
Joint News Release                               Contact Information Below

            Consumer Groups and Utilities Announce Proposed Agreement
                      on Gas Supply Services from ProLiance

April 23, 2002 (Indianapolis, Ind.) -- Today Citizens Gas & Coke Utility
(Citizens), Vectren Energy Delivery of Indiana, Inc. (Vectren), the Indiana
Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC), the Citizens Action Coalition
(CAC), and a group of industrial customers filed an agreement in principle at
the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (Commission) setting forth the basic
framework for an anticipated overall settlement of numerous pending issues
related to ProLiance Energy, LLC (ProLiance). The parties' final agreement, if
approved by the Commission, would bring closure to over six years of litigation
related to Citizens' and Vectren's receipt of gas supply services from

Created as a joint venture of Citizens and Vectren in 1996, ProLiance represents
a gas supply alliance designed to reduce the utilities' gas costs, as well as
operate as a competitive natural gas marketer to larger commercial and
industrial customers throughout Indiana and the Midwest. While both consumer
parties and the utilities were able to agree that the alliance between the
utilities created significant benefits, the parties disagreed on a number of
issues including how such benefits should be shared between the utilities and
their customers. These disagreements led to a complaint at the Commission in
1996. The Commission found in 1997 that the agreements were in the public
interest, a finding approved by the Indiana Supreme Court in 2000. Some gas
supply services issues, however, remained unresolved and still remain pending
before the Commission today.

"We have had a continuing interest in ensuring that customers receive their
rightful share of these benefits," said Anne E. Becker, Indiana's Utility
Consumer Counselor and the statutory representative of Indiana utility
customers. "This agreement in principle sets the stage for a detailed settlement
that represents a reasonable compromise on these long-standing issues."

Under the agreement, customers of Citizens and Vectren would receive later this
year a gas cost refund of up to $15 million less legal fees and expenses.
Customers would also begin to realize this year additional annual benefits of
$2.2 million in reduced fees and costs under the proposal. These reductions add
to significant savings that already are being realized by customers. Further,
the agreement provides that consumers will share on a 50/50 basis with the
utilities in certain additional cost savings related to gas purchases.

"From the start, the ProLiance story has been about savings that otherwise would
not exist, and sharing them with our customers, as well as creating a successful
energy marketer," said Vectren President and Chief Operating Officer Andrew E.
Goebel. "We are pleased to be able to participate in this beneficial arrangement
with the OUCC, CAC and other customers."

"We're pleased to have reached an agreement that benefits our customers," said
David N. Griffiths, Citizens' President and Chief Executive Officer. "ProLiance
not only helps Citizens Gas hold down costs, but it has become a successful
company that is actively engaged in the Indianapolis community."

Apart from the immediate refund and cost reductions, the agreement also provides
for ProLiance's continued role as the provider of gas supply services to the
utilities. If the proposal is approved by the Commission, ProLiance also will
commence supplying gas to Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company. Significant
terms of the agreement include:

          1.   The utilities' natural gas will be purchased through a gas cost
               incentive mechanism that shares price risk and reward between the
               utilities and customers;

          2.   Beginning in 2004, ProLiance will provide the utilities with an
               interstate pipeline transport and storage service price discount,
               thus providing additional savings to customers;

          3.   As ProLiance continues to provide the utilities with its supply
               services as planned, Citizens and Vectren will together annually
               provide $2 million per year in customer benefits in 2003, 2004
               and 2005; and

          4.   In 2006, the utilities will conduct a competitive bidding process
               for gas supply services commencing in 2007. ProLiance will be a
               competitive bidder in this process.

According to CAC's Executive Director, Christopher Williams, "It has been a long
and difficult process to achieve an arrangement among Vectren, Citizens Gas and
Proliance that is fair to Indiana consumers as well as utility shareholders and
managers. I am gratified that we have finally achieved that result with the
Agreement in Principle, reached after six years of complex litigation. My Board
of Directors is especially pleased that Vectren and Citizens Gas have recognized
and responded to the legitimate interests of their retail customers in the
Proliance venture. Consequently, the Coalition will work with the other parties
toward prompt completion and approval of the final Settlement."

For Additional Information:
Chris Williams, Citizens Action Coalition - (317) 205-3535 Laura Musall,
Citizens Gas and Coke Utility - (317) 927-4718 Anthony Swinger, Indiana Office
of Utility Consumer Counselor - (317) 233-2747 Briane House, ProLiance Energy -
(317) 231-6824 Mike Roeder, Vectren - (812) 491-4143