This Amended and Restated Non-Exclusive License Agreement (hereinafter
called the "Agreement" or "License") is effective the 5th day of March, 1998, by
and  between  (IOM)  Limited ("CIOM or "Licensor"), an Isle of Man
corporation,  and  International  Gaming  LTD.  ("IG"  or  "Licensee"),  a Nevis


          WHEREAS,  CIOM  and/or  its  affiliates through contractual agreements
with  third parties develops gaming software, transaction systems for verifiable
events  wagering, and has developed valuable technology, software, technical and
support  know  how  and  related  expertise  known  as  CR  Netbook  .

          WHEREAS,  IG  desires to license software, and wishes to enter into an
agreement  with  CIOM  for  CIOM  and/or  its   affiliates  through  contractual
agreements with third parties to market the services of a sports gaming facility
pursuant  to  which  IG  intends  to operate and market the services of a sports
gaming  facility  that  provides  wagering opportunities on verifiable events in

     WHEREAS,  CIOM  and/or  its  affiliates through contractual agreements with
third  parties  provides  services  in  order  for  the  licensee to operate and
maintain  its  own  call  center.

          NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the foregoing premises and the
covenants  and  agreements  recited  in  this  Agreement  and for other good and
valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency   of  which  is  hereby
acknowledged  by  each  Party,  the  Parties  hereby  agree  as  follows:



          1.1     Software,  shall  mean computer-readable programs for computer
operating  systems  or  specific  applications.

          1.2     Hardware,  shall  mean  the  equipment and fixtures with which
software  is  used.

          1.3     Website,  shall  mean Licensee's CR Netbook domain, accessible
as  a  website via the Internet at a URL to be named by IG, or such other URL as
may be necessary to operate the IG Sportsbook on a Server to be located in Costa
Rica  or  such  other  location(s)  as  CIOM and Licensee may reasonably select.
Nothing in this definition shall be construed as giving CIOM any rights, tide or
legal ownership of, control or say of any nature over the Website of IG, whether
or  not  the IG website is hosted on equipment owned and managed by CIOM. IG has
absolute  ownership  and  control  over  any  of  its  Uniform Resource Locators
("URL's")  and  the  entire  website  and  customer  database.

          1.4     Internet, shall mean a network of computer networks accessible
through  telephonic or other means by computer for specific uses, including, but
not  limited  to  recreational activities, such as games, wagering, betting, and
related  support  activities.

          1.5     Platforms,  shall  mean  the  equipment,  programs,  and
telecommunications  network  access  necessary  for  the  provision  of specific
telecommunication  network  activities,  including  but  not  limited  to games,
activities,  and  other  specific  uses.

          1.6     Network(s),  shall  mean  a  system(s)  by  which  individual
computer  operators  may communicate with one another via telephonic or wireless

          1.7     On-Line  Operating  System(s),  shall mean that software which
supports  communication  and  specific  applications  over one or more networks.

          1.8     Proprietary  Technology,  shall  mean  that  CIOM's  Know-How,
whether  patented  or  unpatented,  registered  or  unregistered, copyrighted or
uncopyrighted,  confidential or in the public domain, or acquired by assignment,
license,  or  other  means.  The  term Proprietary Technology shall include, but
shall  not  be  limited  to CIOM's CR Netbook~ On-line Sportsbook management and
delivery  system.

          1.9     IG  Sportsbook,  shall   mean   Licensee's   unique   software
application(s) derived from Licensor's CR Netbook(TM) template, operating on the

          1.10  Gaming, shall MEAN THE USE OF gaming SOFTWARE AND TRANSACTION
systems for  verifiable  events  wagering.

          1.11   On-Line  Wagering,  shall mean  Gaming  activities of any kind
performed over Network(s)

          1.12 Content  Provider,  shall  mean the Licensee of a website derived
from  the  CR  Netbook  (TM)  template.

          1.13     Process,  means  the  process.  method,  procedure, sequence,
steps,  or  use  of  apparatus  including, in whole or in part, Licensor's Trade
Secrets  and  Know-How.

          1.14     Trade  Secrets,  means  the  process,  drawings,  engineering
designs,  computations,  specifications,   materials,   customer  lists,  vendor
sources, formulas and any and all other secrets owned by Licensor to the method,
Process  and  equipment necessary to enable Licensee to use the CR Netbook~ as a
Content  Provider.

          1.15     Know-how,  means  the  knowledge,  skills,  and experience of
Licensor  to the method, Process, and equipment to make available the CR Netbook
(TM)  application.

          1.16     URL,  shall  mean  Uniform  Resource  Location.

          1.17     Server,  shall  mean  a   computer   Hardware   system   with
communications  capabilities  to  support   the   On-Line  Operating  System(s).

          1.18     CR  NetbookTM,  shall  mean On-line Sportsbook management and
delivery  Software applications as demonstrated as of the date of this Agreement
or  reasonable variations thereof, and use by On-Line Operating System access of
any  other.  Such  Software  shall be the template by which a unique identity IG
Sportsbook  shall  be  developed  by  CIOM  for  Licensee.

                                   ARTICLE II

                                   THE LICENSE

          2.1     Grant  of  Nonexclusive  license.  In  consideration  of  IG's
payment  of  license fees described in Section 2.2 below, and for other good and
valuable  consideration,  CIOM grants to IG (a) a nonexclusive right and license
to  use  the  Proprietary  Technology as a Content Provider at a single Internet

          2.2     license Fee. IG shall pay to CIOM a license fee of US$ 125,000
in  U.S.  funds  and  shall  be  payable  in  kind  as  follows:

               2.2.1     US$  22,500  by  March  20,  1998,

               2.2.2     US$45,000  by  April  20,1998,

               2.2.3     US$57,500  by  May  20,1998.

          2.3     Covenant  Not  to  Compete.  At  all  times  during  and after
termination of this License, IG shall not disclose to any other party any of the
CIOM's  Proprietary  Technology.

                                   ARTICLE Ill
                                   ------- ---

                         --------------- --- ----------

     3.1     Licensor's  duties  under  this  Agreement shall not be enforceable
until  the  Licensee  shall  have  satisfied  its  due  diligence  obligations,
represents  and  warrants  and  other  undertakings  as  follows:

          3.1.1     IG's  completion  of  all  steps necessary to consummate the
payments  specified  in  Paragraph  2.2.

          3.1.2     Licensee's  execution  of the Operating and Revenue Sharing,
Management  Services  Agreement.

          3.1.3     Licensee's  commitment  to  develop a professional marketing
plan  to  be  developed and implemented by Licensee at its sole cost and expense

          3.1.4     Execution  by  IG,  of  CIOM's  Non-Disclosure  Agreement.

          3.1.5     IG's written confirmation that all publicity, press releases
and public announcements that mention CIOM or its proprietary products, shall be
subject  to  the  prior  written  approval  of  CIOM.
          3.1.6     Certifications  by IG and CIOM that they are corporations in
good  standing  and  validly  existing  under  the  laws  of  their  respective
jurisdictions  of  incorporation.

          3.1.7     Certifications  by  IG  and CIOM that their actions entering
this  License  have been duly authorized by their respective boards of directors
and  any  governmental  agencies  of  any kind having jurisdiction over them and
their  activities.

          3.1.8     Certifications  by  IG  and  CIOM  that  their entering this
Agreement  will not violate any other agreements of any kind to which they are a
party,  and  that  this  Agreement  will  be  enforceable  by  its  terms.

          3.2     Licensee's  duties  under  this  Agreement  shall  not  be
enforceable  until  CIOM  shall  have  satisfied  its due diligence obligations,
represents  and  warrants  and  other  undertakings  as  follows:

          3.2.1     CIOM  represents that: (i) it is protected from unauthorized
disclosure  the  Proprietary  Technology;  (Ii)  it  has  not revealed the Trade
Secrets  and  Know-How  to anyone who has not agreed to observe the confidential
nature  of  such  Proprietary Technology; (iii) its service marks and copyrights
are free of any known infringement or any known dilution by others, and; (iv) it
is  the sole owner of such Proprietary Technology and has the right to grant the
nonexclusive  license  described  in this Agreement, the execution of which will
not  violate  any  other  agreement  to  which  CIOM  is  a  party.

                                   ARTICLE IV
                                   ------- --
                 ---- ---------- --------------- --- ----------

          4.1     Term.  This Agreement shall remain in force for a 99 year term
or  until  the  agreement  is  terminated.  Nothing  in  this Agreement shall be
construed  as  creating  an  exclusive right by either Party with respect to the
other  Party's  ongoing  activities.  Upgrades  and  support  are  covered under
separate  agreement.  CIOM  is  not  obligated  under  this agreement to provide
services  to  IG  other  than  those  specifically  defined  herein.

          4.2     Representations  by CIOM. CIOM represents that it has kept the
proprietary  technology  proprietary,  has  not  revealed  the Trade Secrets and
Know-How to anyone who has not agreed to observe the confidential nature of such
Proprietary  Technology,  its service marks and copyrights are free of any known
infringement  or  any  known  dilution  by  others, it is the sole owner of such
Proprietary  Technology  and  has  the  right  to grant the nonexclusive license
described  in  this Agreement, the execution of which will not violate any other
agreement  to  which  CIOM  is  a  party.

          4.3     Confidential  Information.  Each  Party  shall  treat  all
Confidential  Information  which  may  be  disclosed  by  the  other  Party (the
"Disclosing  Party")  to  the  Party  receiving such information (the "Receiving
Party")  as  confidential commercial property and shall not, during or after the
term  of  this  Agreement, use or disclose to others, except as provided in this
Agreement,  any  Confidential Information which may heretofore or hereafter come
within  the knowledge of the Receiving Party in performing its duties hereunder.
This  limitation  on disclosure shall extend to the substance of any discussions
concerning  the  Confidential  Information.  The foregoing shall not prevent the
Receiving Party (a) from making use of or disclosing other information which the
Receiving Party can show has become part of the public domain other than by acts
or  omissions of the Receiving Party; (b) which the Receiving Party can show has
been  furnished  to  him/her  by  third  parties  as  a matter of right, without
restriction on disclosure; (c) which the Receiving Party can show was in his/her
possession  prior  to disclosure of the information from the Disclosing Party to
the  Receiving  Party;  or  (d)  which  has to be disclosed to a court of law or
governmental  agency  as  a  mater  of law. (In the event of the occurrence of a
disclosure  pursuant  to  subparagraph (d), the Receiving Party agrees to notify
the  Disclosing  Party  promptly  of  the  disclosure  and  of the circumstances
concerning  the disclosure and agrees to take whatever legal steps are necessary
to  assist  the  Disclosing  Party in protecting the Confidential Information.).

          4.4     Warranties.  CIOM Disclaims ALL WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS,


     4.6     No  Liability  for  Consequential  Damages.  TO  THE MAXIMUM EXTENT

          4.7     No  Developments  by  Licensee.  Except  as  expressly  and
unambiguously provided in this Agreement and as conditions of Licensee's license
pursuant to this Agreement, Licensee represents, warrants and agrees: (1) not to
modify,  alter,  add  to, create any derivative work of, or include in any other
software  the Proprietary Technology or any portion thereof; (ii) not to reverse
assemble,  decompile,  or  otherwise  attempt  to  derive  source  code  (or the
underlying  ideas,  algorithms,  structure or organization) from the Proprietary
Technology;  (iii) to keep CIOM informed as to any problems encountered with the
Proprietary  Technology.  Licensee  agrees  to  conduct its business in a manner
which  favorably  reflects  upon  the Proprietary Technology. Licensee shall not
use,  in  the  performance  of  its  obligations  under  this  Agreement,  any
improvements  or  additions  to  or  in  support  of  the  Website  applications
considered  a part of the CR Netbook  (TM){ gaming system developed by or on its
behalf,  without  the  prior  written  consent  of  Licensor.

                                    ARTICLE V
                         Infringement AND RELATED ISSUES
                         ------------ --- ------- ------

          5.1     Protection  of Licensee Against Infringement by Others. Within
thirty  (30)  days  of  discovery,  IG  shall  notify  CIOM  in  writing  of any
infringement,  theft.,  or  dilution  of CIOM's Proprietary Technology. Provided
such  notification  is  received within thirty (30) days of its discovery by IG,
all  costs,  attorneys'  fees,  and  other  expenses  of  any  action,  suit, or
proceeding CIOM may initiate, unless collected from the person or entity against
whom such action, suit, or proceeding is brought, shall be borne by CIOM and all
damages  recovered  in  such action shall be paid to CIOM. IG shall cooperate in
any  way  necessary,  but  without expense to it, in the prosecution of any such
action,  suit,  or  proceeding.  If  IG  fails to provide such notice in writing
within  thirty  (30)  days, ft shall reimburse CIOM for CIOM's reasonable costs,
attorney's  fees, and other expenses of such action, suit, or proceeding, unless
CIOM  is otherwise reimbursed in full by the person or entity against whom it is

          5.2     Protection  of  Licensee  Against  Actions  for  Infringement.
Provided  Licensee  notifies  CIOM  in  writing  within  thirty (30) days of any
claims,  demands,  or  suits  against  Licensee,  based  upon  invalidity  of or
infringement  by  any Proprietary Technology licensed under this Agreement, CIOM
shall  indemnify,  hold  harmless,  and  defend  Licensee  from any such claims,
demands,  or  suits  against  Licensee.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                                   ------- --


          6.1     Obligations.  Each  party  shall  receive  and  hold  all
Confidential Information of the other party in confidence and shall exercise the
same  degree  of care to prevent the disclosure of such Confidential Information
as ft does to protect its own Confidential Information. As a minimum protection,
the  receiving  party  shall limit disclosure of Confidential Information to its
employees  having  a  need  to  know such information and shall not disclose the
Confidential  Information  of  the  other  party to any third party, individual,
corporation or other entity, without the prior written consent of the disclosing
party,  which  consent can be conditioned on such restrictions as the disclosing
party may specify. Each party's obligations under this Section shall survive the
termination  of  this  Agreement  and  shall  continue  so  long as the received
Confidential  Information remains Confidential Information within the meaning of
this  Agreement.

          6.2     Return  of  Confidential  Information. Within thirty (30) days
following  termination  or  expiration of this Agreement for whatever reason, at
the disclosing party's request the receiving party shall return the original and
all  copies  of  Confidential Information to the disclosing party, or certify in
writing  that  all  copies  have  been  destroyed.

          6.3     Inspection.  Every  party may, at its own expense, examine the
other  party's  applicable  records to verify that such party has satisfied such
party's  obligations  under  this  Section  6  relating  to  the  protection  of
Confidential Information. Each party agrees to make its records available to the
other  party  as  requested from time to time. No such examination shall be made
more  than  once  during  any  three-month  period.  The  audited party shall be
entitled  to  require  execution  of  nondisclosure  agreements  by  arty person
designated  to  perform  such  an  examination.

                                       ARTICLE  VII

                 ------- ------------ --- ----------- ---------

          7.1     System  Requirements.  CIOM  shall  design  and  deliver  on
Licensee's behalf turn-key Software and Hardware system to operate and support a
unique  On-line  IG  Sportsbook  at the Site accessible from the Internet or the
telephone.  The  system  shall  have  the  following  operating  features:

          7.2     Performance.  The functional specification will be designed so
as  to  ultimately  provide  for  the  support the following general capability,
subject  to  a  ramping  plan  for  implementation  that  shall  be  at the sole
discretion  of  CIOM  minimum  of  10,000  users.

          7.3     Language.  Version  1.0  of  the  IG  Sportsbook  Site  shall
communicate  by  the English language. For future versions of the IG Sportsbook,
CIOM  shall  reasonably  adapt IG's Sportsbook Site to other languages including
Japanese,  Chinese,  Spanish,  German,  and  Russian,  as may be financially and
technically  feasible,  at  the  sole  expense  of  1G.

          7.4     Customizing.  At  any  time  after  final acceptance by IG, at
Licensee's  request  and  sole  expense,  CIOM  shall  promptly  and  reasonably
customize  the  original  Site  and  Licensee's  IG  Sportsbook located them, by
additional programming. to create modifications and other requested changes. All
costs for adapting Licensee's IG Sportsbook Site shall be incurred pursuant to a
budget  agreed  to  by  the  Parties.

          7.5     Proprietary Data Bases. CIOM shall provide a reasonable system
design  to  create  proprietary  database(s)  of Clients who visit, register, or
wager  at  the  Site. The database(s) will include the ability to create a basic
set  of  reports,  including  the delivery to IG of the report writer associated
therewith,  necessary  to  rim  the  business  and as specifically agreed by the
Parties.  CIOM will maintain the database(s) and agrees that ft will not solicit
Licensee's  clients  or  sell,  disclose, or knowingly transmit, any proprietary
client  data to any third party without Licensee's written consent. CIOM further
agrees  not  to  contact,  attempt  to sell to or in any way conduct business or
initiate  a  direct  business  relationship of any nature with the clients of IG
without  the  express  written  consent  of  1G. IG acknowledges that ft will be
responsible  for  any  software licenses from any third party suppliers that are
needed  for the system to function. The proprietary database shall remain and be
the  sole  and  exclusive  property  of  1G.

          7.6     Contents.  Licensee shall be solely responsible for reasonably
approving  the  IG Sportsbook "contents" to be installed by CIOM for the benefit
of  Licensee.  The  system  will  be  played  from  a IG Sportsbook sitting on a
server(s)  in  Costa  Rica  and  Vancouver,  B.C.

          7.7     Specific  Event  Types.  CIOM  shall  provide  at  least  the
following  event  types:

          7.7.1     NFL  Football

          7.7.2     NCAA  College  Football

          7.7.3     NBA  Basketball

          7.7.4     NCAA  College  Basketball

          7.7.5     NHL  Ice  Hockey

          7.7.6     Major  League  Baseball

          7.7.7     Boxing

          7.7.8     Soccer

          7.8     The  System  shall  include  the  following  wagering  types:


     Game  Total

     Teasers  &  Parlays


     Point  spreads


     7.9     New  Event  Types.  CIOM shall promptly incorporate new event types
into the IG Sportsbook as may be reasonably requested by Licensee in writing and
as  included from time to time in the standard CIOM product family in the normal
course of business. Such event types shall be added at Licensee's expense unless
they  are  incorporated into the standard CIOM product family in which case they
will  be  provided  at  the  sole  expense  of  CIOM.

          7.10     Player Registration. CIOM shall provide online user access to
allow  users  to  register  electronically as prospective account holders of the
Site  and  to  review  all rules, terms, and conditions applicable to Gaming and
other uses on the Site. Basic reports will be available to IG in the database(s)
which  will  track  registration  activity.

          7.11     Maintenance. CIOM will provide general system maintenance for
the  term  of  this  agreement  at  its  sole  expense.

          7.12     Installation  Acceptance.  Prior  to  final acceptance by IG,
CIOM  will  perform  a  live session for Licensee demonstrating the features and
functions  of  the  system  which  shall  materially  comply with the functional
specifications  and  related  documentation  as  agreed  to  by  the  Parties.

          7.13     Software  System. CIOM shall provide software applications as
are  currently provided in the IG Sportsbook system and any updates available to
CIOM, and the demonstration IG Sportsbook system, which applications shall allow
various  systems  solutions,  including On-Line real time Gaming, generation and
reconciliation  of  wagering,  player  accounting,  and  reporting  such data to
Licensee  in a form and manner reasonably agreed between CIOM and Licensee. This
paragraph does not in anyway limit the intent of the IG Sportsbook gaming system
or  in  anyway  intend  that the IG Sportsbook gaming system shall be limited by
current  applications,  whether  developed  or  licensed by CIOM. CIOM agrees to
always  have  IG  supplied  with  its  most  current  online  gaming technology,
encompassed  by  both the applicable definition and intent of' the IG Sportsbook
gaming system, which may or may not include current software applications either
currently  developed  or  licensed  by  CIOM.

          7.14     Hardware.  Hardware  is  as  covered  under the Operating and
Revenue Sharing, Management Services. The Parties agree and acknowledge that the
ramping  plan,  and  the  costs  associated  therewith,  will  require  interim
implementation  prior to installation of a full-scale system contemplated by the
functional specification. Said ramping plan shall be implemented at the sole and
complete  discretion  of  CIOM.

          7.15     Interactive  Voice  Response  (IVR). CIOM may provide, at its
sole  discretionary  cost  and  expense, a software system and related equipment
necessary to operate a potential IVR system to be eventually integrated into the
Sportsbook  Site,  which  may  in  the future provide for users to access the IG
Sportsbook  using  a  telephone.

          7.16     Operation  and  Repair.  The  following performance standards
shall, apply to Licensor's obligations under this Agreement up until delivery to
IG  of  CIOM's  Notice  of Completion: CIOM shall provide an Internet Sportsbook
webpage  site  within  thirty  (30)  days  of  payment  in  full.

          7.17     Server(s).  CIOM  shall,  subject  to  a  ramping  plan to be
developed  by  CIOM  under  CIOM's  sole  discretionary  implementation, provide
sufficient  server  capacity, such that a minimum of 10,000 users simultaneously
of the IG Sportsbook may reasonably operate the applications contained in the IG
Sportsbook gaming system. All repairs made by CIOM shall be at its expense. CIOM
shall  have  no  liability  to  Licensee  for damages arising from or related to
operation of the Server except for gross negligence of CIOM's employees, agents,
or  invitees.

          7.18     Website. Website will initially be developed at the sole cost
of  1G.  CIOM  shall,  subject to content provided by Licensee, keep the Site in
good  working  condition and repair, except for any damage caused to the Site by
any  negligent act of Licensee or its agents, employees, or invitees, and except
for  events  beyond  CIOM's  control.  All  repairs made by CIOM shall be at its
expense.  CIOM  shall  have no liability to Licensee for damages arising from or
related  to  operation  of  the  Site  except  for  gross  negligence  of CIOM's
employees,  agents,  or  invitees.

          7.19     Alterations.  Licensee  shall  not  make  any  alterations,
revisions or updates to any programs or graphic displays used on the Website and
shall  submit  all  requests  for  any  such alteration to CIOM in writing. Upon
receipt of any such request by Licensee, CIOM shall reasonably determine whether
any  such  alterations  may  be  incorporated  into  the  Website and CIOM shall
reasonably  report  such  determinations  to  Licensee.  Thereafter,  if  CIOM
determines such alterations may reasonably be made, it shall do so at Licensee's

          7.20     Flaws  or  Glitches. CIOM shall promptly correct any flaws or
glitches  in  any  program  or  graphic  displays.

          7.21     Website  Control  CIOM  shall  install  system  software,  as
approved  by  Licensee,  on all Servers to ensure the continued operation of the
Website.  Licensee shall be solely responsible for all Content made available at
the  Website  and nothing herein shall be construed as ownership by CIOM of IG's
proprietary  content,  customer  database,  or  URL's. Nothing in this paragraph
shall  be  construed  to  constitute  control  of  such contents by CIOM and the
Licensee  agrees  to  allow  display  at  the  Website  of  any  such disclaimer
reasonably  requested  by  CIOM.

                             ARTICLE  VIII


          8.1     Disclosures.  Neither  party  shall disclose the terms of this
Agreement to any third party, except as required by law or any public regulatory
agency,  without  the  prior  written  consent of the other party, which consent
shall  not be unreasonably withheld; provided that either party may disclose the
terms  of  this  Agreement to its employees who will perform services related to
this  Agreement,  to  its  legal  counsel,  accountants  and  other professional
representatives  and  to such other persons as may be required by court order or
legal  process.  Each  party acknowledges and agree that it shall be responsible
for, and such party shall not object to, the other party disclosing the terms of
this  Agreement  to any proposed investor or contracting party, and their legal,
accounting  and  other  professional  representatives,  in  connection  with any
securities  offering,  proposed  corporate  acquisition  or reorganization, loan
transaction  with  a  financial  institution  or  similar  transaction.

                                   ARTICLE IX
                                   ------- --

                              DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES
                              -------- --- --------

9.     Events  of  Default  and  Remedies.

          9.1     Defaults.  It  shall  be  an  Event  of  Default if any of the
following  breaches  exists  and  remains in effect for a period of fifteen (15)
days  after  receipt  of  written  notice  to  the  other  party.

          9.1.1     There  exists  a  final  judgment  declaring the Proprietary
Technology  as  infringing  upon  the  rights  of any third party to preclude or
substantially  impair  the  lawful  operation  of  the  Proprietary  Technology,
Licensee's  Site  or  Licensee's  IG  Sportsbook.

          9.1.2     CIOM  fails  to perform or comply with any of the provisions
set  forth  in  this  Agreement relating to system functions which failure shall
have  continued  for  fifteen  (15)  days;

          9.1.3     CIOM  fails  to perform or comply with any of the warranties
or  representations  set  forth  in  this  Agreement,  which  failure shall have
continued  for  thirty  (30)  days  following  notice  by  Licensee  to

          9.2     CIOM's  Rights  and Remedies. Upon the occurrence of any Event
of  Default  under  Section  9.1  and at any time thereafter, in addition to all
other rights and remedies available under the Uniform Commercial Code of Isle of
Man  or  other  applicable law, this Agreement or otherwise, CIOM shall have the
right  to  terminate  this  Agreement  which  right  may be exercised, in CIOM's
discretion,  at any time or times, individually or cumulatively, with or without
judicial process, with or without the assistance of others and without notice to
or  consent  by  Licensee  except  for  any  obligations,  including  payment
obligations,  that have occurred on or before the date of such termination or if
such  notice,  consent  or  judicial  process  is  expressly  required  by  law:

          9.3     licensee's  Rights  and Remedies. Upon occurrence of any Event
of Default described in Section 9 and at any time thereafter, in addition to all
other rights and remedies available under the Uniform Commercial Code of Isle of
Man or other applicable law, this Agreement or otherwise, Licensee shall, at its
option,  be  entitled to terminate this Agreement without any further obligation
to  CIOM  except  for  any obligations, including payment obligations, that have
occurred on or before the date of such termination, with or without notice to or
consent  by  CIOM,  except  if  such  notice,  consent,  or  judicial process is
expressly  required  bylaw.

                                    ARTICLE X


     10.     Arbitration.

               10.1     Arbitration  of Disputes. All disputes arising out of or
in  connection  with  this  contract,  or  in  respect  of  any  defined  legal
relationship associated therewith or derived therefrom, shall be referred to and
finally  resolved  by  arbitration  administered  by  the  British  Columbia
International  Commercial Arbitration Centre pursuant to its Rules. The Place of
Arbitration  shall  be  Vancouver,  British  Columbia,  Canada.

               10.2     Notice.  By  signing in the space below you are agreeing
to  have  any dispute arising out of the matters included in the "Arbitration of
Disputes"  provision  decided  by neutral arbitration and you are giving up your
judicial  rights to appeal, unless those rights are specifically included in the
"Arbitration  of  Disputes"  provision.  Your  agreement  to  this  arbitration
provision  is,  voluntary.

We  have  read and understand the foregoing and agree to submit disputes arising
out  of  the  matters  included  in  the  "Arbitration of Disputes" provision to
neutral  arbitration.

/s/  Eugene  Herbert
- --------------------
By /s/   John  Coffey
Eugene  Herbert
John  Coffey,  President

                                   ARTICLE XI
                                   ------- --

               11.1     New  Technology.  If, during the term of this Agreement,
CIOM makes any incremental improvements in the Proprietary Technology or becomes
the  owner  or  licensee  of  such incremental improvements through software and
hardware  applications,  know-how, trade secrets, copyrights, and trademarks, it
shall communicate such improvements to IG and give IG full information regarding
their  use.  Any  improvements  or  suggestions  implemented into the CR Netbook
system  by  IG  shall  immediately  be  the property of CIOM, and attach to IG's
license  with all rights which are granted to IG for the Proprietary Technology,
without  payment  of  any  additional  royalties  for  such  improvements.

               11.2     Marking.  IG  agrees  it  will  mark  all literature and
Website  communications  of  any  kind under this Agreement with the appropriate
trademark,  copyright,  or  patent  marking  and further agrees to allow CIOM to
place  the  CR  Netbook~  logo on the IG Sportsbook website. CIOM agrees it will
mark  all  literature and site communications that are the intellectual property
of IG of any kind under this Agreement with the appropriate trademark, copyright
or  patent  marking  reasonably  required  by  1G.

               11.3     Choice  of  Law.  All  disputes concerning the validity,
interpretation,  or  performance  of  this  Agreement  and  any  of its terms or
conditions, or of any rights or obligations of the Patties, shall be governed by
the  laws  of  Isle  of  Man.

               11.4     Complete Understanding and Modifications. This Agreement
constitutes  the  complete  expression  of  the  terms  of  the  grant  of  this
nonexclusive  license.  All  previous  and  contemporaneous  agreements,
representations,  and  negotiations,  whether  oral,  written,  or  implied, are
superseded  by  this  Agreement,  except  those included in the recitals to this
Agreement  and  except  those  included  in  the  Operating  and Revenue Sharing
Management  Services  Agreement.  Any  modifications  to  this Agreement must be
reduced  to  writing, signed by both Parties, and attached to this Agreement, to
be  effective.

               11.5     Assignability.  IG  shall  have  the  right,  subject to
CIOM's consent, which consent shall not unreasonably be withheld, to assign this
License  to an affiliate or a purchaser of all or substantially all the stock or
assets of IG, after which any such assignee or purchaser shall become a party to
this  License.  Notwithstanding  any  such  assignment  or sale, IG shall remain
liable  as  an  unconditional  guarantor  of  such  assignee's  or  purchaser's
obligations  under  this  Agreement.  CIOM may assign the Agreement without IG's
prior  written  consent.  The provisions hereof will be binding and inure to the
benefit  of  the  respective  party,  their  successors  and  assigns.

     11.6     No Waiver. The failure by either Party to this Agreement to insist
upon  performance by the other Party shall not constitute a waiver of any rights
under  this  Agreement and shall not bar, by waiver or estoppel, insistence upon
performance  by  the  other  Party.

          11.7     Relationship  of  Parties. Nothing in this Agreement shall be
construed in a manner which would create the relationship between the patties of
employee-employer,  principal-agent,  joint  venture,  partnership,  or anything
other  than  a  CIOM-IG  relationship.

          11.8     Retention of Ownership. This Agreement is not to be construed
as  an  assignment  of or transfer of ownership in the Proprietary Technology or
related  information.  CIOM  retains  ownership  of  the  Licensed  Proprietary
Technology and all its improvements, additions, and database(s) related thereto,
subject  to  this  License.  IG  retains  the  ownership of its URL, Website and
customer  database.

          11.9     Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are severable.
If  any  provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any person or
circumstances  is  held  invalid,  illegal  or unenforceable, it shall be deemed
stricken and all the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

          11.10     Survival  of  Obligations.  Each  Party  does for it and its
successors, heirs, executors, administrators, representatives, insurers, agents,
and  assigns,  covenants  and agrees that it and they will continue to adhere to
the  restrictions  and  obligations  of  this Agreement and this Agreement shall
inure  to  their  continued  benefit.

          11.11     Recitals.  The  recitals  shall  be  considered part of this

          11.12     Headings.  The  Headings are for informational purposes only
and  shall  not  constitute  part  of  this  Agreement.

          11.13     Multiple  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be executed in
multiple  counterparts,  each  of which shall be considered an original executed
version  of  this  document.

          11.14     Notices. Any notice given by either Party to the other Party
shall  be  deemed to have been sufficiently given if sent by registered air mail
or  by  cable,  telex,  or  telecopier,  to the address of the Party as follows,
unless  such  other  Party  designates  another  address  in  writing

If  to  CIOM  (IOM)  Limited
Castle  Hill,  Victoria  Road
International  House
Douglas,  Isle  of  Man
British  Isles,  1M2  4RB

If  to  Licensee:

Eugene  Herbert
International  Gaming  LTD.
C/o  Nevis  International  Trust  Company
Stoney  Grove,  Charlestown
Nevis,  West  Indies

And  fax  copy  to:     212-504-7979

          11.15     Good  Faith. The parties specifically agree to carry out the
provisions  of  this  Agreement  in  good  faith.

          11.16     Integration.  This  Agreement  shall  constitute  the entire
Agreement  between  the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof except
sections  covered in more depth in the Operating, Revenue Sharing and Management
Agreement  and  any other agreement referred to in this agreement. All prior and
contemporaneous  communications,  representations,  and  agreements  between the
parties  concerning  the subject of this Agreement, whether oral or written, are
superseded  by  this  Agreement

          11.17     Force  Majeure.  Neither party shall bear any responsibility
or  liability  for  any losses arising out of any delay or interruption of their
performance  of  obligations  under  this Agreement due to an act of God, act of
governmental  authority,  act  of  public enemy or due to war, dot, flood, civil
commotion,  earthquake,  insurrection,  labor  difficulty  storm interruption of
electrical  power, of any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the party

     11.18     Limitation  on  Legal  Actions.  No action (regardless of form or
theory of liability) arising out or relating to this Agreement may be brought by
either  party more than two years after the date the cause of action occurred. A
cause  of  action  shall  be  considered to have occurred when the injured party
discovers, or in the exercise of due diligence should have discovered, a default
or  breach  of  this  Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE XII
                                   ------- ---
                               COMPLIANCE WITH LAW
                               ---------- ---- ---

     12.1     IG  represents and warrants to CIOM that (r) no consent, approval,
order  or  authorization  of,  or  registration,  qualification,  designation,
declaration or filing with, any federal, state, local or provincial governmental
authority  on  the  part  of  the  Licensee  is  required in connection with the
consummation  of  the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; (ii) there is
no  action,  suit,  proceeding  or investigation pending or currently threatened
against the Licensee which questions the validity of this Agreement or the right
of the Licensee to enter into it, or to consummate the transactions contemplated
hereby;  (iii)  IG  has,  and  is  in  compliance with, all franchises, permits,
licenses, and any similar authority necessary for the conduct of its business as
now  being conducted by it and believes it can obtain, any similar authority for
the  conduct  of  its  business  as  planned  to  be  conducted, and (iv) to the
Licensees' knowledge the Licensee is in compliance in all material respects with
all  federal  or  state  statutes,  rules  or  regulations  applicable  to  the
transactions  contemplated  by  this  Agreement  and the execution, delivery and
performance  of  this  Agreement  and  the  consummation  of  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby  will  not  result  in  any  such  violation  or  cause the
suspension,  revocation,  impairment, forfeiture, or non-renewal of any material
permit,  license,  authorization,  or  approval  applicable to the IG Sportsbook
gaming  system.

     12.2     Licensee acknowledges and agrees that it is not relying on CIOM to
advise  it with respect to legal or regulatory compliance in connection with the
IG  Sportsbook  gaming  system  or  any other uses of the Proprietary Technology
licensed  hereunder  and  that  Licensee  is  making its own determinations with
respect  thereto and is relying on its own legal counsel to advise it connection
therewith.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing, each Party mutually acknowledges the
existence  of  regulatory  jurisdiction  of  national and sub-national units and
covenant  and  agrees  to  cooperate  at  its own expense with all such units to
obtain  any  regulatory  review,  license,  concession, or other permission such
units  may  require.

     12.3     Nothing  in  this  Agreement shall be construed as requiring CIOM~
its  affiliates,  agents,  and joint-venturer, to operate or act as a Sportsbook
operator  or  any  equivalent  entity  relating to the risk of any of the wagers
transacted  on  its  behalf  under  this  agreement.

     12.4     Licensee  assumes  all  risk  (1)  associated  with gaming related
licensing  and  permitting hereunder in the United States and each state thereof
and  (ii)  and relating to or associated with Licensee the conduct and operation
of  the  On  Line  System.

     12.5     Further    Action.    The    parties    hereto   shall execute and
deliver all documents, provide all information and take or forbear from all such
action  as  may  be  necessary  or  appropriate  to  achieve the purposes of the

     12.6     Indemnity.  Both  parties  shall  defend,    indemnify   and  hold
harmless  the  other  party  against  all claims, demands, actions, proceedings,
costs  and damages of any kind, including attorney fees, arising from or related
to  any  acts or omission by the other which are relied on in entering into this
Agreement. CIOM shall defend, indemnify and hold IG harmless against all claims,
demands, actions, proceedings, costs and damages of any kind, including attorney
fees,  arising  from  any  third  parties who may have an interest in technology
provided by CIOM to IG, mused by IG using any technology provided by CIOM in the
manner  contemplated  in  this  agreement.

          IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  each  party  of  the  parties  has  caused this
Agreement  to  be  executed  on  the  date  first  above  stated.


                                                 /s/ John Coffey
_____________________________                 By_______________________________
Witness                                       By:.John  Coffey,  President


/s/  Michael  Flint                                   /s/  Robert  Herbert
_____________________________                 By________________________________
Witness                                          Title:  President

                                  SCHEDULE "A"

          For  purposes  of  expediency  and  clarity,  this  MOU  outlines  the
principal  terms  of  the  agreement  that  is  to  follow.

Systems  Use  Fee

          In  exchange  for  the  System  Use  Fee paid to CIOM, through service
agreements  it  shall provide the following in order to operate and maintain the
IG  Sportsbook:

          A  6  line  call  center  with  computer  stations

          Services  in  order  for  the licensee to operate and maintain its own
             call center.

          Transaction  server  in  Costa  Pica

          Web  server  in  Vancouver

          Satellite  ground  station  and  hookup  facilities

          Network  access  to  the  Internet

System  Use  Fee  is:     US$62,000  for  the  Network  system (includes network
                          hook-up, network ground station facility, and routers.
                          Includes installation of all  equipment.

                          US$30,000  for  a  six-line  phone/operator  system in
    Total:                US$92,000

To  be  paid as follows:  US$25,000 by March 20,1998, and US$45,000
by  April  20,1998,  and  an additional US$27,000 by May 20,1998. IG may pay the
payments  due  at  30  and/or  60  days  up  to  30  days  late without penalty.

Operating  Costs

IG  shall  pay  for  the  maintenance  of its call center staff, client support,
variable and fixed tele-communications charges, and marketing expenses and a pro
rata  share of the rent. Any expansion of the facilities requested or determined
to be necessary by IG, shall be paid by IG at cost, as agreed to CIOM and IG, on
an  ongoing  basis.  CIOM  will  pay for all system support and maintenance. The
fixed  bandwidth  cost  per month is US$5,000, payable from the time the site is


          IG  will pay CIOM an integration fee of US$ 10,000 for the services of
integrating  the proposed Web site into the CR - Netbook TM, due upon completion
of  integration.

Software  License

          The  license cost is US$125,000, payable in three stages, US$22,500 by
March  20,1998,  and  $45,000 by April 20,1998, and US$57,500 by May 20,1998. IG
may  pay  the  payments  due  at  30  and/or  60 days up to 30 days late without

Revenue  Sharing

          IG shall receive 80% of the Internet generated GGR. The GGR is defined
as  the  Gross  Revenue  minus payout to the winners and before operating costs.

     On-line  Wagering,  shall mean Gaming activities of any kind performed over

Payment  Schedule

                  20-Mar      20-Apr      20-May       20-Jun        20-Jul
                  -------    --------    ---------    ---------   ------------
CR - Netbook . .    22500      45000        57500
Systems User Fee    25000      45000        27000
Website. . . . .    15000      15000
Graphic Design .     5000       5000
Casino Software*    35000 *                 40000 *      40000*        35000 *
Casino Servers .                                         15000
Casino Graphics.                                         10000
                  -------    --------    ---------    ---------   ------------
Total. . . . . .   102500     110000       124500        65000         35000
                  -------    --------    ---------    ---------   ------------


*Contingent  upon  receipt~  of  funding.  No  work  to  be  started  until payment made.

OK  to  above  schedule  subject  to  the  *  contingency.


/s/  Eugene  Herbert
- --------------------
Eugene  Herbert