
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                             CURRENT REPORT Pursuant
                            to Section 13 OR 15(d) of
                       The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

       Date of report (Date of earliest event reported): February 6, 2008

                               CirTran Corporation
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             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

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                 (State of Other Jurisdiction of Incorporation)

                0-26059                                  68-0121636
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         (Commission File Number)              (IRS Employer Identification No.)

 4125 South 6000 West, West Valley City, Utah               84128
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  (Address of Principal Executive Offices)                (Zip Code)

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              (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

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          (Former Name or Former Address, if Changed Since Last Report)

Item 1.01  Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement

         Exclusive Manufacturing, Marketing and Distribution Agreement

         On February 6, 2008, CirTran Corporation (the "Company"),  entered into
an Exclusive Manufacturing, Marketing and Distribution Agreement (the "Exclusive
Agreement") with Shaka Shoes, Inc., a Hawaii corporation ("Shaka").

         Pursuant to the Exclusive  Agreement,  Shaka granted to the Company the
right to be the exclusive worldwide master manufacturer of Hawaiian footwear and
related  accessories under the Shaka Gear brand (the  "Products").  Shaka agreed
that it would not cause or permit any Product not  manufactured  by or under the
supervision of the Company to be  manufactured,  imported,  sold or distributed,
nor would it permit its affiliate,  Shaka Gear,  Inc., to  manufacture,  sell or
distribute any footwear or related  accessories not manufactured by or under the
supervision of the Company.

         As compensation for its services  rendered  pursuant to Section 1(a) of
the  Agreement,  the Company will be  reimbursed  by Shaka for the cost of goods
sold ("COGS")  together with an amount equal to 20% of COGS. Under the Exclusive
Agreement,  "COGS"  includes  all  actual  and  verifiable  third  party  costs,
including the actual cost of Product payable to the  manufacturing  vendor,  the
cost of any consultants  requested by Shaka pursuant to the Exclusive Agreement,
any third party  shipping,  handling or  fulfillment  costs and other costs that
generally accepted  accounting  principles,  consistently  applied,  require the
Company to classify as costs of goods sold as well as, without duplication,  the
charges of all vendors and  subcontractors  (the "Vendors").  The parties agreed
that the Company  shall retain from  payments  received  from  distributors  and
customers  (including  itself  with  respect to the  Territory)  pursuant to the
Exclusive  Agreement  the  amounts  owing to the  Company as  compensation.  The
Company  also agreed to give Shaka a monthly  report of COGS and gross  proceeds
received as vendor of record ("Monthly Reports") within 30 days after the end of
each calendar  month  reporting  COGS and gross  proceeds for the calendar month
being reported upon.

         Additionally, pursuant to the Exclusive Agreement, Shaka granted to the
Company the right to be the exclusive master distributor of all products sold in
the  Territory,  defined in the  Exclusive  Agreement  as the  United  States of
America  including its  territories,  possessions and  protectorates.  Under the
Exclusive Agreement, the Company will purchase Product from the vendor of record
and will resell the  Products in the  Territory  on such terms as the Company in
its reasonable business judgment may determine.

         In connection with sales and distribution of the Products,  the Company
agreed to pay Shaka a monthly royalty (the "Royalty") on Gross Sales of Products
in the  Territory.  The Exclusive  Agreement  defines  "Gross Sales" to mean the
gross amount received by the Company (in its capacity as master distributor) for
the  sale of the  Products  but,  with  certain  exceptions,  does  not  include
separately stated charges for shipping,  handling, insurance or taxes and in any
event is net of any returns,  markdowns,  charge backs,  credit card  discounts,
rebates, refunds and similar charges.


         The initial term of the Exclusive  Agreement runs from February 1, 2008
(the "Effective  Date") through  December 31, 2010. The Agreement  automatically
renews  for two  additional  renewal  terms of three  years  each  unless  Shaka
notifies the Company or the Company  notifies Shaka in writing of its intent not
to renew by  September  30 of the year in which the initial or  additional  term
will terminate. If the Agreement is not renewed by Shaka beyond the Initial Term
and the Renewal  Terms,  the parties  agreed that the Company  will  continue to
receive a 10%  commission  on all Gross Sales after such initial term or renewal
term on all  Products  and any  future  products  sold  to any  customer  in the
Territory  that was a customer of the  Company  for the  Products on the date of
termination of the Agreement.

         Under  the  Exclusive  Agreement,  the  parties  agreed  that as  Shaka
develops additional footwear and related accessories,  the parties will mutually
agree to identify  them as Products on an addendum to the  Exclusive  Agreement,
which  addendum shall at the time of execution be deemed a part of the Exclusive

         The  foregoing  summary of the terms and  conditions  of the  Exclusive
Agreement  does not purport to be complete  and is  qualified in its entirety by
reference to the full text of the agreement  attached as an exhibit hereto,  and
which is hereby incorporated herein by reference.

Item 7.01. Regulation FD Disclosure.

         On February 11, 2008, the Company issued a press release announcing the
Exclusive  Agreement.  The press  release is attached  hereto as Exhibit 99.2 to
this Report.

         In accordance with General Instruction B.2 of Form 8-K, the information
in this  section of this  Report  shall not be deemed  filed for the  purpose of
Section 18 of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  nor shall it be
deemed incorporated by reference in any filing.

Item 9.01.  Financial Statements and Exhibits.

         (d)      Exhibits.

                  99.1     Exclusive Manufacturing, Marketing  and  Distribution
                           Agreement  between  CirTran  Corporation  and   Shaka
                           Shoes, Inc., a Hawaii corporation.

                  99.2     Press Release dated February 11, 2008.



         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                                 CirTran Corporation

Date: February 11, 2008                          By:  /s/ Iehab Hawatmeh
                                                    Iehab J. Hawatmeh, President


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