
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                             CURRENT REPORT Pursuant
                            to Section 13 OR 15(d) of
                       The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

      Date of report (Date of earliest event reported):  November 30, 2006

                               CirTran Corporation
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             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

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                 (State of Other Jurisdiction of Incorporation)

               0-26059                                 68-0121636
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       (Commission File Number)            (IRS Employer Identification No.)

  4125 South 6000 West, West Valley City, Utah             84128
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    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)             (Zip Code)

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              (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

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          (Former Name or Former Address, if Changed Since Last Report)

Item 1.01      Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement

Entry into Exclusive Manufacturing and Supply Agreement
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         On November 30, 2006, CirTran Corporation (the "Company"), entered into
an Exclusive  Manufacturing  and Supply Agreement (the  "Agreement") with Evolve
Projects, LLC ("Evolve"), an Ohio-based limited liability company.

         The  term  of the  Agreement  (the  "Term")  is  for  five  years  from
execution,  and may be  continued  on a  month-to-month  basis  thereafter.  The
Agreement  relates to the  manufacturing and production of a new fitness product
(the "Product").  Under the Agreement,  Evolve committed to minimum orders of at
least  20,000  units  during the first year of the Term,  at least  30,000 units
during the second year of the Term,  and at least  40,000 units during the third
year of the  Term.  During  the  Term,  Evolve  agreed  to  purchase  all of its
requirements for the Product on an exclusive basis from the Company.

         The Product is designed to strengthen and  rehabilitate  the lower back
and adjacent areas of the body.  Under the terms of the  Agreement,  Evolve will
own all right,  title,  and interest in and to the Product,  and will market the
Product under its own trademarks, service marks, symbols or trade names.

         On December 5, 2006,  the Company  announced  that it had  received the
first  purchase  order from  Evolve for more than  $54,000 of the  Product.  The
Product will be  manufactured in China by the Company's  Asia-based  subsidiary,
CirTran Asia, and the Company anticipates that the Products will ship under this
first purchase  order to the United States during January 2007.  Once Evolve has
approved the first  production  run of the Product,  the Company and Evolve will
confirm the price per unit.

Item 9.01.     Financial Statements and Exhibits.

       (a)     Financial Statements.  None.

       (b)     Pro Forma Financial Information.  Not Applicable.

       (c)     Exhibits.

               99.1  Exclusive   Manufacturing   and  Supply  Agreement  between
                     CirTran  Corporation and Evolve Projects,  LLC, dated as of
                     November 29, 2006.

               99.2  Press Release dated November 30, 2006.

               99.3  Press Release dated December 5, 2006.



         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                           CirTran Corporation

Date: December 11, 2006                    By:  /s/ Iehab Hawatmeh
      -----------------                       ----------------------------------
                                                Iehab J. Hawatmeh, President


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