Ex 99.1


                                                             Vectren Corporation
                                                              One Vectren Square
                                                            Evansville, IN 47708
June 15, 2005


Media contact:    Mike Roeder 812-491-4143 or mroeder@vectren.com
Investor contact: Steve Schein 812-491-4209 or sschein@vectren.com

           Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio to Challenge PUCO Decision

Evansville, Ind. -- Tuesday, in a 3 to 2 decision, the Public Utilities
Commission of Ohio (PUCO) issued an order in Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio's
(VEDO) Gas Cost Recovery (GCR) audit proceeding for the period of November 2000
- - October 2002 disallowing the recovery of approximately $9.6 million of gas
costs relating to that audit period. VEDO is a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Vectren Corporation (NYSE:VVC).

The ordered disallowance falls primarily into three categories. The first
relates to the treatment of approximately $1.3 million of interstate pipeline
refunds and penalties. At the time of the hearing in this case in January of
2004 VEDO agreed that this amount should be credited to sales customers and VEDO
concurs with this part of the decision. The second relates to approximately $4.5
million of costs for winter delivery services that VEDO purchased to ensure it
could reliably serve its sales customers over the two year period. VEDO
purchased these services in accordance with industry practice and consistent
with PUCO approved gas supply forecasts. Finally, the PUCO ordered that VEDO's
portfolio administrator, ProLiance Energy, LLC (ProLiance), should have paid an
additional $3.8 million to VEDO, which would have served as an offset to gas
costs, for the right to use VEDO's gas transportation capacity during periods
when it is not required for serving VEDO's customers. The PUCO also directed
VEDO to either submit its receipt of portfolio administration services to a
request for proposal process or to in-source those functions at VEDO. VEDO
believes that the PUCO's determinations relating to the winter delivery services
and the portfolio administration agreement are not well founded and VEDO intends
to challenge the determinations.

"We are very disappointed with the PUCO's decision since we believe that our
actions were in line with industry standards, appropriate market values for
similar services, PUCO approved supply forecasts, and were supported by
substantial evidence in the record," said Steve Bramlage, VEDO's President.

Vectren management continues to review the decision and based upon an initial
analysis expects to record an additional pretax charge of $2 to $4 million or
approximately $.02 to $.03 per share over the amount previously recorded. This
additional charge reflects management's assessment of the impact of the
decision, comprehends any current impact of the decision on subsequent audit
periods, and an assumption relative to a sharing in any final disallowance by
Vectren's partner in ProLiance. Prior to the finalization of the financial
results for Vectren's second fiscal quarter, management will further analyze the
decision. Notwithstanding the additional charge, Vectren management believes
that there exists a sound basis to challenge the aspects of the decision
discussed above and VEDO will timely request the PUCO to rehear the decision.
Vectren management also believes that any change to the existing portfolio
administration agreement between ProLiance and VEDO will not be material to
Vectren's future earnings.

Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements

This document contains forward-looking statements, which are based on
management's beliefs and assumptions that derive from information currently
known by management. Vectren wishes to caution readers that actual results could
differ materially from those contained in this document. Additional detailed
information concerning a number of factors that could cause actual results to
differ materially from the information that is provided to you is readily
available in our report Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission on March 2, 2005.

About Vectren

Vectren Corporation is an energy and applied technology holding company
headquartered in Evansville, Indiana. Vectren's energy delivery subsidiaries
provide gas and/or electricity to over one million customers in adjoining
service territories that cover nearly two-thirds of Indiana and west central
Ohio. Vectren's non-regulated subsidiaries and affiliates currently offer
energy-related products and services to customers throughout the Midwest and
southeast. These include gas marketing and related services; coal production and
sales; and utility infrastructure services. ProLiance Energy, LLC is a natural
gas marketer headquartered in Indianapolis, Ind. and is jointly owned by
affiliates of Citizens Gas and Coke Utility and Vectren Corporation. To learn
more about Vectren, visit http://www.vectren.com.