Filed by Consolidated Edison, Inc.
                           Pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act of 1933
                                 Subject Company: Consolidated Edison, Inc. (DE)
                                                   Commission File No. 333-31390

The following Supplement to the Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus is being mailed
to shareholders on or about April 5, 2000.

[Con Edison Logo]                             [Northeast Utilities Logo]


        You recently received a joint proxy  statement/prospectus dated February
29,  2000 in  connection  with the  solicitation  by the Board of  Directors  of
Consolidated  Edison, Inc. ("Con Edison") and the Board of Trustees of Northeast
Utilities  ("Northeast")  of  proxies  to be used  at  special  meetings  of the
shareholders of Con Edison and Northeast,  respectively.  The Con Edison special
meeting will be held on April 14,  2000,  at 2:00 p.m. at 4 Irving  Place,  19th
Floor, New York, New York 10003.  The Northeast  special meeting will be held on
April 14, 2000,  at 2:00 p.m. at the  Hartford  Civic  Center,  One Civic Center
Plaza, Hartford, Connecticut 06103. Each of the special meetings has been called
to  consider  and vote on a  proposal  to approve  and adopt a merger  agreement
pursuant to which the businesses of Con Edison and Northeast would be combined.


        We are  pleased to report  that we've  recently  received  our first two
regulatory approvals for the merger, from the state regulatory agencies of Maine
and Vermont.  We are pursuing our  applications  to the other  federal and state
regulatory  agencies  whose  approval  is  required.  The  companies  and  their
transition teams are also hard at work mapping out the combined company's future
structure and operations following the merger.

        The remainder of this  supplement  addresses Con Edison's Indian Point 2
nuclear  generating unit. This information has been reported  extensively in the
press,  discussed in publicly-available  reports issued by governmental agencies
and described in documents filed by Con Edison and  Consolidated  Edison Company
of New York,  Inc.  ("Con Edison of New York") with the  Securities and Exchange
Commission  ("SEC") and that are  incorporated by reference into the joint proxy
statement/prospectus  as permitted by the SEC's rules. We are  summarizing  this
information in this document in response to a claim brought by certain Northeast
shareholders, which is described below, that this information should be provided
directly to you.

Indian Point 2 Nuclear Generating Unit

        On February  15,  2000,  Con Edison of New York shut down Indian Point 2
following  a leak in one of its four  steam  generators.  Certain  parties  have
suggested  that the  company  should  be  required  to  replace  the four  steam
generators prior to restart.

      Nuclear  generating units operated by others that are similar in design to
Indian Point 2 have  experienced  problems  that have required  steam  generator
replacement.  Inspections of the Indian Point 2 steam generators since 1976 have
revealed various problems,  some of which appear to have been arrested.  Neither
Con Edison nor Con Edison of New York is currently  able to determine if or when
replacement of the steam generators will be required. Con Edison of New York has
replacement  steam  generators,  which are  stored at the  Indian  Point 2 site.
Replacement  of  the  steam  generators  would  require   estimated   additional
expenditures of up to $100 million (exclusive of replacement power costs) and an
outage of approximately  three months.  However,  securing necessary permits and
approvals or other factors could require a substantially  longer outage if steam
generator replacement is required on short notice.

          A number of parties have threatened legal action to prevent Con Edison
of New York from recovering replacement power costs and other incremental costs.
In addition, legislation is pending in the New York State legislature to prevent
Con  Edison  of New York from  recovering  these  costs.  Since the start of the
outage,  the  replacement  power  costs  have been  estimated  at  approximately
$600,000 per day. These costs vary with the market price of energy.

        On March 30,  2000,  the New York Public  Service  Commission  issued an
order  instituting a proceeding to investigate the Indian Point 2 outage and its
causes  and the  prudency  of Con  Edison of New York's  actions  regarding  the
operation  and  maintenance  of  Indian  Point 2. The order  indicated  that "In
particular, the examination should address:

        (1) The   reasonableness  of  Con  Edison  [of  New  York's]  inspection
            practices, including the 1997 steam generator inspections;

        (2) The  circumstances  surrounding the steam  generator  exemption from
            inspection granted by the NRC in June 1999;

        (3) The  circumstances  surrounding the 11-month forced outage of Indian
            Point 2 from October 14, 1997 to September 6, 1998;

        (4) The basis for Con Edison [of New York's]  postponement  of the steam
            generator   replacement,   including   the  rationale  for  periodic
            inspection and plugging; and


        (5) Whether, and to what extent,  increased replacement power costs, and
            repair  and  replacement  costs  should  be  borne  by Con  Edison's

        The above list is not meant to be exhaustive.  Other issues may
        arise as the inquiry proceeds."

        Con Edison of New York is continuing  its inspection of Indian Point 2's
steam  generators  to  determine  what  steps to take  consistent  with the safe
operation of the unit. The company is using this inspection period to refuel the
unit.  Refueling  had  initially  been  scheduled to commence  beginning in late
April.  Nuclear Regulatory  Commission  approval will be required to restart the

        Con Edison believes that Con Edison of New York's operation, maintenance
and inspection  practices related to Indian Point 2 have been prudent, but it is
unable to predict whether or not the Public Service  Commission's  proceeding or
any Indian Point 2-related proceedings,  lawsuits,  legislation or other actions
will have a material adverse effect on Con Edison's financial position,  results
of operations or liquidity.

Shareholder Class Action Complaint

        A  shareholder  class action  complaint  was filed in the United  States
District  Court for the  Southern  District of New York on March 29,  2000.  The
complaint  names  Northeast,  the members of the Northeast Board of Trustees and
Con Edison as defendants.

        The complaint alleges that the joint proxy statement/prospectus relating
to  the  proposed   merger  between  Con  Edison  and  Northeast  is  materially
misleading,  among other reasons,  because the joint proxy  statement/prospectus
failed to disclose  potential  liabilities  relating to the  operation of Indian
Point 2 and the shutdown of the facility on February  15,  2000.  The  complaint
references  published reports regarding the outage and Indian Point 2, including
a March 16, 2000 Nuclear  Regulatory  Commission  staff report  criticizing  Con
Edison of New York's  response to the  Commission's  inquiries  about both a May
1997  inspection  of the  Indian  Point  2  steam  generators  and a 1999  plant
operational  assessment.  The complaint also alleges that  Northeast's  Trustees
breached their  fiduciary  duties by causing  Northeast to enter into the merger
agreement with Con Edison.

        The  plaintiffs,  who have instituted  other lawsuits  (disclosed in the
joint proxy statement/prospectus) to challenge the merger, seek various forms of
relief, including, among other things, enjoining the merger. The plaintiffs also
seek to recover costs and attorneys' fees incurred in the class action. On March
31, 2000,  plaintiffs  filed an  application  for a preliminary  injunction  and
expedited  discovery.  On April 4, 2000, Con Edison and Northeast agreed to send
this  supplement  to their  respective  shareholders  and  plaintiffs  agreed to
withdraw their application.


        Again,  we  enthusiastically  support the merger and urge you to vote in
favor of its  approval.  In the event  that you have  already  voted and want to
change  your vote,  send a  later-dated,  signed  proxy  card to your  company's
Secretary,  or submit a later vote by  telephone  or computer  (if you are a Con
Edison shareholder), or attend your special meeting in person and vote.

        If you have any  questions  about the  merger or if you need  additional
copies of the joint proxy  statement/prospectus  or the proxy  card,  you should

Con Edison Shareholders:                     Northeast Shareholders:
Morrow & Co.                                 Proxy Information Unit
445 Park Avenue, 5th Floor                   Northeast Utilities
New York, New York 10022                     P.O. Box 5006
Telephone: (800) 566-9061                    Hartford, Connecticut 06102-5006
                                             Telephone: (800) 794-1104

Consolidated Edison, Inc.
c/o The Bank of New York Investor
  Relations Department
Church Street Station
New York, New York 10286-1258
Telephone: (800) 522-5522

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neither  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  nor  any  state  securities
regulator  has  approved  or  disapproved  the  merger  and  other  transactions
described  in the joint  proxy  statement/prospectus  or the common  stock to be
issued  in  connection  with  the  merger,  or  determined  if the  joint  proxy
statement/prospectus   or  this   supplement   is  accurate  or  adequate.   Any
representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Con Edison and Northeast  have filed a joint proxy  statement/prospectus
and  other   documents   with  the  SEC  and  have   mailed   the  joint   proxy
statement/prospectus  to their  shareholders.  These documents contain important
information about Con Edison,  Northeast and the merger. We urge you to read the
joint proxy  statement/prospectus  and other documents that have been or will be
filed with the SEC. You can obtain the documents free of charge at the SEC's Web
site,  In addition,  the documents are available free of charge by
requesting  them from the  companies  at the  addresses  and  telephone  numbers
provided above.

    This supplement to the joint proxy statement/prospectus is dated
                             April 5, 2000
  and is first being mailed to shareholders on or about April 5, 2000.
