- ------------

- ------------                       Richard A. Rappaport    Daniel J. Torkelson
A PROFESSIONAL                     Roger G. Segal          Leslie Van Frank
CORPORATION                        Jeffrey L. Silvestrini  Larry R. Keller
                                   David S. Dolowitz       A. Howard Lundgren
ATTORNEYS AT LAW                   Vernon L. Hopkinson     Brian F. Roberts
                                   Keith W. Meade          Dena C. Sarandos
                                   Ray M. Beck             Edward T. Vasquez
                                   A.O. Headman, Jr.       Emily Broadhead Smoak
                                   Julie A. Bryan          Joshua K. Peterman
                                   Jeffrey R. Oritt        Thomas J. Burns

257 East 200 South, 7th Floor       Mailing Address
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111          Post Office Box 11008
(801) 532-2666                      Salt Lake City, Utah
(801) 238-4606 DIRECT FAX           84147-0008
aoh@crslaw.com DIRECT E-MAIL

Via Federal Express and EDGAR
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August 8, 2006

Mail Stop 6010
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Barbara C. Jacobs
Assistant Director
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549

                  Re:  Dauphin, Inc.
                       Revised Preliminary Information Statement on Schedule 14C
                       File No. 0-52091

Dear Ms. Jacobs:

         We have filed a revised Preliminary  Information  Statement on Schedule
14C with the Commission today via EDGAR. Enclosed herewith are two copies of the
Preliminary  Information Statement with changes marked for your convenience.  To
facilitate your review of the revised Preliminary Information Statement, we will
respond to each of the  comments  contained  in your letter dated July 28, 2006.
Each comment number below  corresponds to the number  paragraphs in your comment

- ----------

         "We note that you have yet to file several  periodic  reports for prior
         periods. Please file these reports within 10 business days or otherwise
         advise us when you plan to do so."


         We have  previously  forwarded to SEC Staff member Daniel Lee by way of
e-mail (i) a letter dated April 13, 2006  addressed to Ms. Carol  Stacey,  Chief
Accountant,  Division  for  Corporation  Finance,  from  the law firm of Rieck &
Crotty; and (ii) a response letter dated April 21, 2006 from Mr. Joel K. Levine,

Barbara C. Jacobs
August 8, 2006
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Associate Chief Accountant  dealing with Dauphin's  previous filings.  It is our
understanding no additional historical filings are required by Dauphin.

                      Information Statement on Schedule 14C

- ----------

         "We note  that you  disclose  that  GeoVax  security  holders  will own
         490,332,879 shares of common stock following the merger.  Please revise
         your cover page to also  disclose  the  percentage  of common stock the
         security holders of GeoVax will own after the merger and the percentage
         of common stock that the security holders of Dauphin will own after the


         We  have  added  additional   disclosure  on  the  cover  page  of  the
Information  Statement to reflect  percentage  ownership of Dauphin common stock
following  the  closing of the Merger by GeoVax  stockholders,  current  Dauphin
stockholders and others.

- ----------

         "Please provide  disclosure in your information  statement with respect
         to the  majority  stockholders  that  acted  pursuant  to  the  written
         consent.  Please  further  elaborate  on when the  written  consent was
         provided  and  how it was  obtained.  Please  provide  us a copy of the
         written  consent for our  review.  We note your  disclosure  on page 58
         regarding the beneficial ownership of certain security holders. It does
         not appear that any  stockholder  holds a  significant  portion of your
         outstanding equity."


         We have added additional  disclosure in the Information Statement about
the identity of the Majority  Stockholders.  Currently,  Dauphin has  99,969,028
shares of common stock issued and outstanding and 10,000.000 shares of preferred
stock issued and  outstanding.  Each share of Preferred  Stock is entitled to 20
votes.  Accordingly,  there are  299,969,028  votes  outstanding.  The  Majority
Stockholders  have  217,975,496  votes or  approximately  73% of the total votes
issued and outstanding. The Majority Stockholders are as follows:

                         Name                                 Votes
           ----------------------------------           ------------------
           Stavros N. Pagageorgiou                      1,500,000 (1)
           Helen S. Pagageorgiou                        1,500,000 (1)
           Nikolaos S. Pagageorgiou                     5,000,000 (1)
           Vasiliki A. Leandrou                         2,000,000 (1)
           Per K. Reichborn                             3,276,000 (2)

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August 8, 2006
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           Marinis Loukas                               2,213,896 (2)
           Rick Jones                                   1,350,000 (2)
           Peter M. Tsolinas                            1,250,000 (2)
           John Douros                                  1,732,600 (2)
           Evangelos Alexandris                         1,500,000 (2)
           Spiro Angelos                                1,000,000 (2)
           Dan. Schlapkol                               2,045,000 (2)
           Edwin E. Fromer                              1,000,000 (2)
           Mark Robins                                  2,608,000 (2)

(1) These  votes are  attributed  to shares of  preferred  stock and were  voted
pursuant  to a  conversion  Agreement  dated  May 15,  2006,  a copy of which is
attached hereto.

(2) These  votes are  attributed  to  shares of common  stock and were  obtained
between  June 28, 2006 and July 5, 2006.  Copies of the  consents  are  attached

- ----------

         "Please  advise  us  concerning  the  exemption  from the  registration
         provisions of the  Securities Act you are relying upon for the issuance
         of securities in the merger transaction. Provide us a detailed analysis
         of the factual  basis for your belief that the  exemption is available.
         Among  other  matters,  tell us  whether  the  stockholders  of  GeoVax
         receiving   your  shares  in  the   transaction   were   accredited  or
         sophisticated.  Please  also  advise us the  nature of the  information
         delivered to such stockholders or otherwise advise why such information
         was not required."


         GeoVax has 32 stockholders  of record.  Dauphin intends to issue shares
of its common stock to these  stockholders  without  registration in reliance on
Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933 as amended  ("Securities Act") and/or
Rule 506 of Regulation D. Dauphin believes that all of GeoVax's stockholders are
accredited  investors as that term is defined in Regulation D of the  Securities
Act. Dauphin shares issued to GeoVax stockholders will be restricted securities,
and the  certificates  representing  such shares will bear  legends  restricting
their subsequent resale in the absence of registration under the Securities Act,
or availability of an exemption  therefrom.  The GeoVax  stockholders  have been
provided information regarding Dauphin and its business and financial condition,
including  copies of  Dauphin's  periodic  reports  required  to be filed  under
Sections 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act. In addition,  GeoVax stockholders have
met and/or were given the opportunity to ask questions of Dauphin's officers and
directors.  Dauphin has previously received accredited investor  representations

Barbara C. Jacobs
August 8, 2006
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from the GeoVax stockholders and intends to bring these representations  current
as a condition  of closing.  If a GeoVax  stockholder  is no longer  accredited,
Dauphin  will require such  stockholder  to be able to determine  the merits and
risk of an  investment in Dauphin or appoint a purchaser  representative  who is
able to determine the merits and risks of an investment in Dauphin.


         "You have provided the audited  balance sheet for GeoVax as of the year
         ended  December 31, 2005 and the audited  statements of income and cash
         flows for the two years  ended  December  31,  2005.  Pursuant  to Item
         14(c)(2)  of  Schedule   14A,  Item  17(b)(7)  of  Form  S-4  and  Rule
         14a-3(b)(1)  under the Exchange  Act, it appears  that audited  balance
         sheets as of the end of each of the two most  recent  fiscal  years and
         audited  statements of income and cash flows for each of the three most
         recent fiscal years for GeoVax are required. Please revise or advise us


         We  have  revised  the  Information  Statement  to  include  additional
financial statements of GeoVax.

- ----------

         "It appears that disclosure  pursuant to Items 14(b)(8) through (10) of
         Schedule 14A is required but have not been  provided.  Please revise or
         advise us otherwise."


         The Preliminary  Information  Statement has been revised to include the
selected  financial  data required by Item 14(b)(8) of Schedule 14A and proforma
selected  financial  data  required by Item  14(b)(9)  of  Schedule A.  Proforma
Information   required  by  Item  14(b)(10)  is  attached  to  the   Preliminary
Information Statement as an annex.

               Dauphin Management Discussion and Analysis, page 12

    GeoVax management's Discussion and Analysis or Plan of Operation, page 23

- ----------

         "You  have  provided  a  comparison  of your and  GeoVax's  results  of
         operations, respectively, for the years ended December 31, 2005 to that
         for the years ended  December 31, 2004.  Please provide a discussion of
         your and GeoVax's results of operations for the year-ended  periods you
         are required to present in your financial statements."

Barbara C. Jacobs
August 8, 2006
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         Dauphin's  and  GeoVax's  Management  Discussion  and analysis has been
revised in response to comment 7 of your letter.

                              The Merger Agreement

                  Issuance of Shares Prior to Closing, page 44

- ----------

         "Please  clarify  whether  Dauphin  has issued or will issue the shares
         referred to in the table on page 44."


         We have revised the table on previous page 44 (now page 47). The shares
referenced in the table have not been issued but Dauphin  anticipates  they will
be issued prior to closing. We have revised the table to reflect that 40,000,000
shares,  not  42,611,942  shares,  will be issued  for  services  rendered.  The
remaining  2,611,942  share  number  is a forced  number  based  upon  Dauphin's
agreement with GeoVax as to the maximum number of shares of Dauphin common stock
that may be issued and outstanding  immediately prior to closing.  The 2,611,942
may or not be issued  depending upon shares required for creditors,  cash equity
or services.

- ----------

         "We note your  reference to the `shares  issued in  conversion of debt'
         and the `shares issued in conversion of preferred stock.' Please advise
         how you plan to convert these securities. For example, did the terms of
         the debt and the preferred stock contemplate  conversion at the time it
         was issued?  Does  Dauphin  plan to revise the terms of the  securities
         prior to the  conversion?  If so, please explain.  Alternatively,  does
         Dauphin plan to conduct a tender offer or other transaction?"


         All  convertible  debt is  evidenced by a form of note that states that
Dauphin  shall have the right to convert the  principal  into  Conversion  Stock
(i.e.,  $0.001 par value common stock of Dauphin) and that upon such  conversion
the holder  agrees to waive any  accrued  interest.  Dauphin may  exercise  this
conversion right without any further action by the holder, after the Company has
amended its Articles of Incorporation to provide sufficient authorized shares of
Conversion  Stock to convert all  convertible  debt.  To  facilitate  the merger

Barbara C. Jacobs
August 8, 2006
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between  Dauphin  and  GeoVax,  preferred  stockholders  executed  a  Conversion
Agreement  date May 15, 2006  pursuant to which they agreed to vote their shares
in favor of the merger and to deliver to Dauphin all  certificates  representing
preferred  shares for  cancellation  and conversion into $0.001 par value common
shares of Dauphin at the closing of the merger.  Dauphin does not plan to revise
any  securities  or to  conduct  a tender  offer or other  transaction  prior to
conversion of convertible debt and preferred shares.

- -----------

         "You disclose that you plan to issue aggregate of 40,000,000  shares of
         common  stock to Hyacinth  Resources  and to Andrew J.  Kandalepas  for
         services rendered in connection with the merger.  Please reconcile this
         disclosure  with  your  table on page 44 that  discloses  that you will
         issue 42,611,942 shares of common stock for services."


         Please see our response to comment 8 above.  The 2,611,942  amount is a
forced  figure  based  upon the total  number of shares  that may be issued  and
outstanding prior to the closing of the merger. Currently, those shares have not
been  allocated  to any  person or for any  purpose.  All,  part or none of such
shares  may be issued  prior to  closing  dependent  upon  needs and  conditions
arising prior to closing.


         We believe we have addressed each of your comments and we would like to
a have the Definitive  Information  Statement mailed to Dauphin  stockholders as
soon as possible.  If you have any  additional  questions or need any additional
information, please contact me immediately.


                                              COHNE, RAPPAPORT & SEGAL

                                              /s/ A. O. Headman, Jr.

                                              A. O. Headman, Jr.