WASHINGTON, D.C.

                                    FORM 10 - QSB

                        OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

          For the quarter ended September 30, 2000

                                 Far West Group, Inc.
                (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          Nevada                                           86-0867960
          (State of Jurisdiction)                       (I.R.S. Employer
                                                        identification No.)

          1665 E. 18th Street, Suite 113, Tucson, Arizona 85719
          (Address of Principal executive offices)

                           (Registrant's telephone number)

          Indicate by check mark  whether the registrant (1) has  filed all
          reports required  to  be filed  by  Section 13  or  15(d) of  the
          Securities Exchange  Act of 1934  during the preceding  12 months
          (or for such shorter  period that the registrant was  required to
          file  such reports)  and  (2) has  been  subject to  such  filing
          requirements for the past 90 days.

                                   (1) yes X  No___
                                   (2) yes X  No___

          The  number of shares outstanding of the registrant's  $.0001 par
          value common stock as of September 30, 2000 was 7,876,032.

                                 FarWest Group, Inc.
          Index                                                        Page
          Part I     Financial Information

          Item 1     Financial statements

                     Report of Independent Accountants                  3

                     Consolidated Balance Sheets as of
                     September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999           4

                     Consolidated Statements of operations
                     for the three and nine months ended
                     September 30, 2000 and 1999                        5

                     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow
                     For the nine months ended September 30,
                     2000 and 1999                                      6

                     Notes to Consolidated Financial
                     Statements                                        7-8

          Item 2     Management's discussion and analysis
                     of Financial Condition and Results
                     of Operations                                     9-10

          Part II    Other Information

          Item 1     Legal                                            10-11

          Item 2     Changes in securities                             11

          Item 3     Defaults upon senior securities                   11

          Item 4     Submission of matter to a vote of security
                     holders                                          11-12

          Item 5     Other information                                 12

          Item 6     Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                  12

          Signature page                                               12


          Part I     Financial Information

          Item 1     Financial Statements


          Board of Directors
          FarWest Group, Inc.

          We have reviewed the  accompanying consolidated balance sheets of
          FarWest  Group, Inc.  as of  September 30,  2000 and  the related
          statements of operations for the three and nine months then ended
          and  cash flows for the  nine months then  ended. These financial
          statements are the responsibility of the Company's management.

          We conducted our review  in accordance with standards established
          by the  American Institute  of Certified  Public Accountants.   A
          review of  interim financial information  consists principally of
          analytical  procedures  applied  to  financial  data  and  making
          inquiries of  persons responsible  for  financial and  accounting
          matters.   It is  substantially less in  scope than  an audit  in
          accordance   with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards,  the
          objective  of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the
          financial  statements taken as a  whole.  Accordingly,  we do not
          express such an opinion.

          Based  on  our  review,   we  are  not  aware  of   any  material
          modifications that  should be made to  the accompanying financial
          statements in order for  them to be in conformity  with generally
          accepted accounting principles.

          We have previously audited, in accordance with generally accepted
          auditing  standards, the  consolidated balance  sheet of  FarWest
          Group, Inc. as of December 31, 1999 and the related statements of
          operations  and cash flows for the year then ended (not presented
          separately herein), and  in our  report dated April  12, 2000  we
          expressed  an unqualified opinion  on those financial statements.
          In  our opinion,  the information  set forth in  the accompanying
          consolidated  balance sheet  as of  December 31,  1999 is  fairly
          stated, in all material respects, in relation to the consolidated
          balance sheet from which it has been derived.

          /s/ Jackson & Rhodes P.C.

          Jackson & Rhodes P.C.

          Dallas, Texas
          November 8, 2000


                                 FARWEST GROUP, INC.
                             CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                                      September 30 December 31,
                                                           2000        1999
          Current assets:                              (Unaudited)  (Audited)

          Cash                                        $     1,427  $   389,401
          Accounts receivable-officers and employees       49,244          -

          Total current assets                             50,671      389,401

          Furniture and equipment                          26,115       11,125
          Less accumulated depreciation                    (4,893)      (3,728)

                                                           21,222        7,397

                                                       $   71,893  $   396,798

                         Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
          Current liabilities:

          Accounts payable and accrued liabilities     $  433,592  $   348,929

          Accounts payable to shareholder                  56,634      152,388
          Note payable                                     56,000          -
          Current portion of long-term debt                10,700      109,891
          Payable to former subsidiary                     30,700      270,000

          Total current liabilities                       587,626      881,208

          Long-term and convertible debt                   34,471       53,174

          Stockholders' equity:
          Preferred stock, $.0001 par value, 20,000,000
            shares authorized; none issued and
            outstanding                                       -            -
          Common stock, $.0001 par value, 80,000,000
            shares authorized; 7,875,032 and 6,684,507
            shares issued and outstanding                     788          668
          Additional paid-in capital                    4,726,464    2,985,725
          Accumulated deficit                          (5,277,456)  (3,523,977)

          Total stockholders' equity                     (550,204)    (537,584)

                                                      $    71,893  $   396,798

             See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                 FARWEST GROUP, INC.
           For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2000 and 1999
                                          Three months ended  Nine months ended
                                             September 30,      September 30,
                                             2000     1999      2000      1999

     Revenues                        $    -   $     -    $      -    $     -

     Operating expenses:
     Common stock and options issued
       for services                    86,250   714,000     463,109    929,750
     Research and development         208,070   200,849     632,760    420,000
     General and administrative
       (excluding amounts applicable
       to stock and options issued
       for  services each  period)    336,508  (108,049)    640,702     12,520

                                      630,828   806,800   1,736,571  1,362,270

     Loss from operations            (630,828) (806,800) (1,736,571)(1,362,270)

     Other expenses
     Interest expense                  (8,930)   (1,000)    (16,908)    (3,500)

     Loss from continuing
     operations                      (639,758) (807,800) (1,753,479)(1,365.770)

     Discontinued operations:
     Income (loss) from discontinued
       operations                         -     (64,274)        -      (15,928)

     Net loss                       $(639,758)$(872,074)$(1,753,479)$(1,381,698)

     Loss per common share:

     From continuing operations         $(.08)    $(.13)      $(.23)      $(.25)

     Net loss                           $(.08)    $(.14)      $(.23)      $(.25)

     Weighted average common shares
     outstanding                    7,858,365 6,036,746   7,497,176   5,502,316

             See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                 FARWEST GROUP, INC.
                For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2000 and 1999
                                                            2000         1999
          Cash flows from operating activities:
          Net Loss                                     $(1,753,479) $(1,381,698)
          Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash
            used in operating activities:
          Depreciation                                       1,165        1,250
          Shares and options issued for services           463,109      929,750
          Change in operating assets and liabilities:
            Accounts receivable                            (49,244)      28,704
            Accounts payable and accrued liabilities        84,663       53,849
            Net liabilities of discontinued  operations        -         38,326

          Net cash used in operating activities         (1,253,786)    (329,819)

          Cash flows from investing activities:
          Purchase of furniture and equipment              (14,990)      (2,483)

          Cash flows from investing activities:
          Net advances from shareholders                   (95,754)      79,250
          Payments on long-term debt                       (17,894)         -
          Additional note payable                           56,000          -
          Payments to former subsidiary                   (239,300)         -
          Sale of common and preferred stock             1,177,750      283,251

          Net cash provided by financing activities        880,802      362,501

          Net increase(decrease) in cash and cash
          equivalents                                     (387,974)      30,199

          Cash at beginning of period                      389,401          -

          Cash at end of period                         $    1,427  $    30,199

          Supplemental disclosure:
          Total interest paid                           $   61,418  $     7,910

          Non-cash transactions:

          During  1999,  the Company  issued  1,643,600  common shares  for
          services rendered in  1999 and  1998, of  which$311,750 had  been
          accrued in 1998.

          During  1999, the Company issued 253,332 common shares to convert
          $100,000 in convertible debt and $26,667 in accrued interest.
          During 1999, the Company issued options to acquire 110,000 shares
          of Company common stock, valued at $116,000.

          During  2000,  the  Company  issued  200,000  shares  to  convert
          $100,000 in convertible debt.

             See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                 FARWEST GROUP, INC.
                             NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT
                                  September 30, 2000

          Note 1 - Future Operations

          The  Company's financial  statements have  been presented  on the
          basis  that  it  is  a  going  concern,  which  contemplates  the
          realization of assets and the satisfaction of  liabilities in the
          normal  course  of  business.  The financial  statements  do  not
          include  any adjustments  that might  result from the  outcome of
          this uncertainty.  The Company is reporting cumulative net losses
          from continuing operations since January 1, 1997 of approximately
          $5,300,000   as  of   September   30,  2000   and  has   utilized
          approximately $2,200,000 in cash  from operations during the same

          The  following is a summary of management's plan to raise capital
          and generate additional operating funds.

          The  Company  was  funded  initially through  investment  by  the
          principal  shareholder.   Since  1998  funding  has been  through
          private investments.

          Business   opportunities  for  the  next  twelve  months  include
          international  CDT  systems   sales  to  governments  and   major
          multi-national  industrial  corporations  and  U.S.  pilot sales.
          Several   opportunities  are   now  being   discussed  including:
          governments, humanitarian trust funds, industrial joint ventures,
          market sectors and geographic distribution agreements.

          The Company  recognizes  the  financial  investment  required  to
          support  the  potential business  opportunities  which  are being
          discussed.  There is  no guarantee that the Company  can complete
          the  funding   necessary   to  develop   the  manufacturing   and
          engineering structure  to manufacture  and install  the potential
          CDT  orders.    The  company is  currently  discussing  financing
          options which include:  a Corporate Partnership for Manufacturing
          which  could be  expanded  to include  marketing services;  joint
          ventures  with  an  international  investment group;  a  European
          government-sponsored  program.   A  potential strategic  alliance
          with  a leading European Water company and an investment alliance
          with  a   major  U.S.   engineering  and   construction  company.
          Management believes that there is  a probability of obtaining the
          required  financing for the next twelve months through one of the

          The Company is dependent upon  the proceeds of proposed offerings
          of the Company's securities to implement its business plan and to
          finance its  working capital requirements.   Should the Company's
          plans  or its  assumptions change  or prove  to be  inaccurate or
          offering  proceeds   are  insufficient  to  fund   the  Company's
          operations,  the Company  would  be required  to seed  additional
          financing sooner  than anticipated.   Management if  confident it
          will be able  to continue  raising funds in  the balance of  2000
          through private placements.


          There  can  be  no assurances  given  that  the  Company will  be
          successful  in generating  sufficient revenues  from its  planned
          activities  or  in  raising  sufficient capital  to  allow  it to
          continue  as   a  going  concern  which   contemplates  increased
          operating expenses, acquisition of  assets and the disposition of
          liabilities  in the normal course of business.  These factors can
          affect  the  ability  of the  Company  to  implement its  general
          business  plan   including   the  completion   of  the   required
          manufacturing  facilities and  continued proprietary  CDT product

          Note 2 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and Practices

          (a)Description of Business

          FarWest Group,  Inc.  (the "Company"or  "FarWest") was  organized
          under the laws of the state of Nevada in July 1996 to serve  as a
          water technology  company dedicated to  advanced water filtration
          and purification.

          In  January 1997  the Company  entered into  a manufacturing  and
          marketing  license  agreement  with  Lawrence  Livermore National
          Laboratories  ("Lawrence Livermore") whereby the Company obtained
          the   rights   to   Lawrence  Livermore's   patented   Capacitive
          Deionization Technology ("CDT").   The company has  the rights to
          develop  and  manufacture  a   carbon  aerogel  CDT  product  for
          commercial use in  the desalination, filtration  and purification
          of water.   The manufacturing and marketing license  is effective
          for the life of  the patents (up to 17  years).  To maintain  the
          license the Company must  make contracted annual royalty payments
          to Lawrence  Livermore   beginning  with $30,000  per year,  then
          becoming a percentage of revenue.   The Company was in arrears on
          its annual  royalty payments to Lawrence Livermore as of December
          31, 1999,  but has become  current on its  payments subsequently.
          The Company has  completed development of  its first release  CDT
          unit and  expects to continue in-house  prototype manufacture and
          construction  of demonstration and  pilot water  treatment plants
          for clients in the fourth quarter of 2000.

          (b)Net Loss per Weighted Average Share

          Net  loss per  weighted  average share  is  calculated using  the
          weighted average number of shares of common stock outstanding.

          (c)Basis of Presentation

          The  accompanying  unaudited   financial  statements  have   been
          prepared  in  accordance   with  generally  accepted   accounting
          principles   for  interim  financial  information  and  with  the
          instructions  to Form  10-QSB of  Regulations S-B.   They  do not
          include  all information  and  footnotes  required  by  generally
          accepted accounting principles for complete financial statements.
          However, except as disclosed herein,  there has been no  material
          change in the information disclosed in the notes to the financial
          statements for the year  ended December 31, 1999 included  in the
          Company's Annual Report on Form  10-KSB filed with the Securities
          and  Exchange  Commission.    The   interim  unaudited  financial
          statements  should be  read in  conjunction with  those financial
          statements  included in  the  Form 10-KSB.    In the  opinion  of
          management,  all  adjustments  considered necessary  for  a  fair
          presentation, consisting solely  of normal recurring adjustments,
          have been made.   Operating  results for the  three months  ended
          September 30, 2000 are not necessarily indicative of the  results
          that may be expected for the year ending December 31, 2000.


          Item 2    Management's  discussion  and   analysis  of  financial
                    condition and results of operations.

          Results of operations.

          As reported in the Company's 1999 Form 10K and annual  report the
          Company's former subsidiary, FarWest Pump Company (Pump Company),
          was sold  to Pump Company Management effective November 30, 1999.
          Pump  Company's   operations   are  reflected   as   discontinued
          operations as of November 30, 1999.

          The  Company did  not recognize  any  revenue during  the periods
          ending September 30, 2000  or 1999.  Initial revenues  from pilot
          systems  are expected to occur during the fourth quarter of 2000.
          Operating   expenses  decreased  by   approximately  $170,000  to
          $630,828 during  the quarter ended September 30,  2000.  Research
          and development  expenses dedicated to  the continued improvement
          of the  base  CDT  technology  remained  relatively  constant  at
          $208,070  during the quarter ended  September 30, 2000.   For the
          Nine month period  ended September 30,  2000, operating  expenses
          have  increased by approximately  21% from September  30, 1999 to
          $1,736,571 with  research  and  development  to  continue  to  be
          approximately 31% of the total operating expenses.

          During third  quarter 2000 the Company installed  the first pilot
          CDT  system at Carlsbad, California.  The system will continue to
          be expanded during the  fourth quarter of 2000 and  when complete
          will include ten CDT bricks and will have the capacity to produce
          up to 10,000 gallons of potable water per day.  Evaluation visits
          are  scheduled  during  the  fourth  quarter  for  domestic   and
          international prospective users and potential strategic partners.
          The Carlsbad  pilot CDT  system will  be operational  in Carlsbad
          through mid 2001.

          On June 27, 2000,  the Company completed an investment  agreement
          with Air  Water Inc. (Air Water) of Osaka, Japan.  Air Water made
          an equity investment  of $500,000  with the  purchase of  200,000
          shares of the Company's common  stock.  These funds were used  to
          complete the  Pump  Company transaction  and  to fund  the  final
          development of the pilot demonstration system being installed  at
          Carlsbad, California during the  third quarter.  In consideration
          for this investment, Air Water received "First Rights of Refusal"
          for  the   Japanese  marketing   rights  for  the   boiler  water
          preparation and polishing market  in Japan.  Air Water  will also
          have the rights to establish the implementation of  the Company's
          Capacitive Deionization  Technology (CDT)  in the industrial  and
          agriculture remediation market.

          Air water has options to expand its investment agreement in 2001.
          These options include purchase of an additional 400,000 shares of
          the  Company's common stock at  $2.50 per share  and/or $3.00 per
          share  and  to also  add on  an  additional application  to their
          Japanese marketing rights.

          On  December 29,  1999, the  Company  entered into  an Investment
          Agreement  with  ABB,  Inc.     This  agreement  included  equity
          investments  of $1,000,000  during the  quarter ending  March 31,


          2000.    These  funds were  received  and  utilized  to make  the
          $200,000 payment to Pump Company Management for assuming the  net
          liabilities  ($650,000) of  Pump  Company  as  well  as  to  make
          contractual payments  required  to bring  the Lawrence  Livermore
          National Laboratories License  fee current as  of June 30,  2000.
          The  majority of  the  remaining equity  investment  was used  to
          accelerate   CDT   development   including    environmental   and
          manufacturing  infrastructure  necessary   to  develop  the   CDT
          products required  for completing the  pilot CDT projects.   ABB,
          Inc.  has informed  the Company  that it  would not  exercise its
          additional equity options, thereby forfeiting all  other options,
          except registration rights which had been included in the initial
          Investment Agreement.

          The Company submitted a  final contract to the Kingdom  of Jordan
          for a 200 cubic meter per day pilot CDT system to be installed in
          Jordan in 2001.   These contract  negotiations were completed  in
          the third quarter  and the Company expects  the executed contract
          and applicable deposit by mid fourth quarter 2000.

          The Company plans to submit its third amendment  to its Form 10SB
          during November 2000.

          Liquidity and capital resources.

          Management recognizes the  requirement for additional  investment
          to complete the necessary manufacturing and research  facilities.
          Discussions  are  being  held with  several  potential  strategic
          partners and investors.  There  is no certainty if and  when such
          funding can be completed.

          Information  regarding  and  factors   affecting  forward-looking
          statements.    Forward-looking   statements  include   statements
          concerning   plans,   goals,   strategies,   future   events   or
          performances  and underlying  assumptions  and  other  statements
          which are  other than  statements  of historical  fact.   Certain
          statements contained  herein are forward-looking  statements and,
          accordingly, involve risk and uncertainties which could cause the
          actual  results  or  outcomes  to differ  materially  from  those
          expressed  in  the  forward-looking  statements.   The  Company's
          expectations, beliefs and projections are expressed in good faith
          and  are  believed by  the Company  to  have a  reasonable basis,
          including  without  limitations,   management's  examination   of
          historical trends,  data contained  in the Company's  records and
          other  data available  from third  parties, but  there can  be no
          assurance that management's  expectations, beliefs or projections
          will result, or be achieved, or accomplished.

          Part II     Other Information

          Item 1      Legal

          There were  no  legal proceedings  instituted by  or against  the
          Company  during  the  quarter  ended  September  30,  2000.   The
          following proceedings were instituted in the year 1999.

          Three former employees of  the Company or its  former subsidiary,


          FarWest  Pump  Co.,  have  filed  a  lawsuit  in Maricopa  County
          Superior  Court alleging the  Company failed to  pay them certain
          wages and provide them with stock options.  The former subsidiary
          of  the Company, FarWest Pump, Inc., has also entered the lawsuit
          and asserted  various claims  against the three  former employees
          and   their  current  employer,   Duncan  Pump,  Inc.,  including
          conversion,   civil   conspiracy,   wrongful  interference   with
          contractual relationships,  and violation of trade  secrets.  The
          employees seek to recover  approximately $250,000 in future wages
          and, in the  aggregate, have  asked to be  awarded stock  options
          permitting  the purchase of up to  630,000 shares of stock of the
          Company at $.25  per share.   The employees  have also  requested
          that any damages awarded be  trebled under Arizona law applicable
          to the failure of an employer to pay wages.

          During the quarter  ended June  30, 2000, the  Superior Court  of
          Arizona Maricopa  County ruled that  the Company had  no monetary
          liability  to any of the  three former employees  of FarWest Pump
          Inc.  The court ruled that the stock option claims for one of the
          three ex-employees be dismissed; however, the claims of the other
          two  ex-employees for  205,000 stock  options at  $.25  per share
          requires further investigation.

          No further decision  has been  reached on the  open stock  option
          issues, however, the Company is continuing to contest this matter
          vigorously and believes there is no validity to the final two ex-
          employees' stock option claims.

          Item 2     Changes in Securities

          During  the period  ended September 30,  2000 the  Company issues
          57,500 shares of  common stock.  All of the  shares issued in the
          third quarter were for  services valued at an aggregate  total of
          $86,250.  The shares issued were in reliance upon Section 4(2) of
          the Securities Act of 1933.

          During the period ended June 30, 2000, the Company issued 639,600
          shares of  common stock for  cash aggregating $1,414,000,  net of
          costs of issuance of $75,000, to Air  Water Inc.(200,000 shares),
          ABB, Inc.(250,000 shares) and private investors (189,600 shares).
          In addition,  the Company issued  233,425 shares of  common stock
          for services aggregating $286,339  and options to acquire 400,000
          shares of common stock valued at $96,460.  The Company recorded a
          subscription for  60,000 shares at  $90,000.   The shares  issued
          were in reliance upon Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933.

          As part of the  Investment Agreement with ABB, Inc.,  the Company
          issued 250,000 shares of Rule 144 unregistered stock to ABB, Inc.
          during the quarter ended March 31, 2000.

          Item 3     Defaults upon senior securities

          The  Registrant does not have any  outstanding debt or securities
          of this nature.

          Item 4     Submission of matters to a vote of securities holders.


          No matters  were submitted for a vote  by security holders in the
          fourth quarter ending September 30, 2000.

          Item 5     Other information.


          Item 6     Exhibits and Reports of Form 8-K.

          (a)  Form  8-K was filed  by the Registrant  on November 7,  2000
          relating to  its press release  dated November 3,  2000 regarding
          changes in its Board of Directors.


          Pursuant  to the requirements of  the Securities and Exchange Act
          of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report  to be signed
          on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                          Far West Group, Inc.

                                          /s/ Dallas Talley
                                          Dallas Talley
                                          Chairman of the Board,
                                          President and Chief Financial

          Dated: November 8, 2000
