Salt Lake City, Utah - Stephen W. Bennett, M.D., MPH&TM, Dr. PH, Barbara A.
Payne, Ph.D. and Ernst G. Hoyer, B.S. Engineering, MBA, Utah Medical Products,
Inc.'s (Nasdaq: UTMD) independent directors during the full period of time of
the Company's disagreement with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) since
2001, advise shareholders that they have been completely informed and kept
current by representatives of management, independent experts and legal counsel
as the Company's disagreement with the FDA has evolved.

The directors confirm their full and unanimous support for the position that, it
is in UTMD shareholders' best interest to proceed through the Federal Court
process because of the fundamental refusal by FDA managers to communicate.

Mr. Hoyer states
                  "Since the early 2002 inspection, the Company has never had an
                  opportunity to discuss its differences regarding inspectors'
                  observations with any reviewer or manager in the FDA. We have
                  had no opportunity to reach a reasonable resolution. As a
                  clear example, the Company formally requested non-binding
                  mediation in May 2004, in which the FDA's CDRH Ombudsman had
                  agreed to be mediator, but were rejected by the FDA's Tim

                  In mediation, the FDA would be expected to say what provisions
                  of the QSR were in dispute and why. Instead, FDA's response
                  was `Tell us what you've done to get into compliance.' I hope
                  that the paradox is obvious. The Company firmly believes and
                  has believed, consistent with the opinions of its independent
                  experts, that it is in compliance with the QSR."

After three years of conscientious, but futile, efforts to seek a response and
dialogue with FDA management regarding the Company's numerous written responses
to inspectors' observations, the only alternative FDA offered to the Company is
an oppressive Consent Decree that would shut down the Company, destroy all
inventory, and literally cede control to FDA personnel whose qualifications/
identity are unknown and who have refused to respond to repeated UTMD requests
to meet.

Dr. Bennett, who participated in the sole meeting with agency personnel other
than inspectors after 2001, states

                  "There was a complete absence of good faith dialogue in the
                  May 2003 meeting with Denver District Director Belinda Collins
                  and Regional Director Dennis Baker, who had requested the
                  meeting. They were not informed, declined to provide any
                  information of substance, and refused to discuss the most
                  recently concluded inspection. The agenda provided by UTMD
                  could not be implemented, because information was not
                  exchanged. Rather, information continued to flow only in one
                  direction - from UTMD to FDA.

                  We understand that the Company's position is unusual, and may
                  appear unwise to some shareholders. I assure you that we
                  haven't been provided another reasonable alternative.

                  FDA's Larry Spears, in recent public statements, has said that
                  FDA has identified persistent QSR violations and has given
                  repeat warnings to the Company. Those statements are false.

                  Although we would keenly prefer to be in a different
                  situation, and respect the mission of our FDA, the fact is
                  that we also have the obligation in our present extreme
                  circumstances to stand up for the Company's rights, employees'
                  rights and the rights of American citizens under explicit
                  requirements of law and regulation, not to mention common
                  decency. The FDA's position is simply, `Admit violations (that
                  have not been defined or discussed), and we will let you stay
                  in business, maybe.'

                  I am also very disappointed that Utah's elected
                  representatives have not yet taken an active interest in
                  investigating this situation, and in trying to keep productive
                  law-abiding citizens in Utah employed. We look forward to more
                  involvement and help from Senator Bob Bennett, Senator Orrin
                  Hatch and Congressman Jim Matheson. I sent a personal letter
                  to Senator Hatch in June 2003 in which I expressed, among
                  other things, `It is a sad and disturbing thing when a
                  government agency abuses its power particularly when both
                  incivility and incompetence on the part of an inspector, as in
                  this case, is followed by bureaucratic ineptitude and punitive
                  actions... I firmly believe that a part of the FDA is out of
                  control and behaving contrary to its own policies, and a
                  cover-up is in progress.'"

Dr. Payne asks

            "How is this litigation by the FDA consistent with the following
            August 4 campaign speech?

            `John Edwards and I are campaigning across the country talking about
            how we can build an America that is stronger at home and respected
            in the world, and that means creating a business climate that helps
            companies succeed and create good paying jobs right here in
            America,' Senator Kerry said in his prepared remarks.

            `Clearly, we can do a better job lowering the cost of doing business
            in America. That makes us more competitive and it reduces the
            incentive for somebody to decide to go overseas,' Kerry said.

            How is it in the public interest to punish an innovative company
            making proven safe and effective life-saving devices, ironically
            because it prefers to manufacture in the U.S. and agrees with the
            FDA's own December 1997 "Guide to Inspections of Medical Device
            Manufacturers" which was maintained at least through UTMD's 2003
            inspection? The guide, which has a section entitled "The Small
            Manufacturer," states, `An investigator should not insist that a
            manufacturer meet a QS/GMP requirement that does not contribute to
            its assuring conformance to specifications, simply because it's part
            of the new regulation.' The guide also states, `Section 519(a)(4) of
            the FD&C (Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic) Act prohibits record
            keeping requirements that are unduly burdensome to a device
            manufacturer.' The guide states, `An investigator should realize
            that a small firm usually does not need the same degree of
            documentation necessary as required for a large firm to achieve a
            state of control.' The guide also states, `Practices may be more
            brief and less detailed for a small manufacturer of less complicated
            devices unless the firm is producing non-conforming devices.'
            Despite the above consideration theoretically given small companies
            by the FDA, UTMD's experts agree that the Company complies with all
            provisions of the QSR.

            During the multiple and burdensome FDA inspections since 2001, one
            fact is certain - UTMD devices do conform to specifications. UTMD
            has many years of experience producing and shipping devices
            supported by objective evidence that these meet specifications using
            current manufacturing processes. The lawyers representing the
            government have acknowledged that there is not a risk to public

The directors remind shareholders and the public that FDA statements about
"violations" must be truthfully qualified. No violation exists until the FDA
proves this through supporting evidence in Federal Court proceedings or the
accused (UTMD) agrees to make such an admission. UTMD will not be making such an
admission because, with the firm support of industry experts, it is confident in
its compliance with the QSR. UTMD is proud of its continuing record of providing
safe and effective devices manufactured by dedicated and qualified personnel who
implement quality systems certified to compliance with the worldwide recognized
ISO 13485 standard for medical devices, as further recognized by the FDA.