Exhibit 3.4

         The amendment was adopted and approved by the Board of Directors of the
Corporation at a meeting duly called and held on November 29, 1999.

         RESOLVED:   That  Article   Fourth  of  the  Restated   Certificate  of
         Incorporation of the corporation, as amended, be amended to include the
         rights and  designation of the Series C Convertible  Preferred Stock by
         adding to Article Fourth thereof a new subsection F as follows:


         1. Designation. There is hereby created a series of the Preferred Stock
consisting of 50,000 shares having the designation,  voting powers, preferences,
relative,   participating,   optional   and  other   special   rights   and  the
qualifications,  limitations and  restrictions  thereof as are set forth in this
Paragraph F. This series is designated  "Series C Convertible  Preferred  Stock"
(hereinafter called "Series C Stock").

         2. Cash Dividend.

              (a) The record holders of the outstanding shares of Series C Stock
("Series C Holders") shall be entitled to receive  noncumulative  cash dividends
when and as declared by the Board of  Directors,  provided that no such dividend
shall be declared unless an equivalent,  ratable  dividend is also declared with
respect to the outstanding shares of Series B Stock.

              (b) In addition to any dividends  declared in accordance  with the
preceding  subparagraph  (a), the holders of Series C Stock shall be entitled to
receive  dividends at the rate of 8% per annum of the initial  purchase price of
$100 per share,  cumulative from the issuance date, but not to exceed 47% in the
aggregate, provided that such dividends shall be payable only upon a Liquidation
Event (as defined  herein),  and provided further that any such dividend payment
shall be coupled with an equivalent, ratable dividend to the holders of Series B
Stock calculated upon the initial purchase price of the Series B Stock of $1,000
per share.  Payment of dividends pursuant to this subparagraph (b) shall be made
in full prior to the payment of dividends on Common Stock.

              (c) Upon the payment or setting apart for payment of any dividends
upon the outstanding  shares of Series C Stock and Series B Stock,  the Board of
Directors  may declare and pay  dividends  upon the Common Stock up to an amount
with respect to each share of Common Stock equal to the amount paid or set aside
for  payment  with  respect  to each  share of Series C Stock and Series B Stock
divided,  in each case,  by the number of shares of Common Stock into which each
such share of Series C Stock or Series B Stock shall then be convertible.

         3. Redemption.  The Series C Stock may not be redeemed,  in whole or in

         4. Liquidation.

              (a) In the  event  of a  Liquidation  Event,  any  amount  paid or
payable to the Series C Holders shall rank, in right of payment, pari passu with
any and all  amounts  then  payable by reason of such  Liquidation  Event to the
holders of Series B Stock and any declared but unpaid  dividends on the Series B
Stock and senior to all other classes of stock.

              (b) Subject to the preceding subparagraph (a), in the event of any
Liquidation  Event,  the Series C Holders shall be entitled to be paid an amount
equal to One Hundred  Dollars  ($100.00)  per share plus all  dividends  thereon
accrued and remaining unpaid up to the date of such Liquidation Event whether or
not at such times the corporation  shall have surplus  available for the payment
of dividends.

              (c) In the event of any  Liquidation  Event,  the Series C Holders
shall not  participate  further in any liquidating  distributions  to holders of
Common Stock,  but shall be given not less than 20 business  days' prior written
notice of any  Liquidation  Event in order to decide  whether to  convert  their
shares prior to the Liquidation Event.

              (d) A merger,  consolidation,  dissolution,  winding up or sale of
all or substantially all of the assets of the corporation,  whether voluntary or
involuntary,  shall be deemed to be a liquidation  event  ("Liquidation  Event")
unless (a) in the case of a merger,  the corporation is the surviving  entity or
(b) the  holders  of at least 75% of the  combined  Series C Stock and  Series B
Stock determine that such action should not be deemed a Liquidation Event.

         5. Conversion.

              (a) Right to Convert and  Conversion  Rate.  At the option of each
holder of Series C Stock,  such  holder's  holdings  of Series C Stock  shall be
convertible  into  shares of Common  Stock at any time and from time to time and
cash in lieu of fractional shares upon the following terms and conditions:

                   (i) Each share of Series C Stock  shall be  convertible  from
and after the date of its issuance at the office of any  Transfer  Agent for the
Series C Stock (or such other  place as may be  designated  by the  corporation)
into fully paid and non-assessable  shares of Common Stock (as such Common Stock
shall  then  be   constituted)   into  such  whole  number  of  fully  paid  and
nonassessable  shares of Common Stock as equals $100  divided by the  Conversion
Price (as last  adjusted  and then in  effect).  The  "Conversion  Price"  shall
initially be equal to forty cents ($.40); provided however, that such Conversion
Price shall be subject to  adjustment  to the extent  provided in subpart (b) of
this subparagraph 5.

                   (ii) In order to convert shares of Series C Stock into Common
Stock,  the holder thereof shall surrender the  certificate or certificates  for
Series C Stock,  duly endorsed to the  corporation or in blank, at the office of
any  Transfer  Agent  for the  Series  C Stock  (or such  other  place as may be
designated by the corporation), and shall give written notice to the corporation
at said  office  that he elects to convert  the same and shall  state in writing
therein the name or names in which he wishes the certificate or certificates for
Common  Stock  to be  issued.  The  corporation  will,  as soon  as  practicable
thereafter,  deliver  at said  office to such  holder of shares of the  Series C
Stock such holder's  nominee or nominees,  a certificate or certificates for the
number of full shares of

Common Stock to which such holder shall be entitled as aforesaid.  Shares of the
Series C Stock  shall be  deemed to have  been  converted  as of the date of the
surrender of such  certificate or certificates for conversion as provided above,
and the person or persons  entitled to receive the Common  Stock  issuable  upon
such  conversion  shall be treated  for all  purposes  as the  record  holder or
holders of such Common Stock on such date.

              (b) Conversion Adjustment Provisions. The conversion rate provided
in subpart (a) (i) above shall be subject to adjustment  to the extent  provided

                   (i) Stock Dividends,  Subdivisions and  Combinations.  In the
event the corporation shall

                        (x) pay a dividend  of Common  Stock,  or of any capital
stock convertible into Common Stock, on its outstanding Common Stock;

                        (y) subdivide its outstanding Common Stock into a larger
number of shares of Common Stock by reclassification or otherwise; or

                        (z) combine its outstanding  Common Stock into a smaller
number of shares of Common Stock by reclassification or otherwise.

the conversion rate in effect immediately prior thereto shall be proportionately
adjusted  so that the holder of any Series C Stock  thereafter  surrendered  for
conversion  shall be entitled  to receive  the number of shares of Common  Stock
(and, in the case of a dividend payable in capital stock convertible into Common
Stock,  the number of shares of such capital stock) which such holder would have
owned or have been  entitled to receive after the happening of any of the events
described above had such Series C Stock been converted  immediately prior to the
happening  of such event.  Such  adjustment  shall be made  whenever  any of the
events  described  above  shall  occur.  In the  case of a  dividend,  any  such
adjustment  shall be made as of the  record  date  thereof  and in the case of a
subdivision  or  combination,  any  such  adjustment  shall  be  made  as of the
effective date thereof.

                   (ii) Minimum  Adjustment.  Notwithstanding  the provisions of
(i) of this subpart (b), no adjustment in the conversion  rate shall be required
unless such  adjustment  would require an increase or decrease of at least 2% of
such rate; provided,  however,  that any such adjustments which are not required
to be made shall be carried  forward  and taken into  account in any  subsequent
adjustment. All calculations required by any provision of this subpart (b) shall
be made to the nearest cent or to the nearest  one-hundredth  of a share, as the
case may be.

                   (iii) Notice of Adjustment of Conversion Price.  Whenever the
Conversion  Price shall be adjusted as  provided  in this  subsection  (b),  the
corporation  shall  forthwith  file, at the office of the transfer agent for the
Series C Stock or at such other place as may be designated by the corporation, a
statement,  signed by its independent  certified public accountants or its Chief
Financial Officer, showing in detail the facts requiring such adjustment and the
Conversion Price that shall be in effect after such adjustment.  The corporation
shall also cause a copy of such  statement to be sent by first class,  certified
mail,  return receipt  requested,  postage prepaid,  to each holder of shares of
Preferred Stock at such holder's address appearing on the corporation's records.

              (c)  Fractional  Shares.  No fraction  of a share of Common  Stock
shall be issued  upon any  conversion  of Series C Stock but,  in lieu  thereof,
there  shall be paid an amount in cash equal to the same  fraction of the market
value of a full share of Common Stock.  For such purpose,  the market value of a
share of Common  Stock shall be the market value at the close of the most recent
trading day prior to the date as of which the  determination is made;  provided,
however,  that if the  Common  Stock is not  traded  in such  manner  that  such
valuation  referred to herein is available,  market value shall be determined in
good faith by the Board of Directors of the corporation.

              (d)  Reservation  of Common Stock.  The  corporation  shall at all
times reserve and keep available out of its authorized but unissued Common Stock
solely for the purposes of effecting the  conversion of the shares of the Series
C Stock,  the full number of shares of Common  Stock then  deliverable  upon the
conversion of all shares of Series C Stock at the time outstanding.

         6. Voting on Amendments to the Certificate of Incorporation as a Class.

                  (a) The  Series  C  Holders  shall  be  entitled  to vote as a
separate  voting  group  on  any  proposed   amendments  to  the   corporation's
Certificate  of   Incorporation   (including  any  applicable   Certificates  of
Designation,  whether or not such voting rights are granted by Section 33-798 of
the  Connecticut  Business  Corporation  Act  or a  successor  thereto,  if  the
amendment would:

                   (i) Increase or decrease the  aggregate  number of authorized
              shares of the Series C Stock;

                   (ii) Effect an exchange or reclassification of all or part of
              the shares of the Series C Stock into shares of another class;

                   (iii) Effect an exchange or  reclassification,  or create the
              right of exchange,  of all or part of the shares of another  class
              into shares of the Series C Stock;

                   (iv)  Change  the   designation,   rights,   preferences   or
              limitations of all or part of the shares of the Series C Stock;

                   (v)  Change  the  shares of all or part of the Series C Stock
              into a different number of shares of the same class;

                   (vi)  Create  a  new  class  of  shares   having   rights  or
              preferences  with respect to  distributions or to dissolution that
              are prior,  superior or  substantially  equal to the shares of the
              Series C Stock;

                   (vii)   Increase  the  rights,   preferences   or  number  of
              authorized  shares of any class that,  after giving  effect to the
              amendment,   have   rights  or   preferences   with   respect   to
              distributions  or to  dissolution  that  are  prior,  superior  or
              substantially equal to the shares of the Series C Stock; or

                   (viii) Cancel or otherwise  affect rights to distributions or
              dividends that have  accumulated  but not yet been declared on all
              or part of the shares of the Series C Stock.

              (b) If a proposed  amendment  that entitles the Series C Stock and
one or more other series of shares to vote as separate  voting groups under this
section  would affect the Series C Stock and such one or more series in the same
or a  substantially  similar way, the shares of all the series so affected  must
vote together as a single voting group on the proposed amendment.