- ------------

- ------------                       Richard A. Rappaport    Daniel J. Torkelson
A PROFESSIONAL                     Roger G. Segal          Leslie Van Frank
CORPORATION                        Jeffrey L. Silvestrini  Larry R. Keller
                                   David S. Dolowitz       A. Howard Lundgren
ATTORNEYS AT LAW                   Vernon L. Hopkinson     Brian F. Roberts
                                   Keith W. Meade          Dena C. Sarandos
                                   Ray M. Beck             Edward T. Vasquez
                                   A.O. Headman, Jr.       Emily Broadhead Smoak
                                   Julie A. Bryan          Joshua K. Peterman
                                   Jeffrey R. Oritt        Thomas J. Burns

257 East 200 South, 7th Floor       Mailing Address
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111          Post Office Box 11008
(801) 532-2666                      Salt Lake City, Utah
(801) 238-4606 DIRECT FAX           84147-0008
aoh@crslaw.com DIRECT E-MAIL

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August 17, 2006

Mail Stop 6010
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Barbara C. Jacobs
Assistant Director
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549

                  Re:  Dauphin, Inc.
                       Revised Preliminary Information Statement on Schedule 14C
                       File No. 0-52091

Dear Ms. Jacobs:

         We have filed a revised Preliminary  Information  Statement on Schedule
14C with the Commission today via EDGAR. Enclosed herewith are two copies of the
Preliminary  Information Statement with changes marked for your convenience.  To
facilitate your review of the revised Preliminary Information Statement, we will
respond to each of the comments  contained in your letter dated August 15, 2006.
Each comment number below  corresponds to the number  paragraphs in your comment

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Your  attention is directed to Rules 3-01(a) and 3-02(a) of  Regulation  S-X and
the need for updated financial statements and relate disclosures with respect to
you and GeoVax. Please update your financial information.


         Updated financial  statements,  selected financial and data and related
disclosures  are included in the revised  Preliminary  Information  Statement on
Schedule 14C.

Barbara C. Jacobs
August 17, 2006
Page 2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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We note your  response and revised  disclosure  with respect to comment 3 of our
letter  dated July 28,  2006.  Please  provide us an  analysis  with  respect to
whether your  obtaining of the consents  from such  stockholders  constituted  a
solicitation  subject to the  requirements of Section 14 of the Exchange Act and
the rules  promulgated  thereunder or otherwise  whether an exemption  from such
requirements was available.


         In December 2004,  Dauphin issued  10,000,000 shares of preferred stock
each of which carried 20 votes  (200,000,000  votes  total).  As a result of the
votes  attributed to the preferred stock and the votes  attributed to the common
stock,  Dauphin has 299,969,028  votes available.  In the first quarter of 2005,
Dauphin  management,   together  with  the  preferred   stockholders  and  their
representatives, met with representatives of Geovax to discuss a possible merger
transaction.   Over  the  next  several  months,  terms  of  an  agreement  were
negotiated,  which  resulted in the  execution of a Merger  Agreement in January
2006,  by and between  Dauphin and Geovax and a Form 8-K was filed in connection

         In March 2006 Dauphin and its four  preferred  stockholders  reached an
impasse as to the terms of the conversion of the preferred  stock into shares of
common  stock.  The parties did not agree as to how many shares of common  stock
the preferred stock would be converted into.  Litigation between Dauphin and the
preferred  stockholders  commenced.  In May  2006,  Dauphin  and  the  preferred
stockholders  resolved their differences and a Conversion  Agreement was entered
into whereby,  among other things,  the conversion rate was set at two shares of
common stock for one share of  preferred  stock and the  preferred  stockholders
agreed to vote their 200,000,000 votes in favor of the Geovax merger and related
actions.  Those votes attributed to the preferred  stock,  which represents more
than 67% of the total votes available,  were not obtained  through  solicitation
but  rather,  through  a  global  resolution  of  issues  related  primarily  to
conversion and other matters.

         Although no  additional  votes or consents were required to approve the
Geovax merger and related transactions, 10 of Dauphin's common stockholders, who
are close to Dauphin and Dauphin's  President,  executed  consents.  I have been
informed by Dauphin that these consents were delivered to Dauphin to demonstrate
the  support  of the  transactions  by these  long time  stockholders  and close
acquaintances  of  Dauphin's  President.  These  consents  were not  required to
approve the GeoVax merger and related  transactions  and Dauphin  believes these
consents were not the result of solicitation.

Barbara C. Jacobs
August 17, 2006
Page 3
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Your  response  to  comment  3 of our  letter  dated  July  28,  2006  discloses
significant share ownership by holders of our preferred stock.  Please note that
Item 403 of Regulation S-K requires disclosure with respect to any class of your
voting  securities.  Accordingly,  please revise your disclosure here to include
your outstanding shares of preferred stock.


         We have  revised the  Security  Ownership  Chart and have  included the
Preferred  Stockholders.  As we have described in several places in the Schedule
14C, each share of preferred stock is convertible into 2 shares of common stock.
However  each  share of  preferred  stock has 20 votes per  shares of  preferred
stock.  Three of the four preferred  stockholders own less than 5% of the issued
and outstanding  shares of common stock (assuming such shares of preferred stock
are  converted  into  common  stock)  but have  voting  rights in excess of five
percent.  We have revised the table to assume  conversion of the preferred  into
common and included  the voting  rights in the  footnotes to the  stockownership


         We believe we have addressed each of your comments and we would like to
a have the Definitive  Information  Statement mailed to Dauphin  stockholders as
soon as possible.  If you have any  additional  questions or need any additional
information, please contact me immediately.


                                          COHNE, RAPPAPORT & SEGAL

                                          /s/A. O. Headman, Jr.
                                          A. O. Headman, Jr.