2344 SPRUCE STREET - SUITE A - BOULDER, COLORADO 80302
                TELEPHONE (303) 444-5483 FACSIMILE (303) 245-0420
                         EMAIL: INFO@BOULDERFUNDS.NET

                                 September 6, 2007

Ms. Christina DiAngelo
Senior Staff Accountant
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Investment Management
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, DC  20549-4720

Dear Ms. DiAngelo:

This letter is the response to each of the items identified by Ms. DiAngelo in a
telephone  conference on August 7, 2007  pertaining to the First Financial Fund,
Inc.'s (the "Fund") March 31, 2007 Annual Shareholder Report.

As a  preface  to  the  response,  as  an  officer  representing  the  Fund,  we
acknowledge the following:

     1.   The  Fund  is  responsible  for  the  adequacy  and  accuracy  of  the
          disclosure in the filings.

     2.   The SEC staff  comments or changes to  disclosure in response to staff
          comments in the filings reviewed by the staff do not foreclose the SEC
          from taking any action with respect to the filing

     3.   The Fund may not assert staff  comments as a defense in any proceeding
          initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal securities
          laws of the United States.

Below are the items Ms. DiAngelo's noted followed by our response to each:

     1.   SEC:  In the Fund's  NSAR filed as of the Fund's  fiscal  year  ending
          3/31/2007,  the Fund's  Accountant Report on internal control needs to
          have its name, city and state cited.

          a.   Response:  The Fund will  re-file the Fund's NSAR as of 3/31/2007
               with the  Accountant's  name, city and state properly cited.  The
               document should have included  "Deloitte & Touche,  LLP,  Denver,

     2.   SEC: In the Fund's 3/31/2007 Annual Report to Shareholders, the Fund's
          Audit firm/accountant is not listed on the Opinion letter.

          a.   Response:  The Fund will re-file its 3/31/2007 Annual Report with
               the SEC (on Form  N-CSR)  with the name of the Fund's  accounting
               firm on the "Report of Independent  Registered  Public Accounting
               Firm"  letter.  The  Opinion  should  have  stated at the  bottom
               "Deloitte & Touche, LLP, Denver, Colorado".

     3.   SEC: It was noted that the total return on net asset value of the Fund
          was  reported  to  shareholders  in  the  shareholder  letter.  It was
          suggested  that the Fund's  total return based on market price also be
          included to show  shareholders  what their  actual  experience  was in
          holding shares of the Fund.

               a.   Response:   Fund  Administrative  Services  will  relay  the
                    recommendation to the Fund's investment adviser,  Wellington
                    Management Company, who writes the shareholder letter.

     4.   SEC: In the listing of securities  included in the Annual Report,  the
          Warrants  listed  were  not  footnoted  to  be  non-income   producing

               a.   Response:  The correction  will be made in future reports to
                    note  that  the  Warrants  owned  are  non-income  producing

     5.   SEC:  In  the   Financial   Highlights   section,   under  Ratios  and
          Supplemental  Data,  there  are two line  items  showing  the ratio of
          Operating  Expenses to assets  available to common  shareholders,  the
          first one not including any interest expense incurred,  and the second
          including  interest  expense  incurred.  There should be only one line
          item, which includes interest expense incurred.  Interest expenses are
          part of "Operating Expenses".

               a.   Response:  In future reports,  registrant will have only one
                    line of  expense  ratio  which  will  include  any  interest
                    expense incurred.

     6.   SEC: Per  Regulation  SX.  Article 607,  Para.  7, in the Statement of
          Operations under "Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments",
          there should be a separate  line item which shows the  Gain/(Loss)  on
          Affiliated Securities, similar to the way Dividend Income is reported.

               a.   Response: In future reports, registrant will list separately
                    any Gain/(Loss) realized on Affiliated Securities.

     7.   SEC: It was noted that the Dividend Income from Affiliated  Securities
          in the  Statement of  Operations  does not match the amount  stated in
          Footnote 9 in the table.

               a.   Response:  In  the  Fund's  Statement  of  Operations  under
                    Investment   Income,   it  is  stated  that  Dividends  from
                    Affiliated Securities was $564,971. In the Table in Footnote
                    9, the sum of dividend income from Affiliated  Securities is
                    reported as $571,435. The difference is $6,464. In the March
                    31, 2007 Annual Report,  the Dividend Income from Affiliated
                    Securities  on the  Statement of  Operations  is the correct
                    total value. The table in Note 9 has that total value broken
                    out  by  security  however  Broadway  Financial  Corporation
                    includes  an  additional  $6,464 in error.  It appears  that
                    through the year the security had  dividends of $6,464 three
                    times during the year which totals  $19,392  which should be
                    the amount  associated  with that security in the table.  We
                    have  added an  additional  check in our  proof  package  to
                    verify  that  these two  amounts  equal  each  other for all
                    semi-annual and annual  financial  statements going forward.


/S/ Carl D. Johns

Carl D. Johns,
V.P. & Treasurer,
First Financial Fund, Inc.