

This Exclusive  Manufacturing  and Supply  Agreement  ("Agreement")  is made and
entered into this 29th day of  November,  2006 by and between  Evolve  Projects,
LLC, an Ohio limited liability company  ("Evolve"),  with notice address at P.O.
Box 13417, Akron, OH 44334 and CirTran Corporation,  a Nevada corporation,  with
principal  offices  at  4125  South  6000  West,  West  Valley  City,  UT  84128


Evolve is engaged in the  business  of  marketing  and  distributing  health and
fitness equipment and services.

Manufacturer is engaged in the business of manufacturing  various products on an
exclusive basis for marketing and distribution.

Evolve  approached  Manufacturer  with a  piece  of  fitness  equipment  for the
following purpose:  strengthening and rehabilitating the lower back and adjacent
areas  of  human  body.   Manufacturer   determined  that  Evolve's  design  was
impractical  for  manufacture   overseas  due  to  its  weight  and  complexity.
Manufacturer  has proposed an alternative  design that performs many of the same
functions as Manufacturer's  design, but that can be manufactured and shipped at
a  substantially  lower cost due to savings  in weight  and  complexity.  Evolve
desires  Manufacturer to produce  prototypes of the new design.  Manufacturer is
willing  to  incur  the  cost  to do so,  but  only  if  Evolve  agrees  to have
Manufacturer manufacture, on an exclusive basis, the Product, upon the terms and
conditions set forth herein.

In consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, and for other good and
valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  of which are  hereby  acknowledged,  the
parties hereto agree as follows:


For purposes of this Agreement:

1.       Definitions.  For purposes of this Agreement the following  terms shall
         have the following meanings:

         (a)      "Applicable  Laws" means all applicable  determinations of any
                  governmental  authority and all applicable  federal,  state or
                  local  laws,  statutes,  ordinances,  rules,  regulations  and


         (b)      "Product"  means the fitness  equipment  product  known as the
                  "CorEvolution",  which is generally  depicted in Schedule A to
                  Exhibit A hereto.  References  to the Product will include all
                  variations and derivations  thereof,  whether developed during
                  the prototyping process described in Section 2 hereof or after
                  commercial release of the Product.

         (c)      A "Qualified Evolve  Termination"  means a termination of this
                  Agreement (i) by Manufacturer due to Evolve's material breach,
                  (ii) as a result of Evolve not  agreeing to the an increase in
                  price  pursuant to paragraph  5.2. A  "Qualified  Manufacturer
                  Termination"  means a termination  of this Agreement by Evolve
                  due to Manufacturer's material breach.

         (d)      "Specifications"  means the  specifications  for the  Product,
                  packaging  and  labeling (if any) as set forth on the attached
                  Exhibit A. In the event that complete  specifications  are not
                  attached to this  Agreement  at the time it is  executed,  the
                  parties shall  thereafter  mutually  agree in writing upon the
                  completion  of the  Specifications  and attach  them hereto as
                  Exhibit A. For purposes of Section 10, the Specification shall
                  be deemed to have been provided by Evolve.

         (e)      "Upsell  Products" means products and accessories  marketed by
                  Evolve with the Product that relate to,  complement or enhance
                  the Product.

2.       Finalization of Design and Prototype.  Based on the CAD files presented
         by Manufacturer, Evolve has approved the current design of the Product.
         In reliance on Evolve's  agreements  herein,  Manufacturer will prepare
         the  necessary  jigs and other  tooling to  assemble a  prototype  (the
         "Prototype")  of the Product based on the current design for inspection
         by Evolve.  Evolve shall  promptly  inspect the Prototype and determine
         whether  the  Prototype  conforms  to  the  Specifications  and  if the
         Prototype  is  reasonably  acceptable  to Evolve.  Evolve  will  notify
         Manufacturer  in  writing  of  any  problems  or  deficiencies  of  the
         Prototype and required  changes within 10 business  days.  Manufacturer
         shall  respond to any  reasonable  requests of Evolve and produce a new
         Prototype  for  approval  by Evolve.  Once a  Prototype  is approved by
         Evolve, Evolve will execute  Manufacturer's First Article Approval Form
         (the  "Approval  Form") to authorize  the  manufacture  of the Product.
         Evolve will use its  reasonable  commercial  efforts to cooperate  with
         Manufacturer and will not  unreasonably  withhold or delay execution of
         the Approval Form to authorize  manufacture of the Product. The parties
         acknowledge that  Manufacturer may not commence  manufacture  until the
         Prototype  has been  approved  and  Approval  Form  executed,  and that
         delivery dates must allow time for Prototype  approval,  ramp-up of the
         factory and surface shipping to Port of Los Angeles. Once the Prototype
         is approved  and  Approval  Form  executed by Evolve,  the parties will
         agree on the pricing of the Product based on Manufacturer's  production
         and  shipping  costs in  accordance  with  Section 5. For  purposes  of
         Section 10, the design approved in accordance with this Section 2 shall
         be deemed to have been provided by Evolve.


3.       Sale of Products and Upsell Products; Packaging.

         3.1      Requirements.  Subject to the terms and  conditions  hereafter
                  set forth,  during the "Term" of this Agreement (as defined in
                  Section 7 below),  Evolve agrees to buy from Manufacturer,  on
                  an exclusive  basis,  all of its  requirements for the Product
                  identified  in Exhibit A.  During the first three years of the
                  Term (as defined  below),  Evolve agrees to purchase a minimum
                  of 20,000  units of the  Product  during the first year of the
                  Term,  30,000  units of the Product  during the second year of
                  the Term and  40,000  units of  Product  the third year of the
                  Term (the "Minimum Annual Quantity"), subject to the terms and
                  conditions of this Agreement,  including,  without limitation,
                  Manufacturer's  compliance  with  its  obligations  hereunder.
                  Evolve and  Manufacturer  have  agreed on the  Minimum  Annual
                  Quantity in good faith,  and the parties  acknowledge  that in
                  certain  circumstances  described  below this agreement may be
                  terminated  prior to the  sale of the  entire  Minimum  Annual
                  Quantity.  Evolve shall submit purchase orders for the Product
                  from time to time in accordance with Section 3.3 below.

         3.2      Packaging.  Subject to  Evolve's  rights  with  respect to the
                  protection  of its trademark  and the  determination  of text,
                  color and packaging sizes as addressed in sections 6.1 and 6.3
                  hereof,  Manufacturer  shall be responsible for the selection,
                  sourcing and purchasing of all materials and packaging for the
                  Product  as   described  on  Exhibit  A   (collectively,   the
                  "Packaging").   Any   additional   packaging   shall   be  the
                  responsibility of Evolve unless the parties otherwise agree in

         3.3      Purchase Orders.  Each purchase order  ("Purchase  Order") for
                  the  Product  shall be in writing  and shall  ----------------
                  specify the quantity of the Product to be manufactured and the
                  date upon which Evolve  desires to have the Product  ready for
                  delivery (the "Requested Delivery Date") unless a shorter lead
                  time is authorized by Manufacturer. Such Purchase Orders shall
                  be placed at least  sixty  (60)  days  prior to the  Requested
                  Delivery  Date.  Product  must be  ordered  in whole  shipping
                  container lots. Manufacturer estimates that a standard 20 foot
                  container will require not more than ____ packaged units and a
                  40 foot  High-Q  container  will  require  not more  than ____
                  packaged units. When final packaging has been determined,  and
                  whenever  changes to packaging affect the number of units in a
                  container,  Manufacturer  will notify  Evolve of the number of
                  units in a whole container lot. Minimum lead time for shipment
                  and  other  terms  will be set  forth in  Exhibit  A  attached
                  hereto. Subject to Section 3.4, Manufacturer shall deliver the
                  Product  on  or  before  the  Requested  Delivery  Date.  Upon
                  Evolve's  delivering a written purchase order to Manufacturer,
                  Manufacturer  shall confirm in writing  within three  business
                  days its acceptance or rejection of such Purchase Order. If no
                  such notice is received  from  Manufacturer  within such three
                  business  day  period,  Manufacturer  will be  deemed  to have
                  accepted such  Purchase  Order,  and shall be obligated  under


                  this  Agreement to timely  deliver the Product as set forth in
                  such  Purchase  Order,  subject to  adjustment as set forth in
                  Section 3.6 hereof.

         3.4      Shipment.  Prior  to  being  transported  from  Manufacturer's
                  factory,  all Product shall be packaged  according to Evolve's
                  specifications. All Product will be shipped to the Port of Los
                  Angeles  ______________________  (Note: Need to discuss closer
                  port  to   fulfillment   company   based   in   Michigan)   at
                  Manufacturer's  expense;  provided  that Evolve may specify in
                  its purchase order another deep water port in the  continental
                  United  States in which event Evolve will be  responsible  for
                  all  increased  shipping  costs.  Transportation  to the final
                  Evolve  destination,  which  destination shall be specified by
                  Evolve in the applicable purchase order, is the responsibility
                  of Evolve.  Product  will be  inspected  prior to  shipment at
                  Evolve's   expense  by  PRO  QC,  or  another   professionally
                  certified  inspector that is mutually agreeable to the parties
                  (the "Inspector"), to confirm that the Product conforms to the
                  criteria to be  designated  by the  parties in the  Inspection
                  Checklist (herein "Clearance").  No units of any Product shall
                  be shipped to Evolve  until  such  units  have  satisfied  the
                  Clearance criteria; provided that if Evolve elects not to have
                  the  Inspector  inspect a particular  shipment,  such shipment
                  shall be  deemed to have  satisfied  the  Clearance  criteria.
                  Other than the cost of  inspection  and a 50% deposit,  Evolve
                  shall have no payment or other obligation under this Agreement
                  or  otherwise  with  respect to any such units until they have
                  satisfied  such  Clearance   criteria.   Satisfaction  of  the
                  Clearance criteria shall constitute  acceptance of the Product
                  by Evolve for all  purposes  and Evolve  shall have no further
                  conditions  to payment for the balance  owing with  respect to
                  the  accepted   shipment.   Notwithstanding   the   foregoing,
                  acceptance  of the Product by Evolve  does not affect,  in any
                  way,  either  party's  duties  and   obligations   under  this
                  Agreement.  In  particular,  Evolve  agrees  that  it may  not
                  exercise  any right  under the UCC to revoke  acceptance  of a
                  shipment  which  has been  accepted  in  accordance  with this
                  Agreement.  In  the  event  the  Clearance  criteria  are  not
                  satisfied,  the  Inspector  shall notify the  Manufacturer  in
                  writing of the defects and  Manufacturer  shall have the right
                  to appeal to the  Inspector  or correct or repair any defects.
                  In  the  event  the  Clearance  criteria  are  not  satisfied,
                  Manufacturer  shall reimburse Evolve for the cost of Clearance
                  for a shipment  of  replacement  or repaired  Products.  After
                  satisfaction of the Clearance criteria (the "Clearance Date"),
                  all risk of damage and loss to the Product that is the subject
                  of a shipment transfers to Evolve.

         3.5      Artwork.  Evolve shall produce and deliver to Manufacturer all
                  artwork  for  Product  logos  and  marks  ("Materials"),  when
                  applicable  and  necessary,  and  Manufacturer  shall use such
                  materials  without  modification,  addition or revision of any
                  type other than necessary resizing.


         3.6      Inventory  Forecast.  For purposes of production and inventory
                  planning,  on or about the first day of each  calendar  month,
                  Evolve will provide to Manufacturer a non-binding  forecast of
                  Purchase  Orders to be submitted by it during each of the next
                  six months (the  "Forecasts").  The Forecasts  will detail the
                  number  of  units of the  Product  estimated  to be  purchased
                  through  Purchase  Orders  during  the  period  covered by the
                  Forecast and anticipated  delivery dates.  Notwithstanding the
                  above,  to enable  Evolve  to more  accurately  gauge  initial
                  demand  for the  Product,  Evolve  is not  required  to submit
                  Forecasts  during  the  first  60  days  after  the  date  the
                  Prototype is approved.  The parties acknowledge that Forecasts
                  shall be based on Evolve's  good faith  efforts to  accurately
                  reflect the timing and amount of Product  orders  based on all
                  relevant  information  available  to Evolve at the time of the
                  Forecast.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Evolve will promptly
                  notify  Manufacturer  of any material change in the applicable
                  Forecast,  which  Evolve  anticipates  as a result  of  market
                  developments   or  other   relevant   factors.   The   parties
                  acknowledge  and agree that any failure or inability of Evolve
                  to meet any  Forecast  shall  not be  deemed a breach  of this

         3.7      Upsell  Products.  During  the  term  of this  Agreement,  the
                  parties agree that Manufacturer shall have the exclusive right
                  to manufacture or source  manufacturing  for Upsell  Products.
                  Whenever Evolve develops a potential Upsell Product,  it shall
                  so notify  Manufacturer and the parties will negotiate in good
                  faith  the  terms  of  adding  such  Upsell  Product  to  this
                  Agreement. The parties shall add Upsell Products in accordance
                  with this  Section 3.7 by signing or  initialing a new Exhibit
                  A-x  describing  the  Upsell  Product  and a new  Exhibit  B-x
                  setting forth the initial pricing of the Upsell Product, which
                  Exhibits shall be attached to and form part of this Agreement.
                  Except as set forth on the relevant  Exhibits A-x and B-x, the
                  terms of sale of the Upsell  Products  will be the same as the
                  terms for sale of the Product hereunder.  Notwithstanding  the
                  above,  Manufacturer  may  decline  the  opportunity  to add a
                  particular Upsell Product to the Agreement.

4.       Manufacturing Procedures and Warranty.

         4.1      Procedures.  Manufacturer  and Evolve shall  mutually agree in
                  writing upon appropriate  procedures to determine whether each
                  Product   conforms  to  the  Prototype   (the   "Procedures").
                  Similarly, the packaging designs, containers,  dimensions, and
                  materials   shall  be   approved  in  writing  by  Evolve  and
                  Manufacturer  and the  procedures for  determining  compliance
                  therewith  attached to this  Agreement as a schedule  ("Mutual

         4.2      Quality Control. Manufacturer shall itself maintain, and shall
                  require that its  subcontractors  and any and all raw material
                  suppliers  maintain,  a quality  control  program  designed to
                  assure  compliance  with the  Specifications,  Procedures  and
                  Mutual  Procedures.   Unless  otherwise  agreed  upon  by  the


                  parties,  Manufacturer will provide the manufacturing process,
                  any required manufacturing technology, manufacturing capacity,
                  labor,   transportation  logistics,   systems  and  facilities
                  necessary for the manufacture,  assembly,  testing, packaging,
                  and  delivery of the Products in a manner that  complies  with
                  the Specifications,  and will use its best efforts to identify
                  the lowest  cost/highest  quality  materials  and equipment to
                  manufacture the Product.

         4.3      New Sample, Specifications.  In the event that during the Term
                  the Specifications  change or Manufacturer  proposes to change
                  materials or manufacturing  practices, it may submit to Evolve
                  an  updated   sample  of  the  Product  as   manufactured   by
                  Manufacturer  (the  "Sample").  Evolve will have 10 days after
                  receipt of the Sample to determine whether the Sample conforms
                  to the  Specifications.  Unless Evolve  notifies  Manufacturer
                  within  such 10-day  period that the Sample does not  conform,
                  giving the  particulars of  non-conformance,  then all Product
                  thereafter  manufactured by Manufacturer that is substantially
                  identical  to the  Sample  (subject  to  normal  manufacturing
                  tolerances) shall be conclusively and irrebuttably presumed to
                  conform to the Specifications.

         4.4      Subcontractors.   The   Product   will  be   manufactured   by
                  Manufacturer   or   by   subcontractors    selected   by   the
                  Manufacturer. Manufacturer shall terminate the services of any
                  subcontractor  upon Evolve's  prior  written  notice that such
                  subcontractor   is  not  performing  as  required  under  this
                  Agreement  (i.e., the  subcontractor is not providing  quality
                  products or services, etc.) unless the subcontractor cures, to
                  Evolve's satisfaction, any material deficiency noted by Evolve
                  within 30 days of Evolve's written notice to Manufacturer. All
                  delays or  damages  caused by any  subcontractor's  failure to
                  perform its obligations in the manner required of Manufacturer
                  as set  forth  in this  Agreement  ("Subcontractor's  Breach")
                  shall be the obligation of Manufacturer, and Evolve shall have
                  such  rights  and  remedies  against  Manufacturer  as if  the
                  Subcontractor's   Breach  initially  had  been  Manufacturer's

         4.5      Warranty & RMAs.

                  4.5.1    Manufacturer  Warranty.  Manufacturer  warrants for a
                           period of twelve (12) months from the Clearance  Date
                           of the Products  that (a) the Product will conform to
                           the Specifications,  Procedures and Mutual Procedures
                           applicable  to  such  Product  at  the  time  of  its
                           manufacture;  and (b)  such  Product  will be of good
                           material and workmanship and free from defects in the
                           manufacture,  assembly and  packaging of the Product.
                           Manufacturer  shall,  to the  extent  possible,  pass
                           through to Evolve any  warranties  for  components of
                           the Products purchased for Evolve.


                  4.5.2    Product Misuse and Warranty  Exclusion.  Manufacturer
                           does  not  warrant  any  Products  that  Manufacturer
                           demonstrates  to have been subjected to  mishandling,
                           accident, misuse, neglect, improper testing, improper
                           or unauthorized repair, alteration, damage, assembly,
                           processing or any other inappropriate or unauthorized
                           action or  inaction  that  alters  physical  or other
                           properties in the Products.

         4.6      RMA.  Manufacturer will repair or replace  defective  Products
                  caused by a breach of Manufacturer's  warranties in accordance
                  with  Manufacturer's  standard return  material  authorization
                  process and procedure  ("RMA").  If Evolve desires to return a
                  manufactured   Product   based   on  a  claim   of   defective
                  workmanship,   Evolve   will   request  an  RMA  number   from
                  Manufacturer.  Evolve  will then send to  Manufacturer's  Utah
                  manufacturing  facility  the  defective  product with a return
                  purchase order  identifying the RMA number.  Manufacturer will
                  analyze all RMA Products  and, if a failure to comply with the
                  warranty  set  forth in  Section  4.5 is  found  (a  "Warranty
                  Defect"),  and the RMA Products  are received by  Manufacturer
                  within 30 days  following  the end of the warranty  period for
                  the RMA  Product,  Manufacturer  will  repair or  replace,  at
                  Manufacturer's  option,  the Product  within 30 business days.
                  Repaired or  replacement  Products  shall be  warranted  as an
                  original  Product under section 4.5.1. If a Warranty Defect is
                  found,  Manufacturer will pay for all  transportation  charges
                  for all Products  returned to Manufacturer  under warranty and
                  all transportation  charges involved in the return of repaired
                  warranted  Products to Evolve or its distribution agent in the
                  United States.

         4.7      Limitation of Liability. EXCEPT WITH RESPECT TO SECTIONS 4.10,
                  4.11,  10.1,  11,  AND  12,  UNDER  NO   CIRCUMSTANCES   SHALL



         4.8      Inspection.  Evolve  or its  designee  may  from  time to time
                  inspect   Manufacturer's   facilities   (both   domestic   and
                  international)   upon  10   days'   prior   notice   and  make
                  recommendations   concerning   the   manufacture,    material,
                  workmanship,  testing,  and quality  control for the  Product.
                  Manufacturer  shall  give  Evolve or its  designee  reasonable
                  access to Manufacturer's  facilities for these purposes.  Such
                  inspection  shall  be  based  on a  statistically  significant
                  sample of the Product  with a  reasonable  rate of  rejection.
                  Evolve shall pay for the inspection.

         4.9      Records.  Manufacturer  shall  maintain an up-to-date  file of
                  specifications for the Product supplied to Evolve,  including,
                  but  not  limited  to,  performance   standards,   dimensional
                  information, and material/physical specifications.

         4.10     Delays.   Acceptance  of  a  Purchase  Order  by  Manufacturer
                  indicates that Manufacturer will have the capacity and factory
                  space to produce the necessary quantity of Product on a timely
                  basis  consistent  with current  production  timing.  Upon the
                  request of Evolve,  Manufacturer will from time to time inform
                  Evolve of the amount of factory space allocated for production
                  of the Product. Manufacturer will inform Evolve immediately of
                  any  occurrence  which  will or is  expected  to result in any
                  delay in ship date or quantity as  specified  on the  Purchase
                  Order. Manufacturer shall also notify Evolve of all corrective
                  action being taken to minimize the effect of such  occurrence.
                  Manufacturer  intends to have two facilities in China, whether
                  its own or those of a subcontractor,  capable of producing the
                  Product and if volume warrants a third facility will be added.
                  If  Manufacturer is unable to fulfill a Purchase Order via any
                  of its facilities in China,  then  Manufacturer  agrees to use
                  its best  efforts to fulfill such  Purchase  Orders from other
                  manufacturing  facilities in China,  at no additional  cost or
                  expense to Evolve.

         4.11     Recalls or Seizures.

                  If any of the Product is the subject of a recall or seizure by
                  any  governmental  authority or in the event any  governmental
                  authority  requests  or suggests  that any of the  Products be
                  recalled or withdrawn,  and Evolve and Manufacturer  agree, or
                  in the event  Evolve and  Manufacturer  shall deem that such a
                  recall is necessary or advisable  because the Product does not
                  comply  with the  governmental  law or  regulations  at issue,
                  Evolve will be solely responsible for executing such recall or
                  taking all legal  measures to release the Product from seizure
                  or  impoundment,  and the  expense  of such  actions  shall be
                  allocated between the parties as set forth below.


                  If the  recall or  seizure  is  attributable  a failure of the
                  Specifications  to comply with  applicable  law or a safety or
                  performance issue relating to the Specifications, Evolve shall
                  bear the entire  cost and  expense  of  remedial  measures  to
                  comply with such applicable law.  Manufacturer  represents and
                  warrants that, to the best of its  knowledge,  it is not aware
                  of facts or circumstances  that would make the  Specifications
                  not in compliance  with applicable law or the existence of any
                  safety or performance issue relating to the Specifications. If
                  the  recall  or  seizure  is  attributable  to  a  failure  of
                  Manufacturer to comply with applicable law regarding export or
                  other customs  regulations,  or with respect to the conditions
                  of manufacture or the employment of persons  engaged  therein,
                  or with other  applicable law including,  without  limitation,
                  the   payment  of  taxes   (collectively   "Legal   Failure"),
                  Manufacturer  shall indemnify  Evolve for all direct costs and
                  expense   of  the  recall  or   seizure   including,   without

                  (a)      All  costs and  expenses  of  notifying  the trade or
                           consumers of said recall or  withdrawal  to the level
                           acceptable to the regulatory agency;

                  (b)      All freight charges actually  incurred by Evolve,  or
                           paid by Evolve to its  distributors,  related  to the
                           retrieval of the Products; and

                  (c)      The salaries of any additional employees, contractors
                           and agents that  Evolve is required to retain  solely
                           to effect the recall or seizure.

                  If the  parties  disagree  about  the  cause  of a  recall  or
                  seizure,  Evolve  shall  submit  representative  samples to an
                  independent third party approved by both parties,  which shall
                  make its own  determination  as to the cause of the  recall or
                  seizure,  which  determination shall be final and binding upon
                  the  parties.  Evolve  will not  delay a  required  recall  or
                  seizure to wait for the decision of the third party.

5.       Prices; Payment

         5.1      Price. Evolve shall pay Manufacturer for the Product purchased
                  at the prices  agreed to after the  Prototype  is  approved in
                  accordance  with  Section  2 (the  "Price")  depending  on the
                  cumulative number of units of Product that have been purchased
                  by Evolve.  Such Pricing shall be set forth in Exhibit B to be
                  agreed to by the parties and  executed by both  parties  after
                  approval of the Prototype and shall become, upon execution,  a
                  part of this Agreement.  In the event the parties cannot agree
                  on the Price,  this Agreement shall be immediately  terminated
                  in accordance with Section 7.

         5.2      Adjustment  in  Price.  Manufacturer  shall  have the right to
                  increase  the Price if its  actual,  third  party U.S.  dollar
                  denominated  costs  increase  and result in  increased  costs;
                  provided,  however,  that in no event shall the Product prices


                  increase  by  more  than  the  sum  of  (a)  any  increase  in
                  Manufacturer's   actual   out-of-pocket   cost  of  production
                  materials,  including  materials  purchased  from third  party
                  subcontractors,  (b) any  increase  in  Manufacturer's  actual
                  out-of-pocket  cost for  shipping,  customs,  taxes or similar
                  charges,  and (c) any increase in Manufacturer's  labor costs.
                  Notwithstanding  the above, the Price will not increase during
                  the first twelve (12) months of the Term. Subject to the terms
                  herein, any increase in Price shall be effective upon 30 days'
                  written  notice to Evolve of such  change.  Such change  shall
                  apply to any new orders made after the  effective  date of the
                  change.  Any  purchase  orders that were placed for  immediate
                  delivery  consistent  with past  purchase  orders  but  remain
                  unfilled  in  whole or in part at the  effective  time of such
                  change shall be delivered  at the old price.  If  Manufacturer
                  makes  a  price   change  to  the  Product   that  renders  it
                  uneconomical  for Evolve to  continue  to market the  Product,
                  then Evolve shall have the option,  exercisable within 60 days
                  after notice of the price change,  to terminate this Agreement
                  without  penalty on 60 days'  written  notice;  provided  that
                  Section  7.5.3 shall apply with  respect to Evolve's  right to
                  purchase the Product or any substantially similar product from
                  a third party following such termination.

         5.3      Payment  Terms.  Payment  for each order of Product  placed by
                  Evolve shall be made as follows:  50% of the total payment for
                  the number of units  ordered shall be paid by wire transfer of
                  immediately  available funds, upon the placement of the order,
                  with the balance due before shipment  arrives at the U.S. port
                  of  destination.   Manufacturer  will  notify  Evolve  of  the
                  shipment date and anticipated arrival date.  Manufacturer will
                  release  the Bill of Lading to Evolve or its  designee  within
                  three  business  days  after  receiving  payment  as set forth
                  herein  regardless of whether the shipper has arrived in port.
                  Any amounts not paid when due shall bear  interest at the rate
                  of 1.5% per month or the  highest  rate  allowed  by law.  Any
                  storage or  demurrage  charges  incurred  at the port  pending
                  receipt  of  Evolve's   payment   shall  be  paid  by  Evolve.
                  Manufacturer will consider in good faith proposals from Evolve
                  for  alternative  financing  that provides  Manufacturer  with
                  equal or greater security for payment,  but Manufacturer shall
                  have sole discretion to accept or reject any such proposal.

6.       Development, Licensing and Ownership.

         6.1      Product  and  Product  Marks.  Without  affecting  in any  way
                  Evolve's  duties  and  obligations  under  this  Agreement  to
                  Manufacturer,   including  its  payment  responsibility  under
                  section 5.3, as between Manufacturer and Evolve,  Evolve shall
                  own all  right,  title  and  interest  in and to the  Product.
                  Evolve  shall  sell  the  Product  under  its own  trademarks,
                  service  marks,  symbols  or  trade  names,  if  any  ("Evolve
                  Marks").  Solely in connection  with the  performance  of this
                  Agreement,  Evolve grants  Manufacturer the right to reproduce
                  and print on the Product the Evolve Marks as are designated by


                  Evolve.  Manufacturer  agrees  that it will not use the Evolve
                  Marks in  advertising  or  promotional  materials or place the
                  Evolve  Marks on  goods or  otherwise  without  prior  written
                  consent of Evolve.  Manufacturer agrees that it shall not sell
                  or  distribute,  or assist any party other than Evolve to sell
                  or  distribute,  in any manner  whatsoever any goods marked or
                  designated with the Evolve Marks,  or any derivation  thereof,
                  except to Evolve,  without  obtaining  Evolve's  prior written

         6.2      Repurchase    Responsibility.    Evolve    may    change   the
                  Specifications  for the  Packaging  (if any)  with at least 30
                  days'  prior  notice to  Manufacturer.  Evolve  may change the
                  Specifications  for the  Product  with at least 30 days' prior
                  notice  to  Manufacturer;  provided  that  if such  change  in
                  Specifications will increase  Manufacturer's  costs (including
                  costs of raw materials,  manufacturing or quality control) the
                  change will not be effective until the parties  mutually agree
                  to  appropriate  adjustments  to  the  purchase  price  of the
                  Product.  Manufacturer  shall promptly implement the requested
                  changes to the  Specifications  and Evolve shall (i) reimburse
                  Manufacturer,  within 30 days of the date of invoice,  for the
                  cost  of  any  packaging  materials  or  finished  Product  in
                  inventory  that is rendered  obsolete  because of the changes;
                  and  (ii)  pay  any  agreed  upon  increase  in  the  cost  of
                  production  of the  Product  due to the  changes.  In no event
                  shall Evolve be  responsible  for purchasing any raw material,
                  components or other supplies which Manufacturer can use in the
                  ordinary  course of its  business  or other  products  sold to
                  other companies.

         6.3      Packaging   Materials   and  Artwork.   If   Manufacturer   is
                  responsible for the development of any Packaging, Manufacturer
                  shall   maintain   sufficient   inventory  of  Packaging,   as
                  applicable, to ensure continuity of service in accordance with
                  Evolve's Product  forecasts.  Evolve shall have all rights and
                  title to art, plates, negatives or designs prepared for Evolve
                  by Manufacturer or its printer,  lithographer, or bag, box, or
                  carton  manufacturer/vendor,  and all artwork shall become the
                  possession  of  Evolve  upon  notice  of  termination  of this
                  Agreement by either party.  Evolve shall pay the  Manufacturer
                  for the cost of preparing these materials, subject to Evolve's
                  prior written approval of such costs.  The designs,  including
                  texts,  color and sizes of Packaging  shall be  determined  by
                  Evolve.  The fee payable by Evolve for  Manufacturer  supplied
                  artwork, if any, shall be negotiated by the parties.

7.       Term and Termination.

         7.1      Term.  The  Term of this  Agreement  shall  commence  upon its
                  execution  and  shall  continue  for a  period  of five  years
                  thereafter  unless  terminated  as set forth  herein and shall
                  continue   thereafter   on  a  month  to  month  basis  unless
                  terminated by either party on written notice.  Any termination


                  pursuant to the preceding  sentence shall be effective 30 days
                  after the date of the notice.

         7.2      Early  Termination  for  Failure  to Agree  on Price  Prior to
                  Production.  In the event the parties cannot agree,  after the
                  Prototype has been approved by Evolve,  upon the pricing terms
                  of the Product in accordance  with Section 5.1, this Agreement
                  shall be terminated.  Upon such termination,  the Manufacturer
                  shall deliver to Evolve a statement with the costs incurred by
                  Manufacturer  in producing  any  Prototypes.  Evolve agrees to
                  promptly  pay such costs to  Manufacturer  within 10 days.  In
                  such event, although Manufacturer agrees that the Product, its
                  design and the intellectual  property  relating to the Product
                  are the  property  of Evolve,  Evolve  agrees that it will not
                  manufacture,  or cause any  third  party to  manufacture,  any
                  Product or any  product  that is  substantially  similar to or
                  derived  from  the  Product  after  the  termination  of  this

         7.3      Termination  for Material  Breach.  Either party may terminate
                  this  Agreement on 30 days' prior written  notice to the other
                  party  based on a  material  breach of this  Agreement  by the
                  non-terminating party, unless such breach is cured within such
                  30-day period or, in the event of a  non-monetary  breach that
                  cannot  reasonably be cured within 30 days, that the breaching
                  party commences within such thirty day period steps calculated
                  to cure  the  breach  as soon as  practicable  and the cure is
                  completed  within 45 days.  In the event of a  termination  by
                  Manufacturer  due  to  Evolve's  breach,   Evolve  grants  the
                  Manufacturer a non-exclusive  license for a period of 180 days
                  following   termination  to  utilize   Evolve's   intellectual
                  property  (including  its  patents,  designs  and  trademarks)
                  solely for the purpose of liquidating Manufacturer's inventory
                  of Products  (including Product assembled from  Manufacturer's
                  inventory of raw materials and work in progress). In the event
                  of termination of this Agreement due to Manufacturer's breach,
                  (a) Evolve shall have the right,  but not the  obligation,  to
                  purchase,  at the price  determined  below, all or any part of
                  the supply of work in progress ("WIP"),  packed, labeled or on
                  hand Product if such right is  exercised  within 10 days after
                  termination.  In no event  shall  Evolve  be  responsible  for
                  purchasing any raw material, components or other supplies that
                  Manufacturer can use in the ordinary course of its business or
                  other  products  sold to other  companies.  The  price for any
                  items  sold  will  be (i) for  finished  Products,  the  price
                  provided  herein,  (ii) for all  other  items,  Manufacturer's
                  actual third party cost, plus a mark-up of 10%;  provided that
                  such sale is "as is, where is" and Evolve shall be responsible
                  to promptly  remove the  purchased  items from  Manufacturer's

         7.4      Early  Termination.  If Evolve  does not have any other  valid
                  means of  terminating  this  Agreement  pursuant  to the terms
                  hereof,  and Evolve still desires to terminate this Agreement,
                  this  Agreement may still be terminated by Evolve prior to the
                  sale of the  Minimum  Annual  Quantity  for each of the  first


                  three years of the Term,  or at any time during the  remainder
                  of the Term, by prior  written  notice if all of the following
                  conditions apply:

                  (a)      All  invoices  and  payment  for  Product  subject to
                           non-cancelable orders have been paid in full (whether
                           or not then due) and Evolve is not in  default  under
                           this Agreement.

                  (b)      Evolve, through a senior executive officer, certifies
                           to  Manufacturer in writing that (1) Other than sales
                           of existing  inventory of the Product  purchased from
                           Manufacturer,  Evolve  is no  longer  advertising  or
                           promoting  the Product and has no plans to  advertise
                           or promote the Product or any  substantially  similar
                           product,  (2)  continued  sale of the  Product  is no
                           longer profitable to Evolve,  (3) other than sales of
                           existing  inventory  of the  Product  purchased  from
                           Manufacturer,  Evolve has no plans or  intentions  to
                           manufacture,  distribute  or sell the  Product or any
                           substantially  similar  product,  and (4)  Evolve  is
                           aware  of   agrees   to  abide  by  its   exclusivity
                           provisions   as   set   forth   above.   Good   faith
                           certification  under  this  Section  7.4(b)  will not
                           preclude  Evolve from again  advertising,  promoting,
                           manufacturing, distributing or selling the Product if
                           circumstances  subsequently change and at least three
                           (3)   months   have   elapsed   since  the  later  of
                           termination or the last televised  advertising of the

                  (c)      Evolve  submits  to   Manufacturer  at  the  time  of
                           Evolve's notice of termination,  a Purchase Order for
                           the  shipment  as  soon  as  manufacturing  schedules
                           permit of a number of units of Product equal to three
                           (3)  times  the  average  monthly  number of units of
                           Product purchased during the term preceding  Evolve's
                           notice of termination,  excluding any months in which
                           no Product was purchased  (the "Final  Release").  In
                           lieu of the Final Release,  if requested by Evolve in
                           its notice of  termination,  Evolve may (i)  purchase
                           from  Manufacturer,   Manufacturer's   then  existing
                           inventory of Product,  and (ii) pay to Manufacturer a
                           release payment (the "Release  Payment") equal to the
                           product of (x)  Manufacturer's  per unit gross profit
                           on the Product at the time of termination, multiplied
                           by (y) the  number  of units  which  would  have been
                           required to be purchased in the Final  Release,  less
                           the  number  of  units  in  the  inventory  purchased
                           pursuant to clause (i). If Evolve  elects the Release
                           Payment  in lieu of the Final  Release,  Manufacturer
                           will notify  Evolve of its gross  profit per unit and
                           existing  Product  inventory  as soon as  practicable
                           after receipt of Evolve's notice of termination,  and
                           the Release  Payment shall be due and payable  within
                           30 days  after  Evolve's  receipt  of  Manufacturer's
                           notice. If the Release Payment is made, the number of
                           units  which  would have been  included  in the Final
                           Release  will be deemed  to have been sold  hereunder
                           for purposes of Section 7.5.3.


         7.5      Rights Upon Expiration or Termination.

                  7.5.1    Purchase  Orders.  In the event of expiration of this
                           Agreement,   Manufacturer   will   comply   with  all
                           outstanding  Purchase  Orders for delivery  within 60
                           days after  expiration.  In the event of a  Qualified
                           Manufacturer  Termination by Evolve, Evolve will have
                           the right to cancel any  outstanding  Purchase Orders
                           or to require  Manufacturer  to finish such  Purchase

                  7.5.2    Inventory.  In the event of expiration or termination
                           of this  Agreement,  Evolve will have the right,  but
                           not the  obligation,  to  purchase  any  Products  in
                           inventory that  Manufacturer  has in its  possession.
                           Evolve shall have the right,  but not the obligation,
                           to purchase Manufacturer's  inventory of the Products
                           by giving notice to Manufacturer within 20 days after
                           the effective date of the expiration or  termination.
                           The  purchase  price  for the  finished  manufactured
                           Product  shall be the price as  provided  herein plus
                           actual freight,  handling charges, customs duties and
                           taxes  if paid by  Manufacturer  on the  shipment  to
                           Evolve's possession and in sound condition.

                  7.5.3    No  Further  Rights.  In the event of  expiration  or
                           termination  of this  Agreement  prior to the sale of
                           50,000 units of the Product hereunder (the "Threshold
                           Quantity"),  Evolve  shall have no further  rights to
                           manufacture  or to cause a third party to manufacture
                           the  Product  or any  substantially  similar  product
                           utilizing any of the intellectual  property  relating
                           to  the  same  unless   Evolve  shall  first  pay  to
                           Manufacturer  a fee (the  "Recoupment  Fee") equal to
                           (i) seven  Dollars  ($7.00) per unit,  multiplied  by
                           (ii) the  difference  between the Threshold  Quantity
                           and the  number  of units of  Product  actually  sold
                           hereunder.  The Recoupment Fee, if applicable,  shall
                           be  payable  no  later  than  the  time  when  Evolve
                           commences  manufacture  of the Product or enters into
                           agreements  for a  third  party  to  manufacture  the
                           Product.  Upon the request of Manufacturer given from
                           time to time  following  termination or expiration of
                           this Agreement, Evolve shall promptly certify whether
                           or  not  it  has  directly  or  indirectly  commenced
                           manufacture  of  the  Product  or  any  substantially
                           similar product.

                  7.5.4    Survival.   The  following  terms  will  survive  the
                           expiration or termination of this Agreement: Sections
                           4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.11,  6.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 9, 10,
                           11, 12, and 15.6.  Upon  expiration or termination of
                           this  Agreement  for any reason  whatsoever,  (i) all
                           amounts then properly owed by Evolve to  Manufacturer


                           shall  become  immediately  due and  payable and (ii)
                           except as  specifically  provided in this  Section 7,
                           all  rights  and  obligations  of the  parties  shall

8.       Compliance with Regulations.

         8.1      Regulatory  Reports.  Each party  shall  promptly  furnish the
                  other with copies of reports or other information  relating to
                  the Product prepared by it, or on its behalf, to be filed with
                  any governmental authorities or received from any governmental
                  authorities.  Any and all issues  concerning the distribution,
                  advertising or promotion of the Product shall be addressed and
                  resolved by Evolve.  Any and all issues raised with respect to
                  the   manufacturing  of  the  Product  shall  be  resolved  by

         8.2      Export Control.  Manufacturer  agrees that it will not export,
                  re-export,  resell or transfer,  or otherwise  ship or deliver
                  any Product,  assembly,  component or any technical  data that
                  violate  any export  controls  or  limitations  imposed by the
                  United States or any other governmental  authority,  or to any
                  country  for which an  export  license  or other  governmental
                  approval  is  required  at the time of  export  without  first
                  obtaining all necessary  licenses or other  approvals.  Evolve
                  acknowledges    that    Manufacturer    will    transfer   the
                  specifications  and other technical data regarding the Product
                  to its  manufacturing  facility  in China,  and to the best of
                  Evolve's  knowledge such transfer will not violate such export
                  controls or limitations. Evolve will provide Manufacturer with
                  all licenses, certifications,  approvals and authorizations in
                  order to permit  Manufacturer  to comply with all export laws,
                  rules and  regulations  for the  shipment  and delivery of the
                  Products.  Evolve shall also be responsible for complying with
                  any  legislation or regulations  governing the  importation of
                  the Products into the country of  destination  and for payment
                  of any duties thereon.

9.       Representations and Warranties.

         9.1      Both Parties.  Each Party warrants to the other that (i) it is
                  an entity duly organized, valid, existing and in good standing
                  under  the  laws of the  state,  province  or  country  of its
                  incorporation  or  establishment  and  has  the  corporate  or
                  equivalent power to own its assets and properties and to carry
                  on its business as now being  conducted;  (ii) its obligations
                  hereunder  shall  be  performed  in full  compliance  with the
                  Applicable  Laws;  (iii) it will cooperate with the other,  as
                  necessary,  to remain in full  compliance  with the Applicable
                  Laws;  (iv) the  execution,  delivery and  performance of this
                  Agreement  have  been  duly  authorized,  do not  violate  its
                  certificate  of  incorporation,  by-laws or similar  governing
                  instruments or Applicable Law and do not, and with the passage
                  of time will not,  materially  conflict  with or  constitute a
                  breach under any other  agreement,  judgment or  instrument to


                  which  it  is a  party  or  by  which  it is  bound;  (v)  its
                  employment  and  labor  practices  comply in all  respects  to
                  Applicable  Law in the  jurisdiction  in which  such  labor is
                  performed;  and (vi) this  Agreement  is the legal,  valid and
                  binding  obligation of such party,  enforceable  in accordance
                  with its terms.

         9.2      Manufacturer.  Manufacturer  warrants and  represents:  (i) it
                  will  not and  has  not  knowingly  infringed  any  copyright,
                  patent,  trade secret or other  property right of any party in
                  the  performance of the services  required by this  Agreement;
                  (ii)  it  will  obtain  from   Manufacturer's   employees  and
                  subcontractors, if any, any necessary assignment, license, and
                  release of all, if any,  interests in the  Product;  and (iii)
                  Manufacturer's  actions in  manufacturing  and  designing  the
                  Product  will not  cause the  Product  to be in  violation  of
                  consumer  product  safety  laws or the  requirements  of other
                  Applicable Laws.

         9.3      Evolve.  Evolve warrants and  represents:  (i) it will not and
                  has not  knowingly  infringed  any  copyright,  patent,  trade
                  secret or other  property  right of any party in the provision
                  of the  design  and  any  specifications  or the  sale  of the
                  Product; (ii) there is no suit, action, arbitration, or legal,
                  administrative   or  other   proceeding  or   governmental  or
                  quasi-governmental  investigation  pending  or,  to  the  best
                  knowledge  of  Evolve,  threatened  against or  affecting  the
                  Product;  (iii) it will obtain  from  Evolve's  employees  and
                  subcontractors, if any, any necessary assignment, license, and
                  release of all, if any, interests in the Product; and (iv) the
                  design  and  specifications  of the  Product,  to  the  extent
                  provided  by  Evolve,  will  conform to all  consumer  product
                  safety laws and meet the  requirements of all other Applicable

10.      Indemnification and Insurance.

         10.1     Manufacturer  Indemnity.  Manufacturer will defend,  indemnify
                  and  hold   harmless   Evolve  and  its  Members,   employees,
                  directors,   officers  and  agents  against  any  third  party
                  allegations, demands, suits, investigations, causes of action,
                  proceedings  or other claims  ("Third Party  Claims") and from
                  all  damages,  liabilities,   judgments,  costs  and  expenses
                  (including  attorneys'  fees and costs) and other such  losses
                  ("Losses")  which are based on, and arise in connection  with,
                  such  Third  Party  Claims to the  extent  based on any of the
                  following:  (i) any  claim  that the  Product,  including  the
                  Product Packaging, is defective, including without limitation,
                  illness, personal injury or death caused by the Product or any
                  other product  liability  claim related to the Product,  which
                  results  from  the  design  or   Specifications   provided  by
                  Manufacturer,  (ii) any grossly  negligent  act or omission by
                  Manufacturer, including, without limitation, those relating to
                  or  affecting  the  condition,  quality  or  character  of the
                  Product;  (iii) any  failure of  Product  to conform  with the
                  applicable Specifications; (iv) any failure of Manufacturer to


                  comply with any  Applicable  Law;  or (v) any other  breach of
                  Manufacturer's  obligations  under this Agreement,  including,
                  without  limitation,  any  representations  or  warranties  of

         10.2     Evolve  Indemnity.  Evolve  will  defend,  indemnify  and hold
                  harmless Manufacturer, its subcontractors and their respective
                  employees,  directors,  officers  and agents  any Third  Party
                  Claims (as defined  above) and any Losses (as  defined  above)
                  which are based on, and arise in connection  with,  such Third
                  Party Claims and to the extent based on any of the  following:
                  (i) any  negligent  act or  omission  by  Evolve  relating  to
                  Evolve's  design  and   Specifications   for  the  Product  or
                  marketing  and  promotion  of the  Product;  (ii) the  Product
                  infringing  upon any  intellectual  property rights of a third
                  party, including, without limitation, patent, copyright, trade
                  secret, trademark, etc.; (iii) any failure of Evolve to comply
                  with any  Applicable  Law;  (iv) any other  breach of Evolve's
                  obligations    under    this    Agreement,    including    any
                  representations or warranties of Evolve; or (v) any allegation
                  of illness,  personal injury or death caused by the Product or
                  any other  product  liability  claim related to the Product or
                  any claim that the Product is defective,  which is based on or
                  results from the design or Specifications provided by Evolve.

         10.3     Indemnification    Procedures.    The   Party    entitled   to
                  indemnification   under  this  Section  10  (the  "Indemnified
                  Party")   will   provide  the  Party   obligated   to  provide
                  indemnification  under  this  Section  10  (the  "Indemnifying
                  Party") with prompt  notice of any Third Party Claim for which
                  its seeks indemnification,  provided that the failure to do so
                  will not  excuse  the  Indemnifying  Party of its  obligations
                  under this Section 10 except to the extent  prejudiced by such
                  failure or delay. The Indemnifying  Party will defend any such
                  Third  Party  Claim  and have the sole  right to  control  the
                  defense and settlement of the Third Party Claim, provided that
                  the Indemnified Party may not, without the Indemnified Party's
                  consent,  enter  into  any  settlement,  which  admits  guilt,
                  liability or culpability on the part of the Indemnified Party.
                  The Indemnified Party will provide  reasonable  cooperation to
                  the Indemnifying Party in defending any Third Party Claim.

         10.4     Insurance.  During the Term of this Agreement and for a period
                  of six months  thereafter,  Manufacturer  agrees to maintain a
                  product  liability  insurance policy with an insurance carrier
                  with respect to any Product sold by it hereunder with at least
                  $1,000,000  per  occurrence  and at  least  $2,000,000  in the
                  aggregate.  Such  policy  shall name  Evolve as an  additional
                  insured  (not just as a "Vendor")  Manufacturer  shall pay all
                  premiums relating to such policy.  Manufacturer  shall provide
                  Evolve with a certificate  of insurance,  which  provides that
                  Evolve,  as the  additional  insured,  shall be  notified,  in
                  writing,  by the  insurance  carrier  of change in the  policy
                  (including  any  termination),  not less than 30 days prior to
                  the effective date of such change (including termination)


         10.5     Confidentiality. Each Party agrees that it shall not, directly
                  or  indirectly,  at any time  divulge  or  communicate  to any
                  person,  or use to the detriment of a party to this Agreement,
                  or for  the  benefit  of  itself  or  any  other  person,  any
                  proprietary  information  or  technology  of the other  party.
                  Except  as  otherwise   required  by  law,   any   proprietary
                  information or technology received by a party, or its or their
                  representatives which is clearly denoted as confidential shall
                  be kept  confidential  and shall not be used or disclosed  for
                  any purpose other than in  furtherance of the purposes of this
                  Agreement. This obligation of confidentiality shall not extend
                  to information that (a) is or becomes  generally  available to
                  the public other than as a result of a  disclosure  by a party
                  in  violation of this  Agreement or any other  confidentiality
                  agreement,  (b) was in the  possession of a party prior to its
                  receipt  from the other party,  or (c) becomes  available to a
                  party  or its  Affiliate  on a  nonconfidential  basis  from a
                  source  other than a party to this  Agreement,  provided  such
                  source is not in violation of a confidentiality agreement with
                  the party whose information is being disclosed.

         10.6     Employees,  Agents and Representatives.  Each Party represents
                  and  warrants  to the other that it has adopted  policies  and
                  procedures  with  respect to the  receipt  and  disclosure  of
                  confidential or proprietary  information,  with its employees,
                  agents and representatives. Each party represents and warrants
                  to the  other  that it will  exert all  reasonable  commercial
                  efforts to cause its  employees,  agents,  subcontractors  and
                  representatives to maintain and protect the confidentiality of
                  the other party's proprietary information and technology.  The
                  confidentiality  obligation set forth in this Agreement  shall
                  be observed for the term of the  Agreement and for a period of
                  three years following the  termination of the Agreement.  Each
                  Party  acknowledges  that a breach of this provision may cause
                  the  non-breaching  party  irreparable  damage,  for which the
                  award  of  damages   would  not  be   adequate   compensation.
                  Consequently,  the non-breaching party may institute an action
                  to  enjoin  the  breaching  party  from  any and  all  acts in
                  violation   of  those   provisions,   which  remedy  shall  be
                  cumulative and not exclusive,  and shall be in addition to any
                  other relief to which the non-breaching  Party may be entitled
                  at law or in equity  and such  remedy  shall not be subject to
                  the arbitration provisions of Section 15.6.

11.      Non-Solicitation.  Evolve  further  agrees that during the term of this
         Agreement  and for a period of three years from the date of a Qualified
         Evolve  Termination,  Evolve  will  not,  on  behalf  of  itself or any
         competitor  of  Manufacturer,   (i)  compete  for,  or  engage  in  the
         solicitation  of, or attempt to divert or take away from  Manufacturer,
         any customer or supplier of  Manufacturer  who has done  business  with
         Manufacturer during the 12 months immediately preceding the termination
         of the Agreement for the purpose of providing to or having manufactured
         by such a customer  products and services that are competitive with the
         Product;  (ii) compete  for,  solicit or attempt to divert or take away


         from  Manufacturer  any  prospective  customer  that has  expressed  an
         interest in doing  business with  Manufacturer,  and about which Evolve
         learned while the Agreement was in effect, for the purpose of providing
         products and services that are competitive  with the Product;  or (iii)
         hire or engage or attempt to hire or engage any individual,  or attempt
         to induce an  individual  to  terminate  their  employment,  who was an
         employee of Manufacturer  at any time during the 12 months  immediately
         prior to the termination of the Agreement.

         Manufacturer  further agrees that during the term of this Agreement and
         for a period of three years from the date of a  Qualified  Manufacturer
         Termination,  Manufacturer  will  not,  on  behalf  of  itself  or  any
         competitor  of Evolve,  (i) compete for, or engage in the  solicitation
         of, or  attempt to divert or take away from  Evolve,  any  customer  of
         Evolve  who  has  done  business  with  Evolve  during  the  12  months
         immediately  preceding the termination of the Agreement for the purpose
         of  providing  to  such a  customer  products  and  services  that  are
         substantially  identical to the Product;  (ii) compete for,  solicit or
         attempt  to divert or take away from  Evolve any  prospective  customer
         that has expressed an interest in doing business with Evolve, and about
         which  Manufacturer  learned while the Agreement was in effect, for the
         purpose of  providing  products  and  services  that are  substantially
         identical to the Product; or (iii) hire or engage or attempt to hire or
         engage any individual,  or attempt to induce an individual to terminate
         their employment,  who was an employee of Evolve at any time during the
         12 months immediately prior to the termination of the Agreement.

         11.1     Non-Competition.  During the term of this Agreement, and for a
                  period  of  three   years   from  the  date  of  a   Qualified
                  Manufacturer  Termination or Qualified  Evolve  Termination of
                  this  Agreement  or the  expiration  of this  Agreement,  both
                  parties agree that they shall not:

                  (a)      engage directly or indirectly,  whether for itself or
                           as employee or agent of or  consultant  or advisor to
                           any  person or any  company,  firm or other  business
                           entity,  in marketing or furnishing goods products or
                           services that are competitive with the Product; nor

                  (b)      have any interest as a proprietor,  partner, director
                           or stockholder in any company firm, or other business
                           entity  that   manufactures   or  sells  products  or
                           services that are competitive with the Product except
                           that  nothing  herein shall limit a party from owning
                           up to 5% of the  aggregate  voting  stock of any such
                           company,  firm or entity  that has any class of stock
                           registered  under the provisions of Section 12 of the
                           United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

                  As used in this Section 11, the phrase  "products and services
                  competitive  with the Product",  means  products and services,
                  whether now known or subsequently developed, that are intended
                  for the  identical  commercial  purpose as the Product and are
                  substantially  identical to the Product in form and  function.
                  Evolve acknowledges that Manufacturer designs and manufactures


                  exercise  and  fitness  equipment  for  third  parties  in the
                  regular course of its business and such activities will not be
                  considered   "products  and  services   competitive  with  the
                  Product"  unless the third  party  product is a direct copy or
                  knock-off of the  Product.  This Section 11 shall not apply to
                  Evolve if it has purchased  the Threshold  Quantity of Product
                  hereunder  or  if  it  has  paid  the  Recoupment  Payment  to

12.      Intellectual   Property.   Evolve  hereby  grants  to   Manufacturer  a
         non-exclusive, royalty-free license to its Intellectual Property solely
         to the extent  necessary for  Manufacturer  to perform its  obligations
         hereunder.  Such rights may be sublicensed to subcontractors solely for
         to  the  extent   necessary   and  for  the   purpose   of   performing
         Manufacturer's  obligations  under this Agreement.  Evolve shall retain
         all  right,  title and  interest  in  Evolve's  Intellectual  Property.
         Manufacturer  hereby  grants  to Evolve a  non-exclusive,  royalty-free
         license to its Intellectual Property solely to the extent necessary for
         Evolve to perform its obligations hereunder.  Manufacturer shall retain
         all right, title and interest in Manufacturer's  Intellectual Property.
         Except as set forth in this Section and in Section 6, each Party hereby
         acknowledges  and agrees  that it does not have and shall not  acquire,
         any interest in any other  party's  Intellectual  Property  trademarks,
         trade names or trade dress unless  otherwise  expressly  agreed to in a
         writing  executed by both  Parties.  For  purposes  of this  Agreement,
         "Intellectual   Property"  means  all   intellectual   property  rights
         recognized  under  any  jurisdiction,  including,  without  limitation,
         patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets.

13.      No Conflict.  Manufacturer  and Evolve  acknowledge  that they have not
         previously entered into any contractual arrangement that would conflict
         with the rights granted, or the services to be provided by Manufacturer
         or Evolve hereunder.

14.      Force  Majeure.  Except as provided for in Section 4.10,  each shall be
         excused for any failure or delay in performance hereunder,  in whole or
         in part, to the extent caused by events beyond its reasonable  control,
         such as fire,  embargo,  strikes  (other than strikes of a party or its
         contractors),  wars,  acts of God,  and  acts of  terrorism,  provided,
         however,  that a Party will not be excused from any failure or delay to
         the  extent  it  could  have  been  avoided  by the  use or  reasonable
         precautions   or  to  the  extent  such  party  can  perform  by  using
         commercially reasonable efforts.

15.      Miscellaneous.

         15.1     Amendment.   This  Agreement  may  be  amended,   modified  or
                  supplemented  only by a writing signed by the party or parties
                  sought to be bound thereby.

         15.2     Entirety.  This Agreement and the Exhibits  hereto  constitute
                  the entire  agreement of Manufacturer  and Evolve with respect
                  to the  subject  matter  hereof,  and  supersede  all prior or


                  contemporaneous  agreements or  understandings of Manufacturer
                  and Evolve with respect to such subject matter.

         15.3     Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be
                  illegal, invalid or unenforceable under present or future laws
                  effective  during the term hereof,  such  provisions  shall be
                  fully  severable  and this  Agreement  shall be construed  and
                  enforced as if such legal, invalid or unenforceable  provision
                  never  comprised a part hereof,  and the remaining  provisions
                  hereof  shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be
                  affected by the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision or
                  by its severance herefrom.

         15.4     Captions.  The captions of this Agreement are for  convenience
                  of reference only and shall not limit or otherwise  affect any
                  of the terms or provisions hereof.

         15.5     Notices. Any notice or communication  required or permitted to
                  be delivered  hereunder  shall be in writing  addressed to the
                  party to be notified,  and shall be delivered by depositing it
                  with a nationally  recognized overnight delivery service or in
                  the United States mail, postage prepaid, and either registered
                  or certified  with return receipt  requested,  or by confirmed
                  facsimile  to the fax numbers  indicated  below,  and shall be
                  deemed to be effective  upon receipt for  overnighted or faxed
                  notice and or three days after  being sent for mailed  notice.
                  For this purpose, the addresses of the parties shall be:

                      Evolve:                  Evolve Projects, LLC
                                               P.O. Box 13417
                                               Akron, OH 44334
                                               Attn: John Cook
                                               Fax:  (___) __________

                      With a copy to:          Brennan, Manna & Diamond, LLC
                                               Attn: Matthew A. Heinle, Esq.
                                               75 E. Market Street
                                               Akron, Ohio 44308
                                               Phone:  330-253-1832
                                               Fax: 330-253-1842

                      Manufacturer:            CirTran Corporation
                                               4125 South 6000 West
                                               Salt Lake City, UT 84128
                                               Attn: Iehab Hawatmeh
                                               Fax: (801) 963-5180

         15.6     Applicable  Law. This Agreement and rights and  obligations of
                  the parties  hereto shall be governed,  construed and enforced
                  in  accordance  with  the  laws  of the  State  of  Utah.  Any


                  controversy between  Manufacturer and Evolve arising out of or
                  relating to this  Agreement  or the breach  thereof,  shall be
                  settled by binding  arbitration,  in accordance with the rules
                  then  obtaining of the  American  Arbitration  Association  or
                  other   mutually   agreeable  ADR   services,   and  any  such
                  arbitration  shall be held in Salt Lake City,  Utah or another
                  location  that is  mutually  agreeable  to the  parties.  Both
                  parties  consent and agree to the  jurisdiction  and venue for
                  such  arbitration,  and, solely for then purposes of the venue
                  of the arbitration,  waive any and all challenges on the basis
                  of jurisdiction, venue or forum non conveniens.

         15.7     Facsimile;  Counterparts.  The parties agree that signature by
                  facsimile  shall hereby be deemed an original  signature,  and
                  fully binding upon the parties  hereto.  This Agreement may be
                  executed in one or more  counterparts,  each of which shall be
                  deemed an original and all of which together shall  constitute
                  one and the same instrument.

         15.8     Business  Day. If any time period set forth in this  Agreement
                  expires  on any day other  than a business  day;  i.e.  upon a
                  Saturday,  Sunday or legal or bank holiday,  such period shall
                  be extended to and through the next succeeding business day.

         IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,   Evolve  and  Manufacturer  have  executed  this
Agreement as of the date first set forth above.

an Ohio limited liability company

By:   /s/ John Cook
Name: John Cook
Its:  President

a Nevada corporation

By:   /s/ Iehab Hawatmeh
Name: Iehab Hawatmeh
Its:  President


                                    Exhibit A

                     Product Description, Minimum Lead Time


                                    Exhibit B

                                 Product Pricing


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