
For Immediate Release
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Company Contact:
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Trevor M. Saliba
CirTran Corporation
+(310) 492-0400

        CirTran Receives First Release Against New $5.4 Million Contract
         New Exercise Products to Be Showcased on TV Starting Next Month

SALT LAKE CITY,  Dec. 5, 2006 - CirTran  Corporation  (OTC BB:  CIRT) said today
that it has  received  the first  purchase  order  against the new $5.4  million
exclusive  manufacturing  contract  it signed  last week to built a new  fitness
product for the sold-on-TV market.

Iehab J. Hawatmeh,  president and CEO of CirTran, an international  full-service
contract  manufacturer,  marketer and  distributor of IT,  consumer and consumer
electronics products,  said the initial purchase order was for more than $54,000
in  product.  "The  working  prototype  of the new  product  has been  built and
approved,  with minor  changes to be made in the first  manufacturing  run," Mr.
Hawatmeh  said.  Product will be built by  CirTran-Asia,  and is scheduled to be
shipped to the U.S. by the end of the second week of January.

 "Our customer is currently  finalizing  its  infomercial,"  Mr.  Hawatmeh said.
"Their plan is to begin airing the infomercial  nationwide by the end of January
in its  initial  testing  period,  with the first  shipment  of product  used to
fulfill initial  orders."

When it announced the new contract last week,  CirTran said that the  Ohio-based
customer had committed to $5.4 million in minimum  orders -- $1.2 million in the
first year,  $1.8 million in the second year, and $2.4 million in the third year
- - as part of the exclusive  five-year  contract.

The new product is designed to strengthen  and  rehabilitate  the lower back and
adjacent areas of the body.

"The  physical  fitness  boom has  never  been  stronger  than it is right now -
particularly  when you consider all those New Year's  resolutions to lose weight
and get in shape," Mr.  Hawatmeh said. "By getting  product into the marketplace
early in the year, when consumer's workout indoors in preparation for the spring
and summer  months,  our customer  will be in position to maximize its marketing
efforts,  including keeping CirTran busy fulfilling additional purchase orders."

About CirTran Corporation
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Founded  in 1993,  CirTran  Corporation  (OTC BB:  CIRT,  www.CirTran.com)  is a
premier international full-service contract manufacturer.  Headquartered in Salt
Lake  City,   its  ISO   9001:2000-certified,   non-captive   40,000-square-foot
manufacturing  facility is the largest in the  Intermountain  Region,  providing
"just-in-time"  inventory  management  techniques  designed to minimize an OEM's
investment  in component  inventories,  personnel and related  facilities  while
reducing costs and ensuring speedy  time-to-market.  In 1998,  CirTran  acquired
Racore  Technology  (www.racore.com),  founded in 1983 and reorganized as Racore
Technology  Corporation  in 1997.  Continuing  to grow,  in 2004 CirTran  formed
CirTran-Asia as a high-volume manufacturing arm and wholly owned subsidiary with
its principal office in ShenZhen,  China. Today,  CirTran-Asia operates in three
primary business  segments:  high-volume  electronics,  fitness  equipment,  and
household products manufacturing,  focusing on the  multi-billion-dollar  direct
response industry.

This press release  contains  forward-looking  statements  within the meaning of
section 27A of the  Securities  Act of 1933 and  Section  21E of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934.  With the  exception of historical  information  contained
herein,   the  matters   discussed  in  this  press  release  involve  risk  and
uncertainties.  Actual results could differ  materially  from those expressed in
any forward-looking statement.

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