1665 East 18th Street, Suite 113
                                Tucson, Arizona 87519
                                    (520) 740-1119

                               TO BE HELD MAY 23, 2000

          To the Shareholders of Far West Group, Inc.:

          Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of
          Far West  Group, Inc. will be  held on Tuesday, May  23, 2000, at
          4:00 p.m. MST, at the  Marriott University Hotel at 800  East 2nd
          Street, Tucson, Arizona 87519 for the following purposes:

          1.To  elect four  (4) directors  to serve  until the  next Annual
          Meeting of Shareholders or
          until their successors are elected and qualified;

          2.To approve the Far West Group, Inc. 2000 Stock Option Plan;

          3.To  ratify  the  appointment  of  Jackson   &  Rhodes  P.C.  as
          independent auditors for the
          fiscal year ending December 31, 2000; and

          4.To transact such other business as may properly come before the
          meeting or any
          adjournment thereof.

          Accompanying this Notice of Annual  Meeting is a Proxy Statement,
          Form of Proxy and the Company's Annual Report to Shareholders for
          the fiscal year ended December 31, 1999.

          The Board of  Directors has fixed the close  of business on April
          20,  2000,   as  the  record   date  for  the   determination  of
          shareholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the meeting.

          The stock transfer books will not  be closed.  A complete list of
          stockholders entitled  to vote at  the meeting will  be available
          for inspection at the meeting.

          All stockholders are  cordially invited to attend the  meeting in
          person; however,  to assure  your representation at  the meeting,
          you  are urged to vote, sign,  date and return the enclosed Proxy
          as promptly as possible in the enclosed postage prepaid envelope.
          Any  stockholder attending the meeting may vote in person even if
          a proxy has been submitted previously.

                                         By Order of the Board of Directors

                                         /s/ Joseph Brooks
                                         Joseph Brooks
          Tucson, Arizona
          Dated:    April 29, 2000


                                 Far West Group, Inc.
                           1665 East 18th Street, Suite 113
                                Tucson, Arizona  87519
                                    (520) 740-1119

                                   PROXY STATEMENT

                            ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                              TO BE HELD ON MAY 23, 2000

                                   GENERAL MATTERS

          This Proxy Statement is furnished to the shareholders of Far West
          Group, Inc. (the "Company") in  connection with the  solicitation
          of proxies by the Board of Directors of the  Company  to be voted
          at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held  on May 23, 2000
          or any adjournment or adjournments thereof.   The  cost  of  this
          solicitation will be borne by the Company.

          Any  proxy may  be revoked  at  any time  before it  is voted  by
          receipt of a  proxy properly  signed and dated  subsequent to  an
          earlier proxy, or by  revocation of a written proxy by request in
          person at  the Annual  Meeting.   If not  so revoked,  the shares
          represented by such proxy will be voted.  The Company's principal
          offices  are located at 1665 East 18th Street, Suite 113, Tucson,
          Arizona    87519.    The  Company's  telephone  number  is  (520)
          740-1119.  The mailing of this proxy statement to shareholders of
          the Company commenced on or about April 29, 2000.

          The  total number of shares  outstanding and entitled  to vote at
          the meeting as of April 20, 2000 consisted of 7,378,932 shares of
          common stock, $0.0001 par value.   Each share of common  stock is
          entitled  to one  vote.    There  is  no  cumulative  voting  for
          directors.   Only shareholders of record at the close of business
          on April 20, 2000  will be entitled to vote at  the meeting.  The
          presence in  person or by proxy  of the holders of  a majority of
          the shares entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
          constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.

                               QUORUM AND VOTE REQUIRED

          Under Nevada law, each  item of business properly presented  at a
          meeting of  shareholders, other  than the election  of directors,
          generally must be approved by the affirmative vote of the holders
          of  a majority  of the  voting power  of the  shares present,  in
          person  or  by  proxy,  and entitled  to  vote  on  that  item of
          business.  Directors must be elected by a plurality of votes cast
          at an election where a majority of the voting power of the shares
          are present, either in person or by proxy.  Votes  cast in person
          or by proxy,  regardless of  whether the proxy  has authority  to
          vote on all matters,  at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders will
          determine whether or not  a quorum is present.   Abstentions will
          be treated  as shares that are  present and entitled  to vote for
          purposes  of determining the presence of a quorum, but as unvoted
          for purposes of determining the approval  of the matter submitted
          to the shareholders for a vote.  Broker non-votes will be treated
          as shares not present and entitled to vote.



          The following table sets  forth information as of April  20, 2000
          concerning the beneficial ownership of the issued and outstanding
          common stock of the Company by (i) the only shareholders known by
          the Company to own more than five percent of the  common stock of
          the Company,  (ii) each current  director of  the Company,  (iii)
          each Named  Executive Officer listed in  the Summary Compensation
          Table,  and  (iv) all  executive  officers and  directors  of the
          Company as a group.
                                           Shares of   Acquired
          Name and address                 Common       within
          of Beneficial Owner              Stock(1)    60 days    Total     %

          Clark Vaught(2)                  2,685,000     -0-   2,685,000  36.4

          Dallas Talley(3)                   616,373     -0-     616,373   8.4

          ABB, Inc.                          500,000     -0-     500,000   6.8

          Chris Sheppard(4)                  430,000     -0-     430,000   5.8

          Tom Friezen                        262,000     -0-     262,000   3.6

          Nicholas Yensen(5)                 130,000     -0-     130,000   1.8

          All current executive officers and directors
          as a group (5 persons)
                                                               4,623,373  62.7

          1.  Except as noted, all  shares beneficially owned by each  person
          as of the record date were owned
          of  record,  and  each person  had  sole  voting  power and  sole
          investment power for all such shares
          beneficially held.

          2.  Includes 10,000 shares jointly owned with Ms. Channa Crews, Mr.
          Vaught's wife.

          3.  Includes 13,400  shares held by Ms. Sherry Talley, Mr. Talley's

          4.  Includes 5,000 shares held by Mr. Sheppard's wife.

          5.  Mr.  Yensen has not been nominated for re-election to the Board
          of Directors.



          The  management of  FarWest  Pump Company,  a  subsidiary of  the
          Company, approached  the Company's Board of  Directors to acquire
          the Pump Company in late 1998.  The Company's Board of Directors,
          at its March 1999 meeting, approved the sale of the  Pump Company
          to  the Pump Company's management team effective as of January 1,
          1999.  To induce the Pump  Company management to assume the  Pump
          Company's net  liabilities  of approximately,  $658,000,  FarWest
          agreed  to pay the Pump Company $70,000 upon receipt of financing
          for the Company.  In addition, the Company has an account payable
          of $207,000  to Mr. Clark  Vaught, the Company's  chairman, which
          Mr. Vaught agreed to assign to the Pump Company.  As of April 20,
          2000  the Company has paid to the Pump Company $200,000 according
          to the  agreement.  In addition, $70,000 will be paid to the Pump
          Company when the Company   next receives equity investments in an
          amount sufficient to allow payment to the Pump Company.

          The  only investments within the  past two years  (1998 and 1999)
          involving management were the payment of accrued salaries through
          the  issuance of  restricted common  stock.   Mr. Vaught  and Mr.
          Talley  each converted  $105,000 of  salaries accrued  during the
          last two years to stock  as indicated in Item 6 of  the Company's
          Form  10SB filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  No
          other director, officer, or beneficial owner of over 5 percent of
          a  class  stock  had  involvement in  any  transaction  exceeding

                                     Proposal #1

                                ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

          It is intended that  proxies solicited by the Board  of Directors
          will be voted FOR (unless  otherwise  directed)  the  election of
          the nominees for director named below.  Each of the nominees named
          below upon election will serve  until the next annual  meeting or
          until  his successor has  been elected  and qualified.    If, for
          any reason, any of the nominees become unavailable  for election,
          the proxies  solicited by the  Board of Directors  will  be voted
          for such  nominee as is selected by the  Board of Directors.  The
          Board  of  Directors  has  no  reason  to  believe  that  any  of
          the nominees are  not available or will not serve if elected.

          The Company  does not have a nominating committee of the Board of
          Directors. The by-laws of  the Company provide that the  Board of
          Directors may  set the  number of  directors, provided  that such
          number must be at least two.  The Board of  Directors has adopted
          a resolution  indicating  that  the  Board of  Directors  of  the
          Company is to consist of seven (7) members.  At the current time,
          there are two  (2) vacancies on the Board and Dr. Nicholas Yensen
          has not  been nominated  for re-election.   As  a result,  if the
          nominees  listed below are  elected at the  Annual Meeting, there
          will  be three vacancies  on the Board  of Directors.   Under the
          Company's governing  documents, those vacancies may  be filled by
          the  vote of then-current members of the Board of Directors, with
          the directors so elected to stand for election at the
          next  annual meeting of the Company's  shareholders.  The Company
          is seeking additional qualified individuals to serve as "outside"
          (non-employee)  members of  the Board  of Directors  and believes
          that one  or more  such individuals may  be selected to  fill the


          vacant  Board  seats  later in  calendar  year  2000.   The  four
          nominees  named  below  have  been  nominated  by  the  Board  of
          Directors of the  Company.   The nominees are  listed below  with
          their ages, their present positions with the Company, if any, and
          their present principal occupations or employment.  Clark Vaught,
          Dallas Talley  and Chris Sheppard  have devoted  and will  devote
          their full working  time to the business of the  Company.  Thomas
          Friezen has devoted and will devote such time  as is necessary to
          fulfill his duty as a director.

          Name           Age   Title and Principal Occupation   Director Since

          Clark Vaught   49    Chairman of the Board and Chief
                               Executive Officer                      1996

          Dallas Talley  66    President and Chief Financial
                               Officer                                1998

          Chris Sheppard 42    Vice President                         1997

          Tom Friezen    41    Director of the Company and Chief
                               Financial Officer of Dakota Growers    1996
                               Pasta Cooperative

          Clark  Vaught,  Chairman,  CEO, and  major  shareholder,  founded
          FarWest  Pump and developed it  into today's FarWest  Group.  His
          background with Westinghouse  Hanford Systems aptly prepares  him
          for  the technology  driven  CDT market.   Management  experience
          includes large aquifer development projects, water management for
          White Sands Missile Range, and several Arizona City programs.

          Dallas  Talley, President,  also currently  serving as  Financial
          Officer,  has over  twenty years  of high  tech senior  executive
          experience.   He has been CEO of Qantel Business Computers, a New
          York Stock Exchange listed Company, and of two  NASDAQ technology
          companies.    He has  also  been  a  founder/director of  several
          emerging  companies, was  executive partner  in an  international
          technology marketing  and licensing  partnership and served  as a
          director of the American  Electronics Association and as Chairman
          of its Silicon Valley Chapter.

          Chris  Sheppard, P.E.,  Chief Engineer,  has 25  years of  direct
          mechanical and system engineering experience in the aerospace and
          electro-optics areas including several positions as President and
          Chief Engineer.  As  a major contributor to "Star  Wars" programs
          and  several  laser  tracking/detection systems  he  developed  a
          relationship with Lawrence  Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).
          He joined FarWest Group late in 1996 when he evaluated the
          LLNL Capacitive  Deionization Technology  (CDT) on  their behalf.
          Since then  he has been  responsible for technical  advances that
          have brought CDT to the verge of commercialization.

          Tom Friezen  is Chief Financial  Officer of Dakota  Growers Pasta
          Company, a  food processing  cooperative located in  North Dakota
          which  has annual  revenues  of approximately  $150,000,000.   He
          manages  the   financial  operations   and  oversees   the  legal
          activities of that enterprise.



          Other Information Regarding the Board of Directors

          Directors  do  not  receive  cash compensation  for  services  as
          members of the  Board of  Directors.  However,  the Company  does
          reimburse Directors  for direct expenses incurred  due to service
          on the Board.

          The Company's Audit  Committee consist of  two directors and  the
          Company's secretary,  Mr. Joseph Brooks.   Mr. Thomas  Friezen is
          Chairman of  the Audit Committee  (and an outside  director); Mr.
          Dallas  Talley also  serves on  the Audit  Committee.   The Audit
          Committee recommends  to the  Board of Directors  the independent
          public accountants and  reviews the  scope of the  audit and  the
          actual audit performed by  them.  It is responsible  for insuring
          that  the  financial  statements  present  fairly  the  financial
          condition of the Company.

          The Board has no other standing committees at this time.

          During the fiscal  year ended  December 31,  1999, the  Company's
          Board  of  Directors  held  two  (2)  meetings.    All  incumbent
          directors  attended all  meetings.   In  addition, the  Company's
          directors adopted resolutions with respect to a number of matters
          by written action during the fiscal year.


          Summary of Cash and Other Compensation
          The  following  table sets  forth,  for the  fiscal  years ending
          December 31, 1999, 1998  and 1997, the cash compensation  paid by
          the Company, as well as certain other compensation paid or earned
          for those years  by Clark Vaught,  the Company's Chief  Executive
          Officer, and the only other executive officers whose compensation
          exceeded  $100,000  in  fiscal   1999  (the  "Named  Executive
          Officers"),  for   services  rendered  to  the   Company  in  all
          capacities during the past three fiscal years.

                                     Summary Compensation Table

                                       Annual Compensation(1)
                                 Year Ended                 Other Annual
    Name and Principal Position  December 31,  Salary Bonus Compensation(2)

    Clark Vaught                    1999      $37,500  $0      $105,000
      Chief Executive Officer,      1998       96,000   0           0
      Chairman of the Board         1997       72,000   0           0

    Dallas Talley(3)                1999       37,500   0       105,000
      President, Financial Officer, 1998       84,000   0           0
      Director                      1997          0     0           0


    Chris Sheppard                  1999       37,500   0        37,625
      Vice President Development    1998       72,000   0           0
      Director                      1997       60,000   0           0

          (1)There are currently no Long Term  Compensation plans in effect
          for Company officers or directors.

          (2)Represents  the issuance  of Common  Stock in  satisfaction of
          accrued, unpaid salary.

          (3)Mr. Talley joined the Company in March 1998.

          Stock Options

          There were no stock option grants to the Named Executive Officers
          during the fiscal year ended December  31, 1999 and there were no
          option  exercises  by the  Named  Executive  Officers during  the
          fiscal year ended December 31, 1999.

                                     Proposal #2

                     PROPOSAL TO APPROVE THE Far West Group, Inc.
                                2000 STOCK OPTION PLAN


          On  March 20, 2000 the  Company's Board of  Directors adopted the
          Far  West Group, Inc. 2000  Stock Option Plan  (the "2000 Plan"),
          subject  to  approval   of  the  2000   Plan  by  the   Company's
          shareholders.   The purpose  of the  2000  Plan is  to provide  a
          continuing, long-term incentive to selected eligible officers and
          key employees of the Company and of any subsidiary corporation of
          the  Company,  to  provide   a  means  of  rewarding  outstanding
          performance and to  enable the Company to maintain  a competitive
          position to attract and retain key personnel  necessary  for
          continued growth and profitability.

          Summary of the Plan

          Number of  Shares.  The maximum number  of shares of common stock
          reserved  and available under the 2000 Plan for awards is 800,000
          shares (subject  to adjustment in  the event  of possible  future
          stock splits or similar changes in  the common stock).  Shares of
          common  stock covered by expired  or terminated stock options may
          be used for subsequent awards under the 2000 Plan.

          Eligibility and Administration.   Officers and  regular full-time
          executive, administrative, professional, production and technical
          employees  of the  Company  and its  subsidiaries, directors  and
          consultants are eligible  to be granted  stock options under  the
          2000  Plan.  Approximately five officers  and other employees and
          one non-employee  director are currently  eligible to participate
          in the 2000 Plan.


          The 2000  Plan is to be administered by the Board of Directors or
          by a Committee appointed by the Board, consisting of at least two
          directors, all of whom  are "Outside Directors" and "Non-Employee
          Directors" as defined in  the 2000 Plan.   The Committee has  the
          power to determine when and to  whom options will be granted, the
          term of each option, the number of shares covered by it and other
          terms and conditions of each option.  The Committee
          also has the power  to construe and interpret the  2000 Plan, and
          establish and amend any rules  and regulations it deems necessary
          or desirable for the proper administration of the 2000 Plan.

          Stock  Options.    The Committee  may  grant  stock  options that
          qualify as  "incentive stock options" under  the Internal Revenue
          Code  or as "non-qualified stock  options" in such  form and upon
          such terms as the Committee may approve from time to time.  Stock
          options granted under the 2000 Plan may be exercised during their
          respective terms as  determined by  the Committee.   There is  an
          annual  cap  of 50,000  on  the number  of  shares granted  to an
          optionee.  Further, there is a cap each calendar year of $100,000
          per optionee on  the aggregate  fair market value  of the  common
          stock underlying  an incentive  stock option that  is exercisable
          for the first time.

          Term of  Options.  For  employees who hold  more than 10%  of the
          voting  power  of the  Company, the  term  of an  incentive stock
          options may not be greater than ten years.  For  employees who do
          not hold  more than 10% of  the voting power of  the Company, the
          term of an incentive stock  option may not be greater than  seven
          years.  The  term for any  non-qualified stock option may  not be
          greater than a period of ten years and one day from the
          date of grant.

          Exercise  Price.  The exercise price  per share purchasable under
          an incentive  stock option shall  not be less  than 110%  of fair
          market value of the Company's common stock on the date the option
          is granted  if granted  to an  employee who holds  more than  ten
          percent (10%) of the  Company's voting power.   If granted to  an
          employee who do not hold more  than 10%, the exercise price shall
          not be  less than 100% of  such fair market value.   The exercise
          price per  share purchasable  under a non-qualified  stock option
          may not be less than 85% of fair market value of the common stock
          of the Company on  the date the option is granted.

          Payment.   The Company accepts  payment for the  exercise of each
          option in cash, or at the discretion of the Company, by  delivery
          of common stock of the  Company already owned by the  optionee or
          by  delivery  of  a   promissory  note.    Any  tax   withholding
          requirements associated  with the  exercise of  an option  may be
          satisfied by a withholding  of common stock from the  shares that
          would otherwise be deliverable.

          Restrictions.  An option may only be exercised by the optionee to
          whom granted during his or her  lifetime.  Options under the 2000
          Plan  are not assignable or  transferable, except by  will or the
          laws of descent and distribution.  However, the Committee may, in
          its discretion, allow  exercise of  an option by  a person  other
          than an optionee or allow transfer of the option.

          There is no express limitation on the duration  of the 2000 Plan,
          except  for the requirement of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
          as  amended, that  all incentive  stock options  must  be granted
          within  ten years  from the  date  the Plan  is  approved by  the


          Federal Income  Tax Consequences.   The following  description of
          federal  income tax  consequences is  based on  current statutes,
          regulations  and  interpretations.    The  description  does  not
          include state or local income tax consequences.  In addition, the
          description is not intended  to address specific tax consequences
          applicable to an individual participant who receives an award.

          An optionee will not realize taxable compensation income upon the
          grant of an  incentive stock  option.  In  addition, an  optionee
          generally will  not realize taxable compensation  income upon the
          exercise of an incentive  stock option if he or she  exercises it
          as  an  employee  or within  three  months  after termination  of
          employment  (or   within  one  year  after   termination  if  the
          termination  results from a permanent and total disability).  The
          amount by which  the fair  market value of  the shares  purchased
          exceeds the aggregate  option price  at the time  of exercise  is
          treated as alternative minimum taxable income for purposes of the
          alternative minimum tax.

          If  stock acquired pursuant to  an incentive stock  option is not
          disposed of  prior to the  date two  years from the  option grant
          date or prior to one year from the option exercise date, any gain
          or  loss  realized  upon   the  sale  of  such  shares   will  be
          characterized as capital gain or loss.  If the applicable holding
          periods are not  satisfied, then any gain  realized in connection
          with the disposition of  such stock will generally be  taxable as
          compensation  income  in  the   year  in  which  the  disposition
          occurred, to the extent of the difference between the fair market
          value  of  such stock  on  the date  of  exercise and  the option
          exercise  price.  The Company  is entitled to  a tax deduction to
          the extent,  and  at  the  time, that  the  participant  realizes
          compensation income.  Capital  gains resulting from property held
          for more than 12  months will be taxed at a  maximum rate of 20%.
          Capital gains resulting from property held for less than one year
          will  be treated  as short-term  capital gains  and taxed  at the
          individual's applicable ordinary income tax rate.

          An optionee will not realize taxable compensation income upon the
          grant  of a  non-qualified stock  option, which  includes options
          granted to non-employee directors.  When an optionee  exercises a
          non-qualified  stock  option,  he  or she  will  realize  taxable
          compensation income at  that time equal to the difference between
          the aggregate option price and the fair market value of the stock
          on the date of exercise.

          Registration  with  the  SEC.   The  Company  intends  to file  a
          Registration Statement covering the 2000 Plan with the Securities
          and Exchange Commission  pursuant to the Securities  Act of 1933,
          after shareholder approval.

          Shareholder Vote.  Shareholder approval of the 2000 Plan requires
          the affirmative vote of  the holders of a majority  of the shares
          of common stock represented at the meeting and entitled to vote.



                                     Proposal #3



          Jackson & Rhodes P.C. were the auditors for the fiscal year ended
          December  31,  1999 and  the  Company's  Board of  Directors  has
          selected  them as auditors for the year ending December 31, 2000.
          Representatives  of  Jackson &  Rhodes  P.C. are  expected  to be
          present at the meeting and will be allowed to make a statement if
          they  wish.  Additionally, they  will be available  to respond to
          appropriate questions from shareholders during the meeting.

          Vote Required

          If  a quorum  is present and  voting, the  affirmative vote  of a
          majority of the  votes cast  with regard to  ratification of  the
          appointment  of  the independent  auditors  will  be required  to
          ratify that appointment.


                                    ANNUAL REPORT

          An  Annual  Report of  the  Company setting  forth  the Company's
          activities and containing financial statements of the Company for
          the fiscal year  ended December 31, 1999  accompanies this Notice
          of Annual Meeting and proxy solicitation material.

                                SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

          Rule  14a-8 of the SEC  permits shareholders of  a company, after
          timely  notice   to  the   company,  to  present   proposals  for
          shareholder action  in the  company's proxy statement  where such
          proposals are consistent with  applicable law, pertain to matters
          appropriate for  shareholder action and are  not properly omitted
          by company action in accordance with the proxy rules.

          The Far West Group,  Inc. 2001 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders is
          expected to  be held on or  about May 11, 2001.   Proxy materials
          for that  meeting are expected to be mailed on or about April 11,
          2001.    Under  SEC Rule  14a-8,  shareholder    proposals to  be
          included in the  Far West  Group, Inc. proxy  statement for  that
          meeting must  be received by  Far West  Group, Inc. on  or before
          December  12,  2000.    Additionally,  if Far  West  Group,  Inc.
          receives  notice of  a  shareholder proposal  after February  26,
          2001,  the proposal will  be considered untimely  pursuant to SEC
          Rules  14a-4 and  14a-  5(e) and  the  persons named  in  proxies
          solicited by the  Board of Directors of Far West  Group, Inc. for
          its   2001   Annual   Meeting   of  Shareholders   may   exercise
          discretionary voting power with respect to the proposal.



          The cost of soliciting proxies, including the cost  of preparing,
          assembling, and  mailing the proxies and  soliciting material, as
          well as the  cost of  forwarding the material  to the  beneficial
          owners  of stock,  will  be borne  by  the Company.    Directors,
          officers  and  regular  employees  of the  Company  may,  without
          compensation  other  than  their  regular  remuneration,  solicit
          proxies personally or by telephone.


          Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the
          Company's directors and  executive  officers, and persons who own
          more  than  10% of  a registered  class  of the  Company's equity
          securities, to  file with the Securities  and Exchange Commission
          initial reports  of ownership and reports of changes in ownership
          of  common stock  and  other equity  securities  of the  Company.
          These  insiders     are  required  by   Securities  and  Exchange
          Commission regulations to furnish the Company with copies  of all
          Section  16(a) forms  they  file, including  Forms  3, 4  and  5.
          Although the Company  filed a registration statement on Form 10SB
          in late
          November,  1999,  that  registration  statement  did  not  become
          effective during  the fiscal year ended December  31, 1999.  As a
          result,  none of the Company's insiders had an obligation to file
          any Forms 3,  4 or 5 during  the fiscal year   ended December 31,

                                    OTHER BUSINESS

          The management of the Company does not know of any other business
          to be presented at  the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders.  If  any
          matter properly comes before the meeting, however, it is intended
          that the  persons named in the  enclosed form of  proxy will vote
          said proxy in accordance with  their best judgment.


                                         BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                         /s/ Joseph Brooks
                                         Joseph Brooks,  Secretary


          PROXY     FAR WEST GROUP, INC.

                    Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors
                     for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be
                                 Held on May 23, 2000

          The undersigned hereby constitutes  and appoints Clark Vaught and
          Dallas Talley, and each  of them, with power of  substitution, as
          attorneys  and proxies  to  appear and  vote  all of  the  shares
          standing in the  name of the undersigned at the Annual Meeting of
          Shareholders of Far West Group, Inc.,  to be held on May 23, 2000
          at  4:00  MST,  in Tucson,  Arizona  and  at  any adjournment  or
          adjournments thereof:

          1.Election of Directors:

          _____ FOR all nominees listed below_____ WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
          (except as marked to the contrary below)to vote for all nominees

          (INSTRUCTIONS:   To withhold authority to vote for any individual
          nominee,    mark  the FOR  box  and  strike  a  line through  the
          nominee's name in the list below).

          Thomas Friezen

          Chris Sheppard

          Dallas Talley

          Clark Vaught

          OPTION PLAN:










          The  shares represented by this proxy will be voted in accordance
          with  the  specifications   made and  in  favor of  the directors
          nominated  by  management  if there is no specification.

                                         I plan to attend the meeting _____

                                         DATE:_____________________, 2000


                                         Signature if held jointly

               Please sign  exactly as name  appears hereon.   Joint owners
               should  each  sign.   When  signing  as attorney,  executor,
               administrator, trustee  or guardian, please  give full title
               as such.

