                       VECTREN CORPORATION

                            ARTICLE 1

       The name of the Corporation is Vectren Corporation.

                            ARTICLE 2
             Registered Office and Registered Agent

     The street address of the Corporation=s registered office in
Indiana  and the name of its registered agent at that office  are
20  N. W. Fourth Street, Evansville, Indiana 47741-001 and Ronald
E. Christian, Esquire.

                           ARTICLE 3

     The Corporation is formed for the purpose of engaging in any
lawful business.

                           ARTICLE 4

     Section  4.1.    Amount.  The Corporation has  authority  to
issue  Five Hundred Million (500,000,000) shares of capital stock

     Section  4.2.    Preferred Stock.  The Corporation  has  the
authority to issue up to Twenty Million (20,000,000) of the  Five
Hundred  Million  (500,000,000) shares as a separate  and  single
class of shares known as Preferred Stock, which may be issued  in
one  or  more  series.  The Board of Directors of the Corporation
("Board")  is  vested with authority to determine and  state  the
designations  and the preferences, limitations,  relative  rights
and  voting  rights, if any, of each such series by the  adoption
and  filing  in accordance with the Indiana Business  Corporation
Law  (the  "Act"),  before the issuance of  any  shares  of  such
series,  of  an  amendment or amendments  to  these  Amended  and
Restated  Articles of Incorporation ("Articles") determining  the
terms of such series, which amendment need not be approved by the
shareholders  or  the holders of any class or  series  of  shares
except as provided by law.  All shares of Preferred Stock of  the
same  series  shall be identical with each other in all  respects
and  the Board shall designate each series to distinguish it from
all other series of stock.

     Section  4.3.    Common Stock.  Of the Five Hundred  Million
(500,000,000) shares the Corporation has authority to issue, Four
Hundred  Eighty Million (480,000,000) shares which  constitute  a
separate class of shares known as Common Stock, which shall  have
no  par value and may be issued in one or more series.  The class
of Common Stock authorized hereby has unlimited voting rights and
is  entitled  to  receive the net assets of the Corporation  upon
dissolution.   The  holders of shares of Common  Stock  have  the
right, voting separately by class, to cast one vote for each duly
authorized, issued and outstanding share of Common Stock held  by
them upon each question or matter in respect of which, under  the
Act,  such  holders are entitled to vote by class.  Such  holders
also  have  the right to cast one vote for each duly  authorized,
issued  and outstanding share of Common Stock held by  them  upon
each  question  or matter submitted generally to the  holders  of
shares  of  the Corporation in respect of which, under  the  Act,
voting by class or by series is not required.

     Section  4.4.    Distributions.  The Board has authority  to
authorize  and  direct in respect of the issued  and  outstanding
shares  of  Preferred Stock and Common Stock (i) the  payment  of
dividends   and  the  making  of  other  distributions   by   the
Corporation at such times, in such amounts and forms,  from  such
sources  and upon such terms and conditions as it may, from  time
to  time  with respect to each class of stock, determine  subject
only   to   the   restrictions,   limitations,   conditions   and
requirements imposed by the Act, other applicable laws and  these
Articles,  as  the same may, from time to time, be  amended,  and
(ii)  the making by the Corporation of share dividends and  share
splits, pro rata and without consideration, in shares of the same
class or series or in shares of any other class or series without
obtaining  the  affirmative vote or the written  consent  of  the
holders of the shares of the class or series in which the payment
or distribution is to be made.

     Section  4.5.    Acquisition  of  Shares.   The  Board   has
authority  to  authorize  and  direct  the  acquisition  by   the
Corporation  of  the issued and outstanding shares  of  Preferred
Stock and Common Stock at such times, in such amounts, from  such
persons, for such considerations, from such sources and upon such
terms  and  conditions as it may, from time to  time,  determine,
subject  only  to the restrictions, limitations,  conditions  and
requirements imposed by the Act, other applicable laws and  these
Articles, as the same may, from time to time, be amended.

     Section  4.6.   Record Ownership of Shares or  Rights.   The
Corporation, to the extent permitted by law, shall be entitled to
treat  the  person  in  whose name any  share  or  right  of  the
Corporation is registered on the books of the Corporation as  the
owner  thereof,  for  all purposes, and shall  not  be  bound  to
recognize any equitable or other claim to, or interest  in,  such
share  or right on the part of any other person, whether  or  not
the Corporation shall have notice thereof.

                           ARTICLE 5
                       Board of Directors

     Section  5.1.    Number.  The number  of  directors  of  the
Corporation shall not be less than one (1) nor more than  sixteen
(16),  as may be specified in the initial Code of By-Laws of  the
Corporation ("By-Laws") or by amendment to the By-Laws. The  Code
of By-Laws may provide for a classified board of directors.   The
number of initial directors of the Corporation shall be two  (2).
Directors  need not be shareholders of the Corporation.   Subject
to  express  limitations  contained in these  Articles,  (i)  the
business  and  affairs of the corporation shall be managed  under
the  direction of the Board, and (ii) the Board shall have  full,
exclusive and absolute power, control and authority over any  and
all  property of the Corporation.  The Board may take any  action
as   in  its  sole  judgment  and  discretion  is  necessary   or
appropriate   to  conduct  the  business  and  affairs   of   the
Corporation   without   any  action  by   shareholders   of   the
Corporation, on behalf of the Corporation.

     Section  5.2.    Vacancies.   Except  as  may  be  expressly
provided  by law, newly created directorships resulting from  any
increase  in the authorized number of directors or any  vacancies
in  the  Board  resulting  from death,  resignation,  retirement,
disqualification,  removal from office or other  cause  shall  be
filled by a majority vote of the directors then in office.

     Section  5.3.   Removal.  Subject to the rights, if any,  of
holders  of one or more classes or series of Preferred  Stock  to
elect  one or more directors, any director, or the entire  Board,
may  be  removed from office at any time, but only for cause  and
only  by the affirmative vote of the holders of at least  80%  of
the voting power of all of the shares of the Corporation entitled
to  vote  generally in the election of directors, voting together
as a single class.

     Section  5.4.   Amendment, Repeal.  Notwithstanding anything
contained in these Articles to the contrary, the affirmative vote
of  the holders of at least 80% of the voting power of all of the
shares  of  the  Corporation entitled to vote  generally  in  the
election  of directors, voting together as a single class,  shall
be required to alter, amend or repeal this Article 5.

                           ARTICLE 6
                  Meetings of the Shareholders

     Section  6.1.    Place of Meetings.  All meetings  of  share
holders of the Corporation shall be held at such place, within or
without  the  State  of  Indiana, as  may  be  specified  in  the
respective notices or waivers of notice thereof.

     Section 6.2.   Annual Meeting.  The annual meeting of  share
holders  for  the  purpose of electing directors and  transacting
such other business as may properly come before the meeting shall
be set each year by resolution of the Board.  Failure to hold the
annual meeting shall not work any forfeiture or a dissolution  of
the Corporation or affect the validity of any corporate action.

     Section  6.3.   Special Meetings.  Special meetings  of  the
shareholders may be called by the Chief Executive Officer  or  by
the Board.

     Section 6.4.   Notice of Meetings and Waiver.  A written  or
printed  notice, stating the place, day and hour of the  meeting,
and  in  case  of a special meeting the purpose or  purposes  for
which the meeting is called, shall be delivered or mailed by  the
Secretary  or  by the Chief Executive Officer or persons  calling
the  meeting, to each shareholder of the Corporation at the  time
entitled to vote, at such address as appears upon the records  of
the  Corporation,  no  fewer than ten nor more  than  sixty  days
before  the date of the meeting.  Notice of any such meeting  may
be waived in writing by any shareholder, before or after the date
and  time stated in the notice, if the waiver is delivered to the
Corporation  for  inclusion in the minutes for  filing  with  the
corporate  records.  Attendance at a meeting,  in  person  or  by
proxy, waives objection to lack of notice or defective notice  of
the  meeting  unless  the shareholder at  the  beginning  of  the
meeting  objects  to  holding  the  meeting  or  transacting  the
business at the meeting.  Further, a shareholder's attendance  at
a  meeting  waives  objection to consideration  of  a  particular
matter  at the meeting that is not within the purpose or purposes
described in the meeting notice unless the shareholder objects to
considering the matter when it is presented.

     Section 6.5.   Voting at Meetings.

          Clause  (a).     Voting  Rights.  Except  as  otherwise
     provided by law or by the provisions of the Articles,  every
     holder  of  Common Stock of the Corporation shall  have  the
     right at all meetings of the shareholders of the Corporation
     to  one vote for each share of Common Stock standing in  his
     name on the books of the Corporation.

          Clause (b).    Proxies.  A shareholder may vote, either
     in person or by proxy executed as provided by the Act by the
     shareholder or a duly authorized attorney-in-fact.  No proxy
     shall be valid after eleven (11) months, unless a shorter or
     longer time is expressly provided in the appointment form.

          Clause (c).    Quorum.  At any meeting of shareholders,
     a majority of the shares outstanding and entitled to vote on
     the  business to be transacted at such meeting,  represented
     in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum.

     Section 6.6.   Action by Shareholders Without Meeting.   Any
action  required or permitted to be taken at any meeting  of  the
shareholders  may  be taken without a meeting if  the  action  is
taken  by all shareholders entitled to vote on the action and  is
evidenced  by one or more written consents describing the  action
taken,  signed by all shareholders entitled to vote on the action
and delivered to the Corporation for inclusion in the minutes for
filing with the Corporation's records.

     Section  6.7.    Participation in Meetings by Means  of  Con
ference   or   Other  Similar  Communications   Equipment.    Any
shareholder  may participate in an annual or special  meeting  of
the  shareholders  by,  or  through the  use  of,  any  means  of
communication   by  which  all  shareholders  participating   may
simultaneously hear each other during the meeting.  A shareholder
participating  in such a meeting by this means is  deemed  to  be
present in person at the meeting.

                           ARTICLE 7

     Section 7.1.   Definitions.  Terms defined in Chapter 37  of
the  Act  (IND. CODE  23-1-37, et seq.) which are  used  in  this
Article  7 shall have the same definitions for purposes  of  this
Article  7  they  have  in such chapter of the  Indiana  Business
Corporation Law.

     Section  7.2.    Indemnification of Directors and  Officers.
The  Corporation shall indemnify any individual who is or  was  a
director  or officer of the Corporation, or is or was serving  at
the request of the Corporation as a director, officer, partner or
trustee  of another foreign or domestic corporation, partnership,
joint  venture, trust, employee benefit plan or other  enterprise
whether  or  not  for  profit, against  liability  and  expenses,
including attorneys fees, incurred by him in any action, suit, or
proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investiga
tive,  and  whether formal or informal, in which he  is  made  or
threatened  to be made a party by reason of being or having  been
in  any  such  capacity, or arising out of his  status  as  such,
except  (i)  in  the  case  of any action,  suit,  or  proceeding
terminated  by  judgment, order, or conviction,  in  relation  to
matters as to which he is adjudged to have breached or failed  to
perform  the  duties of his office and the breach or  failure  to
perform constituted willful misconduct or recklessness; and  (ii)
in  any other situation, in relation to matters as to which it is
found by a majority of a committee composed of all directors  not
involved  in the matter in controversy (whether or not a  quorum)
that  the person breached or failed to perform the duties of  his
office  and the breach or failure to perform constituted  willful
misconduct  or  recklessness.  The Corporation  may  pay  for  or
reimburse  reasonable expenses incurred by a director or  officer
in  defending any action, suit, or proceeding in advance  of  the
final  disposition thereof upon receipt of (i) a written  affirma
tion  of the director's or officer's good faith belief that  such
director or officer has met the standard of conduct prescribed by
Indiana  law; and (ii) an undertaking of the director or  officer
to  repay  the amount paid by the Corporation if it is ultimately
determined  that  the  director or officer  is  not  entitled  to
indemnification by the Corporation.

     Section 7.3.   Other Employees or Agents of the Corporation.
The  Corporation  may, in the discretion of the Board,  fully  or
partially   provide  the  same  rights  of  indemnification   and
reimbursement as hereinabove provided for directors and  officers
of the Corporation to other individuals who are or were employees
or  agents of the Corporation or who are or were serving  at  the
request  of  the  Corporation as employees or agents  of  another
foreign  or  domestic  corporation, partnership,  joint  venture,
trust,  employee benefit plan or other enterprise whether or  not
for profit.

     Section  7.4.   Nonexclusive Provision.  The indemnification
authorized under this Article 7 is in addition to all  rights  to
indemnification  granted by Chapter 37  of  the  Act  (IND.  CODE
23-1-37,  et  seq.)  and  in  no way limits  the  indemnification
provisions of such Chapter.

                           ARTICLE 8
          Provisions for Certain Business Combinations

     Section 8.1    Vote Required.

          Clause   (a).     Higher  Vote  for  Certain   Business
     Combinations.  In addition to any affirmative vote  required
     by  law or these Articles, and except as otherwise expressly
     provided in Section 8.2 of this Article 8:

               (1)   Any  merger or consolidation or any  similar
          transaction  of  the Corporation or any Subsidiary  (as
          hereinafter   defined)   with   (A)   any    Interested
          Shareholder (as hereinafter defined), or (B) any  other
          corporation  (whether  or  not  itself  an   Interested
          Shareholder)  which  is,  or  after  such   merger   or
          consolidation  would be, an Affiliate  (as  hereinafter
          defined) of an Interested Shareholder;

               (2)   Any sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge,
          transfer or other disposition (in one transaction or  a
          series  of  transactions) to  or  with  any  Interested
          Shareholder   or   any  Affiliate  of  any   Interested
          Shareholder  of  any assets of the Corporation  or  any
          Subsidiary having an aggregate Fair Market Value of Ten
          Million Dollars ($10,000,000) or more;

               (3)   The  issuance or transfer by the Corporation
          or  any  Subsidiary (in one transaction or a series  of
          transactions)  of any securities of the Corporation  or
          any  Subsidiary  to any Interested Shareholder  or  any
          Affiliate of any Interested Shareholder in exchange for
          cash,  securities or other property (or  a  combination
          thereof) having an aggregate  Fair Market Value of  Ten
          Million Dollars ($10,000,000) or more;

               (4)   The adoption of any plan or proposal for the
          liquidation or dissolution of the Corporation  proposed
          by  or  on behalf of an Interested Shareholder  or  any
          Affiliate of any Interested Shareholder; or

               (5)  Any reclassification of securities (including
          any  reverse stock split), or recapitalization  of  the
          Corporation,  or  any  merger or consolidation  of  the
          Corporation with any of its Subsidiaries or  any  other
          transaction  (whether or not with or into or  otherwise
          involving  an  Interested Shareholder)  which  has  the
          effect,  directly  or  indirectly,  of  increasing  the
          proportionate  share of the outstanding shares  of  any
          class  of  equity  or  convertible  securities  of  the
          Corporation  or  any Subsidiary which  is  directly  or
          indirectly owned by any Interested Shareholder  or  any
          Affiliate of any Interested Shareholder;

     shall  require  the affirmative vote of the  holders  of  at
     least 80% of the voting power of the then outstanding shares
     of  capital  stock  of  the  Corporation  entitled  to  vote
     generally in the election of directors (the "Voting Stock"),
     voting together as a single class (it being understood  that
     for  purposes  of this Article 8, each share of  the  Voting
     Stock  shall have the number of votes granted to it pursuant
     to  Article  4  of  these Articles).  Such affirmative  vote
     shall be required, notwithstanding the fact that no vote may
     be  required, or that a lesser percentage may be  specified,
     by  law  or  in  any agreement with any national  securities
     exchange or otherwise.

          Clause  (b).      Definition of "Business Combination."
     The  term  "Business Combination" as used in this Article  8
     shall  mean any transaction which is referred to in any  one
     or  more of paragraphs (1) through (5) of Clause (a) of this
     Section 8.1.

     Section  8.2.    When  Higher Vote  is  Not  Required.   The
provisions  of  Section  8.1  of this  Article  8  shall  not  be
applicable  to  any  particular Business  Combination,  and  such
Business Combination shall require only such affirmative vote  as
is  required by law and any other provision of these Articles, if
all  of  the  conditions  specified in either  of  the  following
Clauses (a) and (b) are met:

          Clause  (a).    Approval by Continuing Directors.   The
     Business  Combination shall have been approved by a majority
     of the Continuing Directors (as hereinafter defined).

          Clause  (b).    Price and Procedure Requirements.   All
     of the following conditions shall have been met:

               (1)  The aggregate amount of the cash and the Fair
          Market Value (as hereinafter defined) as of the date of
          the   consummation  of  the  Business  Combination   of
          consideration other than cash to be received per  share
          by holders of Common Stock in such Business Combination
          shall  be  at  least  equal  to  the  highest  of   the

                    (A)   The  highest per share price (including
               any  brokerage  commissions,  transfer  taxes  and
               soliciting  dealers' fees) paid by the  Interested
               Shareholders  for  any  shares  of  Common   Stock
               acquired  by  it  (i) within the  two-year  period
               immediately prior to the first public announcement
               of  the proposal of the Business Combination  (the
               "Announcement Date") or (ii) in the transaction in
               which   it   became  an  Interested   Shareholder,
               whichever is higher;

                    (B)   The  Fair  Market Value  Per  Share  of
               Common  Stock on the Announcement Date or  on  the
               date on which the Interested Shareholder became an
               Interested  Shareholder  (such  latter   date   is
               referred   to   in   this   Article   7   as   the
               "Determination Date"), whichever is higher; and

                    (C)   The  price per share equal to the  Fair
               Market  Value per share of Common Stock determined
               pursuant to Clause (b)(1)(B) above, multiplied  by
               the  ratio  of  (i) the highest  per  share  price
               (including  any  brokerage  commissions,  transfer
               taxes  and soliciting dealers' fees) paid  by  the
               Interested  Shareholder for any shares  of  Common
               Stock  acquired  by it within the two-year  period
               immediately prior to the Announcement Date to (ii)
               the Fair Market Value per share of Common Stock on
               the  first day in such two-year period upon  which
               the Interested Shareholder acquired any shares  of
               Common Stock.

               (2)  The aggregate amount of the cash and the Fair
          Market Value as of the date of the consummation of  the
          Business  Combination of consideration other than  cash
          to  be  received per share by holders of shares of  any
          other class or series of outstanding Voting Stock shall
          be  at least equal to the highest of the following  (it
          being  intended  that the requirements of  this  Clause
          (b)(2)  shall  be  required to be met with  respect  to
          every class of outstanding Voting Stock whether or  not
          the  Interested Shareholder has previously acquired any
          Shares of a particular class of Voting Stock):

                    (A)   The  highest per share price (including
               any  brokerage  commissions,  transfer  taxes  and
               soliciting  dealers' fees) paid by the  Interested
               Shareholder for any shares of such class of Voting
               Stock  acquired  by  it (i)  within  the  two-year
               period immediately prior to the Announcement  Date
               or  (ii) in the transaction in which it became  an
               Interested Shareholder, whichever is higher;

                    (B)   The  highest  preferential  amount  per
               share to which the holders of shares of such class
               of  Voting Stock are entitled in the event of  any
               voluntary  or involuntary liquidation, dissolution
               or winding up of the Corporation;

                    (C)   The Fair Market Value per share of such
               class of Voting Stock on the Announcement Date  or
               on  the  Determination Date, whichever is  higher;

                    (D)   The  price per share equal to the  Fair
               Market  Value  per share of such class  of  Voting
               Stock  determined  pursuant  to  Clause  (b)(2)(C)
               above,  multiplied by the ratio of (i) the highest
               per   share   price   (including   any   brokerage
               commissions,   transfer   taxes   and   soliciting
               dealers'  fees) paid by the Interested Shareholder
               for  any  shares  of such class  of  Voting  Stock
               acquired   by   it  within  the  two-year   period
               immediately prior to the Announcement Date or (ii)
               the  Fair Market Value per share of such class  of
               Voting  Stock  on the first day in  such  two-year
               period   upon  which  the  Interested  Shareholder
               acquired any shares of such class of Voting Stock;

               (3)   The  consideration to be received by holders
          of  a  particular  class  of outstanding  Voting  Stock
          (including  Common Stock) shall be in cash  or  in  the
          same  form as the Interested Shareholder has previously
          paid for shares of such class of Voting Stock.  If  the
          Interested Shareholder has paid for shares of any class
          of  Voting  Stock with varying forms of  consideration,
          the  form  of  consideration for such class  of  Voting
          Stock  shall be either cash or the form used to acquire
          the  largest number of shares of such class  of  Voting
          Stock previously acquired by it.

               (4)   After such Interested Shareholder has become
          an Interested Shareholder and prior to the consummation
          of such Business Combination:

                    (A)   except as approved by a majority of the
               Continuing  Directors, there shall  have  been  no
               failure  to  declare and pay at the  regular  date
               therefor any full quarterly dividends (whether  or
               not   cumulative)  on  any  outstanding  Preferred

                    (B)   there  shall have been (i) no reduction
               in the annual rate of dividends paid on the Common
               Stock   (except  as  necessary  to   reflect   any
               subdivision  of  the  Common  Stock),  except   as
               approved   by   a   majority  of  the   Continuing
               Directors,  and  (ii) an increase in  such  annual
               rate  of  dividends as necessary  to  reflect  any
               reclassification  (including  any  reverse   stock
               split),  recapitalization, reorganization  or  any
               similar  transaction  which  has  the  effect   of
               reducing the number of outstanding shares  of  the
               Common  Stock, unless the failure so  to  increase
               such annual rate is approved by a majority of  the
               Continuing Directors; and

                    (C)   such Interested Shareholder shall  have
               not  become the beneficial owner of any additional
               shares  of  Voting Stock except  as  part  of  the
               transaction  which  results  in  such   Interested
               Shareholder becoming an Interested Shareholder.

               (5)   After such Interested Shareholder has become
          an  Interested Shareholder, such Interested Shareholder
          shall  not  have  received  the  benefit,  directly  or
          indirectly  (except proportionately as a  shareholder),
          of  any  loans, advances, guarantees, pledges or  other
          financial  assistance or any tax credits or  other  tax
          advantages  provided  by  the Corporation,  whether  in
          anticipation  of  or in connection with  such  Business
          Combination or otherwise.

               (6)   A  proxy or information statement describing
          the  proposed  Business Combination and complying  with
          the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
          and  the  rules  and  regulations  thereunder  (or  any
          subsequent  provisions replacing  such  act,  rules  or
          regulations)  shall  be mailed to shareholders  of  the
          Corporation  at least 30 days prior to the consummation
          of such Business Combination (whether or not such proxy
          or  information  statement is  required  to  be  mailed
          pursuant to such act or subsequent provisions).

     Section  8.3.    Certain Definitions.  For the  purposes  of
this Article 8:

          Clause (a).    A "person" shall include any individual,
     firm, corporation or other entity.  When two or more persons
     act  as  a  partnership, limited partnership, syndicate,  or
     other group for the purpose of acquiring voting stock of the
     Company,  such  partnership, syndicate  or  group  shall  be
     deemed a "person."

          Clause (b).    "Interested Shareholder" shall mean  any
     person (other than the Corporation or any Subsidiary) who or

               (1)    is   the  beneficial  owner,  directly   or
          indirectly, of more than 10% of the voting power of the
          outstanding Voting Stock;

               (2)  is an Affiliate of the Corporation and at any
          time  within the two-year period immediately  prior  to
          the date in question was the beneficial owner, directly
          or  indirectly, of 10% or more of the voting  power  of
          the then outstanding Voting Stock; or

               (3)   Is an assignee of or has otherwise succeeded
          to  any  shares of Voting Stock which were at any  time
          within  the  two-year period immediately prior  to  the
          date  in  question beneficially owned by any Interested
          Shareholder,  if  such assignment or  succession  shall
          have  occurred in the course of a transaction or series
          of  transactions not involving a public offering within
          the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933.

          Clause  (c).    A person shall be a "beneficial  owner"
     of any Voting Stock:

               (1)  which such person or any of its Affiliates or
          Associates (as hereinafter defined) beneficially  owns,
          directly or indirectly;

               (2)  which such person or any of its Affiliates or
          Associates  has (A) the right to acquire (whether  such
          right  is  exercisable immediately or  only  after  the
          passage   of   time),   pursuant  to   any   agreement,
          arrangement  or understanding or upon the  exercise  of
          conversion   rights,  exchange  rights,   warrants   or
          options,  or  otherwise,  or  (B)  the  right  to  vote
          pursuant    to    any   agreement,    arrangement    or
          understanding; or

               (3)   which  are beneficially owned,  directly  or
          indirectly, by any other person with which such  person
          or   any  of  its  Affiliates  or  Associates  has  any
          agreement, arrangement or understanding for the purpose
          of  acquiring,  holding, voting  or  disposing  of  any
          shares of Voting Stock.

          Clause (d).    For the purpose of determining whether a
     person  is an Interested Shareholder pursuant to Clause  (b)
     of  this  Section 8.3, the number of shares of Voting  Stock
     deemed  to be outstanding shall include shares deemed  owned
     through  application of Clause (c) of this Section 8.3,  but
     shall not include any other shares of Voting Stock which may
     be  issuable  pursuant  to  any  agreement,  arrangement  or
     understanding,  or  upon  exercise  of  conversion   rights,
     warrants or options, or otherwise.

          Clause  (e).    "Affiliate" or "Associate"  shall  have
     the respective meanings ascribed to such terms in Rule 12b-2
     of  the  General Rules and Regulations under the  Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

          Clause  (f).     "Subsidiary" means any corporation  of
     which  a majority of any class of equity security is  owned,
     directly   or  indirectly,  by  the  Corporation;  provided,
     however,  that  for  the  purposes  of  the  definition   of
     Interested  Shareholders set forth in  Clause  (b)  of  this
     Section  8.3,  the  term  "Subsidiary"  shall  mean  only  a
     corporation  of  which a majority of each  class  of  equity
     security   is   owned,  directly  or  indirectly,   by   the

          Clause  (g).    "Continuing Director" means any  member
     of the Board of the Corporation who is unaffiliated with the
     Interested  Shareholder and was a member of the Board  prior
     to  the  time  that  the  Interested Shareholder  became  an
     Interested  Shareholder, and any successor of  a  Continuing
     Director who is unaffiliated with the Interested Shareholder
     and  is  recommended to succeed a Continuing Director  by  a
     majority of Continuing Directors then on the Board.

          Clause (h).    "Fair Market Value" means:

               (1)   In  the  case of stock, the highest  closing
          sale   price   during  the  30-day  period  immediately
          preceding the date in question of a share of such stock
          on  the  Composite  Tape for New  York  Stock  Exchange
          listed  stock,  or if such stock is not quoted  on  the
          Composite Tape, on the New York Stock Exchange, or,  if
          such  stock  is  not listed on such  Exchange,  on  the
          principal  United States securities exchange registered
          under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 on which such
          stock is listed, or, if such stock is not listed on any
          such  exchange, the highest closing bid quotation  with
          respect  to  a  share of such stock during  the  30-day
          period  preceding the date in question on the  National
          Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quota
          tions  System or any system then in use, or if no  such
          quotation of a share of such stock as determined by the
          Board in good faith; and

               (2)   In  the case of property other than cash  or
          stock,  the fair market value of such property  on  the
          date  in  question as determined by the Board  in  good

          Clause (i).    In the event of any Business Combination
     in   which  the  Corporation  survives,  the  phrase  "other
     consideration to be received" as used in Clauses (b)(1)  and
     (2)  of  Section  8.2 of this Article 8  shall  include  the
     shares of Common Stock and/or the shares of any other  class
     of outstanding Voting Stock by the holders of such shares.

     Section  8.4.    Powers of the Board.   A  majority  of  the
directors  of the Corporation shall have the power  and  duty  to
determine  for the purposes of this Article 8, on  the  basis  of
information known to them after reasonable inquiry, (a) whether a
person is an Interested Shareholder, (b) the number of shares  of
Voting  Stock  beneficially owned by any person,  (c)  whether  a
person  is  an Affiliate or Associate of another and (d)  whether
the  assets  which  are  the subject of any Business  Combination
have,  or  the consideration to be received for the  issuance  or
transfer  of  securities by the Corporation or any Subsidiary  in
any  Business Combination has, an aggregate Fair Market Value  of
Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) or more.

     Section  8.5.    No  Effect  on  Fiduciary  Obligations   of
Interested  Shareholders.  Nothing contained in  this  Article  8
shall be construed to relieve any Interested Shareholder from any
fiduciary obligation imposed by law.

     Section 8.6.   Amendment, Repeal, etc.  Notwithstanding  any
other  provisions  of  these  Articles  or  the  By-Laws  of  the
Corporation   (and  notwithstanding  the  fact  that   a   lesser
percentage may be specified by law, these Articles or the By-Laws
of  the Corporation), the affirmative vote of the holders of  80%
or more of the voting power of the shares of the then outstanding
Voting  Stock,  voting  together as  a  single  class,  shall  be
required  to  amend  or repeal, or adopt provisions  inconsistent
with, this Article 8 of these Articles.