
                                  UNITED STATES
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT
                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) of the
                       SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934


                          COMMISSION FILE NUMBER 0-6034

                 (Name Of Small Business Issuer In Its Charter)

            UTAH                                                87-0281239
- -------------------------------                             -------------------
(State Or Other Jurisdiction Of                              (I.R.S. Employer
Incorporation Or Organization)                              Identification No.)

3435 SOUTH YOSEMITE, #100, DENVER, COLORADO                         80231
- -------------------------------------------                         -----
 (Address Of Principal Executive Offices)                        (Zip Code)

                    ISSUER'S TELEPHONE NUMBER (720) 748-7786



     (a) On July 31, 2002, the Board of Directors of the Registrant  unanimously
resolved, through Resolution No. 02-07-31-A,  attached to this filing as Exhibit
No. 1, the intent of the  Registrant  to  Distribute  to its  shareholders,  pro
- -rata, its subsidiary to be formed Industrial Minerals Commodities, Inc. ("IMC")
on the basis of one share of IMC stock for each sixteen shares of the Registrant
held by the shareholder.

     The Directors  have also  proposed to re-order the  ownership  structure of
wholly owned subsidiaries so that Sweetwater Garner,  Inc., will be a subsidiary
of Industrial Minerals  Commodities,  Inc., while all other subsidiaries,  which
are involved in the vermiculite mineral business, remain the direct subsidiaries
of the Registrant.

     As  a  consequence  of  the  proposed   resolution,   Industrial   Minerals
Commodities,  Inc., will be principally engaged in the business of producing and
marketing garnet  abrasives,  while all vermiculite  mining,  beneficiation  and
marketing will remain in the Registrant.

     (b) The initial  board of directors  and  corporate  officers of Industrial
Minerals Commodities, Inc., will be identical to the Board of the Registrant.


     (a) Financial  statements.

     Financial statements of Industrial Minerals Commodities, Inc., consolidated
with its subsidiary,  Sweetwater  Garnet,  Inc.,  which are not included in this
report, will be filed by amendment within 60 days.

     (b) Pro forma financial information.

     Pro forma financial information, which is not included in this report, will
be filed by amendment within 60 days.

     (c) Exhibits

     Exhibit No. 1 Resolution  of the Board of  Directors of Stansbury  Holdings
                   Corporation, No. 02-07-31-A, as referred to above.

     Exhibit No. 2 Press  Release of August 1,  2002,  announcing  the  Proposed


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  Report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, hereunto duly authorized.

                                           STANSBURY HOLDINGS CORPORATION.

Dated:  August 1, 2002                     By:/s/ Aldine J. Coffman, Jr.
                                              Aldine J. Coffman, Jr.
                                              President and
                                              Chief Executive Officer

                                                                       EXHIBIT 1

                              Resolution 02-07-31-A

     Whereas,  the vermiculite industry has suffered a prolonged but unjustified
taint of association with asbestos; and,

     Whereas,  litigation  over  asbestos  exposure  and the  injury  and deaths
derived therefrom has compelled many, if not most,  asbestos mining,  processing
and marketing  companies,  to seek protection from the plethora of cases against
them,  through  the  filings of Chapter  Eleven  proceedings  under the  federal
Bankruptcy Act; and,

     Whereas, the asbestos contamination of the vermiculite mined, processed and
marketed by W. R. Grace and its affiliates, from its mine at Libby, Montana, has
attracted the attention of litigators  to  vermiculite  as a possible  source of
asbestos contamination,  and led to the filing of a Chapter Eleven proceeding by
W. R.  Grace  which W. R. Grace  attributed  solely to its  becoming  an alleged
asbestos contributing defendant in an overwhelming number of cases; and,

     Whereas, Armstrong Holdings, Federal Mogul, Kaiser Aluminum, Crown Cork and
Seal, Owens Illinois and Owens Corning have, among others, in the last two years
likewise  filed for  bankruptcy  protection,  or have  contemplated  filing  for
bankruptcy  protection,  from the overwhelming onslaught of asbestos litigation;

     Whereas, International Vermiculite (California), Inc., which was created in
2000 as a wholly owned Stansbury subsidiary, has been sued in California,  along
with  approximately  27  other  defendants,  for  causing  a death in 2001 for a
plaintiff's decedent alleged to have been exposed to asbestos in 1952-59; and,

     Whereas,  Stansbury  itself  has  been  sued  in  New  Jersey,  along  with
approximately  75 other  defendants,  for  causing  the death in 2001 of another
plaintiff's  decedent  alleged to have been  exposed to  asbestos  in the 1960's
through early 1980's,  even though  Stansbury never produced  vermiculite or and
other product prior to the late summer of 2000; and,

     Whereas,  the  vermiculite  ore  deposits  of  Stansbury  have  been  shown
repeatedly since the late 1980's to free of asbestos contamination; and,

     Whereas,  in the opinion of the Board and of the  Management  of Stansbury,
such toxic tort litigation  will have a high  likelihood of naming  Stansbury as
defendant in future cases, since the "deep pocket" candidates for defendants are
already under bankruptcy proceedings, and therefore the plaintiffs can only hope
for a significant  recovery by pooling  contributions  of upwards of 100 smaller
sized defendants; and,

     Whereas,  in the opinion of the Board and of the  Management  of Stansbury,
the two present  cases against  Stansbury  and its affiliate  will see the early
dismissal of Stansbury as a defendant,  the future cases may not offer such easy
resolutions; and,

Stansbury Holdings Corporation, Resolution 02-07-31-A                    Page 1

     Whereas,  the primary duty of the Board is the protection of  shareholders,
since the creditors of a company have adequate  protection under the law, and it
behooves  the  Board  to  devise  a fair  and  legal  strategy  to  protect  the
shareholders from frivolous future litigation; and,

     Whereas, in the opinion of the Board and of the Management of Stansbury, it
is imperative that, at this time, Stansbury,  by way of a property distribution,
dividend  and  distribute  to its  shareholders  all  non-vermiculite  assets of
Stansbury,  in a  new  public  company,  to be  owned  on  the  Date  of  Record
("x-dividend date") by the same shareholders as those of Stansbury common shares
as of that date, in the same ratio as their ownership of Stansbury;

         Now, therefore, be it moved, seconded and unanimously resolved, that:

1.   That the Company create a new  subsidiary,  a Delaware  corporation,  named
     Industrial Minerals Commodities,  Inc., with a capitalization of 50,000,000
     common  shares at a par value of $0.001 per share,  and with the purpose of
     acquiring,  operating,  and marketing  industrial  minerals,  including the
     mining, milling and beneficiation of such minerals, among other purposes.

2.   That the  subsidiaries  of Stansbury  be  restructured  so that  Sweetwater
     Garnet,  Inc.,  becomes a wholly owned  subsidiary of  Industrial  Minerals
     Commodities, Inc.

3.   That Industrial  Minerals  Commodities,  Inc.,  assume,  and hold Stansbury
     harmless  with respect  thereto,  $2,000,000of  accounts  payable and other
     liabilities  of  Stansbury as listed on Exhibit A to this  resolution.  The
     book value of shareholders equity of Industrial Minerals Commodities, Inc.,
     as of the date of this resolution, will be zero or negative.

4.   That Stansbury distribute to its shareholders of common stock,  pro-rata to
     their  ownership  of such shares at the close of  business,  September  30,
     2002, one share of common stock of Industrial Minerals  Commodities,  Inc.,
     for each 16  shares  of  common  stock of  Stansbury  owned  of  record  on
     September 30, 2002, subject to the approval of State and Federal Regulatory
     authorities,   including   the  United  States   Securities   and  Exchange
     Commission's rules and regulations.

5.   That  Industrial  Minerals  Commodities,  Inc., be in due course listed for
     trading on the Nasdaq Electron Bulletin Board.

6.   The officers of Stansbury,  and of Industrial Minerals  Commodities,  Inc.,
     when formed,  be, and are,  hereby  authorized  to do any and all necessary
     acts to carry out this resolution, including the execution on behalf of the
     said entities all legal documents required for filings, pleadings and other
     needed to effect this Resolution.

Stansbury Holdings Corporation, Resolution 02-07-31-A                     Page 2

         Certified to be a true copy thereof:

                                             Dennis R. Staal, Secretary

Vote:  Affirmative                           __________________________________
                                             Eldon W. Brickle, Director

Vote:  Affirmative                           __________________________________
                                             Aldine J. Coffman, Jr., Director

Vote:  Affirmative                           __________________________________
                                             Dennis R. Staal, Director

Stansbury Holdings Corporation, Resolution 02-07-31-A                     Page 3

                                                                       EXHIBIT 2

Stansbury Holdings Corporation

9:00 a.m., EST, Thursday, August 1, 2002   NEWS RELEASE

     National Association of Securities Dealers


      Stansbury Holdings Corporation Announces Distribution Dividend of its
               Industrial Minerals Subsidiary and Garnet Operation

     DENVER,   COLORADO,   Tuesday,   August  1,  2002.  --  Stansbury  Holdings
Corporation  (OTC Bulletin Board:  "STBY.OB")  announced today that the Board of
Directors had approved a distribution  dividend to  shareholders of record as of
the close of business,  September 30, 2002, of one share of Industrial  Minerals
Commodities, Inc., for each sixteen shares of Stansbury Holdings Corporation.

     Industrial Minerals Commodities, Inc., a newly formed Delaware corporation,
is the sole  shareholder  of  Sweetwater  Garnet,  Inc.,  which  owns the garnet
project near Dillon, Montana.  Sweetwater Garnet has recently completed upgrades
to its  mill,  and is  mining,  processing  and  selling  garnet  product  as an
industrial abrasive.

     A Form  8-K was  filed  today  with  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,
detailing further the distribution.

     The new company is expected to become listed on the Nasdaq Over-the-Counter
Bulletin Board shortly after the record date. The  distribution of shares in the
new company, as well as trading in the shares, is dependent upon approval of the
SEC. Filings respecting both matters are expected to be made with the SEC in due

     This press release contains  forward-looking  statements within the meaning
of the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995  (USA).  The matters
covered by such  forward-looking  statements  are  subject to known and  unknown
risks,   uncertainties  and  other  factors  which  may  cause  actual  results,
performance or  achievements  of Stansbury  Holdings  Corporation and Industrial
Minerals  Commodities,  Inc., to differ  materially  from those  contemplated or
implied by such forward-looking statements.

     Stansbury  Holdings  Corporation  is a natural  resource  holding  company,
specializing in the industrial minerals of vermiculite and garnet. The Stansbury
Holdings Corporation website is www.stansburyholdings.com,  while the Sweetwater
Garnet, Inc., website is www.sweetwatergarnet.com.

For Further Information, Contact:

Aldine J. Coffman, Jr., President              Brian McCarty
3435 South Yosemite Street East #100           Investor Relations, Stansbury,
Denver, Colorado 80231-4601                    Philadelphia, PA 19104
Telephone: 720-748-7786                        Telephone: 1-215-928-9630
Facsimile: 1-720-748-2082                      Facsimile:1-215-928-0283
e-mail: ajcoffman@earthlink.net                e-mail: bmccarty@netreach.net