Filed by Consolidated Edison, Inc.
                           Pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act of 1933
                                 Subject Company: Consolidated Edison, Inc. (DE)
                                                   Commission File No. 333-31390

The  following  are stories from the March 2000 edition of NUsLine,  a Northeast
Utilities newspaper which was distributed to all employees on April 5, 2000.

1. Mike Morris Perspective column
2. News story on proxy
3. Transition team and Human Resources opportunities.


Together we will succeed
Perspective column by Mike Morris

This is an historic  time for Northeast  Utilities as we work on completing  our
merger with Consolidated  Edison.  As employees and  shareholders,  you have the
power to ensure  that our  company  continues  on the path of market  growth and
financial  stability by carefully reviewing the joint proxy statement and voting
for our merger with Con Edison.

Your vote is  important  and every vote counts.  I encourage  all of you to vote
your proxy in favor of the merger because:

* We will have the size and scale  necessary to be successful in a  restructured
and increasingly competitive energy market.

A combined  NU/Consolidated  Edison will be one of the largest  utilities in the
United  States  with over 5  million  electric  customers  and 1.3  million  gas
customers from Pennsylvania north to the Canadian border.

* Together,  we will have the size and  resources  to invest in  infrastructure,
develop advanced  technologies and grow. Con Edison and NU have both invested in
the North East Optic  Network  (NEON) and seek to  capitalize  on the  exploding
market for digital  broadband  communication  by installing fiber optic cable up
and down the northeast corridor and across the country.

* We will be substantially stronger financially.  If NU stood alone, we would be
too small to  compete  effectively,  lacking  the  financial  resources  to make
substantial acquisitions. With Con Edison's financial strength, we will have the
resources to grow, increase our customer base and provide more opportunities for
our employees.

* We share the same vision - to build on our reliable,  safe regulated  electric
and gas business and to grow our  unregulated  energy  marketing and  generation
business in the Northeast.

* As an NU  shareholder,  you can  expect to  receive  a greater  return on your
investment through a higher stock price and an increased dividend. Con Edison is
willing to pay more for NU shares than the current market value.  Con Edison has
increased  its dividend each year over the past 26 years.  Con Edison  currently
pays an annual  dividend of $2.18 per share while NU's recently  restored annual
dividend is $0.40 per share.

As employee  shareholders,  you have a voice in the outcome of this  merger.  No
matter how large or small your  holdings,  your voice counts.  We need 2/3rds of
our  shareholders  to vote  "for"  the  merger  in order  for this  merger to be
approved. Silence, or not voting, is counted as a "no" vote.

If this merger fails, there will likely be another merger attempt in the future.
NU is an  attractive,  solid,  profit-generating  company,  and we  need  to ask
ourselves:  Would we be teamed  with a company  that  shares  our vision and our
commitment to our  customers  and our  employees?  Would the  opportunities  for
growth and stability exist with another suitor?

With Con Edison,  we are joining a company with the same  commitment to customer
service and operational  excellence and their vision for future growth parallels
ours.  We are two  companies  equally  committed to safety and future growth and
that makes our merger a positive  step forward for our  employees,  shareholders
and customers.

Some of you may receive three proxy cards - one from the 401K program,  one from
the Employee  Share  Purchase  Program,  one from your own private broker or NU.
Each of these  proxy cards  counts as a separate  vote and you will need to vote
all of the proxy cards you receive in order for your shares to be represented.

Your vote counts.  This is a chance for you to make a difference  and direct the
future of your company,  your career and your financial  investment.  I hope you
will join me in voting "for" the merger.

"No matter how large or small your holdings, your voice counts."


Campaign to OK merger is on
Proxy cards must be voted by date indicated on each card

The Con Edison/Northeast Utilities joint proxy statement, including proxy voting
card,  has  been  mailed  to  all  Con  Edison  and NU  shareholders,  including

Regulations from the Northeast Utilities'  Declaration of Trust requires that at
least two-thirds of NU shareholders approve the merger. NU officials are looking
for shareholders to mail in their ballots before the special shareholder meeting
April 14 at the Hartford Civic Center.

"I urge  every  shareholder  to take the time to vote  and I  recommend  a `yes'
vote,"  NU's Mike  Morris  said.  "With this  merger,  we'll have the  financial
resources to grow our  businesses  in a  restructured  energy  marketplace.  Our
customer  base will  increase and that  provides  additional  opportunities  for

Shareholders will be voting for two items. The first item gives NU permission to
amend its  declaration  of trust to allow a merger  with  another  company.  The
second item is voting on the actual merger.

NU officials  are asking  shareholders  to mail in each proxy vote they receive.
Any proxy not returned is considered a "no" vote.

"This deal is a positive proposal for our shareholders,"  said Jeff Kotkin, NU's
director  of Investor  Relations  and a member of the Con  Edison/NU  transition
team. "Con Edison is extremely stable financially and has an overriding focus on
its regulated electricity and gas delivery business.

"Both  companies  have a  similar  unregulated  strategy  in  terms  of  staying
regional, focusing on energy and energy-related products and services, investing
in the  telecommunications  business  (through  the  North  East  Optic  Network
[NEON]), and owning generation to support marketing."

Financially,  NU  shareholders  will  benefit  from the merger in several  ways,
Kotkin said.

* Con Edison is willing to pay more for NU stock than its actual market value.

* Con Edison remains one of the most  consistent  utilities in terms of earnings
and dividend  growth.  Con Edison,  which has increased its annual dividend each
year for the past 26 years,  paid $2.12 per share for a yearly dividend in 1998,
$2.14 in 1999 and raised it to $2.18 for 2000.  NU, which  restored its dividend
this year, currently pays a yearly dividend of $0.40 per share.

* Employees  and  customers  will  benefit from Con  Edison's  strong  financial
footing  when  the  company  seeks  to  raise  capital  to  invest  in  electric
distribution  companies  and  transmission  system  improvements.  The financial
backing will positively  influence  infrastructure  improvements and gain needed
capital for  equipment  and  acquisitions  of  generation  or  transmission  and
delivery facilities.

* Together, NU and Con Edison will remain focused on the northeast region and on
continuing  to provide  energy and energy  services  and  products  to their 6.4
million customers.

"Without this deal,  NU's stock likely would have slumped along with the rest of
the utility industry, which is down 17 percent since the deal was announced last
October," Kotkin said.

NU's  subsidiary,  Mode 1,  owns  26  percent  of  NEON,  which  is  building  a
fiber-optic  network  from  Maine  to  Washington,  D.C.  and  plans  to  expand
nationally in the next five years.

Industry analysts think highly of the merger proposal.

"Absent the merger with Con Edison,  we estimate NU's stock would trade at about
$15 per share," said Brian Nelson,  an equity analyst at Salomon Smith Barney on
March  1.  "As  a  stand-alone  stock,  NU's  positive   attributes  are  strong
management,  largely completed restructuring in all three states, stable utility
growth and  additional  growth from Select  Energy and the Yankee  Energy System
integration. [NEON] investment also is a positive for overall valuation."

NU's  Shareholder  Services has established an 800 line to answer  shareholder's
questions. Call 1-800-794-1104 for additional information.


In search of fairness for all employees
Transition team gains ground on HR opportunities

"We have the potential to be a large organization  supporting multiple operating
companies," said John de la Bastide,  Con Edison Section  Manager,  Health Plans
and co-lead of the Human Resources  Transition Team.  "We'll need a free flow of
information  exchange  between the two  companies,  and the right  policies will
enable that to occur."

These  opening  comments  at  the  March  6  Business  Sense  seminar  put  into
perspective  the work that's  required to administer a benefits  program for the
new merged Con Edison/NU company.

"The goal is to continue to support the corporate business strategy and
the expanding unregulated businesses," said de la Bastide. "We'll need to
keep the policies and procedures flexible to meet our going-forward business

As teammates on the merger  transition team, de la Bastide and Jim Gavell,  NU's
Human  Resources   director  for  the  Retail  Business  Group,  are  thoroughly
evaluating the current HR policies and programs.

Working with sub-teams,  the evaluation  includes all HR policies,  programs and
processes including medical,  dental,  life, vision,  pension and 401K plans, to
develop the benefits strategy for the future.

Also under review are the holiday and vacation schedules and ensuring the smooth
transition  of  employees  who move  from  one  organization  to the  other on a
temporary or regular basis.

Trying  to  plan  for  and  facilitate  the  HR  needs  of a  merger  can  be an
overwhelming task. Gavell and de la Bastide have their team focused on the goal.

"Our top priority is to ensure all employees  are treated  fairly," said Gavell.
"We've  involved the right  people from NU and Con Edison.  The work ahead of us
will ensure we find the right combination of options and develop  implementation
plans that result in employees  having  competitive  benefit,  compensation  and
retirement plans."

Having the  responsibility  to assess  current  practices  and programs  against
future opportunities is viewed as a privilege.

"We've budgeted the time we have between March and June to ensure we achieve our
goal of identifying  opportunities  in combining our  companies,  assessing each
opportunity for value, and determining the  implementation  steps by June," said
de la  Bastide.  "We  understand  that our  work  will  answer  some of the most
important questions on the minds of employees of both companies."

Gavell and de la Bastide are leading the efforts of 10  sub-teams  of Con Edison
and NU  employees  working  daily to  evaluate  and assess  both  companies'  HR
programs. The focus areas include:

*  advocating  HR policies  which are fair to  employees,  minimize  anxiety and
unrest, and seek to avoid mass movement of employees;

* learning  about each  company's  organizations,  employees and HR policies and
programs including vacation plans, educational reimbursement, etc.; and

*  comparing management philosophies and differences in the way the
companies currently work.

"The goal is to provide recommendations to the full transition team that
combine our companies to the benefit of all employees," said Gavell. The
focus is on:

*  discussing and recommending best HR practices and how we'll move
forward as a merged company;

*  providing opportunities for career growth in the combined company
through redesigned programs and policies; and

* discovering cost synergies in reduced  duplicative  services,  maximized joint
purchase power, and reduced administrative costs.

"A thorough review of existing HR policies gives us the baseline  information we
need to assess  what each  company  brings to the  table,"  said de la  Bastide.
Gavell added, "We're performing a side-by-side comparison of all HR programs and
policies and documenting what's done and the management philosophies driving the

Some of the comparisons under way include:

* Reviewing  401k programs at Con Edison,  Orange & Rockland and NU. The outcome
of this review will be a recommendation of whether or not to merge into one plan
with a common administrator.

* Reviewing the  individual  components of the current health and welfare plans.
The goal is to use joint purchasing power to reduce overall administrative costs
and to maintain  highly  competitive  programs for all  employees.  Studies will
recommend  whether  each  operating  company  should  continue  with  individual
programs or begin a process of combining, where possible, into common plans.

* Reviewing each company's  pension plan and  recommending  best practices going

*  Reviewing  job  posting  and  other  employment  practices  in order to offer
increased opportunities in our merged company.

* Comparing  all of the other HR plans  affected  by bringing  Con Edison and NU

"The level of anxiety felt by employees continues," said Gavell, "and we
recognize that.  We're surfacing the critical issues now to ensure a speedy


"We understand  that our work will answer some of the most  important  questions
shared by employees of both companies."

                    John de la Bastide,
                    Con Edison/NU Merger Transition Team, Human Resources

Transition team goals timeline

March 2000: Identify combination options

April 2000: Refine options; present to full transition team

May 2000: Identify implementation steps

June  2000:  Refine   implementation  plans;  support  combining  our  companies
following merger close in summer 2000.


                     For more information
Con Edison and Northeast Utilities have filed a joint proxy statement/prospectus
and other documents  concerning the merger with the United States Securities and
Exchange Commission ("SEC") and have mailed the joint proxy statement/prospectus
BEEN OR WILL BE FILED WITH THE SEC. You can obtain the documents  free of charge
at the SEC's Web site,  In addition,  the  documents are available
free of charge by requesting  them in writing or by telephone from the companies
at the following addresses:  Consolidated Edison, Inc., c/o The Bank of New York
Investors Relations Department, P.O. Box 11258, Church Street Station, New York,
New York 10286-1258,  telephone  800-522-5522 and Northeast Utilities,  P.O. Box
5006,  Harford,  Connecticut  06102-5006,   Attention:   Shareholders  Services,
telephone 860-665-4801 or 800-999-7269.

This  information  contains  forward-looking  statements  within the  meaning of
Section  21E  of  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934.  The  forward-looking
statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Discussion of factors
that  could  cause  actual  results  to  differ   materially  from  management's
projections,  forecasts, estimates and expectations may include factors that are
beyond the company's ability to control or estimate precisely, such as estimates
of future market  conditions,  the ability to realize cost savings and the terms
associated with obtaining regulatory  approvals.  Other factors include, but are
not limited to, weather conditions, economic conditions in the company's service
territory,  fluctuations in energy-related  commodity prices,  marketing efforts
and other  uncertainties.  Other risk factors are detailed  from time to time in
the two companies' SEC reports.