
(IRS Employer
  incorporation or organization)
Identification No.)

                          2001 Potomac
                      Houston, Texas 77057
   (Address of principal executive offices including zip code)

                         (713) 785-6809
       (Registrant's telephone number including area code)

   Former Name and Address (on Form 8-K filed August 28, 2001)
                     Texas E-Solutions, Inc.
                      7720 74th. Drive N.E.
                      Marysville, WA 98270


On November 15, 2001, Mr. Jack Chang resigned as a member of the
Board of Directors and as President and CEO of Wireless
Synergies, Inc. (the "Company"). Mr. Chang also tendered all the
common stock he received by virtue of a proposed merger to the
Company as part of the Rescission of the merger.

On December 15, 2001, the entire Board of Directors consisting of
one Director, Mr. Dale Chapman, met and appointed Mr. Ben Hansel
as Chief Executive Officer, President and a Director of Wireless
Synergies, Inc.. Immediately after the meeting Mr. Dale Chapman
resigned from the Board of Directors. Mr. Ben Hansel remains as
the Company's sole Director and will serve as such until the next
regular meeting.


On  December  20,  2001,  upon recommendation  of  its  board  of
directors,   the  Company  dismissed its  certifying  accountant,
Manning  Elliot  Charted Accountants("Manning  Elliot").  Manning
Elliot's  report on the financial statements for the  year  ended
June 30, 2001 did not contain an adverse opinion or disclaimer of
opinion,  and  was not qualified or modified as  to  uncertainty,
audit  scope  or accounting principles, except that their  report
for  the  year  ended  June  30, 2001  contained  an  explanatory
paragraph  regarding  the substantial doubt about  the  Company's
ability  to  continue as a going concern The decision to  dismiss
Manning  Elliot was approved by the Company's Board of Directors.
During the year ended June 30, 2001 and for the period August 19,
1999  (date  of  inception)  through  June  30,  2000,  and   the
subsequent interim period through December 20, 2001, the  Company
has  not had any disagreements with Manning Elliot on any  matter
of   accounting  principles  or  practices,  financial  statement
disclosure  or  auditing  scope or  procedure.  The  Company  has
engaged  Stefanou  & Company LLP ("Stefanou") as  its  certifying
accountant as of December 20, 2001 for the Company's fiscal  year
ending June 30, 2001.

     The Company has not consulted Stefanou previously. Manning
Elliot's letter, which is required pursuant to Item 304(a)(3) of
Regulation S-B, is attached.


Rescission of Merger.

On August 20, 2001, the Company entered into an "Agreement and
Plan of Share Exchange" with, Inc. for the
principal purpose of de3velopment and marketing of certain
wireless technologies. In November 2001,due to adverse market
conditions and lack of consideration, the parties agreed to
rescind their agreement.A copy of the agreement is attached as
exhibit #10.

Wireless Synergies is currently devoting its activities to its
original business plan and possible other business activities.

Change of Address.

Effective December 20, 2001, the Company changed its principal
business address to 2001 Potomac, Houston, Texas 77057. The
Company's new telephone number is (713) 785-6809.


This information is disclosed in ITEM 1 above.


Index of Exhibits
#10  Rescission Agreement(November 8, 2001)
#16  Letter on change in certifying accountant.


Pursuant of the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

 Dated: December 24, 2001          Wireless Synergies, Inc.

                                 /s/Ben Hansel
                              Ben Hansel, President

Exhibit 10

                       RECISSION AGREEMENT

          THIS  AGREEMENT  is  entered  into  this  8th  day   of
November, 2001, by and between Wireless Synergies, Inc., formerly
known  as  Texas E-Solutions, Inc., (hereinafter referred  to  as
"Wireless") and, Inc., (hereinafter referred to
as "GV") and Jack Chang:

          WHEREAS, on August 20, 2001, Wireless entered  into  an
Agreement  and  Plan  of  Share Exchange (the  "Agreement")  with, Inc.; and

          WHEREAS,  the  sole  shareholder  of  GV,  Jack  Chang,
consented to the Agreement; and

          WHEREAS,  pursuant to the terms and conditions  of  the
Agreement  entered into on August 20, 2001, Jack Chang caused  to
be delivered to Wireless all issued shares of GV; and

          WHEREAS,  pursuant to the terms and conditions  of  the
Agreement entered into on August 20, 2001, Wireless delivered  to
Jack Chang 7,750,000 shares of Wireless Synergies, Inc.; and

          WHEREAS, subsequent to the completion of the terms  and
conditions of the Agreement, the parties are unable to  reconcile
certain differences which have arisen between the parties; and

          WHEREAS, the parties are in agreement that it is in the
best  interest  of  all  parties, and  the  shareholders  of  the
parties,  that  the  Agreement and  Plan  of  Share  Exchange  be
rescinded as between and among all parties; and

          WHEREAS,  all parties are desirous of entering  into  a
mutual release and hold harmless agreement;


1.   (a) For and in consideration of the mutual releases executed
         herein, and other good and valuable consideration of
which  the   parties acknowledge receipt, Jack Chang shall deliver
to the  Law  Office of L.Van Stillman,P.A. (The  "Exchange  Agent")
a share certificate or share certificates totaling 7,750,000 shares
of Wireless  Synergies, Inc., duly executed with medallion signature
guarantees,  which agent shall hold, pursuant to  the  terms  and
conditions of this Agreement.

               (b) Upon the execution of this Agreement, Wireless
shall cause to be
delivered   to  Jack Chang all issued shares of GV,  said  shares
being  those delivered by Jack Chang to Wireless in exchange  for
the  7,750,000 of Wireless shares received, pursuant to the terms
and conditions of the Agreement, which shall be held pursuant  to
the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

               (c)   At  such  time  as  the  execution  of  this
agreement,  Wireless  shall  cause  the  shares  of  GV   to   be
immediately  delivered  to  Jack  Chang.   Upon  receipt  of  the
7,750,000 shares of Wireless from Jack Chang, the exchange  agent
shall  cause to be delivered to Wireless the share certificate(s)
so delivered.

          2.   Upon delivery of the shares by the Exchange  Agent
to  the  prospective  parties, all  rights  arising  out  of,  or
obligations required by the parties to comply with the terms  and
conditions  of  the  Agreement and Plan of Share  Exchange  dated
August  20,  2001, shall cease, and the parties hereby  agree  to
abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

          3.   (a)  MUTUAL  RELEASE.  By the  execution  of  this
Agreement,  all parties hereto agree to release each other  party
on their behalf and on behalf of their administrative successors,
and  assigns, whether herein named or referred to or not, and  do
acquit  and  by  these  presence to hereby release,  acquit,  and
forever  discharge the other party, its successors  and  assigns,
its agents, servants, and employees, its divisions, subdivisions,
and  affiliates of and from any and all past, present, and future
claims,   counterclaims,  demands,  actions,  causes  of  action,
liabilities,   damages,  costs,  loss  of   services,   expenses,
compensation, third-party action, suits at law or in  equity,  of
every  nature in description, whether known or unknown, suspected
or unsuspected, foreseen or unforeseen, real or imaginary, actual
or  potential, and whether arising at law or in equity, under the
common law, state or federal law, or any other law, or otherwise,
including but not limited to any claims that have been  or  might
have  been asserted as a result of the entry into by the  parties
of  that certain Agreement and Plan of Share Exchange dated as of
August  20,  2001,  between Wireless Synergies,  Inc.,  (formerly
Texas  E-Solutions, Inc.) and,  Inc.  And  Jack
Chang, as the sole shareholder of, Inc.  It  is
the  intention of the parties hereto to affect a full  and  final
general  release of all such claims.  It is expressly  understood
and  agreed that this release and Agreement is intended to cover,
and  does cover, not only all known injuries, losses and damages,
but  any  future injuries, losses and damages, not now  known  or
anticipated,  buy  which  may later  develop  or  be  discovered,
including all of the affects and consequences thereof.

               (b)  The  parties  declare that  they  understand,
covenant and agree that they will not make any claims or demands,
or  file  any legal proceedings against any other party, or  join
any  other  party, do any claim, demand or legal  proceeding,  or
shall  the parties proceed against any other party, person,  firm
or  corporation  on  the claims described  above,  except  as  is
necessary  in order to enforce the terms and conditions  of  this

          4.   In  addition to the delivery of the shares as  set
forth above, Jack Chang shall deliver, within 5 business days,  a
letter  of resignation from the Board of Directors and  from  any
office that Jack Chang shall hold in Wireless Synergies, Inc.

          5.   It is understood and agreed that the duties of the
Exchange Agent are purely ministerial in nature, and that:

          5.1   The  Exchange Agent shall all parties immediately
upon  receipt of the shares to be delivered, as provided  for  in
this Agreement.

          5.2  The Exchange Agent shall not be responsible for or
be  required  to  enforce any of the terms or conditions  of  any
agreement  between the parties or any other party nor  shall  the
Exchange Agent be responsible for the performance by the  parties
of their respective obligations under this Agreement.

          5.3  The Exchange Agent shall be entitled to rely  upon
the  accuracy, act in reliance upon the contents, and assume  the
genuineness  of any notice, instruction, certificate,  signature,
instrument or other document which is given to the Exchange Agent
pursuant  to this Agreement without the necessity of the Exchange
Agent  verifying  the  truth or accuracy thereof.   The  Exchange
Agent  shall  not  be obligated to make any  inquiry  as  to  the
authority,   capacity,  existence  or  identify  of  any   person
purporting to give any such notice or instructions or to  execute
any such certificate, instrument, or other document.

          5.4 If the Exchange Agent is uncertain as to its duties
or rights hereunder or shall receive instructions with respect to
shares to be held, or which are held by the Exchange Agent, which
are in conflict either with other instructions received by it  or
with  any  provision of this Agreement, it shall be  entitled  to
hold all Shares pending the resolution of such uncertainty to the
Exchange Agent's sole satisfaction, by final judgment of a  court
or courts of competent jurisdiction or otherwise; or the Exchange
Agent, at its sole option, may deposit the Shares with the  Clerk
of a court of competent jurisdiction in a proceeding to which all
parties in interest are joined.  Upon the deposit by the Exchange
Agent  of  the  Shares with the Clerk of any court, the  Exchange
Agent  shall be relieved of all further obligations and  released
from all liability hereunder.

          5.5  The  Exchange Agent shall not be  liable  for  any
action taken or omitted hereunder,  or for the misconduct of  any
employee, agent or attorney appointed by it, except in  the  case
of  willful  misconduct or gross negligence.  The Exchange  Agent
shall be entitled to consult with counsel of its own choosing and
shall not be liable for any action taken, suffered or omitted  by
it in accordance with the advice of such counsel.

          6.    Any   notice,  request,  demand,  or  any   other
communication required or permitted hereunder, shall be deemed to
be  properly  given  when deposited in the  United  States  Mail,
postage prepaid, or deposited with a recognized courier service.

          7.   This  instrument contains all of  the  agreements,
understandings,  representations,  conditions,   warranties   and
covenants  made  between the parties hereto.   Unless  set  forth
herein,  neither  party shall be liable for  any  representations
made  and  all  modifications and amendments hereto  must  be  in

          8.  Controlling Law.  The validity, interpretation
and performance of this Agreement shall be controlled by and
construed  under the laws of the Stat of Nevada.  Venue  for
any  action  brought to enforce the terms and conditions  of
this  Agreement shall only be brought in the Courts, whether
State or Federal, in the State of Nevada.

THIS  AGREEMENT, being executed on the 8th day  of November, 2001.

                              Wireless Synergies, Inc.

                              /s/Jack Chang
                              Jack Chang


                    , Inc.


                           Exhibit #16

                         MANNING ELLIOTT
                      Chartered Accountants
                11th. Floor, 1050 West Pender St.
                  Vancouver, BC Canada V6E 3S7

                                   December 24, 2001

Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, DC 20549

Re: Wireless Synergies, Inc. (formerly Texas E-Solutions, Inc.)
File No. 000-32229

Dear Sir or Madam:

     We have read Item 4 of the Form 8-K of Wireless Synergies,
Inc., dated December 24, 2001, and agree with the statements
contained therein.

                              /s/ Manning Elliott
                              Manning Elliott