
For Immediate Release
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Company Contact:
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Trevor M. Saliba
CirTran Corporation
+(310) 492-0400
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        CirTran Signs an Exclusive Manufacturing Agreement valued at $5.4
                       Million for a New Fitness Product

      CirTran to exclusively manufacture a new fitness product for an Ohio
       based company with revenue in the first three years of $5.4 million
                          based on minimum requirements

SALT LAKE CITY,  November 30,  2006-  CirTran  Corporation  (OTC BB:  CIRT),  an
international  full-service contract  manufacturer,  marketer and distributor of
IT,  consumer and consumer  electronics  products,  today  announced that is has
signed an exclusive  manufacturing agreement to produce a new fitness product in
China.  The  three-year  agreement,  signed  November  28,  involves  the custom
manufacturing  using the  capabilities  of CirTran's  wholly  owned  subsidiary,
CirTran  Asia.  The new customer has committed to minimum  orders,  amounting to
$1.2  million in revenues  for the first year,  $1.8 million for the second year
and $2.4 million for the third year of the five-year contract.

The new fitness product is uniquely  designed to strengthen and rehabilitate the
lower back and adjacent areas of human body.

Iehab J. Hawatmeh,  CirTran's chief  executive  officer,  commented,  "Americans
continue to be receptive to innovative ways to improve their health and fitness,
and we are confident this product should receive the same sort of reception.  In
particular, consumers with lower back pain should find this product of interest.
We  believe  there  is a  large  and  motivated  audience,  and  are  cautiously
optimistic that volumes will exceed stated minimums in the near term."

The new customer is preparing its own infomercial, which is expected to debut in
the first  calendar  quarter  of 2007  nationwide.  Preliminary  testing  of the
product with focus groups has indicated a high  probability for direct marketing

About CirTran Corporation
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CirTran   Corporation   (OTC   BB:   CIRT,   www.CirTran.com)   is  a   consumer
products-driven  Company focused on providing the entire spectrum of "Concept to
Consumer"  services,  encompassing  engineering,  design,  prototyping,  low and
high-volume  contract  manufacturing,  marketing  and  retail  distribution  for
consumer-oriented  products and technologies.  Founded in 1993 and headquartered
in  Salt  Lake  City,  CirTran's  ISO  9001:2000-certified,  non-captive  40,000
square-foot  manufacturing  facility is the largest in the Intermountain Region,
providing "just-in-time" inventory management techniques designed to minimize an
OEM's  investment in component  inventories,  personnel  and related  facilities
while  reducing  costs and  ensuring  speedy  time-to-market.  CirTran's  Racore
Technology   (www.racore.com)   subsidiary  provides  sophisticated  engineering
services,  including  technology  design and  prototype  development.  CirTran's
wholly-owned  subsidiary CirTran-Asia ("CTA") with principal office in Shenzhen,
China,  is a high-volume  manufacturing  arm, which provides  customers with the
economic benefits of Asian offshore  manufacturing  coupled with  American-based
project  management  and  accountability.  CirTran's  Diverse  Media Group (DMG)
(www.diversemediagroup.com)   subsidiary  is  a  Direct  Entertainment(TM)  firm
specializing  in  multi-channel  product  marketing,  media  purchasing,  retail
distribution and product  fulfillment for the direct response and  entertainment

This press release  contains  forward-looking  statements  within the meaning of
section 27A of the  Securities  Act of 1933 and  Section  21E of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934.  With the  exception of historical  information  contained
herein,   the  matters   discussed  in  this  press  release  involve  risk  and
uncertainties.  Actual results could differ  materially  from those expressed in
any forward-looking statement.

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