Certain information in this Exhibit has been omitted and filed separately
with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to a confidential treatment

     Unredacted version filed confidentially with the Securities and Exchange


                               GTE Wireless Inc.

                              Purchase Agreement

                           Document Number #1003-PA

                      Metawave Communications Corporation
                             10735 Willows Road NE
                          Redmond, WA 98073-9769 USA
                               Tel. 425 702-5600
                               Fax 425 702-5970

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.  AGREEMENT..............................................................   3

2.  DEFINITIONS............................................................   3

3.  PURCHASE ORDERS / CANCELLATIONS........................................   5

4.  SHIPPING, TITLE, RISK OF LOSS..........................................   6

5.  INVOICES AND PAYMENT...................................................   6

6.  WARRANTY...............................................................   8

7.  OBLIGATIONS OF CUSTOMER................................................   9

8.  INFRINGEMENT INDEMNITY.................................................  10

9.  INDEMNIFICATION........................................................  11

10. TERM AND TERMINATION...................................................  11

11. ASSIGNMENT.............................................................  11

12. NOTICES................................................................  12

13. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS...................................................  12

14. FORCE MAJEURE..........................................................  12

15. GOVERNING LAW; DISPUTE RESOLUTION......................................  13

16. CONFIDENTIALITY........................................................  13

17. GENERAL PROVISIONS.....................................................  14








                               PURCHASE AGREEMENT

          THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made as of this eighth
     day of September, 1998 (the "Effective Date") between Metawave
     Communications Corporation, a Delaware corporation ("Seller"), and GTE
     Mobilnet of California Limited Partnership, by GTE Wireless Incorporated,
     its General Partner on its behalf and its Affiliates ("Customer").

          The parties, in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements and
     promises of the other set forth in this Agreement and intending to be
     legally bound, agree as follows:


          Seller agrees to sell to Customer, and Customer agrees to purchase by
     submitting a Customer Purchase Order to Seller, the Products and Services
     identified on Exhibit A to this Agreement in accordance with the
     specifications and the terms and conditions hereof and at the Purchase
     Prices set forth in Exhibit A.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this
     Agreement or any other contract between the parties to the contrary, the
     provisions of this Agreement shall apply to all Purchase Orders for the
     Products and Services during the term of this Agreement unless the parties
     expressly agree by written modification to this Agreement that the
     provisions of this Agreement shall not apply.  Any different or
     inconsistent terms in any acknowledgment, confirmation, invoice, Purchase
     Order or other communication from one party to the other shall be deemed
     objected to without need of further notice of objection and shall be of no
     effect and not in any circumstance binding upon either party unless
     expressly accepted by both parties in writing.


           As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the
     meanings set forth below:

           "Affiliate" shall mean any partnership, corporation or other entity
     which is incorporated in the United States and in which GTE Wireless
     Incorporated, directly or indirectly, owns more than fifty percent (50%) of
     the voting shares, or owns a controlling interest.

           "Change Order" shall mean any subsequent change to a Purchase Order
     initiated by either party and mutually agreed to by both parties, including
     but not limited to, changes in Site configuration and Products and Services
     needed at the Site.

           "Commissioning" shall mean the procedures required to place the
     Product into commercial service at a particular Site as described in the
     Product system manual and the


     completion of which for Follow-on Orders is shown by evidence of Customer's
     signature on the Commissioning Certificate attached hereto as Exhibit F.

          "Follow-on Order" shall mean any Purchase Order in excess of the
     Initial Order submitted by Customer.

          "Initial Order" shall mean Customer's initial purchase of one or more
     Products (and any associated Services) for deployment in the Customer's
     California market and ordered as a part of this Purchase Agreement and as
     described in Exhibit A.

          "Performance Acceptance" shall mean, for the Initial Order,
     Customer's written notification to Seller of the Certificate of Performance
     Acceptance specified in Exhibit C, that the Products satisfy the
     Performance Criteria set forth in Exhibit C.

          "Performance Acceptance Procedure" shall mean, for the Initial Order,
     the testing procedures and protocols used to determine Product performance
     levels as described in Exhibit C.

          "Performance Criteria" shall mean the [**] set forth in Exhibit C,
     Section 3.7.3. to be [**] for the [**] Products [**] Initial Order [**]
     Performance Evaluation Period.

          "Performance Evaluation Period" shall mean the [**] in Exhibit C [**] Products will [**] in [**] Performance Criteria.

          "Products" shall mean the SpotLight(TM) 2000 spectrum management
     systems, consisting of hardware and Software, listed in Exhibit A hereto or
     any additional products set forth in any amendments thereto as may be
     subsequently agreed to from time to time by Seller and Customer.

          "Purchase Order" shall mean any purchase order Customer may deliver to
     Seller for the purchase of the Products and/or Services which incorporates
     the terms and conditions of this Agreement and which has been accepted by

          "Purchase Price" shall mean the price of the Products and the price of
     the Services shown in Exhibit A or any other amount set forth in any
     amendments to Exhibit A as may be subsequently agreed to from time to time
     by Seller and Customer.

          "Services" shall mean the engineering services set forth in Exhibit A
     or any additional services set forth in any amendments to Exhibit A as may
     be subsequently agreed to from time to time by Seller and Customer.

          "Site" shall mean each of the Customer cell site locations at which a
     Product is installed.



          "Site Survey" shall mean the survey of a Site performed by Seller to
     determine the Product configuration and scope of services required for the
     proper installation and Commissioning of the Product.

          "Software" shall mean the (i) object-code computer programs embedded
     in the Product which control and monitor the operation of the Product
     ("Embedded System Software"), and (ii) the Lamplighter/TM/ PC-based
     graphical user interface computer program for the Product, and all
     Features, Major Releases, Point Releases, and Software Patches (as such
     terms are defined in Exhibit D), other updates and modifications to such
     Software (the "Software Updates") and any documentation in support thereof.

          "Software License" shall mean the software license set forth in
     Exhibit E.

          "Specifications" shall mean the specifications for the Products set
     forth in Exhibit B and incorporated herein.


     a.  When Customer wishes to purchase Products and Services pursuant to this
         Agreement, Customer shall notify the Designated Representative of
         Seller specified in Section 12 hereof. Seller's Designated
         Representative (or his agents) shall, with a representative of
         Customer, conduct a Site Survey for each Site to determine the
         configuration, Products, scope of Services and any other ancillary
         equipment required for each Site. The Designated Representative shall
         then develop an equipment list and price sheet for the Products and
         Services required for each Site using the prices set forth in Exhibit A
         (the "Quotation").

     b.  Following receipt of the Quotation, Customer shall order Products and
         Services by submitting a Purchase Order to which the Quotation shall be
         attached and made a part thereof. The Purchase Order shall also include
         the desired delivery date and whether partial deliveries are
         acceptable. Purchase Orders should be submitted by Customer to Seller
         at least 90 days prior to date of delivery for such Products and
         Services. Upon receipt of the Purchase Order, Seller shall have five
         (5) business days to accept or reject the Purchase Order in writing.

     c.  In the event that the Customer submits a Purchase Order without a
         Quotation, such Purchase Order shall be subject to completion of a Site
         Survey by Seller. If following the completion of the Site Survey,
         Seller determines that Product configurations and or the Services set
         forth in the Purchase Order must be changed, Seller shall, within ten
         (10) days of completion of the Site Survey, notify Customer with a
         written proposal for changes to the Purchase Order. Upon receipt,
         Customer shall have five (5) business days to accept or reject the
         written proposal for changes. If accepted, Customer shall execute a
         written Change Order to reflect the required changes identified by the
         Site Survey. If Customer rejects the Change Order Customer may cancel
         the Purchase Order subject to Section 3(d) below.


     d.  Customer may cancel or delay delivery of a Product contained in any
         Purchase or Change Order prior to Seller's shipment of the Product
         subject to the terms herein. Any such cancellation or delay must be
         made by written notification. If Customer directs such cancellation or
         delay with less than 30 days written notice from the delivery date
         specified in Purchase Order or Change Order, Customer shall pay to
         Seller any reasonable costs associated with such cancellation or delay
         provided, however, that any such costs shall not exceed in the
         aggregate ten percent (10%) of the Purchase Price of each canceled or
         delayed Product. Customer shall not be obligated to pay any such costs
         if Customer timely exercises its cancellation rights under section 3(c)

     e.  Within thirty days following execution of this Agreement, Customer
         shall give Seller a non binding forecast of Customer's estimated
         requirements for the Products and Services for the forthcoming twelve
         (12) months such forecast shall be updated by Customer on a monthly


     a.  Unless otherwise instructed by Customer, and subject to Section 3,
         Seller shall ship all Products to the destination designated in a
         Purchase Order on or before the delivery date(s) specified in a
         Purchase Order and render invoices in accordance with Section 5 below.
         Customer is responsible for the payment of all reasonable shipping
         charges, except as noted in Section 4(b) below.

     b.  Products shall be packed by Seller, at no additional charge to
         Customer, in containers adequate to prevent damage during reasonable
         shipping, handling and storage. Customer shall be responsible for
         payment of any warehousing or storage charges for the Products
         following delivery of the Products to Customer.

     c.  For the Initial Order, title to and risk of loss or damage to Products
         sold by Seller to Customer hereunder shall pass to Customer upon
         Performance Acceptance. For all Follow-on Orders title to and risk of
         loss or damage to Products sold by Seller to Customer hereunder shall
         pass to Customer upon shipment of Products to Customer. Title to
         Software shall remain with Seller in all cases pursuant to the terms of
         the Software License attached as Exhibit E hereto.


     a.  For the Products in the Initial Order only, the payment schedule shall
         be as follows:

         1.  Seller shall render an invoice for one hundred percent (100%) of
             the Purchase Price of the Products and one hundred percent (100%)
             of the Purchase Price of the Services associated with such Products
             upon Performance Acceptance.


         2.  In the event that Performance Acceptance for the Products in the
             Initial Order does not occur and Seller has indicated in writing
             that it will no longer pursue Performance Acceptance, Customer
             shall have the option of either (i) completing the purchase of the
             Products in which case Seller shall render an invoice for the
             balance due or (ii) returning the Products to the Seller. If
             Customer chooses to return the Products to Seller, Seller shall de-
             install such Products at Seller's expense and repair any damage to
             or reverse any modifications to the Customer's equipment at the
             Site caused by Seller during installation of the Products and
             during the Performance Evaluation Period. Seller shall arrange for
             and pay the costs of shipping and assumes the risk of loss and
             damage to Products during shipment of the Products back to its
             headquarters in Redmond, Washington.

     b.  For Follow-on Orders for Products, to be installed by Seller, Seller
         shall render invoices as follows: (i) [**] of the Purchase Price of
         each Product upon shipment of a Product to Customer, and (ii) [**] of
         the Purchase Price of each Product and one hundred percent (100%) of
         any associated Services promptly following the Commissioning of a
         Product. For Follow-on Orders, to be installed by Customer, Seller
         shall invoice Customer for one hundred percent (100%) of the Purchase
         Price of each Product upon shipment of Product to Customer.

     c.  For Follow-on-Orders for Services only, Seller shall render invoices
         for 100% of the Purchase Price upon the completion of the Services, or
         on alternative milestones based upon mutual agreement of the parties.

     d.  All invoices shall be computed on the basis of the prices set forth
         in Exhibit A (including any applicable discounts) and shall identify
         and show separately quantities of Products, type of Services, total
         amounts for each item, shipping charges, insurance charges, applicable
         sales or use taxes and total amount due. Customer shall promptly pay
         Seller the amount due within thirty (30) days of the date of receipt of
         the invoice, except for the Initial Order only which shall be due
         ninety (90) days of the date of receipt of the invoice. Customer shall
         pay a late fee at the rate of one and one-half percent (1.5%) of the
         amount due for each month or portion thereof that the amount remains

     e.  Excluding income, business and licensing taxes, Customer shall be
         responsible for the payment of all sales, use and any other taxes
         applicable specifically to the sale of the Products and Services
         provided by the Seller pursuant to this Agreement. When Seller is
         required by law to collect such taxes, 100% thereof will be added to
         invoices as separately stated charges and paid by Customer in
         accordance with this section.

     f.  If Customer disputes any invoices rendered or amount paid, Customer
         will so notify Seller, and the parties will use their reasonable
         efforts to resolve such



         dispute expeditiously. Provided that Customer so notifies Seller of a
         disputed invoice and there is a good faith basis for such dispute, the
         time for paying the portion of the invoice in dispute shall be extended
         by a period of time equal to the time between Seller's receipt of such
         notice from Customer and the resolution of such dispute.


     a.  Seller warrants, for the Initial Order, for a period of [***] from the
         date of Performance Acceptance and for all Follow-on Orders, for a
         period of [***] from the shipment of a Product to Customer (the
         "Warranty Period") that (i) all Products furnished hereunder will be
         free from defects in materials, workmanship and title, (ii) all
         Products will conform in all material respects to the documentation and
         specifications provided by the Seller herein, (iii) the media on which
         the Software is contained will be free from defects in material and
         workmanship under normal use, and (iv) the Software will conform in all
         material respects to the documentation provided by Seller. The
         warranties in this Agreement are given in lieu of all other warranties
         express or implied which are specifically excluded, including, without
         limitation, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
         particular purpose.

     b.  Seller represents that, in connection with Calendar-Related data and
         Calendar-Related processing of Date Data or of any System Date, the
         Product will not malfunction, will not cease to function, will not
         generate incorrect data, and will not produce incorrect results. Seller
         further represents that, in connection with providing Calendar-Related
         data to and accepting Calendar-Related data from other automated,
         computerized, and/or software systems and users via user interfaces,
         electronic interfaces, and data storage, the Product represents dates
         without ambiguity as to century. Seller further represents that Seller
         has verified through testing that the Products are century compliant
         and that testing included, without limitation, each of the following
         specific dates and the transition to and from each date: December 31,
         1998; January 1, 1999; September 9, 1999; September 10, 1999; December
         31, 1999; January 1, 2000; February 28, 2000; February 29, 2000; March
         1, 2000; December 31, 2000; January 1, 2001; December 31, 2004; and
         January 1, 2005. These representations survive the expiration or
         earlier termination of this Agreement. For purposes of this section,
         "Calendar-Related" refers to date values based on the Gregorian
         calendar, as defined in Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th edition, 1982,
         page 602, and to all uses in any manner of those date values, including
         without limitation manipulations, calculations, conversions,
         comparisons, and presentations; "Date Data" means any Calendar-Related
         data value in the inclusive range January 1, 1900 through December 31,
         2094, which the Product uses in any manner; and "System Date" means any
         Calendar-Related data value in the inclusive range January 1, 1985
         through December 31, 2094 (including the natural transition between
         such values), which the Product shall be able to use as its current
         date while operating.



     c.  Customer and Seller shall handle all warranty claims in accordance with
         the procedures set forth in Exhibit D hereto (Product Maintenance). The
         actions taken by Seller under the Product Maintenance Program
         procedures set forth in Exhibit D shall be the full extent of Seller's
         liability and Customer's exclusive remedy with respect to a claim under
         this Section 6.

     d.  This warranty does not apply to any claim which arises out of any of
         the following: (i) the Product is used in other than its normal and
         customary manner; (ii) the Product has been subject to misuse,
         accident, neglect or damage by Customer; (iii) the Product has been
         installed, Commissioned, optimized or moved from its original
         installation site by any person other than Seller or a person who has
         been certified by Seller through completion of a Seller-sponsored
         training course to provide such services; (iv) unauthorized alterations
         or repairs have been made to the Product, or parts have been used in
         the Product which are not approved by Seller; (v) the Product is not
         maintained pursuant to Seller maintenance programs or under the
         supervision of a person who has been certified by Seller to provide
         such maintenance service through completion of a Seller-sponsored
         training course; (vi) an event of Force Majeure has occurred; (vii) the
         failure of third party antennas, antenna lines or interconnection
         facilities not provided by Seller at the Site.


     In addition to performing the other obligations set forth in this
     Agreement, Customer shall:

     a.  Procure from appropriate regulatory authorities all zoning approvals,
         necessary permits and station licenses as may be required to install
         and operate Customer's wireless system incorporating the Products prior
         to the date agreed by the parties for the commencement of installation
         of those Products;

     b.  Prepare the Site for the installation of the Product and performance of
         the Services as specified in the Scope of Work to be mutually agreed by
         both parties for each Site prior to the date agreed by the parties for
         the commencement of installation of those Products;

     c.  Agree with Seller on a date for the commencement of Services and in the
         event that the commencement of Services is delayed due to the failure
         of Customer to comply with the foregoing obligations, Seller shall be
         entitled to recover reasonable costs and expenses associated with
         mobilizing and compensating Seller personnel during the delay.

     d.  Provide safe and secure access to the Sites for Sellers employees
         during the performance of Services.



     a. Seller shall indemnify and hold harmless Customer against any and all
        liabilities, losses, costs, damages and expenses, including reasonable
        attorney's fees, associated with any claim or action for actual or
        alleged infringement by any Product or Software supplied in accordance
        with this Agreement of any United States patent, trademark, copyright,
        trade secret or other intellectual property right incurred by Customer
        as a result of Customer's use of such Products or Software in accordance
        with this Agreement provided that (i) Customer promptly notifies Seller
        in writing of the claim, (ii) Customer gives Seller full opportunity and
        authority to assume sole control of the defense and all related
        settlement negotiations, and (iii) Customer gives Seller information and
        assistance for the defense (Customer will be reimbursed for reasonable
        costs and expenses incurred in rendering such assistance, against
        receipt of invoices therefor). Subject to the conditions and limitations
        of liability stated in this Agreement, Seller shall indemnify and hold
        harmless Customer from all payments, which by final judgments in such
        claims, may be assessed against Customer on account of such alleged
        infringement and shall pay resulting settlements, costs and damages
        finally awarded against Customer by a court of law, arbitration or other
        adjudication of the claim.

     b. Customer agrees that if the Products or Software become, or in Seller's
        opinion are likely to become, the subject of such a claim, Customer will
        permit Seller, at Seller's option and expense, either to procure the
        right for Customer to continue using such Products or Software or to
        replace or modify same so that they become non-infringing as long as
        they continue to conform in all material respects to the specifications
        contained in this Agreement and Exhibits, and, if neither of the
        foregoing alternatives is available on terms which are acceptable to
        Seller, Customer shall at the written request of Seller, return the
        infringing or potentially infringing Products or Software and all the
        rights thereto at Seller's expense. Customer shall receive a refund of
        the prorated undepreciated portion of the Purchase Price actually paid
        by Customer to Seller for the returned portion of the Products. The
        Purchase Price shall be straight-line depreciated over a five (5) year

     c. Seller shall have no obligation to Customer with respect to any claim of
        patent or copyright infringement which is based upon (i) adherence to
        specifications, designs or instructions furnished by Customer, (ii) the
        combination, operation or use of any Products supplied hereunder with
        products, software or data with which the Products are not intended to
        be used or for which the Products are not designed, (iii) the alteration
        of the Products or modification of any Software made by any party other
        than Seller; or (iv) the Customer's use of a superseded or altered
        release of some or all of the Software if infringement would have been
        avoided by the use of a subsequent unaltered release of the Software
        that is provided to the Customer.



          Seller shall indemnify Customer, its employees and directors, and each
     of them, against any loss, damage, claim, or liability, arising out of, as
     a result of, or in connection with the use of the Product in accordance
     with this Agreement or the acts or omissions, negligent or otherwise, of
     Seller in the performance of this Agreement, or a contractor or an agent of
     Seller or an employee of anyone of them, except where such loss, damage,
     claim, or liability arises from the sole negligence or willful misconduct
     of Customer, agents or its employees. Seller shall, at its own expense,
     defend any suit asserting a claim for any loss, damage or liability
     specified above, and Seller shall pay any costs, expenses and attorneys'
     fees that may be incurred by Customer in connection with any such claim or
     suit or in enforcing the indemnity granted above, provided that Seller (i)
     is given prompt notice of any such claim or suit and (ii) full opportunity
     to assume control of the defense or settlement. Customer shall, at its
     discretion, have the right to reasonably participate in the defense and
     settlement of any claim asserted against Customer, including, but not
     limited to, choice of counsel and any settlement, but Seller shall have
     final authority to choose counsel and determine whether or not to settle a
     claim. Neither Seller nor Customer shall not be liable to the other for
     indirect or consequential damages, including but not limited to lost
     profits or revenue.


          The term of this Agreement shall be three (3) years from the Effective
     Date. If either party is in material default of any of its obligations
     under this Agreement and such default continues for thirty (30) days after
     written notice thereof by the party not in default, the nondefaulting party
     may cancel this Agreement. In addition, a party may cancel this Agreement
     if a petition in bankruptcy or under any insolvency law is filed by or
     against the other party and is not dismissed within sixty (60) days of the
     commencement thereof.


     a. Any assignment by either party to this Agreement or any other interest
        hereunder without the other party's prior written consent, shall be
        void, except assignment to a person or entity who acquires all or
        substantially all of the assets, business or stock of Seller, whether by
        sale, merger or otherwise.

     b. Customer shall not (i) assign, sublicense or otherwise transfer the
        Software License set forth in Exhibit E, to any third party other than
        an Affiliate without the prior consent of the Seller, (ii) purchase a
        Product solely for the purpose of reselling or distributing it to
        another party, (iii) transport, relocate, or otherwise transfer the
        Products or the Software outside the United States, or (iv) permit its
        directors, officers, employees, agents or any other third person to
        modify, copy, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer the Products or
        the Software.

     c. Subject to the provisions of paragraphs a, and b above, this Agreement
        shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective
        successors and assigns, if any, of the parties hereto.



          Except as otherwise specified in this Agreement, all notices or other
     communications hereunder shall be deemed to have been duly given when made
     in writing and delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail,
     postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, or by a
     reputable overnight courier service providing proof of delivery, or by
     confirmed facsimile transmission and addressed as follows:

     To Seller:                                To Customer:

     Metawave Communications                   GTE Mobilnet of California
     Corporation                               12677 Alcosta Blvd
     10735 Willows Road NE                     Dept. 500, PO Box 5011
     Redmond, WA 98073                         San Ramon, CA 94583-0811

     Attn.: Richard Henderson                  Attn.: Hal Horton, Manager
     VP, Sales                                 Area Programs
     Copy to: Kathy Surace-Smith               Copy to: Randy Golden
     General Counsel                           Regional Counsel
     Fax: 425 702 5976                         Fax: 925 904 3624

          Seller's Designated Representative for Section 3 shall be Mike
     Kavanagh or Mike Lewandowski.

          The address to which notices or communications may be given to either
     party or the names of the Designated Representatives may be changed by
     written notice given by such party to the other pursuant to this Section


          Seller shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws,
     regulations and codes, including the procurement of permits and licenses
     when needed, in the performance of this Agreement.


          Except for payment of moneys due, neither party shall be liable for
     delays in delivery or performance or for failure to manufacture, deliver or
     perform resulting from acts beyond the reasonable control of the party
     responsible for performance. Such acts shall include, but not be limited to
     (a) acts of God, acts of a public enemy, acts or failures to act by the
     other party, acts of civil or military authority, governmental priorities,
     strikes or other labor disturbances, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires,
     floods, epidemics, embargoes, war, riots, and loss or damage to goods in
     transit; or (b) inability to obtain necessary products, components,
     services or facilities on account of causes beyond the reasonable control
     of the delayed party or its suppliers. In the event of any such delay, the
     date(s) of delivery or performance shall be extended for as many days are
     reasonably required due to the delay. If


     such delay continues for 45 days, either party may terminate the Purchase
     Order affected by the event by providing written notice.


     a. This Agreement and each Purchase Order shall be construed in accordance
        with the internal laws of the State of California, without regard to its
        choice of law provisions.

     b. Any and all disputes arising between the parties shall be resolved in
        the following order: (i) by good faith negotiation between
        representatives of Customer and Seller who have authority to fully and
        finally resolve the dispute to commence within ten (10) days of the
        request of either party; (ii) in the event that the parties have not
        succeeded in negotiating a resolution of the dispute within ten (10)
        days after the first meeting, then the dispute will be resolved by
        nonbinding mediation to be held in a mutually agreed location in the
        United States, using a mutually agreed upon non-affiliated neutral party
        having experience with or knowledge in the wireless communications
        equipment industry to be chosen within twenty (20) days after written
        notice by either party demanding mediation (the costs therefor to be
        shared equally); and (iii) if within sixty (60) days of the initial
        demand for mediation by the parties, the dispute cannot be resolved by
        mediation, then a party may institute litigation in a court having
        subject matter jurisdiction, and the parties expressly consent and
        submit themselves to the personal jurisdiction of such court. If
        compliance with this section would result in expiration of any statute
        of limitations for the filing of a court action, the statute of
        limitations shall be tolled for the period of time required to comply
        with this section.


     a. During the term of this Agreement and thereafter it may be necessary for
        Seller and Customer to mutually exchange certain information, data and
        proprietary material relating to marketing, sales, technical, financial
        and other matters involving the Products, this Agreement or the
        relationship between the Seller and Customer. In order to be treated as
        confidential hereunder ("Confidential Information"), information
        disclosed in writing shall be marked as confidential or proprietary, and
        the disclosing party shall indicate the confidential nature of oral
        information at the time of disclosure and provide written confirmation
        thereof within fifteen (15) days following such disclosure. All
        Confidential Information shall:

        1. Be received and retained in the strictest confidence by the parties
           and will be deemed to be proprietary information of the disclosing
           party and the recipient(s) agree(s) that it will not disclose it to
           third parties and further will treat such information, data or
           material as proprietary using the same degree of care that it (or
           they) would normally use in protecting its (or their) own proprietary
           information; and


        2. Be used by the parties hereto solely for the purpose of implementing
           this Agreement.

     b. This provision shall not apply to any Confidential Information which:
        (i) is known by the receiving party prior to the date of disclosure by
        the disclosing party, and is not subject to or in violation of an
        obligation of confidentiality; (ii) is or become public knowledge other
        than by default of the receiving party; (iii) is obtained by the
        receiving party from a bona-fide third party having free right of
        disposal of such information; (iv) is wholly and independently developed
        by receiving party without reference to the Confidential Information; or
        (v) the receiving party is required to disclose pursuant to any law,
        regulation or a valid order of a court or other governmental body or any
        political subdivision thereof, provided, however, that the recipient of
        the information shall first have given notice to the disclosing party
        and made a reasonable effort to obtain a protective order requiring that
        the information and/or documents so disclosed be used only for the
        purposes for which the order was issued.

     c. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement shall also be treated
        confidentially by all parties hereto.

     d. This section shall survive any termination of the Agreement for a period
        of three (3) years.


     a. Seller and Customer may issue a joint press release concerning the
        execution of this Agreement. Such press release shall be subject to
        prior review and written approval by both parties, not to be
        unreasonably withheld.

     b. Any waiver by any party of any breach or failure to comply with any
        provision of this Agreement by the other party must be in writing and
        shall not be construed as, or constitute, a continuing waiver or such
        provision, or a waiver of any other provision of this Agreement.

     c. If any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be invalid or
        unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not invalidate
        or render unenforceable the entire Agreement, but rather the entire
        Agreement shall be construed as if not containing the particular invalid
        or unenforceable provisions, and the rights and obligations of Seller
        and Customer shall be construed and enforced accordingly.

     d. This Agreement, including all Exhibits which are attached to and hereby
        incorporated into this Agreement, shall constitute the entire agreement
        between Customer and Seller with respect to the subject matter hereof
        and supersedes all prior agreements, covenants, arrangements,
        communications, representations or warranties, whether oral or written,
        by any party or any officer, employee or representative of any party
        with respect to the subject matter hereof.


     e. Any amendment or modification of this Agreement or any Exhibit must be
        in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of each of the

     f. This Agreement applies only to sales of Products and Services in the
        United States.

     g. Each party shall comply with all applicable U.S. and foreign export
        control laws and regulations and shall not export or re-export any
        technical data or products except in compliance with the applicable
        export control laws and regulations of the U.S. and any foreign country.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed by their respective duly authorized representatives.

Metawave Communications Corporation       GTE Mobilnet of California Limited
                                          Partnership by GTE Wireless, Inc., its
                                          General Partner

By:/S/ Richard Henderson                  By: /S/ Annette M. Jacobs

Name: Richard Henderson                   Name:  Annette M. Jacobs

Title: Vice President Sales               Title:  Area President, California
       and Marketing


                           SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT

                                   EXHIBIT E

                           TO THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT




                                GTE ("CUSTOMER")


     "Agreement" shall mean the Purchase Agreement between Seller and Customer
     executed concurrently herewith, and the Exhibits attached thereto,
     including this Exhibit E (Software License).

     "Software" shall mean the (i) object-code computer programs embedded in the
     SpotLight System which control the operation of the SpotLight System
     ("Embedded System Software"), and (ii) the LampLighter PC-based graphical
     user interface computer program used to monitor the operation of a
     SpotLight System and all Features, Major Releases, Point Releases, Software
     Patches (as such terms are defined in Exhibit D Product Maintenance
     Program), updates and modifications ("Software Updates") and any
     documentation in support thereof.

     "SpotLight System" shall mean a single SpotLight(TM) 2000 spectrum
     management system as described in Exhibit B.

     Any terms not defined herein shall have the same meanings as in the
     Agreement and the Exhibits thereto.

2.   SCOPE

     Pursuant to the Agreement, Software will be delivered by Seller to Customer
     for use with a SpotLight System according to the terms of the Agreement and
     this Exhibit. Customer shall then become a licensee with respect to such


     3.1  Concurrent with execution of the Agreement, and subject to the terms
          and conditions set forth herein, Seller grants to Customer a
          revocable, non-exclusive and non-transferable license under Seller's
          applicable proprietary rights to use Software delivered to Customer
          hereunder to routinely operate and monitor the SpotLight System with
          which the Software was delivered.

     3.2  The Software licensing fees for the most current versions of the
          Embedded System Software and LampLighter Software (available at the
          time of purchase of a

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          SpotLight System) are included in the Purchase Price of a SpotLight
          System. Software Updates are available under the Software Maintenance
          Program described in Exhibit D or for additional licensing fees.


     4.1  Without the prior written consent of Seller, Customer shall only use
          the Software in conjunction with a single SpotLight System delivered
          to Customer under the terms of the Agreement.

     4.2  The license granted to Customer in Section 3 is personal and may only
          be transferred to another SpotLight or site or another entity in
          accordance with Section 11(b) of the Agreement.

     4.3  The Software is subject to laws protecting patents, trade secrets,
          know-how, confidentiality and copyright.

     4.4  Customer shall not translate, modify, adapt, decompile, disassemble,
          or reverse engineer the Software or any portion thereof.

     4.5  Unless otherwise expressly agreed by Seller, Customer shall not permit
          its directors, officers, employees or any other person under its
          direct or indirect control, to write, develop, produce, sell, or
          license any software that performs the same functions as the Software
          by means directly attributable to access to the Software (e.g. reverse
          engineering or copying).

     4.6  Customer shall not export the Software from the United States without
          the written permission of Seller. If written permission is granted for
          export of the Software, then Customer shall comply with all U.S. laws
          and regulations for such exports and shall hold Seller harmless,
          including legal fees and expenses for any violation or attempted
          violation of the U.S. export laws.

     4.7  Customer acknowledges that Seller owns the Software and that any
          rights therein not specifically granted in this License are the
          exclusive property of Seller.


     5.1  Software provided hereunder may be copied (for back-up purposes only)
          in whole or in part, in printed or machine-readable form for
          Customer's internal use only, provided, however, that no more than
          three (3) printed copies and three (3) machine-readable copies shall
          be in existence at any one time without the prior written consent of
          Seller, other than copies electronically resident in SpotLight

     5.2  With reference to any copyright notice of Seller associated with
          Software, Customer agrees to include the same on all copies it makes
          in whole or in part. Seller's copyright notice may appear in any of
          several forms, including machine-readable form. Use of a copyright
          notice on the Software does not imply that such has been published or
          otherwise made generally available to the public.

     5.3  Customer agrees to keep confidential, in accordance with the terms of
          the Agreement or a non disclosure agreement signed by the parties, and
          not provide or otherwise make available in any form any Software or
          its contents, or any portion

                                    2 of 4

          thereof, or any documentation pertaining to the Software, to any
          person other than employees of Customer or Seller.

     5.4  Software is the sole and exclusive property of Seller and no title or
          ownership rights to the Software or any of its parts, including
          documentation, is transferred to Customer.

     5.5  Customer acknowledges that it is the responsibility of Customer to
          take all reasonable measures to safeguard Software and to prevent its
          unauthorized use or duplication.


     Customer acknowledges that violation of the terms of this Exhibit or the
     Agreement shall cause Seller irreparable harm for which monetary damages
     may be inadequate, and Customer agrees that Seller may, in addition to any
     other legal or equitable remedy, seek temporary or permanent injunctive
     relief without the need to prove actual harm in order to protect Seller's

7.   TERM

     Unless otherwise terminated, pursuant to Section 8 hereof, the term of the
     license granted pursuant to Section 3 herein shall be perpetual.


     8.1  The license granted hereunder may be terminated by Customer upon one
          (1) month's prior written notice.

     8.2  Seller may terminate the license granted hereunder if Customer is in
          material default of any of the terms and conditions of this Exhibit E
          and such termination shall be effective if Customer fails to correct
          such default within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof by
          Seller, provided, however, that if such default cannot reasonably be
          cured within thirty (30) days after written notice by Seller, and
          Customer diligently commences to correct such default within such
          thirty (30) days of written notice, the termination by Seller shall
          become effective if Customer fails to correct such default within
          ninety (90) days of such written notice. The provisions of Sections 4
          and 5 herein shall survive termination of any such license.

     8.3  In the event that Customer is required to return the Software,
          pursuant to Section 8(b) of the Purchase Agreement, or in the event
          that Customer returns a SpotLight System pursuant to Section 5(a)(2)
          of the Purchase Agreement, this license shall terminate immediately
          upon such return of the Software or Product to Seller.

     8.4  Within one (1) month after termination of the license granted
          hereunder, Customer shall furnish to Seller a document certifying that
          through its best efforts and to the best of its knowledge, the
          original and all copies in whole or in part of all Software, in any
          form, including any copy in an updated work, have been returned to
          Seller or destroyed. With prior written consent from Seller, Customer
          may retain one (1) copy for archival purposes only.

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     9.1  Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to grant, either directly or
          by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under any patents,
          patent applications or copyrights of Seller except as expressly
          granted herein.

     9.2  Rights in programs or operating systems of third parties, if any, are
          further limited by their license agreements with such third parties,
          which agreements are hereby incorporated by reference thereto and made
          a part hereof as if fully set forth herein.  Customer agrees to abide

     9.3  During the term of the license granted pursuant to Section 3 herein
          and for a period of one (1) year after expiration or termination,
          Seller, and where applicable, its licensor(s), or their
          representatives may, upon reasonable prior notice to Customer, a)
          inspect the files, computer processors, equipment, facilities and
          premises of Customer during normal working hours to verify Customer's
          compliance with this Agreement, and b) while conducting such
          inspection, copy and/or retain all Software, including the medium on
          which it is stored and all documentation that Customer may possess in
          violation of the license or the Agreement.

     9.4  Customer acknowledges that the provisions of this Exhibit E are
          intended to inure to the benefit of Seller and its licensors and their
          respective successors in interest. Customer acknowledges that Seller
          or its licensors have the right to enforce these provisions against
          Customer, whether in Seller's or its licensor's name.


     Customer understands that errors occur in Software and Seller makes no
     warranty that the Software will perform without error. Customer agrees that
     it is Customer's responsibility to select and test the Software to
     determine that is meets Customer's needs. Customer accepts the Software "as
     is" subject to the warranty set forth in Section 6 of the Purchase


     In the event Seller becomes insolvent, ceases to carry on business on a
     regular basis or fails to perform its maintenance obligations herein and
     Customer purchases Seller's annual Hardware and Software Product
     Maintenance Program, then Seller shall immediately furnish to Customer the
     latest version of Product object code and documentation, training materials
     and any necessary information to enable Customer to maintain such Products
     or contract with others for such work.


     12.1  This Exhibit E is a part of, and is to be read together with, the
           Agreement which contains additional terms and conditions, warranties
           and indemnities applicable to the Software.

     12.2  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in other agreements,
           purchase orders or order acknowledgments, the Agreement, the Software
           specifications set forth in Exhibit B and this Exhibit E set forth
           the entire understanding and obligations regarding use of Software,
           implied or expressed.

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