FILED:    APR 25, 2000
                                                          ENTERED:  APR 25, 2000

MICHAEL S. KOGAN, State Bar No. 128500
DANIEL A. LEV, State Bar No. 129622
YALE K. KIM, State Bar No. 188895
725 S. Figueroa Street
Suite 3400
Los Angeles, California 90017-5434
Telephone:           (213) 430--3000
Facsimile:           (213) 617--9255

Attorneys for Howard M.
Ehrenberg, Chapter 7 Trustee

                         UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT

                         CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA
                                   LOS ANGELES

In re                                )    Case No. LA 97-18300-TD
                                     )    Chapter 7
HARLYN PRODUCTS, INC.,               )
                                     )    ORDER RE MOTION TO APPROVE SALE OF
         Debtor                      )    PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE
                                     )    Original Hearing
                                     )    ----------------
                                     )    Date:   April 12, 2000
                                     )    Time:   9:30 am
                                     )    Place:  Courtroom 1345
                                     )    Continued Hearing
                                     )    -----------------
                                     )    Date:   April 13, 2000
                                     )    Time:   9:30 am
                                     )    Place:  Courtroom 1345

     On April 12.  2000,  the Motion to Approve  Sale of  Property of the Estate
(the "Motion"), filed by Howard M. Ehrenberg, the duly appointed, qualified, and
acting Chapter 7 Trustee (the "Trustee") for the bankruptcy estate of the debtor
Harlyn Products,  Inc. the "Debtor", came on for its regularly scheduled hearing
before the Honorable Thomas Donovan,  United States Bankruptcy Judge, presiding.
Thereafter, the Court continued the hearing on the Motion to April 13, 2000. All


appearances as noted on the record.

     Based on the  Notice of Motion and  Motion,  the  memorandum  of points and
authorities  and  declaration  filed  in  support  thereof,  the  documents  and
pleadings on file hereIn,  all judicially  noticeable  facts,  and after finding
that notice of the Motion was proper under the circumstances,  and after further
finding that the proposed sale is in the best  interests of the estate,  and for
good cause appearing therefor,


     1. The Motion is granted and approved.

     2.  The  sale  of the  estate's  interest  in the  corporate  shell  or the
corporate  power and  existence  of the Debtor,  including  its  authorized  but
unissued common capital stock (collectively, the "Property"), by the Trustee to
the  successful  overbidder  Jack Amin (the "Buyer"),  is approved for the total
purchase price of $100,000.00  (the "Purchase  Price") pursuant to the terms and
conditions of the  arrangement  described in the Purchase or Exchange  Agreement
dated  February  4,  2000  (the  "Agreement")  attached  as  Exhibit  "A" to the
Declaration of Howard M. Ehrenberg filed in support of the Motion. The Buyer has
paid the Purchase Price to the Trustee.

     3. The  Trustee  is  hereby  authorized  and  directed  to take any and all
actions necessary or appropriate to consummate he sale or arrangement  described
in the Agreement in accordance  with the terms and  conditions  set forth in the
Agreement  including,  without  limitation,  the  following:  (1) to  amend  the
Debtor's  articles of incorporation  (the "Articles") (i) to change the Debtor's
name, (ii) to cancel or delete all preferred shares


authorized  by the  Debtor's  current  Articles,  (iii) to change the  corporate
purpose  from the  jewelry  business  to any lawful  activity  recognized  under
California  law,  (iv) to change the current par value of $0.10 per share of the
Debtor's  common  capital  shares to $0.OOl per share,  and (v) to authorize and
implement a one  hundred-for-one  100-for-1  reverse-split of the common capital
shares of the Debtor  currently  issued and  outstanding;  (2) after  filing the
Certificate of Amendment and Restatement of Articles of  Incorporation of Harlyn
Products,  Inc.  which is attached  hereto as Exhibit  "A", with the  California
Secretary  of State,  (vi) to cancel  all  preferred  shares of stock  currently
issued  and  outstanding,  if any,  (vii) to  issue to the  Buyer a total of one
million  (1,000,000)  post-split common capital shares, and (viii) to obtain and
furnish  to  Buyer a  Certificate  of  Good  Standing  of the  Debtor  with  the
California Secretary of State.

     4. In accordance  with the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement,
the  Trustee  is hereby  further  authorized  and  directed  to take any and all
actions  necessary  or  appropriate  to issue the  1,000,000  post-split  common
capital share certificates without restrictions on their transferability imposed
by any contract, by the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or by any comparable
state  securities  laws. When issued by the Trustee  pursuant to this Order, the
shares shall he deemed fully paid and non-assessable.

     5. The Buyer is a good faith purchaser entitled to the protections afforded
a purchaser pursuant to 11 U.S.C. Section 363(m)


     6. The estate's interest in the Property is sold "as is" "where is" with no
representations or warranties  whatsoever as to the condition,  fitness for use,
sale or repair, or otherwise.

     7. The estate's  interest in the  Property  shall be sold free and clear of
all  encumbrances,  security  interests,  and liens with any such  encumbrances,
security  interests and liens to  attach to the proceeds of the sale in the same
priority as under applicable law.

     8. The terms of the Agreement for the sale of the Property to the Buyer are
fair as  contemplated  under  either  Sections  3(a) (7)  and/or (a) (10) of the
Securities  Act of 1933  which  is  specifically  found  at 15  U.S.C.  Sections
77c(a)(7) and (a)(10). As such, the 1,000,000 post-split common shares issued by
the Trustee to the Buyer are exempt from  registration  with the  Securities and
Exchange Commission and shall be freely transferable without restriction.

     9. For purposes of the transfer of title,  the Court  divests  title to the
Property from the Debtor and vests title in the Trustee.

     10. For purposes of the transfer of title, the vesting of title pursuant to
this Order has the full force and effect of a transfer  properly  executed under
applicable law.

     11. The  Trustee is  authorized  to take any and all actions  necessary  to
consummate the sale to the Buyer.

     12.  The Court  expressly  reserves  jurisdiction  to  resolve  any and all
disputes  over the  terms of the  Agreement  and over any  transaction  or event
referenced or contemplated by the



DATED:  APR 25, 2000                       Thomas B. Donovan
                                           Honorable Thomas Donovan
                                           United States Bankruptcy Judge


                            PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL

     I, Donia Kirmsse, declare as follows:

     I am employed in the County of Los Angeles, State of California;  I am over
the age of 18 years and am not a party to the within action or proceeding.  I am
employed  by the law firm of  Arter & Hadden  LLP,  located  at 725 S.  Figueroa
Street, Suite 3400, Facsimile:  (213) 617-9255. I am readily familiar with Arter
& Hadden LLP's business practice for collection and processing of correspondence
for mailing with the United  States Postal  Service and am aware that  envelopes
placed for  collection and mailing within the firm of Arter & Hadden LLP will be
deposited  within  the United  States  Postal  Service on the same day for first
class mailing in the ordinary  course of business.  On April 24, 2000, I served
interested parties in said action, by placing a true and correct copy thereof in
a sealed envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid,  in the United States mail
at Los Angeles, California as follows:

                            SEE ATTACHED SERVICE LIST

     I declare  that I am  employed  in the office of a member of the bar of the
court at whose  direction  the  service  was made.  1 declare  under  penalty of
perjury  under the laws of the United  States of America  that the  foregoing is
true and correct.

Executed on April   , 2000, at Los Angeles, California.

                                   Donia Kirmsse

                                  SERVICE LIST

Office of the U.S. Trustee
221 North Figueroa St., Suite 8O0
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Harlyn Products, Inc.
1515 South Main Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015

Debtor's Counsel
Jeffrey N. Pomerantz, Esq.
Pachulski, Stang, Zieh] & Young, P.C.
10100 Santa Monica Blvd   #1100
Los Angeles, CA 90067

Chapter 7 Trustee
Howard M. Ehrenberg, Esq.
Sulmeyer, Kupetz, Baumann & Rothman
300 S. Grand Ave., 14th Flr.
Los Angeles, CA  90071

Interested Party
Mr. Jack Amin
369 South Doheny Dr., Suite 326
Beverly Hil1s, CA 90211

                           NOTE TO USERS OF THIS FORM
Physically attach this form as the last page of the proposed Order or Judgement.
                 Do not file this form as a separate document.

In re:                                     CHAPTER  7
HARLYN PRODUCTS, INC.            Debtor    CASE NUMBER:  LA 97-18300-TD

                           AND CERTIFICATE OF MAILING


1.   You are hereby notified, pursuant to Local Bankruptcy Rule 9021-1(1)(a)(v),
     that a judgement or order entitled:


     was entered on Apr 25, 2000

2.   I hereby certify that I mailed a copy of this notice and a true copy of the
     order or judgment to the persons and entities on the attached  service list
     on (specify date):

    APR 25, 2000

                                          JON D. CERETTO
                                          Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court

                                        By  /s/
                                           Deputy Clerk